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Rev. LatinoAm. Enfermagem vol.23 número4


Academic year: 2018

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Copyright © 2015 Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC).

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Corresponding Author: Maria Helena Barbosa

Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro Av. Getúlio Guaritá, 107

Bairro: Abadia

CEP: 38025-440, Uberaba, MG, Brasil E-mail: mhelena331@hotmail.com

1 Paper extracted from master’s thesis “Knowledge of professional nursing staff of a teaching hospital in Minas Gerais on blood transfusion”

presented to Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG, Brazil. Supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Brazil, process # APQ-01963-13.

2 MSc.

3 PhD, Adjunct Professor, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG, Brazil. 4 PhD, Adjunct Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

Factors associated with knowledge of the nursing staff at a teaching

hospital on blood transfusion


Jordânia Lumênia Tavares


Elizabeth Barichello


Ana Lúcia De Mattia


Maria Helena Barbosa


Objective: to determine whether there is an association between knowledge of the nursing

professionals about blood transfusion and the variables related to the professional aspects.

Method: this is an observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out at a large

general teaching hospital. The sample consisted of 209 nursing professionals, obtained by

simple random sampling. For data collection, a checklist was used. In the univariate analysis,

descriptive statistics and central trend and dispersion measures were used. In the bivariate

analysis, Student’s t-Test, analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlation were used. To determine

the predictors, multiple linear regression was applied. The Institutional Review Board (Opinion

number 2434) approved the study. Results: the overall average knowledge score was 52.66%; in

the Pre-transfusion Step, it corresponded to 53.38%; in the Transfusion Step 51.25% and, in the

Post-transfusion Step, 62.68%. The factors related to knowledge were professional category and

received training and/or guidance to accomplish the transfusion process (p<0.01). Conclusion:

this study showed the influence of training and guidance on the knowledge and provided a

diagnosis to identify the professionals’ difficulties regarding the transfusion process.

Descriptors: Knowledge; Nursing; Blood Component Transfusion. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem

2015 July-Aug.;23(4):595-602



Blood therapy plays an important therapeutic role,

being used to treat various health problems. Countless

efforts have been made to guarantee the quality of the

transfusion process and the security of receivers(1).

The blood, its components and its derivatives are

used as the base to treat many diseases and transplants,

chemotherapy and surgery, turning them into essential

and irreplaceable products. Despite presenting risks

by involving biological products of human origin, blood

transfusion is an essential part of health care, promotion

and recovery(2-3).

In Brazil, the standardization of transfusion

procedures is determined by Resolution number 57 of

the Board of Directors (RBD), issued on December 16th

2010, which determines the Health Regulations(4), and

by Ordinance number 1353, published by the Ministry of

Health (MH) on June 13th, 2011. The latter determines

the Technical Regulations for services related to the

cyclical production of human blood and its components

and transfusion procedures. These regulations establish

rules that blood transfusion professionals need to know

and follow(5).

Nursing has an important role in ensuring transfusion

safety, because the nursing team is responsible for

knowing the indications for transfusions, checking data

to prevent errors, guiding patients on blood transfusion,

detecting and acting in compliance with transfusion

reactions and documenting the procedure(2,6-7). Due

to the complexity of the transfusion process and the

need for expertise during its development, this process

requires skilled and trained professionals to achieve

transfusion safety. Nursing professionals are directly

involved in the care of patients submitted to blood

transfusion. Therefore, the correct storage of blood and its identiication without failures depends largely on the performance of the nursing team, which highlights the importance of the scientiic knowledge on blood transfusion and the technical skills of the nursing staff,

in order to prevent the occurrence of complications and

patient injury(8).

Knowledge is essential for humans, because

it permits attributing meaning to the multiplicity

of phenomena that surround them, whether those

relating to physical objects, people, events or abstract


A number of studies in this area show deicient knowledge of the nursing staff and the inappropriateness

of the approaches used during the transfusion. There

are few studies, however, that point out the factors that may be related to the knowledge deicits in this area.

Based on the above, the objective of this research

was to determine whether there is an association

between the knowledge of the nursing team professionals

about blood transfusion and the variables related to

professional aspects.


This is an observational study with a cross-sectional

design and quantitative data analysis. This study was

conducted in all care units of a large, general public

teaching hospital, which offers high complexity care and

is located in the region known as Triangulo Mineiro, in

the city of Uberaba, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The target population (N) consisted of 617 nursing

professionals (88 nurses, 390 nursing technicians and

134 assistant nurses) who provided direct care to

patients on all shifts and sectors, in the institution of

study. The sample size (n) was calculated assuming a determination coeficient of R2=0.10, in a multiple linear regression model with ive predictors, with signiicance level or type I error


=0.01, and type II error β=0.1,

resulting in an a priori statistical power of 90%. The

statistical software Power Analysis and Sample Size

(PASS), version 2002, was used. The values mentioned

above were entered and a minimum sample size of

206 interviews (n=206) was obtained. To obtain the

sample, a simple random drawing was performed, using

the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS),

version 20. The sample consisted of 209 nursing team

professionals (nurses, nursing technicians and assistant

nurses) who provided direct assistance to customers, in

all shifts and sectors of the study institution, and the

sample was proportional to each professional category.

The following inclusion criteria were considered:

being employed by the Federal University of Triangulo

Mineiro (UFTM) or Foundation for Teaching and Research

of Uberaba (FUNEPU); working in units where the survey

was carried out; providing direct care to patient and, be

working during the months in which the data collection

was performed. It was excluded from the study

professionals who were absent on the day of interview,

due to vacation, sick leave, time off, or those not found

after three attempts.

For the data collection, it was used a research

instrument checklist type developed by the authors

from the MH Ordinance number 1353/2011, the RBD


Agency (ANVISA), and the Conduct Manual for Clinical

and Hematological Practices of Hemominas. The

instrument contained questions related to personal

data, professional aspects and 35 questions about blood transfusion, classiied into Pre-transfusion Step (PTS), Transfusion Step (TS) and Post-transfusion Step

(POTS). Each question had only one correct answer, and

it was assigned 1 (one) point to each question correctly


Before applying the instruments, they were

submitted to content validation by means of assessment

performed by experts in hemotherapy of the University.

Participated in the validation two professionals with

Masters degree and four with Ph.D degree. The internal

consistency analysis of the instrument was evaluated

using the


Cronbach coeficient that, for dichotomous

items, true or false, is equivalent to the Kuder-Richardson (KR20) coeficient.

After validation, a pilot test with 10 members of the

nursing team was conducted in order to verify the clarity

and applicability of the instrument, without the need of

making adaptations.

Data were collected from April to June 2013. The

professionals received an Informed Consent and, after

signing it, they received the data collection instrument and its respective illing instructions. Subsequently, data were entered into a spreadsheet of the Microsoft Ofice

Excel® for Windows® program. Typing was performed by two people, with double entry, with subsequent veriication of the consistency, consolidation and validation.

The data entered in Excel® spreadsheet were

imported from SPSS statistic software version 20, for

data processing and analysis. Initially, univariate analysis

was performed, in which the qualitative variables

were analyzed using descriptive statistics through the

distribution of absolute and percentage frequency, while

for the quantitative variables it was used centrality of

descriptive measures (mean) and dispersion (standard

deviation , minimum and maximum value). To calculate

the knowledge score, it was used a formula in which

the number of items correctly answered was divided by

the total number of items and then multiplied by one


The steps used to calculate the subscore were:

Pre-transfusion Step (PTS); Pre-transfusion Step (TS); and

Post-transfusion Step (POTS).

Although not shown in the results, the multiple

linear regression analysis was preceeded by a bivariate

analysis using the Student’s t-Test for categorical

dichotomous variables, the analysis of variance (ANOVA)

for variables with more than two categories and the

Pearson correlation for quantitative variables. The

criterion for inclusion of predictors in the multiple linear

regression was to consider


=0.05 as signiicance level. The bivariate analysis revealed ive predictors: received training and guidance; participate in training;

professional category; number of blood transfusions/

month; length of professional experience. The

professional category was dichotomized, since it was

realized that, from a practical perspective, nursing

technicians and nursing assistants are not different. The

nature of the other predictor variables was maintained,

but the variables “received training or guidance” and “participate in training” were classiied as of dichotomous nature, and the variables “number of blood transfusions/

month” and “length of professional experience” as of quantitative nature. The statistical signiicance level was p≤0.01 in the regression analysis. It is worth to

highligh that the prerequisites of the bivariate analysis

were observed (normality and homocedasticity), as

well as the behavior of residues in the multiple linear

regression analysis such as linearity, normality and


This study was developed as established by

Resolution 196/96 of the National Ethics Committee,

with the approval of the institution researched and

the Research Committee of the Federal University of

Triangulo Mineiro (CEP-UFTM), under protocol number

2434. The anonymity of all participants was guaranteed

identifying them by numbers.


The sample consisted of 29 nurses, 146 nursing

technicians and 34 nursing assistants, who provided

direct care to patients of the hospital where study was

carried out.

The average age of professionals was 38.2 years,

with minimum of 22 and maximum of 61 years, 29.66%

of the professionals were between 22 and 31 years,

24.40% between 42 and 51 years, 10.53 % between 52

and 61, and there was a higher concentration in the age

group between 32 and 41 years (35.41%). Most were

female (81.8%).

Regarding the professional aspects, the most prevalent

category was the nursing technicians (69.9%), followed

by nursing assistants (16.3%) and nurses (13.9%). Most

received training or graduated from public institutions


private institutions. The prevailing institutional bond was FUNEPU (52.6%), and 47.4% were afiliated with UFTM.

It was observed that the professionals had an

average of 144.25 months of training, 147.07 months of

professional experience, 117.73 months of work in the

institution where the study was carried out, and average

of 80.74 months of work in the unit.

Regarding to the work shift, 46.4% worked at

night, 27.8%, in the morning, 23.4%, in the afternoon

and 2.4% worked in a system of 8 hours per day.

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution, according

to the unit (Critical and semi-critical areas).

Table 1 - Frequency distribution according to the

professional’s unit. Uberaba, MG, Brazil, 2013

Unit N %

Critical areas

Oncology units 5 2.4

Emergency Room Units 32 15.3

Intensive Care Units 54 25.8

Surgical Unit 17 8.1

Hemodynamics 7 3.3

Unit infectious and parasitic diseases 8 3.8

Renal Therapy Unit 5 2.4

Semi-critical areas

Hospitalization Unit - Adult 56 26.8

Hospitalization Unit – Children 22 10.5

Day hospital 3 1.4

Total 209 100

Concerning the administration of blood

transfusions, the average number of blood transfusions

reported by the professional was of 4.30 times/month,

with minimum of zero and maximum of 43.33 times/

month. With regard to receiving training or guidance of

the institution for this purpose, 88% of professionals

reported having been trained, 60.3% participated in some speciic training program for blood transfusion, averaging once, minimum of zero and a maximum of 20 times. As for speciic training courses for blood transfusion, 35.4% reported having participated, and 10.5% said they had participated in speciic scientiic events for blood transfusion and hemotherapy.

Regarding to postgraduate level courses, 58

(27.8%) professionals reported having postgraduation,

of which 58 (27.8%) had specialization and one (0.5%)

had Masters degree. The most prevalent postgraduate

programs were Teaching (7.18%), Intensive Care

(4.30%), Occupational Health (4.30%) and Emergency

Services (2.39%). When asked about searching for

information in the literature, 73.7% of participants

reported that they often seek information and get

answers to their questions about blood transfusion. As

regards the rule/guideline followed in the transfusion

practice, most participants (73.2%) reported adopting

the Standard Operating Procedure Manual (SOP) and

the Nursing Intervention Plan (NIP) of the institution,

and 13.4% reported not following or knowing any rule

or guideline, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Frequency distribution of rule/guideline follwed

in the transfusion practice. Uberaba, MG, Brazil, 2013

Rule/Guideline N %

RBD number 57* 5 2.4

Ordinance number 1353† 8 3.8

SOP‡/NIP§ 153 73.2

RBD number 57* and SOP‡/PIE§ 3 1.4

RBD number 153|| and Ordinance number 1353†

1 5

RBD number 153|| and SOP/PIE§ 3 1.4

Ordinance number 1353† and SOP/PIE§ 6 2.9

RBD number 153||, Ordinance number 1352† and SOP‡/PIE§

1 5

RBD number 153||, RBD number 57*, Ordinance number 1353† and SOP/PIE§

1 5

Does not follow or know any rule/guideline 28 13.4

Total 209 100

*Resolution of the Board of Directors number 57 of December 16th, 2010 Ministry of Health Ordinancenumber 1353 of June 13th, 2011 Standard Operating Procedure of the institution

§ Nursing Intervention Plan of the institution

||Resolution of the Board of Directors number 153 of June 14th, 2004

It is noteworthy that 92.8% of professionals feel conident to carry out the transfusion process.

The average overall knowledge score was of

52.66%, with minimum of 17.14% and maximum of

74.29%. In pre-transfusion step, the average was

53.38%. In transfusion step, the average was of

51.25%. In the post-transfusional step, the average was

of 62.68%, as shown in Table 3.

The value of Cronbach coeficient was


=0.57. It is noteworthy that, considering the diverse conceptual

nature of the knowledge items measured by the

instrument, this is an appropriated value.

According to the bivariate analysis, professionals

who received training or guidance to carry out the transfusion process attended speciic training for blood transfusion, were postgraduated, knew or followed

some rule and/or guideline and had higher knowledge

scores than the other professionals. The variables “type

of educational institution” and “participation in training courses speciic for blood transfusion” were marginally signiicant, p= 0.016 and p= 0.015, respectively.

In the correlation between the variables


observed that professional category was statistically signiicant (p<0.001 in the overall knowledge score,

p=0.017 in the Pre-transfusion Step, p<0.001 in the Transfusion step), ie, the nurses had greater knowledge

than other professional groups. Professionals working

8 hours per day had higher knowledge scores at all stages, however it was considered signiicant only in the Transfusion Step, and yet, it was considered marginally signiicant (p= 0.018). In the correlation among numerical variables, it was signiicant only regarding the number of blood transfusions performed in the month,

which showed that the more the professionals administer

blood transfusions, the greater is their experience and

the greater is their knowledge on the procedure (p =

0.007 in Overall Score, p = 0.008 and Transfusion Step).

For the linear regression analysis, ive predictor variables were considered: received training or

guidance to perform blood transfusion; participate in speciic training on blood transfusion; professional category; number of blood transfusions/month; and

length of professional practice. Table 4 shows the


In the linear regression analysis, it is noticed statistical signiicance associating the overall score and the Transfusion Step with the predictor variables

“Professional category” (p = 0.001) and “received

training and/or guidance for carrying out the

transfusion process” (p <0.001). The other predictors showed no signiicant inluence on the knowledge score.

Table 3 - Knowledge scores on blood transfusion – Uberaba, MG, Brazil, 2013

Frequency distribution Average (%) Median SD Min. (%) Max. (%)

Overall score 52.7 54.3 10.2 17.1 74.3

Pre-transfusion Step Score 53.4 57.1 17.1 0 100

Transfusional Step Score 51.2 52 10.9 16 72

Post-transfusional Step Score 62.7 66.7 26.8 0 100

Table 4 - Association among Overall scores and the Transfusion Steps (TS) and the predictor variables - Uberaba,

MG, Brazil, 2013



Overall Score Pre-transfusional Step

Transfusional Step

Post-transfusional Step

β p β p β p β p

Received training or guidance 0.214 0.001 0.039 0.584 0.232 0.001 0.117 0.098

Participates in specific training 0.105 0.122 0.150 0.038 0.450 0.506 0.090 0.203

Professional category 0.266 <0.001 0.101 0.170 0.262 <0.001 0.153 0.036

Number of blood transfusions/month 0.790 0.249 -0.013 0.859 0.088 0.201 0.074 0.306

Length of professional practice 0.450 0.502 -0.101 0.156 0.100 0.137 0.014 0.847


The average age of professionals was 38.2 years

with a high concentration in the age group between 32

and 41 years. These data corroborate the other studies

in which the mean age was between 36.8 and 37.9

years, with the highest concentration in the age group

between 31 and 40 years of age(2-3,10-12) .With respect

to gender, females prevailed, corroborating the results

found in the literature(2-3,6,11,13). This result was expected

since this is a nursing feature. The feminization process

of the nursing team exceeds 90%; however, there is

a growing presence of the male contingent in nursing,

showing a current trend(14).

The most prevalent category was the nursing

technician (69.9%). This is corroborated by studies in

university hospitals, which showed a higher participation

of nursing technicians(6.11). However, a study conducted

in a Teaching Hospital of Ribeirão Preto (SP) showed a

higher participation of nurses (51.8%)(2).

It was observed that most were educated in public

institutions (51.7%). A research conducted in a teaching

hospital in the interior of the State of Minas Gerais noted

that most nurses (60%) received their training at public

institutions, and nursing technicians have graduated

from private institutions (63%)(11).

In relation to training time, professional


performance in the unity, a study carried out in France corroborated these indings, once it pointed out an average of 12 years of experience in the hospital where

the study was carried out(10). In other studies, most

professionals reported six or more years of professional


Regarding to postgraduate level courses, 27.8%

of the professionals reported having postgraduation.

A study conducted in cities of the State of São Paulo

found that 6% were postgraduated, and in the State of

Minas Gerais researchers found that 88% of nurses were


Some studies have found that most professionals

received some guidance before starting the transfusion process, corroborating the indings of the present study(2.11). However, a study conducted in a hospital in

the State of Rio Grande do Norte noted that 74.1% of professionals did not participate in speciic training for more than two months(6). A study with nurses of medical

and surgical units of three hospitals in Turkey showed

that most professionals have not received guidelines for

conducting transfusion practices(15).

As for the search of information in the literature,

most reported seeking information or asking questions

about blood transfusion. However, it was observed that a

considerable number of professionals (73.2%) reported

to use the SOP and the PIE of the institution as guideline

for their professional practice, and 13.4% expressed not

knowing the rules of the Ministry of Health and ANVISA.

A research carried out in a hospital of the State of Rio

Grande do Norte noted that 82.5% of professionals

reported to ignore the current resolution during the study period, corroborating the indings of this study(6).

The average number of times that the professional

performs blood transfusion was 4.30 times/month.

Some studies showed that the nursing team members

perform blood transfusions weekly(2,6,10).

It was observed that 92.8% of professionals feel conident to carry out the transfusion process. In a study conducted in France, 83% of nurses considered

themselves well informed with regard to transfusion(10).

Other research showed that, on average, 60% of

professionals considered themselves informed about the

transfusion practices(6,11). However, a study conducted in

cities of the State of São Paulo, 58.8% of participants

considered themselves little informed or misinformed

on the subject(2). In a study performed in a public

hospital in the South of Brazil, the authors found that 69% of professionals reported feeling self-conident when performing transfusions, and all the respondents

(100%) reported to know the risks associated with blood


It can be inferred that the more informed the

professionals are about the procedure and its guidelines, the more conident they are for carrying out the method. Concerning to the evaluation of the knowledge

on blood transfusion, it was observed usually lower

overall score average (52.7%) as well as in the three

Steps. Other studies using data collection instruments different of this study corroborate this study indings. A study conducted in Mali, West Africa, showed that 53.9% of participants had insuficient knowledge and the group of nurses and midwives had more

inadequacies in their knowledge(16). Another study

showed an average knowledge score of 20.9, ranging

from 6 to 61 points(10). A research carried out with

nurses in Shahrekord, Iran, concluded that knowledge

of the nurses on indications and complications of

blood transfusion was reasonable, since 16.2% had

excellent knowledge, 59% had good knowledge

and 24.8 % had low level of knowledge(17). A study conducted in Rio Grande do Norte identiied a better knowledge in the pre-transfusion steps (51.8%) and in

the transfusion step (55.5%), and inappropriate in the

post-transfusion step (62.9%)(6). It must consider that

often the experienced dilemma is that at times there

is slack of knowledge for decision making. Therefore, it was identiied the importance of knowledge on the process steps in order to guarantee transfusion

safety(18). The data found in the literature are worrying

because transfusion safety is strongly related to the correct and early identiication of warning signs of a transfusion reaction, as well as the appropriate

conducts in eventual complications.

In the linear regression analysis, it was noted statistical signiicance only for the professional category (p = 0.001) and the orientation for performing the

transfusion process (p <0.001). Other studies support the indings of this research. In a study with professional nursing staff of a university hospital of the city of Ribeirão

Preto (SP), which used multiple correspondence analysis

as methodology, it was found a relationship between

self-perception of knowledge on transfusion and

performance, only for the professional nurse category.

The more informed the professional feels, the better his

performance(2). In another study conducted in France,

which used linear regression analysis, the authors found

a relationship between low knowledge and not receiving

training, and feeling little informed(10). Research carried


in which there was a statistically signiicant relation regarding the experience length(15).

As limitation, considering the design of this

research, there was no observation of administration of

blood products practices, which did not compromise the

achievement of the objectives. It is suggested to conduct

further research in this area including the systematic

observation of practice related to blood transfusion

aiming the transfusion safety.


This study highlighted the lack of knowledge of the

nursing team professionals on blood transfusion, as well as the inluence of training and guidance on knowledge. Furthermore, it also provided a diagnosis to identify the main dificulties of professionals with respect to the steps of the transfusion process.

It was identiied the need for interventions such as continuous and permanent education, as well as periodic

training of nursing staff professionals about acting in this

practice. It is important to emphasize the importance

of conducting training to develop knowledge, skills

and competencies and applying tools for assessment

of knowledge, periodically. From these actions, it will

be possible to develop improvements in the quality of

the implementation of procedures and the consequent

practical monitoring.

It is suggested that prospective studies are carried

out in order to verify the practice of nursing in relation

to the administration of blood products.


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Received: Feb 27th 2014


Table 1 - Frequency distribution according to the  professional’s unit. Uberaba, MG, Brazil, 2013
Table 4 - Association among Overall scores and the Transfusion Steps (TS) and the predictor variables - Uberaba,  MG, Brazil, 2013


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SOCIETY OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION - Recombinant immunoblot assay first and second generations on 732 blood donors reactive for antibodies to hepatitis C virus by ELISA. – Hepatitis C

Analysis of all risk factors studied showed that number of previous blood transfusions, transfusion of blood before mandatory screening for anti-HCV, length of time on hemodialysis,

Perioperative blood transfusion and blood conservation in cardiac surgery: the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists clinical

Effects of cell saver autologous blood transfusion on blood loss and homologous blood transfusion requirements in patients undergoing cardiac surgery on-

The high frequency of blood transfusions among patients positive for the serological markers is in agreement with other studies (13, 15) , which showed that blood