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情境模擬策略融入師資培育線上課程之設計與發展:以“班級經營”為例 Design and Development of Online Course Using Scenario-Based Strategy in Teacher Education Program for Classroom Management Course


Academic year: 2017

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Good T. L., & Brophy J. E. (2002) !" !"#$%&'()*+,-(

Kindley R. W. (2002). Scenario-Based E-Learning: A step beyond traditional E-Learning, Available from: http://www.learningcircuits.org/2002/may2002/kindley.html

Landow, G. (1992). Hypertext: The convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ormrod J. E. (1999). Human learning. New Jersey: A Viacom Company.


448 !"#$%&'42 : 3 (March 2005)



Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 42 : 3 (March 2005) : 433-449

Design and Development of Online Course

Using Scenario-Based Strategy in

Teacher Education Program for

“Classroom Management” Course

Chih-Feng Lai Graduate Student

Chiung-Sui Chang Assistant Professor

Department of Educational Technology, Tamkang University Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

E-mail: cschang@mail.tku.edu.tw


Extensive live observations are needed in the “Classroom Management” course, in order to allow students to understand how teachers in the real scenes make decisions and react to circumstances in the class and to construct their own philosophies and ideas about “Classroom Management” corresponding to the original theories. The Scenario-based online course is designed on the basis of the theories of “Classroom Management”. Combined with the theories of “Classroom Management”, it uses mul-timedia to present the reality, which allows learners to experience how teachers make decisions, and thus it solves the problem that the theory and practice of traditional curriculums does not match each other. This study is to design an online course of “Classroom Management” for the pre-service teachers based on the systematic in-structional design model, which includes analysis, design, development, implemen-tation and evaluation. It helps learners to generate positive transfer between the theory and practice of “Classroom Management” and offers as a resource to Teacher Educa-tion Center while designing their teaching materials.

Keywords: Scenario-based; Classroom management; Online course; Systematic


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