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The Barrier principle for minimal submanifolds of arbitrary codimension


Academic year: 2018

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The Barrier Principle for Minimal Submanifolds of

Arbitrary Codimension


1Departamento de Matemática, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus do Pici,

60455-760 Fortaleza-Ce, Brazil

2Mathematisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 288, 69120 Heidelberg,


(Received: 19 August 2002; accepted: 6 January 2003)

Communicated by: F. Duzaar (Erlangen)

Abstract. We establish a barrier principle for minimal submanifolds of a Riemannian manifold of arbitrary codimension. We construct examples of barriers for two-dimensional minimal surfaces in

Rn, n

≥ 4, and apply these to deduce existence as well as nonexistence theorems for Plateau’s problem.

Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000):53A10, 49Q05, 35B50.

Key words:minimal surface, barrier principle, Plateau’s problem.

1. Introduction

Let B be a hypersurface in some Riemannian manifold which has nonnegative mean curvature with respect to the normal vector fieldν. It is then a direct conse-quence of Hopf’s maximum principle that whenM N is a minimal hypersurface which is locally on the side of B to which ν points, and which touches B in some pointp, then M is contained inB in some neighborhood ofp. This is the well-known barrier principle for minimal hypersurfaces. We use Hopf’s maximum principle to prove a corresponding result for minimal submanifolds M N of arbitrary dimensionk, 1 k <dimN, replacing the mean convexity ofB by the condition ofk-mean convexity which is the condition that the sum of theksmallest principal curvatures of B be nonnegative. We construct topologically nontrivial domains inRn with 2-mean convex boundaries and use these to deduce existence results to Plateau’s problem for minimal surfaces inRn, n



His method is based on the construction of quadratic forms onRnwhich, though indefinite, are subharmonic on anyk-dimensional minimal submanifold. It should be noted that when aC2function ϕ on Rn has the property that its restriction to anyk-dimensional affine subspace is subharmonic, it follows that the (regular) level hypersurfaces ofϕarek-mean convex with respect to−∇ϕ.

2. The Barrier Principle

LetNbe an(n+1)-dimensional Riemannian manifold of classC2. AC2 hypersur-faceB N is calledk-mean convex in the direction of the normal vector fieldνof

B,1kn, ifλ1+ · · · +λk ≥0 in all points ofB, whereλ1≤. . .≤λndenote the principle curvatures ofB in the direction ofν. We shall prove the following proposition:

PROPOSITION 2.1. LetMbe ak-dimensional Riemannian manifold,f:M →N

an isometric minimal immersion, B N a k-mean convex hypersurface in the

direction of the normalν, p Mwithf (p)B and assume furthermore thatU

andV are connected neighborhoods ofp Mandf (p) N, respectively, such

thatV\Bconsists of two components andf (U )is contained in the closure of that

component ofV\Binto whichνpoints. Then it follows thatf (U )B.

The computations in the following lemma are standard. We include them for the convenience of the reader and in order to make the paper self-contained.

LEMMA 2.2. Letf:M N be as above and letd be a realC2-function onN

such thatd =1and(df )<1. Then we have the inequality

|(df )+trace(A|(fT M)T)| ≤ (Hessd)f ∇(d ◦f )


1− ∇(d ◦f )2,

where, at a pointx N, Ais the second fundamental form of the hypersurface

d−1(d(x)) in direction of the normal

∇d, and, for a subspace W of TxN, WT

denotes the orthogonal projection ofW onTxd−1(d(x)).

Proof.We compute with a local orthonormal framee1, . . . , ek onM. By means

of the Gauss equation, the minimality off may be written in the form

∇eif∗ei −f∗(∇eiei)=0,

from which we obtain

(d f )=Hess(df )(ei, ei)=Hessd (f∗ei, f∗ei).

For any vectorv TxN we denote byvT its tangential component with respect to the hypersurfaced−1(d(x)), i.e.


Again usingd =1 we get Hessd (v,d) =0 v

and, hence,

Hessd (fei, f∗ei)=Hessd( (f∗ei)T, (f∗ei)T)= −A((f∗ei)T, (f∗ei)T). In order to relate this last expression to a partial trace ofAwe compute

bij := (f∗ei)T, (f∗ej)T =δij−(eid◦f )(ejd◦f ), from which we get the inverse matrix

bij =δij+

(eid◦f )(ejd◦f ) 1− ∇(d◦f )2 , and, hence,

A((fei)T, (f∗ei)T)=bijA((f∗ei)T, (f∗ej)T)

+(1− ∇(d f )2)−1Hessd (fei, f∗ej)(eid◦f )(ejd◦f ) . Since

bijA((fei)T, (f∗ej)T)=trace(A|(f∗T M)T) ,

the statement of the lemma follows.

LEMMA 2.3. LetAbe a quadratic form on an n-dimensional Euclidean vector

spaceV with the eigenvaluesλ1≤. . .≤λn. Then for anyk-dimensional subspace

W ofV there holds

traceA|W λ1+ · · · +λk.

Proof.We use induction onk+n. The casek+n=2 is trivial. Let us assume

that the statement is true for all A, V ,and W with k+n m, m 2, and let

A, V, andW be given withk+n = m+1. Letv1 ∈ V be an eigenvector ofA corresponding to the lowest eigenvalueλ1and let us denote byV1the orthogonal complement ofRv1. IfW is contained inV1then we have by induction hypothesis

traceA|W λ2+ · · · +λk+1≥λ1+ · · · +λk.

IfW is not contained inV1then there is a nonzero vectorw1∈W such that


and we may hence again apply the induction hypothesis toV1, A|V1, and the(k− 1)-dimensional subspaceW1spanned byw2, . . . , wk, thus obtaining



A(wj, wj)=traceA|W1≥λ2+ · · · +λk.

From this we immediately get

traceA|V = |w1|−2A(w1, w1)+ k


A(wj, wj)≥λ1+ · · · +λk.

We may now easily prove the barrier principle Proposition 2.1. As our functiond

in Lemma 2.2 we choose the (signed) distance functiond(x) =dist(x, B)which is of classC2in a sufficiently small neighborhood ofB. We choose the sign ofdin such a way thatdf 0. Denoting byλi(x)(i =1. . . n) the principal curvatures ofd−1(d(x))atx, we infer from Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 the estimate

(d f )+



λj◦f − (Hessd)◦f ∇

(df )2

1− ∇(df )2 ≤0. (2)

Since by hypothesisk

j=1 λj ≥ 0 onB and since the eigenvalues ofAare Lip-schitz continuous functions ofAwe have in some neighborhood ofB the estimate



λj(x)≥ −C1|d(x)|

with a suitable constantC1≥0. Hence (2) implies the differential inequality

(d f )C1d◦f −C2∇(d◦f )2≤0 (3) with a further constantC2. Hopf’s maximum principle [2] is immediately applica-ble to (3), giving the assertion of Proposition 2.1.

3. Examples and Applications

We wish to construct rotationally symmetric examples of 2-mean convex barriers

B inRn. Consider a splitting Rn

= Rn1+1×Rn2+1 and letSni Rni+1 be the

corresponding unit spheres, i = 1,2. Let furthermore I Rbe some interval,

S:=I×Sn1×Sn2,and let the immersionf:S−→Rnbe given in the form

f (t, θ, η)=x(t) θ+y(t)η, θ Sn1, η ∈Sn2,

where σ (t) = (x(t), y(t)), t I, is an immersed curve in R2 with x(t) > 0, y(t) > 0. We observe that, equivalently, f is obtained as the inverse image

)−1(σ )under the submersion)


The Gauss map off is given by

N := y

wθ− x′

wη, w =





w θ+ y′

and let{e2, . . . , en1+1}and{en1+2, . . . en1+n2+1}be local orthonormal bases inTS


and TSn2, respectively. Then, with respect to the basis {e

j}nj1=+1n2+1, the second fundamental tensorAX = −DXN is given by the diagonal matrix



w3 ,−


xw , . . .− y′

xw, x′

yw, . . . x′


. (4)

As our first example we consider Dierkes’ cones [1]. We taken1 = n−k−1,

n2 = k−1 and as our σ the curve y = cx with a constant c > 0 yet to be determined. According to (4), the principal curvatures are

0, −c

x√1+c2, . . . ,

−c x√1+c2,


cx√1+c2, . . . , 1



Since the smallest curvatures are precisely the firstkentries in this list we get as condition fork-mean convexity(nk1)c+(k(nk))c−10 or

c2 2k−n n−k−1.

As Dierkes showed, the quadratic form|z|2


|w|2 is subharmonic on any k -dimensional minimal submanifold provided thatc22kn/nk.

We now specialize to the case thatn1=1 and take asσ the half circle

x =Rrcost, y =rsint, 0< t < π,

where 0< r < R. The principal curvatures are computed as


r, −

cost Rrcost,


r, . . .




and we see that the corresponding surface)−1(σ )will be 2-mean convex provided that r (1/2)R. We observe, furthermore, that )−1(σ ) is the boundary of the toroidal body

T :=

(z, w)R2×Rn−2|(|z| −R)2+ |w|2r2

, (5)

which is homeomorphic toS1

×Bn−1, whereBn−1denotes the(n


examples of such domains may be obtained by taking as our generating curve σ

one of the catenaries

y =ϕλ(x)=λ ℓn(x/λ+


−1), x λ >0. (6) The principal curvatures in the order in which they appear in (4) are

λ1= −


w3, λ2= −


xw, λj =


ϕw (j ≥3).

Sinceϕ 0, ϕ′ 0, andϕ′′ 0 we just have to verify the relationsλ1+λ2 ≥0 andλ2+λ3 ≥0 in order to guarantee the 2-mean convexity of our corresponding rotational hypersurface. Since in the casen2=0 (i.e.n=3) this surface is nothing but an ordinary catenoid, we haveλ1+λ2=0. The remaining conditionλ2+λ3≥0 is equivalent to

−ϕ(x)+ x

ϕ′(x) ≥0 (7)

which is easily verified by observing that the derivative of the left-hand side of (7) is nonnegative and the value at x = λ is zero. Again we conclude that the unbounded sets

Tλ := {(z, w)∈R2×Rn−2| |w| ≤ϕλ(|z|)}, (8) whereϕλ is given by (6), are domains with 2-mean convex boundary and funda-mental group isomorphic toZ.

Proceeding as in[4]for the casen =3 we may join several copies of 2-mean convex tori in Rn by suitable 2-mean convex necks (which are easily obtained

by the above construction with n1 = 0) to obtain domains in Rn with 2-mean convex boundaries and fundamental groups isomorphic to the free group of any finite number of generators. The concept of incompressible surfaces[3] may then be applied in such domains in the same way as was done in[4]. When applying the methods of[4] the inequality (2) for isometric minimal immersions has to be replaced by its variant for conformal minimal immersions. As a simple example for the kind of results which can be obtained in this way we formulate

THEOREM 3.1. Let T be a domain in Rn with 2-mean convex boundary and

fundamental group isomorphic toZ, e.g. the domain (5) withr 1/2R or one

of the domainsin (8). Let Ŵ1 and Ŵ2 be a pair of disjoint rectifiable Jordan

curves in T which are freely homotopic in T and which represent a nontrivial

element ofπ1(T ). ThenŴ1and Ŵ2span a minimal (branched) annulus in T. IfŴ

is a rectifiable Jordan curve inT whose class in π1(T )is an even multiple of a

generator ofπ1(T ), thenŴspans a minimal Möbius strip inT.


tangent to the family of catenariesy = ϕλ(x), i.e. c0 := ϕ(t0)/t0where t0 is the solution of the equation


The liney=c0x touches the catenaryy =ϕλ(x)in the pointλ(t0, c0t0).

THEOREM 3.2. LetMbe a compact connected minimal surface contained in the tubeT := {(z, w)R2


| |w| ≤d2}and such that∂Mis contained in the

union of the hyperplanes x1 = d1and x1 = −d1, d1 > 0, and intersects each of

these hyperplanes. Then it follows that

d2 ≥c0d1.

Proof.Suppose thatd2< c0d1. Fort∈Rconsider the 2-mean convex domains

At := {(z, w)| |w| ≤ϕλ(|z−(0, t)|)} withλ=d1/t0. Since

ϕλ(|(±d1, x2)|)≥ϕλ(d1)=ϕ(λt0)=λc0t0=c0d1> d2

by assumption, we see that ∂At never intersects ∂M. For large values of |t| the compact surfaceM will be contained in the interior ofAt. Varyingt we therefore find a position in whichMtouches∂At from its 2-mean convex side provided that

Mconnects the two hyperplanes x1 = ±d1. By Proposition 2.1 the surface ought then to be contained in some∂Atwhich is however impossible since∂At∩∂M= ∅

for alltas we have seen.


1. Dierkes, U.: Maximum principles and nonexistence results for minimal submanifolds, Manu-scripta Math.69(1990), 203–218.

2. Gilbarg, D. and Trudinger, N. S.:Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order, second edition, Springer, New York, 1983.

3. Schoen, R. and Yau, S. T.: Existence of incompressible minimal surfaces and the topology of three dimensional manifolds with non-negative scalar curvature,Ann. of Math.110(1979), 127– 142.


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