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Additive Fabrication of Anepectic Meshes


Academic year: 2021

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Figure 1-1 shows the main design used as a base for all meshes studied in the current work
Figure 2-1 shows the five periodic mesh structures designed and studied. The meshes were  modelled utilizing the 3-D modelling software 123D Design and were fabricated with a commercial  Ultimaker 3™ fused filament 3-D printing-system which utilized the te
Figure 2-2 Schematic representation and description of  the testing structure performed
Figure 3-1 shows a portion of the meshes subjected to CTE testing. The full spectrum of meshes  analysed include mesh #1, #2, #2 50%, #3 and #3 50%, in two dual-material combinations  (Nylon-PVA and PP-CPE+) and in single-material meshes (Nylon and PP), in


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