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Academic year: 2019









Edited by

.J.F. Silva Gom es


Shaker A. Meguid







de Engenharia

Me dinica




Rua do Barroco, N° 174,4465-591 Lec;a do Bulio, Portugal

Tc\; +3 5 1 22 95787 10; Email: inegi @ inegi.up.pt


.lui)" 1006

ISBN: 972-8826-11-7

Legal Deposit: 244404/2006






N one Run Venceslau Ramos , sin - 4430-929 Avintes, Portugal

Tcl:+351 227877320; Fax: +351 22 787 73 29

Cover design by Nelson Pereira (lNEGJ)

All rights reserved. No part of this rublication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in







is the fifth intemationai gathering of scientists and engineers interested in

the fields of engineering mechanics , design and materials engineering planned for July 24-26,



th e beautiful city of Porto: Portugal. This is a well-established me et ing wi th followers

from some



The first conference of this seri es was hel d


Toronto in 1996 and attmcted over 150

delegates. The second was organized




Hull and R. Gentle in Nottingham in

1998. The third was organized


Professor S.A. Meguid in Orlando in 2000. The fourth was



Dr. T. Mari and Proressor H. Fujii in Nagoya, Japan in June 2002. These

meetings resulted from the belief that of those disciplines associated with advanced product

des ign and manufacture, engineering mechanics and materials engineering have made the

most significant advance in recent years. Important and dramatic improvements in component

design can be made by the use of the latest advances in mechanics and materials. Indeed, as a

resul t of the activilies in these three important fields: Mechanics, rvIaterials and Design, the

International Journal of Mechanics and lvlaterials in Design was established in 2004. With

Professor J.F. Silva Gomes being an important member of the Editorial Board and Professor

Shaker A. Meguid being its Editor-in-Chief.


is with this in mind that this

F{fth Interllatiollal

C01~fel'e1Jce 011

1I1echallics alld A1aterials

in Design

is organized. The purpose is to bring together scientists and engineers from the

mechanics and materials communities to present their latest results and discuss De\V advances

over a broad range of topics dealing with analytical , numerical and experimental teclmiques in

mechanics and advances in materials' tech nology as well as case studies. ·We have done our



provide the delegates with an environment conducive to exchange of knowledge,

networking and making new friends.


take this to thank our colleagues who contributed considerably to the event by organizing

topical symposia and


helping us to launch this important meeting. We are truly gratefl11 for

their efforts. \Ve also wish our overseas fTiends to have a great time in Portugal. We wish you

all a happy and successflll stay in Porto.

Shaker A. !lleguid

.I.F. Silm Gomes










List of contributions \Iii


AOOOl.l I02 Nonlinear Analys is of Functionall y Graded Shell Struc tures Using Tensor-Based Shell 3

Elemenl, hy J,N. Redd)', alld R.A. Arciniega

AOOO2. I 002 Bulk tvlclal Fomling and the Flow Formulation, by .!.MC Rodriglles, alld J.M.C. 5 P.A.F. Martills

AOOOJ .0733 Rt!cC ni Trends in Gear Tribology: Surface Structure nnd Gear Performance, by 8"1'11(/. 7

Robert 11()/Ill. A.'/a/lS MicllOclis. alld Oliver Krl'il

AOOO4.002J Qunsi-static and Dynamic Co llapse o f Foam Fi lled Co lumns: Trends and Prospec ts. by 9 Shaker A. Meg/lid

AOU05.09 13 Biomcchanical Investi gations on th e Tow l Knee Arthroplasty, bJ' F. FOllseca, A. J I

Camp/eta. and .1..'1. Simoes

AOOO6. IJOI r .... licroscu lc Cuttin g o f ivlctuls and the Impact of Micros!nlcture When iVlnc hining 1045 13

Steel Across DifferC1ll Len gth Scales, byA . Simolleoll, E. Ng, alld klA . Elbcswwi


AOIO I.OIOI A Test Jig for Relay's Accele rated Life Testing, by Alvaro A hakcrli. Pedro Sas.lwOII, 17 and Frederico Demo/ill

AU 102.0102 Data Analysis of Acceleratcd Life Tests Undcr Uncertainty Conditions, by.4ll'Oro 19

Abakl!r1i, and A'laria Papa

A01 03.0 103 Monitoring of Workpiece Surface in Mnnufacluring Enviro nme nt Usi ng Acoustic 2 1

Emission, by PallIa Aguiar, Eduardo Biallchi, Paulo Ccm i, Andre Lima. and Fabio


AOI04.0113 Expe rimental Evaluation of Me chi ne Parameters During. Fi le Cutting Edges, by Ellrico 23

Scabra. alld Ja ime Si/po

A0105.0114 Non-Destructi ve Mechnnics Procedures of Failure Anal ysis on Risk-B ased InspeC'.tioll

ofNntural Gas Pipt!l ines, by Jose R. Soares, Lllis A. Ferreira, Marques F crl'eim, A.

Correia em:, Si/ w!. ,.io Mal'(Jlles, olld FrOllcisc:o /I.</. Me lo


AO I 06.0 120 Techn iques in NUI11t!ricai Differe ntiation o f Experimentally Noisy Data, by Hemani 27

Lopes, Rui M. GlIl!dcs, alld Mdl'io A .P. Va::

AO H17 .0 104 Numerical Anal ysis of Geometrical Issues Concerning Split Hop l~ il1 son Tens ile Test, 29

by l ~ E . Essa, alld J.L. Pcire:: Castellanos

AO I 08.0 110 Fai lure analysis of Automobile Components using Hybrid Techniques, by Pen'ill 3 1

Smith Neto, H~rnolli Palma. (lmll'jew /' Biea/ho

AOI09.00S0 Description of l! Synchronism System for Acquisition of External Data Duri ng 33

Hopkinson Bar Tests, by R. GII: mQII Lope:;, and J. L. p e/'t=.-Coste/lall os

A0 110.0092 Low- Velocity Impac t Ana lysis of G lass/Epoxy Plates, by NIl/IO F. Rilo, Lllis



Ferreira, lind Rogerio A.C.P. Leal


PorlolPorwgal. 24-26 JIIly 2006

.'10111. 0097 Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Bond Properties Between Reinforcl!ment 37

and Concrete, by Carlos Moreno, and Ana Sarm eJlto Bastos

.'10112.0108 Two Way Shape iVlemory Effect in NiTi Alloy: Experimental Measurements and 39

Numerical Simulations, by Andrea Fail'o. F.M. FIIl'giliele, and Carmine Maletta

.'10113 .0 117 Implementation of;;. Structural Monitoring Network in the New Stone Masonry Bri dge 41

in Vila Fria, Portugal, hy AnrQniu Ar(Me, Anibal Costa, Cristina Custa, Cristina

Barbosa. and Pedro Costa (Invited Paper)

.'10114.01 05 Elliptical Nuc1eous Optical Fiber Design Technique For Advanced Sensors, by Eric 43

Flljil l'Ql'a. Eduardo 0110. Robinson Braga. and ClII'/OS Suzuki

AD115.0106 Reliable Interpretation of Experimen tal Data in Health-Monitoring of StruclUres, by 45

I':'arl-Halls Lac1"/1/Q1/1l

ADI i(j.01 0 7 Hysteresis Compensation of an Open-Loop Piezoe lectric Actu<ltor for Interferometric 47

Applications, by L,ligi Bl7l11o. alld Carmin e Maletta

.'1 0117. 0028 Temperature Field Acquis iton During Gas Metal Arc Welding Using FBG Sensors, by 49

Pe.dro Moreira, O. Fra=iio, S.MD. Tavares, M.A Y. de Figu eiredo M.T. Restivo, JL

Sal/(os. Gild P.M.S.T. de Castro


.'1011 8.01 11 Residual Stresscs Evalualion by the Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique: A New 5 1

Compuwtion<ll Tool. b.1'JocioNobre .


Batista. L. Cod/m. andA.M DiGS

A01 19.011 S Res id ual Stress Asscssment Us ing Optical Techniques. by Jocio Ribeiro, Jaim e 53

MOllteiro. '\/. A . P. Va=, Hemun; Lopes. Qlld PallIa Pi/oto

A0 120.0093 Scaling of Glass/Epoxy Laminmed Plates Subjected to Transverse Quasi-Static 55

Loading, by NIIIIO F. RUo. Luis M.S. FCITcira , and Rogcrio A.C.P. Leal

A0121.U125 Application of Electronic ' Speckle Pattern Interferometry for Residual Stresses 57

!v!easuremenl, hy QUJlnar Sedh ~ \'" alld SlanislQl' HoI),

AO!2~.{)121 Shear Mode Resol1anct: of Piezoelectri c Ceramics, by M.A. Marques, V.B. Silva. J.A. 59

Mendes. R. Sill·a. R. Ribeiro> and }dorio A.P. Va=

AO 123.0 11 9 All lmpmved Sbcrography Technique for Spatia! Differentiation, by Hemun; Lopes, 01

Rui AJ. Gucdcs, and Mario A.P. Jla::

A0 124.0109 Applic<ltion of Digital Shadow Moire to Meastlremt:nls of Human Body Pcrfilometry, 63

hy Perrin SlIIith New. Eric Fonseca. and Gabriela Freitas

A0125.0115 A Sub-Pixel Cornel' Dctecior Using the Hilbert Transform, hy Paulo Tal·arcs. alld 65

Mario A.P. Vat

AO] 26.0 122 Digital Holography Using a Photographic Camera, by Jaime Monteiro, Hernani Lopes, 67

l1l1d Mario A.P. Jlaz


A0127 .0l16 Complex 3D Shape Meusurement with Structured Light Field Projection, by Paulo


TOl'orcs, and Mario A.P. Fa=

A0128.0 124 Behaviour of Embedded Bragg Grating Sensors. by


Este ves, CA. Ramos. and R. 71



A020 1.0006 Robust Design Strategy, by Marie-Malld Clza/ilIoll, alld Louis Jezequei 75

AO::!.02.0204 Aernel<lstic Optimisation of <l Ta.pered Composite Wing Structure. by Sflilljllil Gila. 77

alld C II'. Ch eung

A0203.0205 Bi as-Specified Robust Design Optimization Using a Regressive



Appro<lch, 79

by Gunther Slee/lackers. alld Patrick Guillallme .




5th International COI~ fer e nc e on Medwl/ie.I' and Materials il1 Desigll

A0204.0215 Techniques Adupted in Integratin g Structural Analysis with Numerical Optimization, 81

by Marfa Cal1'alh o, Jose L. Vale, LII;.I' T. Pinheiro, and Miguel M. Nelles

A0205.0206 Examples of Multilevt!l Optimum Design of Composite Structures, by Alex ander 83

Pulilo)', and N.A . Tato llS

A020o.0203 Design ofa Multifun ctional Punel for Rail way Vehicles Using Topology Optimization 85

of Structures, by Pedro Pill/a, Arlinda Silva. alld Paulo Fernandes

A0207.020 1 Artiiicial Neura l Network Appl ied to Detection of Burn ing in Grinding Process, by 87

Marcelo Sp adotlO, Pallio Aglliar, Ricardo Prazcres, Car/os SOllza, and Eduardo BiOI/chi

A0208.0Z08 f\ 3D Study ror Thermal Optimization of Masonry Units, hy Luisa C. SUUSQ, COIarinD H9

C. Castro. Carlos C. Allfonio, and Hipolito Sousa

:\0209. 0202 Study of Welding Temperature Distribution Using an Artificial Neural Net, hy 91

Francisco /10 Cordo::o, Jos e Carlos Bela. FroncisCII Bela. and Th enpiJi/n Macie!

A02 10.0209 Artificial Neural Networks and Metal Forming Optim ization Using Genetic

Algorithms, b)' CalOrina C. Castro, Carlos C. Antonio. clI1d Luisa C. Sousa

A011 1.0095 Multi-Objective Design in Nature and in the Artific ial, by Amiram l\foshaioll (Ill vited

KCYI1()[c Paper)



A0112.0110 An Updating Conjugute Gmdient ivIethod for Design Optimisation, hy Keith Davey 97

A0213.0::n I Crass-Section of Composite Thin- Walled Beams Design Sensitiv ity Analysis. hy Jouo 99

B,arradas Cardo,m , alld AlIibal '''ulido (!n vited Pap e l ~

A011 4 .0213 Design Optimizali on of Mechanical Systems with Uncertain Inpul, hy A rlll1' Barrciros, 10 1

Palliv P. MoilO, and .Jouo Bal/adas Cardoso

A0215,()216 Uncertainty Analysis Based on Sensitivity. by Carlos COllcei\:cJo Amonio, alld Luisa N. 103

J-Iuffb allcr

A0 2 1('i, 01 14 Minimum Time Design and Control af Mechanical Systems, by PallIa P. Moita, Aniba{ 105

Va/ide) , and .JuJo Bonoda .. Cardoso

;\.0217.0033 Analysis of the Relationships Between {'"lachine Settings, Process Parameters and 107

Quality Characteristics in Injection l'vloulding, by Paulo Pill/V, Anl(mio Osorio, and

.Jose Sd CO,I'ta

AD2 1 fl. 0042 Laser Ablation Modeling for CNC Machine Tool Application in Mould 109

Manufacturing, hy Giovanni Talli, L eoll{l1'do Om=i, Alessandro Fortuno/(J, alld

Gabriele Cuccvlini

A0219. 0207 Artificial Neural Network Based on Genetic Leaming for Machining of Composite III

Materials, hy Car/os C. Alltcinia, J. POllIo Davim, and Vital' Lapa

A0220.0044 Statistical Tolerance Transfer for Sheet ivletal Part Fanning, by Wang RlIi, Gcorg

Th ill/Ill, and Ma l'ongsiJeng




A030 1.0302 A Different Look at OFD Based on Axiomatic Design, hy Alltlinio G. Coelho, and 117

Am(inio Mow·ao (Invited Keynote Papcl;

A03 02,0307 Innovative Methodologies for Quality Des ign, by Leonardo Fri==iero 119

A0303,0306 The Engine of CreElti on Inspiration, Dematerialization and Recombination, by Jose 121

Gaspar, ArlilJdo Silva, Elsa Henriqu es, and Hans /Velling

A0304.0303 Smart 1\.·1aterials Ap plication in Outdoors Advertising. by Jarg e Neves, and Fran cisco 123

M. Mcsquita


FO/'/Q/POl'lllgal. 14-1u .f1l~1· 2006

A0305.030S Robust Approach to Problem Formulation: An Application in the Paint Industry, by 125

Pedro S al'Oil'G. Marco Re i ... and Femalldn Bemardo

A03 06.030S Design Cnse Study Concerning the Structural Alteration of an Off-Road Vehicle, hy 127

Fernando Pilla da Silva

AOJU7 .0J II Specially Des igned Superstructure for Road Transportation of Gas Cylinders, by Jotio 129


A0308,031 2 Swdy of Mechanical Parameters for a Vehicle-Based Obstacle Delection Laser 131

Scanning Device, by A .A. Curab c/as. and L.C Tsatsuris

AOJU9.0 )09 Redesigning Car- Bodies Using Advanced 3D-Scanning Techniques and Reverse 133

Engineering, by.los e! Cw-mllla Ferre ira

A031 0.0J 10 Redesign of !\·icchanical Parts Integrnting Reverse Engineering and Computational 135

Mechanics, by Jv.W! Can'alho Ferre ira

AO) II.OJ04 3D Digitization So lutions fo r Reverse Engineering and Inspect ion Appl ications, by 137

Luis Rodl'iglle.l'. Maciel Vieila.l'. alld .1000 T/,flI'O.l'.I'O,\·


A0312.005 8 rVlechanies and Materials in Developing Innovative Energy System for Deep Pion 139

Constructions, by D avid M. l\(!lIl1e((v (II/vi/cd Keyn ole Pup er)

A0313,0301 A Design /1.pproaeh for th e Development of n Dedicnted Meals Transporter Mobile 141

Robol, hy FemalldoCarreira, TO/II(} Callo,\', Arlinda SilvlI, and Carlos Cardeira

A0314.006 3 The Portuguese Adaptive Unmanned Aerial Demonstrator, hy Alllonio Costa. Car/nl' 143

Silva, A/zal SII/(,lIIal1, alld Brullo Rocha (II/IIi/ cd Pap er)

A0315 .0019 Characterization of the Behaviour of a Variable Geo metry Structure, by Luis M. 145

AlacarellQ, Carlns Allgulo. a lld David Lope:

AIJ~ 16.0313 An Engineering Design Case Study - The ·'3in 1 Travelling Case", by HCI1/'iqlle 147

A/mdda, and Pall/a Barlolo

AllJ 17.0074 Wnnlding An:ll ysis of Circular Al1nulus-Sh:lped SpElce GossElmer Structures Und.:r In- 149

Pla ne Tors ion, hy Wallg Changgllu. DII Xingll'C/1. Gild Wall Zhimin

AUJ 18 .0047 Concept and Design Development of a l\'lecllanical Fire Fighting Projectile, by Fee/ro 151

Vi/ara, Eduardo Dias. Qllinlina Porfllgal, Lllis QUinlo, and Francisc o Lillla

A0319.0006 PEA of Two Engine Pistons Made of Aluminium Cast Alloy A390 and Ductile Iron 153

65 -45- 12 Under Service Conditions, hy Pedro Carva/heira. and P. GOIII,alves

AU320 .0070 Intake Air Flow Simulations for Internal Combu~tio!l Engine~, by Nicolae Filip. 155

Nicola/.' BlIrncle, Emilion Bm-=a

A0321 .0087 Design of Typical Fragments of Heat-Exchanger Muitisllpport Tube Bundles on the 157

Base of Numerical Approach, hy SC1I'C!iy KaplllllOv, Talimw Fescnko, and Sergcy



.'\0312.0314 Design of Glass Artifacts Through Rapid Prolotyping and Rapid Tooling, b,l' Acacia 159

Silva. F. Jorg e Lilla. anci RlIi J. N elo


/\0401.0404 Overv iew of the WELDON EU Project, by M.A. Gomes. A. Thomas . P. Seliger. S. 163

COllcar;, B. Palhiraj, p , VCroll, Adib Beckel', and Tholllas Hyde (Inviled ]':'eY llole Paper)

A0402,0405 Detemlination of Creep Properlies for P91 Weldmenl Materials at 6250C, by 71'0Il1as 165

Hyde, Adib Beckel', If': SIIII, A . Vughi.1.A. Williams. and S, Concari

A0403.0403 WELDON Overview of Industrial and Research Experience Related 10 Welds and D~lta 167

Collation in the WELDON Databank. by S. Concari




51h /mcrnaticmof CUliferellce 011 Mechanics and Materials ;1/ Design

A0404.0401 fi ni te Element Creep fai lure Analyses of P91 Large Tensi le Cross-We ld Specimens 169

T I!st ed at 6250C , by Thuma.l· Hyde, Adib Beelicr, II'. SIII1, A . rughi, A . Thomas, alld P.

Se liger

A0405.0407 High Temperature Behaviour of' Similar and Dissimilar Wd ded Components of Steel 171

Grade P22 and P9 1, h)' p, Se fl ge/'. alld A. Th omas

A0406.0401 Si mu lation of Residua l Stresses in Welded P9 1 Pipes, by A. }'aghi, Tholl/as Hyde, Adib 173

Beckel', IV SUII , l .A, Willia ms, olld B. Pathim)

A0407.0408 Experi ences w ith Dissim il ar Wl.! lds at High Temperature During Manufacturin g, hy P. 17 5


A040S.I)409 Li fe Assessme nt of Weld Joinl in 2.25C r- 1 Mo Steel in Crct!p Cond itions, by T. Vlasak, [77

.I. HaH, and J. Sobolka

A0409.0406 Weldment o f Cnst Steel P9 1 - Creep Testing and Microstruc ture Evaluation, by 179

Dagmar Jandol'o. Josef I\a.l'l, ,..ilelOI' h'ama, alld Eva Folkol'{j

A04 J{J,04 1 0 Creep and Frac ture Behaviou r of Diss imilar P9I fP23 Welds, by Vlaslimil floddrek,

Zd/!/l(!k 1:II/1oil, alld DC/1i.w Touiol'lj

18 1

A041 1.0075 Long-Term Crt!cp Ruptu re Strength Prcdicition nnd Failure Mechanisms of Weld

Joints of Boiler Tubes and Pipes, by ZdclIJk l:lIhOli



A050 1.0505 Free and Forced Vibratiolls wilh Viscous and Hys teretic Damp ing: A Different 187

Perspl!ctive, hy A.M. R. Ribeiro , NlI/lo Maia, and Jlilio M SilvlI (ln vited Papel')

A05U2.00RS O n the Occurcncc of Spurious Opticnl Modes in T ransient Dynam ic Fini te Element 189

Analysis, fl) ' j/l'i Plcsek, Rodek A.'()III/a!!, alld M il O~'lav Okmllhlik

A0503.00Bij InOuence of Initia l Stress on Wave Propagation, by AIellO K I1I;SOI'O, liri Plesek, and 191

.1011 Cenl

A0504.0flU5 The Influence of Coupling in the Propagation of Waves in Linear Ferroc\cctro- 193

Magnetic ConLinua. by Grayson BlISil, allli Gl'cgOl)' CarnIaIl

A0505.0094 Experimental and Computational Aeroelas tic Scali ng Models for a Joined-Wing 195

Airc raft, by Pedro Pereira, Luis Almcida, a/ld Afial SIt/email

A0506.00 16 Multi:;ca le Modeli ng Bnsed on Nonlocal Hydrodynamics with Panial Control, by T.A. 197


A0507.0503 Passive Cont rol ('If Blade Vibrations, by jolwl1 Bratt 199

A050 8.050S O n the Performance of Hybrid Acti ve-Pilssive Damping Treatments Mechrmi sms fo r 201

Vibration Control of BC3ms Using Adap ti ve Feedforward Strategi es, by CM. A.

Vasques, and .Ius e Dia.l· Rodrig ues

A0509.05 13 Part icle Impact Dampin g., by Vib'o lll K. /{ill f'C1, KIIII S. Ai ar/wdi, and BI}'all L. Will 203

A05 1D.0504 V ibration Control of Ligth ly Dam ped Bridges Through a Regenerative Device, hy 205

Mo han/med JchduJ/I , G. Chamberlalld. " lid LOll is )c=eqllcl

AD5 I 1.0068 Seismic Response An alysis fo r Frame Stnlcture Under the Contro l of SMA Da mper, 207 by Pi!lIg Gang, Dlli fJllichao, olld Lill Delli

A05 I 2.0084 Nu merical Simulation of the Seismic Interaction Between Adj acent Buildi ngs. by A. 209

LiO/ifJS, 1. Rcm=epcris, P. Pam.!lsos. alld D. l\ollstallli/lidis

A0513.050 1 Vibrodiagnostics o f the Processi ng Accuracy o f Mach ined Details in t-,'Ietal. by 2 11

GellI/ady AI:I'OS.WV, alld Talmo OU(I




Porto/POI'mga/, 14-26 J!I~ V 2006

A0514.0510 Design and Manu fa cture of Hybrid Polymer Concrete Bed for High-Speed eNC 213


A05 16.0026


A05 I 8.0024 A051 9.0 506

A0520.0 509

A052 1.0065


A0523.0SI I

A0524.03 15

Milling Mach ine. b,l' Jung Do Sull. alld Dail Gil Lee

Coupled Flexure and Torsion Oscillations of an Urban Bus, by Amollio Gauchia, 215

Vicente Dia;, Jose Calvo, Maria .IeSl!S Boodv, and Bcorn'; Boada

Sensitivity Performance of inpul Shapers Applied to Command Pro fil es as Diflgnostic 217

Tool of Flex ible Robots, by Geovanlli Mimllli,Carlos RotIellboc/wr, alld Manl/1!l

Rega;=uni (Illvired Popel)

Detecting Cavitation in Pumps Us ing Higher Order Derivatives, 1~1 ' Leo Teder 2 19

Development o f an Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Actuated by Travelling Waves. by 221

A Basilio, R. 19rcjll, P lucicio, C. Dias, (lnd J ose M. Mendes

Harmonica: Stepped-Sine Spectrum Analyzer for Transfer Function Measurement and 223

Non-Linear Expcrimental Assessment, by Diogo MO/lluh'Qo, alld Fonl/l/ MiltaiJ

flow Induced Vibrntion of Tube-bundles. Numericlli Experiment Appro3ch, by 225

SOlleliy KophlllOll, N(l/O~J ' Va lles, and Dmitriy ZOllbarC Ii

Numerical Simulation of the Axial lmp<lct on Thin Tubes Filled with Agglomerate 227

Cork, by Celilla P. GOlllciro. alld Jose S. Cil7lc

Experimental Identification of Dynamic Propcnics of Cork Compound, by J.S.S. ~29

Lopes, R.A.S. Mm'eira, and .lost! Dias Rodrigu es

Wind Dynamic

Response ofa

ivlelnllic Tower, by R.F. Almeida. and Rlli C. Darros 231

On the Structural Design of a Wind Offshore Tower, by, Rogedo Bessa, Ca rlos 233

Rodriglles, und RlIi C. DO/-ras

A0525'<J512 SInged Constructi on of [l Sei~mical!y Isolntcd Asymmetric 3D Building, by MT.B. 235

Cc.~or, Rlfi C. Bol'l'os


AII601.060 1 Ultimate Limit State Design for Lnteral Torsional Buckling of Pm1inJi y Encased Steel 239

Beams, by PmI/o Piloto, L.U.R. Mesquita, and .'lila Galli/an

A0602 .0601 A Non-Uncar Mnsonry lnfi ll Macro-Model to Rep resent the G lobal Beha\'iour of 241

Buildings Under Cyelic Loading. by H Rodrigues, Hli/llbertn Val1l1l, alld A. CU.I'ta

A0603.0015 Fmigue Damage Under Block Loading. by fM/der Pereira, Abifio Jeslls, Al/fOl/io A. 243 Femaudes, alld Alfredo Ribeiro

A0604.oo29 A New Methodology for the Characterizalion of Mode II Frncrure of Pinus Pinaster 245

Wood, by Marcelo MOllra, M.A.L. Silva. J.JL Morais, A.B. liIorais, and J,L. LOl/soda

(Invited Pop el')

AU605,OO57 Stress InlCnsity Factors for Notched Ro und Burs Using FEM, by Elza.FolI,fcc(I. 247

Francisco M. Melo, R.AP. Valel7lc

A0606.0017 On the Eva luation of Shear Stress Amplitude and Assessment of Mulliaxial Fati gue 249

Damage, hy Bill Li, L. Reis. alld Manuel Freitas


A070 1.0706 The IVrinimum Quantity Lubricant Technique· MQL in Machinin g Processes, hy 253

Eduardo Bianchi, Paulo Aguiar, Leonardo Silva, Sandro Santos, Alexandre Be=crl'£l,

and IVis/ei Sales

xii Editors: J.F. Sill'a Gomes & Shaker A. Megllid





5th illiernationol Conference on Mechall ics Qlld Materials in Design

A0702.0073 Influence of Gril Type in Force Evolution During Fine Grinding of a SiC-Aluminium 255

Composite, hy A . Aguiar Vie-ira, A. MOl1leiru Baprista, R. Naral Jorge, alld /.1. Lages


A0703. 0709 Wear of Diamond Coated Tools on Machining Graphite, by Gil Cob/'(/l, Pedro Reis, 257

Joao POllIo Davim, alld Jos e Gracia

A0704 .0704 Image Analysis in Samples Characterization and Wear Prediction in Deep-Drawing, by 259

Nicola Be{/iore, F. Ianniello, D. Stoccili, F. Casadei, and 1. Heikkila

A0705.0036 Materia! Parameter Identification for Numerical Simulations of Deep-Drnwing of 26 1

Aluminium A ll oys, by 811mo Chaparro, Dulce Rodrigues, Valdemar Fernandes, and

Luis Mell e=cs

A0706.0705 Wcnr of Large Mold Steel Blocks, by I.J.M. Maleo, G.M. Nico/ds, A.E. Jim r!lze=, Ai 263

Dolores Merllllide=, D. Fil'rao, G. Silva, and M.R. Pinasco

A0707.0046 Laser Rcmcliing Process of N ickel Based and Molybdenum Bnsed Plasma Sprayed 265

Coatings: Problems and Solutions, by D. Felgll(!roso, R. Vi/allde, J.111. Clleros, R.

Tucllo, alld E. Femclndc::

A0708. 071 1 Study of the Behu\,jour of W-Ti-N Sputtered Coatings: Micro-Scale Tests in Rolling 267

and Sliding Abras ion Contacts, by Ami/car Ral1la/llO, P.N. Silva, and Alballo Cavulcim

A0709.0727 Tribological Properties of Thick TiN Coaiings, by Hua Xu, R. Wei, and X Nic 26 9

A0710.0702 Industrial Applications of OLe and High Temperature Self Lubricant Coatings, by 271

Ricardo Alexandre

A071 1.070 1 Self-IVlutcd Sliding Behaviour of CVO Nanocrystalline Diamond Coated Sil icon 273

N itride Ceramics for Trihological Applications, b) ' C.S. Ahreu, M. Ali/ami, FJ

Oliveira, R.F. SUm, alld J.R. Gomes

A07 12.0712 Tribo!ogical Beilnviour of C-Alloyed Trans ition Metal Dicha !cogenidc.s (TMD) 275

Coa tings in Different Environments, by Mallllel Evaris/o, Tomas Polcar (lnd Albano


A07l3.0007 Innovative Prototype for Evaluation of Worn Garment Damage Caused by Pilling 277

Formation, by Maria Lurdcs Carvalho, R.A.L. Miguel, J.M. Lucas, P.T. Fiadeim, and

M.J.S. Silva

A0714 .0018 A New Method to Evnluatc Worn Garments Damage Based on Gloss Formation, by 27 9

.1.11,11. Lucas, R.A..L. Miguel, P.T. Fiaddro, M.J.5. Silva, and MLA.G. Carvalho

A07.l5.0707 Study of Abrasion Resistance of Duplex Treated Steels, by Micro-Scale Tests, by 281

David Braga, Amflcar Ramalho, Gnd Albano CavaIciro

A0716.0726 Some Aspects of the Abrasive Polishing of Metal Surfaces, by Richards Ullderwoods,

and R.S. Say les

A07 17.0714 WCElr Mechanisms in Fretting of AIS I 52 100 Steel, by MC Gaspar, alld Amilcal"




A07 18.0717 Wear Mechanism of Basalt Spinning Rolls, by Andl-::ej J.."i/impe/, Alek..sander Lisiecki, :! 87

and Damiall Jallicki

A07 19.0059 Austempered Ducti le Iron as; a Novel Engineered Gear IVlaterial, by David M. 289

Kelllled.l', Maurice Grech , all d Zdravko Schal/perl

AOnO.0722 Gear Micro-Pitting Pe rfonnance of Mineral and Biodegradable Ester Gear Oils, by 29 1

Ramiro Mart ins, alld .large Seabra

A0721 .0723 Influence of Immersion Depth of DIP Lubricated Gears on Power Loss, Bu lk 293

Temperature and Scuffing Load Carrying Capacity, by B.R. Holm, K. MidlOelis, aud

H.P. Ollo

A0722 .072I Influence of Lubricant Type in Gear Scuffing, by Rall/iro Martins, NUllO Cardoso, and 295

Jorge Seabl'a




POriolPol'lIIgaf, 14-26 JU~I ' 1006

A0723,004 8 Evaluation of Spur Gear Root Stress for Thin Rimmed Gear, by Sodn CWJUIlGII, and 297

Tllami Zeg hlofl/

A0714 .0713 Influence of Fric tion on Gear Dynllmics, by Palllo B. Fernandes, JOS !! D;Q. ~ Rodl'igll/;:s. 299

Jorg e! Smora. and Jrwqllim S. Dominglles

A0725. 0732 The States of Oil Film Formmion :md Bull Motion in Ball Screw with Retain ers, by 301

A/~ira Nakqiima, and Toshijumi MU LI'afar;

A0 726 .07 1S tvie!l5Urement


Film Thicl;ne55 and Pressure Distribution in Rough EHL Contacts, by 303

B.R. Holm, K. Michaelis. Q lld O. Krei!

A0727.0710 Non-NewlOnian and Thermal EHD Analysis of u Transmission Gear Oil (S AE 305

80W90), byAl'lnandv Campos, AIC:XW ldrc SO//()I!Ia,)lOI'. Gnd Jorge Seabra

A0728.0728 Iml uence of Grease Composition on Rolling Contact Wear (RCW), by 1'i/Or Mora, and 307

Lllis A. Ferre ira

A0719.07 16 Some Aspects o f Oil Lubricant Additivnlion with ZnO Nanoparticles, by Alllo/in 309

lic:rnallde:;, J.E. Fermilldez Rico, Ricwdo Tucho, ./. Manllel CuelOs, alld Roge/io CIIOII

A(l730.0724 Analysis and Discus!>ion of Models for Non Conforma l COnIacting Cyl inders, by

Candida Pereira. Amilcar Romaillo, and JOI'ge Ambl'dsio

31 1

A073 1.0037 A Three -Field Nonconforming Multidomains Stralegy for Contact Problems, by Jose 313

A. Rodrigues

:\0731.073 0 Modelling and Simul ation of Wear in Mecbunical Systems, by Paulo Flores,

.I. e.


Pimento Claro. Jorge Ambrrj.l'io. ami Hamid M. LO/lkQ/'Qlli

A0733.001 How the Releasing Moment ofConicai Sleel Couplings is Influenced by the Combined 317

Effect of Adhesive and Interference, fly Dorio Crocco /a. alld Rossallo Cuppini

A073·L07 19 Efficiency of Door and Seat Cables: Influence of Materials and Operating Conditions, 319

by Jose Mellde..\·, Pedro Lopcs, Lllis MagalltiicJ, alld Jorge Seabra

A0735.0708 Thermal Behaviour and Performance Charac..:teriSlics of a Twin Axial Groove Journal 321

Bearing as a Function of Applied Load and ROlational Speed, by F.P. Brito, J. Bouyer,

M. Filion, a1ld A.S. Miranda

A0736.0076 An Improved Method for the Numerica l Integration of the Dynamic Equ ilibrium 323

Equation of a Squeeze Film Air Bcaring Supponed Member, by Eduardo M . Almas, F.

Pilla da S ill/a, a"d N,,"o M. Moia

/1.073 7.0703 Experimental Analysis on Hydroslaiic Compensmion in Spherical Bearings, by Nicol" 325

Beljiore, F. lQ/lIIicllo, F. Morelli, /If. Presta, M. S caccia, alld L. CrJll.wrli

1\0738.0725 Behavior of Mineral Base Oils with PTFE N:moparticles, by 1.£' Fenuj/fde: UieQ, I. 327

Mhumdo. R. Tlic/m, alld D. Garcia Cua/'\'O

A0739.0045 The Effect of Shear Rate on Apparent Viscosily for Different Pulp Suspensions, bv

Alvaro Va:, R. SimDes, u"dJ. Sill:\' .


A0740.073 1 From a Roller Bearing Concept to n Snow Avalanche Protection Cell. by Fernando 33 1

Pilla da Sih'o

A0741.0720 Analytical Techniqu es to Control Used Biodegraduhl c LubricantS. by A. k/arcaide, A. 333

.4.1'110;: , 1. Barriga. E . ..!nl1l;:QIJe. A. Igarlllo, and H. Back

A0742.07l5 Analysis of Lubricating Greases by Ferrogrnplly, hy Beall'i: Grara. Armando Campus. 335

and .Jorge Scabra

A0743.0729 Condilion Moni toring of Biodegradable Oil s and Greases for Lubric:Jted Machinery 337

?viaintenance, b)' .'lito/' Amai:. Elleko GorriLwtegi, Eduardo GUabert. Mike Bllrl'OIIS,

olld Tom Cla,woll

A0744.0053 Wear Resislence of Different Matrixes Used fo r Abrasives, by J. Ahcllojar, R. 339

Calabres. S. Gllzmoll, F. Velasco, M.A. Monine:. and M. Melldo:a


j th !lIfematiollal Conf erence on lvfech onicJ alld Materials ill Desigll

A074S .0052 St udy of Natural Slate Adhes ion to Be Used as Coatings in F acad~s , by M.A. }.,[ur ,im:=. 34 1

F. J'elilJco, B. Ramos. (md ,'1. Saser;!


AURO J.OS I7 Creep o f lii gh-TemperalUfl.! Composiil.:s: Experimenting alld Mode ll ing, by Sergei T. 345

Milt!iko (lilvited l\t,) '1I0IC Paper)

AOSO ~ .0801 Effect of Boundary Conditions on Optimal Composite Laminates Under Non-Uniform 3-1 7

Buckling LOOlds. I~l' Ada" SCl/P, mId J=. et U. ClIgdas

AOS03 .0808 Analysis of SL.1ric Derormations and Natural Frequencies of Beams and Plates by an 349

RBF-Pseudospectml Method,


AII((inio J.M. Fc/'/'cil'o. and G.E. FasshoZl t!I'

A0804.08 10 A Graphi ca l User Inte rface for lhe FasLComp Software, by Pall·id a GOII{:afvcs , Joiio 35 1 TOl'lll'Cs. {lnd I'ed/'IJ Call1(lI1lw



Simulation. Failure Mechani sms in Nanocomposites by Extended Finite Element (X-FEM ) by I · ~e s,\'din SfOilul', Dlul Siamak TlJ1'Ou.'iji.lI'd 353

.-10806.08 16 The Usc of Nano-Reinforced Interfaces in Condition Monitoring or Aerospace 355

Compos ites, hy Shaker A. Aff.'gllid. and Y. SIlII

A08117.0SI S Dynami c Behav iour of Alumina Matrix Compos ite Materials, by ../. /\{,olija, £. 357

Barbero. P. MiI·cm;o. and Car/os Novo I'ro (!"vilcd Paper)

AO SOS .US" I Comparison of Two Numerical Solutions for Determination of Interlaminur and 359

Circumferenti al Stresses in n Compos ite Curved Beam, hy A/ollso LciU!, alld Jolio


AO ~ 0 9.0SI 9 Applicalion of Composites Materials in Macphe rson SinH Suspension, by Sergio 36 1

Santos. and Arlinda Sill'''

AOSIO.OSI~ Cuto ut Reinrorcements ror Shenr Loaded Composite Panels, by Shinjl/" Guo. L. ZIIOII, 363




AIl S I I.OS20 Di screte Layer Finite Element Modeli ng or Anisotropic Lnminnted Shells Based on a 365

Relined Semi- Inverse Mixed Displacement Field Formulaiion, bJ' C. M. A. Vasqu('s,

Dnd J. Dias Rodrigue.l·

AOS12.0805 Composites Drilling Simulatio n, hy Lllis DlI1'Go. /I'fa/'c elo Moura. Gnd Ilmvnio T. 367 Idarques

A0813.0S07 Compress ion Propcrlies of Fibro us Prcfonns for Compos ite Appl ications, by Rmil 369

Fangllciro. R. .'Ira/yo. Navec" Padald. R. Alagi11ll·aI1lY. and B.L. Dl!opl//'a

A08 14.0806 Comparison of Tool Effec ts on Hybrid Laminates After Dril ling, by Luis Dllriiu. J ouo 37 1

Tal'l1l'(,s, Anlfjnio T. MonJll c.l', AII(onio M. Bop/iSla. Al11onio G. MagalMe.l', alld CK.H.


AfJ RI 5.n071 Bend ing Sti fliless of Alum inium Foam Pro fil es, fly Tom islal' FUcIin. alld Gojko Maric 373

A0816.0078 Effective Elastic Properties of Sem i-Crystalline Po lymers, by 0. GlIeg1l(!Il. S. AId, A. 375

Mal.i ·udi, alld S. B elQllellal'

A08 170086 Fracture Toughness in Hollow G lass Micro-Spheres Filled Composites, hy C. Capefa, 377

J.D. COSIO. and J,A.M. Ferreira

AOR I 8.0062 Low Velocity Impact Fail ure or Alumini um Honeycomb Sandwich Pands , by Foo 379

Cl10011 Chiang. Scah Leong Kcey. and Chai Gin Boay

AUg 19.00/i4 Numerical nnd Experimental Estimati on of the Defect Depth in C urbon-Epoxy 381

L<!l11inates, bJ' Ana II'" Amal'O. lind Jose S. Ci1'11e

AOS20.0802 D<:'lam imHiolls Effect on Bending Behaviour in Curbon-Epoxy Composites, h)1 Ana M. 383

Amaro. POllIo N.B . Rds. alld Marcelo /lfo///'(I



Po rto/Port/lgal, 24-26 Jill)' JO(J6

AOS21.0S03 Damage Evolution in Engineering Composi te Materials Under Stress and 385

Environmenta l Allack: Modelling the Fai lure Processes, by Hidckl Sckille, alld Peter

rJl.R. Beal/mUlI1

A0822.08 13 Single Crysta ll ine Ox idl! Fibres Obtained by the Intemal Crystallisation r"lethod, by 387

A.A. Ko/chin, Sergei T. Mi/(!i/;o , V M. Kiiko, V.N. Kuriol/. A.L. Toistlll1 , alld A.A

Serebl J'akol'

A0823.081 4 Oxide Fibres for Smart Composites, by V.N. Kurio\', A .A. Ko/chill. II. M J\iiko , S.Z. 389

S/l1IlIlI'al:. S.A. Smim ovfJ. alld Sergei T. Mileiko

A0824.0815 Char:!ctcrization of the Fatig.ue Behavior of Elastomer Composites, by Zoltall /I'lajo/', 39 1


KO\'Q ccvic. AI. COSil', A. Mcsee, alld R. W. Lang

A082 5.0809 Composite r .... laterinls Re inforced By Waste Fibers, by Maria GI"CI~'a Gomes. Rml! 393

Fangl/efl'o, Gabriela J!lbim. (Jlld C. GOIli/ll0 Pereira

A0826.081 1 Development and Investigation of Aluminum Matrix Boron-Containing Composites, 39 5

by Vikror N. Gil/bill. Vladimir A. Popov, alld N illa N. Slcparel'D


A090 1.09 I J Assessmenl o f Femora l Hi p Cement l\'lan lle Strains Using Bragg Sensors, I~l ' A. 399

Romas, J. Ahc, M.H'. Schiller. P. Lopes. R. Nogueira, J.L. Pillto. alld.!. S imoes

A0902.090 I Numerical and Experimenta l Annlysi::; of Femoral Stem Migration, hy R. Rodrigues, 40 I

PallIa R. Fcrl/(lIId e .~, J. Futgado . ,/lid Jose A. Simek,

A0903.0910 Finite Element Analysis of a Novel Di stal Tibial Stem for Revision Total Knee 403

Anhroplast)', by A. Complcto. F. FOIlsec(.J, and J.A. Simoes

A0904 .0908 A Prototy pe System for Acquisition and Anal ysis of the 3D Mandibular Movement, by 405

lsa SuninS, Joa o Tavares, J oaql/im Jo.{l!l!des. alld Mallllel POllio

A090S .(1907 Effects of Temperature on Mechanical Propertie s of Co mposite Dental Restorative 407

Mlltcrial. by Amilear Ramalho, P . V. Alltlilles, and M.D. CaJ'l."all/O

A0906.0 123 Stress Analysis in Removnble Dentures by Holography. Photoe lastici ty and 409

Ex tcnsometry, byJ.C. Reis Campos, A . Con'cia, alld MdrioA. P. Va= (Invited Paper)

A0907.09 12 Measurement of Orthodonti c Forces and Tooth Displacement Using Fibre Bragg

Grating Sensors, by M. S. Milc.::.esl\lki, J. C. C. Sih ,o, .I.A . Sill/Des, A . S. Palel"l1o. alld H.

.I I:olill oll'ski

A0908.0902 A Hierarchical Model for Bone Adaptation, by P.G. Coelho, Palilo


Fcmolldes, J.8.



GlIcdes e



4 \3

A0909.0905 Numerical Assessment of McclliJnicnl Properties of Cortical Bone Under Fast ROlle 4 15

Dynamic Loads, by Femalldo Fe/'I'cil'a, Fm/l cisco /l·I. Melo , MarioA. Va:, and Jose A.


A09 10.0906 The Thaw Time o f Frozen Cancellous Bone fo r Mechanical T I!sting, by Cl!iudicl 417

Nabais, Rlii M. Guedes, and Jose A Simues

A0911 .0904 rvlec hanical Propenics of TendoS/Ligaments Usin g the N e o ~Hookl.!a n fVlate rial Model , 4 19

hy Pedro Mar/illS, Renato N. Jorge. alld A ntOniO.l. Fl.!rrejI'Q

A0912.0903 Expcrimcntlll Measurements of the Lumbar Spine Kin ematics and Stiffnl.!55. by LCl1ka 42 I

JirkovQ. ZdcmJk liord/" Rodek Sedlcicek, P eu' Tiell)'" and .liN Michalec

A091 3.0909 Comparison o f nl i n ~ Sh e ll and Thick-Wall Theories in Estimation of Aneurysm 423

Rupture, by G.R. ZClldehblldi

A09 14.0010 Analysis of Fl oor Su itability to Overcome Deficient Acce.isibility, uyL rulmila Corl'ca

C Silva. Manu cla S. Garrido, a nd FI'Clt/co G. Dedil1i


:wi Edilm:5: J.F. Sih1tJ Gomes & Shaker A. Megll id














Al 00 1.0008

A 1002.0804

AIII03 .1 004

Al 004 .0009

A l005.0022

A 10116.0041

.-\1 007.0020

5th IntenwtiO/la/ COIljel'e llce 011 Mechanics and Afarel"ials ill Desigl1


111e Centrifugal Effect Over Mechanical Properties on Aluminium Castings. by George 429

C!lirila, I. SrefclI1l!scli. D. Cm:, D. Soares. Gild Filipe S. Silva

Development of ContinuollS Belt Furnace for the Production of i'vlclnl Foams 43\

ComponenLs. by Isabel Duarle, Mal/li e f Vide . .'1111611;0 1. Fcrrdra, Jolin Banharr. alld Alarin San/ us

Progressive Dynamic Collapse of Foam Filled Columns, by Moh ammad S. Allia. and 433 Shaker A. Meguid

Selective Laser l\·lelting 01 High Aspect Ratio 3D Nickel - Titanium Structures Two 435

Way Trained for MEMs Applications, hy Adam Cillrc, P.R. Chalke/', S. DOllies,


SlIlclifie, and S. Tsopallo,~

Effect of Some T echnological Factors on Low Cycle Fatigue Strellgth of Titanium 437

Alloys, by Henrikus Medckshas

Microstructure Features of Failure and Mechanical Properties ofUlrra Fine Grained Ti- 439

6AI-4V ELI Alloy at 300-4.:2 K, hy Elellu Tah achnikol'Q, Vladimir fl englls, Alek.w),

Podnl.l·kiy. Sergei SlIIirno l'. Mikhail Bic~\'l o , Knmcl CS(1ch. .fo,w/ Miskuf, LiZl'u Sa itOl'CI,

k ina P Semellova, alld Ruslon Z. Va/iel' (Invited Paper)

Study op ... lechAnica! Properties of Ultraiine Grained HSLA and Ti-IF Steels, hy JUIIIIS= 441

Majra, 1\./7.Y.l'=10/ Mu:dw, alld MOl/ika SlcJanska-Kad=iela

A1 0Q 8.001:2 Structural Evaluation of Direct Laser Sintered M3 /2 HSS Powder, hy Luis Espeno, 443

Isa/Je/ Martins, Re,\'i/IO Domingues e /vtd/'io Son/os

A 1009,U030 LCls::!r Surface Remelting and Post-Thermal Treatment of the Duplex Stainless Steels, 445

by Ale. Nascimenro, MllI'io Clara i erardi, Maria Aparccida Pinto, alld Sergio Tavares

A I 01 0.1 n03 Measurement Methods of Strain Induced Martensitic Evolution in Austenitic Foils, hy 447

Jer::y Ka/eta, und flartlomiej Fassa

A I 0 11.0035 Electrical Performance of Non-Convcntional Electrode lvlaterials, by Al1lonio 449

R odrigues , Jo.\'e D ias Gomes, L1Iis Esp erto, isabel Godill!W, Mdrio Sall/o.\', Gnd A1aria


A 10 1 :2.0069 In Situ Observation of DcfOlmation Modes and Quantitative Assessment of 451

Micro/Nano lVlcchanical Properties, by LukC/s RollI", and Johal1l1 IIl ic:hlc/' (flll'ired


AI 0 13.0085 l'v[icrostructure Design Using Statistical Correlation Functions, hy H Garmcstani 453

A I 0 14 .0051 Damage Nucleation :lnd Lifetime Estimation: Microstructural Aspects , by Valeri Lepol' 45 5

and Va/emin ..11.1'11101'

/, I OJ 5.0054 Modelling of Grain Growtl1 in Nano-Polycrystalline Materials, by Tamas: 457

Wcj rzQl1olVski, and KI·zysztojJ. Kur;yd/o\\'ski

A I [) 16. 0079 Modelling and Simulution of D,:!formalion Behaviour and Texture Evolution in HCP 459

Materials: Design of Processing Paths for Titanium and Magnesium, by S. AId, S.

M 'Guif, Gnd H. Garmeslani

Al 0 17.0003 Fracture Resiswnce of Bi-Matcrial Interfaces: A Hybrid Finite Element Approac h, by 461

Alal'co A lfano, Fran co Fllrgill cle, Alessandro L eonardi, alld Carm ine Mafetta

Al o n L0038 Microstructure Evolution of AISi Nano-Composite Under Shear Load, by Vesselin

Sro ilol'

A101 9. 00SJ GF/ PP Towprcgs Production, Testing and Processing, by J.F. Silm, J.P. NII/les, p,

Vieira, and A. T. Marqlles

A I 020.1 00 1 The Effect o f Binder Layer on the rvlagnctostriction of the Magnetostrictive

Composite, by Vongpillg rFan, Zhcng Zhong. and Jinhao Qill

CO II/ ellt.>







PonolP'Jrlugal, 24-16 j ill), 1fJ06

A 102 1.0082

A 1022.0040

r\ I02J.O(J67

A I 024.0UU-I

A 10::: 5.0027

A 1026.003 1

A 1027.0032

,\ 10J:8.oo25

A 1029.009 1


CH A P X I A 11 0 1.0060

A 1102.0055

A 1103.00YB A 1104.000 1 A I 105.0021 A I 106.1 10)

A I107.021 2

A 1108.01199

Fracture T oughness of Space Sh uule Insulation Foam, hy Awl S. G,wpat)'C!, alld -1 69

Vikram K. Kil1l'a (/l1vi l ed POjJ('r)

Nnnostructured Sil ica· Based G la ss for Engi neered Photonic Prodllc ts, by Carlo,\' 47 1

SIClIki, Juliono S OIl1(1S, Rodrigo TOIl1 {d . Edmi/um GII.I{CII, and Ed uardo 0 110

Mechnnicn l Propcni cs or Co nling Parti clcboards and Compo!> ite Mnterinls Obtained by 473

Continl1ous Stiffness Measure me nt Ind c11l:nion Technique, by Malltl r!i Fol1te

ivlechnn ic nl and Mic ros truc tura l Cha racterization of Ceria- Ymin Stabili zed Zirconia. 475

by Mar!:Q A(fmlO, Leonardo PaglTolto. Ginl'anni Stig/jUl IO, Giui'alllli Girolamo. al1d COIcrinu Bla:;i

Mech.mica l Be haviour of C lay Struc tur\l l Ce ra mics Containing Solid Wastes, by 477

RC!gillu J\/olflciro, /\/. A/orgoridu Lillla, (lIId Sandra Alves

A C ri tical Review of Soil lmr rovcmcnt by impnct Load. by MWlsolir Parvd 479

Soi l Dyn:Jmic Siress Measureme nt : Eart h Pressure Ce ll, h.1' MansfJllI' Pan'b 481

A Comparative Study on G rab nnd Stripe rvlelhuds to Assess F\l bric Breaking Strength, 4S3 J~l' R .. ·t.L. Miguel. J. M. Luc(1s. M.L. Cor l'l1l1w, AU. Somos Silm. alld A.',4. Mal1ir.:11

Engi neering Design o f the Thermal Pro penics in Smnn \l nd Adaptive Knitl ing 4M5

Structu res. by Mana JU.ft] Geralclf.·s, LII/w.'i I-Ie.l", Mcirio de Ara~io . Man o NUIICS, {J/Id

NWJ() Bd ;lIu

Design Epoxy Resi ns Bused Comrositcs for Rnpid Too ling AppJicaii ons. by Pedro V. 487

/"uscom:e/os. F. J rll'ge Lill O, Rlli J. Ne /u, (1l1 d Uicardn Paiva


Generic Road Vehicle Model ror Crashworthi ness. by Jo rge Amhrusio, Marla

Cun'u/ho. NllllU Rubel/, POllln l'e";s.I'imo, alld Luis SOl/sa

Some Progress on Compulational Analysis of Dr\lpes, b.l· K. ) ~ S= e. and X H.LiIl (1I/VIICd


49 1 49 3

lvtodell ing the In teraction Effects o f the Hi gh-Speed Train- T ruck-Bridge System 495

Us ing A DI NA. by COIISlom;o Rigll1:il'o, Carlos Rebelo, emll Lllis Simeks Silva

Aircraft Structu ral Analysis with FEM AppJic::nion. by Aomar Abdessclam 497

L imit Equ ilibrium o r G round Lauded M::asses. A General PC Program for the Fac tor of 499

Safety by Rigid- I'l as tic t ... lcthods, h.l'Jlilio 8. MOrlills

Modelli ng Faliguc Crack Propagmion in CT Specimen. hy R. Branco. F. I': AliI/lil eS, R.


Non linear Fini te Ele me nt Anal ys is of Thin- Walled Laminnled Beams Accounting

Warping, b.l· NtII /O Be/l cdilO, Allibal [' alidf/, (In ri .IoiJo Barradas Cardoso

50 1 503

Analysis or Thin Cy lindric Long Cover:; Subj ect to Circumferential Ex te rior Load by 505

T ransfer-M aLrix Method, fly /l./ilwe/ll Sm;ill, Lil'ill Sucil/. Gheorghe Pal/oiu, Gan 'i!

BlI /e, Mihai Tr ipa. Lltciel Ghiolll!aJl, Daniela PallllesCU, Amon Popa. Mircea Bejall, alld Augustill Crel/J

AI I09.0100 Slress A nalysis of Long Rectangle Plates Subject to a Tra pezoidal Load Using 507

T ra ns fer-M\ltrix, hy Afilwcla SUe/II, Lilriu SlIdl/. Gheorghe PanoilJ, Gal'ri/ Bale, A'lilwi

Tripa. Lllcia Ghin/u!tIlJ, DOlllda Palllle,\'cfI, Air/OIl POPll, Mireca Bejou. olld AuguJtill Cretu

A 1110.0061 A fl,'Tixe d Form ulation Solu tion in The StreSs Analysis of Curn."d Pipes w ith Tangclll 509

T enninantions Unde r In-Plane Forces,


Llli.fa Modllreiru , and Francisco AI. Mdo

(i11l'ilCd Paper)

xviii Edi/O rs : J.F. Sill'a GOIIICS & Shaker A. Megll id





j rh ]rllel'lll/llrmal Confere nce Oil Me chanics and Materials ill Design

-AI 111.0072 I,,;umcri cal Studies of 20 and Plate Problems Using a New lVl eshless Method. hJ' Jorge 51 I

8 c/illha. alld Llicia M.J.S. Dillis

A 1112.0002 Stress and Limit Angular Velocities in a Rotating Elastic -Plastic Annular Disk with 513

Variable Thickness, by Nelli Alexalldro va , {lnd Pall/o Vila Real

AI 113.0034 Incremental Sheet Forming Process Modelling Limitation Analysis, hy A-fceli.l' P()h/ak, 515

Jiiri Maja/; . {l lId Rein I':iillner

A1 114.00 14 A Fa:;\ Algonthm for Modelling a Coupl ed Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in 517

Roto11l{)u lding, hy AIIIOlllal1akie l'

A1115.0056 End Forming Op~rat i ons of Thin-Walled Tubes Using a Die: Expansion, Reduction 519

and Invers ion, by B.l'.P. Co u vc/a. M.L. .·Jlves. P.A.R. Rosa, and P.A.F. /I·larlins

A III (i ,0077 A Thermal Integrated Model for EDM B~sed on the .louIe Effect, by J. Mara/una, al/d 5:! [


AI 11 7.0013 Comparison Between Time-Independent FE- Simulation and j'vlensurements fu r Two 523

Types of Rubber, hy Christian Fe ichter. Zo/tan Maim', and R. IV. Lang

Nonlinear Analysis of Service Stresses in Re in fo rced Concrete Sections Using Closed 525

Form Solut ions. hy M.HF.kl Barrus. (flld R.A.F. 1.,,[orli/l.l· (11lI'iled Papel)


A11 18. 110 1

A ll )9.11 04 A Purametric Stud y on the :!nd Order Behador and Carrying Capacit)' of 3D 517

Asym metric Stee l Frames, hy J\f.T.B. Cesar, Rlli C. Barros


A! 20 J. J:! I 0 Interdi sciplin<lrity in Engineering Education, by Jose COl/to Marqll es (In piled Key/wle 53 1


A l:W2.1203 A Didactic Test Frame for Structural Mechanics, hy .lose COll/(J Marqu es, Carlos 533

Moreira da Sill·u, Raillltmdo Delgado, alld /I·faria Teresa Resli l'CJ

A1203.1104 On Advancements in Engineering Education: A Canudian Perspective, hy M.A. 535

Elbes(oll'i (Invifed Pope!')

A 1204.0050 ICTs in Remote Assessment, b.l' Mario Teresa Rc.I'lil'o, Maria Falima C!lOuzal, Celina 537

Pinto Leila, Filu lIlCIICI 0. Soares, Ligia TcLrl.! ira. Jus e Creis.l"{lC Call/pos, alld Cesar


A 1205. 1206 Remote Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures - Ongoing amI Future 53 9

Contribmions of LESE, /1.1' Al1tc)nio ArM!!, Allibal Cosla. /I ·/aria Teresa Reslillo,

Juoqllim !del/des, Lllis Noitus, Pallfo MarlillS, alld Anrdllio Cosla

A Novel Approach to Educational Engineering Projects, hy A . Barhedo Magalhdes 541

(Invited K Cy/JO/c Pap er)


.-\ 1206, 120 1

A 120 7.0049 E-Teaching Labs, by Maria Teresa Re.Him, Maria Falill/a CllOlI::a!, FCI"IIQndo GOllles :'43

A lmcida . ./rwqllim Mendes, olld AllfeJllio Mende.\' Lopes

AI2ll8 .0096 NTU's Aerospace Degree Program : A Multitude of Highly Creative Ideas & New 545

Concepts, by Shaker A. kfegllid (Invilcd Paper)

A I 209.m)g I So/'twtlre Tools to Support Teaching of Signal Processi ng and Filtering in a Course 547

ahout Measurement Systems, by M. C. Gameiro dll Sih'a

A 121 O. 1207 Remote Thermography of a Heat Pipe Demo Bench, by Af//rillio M. Cardoso, Joaqllim 549

Mel/des, QlldJosc M. MarlillS Ferreira

A 1211 . 1208 Remote and Virtual Laboratories for Engineering Education, by J.E. Vii/me (I/ll'iled 551

1~'e)'l1 otc Pc1p e J~


Porw/Por tugal. 24-26 JlI ly 2006

A 12 12. 1205 A Michelson Interferometer for a Vinual Laboralor}'. by D.D. Tei'(eira. F.J.L. Pereira. 553

J.F. B. CarI'Gllw, S.M. B. Lei/lio. R.A.G. Dencate!, J E. l'iIlm t!, Maria T. Rcstil'O. M F.

CI, olcal. alld F.G. Almeida

A 1213.0090 Machine Elcmt=nls Demonstrntor for the Pructi cal Teaching of Machin e The ory, hy J.L. 5 55

Mill/a: Sail:!'. P. Lafont Morgado. p, Leal Wilia. J. Eclull'arri Otero. L. Vo/dillie.fa

Blanco, J.M. MW IU:-GII (josa. OI1(! fI. LOl'clI:o

r\ 12 14.1209 E-Teaching Mechani cnl Materi al Characteristics, by Maria Teresa Re.Hil'O. Joa'l l/illl 557

Mcndes . . ·!monio Mendes LOPf!.\" C{lI'luJ Afor elrll da Silva, Rica/'do MagallulcJ, olld Maria de Fatim a Clw lI:ol

A 1215 .1202 Enhancement of Tcaching About MC:lsuremenl Systcms in a Graduation Course o f 559

Mechanical Engineering, by M. C Gameiro do Silva

Authors Index 561
















Faculty of Engineerin g, University of Pono

Porto, Portugal

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J.N. Reddy

Mechanical Engineering Departmen t, Texas A&M Un iversity Texas, United Stales of America

Paulo A.F. Mnl'tlns

InstitulO Superior Tecnico, Univcrsidndc Tccnica de L1Sboll Lisboa, Portugal

Klaus Michnclis

Gear Research CCnlcr (FlO), Technical University of Munich

r ...



Shal,cr A. Meguid University ofTorOtllO,Toron lo. Canada NHl1 yang Tech nological University, Nanyang, Singapore

Fernando P. Fonseca

Faculdade de Cicncias cia SUllde, Universidllde da Bcira Interior Covilha, Portug<ll

Mohamed A. Elbcstawl

McMaster !\'Ianufacruring Research Institute (MM RI) Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Co nfe rence Co-Chairs & Editors

.I.F. 511"n Gomes

Facul ty or Engineering

University orpono. Portugal

Sh::JI{(!r A. l'\'Jcguid Nanyang T. Univ., Sing::Jpore &.

Universi ty of To ron 10 . Canada




5{h 11Ili!/"I1(1/iollal COI/Jerel/cc on Mechanics alld Material!; ill D,'sigll

REF: AO] PU) 11 8


.J ouo Rih eirol", Juimc Montcll'o ~, 1\1. A. P. V31..\ H Cl'nfllli Lopes!, and POllio Piloto l

I Instit ute Pe litccnico de Bragan9D . Portugal

11nstiluto de Engenh uria MecfUlica e Gcstiio Indust rial, Lel;a do Balio, Portugal )Fac uldndc de En!!cn harin dn Universidndc do Porto, Portuaal

Em:li l' (·I jrih('iro i ~ l ipb.p l


The goal of thi s work is the deve lopment o r experimenta l techniques to measure res idua l

stresses as alternative


the hole-drill ing method. Th e techniques here proposed are based on

the use of Moire Interferometry and Electronic Speckle Pallern Interfero111etTY (ES P!). Th ey

are fi eld tec hni ques that all ow in-plane disp lacements measurement without co ntact and v,dth

high resoluti on. Grating replication techn iques were developed to record hi gh qualit y

diffracli on gratings onto th e specimen's surfnces. Th e deve loped an optical set-up to genemte

the mast er grat ings (vi rtual) is also discussed. In thi s case an in-p lane in terfe rometer to

measure di sp lacements in two directi ons was impl c: mented as well as a dri ll ing equipmclll to

provoke the stress relaxatio n in the speci mens. Durin g re sidua l stresses measurements the

obtain ed fringe


(1vloirc and speckl e) are video recorded. Image proc essing techniques

are used to assess the in-plane strain fie ld. A fin ite clemenls code (ANSYS®) is used to

simulate the pro cess or relaxation of stresses to compare wi th experimental results and to

calcu late the hole-drilling ca librLltion constants.



thi s work, we developed


experimental process to measure residual stresses with two

opticol techniq ues (in-plone ESPI and Moire ul terferometry) combined with th e hole-drill in g

method. A rin g and plug specimen with known res idual stress di stribution was used to

vali da te the techn iques. An alumini um rin g and a plug with 0.08 mm of dia metrical

interre rence between them were assembl ed for that puropose. A nu merical simulation wi th

finit e elements, llsing the ANSYS® program me, \I./as deve loped to compute the cal ibratio n

coeffic ients needed


obta in the stress values.

The fir st test was pe rformed using the in-plane ESP I se t-up. Seveml holes with di fferent

diameters and depths were drill ed in both ring and pl ug. Image proc essi ng al gor ithms were

used to obtain the displace ment fi el d fro m th e interferome tric recordings. The secon d test wus

done wi th Moire lnterferometry. For that a 1200 Jlnun grating (x and y crosses gratings) was

replicated on the spec imen surface. An opti cal set up


measu re in two directi on s was used to

asse ss the radial and circumferential stress released


several holes drilled in different radial

dista nces fro m th e centre of the specimen.


For the ESPI technique the phase maps of the interfero metric patterns were calcula ted using

temporal phase sh ift. \Vhe n drill s are made a strain relaxation occurs and th e ESPI syste m

measures the difference between tll e two stages, berore and after the drill in g. The obtained

C/;apw/, I: Experim ~ 1I1al Mechanics and Tc.'sriIJg ill Desigll 53


1 ~







POrTo/ Porlllg(l/. 24-26 Ju~ v ](JU6

phase maps nre simi lar to the one presented


Figure I (n). In Fi gure I (b) it is possible to see

lhe disp lace ment fie ld afler image process ing . In thi s case the stress va lues were codified in a

false colour table.







,~ . ~




" ~ ' ,

(a) (b)

f ig. I Example o f a Phase map obtained afler stress relaxation (a) find dis placemen t fi eld of

stress rela xation afte r image processi ng. (b).

The res ults obtain ed after a set of measurements in the spec im en used to validate the



presen ted in



I U"l:~""" "' '' ''''''


~, - "-,


· I ' ~ ;' _ ·' _ ·_ · ' v '

• , l>< .. "~ ,, .... ,' "

, ....


... ...

~ ..


~ 1'1 _ ... , .. "",

.. .


- --




, ... ~ - ... . ... - .... ... """I

Fig. 1 Co mparison helwecn analYl'lca l calculnti ons and experimental measurements with ESP!.


The expe rim ental res ults that were measured with ESP! have a good agreement with the

analytical ca lc ulations. Th is op ti cal techniqu e is


very int eresting alternative to the tradition al

hole-drilling method wit h strain gages and w ith the advan tage that is poss ible



displncement fie lds in stead of the di screte measureme nts obtained with the traditional

methods based o n the use of stra in gages .


Lu_ J: James, M. R. and othe rs " Handbook of Measurement o f Residual Stresses", Soc iety for

Experime ntal , Inc .. Edited


Jian Lu, 1996.

Post, D .; Han, B. ; Ifju , P. " High Sensitivily Moire: Experim enta l Anal ysis for Mechanics and

Material s" Spri nger Verlag, 199 7.

Nelson, D. V. and McCrickerd .

.l .

T. , Res idual-stres s delennin;} tion throu gh combined use of

holographic interferometry and blind hul e drill ing, Experime ntal Mechan ics, 26, pg. 371 -378.



£ditol's: J.F. Silm GWll ltS & Shaker A. Meguid






, r









Fig. 1 Co mparison  helwecn analYl'lca l calculnti ons  and  experimental  measurements  with  ESP!


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