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LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts

LL - Library Literature

ISA - Information Science Abstracls

BBD - Bibliografia Brasileira de Documentação

BS - Bulletin Signaletique: Part 101 Science de I'Information - Documentation

L e : - Library of Congress Subject Catalog

ACOST HOYOS, Luis Eduardo. B ib lio te

-c a s p o p u la r e s p a r r o q u ia le s p a r a Am e

-r ic a La tin a . Medellin, Arquidiócesis

de Medellín, Instituto de

Comunica-ción Social; Washington, Catholic

Library Association, 1967. 100p.

ADRIANZÉN TRELE, Blanca. B ib lio te

-c a s in fa n tile s y e s c o la r e s . Lima,

LibreríaD. Miranda, 1949. 147p.

'" Chefe-Substituta da Secção de Processos

Téc-nicos da Biblioteca Central da Divisão de

Biblioteca e Documentação da Coordenadoria de Atividades Culturais da Universidade de São Paulo


Bibliotecas Infanto-Juvenis

ALTMAYER, Odile. Une experience

nouvelle pour les adolescents.


B u lle

-tin d e s B ib lio th ê q u e s d e F r a n c e ,

22 (3): 141-52, 1977.




Lo o k, lis te n , e xp la in : developing

lihrary services for young adults.

Chíeago, The Association, 1975.


AMMANATO, A. Work' with children

hy the Italian lihrary for the hlind at Monza. .In te r n a tio n a l Lib r a r y

R e u ie u i, 9 (2): 205-7,1977.

BAGSHAW, M.G. Children's literature

and lihraries around the world,

In te r n a tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w ,


1 O ): 119-29, 1969.

BAKER, Phdip. Exetnplary media

pro-grams. Sc h o o l Lib r a r y lo u r n a l,

23 (9): 23-7,1977.

BARNES, Melvyn P.


& RAY, Sheila. Yo u th lib r a r y w o r k: exploratory

essays. London, C. Bingley, 1976.


BASKIN, Barbara Holland & HARRIS,

Karen H. Th e s p e c ia l c h ild in th e

lib r a r y. Chicago, A.L.A., 1976.

119p. '

BAUDIN, Guy. Origines et

devéloppe-ment des bihliotheques publiques

pour Ia jeunesse. M é d ia th e q u e s P u b liq u e s (42): 5-12,1977.

BIEL, A.C. ed. Y oung adult services in

the public library. Lib r a r y Tr e n d s ,

17(2): 115-220, 1968.

BREDSDORFF, Aase. Lihrary services

for children. Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r te r ly, 7 (2): 48-52, 1974.

BREDSDORFF, Aase, The Danislu stan,

dards for bookstocks and accesions

n . Childr~n 's departments. Sc a n d i-n a via i-n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r te r ly,

2 (2):87-101,1969. '

BROCK, C. Some' aspects of play:. theory

and its implications for children 's library services. So u th e a s te r n Lib r a - , r ia n , 19: 141-9, Fali, 1969.

, BRODERlCK, Dorothy M. In tr o d u c tio n to c h ild r e n 's w o r k in p u b lic lib r a r ie s .

New York, H.W. Wilson, 1965.


BRODERICK, Dorothy M. Lib r a r y w o r k

w ith c h ild r e n . New York, H.W.

Wilson, 1977. 197p.

BUENA VENTURA, Emma. M a n u a l p a r a

la o r g a n iza c ió n d e b ib lio te c a s e s c o la - ,

r e s . Washginton, Unión

Panamerica-na, 1960. 57p.

BURGESS, F. Children's in

América-SLA N e w s (84): 57,1968.

B URKE, J ohn Gordon & SHIELDS,

Gerald R. C h ild r e n 's lib r a r y se n n :

c e : school or public? Metuchen.

N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1974. 131p.

BUTLER, joan. Changes and changee

Lib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 79 (4): 193,1977.

BYBERG, Lis. Lihrary service to childrel l

in Norway. N e w Lib r a r y W o r ld ,

77(907): 16-7, 1976.


R . B r a s . B ib lio t e c o n . D o e . 1 2 1 3 / 4 ) : 3 1 9 · 3 3 8 , J u l/ D e z . 1 97 9

Levantamento Bibliográfico

BEEHAN, A.L. Coming of age: library

services for children and young

adults in Western Australia. Lib r a r y lo u r n a l, 98 (20): 3427-31,1973.


i-b lio te c a s in fa n tis . Rio de, Janeiro,

1966. 3Bp.,

CLARKE, B. Lihrary programs for

chil-dren. O n ta r io Lib r a r y R e vie w , 5 6 :

144-9, S', 1972.

COHN, Emma & OLSSON, Brita. Lib r a r y se r u ic e to yo u n g a d u lts . Published

by the Public Lihraries Section of

IFLA. Copenhagen,

Bihlioteksun-tralen, 1968. 166p.


Ias bibliotecas infantiles y juveniles.

B ib lio te c o n o m ia , 25 (67/68): 44-8, 1968.

COLWELL, Eileen. At the

beginning.-Sig n a l .(13) : 30-7, 1974.

COOK, Patricia. Children 's libraries in

Australia. Au s tr a lia n Lib r a r y [o u r -n a l,2 2 (5): 181-3,1973.

CURRlE, Dorothy H. H o w to o r g a n ize a c h ild r e n 's lib r a r y. Dobbs Ferry,

N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1965.


CHEATHAM, B.M. SLJ news roundup:

major events, trends, and problems

affecting school and children 's and

young adult lihrary service which

have made news in 1973. Lib r a r y

lo u r n a l, 98 (22): 3669-74, 1973.

CHEATHAM, Bertha M. SL1'S 1977

news roundup. Sc h o o l Lib r a r y lo u r n a l, 24 (4): 17-23,1977.

CHEESEMAN, M. Library services to

young people and children in

cor-rectional facilities. Lib r a r y Tr e n d s ,

26 (1): 125-37, 1977.

CHILDREN and crisis. Lib r a r y As s o c ia -tio n R e c o r d , 78 (4): 159-69, 1976.

THE CHILDREN'S library future: report

from the Committee on the

objecti-ves of the children 's lihrary of the future. Sc a n d in a u ia n P u b lie Lib r a r y Q u a r te r ly, 3 (3/4): 155-67,1970.

CHILDREN'S public lihraries and school

libraries served by public libraries:

survey summary of a questionnaire.

Lib r a r y a n d ln fo r m a tio n B u lle tin ,


CHlLDREN'S Iibraries of the future:

report on ohjectives for fu tu re

children's libraries. B o g e n s Ve r d e n ,

52 (5): 361-7,1970.

CHOW, Timothy A. Report onlibrary

provision of children and young

people. lo u r n a l o f th e H o n g K o n g Lib r a r y As s o c ia tio n (4): 14-22,1977.

DANIELS, Mariettá. B ib lio te c a s in fa n tile s y e s c o la r e s : una bibliografia.

Wa-shington' Biblioteca Comemorativa

de Colon, Departamento de Asuntos

Culturales, Unión Panamericana,

1966. 2Op.

DRESCHER, J.A. What's the picture?

The library administrator and

chil-dren's service. Illin o is Lib r a r ie s ,

58: 784-6, Dec., 1976.

~ . B r a s . B ib lio t e c o n . D o e . 1 2 1 3 / 4 ) : 3 1 9 - 3 3 8 , J u l/ D e z . 1 9 7 9



I'I! I


Bibliotecas Infante-Juvenis



C o o p e r a tio n in llib r a r y s e r o

i-ce to c h ild r e n . Metuchen, N.].,

Scarecrow Press, 1978. 152p.

EDWARDS, Margaret A. Th e fa ir g a r d e n a n d th e s w a r m o f b e a s ts : the lihrary

and the young adult. New York,

Hawthorn Books, 1974. 194p.

ELLIS, Alec. Lib r a r y seruíces fo r yo u n g p e o p le in E n g la n d a n d W a le s : 1 8 3 0 ·

-1970. L ed. Oxford, New Y ork,

Pergamon Press, 1971. 198p.

ELLIS, Alec. Public library services for'

children in England and Wales during

the Edwardian period. Lib r a r y

As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 71 (8): 232-6, 1969.

FENWlCK, Sara Innis, Lib r a r y s e r o ic e s fo r c h ild r e n in N e w Ze a la n d s c h o o ls a n d p u b lic lib r a r ie s : a report to the

New Zealand Library Association.

Wellington, New Zealand Council for

Education Research and New

Zea-land Library Association, 1975. 48p.

FENWICK, Sara Innis. Library service

to children and young people.

Lib r a r y Tr e n d s , 25 (1): 329-60,


FLEET, Anne. C h ild r e r : 's lib r a r ie s . Lon-don, Deutsch., .1973. 160p.

GAGLIARDO, Ruth. K a n s a s lib r a r y s e r -vic e fo r c h ild r e n a n d yo u th , prepared

for the Education Committee,

Go-vernor Carlson 's Statewide Planning

Committee for the Mid-century

Whi-te House Conference on Children

and Youth - 1950. 49p.

GATES, Doris. H e lp in g c h ild r e n d is c o ve r

b o o ks . Chicago, Science Research

Association, 1956. 48p.

GERHARDT, L.N. Public library services

to children and Y A'5 and auto-inter. view. Lib r a r y


[o u rn a l, 1 0 1 (1 ):


GREGOT, L.C. Bibliotecas Infantis do

Serviço Social do Comércio, Admi.

nistração Regional do Rio Grande

do Sul. B o le tim d a D ivis ã o d e

O r ie n ta ç ã o Té c n ic a e In te r c a m b io

d o SE SC (8): 40-50,1967.




Aspects of library service to young

people. B lb io te ka r (4): 31-4,1969.

G ROSS, Elizabeth Henry. C h ild r e n 's

s e r o ic e in p u b lic lib r a r ie s : organiza.

tion and administration, a study by

Elizabeth Henry Gross, with the

colaboration of Gene Inyart

Namo-vicz. Chicago, American Library

Association, 1963. 124p.

G ROSS, Elizabeth Henry. P u b lic Iib r o r y s e r o ic e to c h ild r e n . Dobbs Ferry,

N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1967.


HARROD, Leonard Montague. Lib r a r y

w o r d w ith c h ild r e n , w ith s p e c in l

r e fe r e n c e to d e ve lo p in g c o u n tr ie s .

London,Deutsch, 1969. 216p.

HEEKS, Peggy. Ad m in is tr a tio n o f c h il· d r e n 's lib r a r ie s . London, Library Association, 1967. 63p.

BROOKS, Alice &

-Yo u th ; c o mm U T I!'

HENNE, Frances;

E R STE D , R u th .

JONES, Heather & L YNNE, Medlock.

Children's libraries in Scandinavia: a first impressiono Lib r a r y R e vie w ,

22 (5): 251-4,1970.

Levantamento Bibliográfico

c a tio n a n d lib r a r ie s . Chicago, Ameri-can Library Association, 1949. 233p.

HENNE, Frances. Th e lib r a r y w o r ld

a n d th e p u b lis h in g o f :c h ild r e n 's

b o o ks . New Y ork, R.R. Bowker

Co., 1967. 30p.

HILL, Janet. C h ild r e n a r e p e o p le : the

librarian in the community. Longon,

Hamilton, 1973. 163p.

HlLL, Joan. Work with children. So u th

. Afr ic a n Lib r a r ie s , 36 (2): 56-65, 1968.

lIUME, Hazel. I w e n t, I s a w , I lis te d a n d

n o w : report of the 1972 Albert

Mainerd overseas scholarship touro

Blacktown, N.S. W., Blacktown

Mu-nicipal Council, 1973. 106p.



lib r a r ie s s e c tio n . Subsection on

library work with children: library

service , to children, v.2. Lund,

Biblioteksttaganst, 1966. ?2p.

KARLSSON, Karin & BERG:MAN, Annelie

Library activities for children: a

Swedish example. Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r te r ly, 9 (3/4): 81-4,1976.


i-b lio te c a s in fa n to -ju ve n is . Porto

Ale-gre, Departamento de Educação e

Cultura da Universidade do Rio

Grande do Sul, Associação

Riogran-dense de Bibliotecários, 1968. 13f.

Trab. apreso à l i l Jornada

Sul-Rio-grandense de Biblioteconomia e


KONYVES-TOTH, L. Youth library

ser-vices in public libraries: an inter-national survey. In te r n a tio n a l Lib r a

-ry R e vie w , 4 (3): 303-11, 1972.



Suh--section on Library work with

children. P r o fe s s io n a l lite r a tu r e o n lib r a r y w o r k w ith c h ild r e n .

The Hague, Bureau Book and Y outh,

N.B.L.C.,1972. 56p.

ISAKSSON, Britt. A children's library in

three levels. Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r te r ly, 5 (4): 88-91, 1972.

JOLLIFE, H. P u b lic lib r a r y e xte n s io n

a c tivitie s . 2. ed. London, Library

Association, 1968. p.231-66.

KINGSPURY, Mary E. Gools for children's services in public libraries. Sc h o o l Lib r a r y J o u r n a l, 24 (5): 19-21, 1978.

KRUMBACK, Lis. Children's library

children in focu&-children's centre.

SC a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r

-te r ly, 5(4):92-100, 1972.


bíhlio-thêques publiques pour enfants,

B tb lio -c o n ta c t, Canadá, 2 (4): 2-5. 1977.


hihliotheque pour jeunes de St.

Leonard. D o c u m e n ta tio n e t B i-b lio th ê q u e , 21 (1): 49-52, 1975.



R. Bras. Bibliotecon. Doe. 12(3 /4 ): 319-338, J u l/D ez. I I t Bras. Biblioteeon. Doe. 12(3 /4 ): 319-338, Jul/Dez. 1979



MEHN, Alma ed. Children's services


Illin o is Lib r a r ie s , 55 (1): 2· 58,




METCALFE, M.J. Helping hearing illl'

paired students. Sc h o o l Lib r a r t


[o u r n o l, 25: 27-9, Ja. 1979.

red? Am e r ic a n Lib r a r ie s , 7 (3): 151-3,1976.

Bibliotecas Infanto-Juvenh

LEPMAN, jella. M is s io n fo r th e c h

il-d r e n ; winning friends for the

Inter-national Youth Library in U.S.A.

München, Internationale J

ugendbi-bliothek, 1948, 97p.




Youth as a special c1ient group

Ad u a n c e s in Lib r a r ia n s h ip , 3


LIBRARY and reading services for

chil-dreno SLA N e w s (140): 301-21,


LIMA, Maria Lecticia de Andrade. A

biblioteca infantil como centro de

educação da comunidade. Salvador,

1959. 9p. Trab. api:es. ao 29

Con-gresso Brasileiro de Biblioteconomia e Documentação.

LITTON, Gaston L. B ib lio te c a s in fa n tile s .

Buenos Aires, Bowker Editores

Ar-gentina, 1973. 225p.

LOMAN, Anna. Examples from Lund.

Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r

-te r ly, 5 (4): 101-4, 1972.

LONG, Harriet Geneva. R ic h th e tr e a s u -r e i p u b lic lib r a r y s e r vic e to c h ild r e n .

Chicago, American Library

Assoei-ation, 1953. 78p.

LONG, Harriet Geneva. W id e r h o r izo n s in lib r a r y s e r vic e to b o ys a n d g irL

Genesio, N. Y., State lJniversity Col-lege, 1962. 17p.

MCCO L VIN, Lionel Roy. P u b lic lib r a r y

seruíces fo r c h ild r e n . Paris, Unesco,

1957. 103p.


t'INCHES, Stella. Lib r a r y u io r k w ith

yo u n g p e o p le . London, Bingley,

1966. 70p.

Levantamento Ribliográfico

POLETTE, Nancy & IlAMLlN, Marjorie.

R e a d in g g u id a n c e in ,a m e d ia a g e .

Metuchen, N.]., Scarecrow Press,

1975. 267p.

PREISMAN, Sophia. M a ke n o s m a ll

p la n s : ~guide to infonnation about

young Canada. Ottawa, Canadian

Library Association, 1964. Iv.

MCCOLVIN, Lionel Roy. Se r vic io s

p a r a n iã o s e n Ia s b ib lio te c a s p u b li.

c a s o Paris, Unesco, 1957. 114p.

MOLLA, Parvin. Introducing public

libraries to school children. E a s te r n Lib r a r ia n , 3 (1): 17-29,1968.

RACZ-NAG Y, A. Biblioteca para niãos

en Hungría. B o le tin d e Ia U n e s c o p a r a Ia s B ib lio te c a s , 2 8 (4): 206-212,1974.

MACKINNEY, Eleanor R. Th e g o o d

s e e d ; lihrary planning for urban

disadvantaged children, ages three

to seven. Kalamazoo, Dept. of

Librarianship, Westem Michigan Uni.

versity, 1970. 30p.

MUNN, Vella C. Special report: a

chil-dren's learriing fair. W ils o n Lib r a r y B u lle tin , 52 (2): 122-3, 1977.




-d a r -d s fo r c h ild r e n 's s e r vic e s in p u b lic lib r a r ie s o f N e w Yo r k Sta te ; to eva-luate the present to guide the future.

New York, Library Association,

1967. 23p.

RASMUSSEN, Bente. Should Tanganyika

library service maintan separate chil-dren 's libraries? So m e n i (3): 29-32, 1968.

RA Y, C. Tendencias de Ias bibliot~cas

para niãos, B o le tin d e Ia U n e s c o p a r a Ia s B ib lio te c a s , 2 8 (4):

201-25, 1974.

REDDY, I. Beyond the city: library

service to children in rural and

dispersed communities. ln te r n a -tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 7 (3):

293-300,1975. .

RIDDLE, Margaret Selman. B o o km a r k,

th e lib r a r y s e lf; a book about

the lihrary for young boys and

gírls. New York, Exposition Press,


RISKALLA, E. Situação atual das

biblio-tecas infantis do Departamento

Re-gional do SESC do Paraná. B o le tim d a D ivis ã o d e O r ie n ta ç ã o Té c n ic a e

R. Bras. Bibliotecon. Doc.12 (3 /4 ): 319· 338, Jul/Dez. 1979 1'l· Bras. Bibliotecon. Doe. 12 (3 /4 ): 319-338, Jul/Dez. 1979


MAHAR, Mary .Helen. Evaluation .of me.

dia services to children and young

people in schools. Lib r a r y- Tr e n d s ,

22 (3): 377-86; 1974.

MARSHALL, M.R. The child~en's

libra-rian and the handicapped child.

ln te r n a tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 9

(2): 183-96, 1977.

MARSHALL, Margaret Richardson. Lib r a

-r ie s a n d lite r a tu r e fo r .te e n a g e r s .

London, Deutsch, 1975. 3OOp.

ORSINI, L.K. Reference service to

chil-dren: past, present,. and future.

Ad va n c e s in Lib r a r ia n s h ip ; 1: 1959-70,1970.

MATHISEN, Karin. What will adults

be like a generation from now?

Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r ·

te r ly, 9 (3/4): 85-91,1976.

OVERWIEN, Wille. Have children and

young people been overlooked in

planning the libraries of tomorrow.

B u c h a n d B ib lio th e k, 26 (6): 490-4, 1974.

MATTHEWS, G.M. The institutionalized

child's need for library service.

Lib r a r y Tr e n d s , 26 (3): 371-87,


PATTE, G., La bibliotheque pour enfants

de Clamart. B u lle tin d e s B ib lio -th é q u e s d e F r a n c e , 17 (lI): 495-9, 1972 .•

MILLER, W. Preschoolers' altitudes

toward libraries: can they be measU '

PATTE, G. Children's lihrariesin France.

in te r n a tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 6

(4): 43548,1974.

PlUNAZEE, A.L. The early childhood

library specialist programo Jo u r n a l o f E d u c a tio n fo r Lib r a r ia n s h ip , 1 6


Bibliotecas Infante-Juvenis


In te r c a m b io d o SE SC (8): 37-9,


ROSTRUP, Sus, New forms of activities

in the Danish children 's lihraries,

Sc a n d in a via n P u b lic Lib r a r y Q u a r

-te r ly,


5(4): 82-7, 1972.

ROVIRA, T .M. Las diversas secciones y

foundos bibliográficos de una biblio-teca' infantil. B ib lio te c o n o m ia , 2 4

(65/66): 47-51, 1967.

RUMI, Maria.


fa n c iu llo ele b ib lio te c h e .

Bologna, G. Malipiero, 1959. '222p_

RUSSO, 1.G.M. & RICCI, Z.M. A Divisão

de Bibliotecas Infanto Juvenis e

Cinema Educativo Municipal "de

São Paulo, sua história e seus

tra-balhos. FEBAB 1 0 (1/2): 12-20,


SALZLER, L. What can a library offer

the gifted and talented child? P u b lic Lib r a r ie s , 17: 18-9, Summer, 1978.

SHAPIRO, 1.L. Libraries for tomorrow's

children: a gim fairy tale. Lib r a r y J o u r n a l, 1 0 1 (1): 101-6,1976.

SMITH, P.L. Beyong the city: library

service to children in the Northwest Terrotories, Canada. In te r n a tio n a l

Lib r a r y R e vie w , 7 (3): 301-12,


SUMMERS, F. William. Waht you mant

the future to be. .. children's

ser-vices and library administrators.

Sc h o o l Lib r a r y J o u r n a l, 24 (2):


TAVARES, Denise F. As b ib lio te c a s

in fa n to -ju ve n is d e h o je . Salvador,

Biblioteca Infantil Monteiro Lobato

1970. 52p. '

TA VARES, Denise F. F u n ç õ e s c o m u n ita _ r ia s d a s b ib lio te c a s In fa n to -ju ve n is .

Seminario de Arquitetura de Bihlio_

tecas Populares e Infanto-] uvenis.

Arcozelo, LN.L., 1968. 19f.

TAYLOR, Margaret Stewart & LIEBODD,

Kathryn. Lib r a r ie s a r e fo r c h ild r e n j

a teaching guid.e and manual for

lihrary skills, New York, Fordham

Publ. Co., 1965. 16p.

TRASK, M. Selective and inclusive lihrary service to the children. Au s tr a lia n Lib r a r y J o u r n a l, 19 (8): 275-81, 1970.

TUCKER, Nicholas. Children 's libraries.

W h e r e (94): 207-9,1974.

WARUCKE, Ruth. Library services to

children in the mosaic of

administra-tion. ALA. B u lle tin , 61 "(lI): 1324-7,1967.

VAN DYCKE, F.Z. Intemational activities

in the field of children's libraries.

In te r n a tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 3

(4): 469:84,1971.

VAN DYCKE, F.Z. Library services to

children in Latin America. In te r n a ' tio n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 1(4): 437-44, 1969.

WENTROTH, M.A. Public library service

to children in Oklahoma. In te r n a tiO -n a l Lib r a r y R e vie w , 7 (3): 285-92, 1975.

WINNICK, P. Concept and dues: new

public library services to childrell

Levantamento Blblíogrãftco

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(1): 150-5, f967_

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28 (3): 361-76, 1974.

WINNICK, P. Young people in libraries.

C a th o lic Lib r a r y W o r ld , 3 9 (11' 129-32,1967.

WINNICK, P-Evaluation of public library


R . B r a s . B ib lio t e c o n . D o e . 1 2 ( 3 / 4 ) : 3 1 9 - 3 3 8 , J u l/ D e z . 19191~. B r a s . B ib lio t e c o n . D o c . 1 2


(3 /4 ): 3 1 9 - 3 3 8 , J u l/ D e z . 1 9 7 9


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A interação com a comunidade contava ainda com o apoio de algumas entidades, entre as quais, a Bandeira Paulista de Alfabetização e a American Library Association –


Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), the American Library Association (ALA) and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), plus analysis of the

Para cada indicador, a ALA (AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 2000) relacionou os resultados ideais, que também foram verificados junto aos servidores. Isto permitiu

As observações de Kaspner (1956), sobre a inadequação dos instrumentos de trabalho do bibliotecário na biblioteca religiosa continuam atuais, po is, embo ra passad o meio

É também uma divisão da American Library Association (ALA)... Considerando-se a relevância da avaliação nos programas de competência informacional, bem como a escassez

A number of institutions, libraries and museums like India Office Library, British Library, Library of Congress, Yale University Library, Cambridge University