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Ornithological bibliography of the Azores


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ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE AZORES (1) By Gerald Ie Grand (2) & Duarte Furtado (2)

With 8 figures

Only scientific publications up to 1980 are included in this bi-bliography. Other old na.rrations containing information on Awrean or-nithology are being assembled for future publication. Certain unpu-blis'hed 'Wotks will also be dealt with.

The part for consultation has been arranged in three sections. The first presents a numbered list of papers and books in chronological order up to 1980. Last minute alterations obliged us to eliminate some items and to use «bis» for repeated numbers in some cases. The second section consists of the list of papers under their authors in alphabetical order. Finally, the third section consists of an index of the scientific names of the species cited.

The index contains three types of entries:

- The names of the genera, in capital letters, followed by the specific and subspecific names, 'which lead to their numbers in the chronological list. The latter are accompanied by the relevant page numbers, in brackets.

The names of the species, in small letters in bold-faced type, lead :to the names of the genera.

- The names of the subspecies, in normal smaIl letters, lead to the genera and species.

Example: FringiZZa coeZebs moreZetti

entered under FRINGILLA, coelebs and moreletti, witht:he bibliographical references only under the complete name. Papers of Nos. 17, 41, 72, 74, 76 have not been consulted by us; all other works are available in our library.

Cette bibliographie cornprend uniquement les publications


ca-ractere scientifique jusqu'a l'annee 1980 incluse; non inclus les textes anciens de chroniqueurs qui feront l'objet d'une publication ulterieure. N ous avons tenu compte de travaux non publies.

Cettebibliographie est composee tout d'abord d'une liste nume-rotee des publications par ordre chronologique jusqu'en 1980; des

altera-(1) All facsimIles are of paintings by D. 10.1. Reid-Henry. from D. A. BANNERMAN & W. M. BANNERMAN: BIrds of the Atlantic Islands. OLIVER & BOYD, Edinburgh and Lond·on; .reproduced with Mrs. W. ?vlary Bannerman's pennission. Except fig. 1 from GODMAN

(1866, pl. 3) with acknowledgment to the British Ornithologist Union and the mIS. (2) U!1idade de Proteccao da Natureza. Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade dos Acores,


1982 Le Grami/. & FurtaJdo, OrnithologicaZ BibUographiy ot the Azores 143


144 Baletim do Museu MU!I1kC!ipill<1 do FU'rvohlal No. XXXIV, AI"It.. 150

tions de derniere heure nous ont oblige a eliminer quelquesnumeros et a uiiliser des numeros «bis» pour certains travaux. En second nous avons une liste alphabetique des noms d'auteurs et enfin un indice des noms

scientiHques des especes citees.

Cet indice comprend trois types d'entrees:

- Le nom des genres, en majuscules, explicites par especes et sousespeces, qui renvoie aux publications par leur numero de la liste chronologique suivi entre parentheses des numeros des pages concernees.

Le nom 'des especes, en caracteres minuscules gras, renvoie a ux noms de genre.

Le nom des sous-especes, en minuscules, renvoie aux genres et especes.

Exemple: Fringilla coelebs moreletti

entree a FRINGILLA, coelebs} moreletti et les references a FRINGILLA au paragraphe coelebs.

Pour cet indice, n'ont pas ete consultees les publications n.OS 17-41-72-74-76, nous posedons tous les autres travaux.

Esta bibliografia compreende unicamente as publica-c;oes de carac-ter cientifico ate ao ano de 1980, nao incluindo portanto os textos antigos de cr6nicas que serno objecto duma publica<;ao a aparecer brevemente. Tomamos em conta certos trabalhos nao publicados.

A presente bibliografia


composta, primeiramente por uma lista numerada das publica<;6es por ordem cronol6gica ate 1980; altera<;oes de ultima hora obrigaram-nos a ellminar alguns numeros e a utilizar nu:meros «bis» por certos trabalhos; seguidamente uma lista por ordem alfabetica dos nomes dos autores e, por ultimo, urn indice dos nomes cientificos das especies citadas.


in-dice compreende tres tipos de entradas:

o nome do genero, escrito em maiusculas, explicitado -por es-pecies e sub-eses-pecies reenviando as publica<;Oes pelo seu nu-mem da lista cronol6gica, seguindo-se entre parentesis 0

nu-mero das paginas em questao;

- {) nome das especies, em minusculas negras, reenvia ao genero; - {) nome das sub-especies esta em minusculas reenviando ao

genero e especie.

Por exemplo: Fringilla coelebs mnreletti

'Entrada em FRINGILLA, coelebs} e moreletti, com as refe-rencias bibliograficas ao FRINGILLA no paragrafo coelebs moreletti.

Para a elabora~ao deste indice, nao foram consultadas as

seguin-tes publica~oes: n.OS 17-41-72-74-76, que nao pudemosencontrar, no


1982 Le Grand &; Furtado, OrrIJi ·thological BibUography of the Azores 145 ~ 'bj, ,:: ... Ii< I






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146 Boletirm do lIfuseu Mwnicli:pal do Funcool No. XXXIV, Art. 150


1 DROUif:T, H. (1858) - Rapport


sa majeste Ie roi de Portugal sur un voyage d'exploration scientifique aux lles A<;ores effectue par MM. A. MORELET et H. DROUif:T pendant Ie prin-temps et l'ete de 1857. -Ann. Soc. Linn. de Maine et lhire


2 DROUif:T, H.( 1858) - Rapport


sa majeste Ie roi de Portugal sur un voyage d'exploration scientifique aux lles AQores exe-cute par MM. Arthur MORELET et Henri DROUif:T.-M&rn. Soc. Acad. de 7/ Aude 22.

3 PUCHERAN, M. (1'8'59) - Observation sur deux especes de passe-reaux originaires des AQores. -Rev. etMag. de Zoologie: 409-414, pl. 16.

4 MORELET, A. (1860) -Not'ice sur lJhistoire naturelle des AQaresJ suivie d'une description des mollusques terrestres de cet archipel. -J. - B. BAILLIERE & Fils, Paris.

5 DROUif:T, H. (1861) - Elements de la faune a<;oreenne. -


Soc. Acad. de lJ Aude


245 p.

6 GODMAN, F. DU CANE (1866) - On the birds of the Azores.-IBIS 2: 88-109, pl. 3.

7 BARBOSA DU BOCAGE, J. V. (1866) - A ornithologia dos AQo-res. -Jorn. Scien. Math. Phys. Natur. 1: 89-92.

8 GODMAN, F. DU CANE (1870) -Natural history of the Azores or Westernislan4s. -London, John van Voorst. 358p. 9 BARBOSA DU BOCAGE, J. V. (1873) - Natural history of the

Azores by F. Du Cane Godman, London 1'870. -Jam. Scien. Math. Phys. Natur



10 SEEBOHM (1883) -History of British Birds 1: 454p.

11 SIMROTH, H. (1888) - Ueber die Behandlung der Vogel bei den Portugiesen. -Monat. Deut. Bei. Schusse. Vogellwelt 9: 1-7. 12 SIMROTH,~. (1888) - Ueber die Nahrung des

IvNiuS€bussards.-Mondtschrift d. D. V. z. S. d. Vogelrwelt 13 Juni: 216-217. 13 SIMROTH, H. (1888) - Zur Kenntniss der Azorenfauna. -Archiv

fUr Naturgeschichte


(1): 179-234.

14 HARTERT, E. & OGILVIE - GRANT (1905) - On the birds of the Azores. Novit. Zool 12: 80-128.

14 b. THANNER, R. von (1908) - Ein Kleiner Beitrag zur Lebens-weise von Pyrrhula pyrrhula murina (Godm.) Orn. Jahrb. 19 (3-4): 120-124.

15 LOWE P. R. (1908) - Letter on the redestruction of the Azorean Bullfinch. IBIS: 198-199.


1982 Le Grand & Furtado, Orn.itholo!Ti:cal B1,bliographv of the Azores 147

16 eHA VES, F. A. (1909) - Introdu(]ao de algumas especies zoologi-cas na ilha de Sao Miguel depois da sua descoberta. (1911) Diaro dos AQores) S. Mig. 22p.

(1949) AQoreana


(4): 325-342.

17 GODMAN, F. DU CANE (1907-1910) -MOinograph of the Petrels. 18 JOURDAIN, F. C. R. (1910) - Description des oeufs de Pyrrhula

muritna (Godm.) Bull. Br. Orn. Club 25 N.D 162: 118-119. 19 BANNERMAN, D. A. (1914) - Distribution and nidification of

the Tubinares in the North Atlantic Islands. -IBIS: 438-494. 20 HARTERT, E. (1917) - On the forms of Coturnix

oQturni:x:.-Novit. Zool. 24: 420-425.

21 SWANN, H. K. (1919) - Synaptical list Accipitres. London, J. WHELDON& Co. p. 43.

22 HARTERT, E. (1903-1923) -Die Vogel der PaliiarktiscJwn Fauna. 1: 43, 84,586.

23 DWIGHT, J. (1922) - Description of a new raC€ of the Lesser Black-backed Gull from the Azores. Am. Mus. Novit


1-2. 24 MURPHY, R. C. (1923) - Notes on a small collection of birds from

the Azores. IBIS: 44-49, 190.

25 CHAVES, F. A. (1923) - 0 Priolo, a ave mais interessante da ilha de Sao Miguel. Revista «Os A gores») P~nta Delgada Ano 1 N.o 7; and (1947) AQoreana


(2): 109-11'6.

26 NOBRE, A . .( 1924) - Contrihui<;6€s para a fauna dos A<;ores. -An. Inst. Zool. Univ. Porto 1: 41-90, 8 pI.



(1925) - Atlantische Vogel. -Die Gefiederte Welt 54: 4-6, 14-15, 27-28, 38-39, 50-52, 64-66.

28 LINCOLN (1925) -AUK p. 374.

29 ,MURPHY, R. C. & J. P. CHAPIN (1929) - A collection of birds from the Azores. -Am. Mus. Novit. 384: 59-8l.

30 LOWE, P. R. & D. A. BANNERMAN (1930) - The extermination of the Azorean Bullfinch. IBIS 6 (2): 374-379. and Auk 47: 295-300.

31 SKOVGAARD, P. Danske Fugle 3 :8.

32 SCH'O'Z & WEIGOLD. (1930) -Atlas des Vogelzugs. pl. 38. 33 MURPHY, R. C.& J. CHAPIN (1930) -Status of the Azorean

Bullfinch. AUK 47: 300-301.

33 h. MURPHY, R. C. & J. P. CHAPIN (1930) - The Bullfinch of the Azores. IBIS 6 (3): 537-539.

34 SKOVGAARD, P. (1931) - Zug der Islandischen Vogel und Anschl. Bemerkungen tiber den Vogelzug in Europa. Proc. VIII Jnt. Om. Congo (Amsterdam): 392-405.


148 Bolet:/Jrn @ Museu Muwic:!pal do Funohal No. XXXIV, Art. 150

35 BANNERMAN, D. A. (1931) - Remarks on the Rock Pigeon from the Azores and Madeira; a description of a new race, Columba livia atlantis) from the Azores. -Bull. B. O. C. 51: 116-117.

37 MAYAUD, N. (1931) - Remarques sur l'osteologie et la systemati-que des SerinE. -ALAUDA: 401-410.



(1931) - Nidifi·cation of the Azorean Moorhen and other species. -IBIS: 572-573.

39 DE CHAVIGNY, J. & N. MAYAUD (1932) -Sur l'avifaune des

A~ores, generalites et etude contributive. ALAUDA


133-1'55, 304-348, 416-4'41.

40 DAPOND, Ch. (1933) - Oiseaux bagues. Le Ger/aut 23: 36.

41 FERREIRA, E. (1933) - Nota breve «sur 1'avifaune des A~ores».


Autonom/ico) ano 35 N.O 1617, 1 julho 1933, Vila Franca do Campo, Sao Miguel.

42 AGOSTINHO, J. (1935) - Ornitologia a~oreana, notas sobre alguns trahalhos recentes. AQoreana 1 (2): 113-133.

43 HElM DE BALSAC, H. (1936) - Biogeographie des mammiferes et des oiseaux de l' Afrique du nord. -Bull. BioI. France et de Belgique. Suppl. 21: chap. 8 p. 139-141.

44 THOMSON, A. L. (1936) -Bird migration. -Witherby, London. p. 74-77.

45 MAYAUD, N. (1937) - Nouvelles donnees sur l'ornithologie des

A~ores. -ALAUDA 9: 313-3·30.

46 FERREIRA, E. (1938) - The gender «Puffinus» in the azorean islands. 0 Autoru5mico) S. Miguel, Vila Franca do Campo. 11p.

47 SPOLTON, L. (1945) - Ornitologia a~oriana. Aves de passagem vistas na Terceiraentre 26 de margo de 1944 e 31 de mar~o

de 1945. AQomana 3 (4): 332-339.

48 MAYAUD, N. (1945) -Le melanisme chez la fauvette


tete noire, Sylvia atricapilla (L.). -ALAUDA 13: 124-125.

49 COOKE, M. T. (1947) - Another transatlantic species. Bird Band-ing 18: 170.

50 SPOLTON, L. (1947) - Notes d'ornithologie a~oreenne. ALAUDA 15: 29-33.

51 MAYAUD, N. (1947) - Commentaires et additions (aux notes d'or-nithologie a~oreennes de L. Spolton).-ALAUDA 15: 29-33. 52 AGOSTINHO, J. (1947) - Ornitologia a~oriana, notas soltas. -



(3): 182-183.

52 bis VOOUS, K. H. (1949) - Distributional history of Eurasian Bull-finches, Genus Pyrrhula. The Condor 51: 52-81.

53 MARLER, P. & D. J. BOATMAN (1951) - Observations on the birds of Pico, Azores. -IBIS 93: 90-99.


1982 Le Gramd & Furtado) OrnMholo gical BibUography of the Azores 149

54 SOUTHERN, H. (1951) - Melanic Blackcaps in the Atlantic islands. IBIS 93: 100-108.

55 MARLER, P. (1952) - Variation in the song of the Chaffinch. IBIS 94: 458-471.

56 AGOSTINHO, J. (1954) - Notas ornitol6gicas. AQoreana 5 (2): 184-186.

57 VAURIE, C. (1954) - Systematic nott~s on palearctic birds. N.o 8 Sylviinae: the Genus Regulus. Am. Mus. Nm'it. 1684: 1-9. 58 BOURNE, W.


P. (195'5) - On the status and appearance of the races of Cory's Shearwater, Procellaria diomedea. IBIS 97: 145-149.

59 VAURIE, C. (1957) - Systematic notes on Palaearctic birds N.o 25, Motacillidae: the Genus Motacilla. Am. Mus. Novit. 1832: 1-16.

60 SCHEER, G. (1957) - Einige Bemerkungen tiber die Vogel der Azoren. VogeZwelt 78: 115-120.

61 V AURIE, C. (1959) -The birds of the Palearctic Fauna, a syste-matic reference. I Passeriforme. WITHERBY, London. p. 127.

63 ULFSTRAND, S. (1961) - On the vertebrate fauna of the Azores. Report N.o 22 from the Lund University Expedition in

1957 to the Azores and Madeira. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal 19 (49): 75-86.

64 KNECHT, S. (1961) - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der azorischen Vogelwelt. Anz. Orn. Gesellschaft in Bayern 6 (2): 121-137. 65 AGOSTINHO, J. (1963) - Variation dans l'avifaune des

Agores-- Visiteurs occasionnels de l'hiver 1963 aux Agores. ALAU-DA 31: 305-307.

66 CABRAL, J. M. A. (1964) - Observations ornithologiques dans rile de Sao Miguel (Agores) 1960-1963.AQoreana 6 (1) : 49-60. 67 AGOSTINHO, J. (1964) - Notas ornitol6gicas, 1- VariagOes na

avi-fauna dos Agores, 2 - Visitantes ocasionais no inverno de 1963. AQOREANA 6 (1): 72-83.

68 BANNERMAN, D. A. (1964) - On the status of Puffinus assimilis baroli in the Azores archipelago. Bull. B. O. C. 84: 111-112. 69 WILLIAMSON (1964) -Identification guide for ringers. B. T. O.

N.o 3 p.14.

70 MALLETT, G. E. & L. J. COGHLAN (1964) - Cory's Shearwater, Procellaria diomedea, breeding in the Azores. IBIS 106: 123-125.

70 bis -Report of the Oxford University Women's Azores Expedition (1960) - 7 - Zoological Report: 12-15.

71 BANNERMAN, D. A.(1965) - Some reflections on two recent visits to the Azores archipelago. Ois. Rev. Fr. Orn. 35: 22-34.


150 Eoldim d.o Museu JWuniciip;[1.1 do FuncJwZ No. XXXIV, Art. 150

72 KNECHT, S. (1965) - Eine Nacht unter Sturmvogeln. Vogelkosmos



73 V ALEN, L. V AN (1965) - Morphological variation and · ... lidth of

ecological niches. Amer. Natur. 99: 377-390.

74 KNEJCHT, S. ·(1966) - Atlantische Walpurgisnacht (Vogel als

Berg-leute). Da-s Tier 3: 8-11 and Kanm'ien Freund 14 (1969):


75 BANNERMAN, D. A. & W. M. BANNERMAN (1966) -Birds of

Atlantic islwnds. Vol. 3 -A history of the birds of the

Azo.-res. Oliver and Boyd, London & Edinburgh. 262p.

76 KNECHT, S. (1967) - Einer der seltensten Vogel, aber dennoch

ein Aschenputtel: der Azoren Gimpel. [)as Tier, April 1967:

20-21. and (1971) Kanar·ien Frell.fYCd Nurenberg, 17 Sept.

1971: 257-258.

77 BANNEJRMAN, D. A. & W. M. BANNERMAN (1968) -Birds of

Atlantic Islands. Vol. IV: a hi.story of the b·irds of the Cape Verde islands. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. 458p. Addenda

to volume II and III p.451-452.

78 KNECHT, S. (1968) - Der Azorengimpel, Seltenheit par excellence.

Vogelkosmos 5: 1'58-?

79 KNECHT, S. & U. SCHEER (1968) - Lautlausserung und

Verhal-ten des Azor{:m~Buchfinken, Fringirza coelebs moreletti.

Ze-itsch'rift fur T'ierpsychologie 25: 155-165.

80 VEGTEN, J. A. VAN (1968) - The Azores Bullfinch is not extinct.

Gull-billed Tern on Sao Miguel, Azores. ARDEA 56: 194, 196.

81 VEGTEN, J. A. VAN & W. J. A. SCHIPPER (1968) - First

obser-vation of the Wren on Sao Miguel, Azores. ARDEA 56:


82 SCHIPPER, W. J. A. & J. A. VAN VEGTEN (1968) - Two American

Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) near the Azores. ARDEA

56: 195-196.

83 BANNERMAN, D. A. (1969) -Recent records new to the North

Atlantic Islands. Bull. B. O. C. 89: 86-808.

83 his BOERE,' G. C. (1969) - Verslag van de Azoren Reis van 9

Ja-nuari-2 februari 19'69.-.Verslag van het Verblisf op San

Miguel- 21 januari-2 februari. 27p. (Not pub-lished).

83 ter DA THE, H. & W. FISCHER (1969) - Bachstelze, Motacilla alba,

auf den Azoren. J. Orn. 110 (2): 220.

84 CABRAL, J. M. A. (1970) - Observac;;oes ornitol6gicas: 7 setembro

1966 - 12 fevereiro 1970 lOp. (Not published).

85 KNECHT, S. & U. SCHEER (1971) - Die Vogel der Azoren. Om

Bown. Zool. Beitriige 22 (3-4): 275-296.

86 KNE)CHT, S. & U. SCHEER (1972) - Die Liste der Vogelarten von

S~ Miguel! Azoren des Gaspar Fructuoso (t1591). Bonn.


1982 Le Gramd & Furta:do, Ol'rbithc,logic:u,l B~bliography 01 the Azores 151

87 BEURIER, N. (1973) - La Becasse des bois aux Agores. La Mar-deree 105: 18-20.

88 STURHAN, D. (1973) - Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise auf die Azoren-1969. Int. Forschungsprojekt Makaronesischer Raum. VI Beitrag zur Avifauna der Azoren. -Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal 27: 66-73.

89 MARSHALL, W. H. (1973) - Notes on European Woodcock. - Jaur-nal paper N.O 8880) Minnesota Agricultural Station) St Paul) Minn. 55108.

90 MARSHALL, W, H. (1971) - Notes on the Wood Pigeon of Ter-ceira, Azores. (not published)

91 MARSHALL, W, H. - Notes on birds of T€rceira, Azores. (not published) (1971).

92 MOORE, N. W. (1975) - The diumal flight of the Azorean bat (Nyctalus a,zoreum) and the avifauna of the Azores. J. Zool. London 177: 483-486. Note N.o 33 from the mammal soc. by D. M. STODDART.

93 LE GRAND, G, (1977) - Apparition du Moineau domestique


Sao Miguel (Agores). ALAUDA 45: 339-340.

94 REINER GARCIA, F. (1977) - Nota sobre a ocorrencia de urn exemplar de Mergulhao-anao (PZautus aZZe) em aguas ago-reanas. Primeiro Congo Nac. Orn. Porto abril 1977. Doc. N.D 2. (not publish€d)

95 MOREIRA DA SILVA, A, (1977) - Notas sobre a anilhagem de aves nas ilhas de S. Miguel e Santa Maria, AGores, em 1973. Primeiro Congo Nac. Orn. Porto, abril 1977. Doc. N.o 11

(not published)

96 LE GRAND, G. (1977) - Approche ecologique de l'avifaune des Agores. Rel. Com. Lab. EcO!. Aplic. Inst. Univ. dos AQares N.O 5) 28p.

97 LE GRAND, G. (1977) - Prospection ornithologiqu€ au Pi co da Vara (S. Miguel-AGores). ReI. Cam. Lab. EcO'E. Aplic. Inst. Univ. dO's AQores N.o 6) lOp.

98 MOREIRA DA SILVA, A. M. (1977) - Algumas observa<;6es sobre a nidificagao da Gaivota (Larus argentatus atlantis) na Lagoa do Fogo, Est. Exp. Divulg. Circ. Flar. Ponta Delgada N.o 6) 11p. reprinted in 1980, Infarmar;iio Agricola) Supl. dez. 1980, 4p.

99 MOREIRA DA SILVA, A. M. (1977) - Prospecgao da densidade da Codorniz na Hha de Sao Miguel 1972/73 a 1976/77. -Est. Ewp. Divulg. Circ. FloT. Ponta Delgada N.O 8) 42p.


1982 Le Grand &; Furtado, Orwbtholo'g1ca;l EibUograph>y of the Azores 153

100 LE GRAND, G, (1978) -Le Moineau et les A<;; 0 res , I Ene, Nac,

sobre Desenv, Eccm, e Conserv, do Ambiente, Porto abril 1978. (not published)

101 LE GRAND, G, & D, FURTADO (1978) - Notas ornito16gicas (in Levantamento Eco16gico da ilha do Pico) ReI, Com, Lab, EcoZ, ApZic, Inst, Univ, dos A90res N,o 7,



(1979) - Sobre a passagem invernal do Mergulo-anao nos A<;;-ores, Nata Div, Prot, Nat, Om, Depart. EcoZ, Inst, Univ, dos A90res N,o 1, 4p,

103 lIE GRAND, C, (1979) - Passage d'oiseaux sur l'ile de Sao Miguel. A<;;ores, Nota N," 2 Div, Prot, Nat, Orn-.. Depart, J1]ool, Inst, Univ, dos A90res, 6p,

104 FURTADO, D, S, & G, LE GRAND (1979) - Presence hivernal du Mergule nain, aux A<;;ores, ALAUDA 47: 113-114,

105 GRANT, P. R. (1979) - Evolution of the Chaffinch, F'ringiZZa coel-ebs, on the Atlantic Islands, BioI, J, Linn. Soc, 11: 301-332. 106 FURTADO, D.


(1980) -


Mergulo-anao, ave de passagem no

inverno nos A<;;ores. Arquipelago Ser, Cien. Nat, 1: 9-17. 107 LE GRAND, G, (1980) - Schema d'orientation pour la creation de

reserves natureHes sur les lles de Pico, Graciosa, S. Jorge et Faia!. ARQUIPllLAGO Ser. Cien, Nat. 1: 29-51.

108 LE GRAND, G. (1980) - Avifaune de Corvo. ARQUIP2LAGO Ser, Cienc, Nat. 1: 52-80,

109 LE GRAND, G, (1980) - Preliminary ornithological bibliography on the Azores, ARQUIP2LAGO Ser. Ciene. Nat, 1: 81-89, 110 LE GRAND, G. (1980) - L'avifaune terrestre menacee aux A<;;ores, Nota N.o 3 Div, Prot, Nat. Orn, Depart. Ecol, Univ, A9ores, 13p.

111 LE GRAND, G. (1980) -Propecto de cria9iio duma Reserva Natu-ral IntegNatu-ral


serra do Pieo da Vara, ilha de Sao Miguel,

A~ores, Ponta Delgada, A<;;ores 1980, 41p, ALPHABETICAL LIST

AGOSTINHO, J, (1935) - Ornitologia a<;;oreana, notas sobre alguns tra-bal'hos recentes, AQOREANA 1 (2): 113-133,

AGOSTINHO, J, (1947) - Ornitologia a<;;oriana, notas soltas, A(}OREA-NA


(3): 182-183,

AGOSTINHO, J, (1954) - Notas ornito16gicas. A(}OREANA 5 (2): 184-186.

AGOSTINHO, J. (1963) - Variation dans l'·avifaune des Ac;ores - Visi-teurs occasionnels de l'hiver 1963 aux Ac;ores.ALAUDA 31 .. 305--307,


154 Boletirn do Museu Mu.nioipa,l do F',tnclva-l No. XXXIV, Ant. 150

AGOSTINRO, J. (1964) - Notas ornito16gicas, 1- Variac;aes na avifauna dos At;ores, 2 - Visitantes ocasionais no inverno de 1963.

AgO-REANA 6 (1) : 72-83.

BANNERMAN, D. A. (1914) - Distribution and nidification of the

Tu-Ibinares in the North Atlantic Is-lands. IBIS: 438-494.

BANNERMAN, D. A. (1931) - Remaiks on the Rock Pigeons from the Azores and Madeira; a description of a neN race, Columba li'lJ-ta atlantis from the Azores. Bull. B. O. C. 51: 116-117.

BANNERMAN, D. A. (1964) - On the status of Puffinu,s a8similis baroli in the Azores archipelago. Bull. B. O. C. 8~: 111-112.

BANNERMAN, D. A. (1965) - Some reftlections on trwo recent visits to the Azores archipelago. Ois Rev. fro Om'ito. 35: 22-34.

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1982 Le GrQffvd &; FurtaAio, OrnMhclogioo,1 Hibliogra,pluy of the Azores 155

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FURTADO, D. S. (1980) -0 Mergulo-anao, ave de passagem no inverno nos A<;ores. ARQUIPELAGO Ser. Oien. Nat. 1: 9-17.

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24: 420-425.

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HARTERT, E. & OGILVIE-GRANT (1905) - On the birds of the Azores. Novit. Zool. 12: 80-128.


156 Boletim. do Museu Mwrz,i,Cli:prol do Funohal No. XXXIV, AIt. 150

HElM DE BALSAC, H. (1936) - Biogeographie des mammiferes et des oiseaux de l'Afrique du Nord. Suppl. '£1 Bull. Biol. Fr. BeZg., chap. 8: 139-141.

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(1961) - 'Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der azorischen Vogel-'Welt. Anz. Om. Gesell. Bayrn. 6 ('£): 121-137.



(1965) - Eine Nacht unter Sturmvogeln. Vogelkosmos





(1966) - AtlantischeWaJpurgisnacht-Vogel als Bergleute. Das Tier 3: 8-11. (reprint in 1969 Kanarien Freund 14: 270-273.). KNECHT,


(1967) - Einer der seltensten Vogel, aber denno'ch ein Aschenputtel, der Azoren Gimpel. Das Tier


20-21. (reprint in 1971, Kanarien Freund Ntirenberg Sept.: 257-258.



(1968) - Der Awrengimpel, Seltenheit par exceHence. Vo-gelkosmos 5: 158-?

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KNECHT, S. & U. SCHEER (1971) - Die Vogel der Azoren. Om. Bonn. Zool. Beitr. '£'£ (3-4): 275-296.

KNECHT, S. & U. SCHEER (1972) - Die Liste der Vogelarten von S. Miguel! Azoren des Gaspar Fructuoso (t 1591). Bonn. Zool. Beitr, '£3 (1): 66-'69.

LE GRAND, G. (1977) - Apparition du Moineau domestique it. Sao Mi-guel (A<;;::lres). ALAUDA 45: 339-340.

LE GRAND, G. (1977) - Approche ecologique de l'avifa,une des A<;;ores. Rd. Com. Labo. Eeol. Ap,z. n.O 5 /nst. Univ. At;:ores 28p.

LE GRAND, G. (1977) - Prospection ornithologique au Pico da Vara (S. Miguel-A<;;ores) Rel. Com. Lab. Eeol. Apl. n.O 6 /nst. Univ. At;:o-res. lOp.

LE GRAND, G. (1978) - Le Moineau et les A<;;ores. / Ene. Nae. sobre Desenvol. Eeon. e Conserv. Ambiente, Porto abril 1978. (Not published) .

LE GRAND, G. (1979) - Passage d"oiseaux sur l'ile de Sao Miguel. Not. Div. Prot. Nat. Orn. n.O /nst. Univ. At;:ores. 6p.

LE GRAND, G. (1980) - Schema d'orientation pour la creation de re-serves naturelles sur les lles de Pico, Graciosa, S. Jorge et Faial. ARQU/P2LAGO Ser. Cien. Nat. 1: 29-51.

LE GRAND, G. (1980) - Avifaune de Corvo. ARQU/PELAGO Ser. Cien. NAT .. 1:52-80.


1982 Le Grcvnd & FurtCIJdo, Or·nMhOloqical B1blioqraphy of the A.zores 157

LE GRAND, G. (1980) - Preliminary ornithological bibliography on the Azores. ARQUIP1JJLAGO Ser. Ciem. Nat. 1: 81-89.

LE GRAND, G. (1980) - L'avifaune menacee aux AQores - Conf. rCBP Malte nov. 1980. Nat Div. Prot. Nat. Orn. n.O 3 Univ. AgolTes 13p. LE GRAND, G. (1980) -Projecto de criagao duma Reserva Integral

Na-tural na serra do Pico da Vara} Sao MigueZ} Ag01'es. Ponta Del-gada, 41 p.

LE GRAND, G. & D. S.FURTADO (1978) - Notas ornitologicas in Le~

vantamento Ecologico da ilha do Pico. ReZ. Com. Lab. Ecol. ApI. n.O 7 Inst. Univ. Agores.

LINCOLN (1925) -AUK: 374.

LOWE, P. R. (1908) -letter: redestruction of Azores Bullfinch. IBIS: 198-199.

LOWE, P. R. & D. A. BANNERMAN (1930) - The extermination of the Azorean Bullfinch. IBIS 6 (2): 374-379; AUK 47: 295-300. MALLETT, G. E. & L. J. COGHLAN (1964) - Cory's Shearwater,

Pro-celZaria diomedea} breeding in the Azores. IBIS 106: 123-125. MARLER, P. (1952) - Variation in the song of the Chaffinch. IBIS 94:


MARLER, P. & D. J. BOATMAN (1951) - Observations on the birds of Pico, Azores. IBIS 93: 90-99.

MARSHALL, W. H. (1973?) - Notes on European Woodcock. Jour Paper n.O 8880} Minn. Agric. Stat. St. Paul.

MARSHALL, W. H. (1971) - Notes on the Wood Pigeon of Terceira, Azo-res. (Not published).

MARSHALL, W. H. (1971) - Notes on the birds of Terceira, Azores. (Not published).

MAYAUD, N. (1931) - Remarques sur l'osteologie et la systematique des Serins. ALAUDA: 401-410.

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tete noire. ALAUDA 13: 124-125.

MAYAUD, N. (1947) - Commentaires et additions aux notes d'ornitho-Iogie aQoreenne de L. SPOLTON. ALAUDA 15: 29-33.

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158 Boletim do Museu MW1'ZIw'.pw~ do Fu.rwh:al No. XXXIV, Art. 150

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MOREIRA DA SILVA, A. M. (1977) - Prospec!;ao da -densidade da Co--domiz na ilha -de Sao Miguel 1972/73 e 197'0./77. Est. Exp. Div-ulg. eire. flar. Ponta Delgada n." 8 42p.

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(1923) - Notes on a small collec'don of birds from the Azores. IBIS: 44-49, 190.

MURPHY, R. C. (1931) - Nidification of the Azorean Moorhen and other species. IBIS: 572-573.

MURPHY, R. C.& J. P. CHAPIN (1929) - A collection of birds from the Azores. Am. Mus. Nov-it. n.D 384: 59-81.

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(1924) - Contribui!;oes para a fauna dos A!;ores. Ann. Inst. Zool. Univ-. Porto 1: 41-90, 8pl.

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I Congo Nac. Om. Parto Ab'ril 1977. -doc. n.O 2 (Not published). SCHEER, G. (1957) - Einige Bemerkungen tiber -die Vogel der Azoren.

Vogdwelt 78: 115-120.

SCIITPPER, W. J. A. & J. A. VAN VEGTEN (1968)-Two American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) near the Azores. ARDEA 56: 195-196.

SCHO'Z & WEIGOLD. (1930) • Atlas des Vogelzugs p. 38. SEEBOHM (1883) -History 01 British Birds 1: 454.

SIMROTH, H. (1888) - Ueber die Behandlung der Vogel bei den Portu-giesen. Monat. Deut. Bei. Schii,sse Vogel:~elt 9: 1·7.


1982 Le Grand &i Furtado, OrrtJ~thologiC'{J,1 Bwliography of the A.zores 159

SIMROTH, H. (1888) - Ueber die Nahrung des Mausebussards. Monat. d. D. V. z. S. d. Vogelwelt 13 Juni: 216-217.

SIMROTH, H. (1888) - Zur Kenntniss der Azorenfauna. Archiv. fUr N aturgeschichte 54 (1) : 179-234.

SKOVGAARD, P. (1930) - Danske Fugle 3: 8.

SK6GAARD, P. (1931) - Zug der Is~andischen Vogel und Anschl. B€mer-kungen tiber den Vogelzug in Europa. Proc. 7 Int. Congo Orn.

Am.s-terdam: 392-405.

SOUTHERN, H. N. (1951) - Melanic blac.kcaps in the Atlantic islands. IBIS 93.' 100-108.

SPOLTON, L. (1945) - Ornitologia a~oreana, aves de passagem vistas na Terceira entre 26 de mar~o de 1944 e 31 de mar~o de 1945. A{)OREANA 3 (4): 332-339.

SPOLTON, L. (1947) - Notes d'ornithologie a.~oreenne. ALAUDA 15.' 29-33.

STURHAN. D. (1973) - Beitrag zur Avifauna der Azoren. Bal. Mus. Mun. Funchal 27.' 66-73.

SWANN, H. K. (1919) -Synaptical list Accipitres. London, J. WHEL-DON and Co. 48.

THANNER, R. VON (1908) - Ein kleiner Beitrag zur LebenS'weise von Pyrrhula pyrrhula murina (Godm.). Orn. Jahrb. 19 (3/4: 120-124. THOMSON, A. L. Bird Migration (1936) - Witherby, London: p. 74-77. ULSTRAND, S. (1961) - On the Vertebrate Fauna of the Azores. Report n.Q 22 Lund Univ. Exp. in 1957 to the Azores and Madeira. Bal. Mus. Mun. Funchal19, 49: 75-86.

UTHEN, U. (1925) - Atlantische Vogel. Die gefiederte Welt 54: 4-6, 14--15, 27-28-, 38-39, 50-52, 64-66.

V AN VALEN, L. (1965) - Morphological variation and width of ecolo-gical niches. Am. Natur 99: 377-390.

VAN VEGTEN, J. A. (1968) - The Azores Bullfinch nat extinct. Gull--billed Tern on Sao Miguel, Azores. ARDEA 56: 19-'1:, 196.

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WILIAMS ON (1964) -Identificat'ion for rimgers. Sylvidae. B. T. O. N.D 3: 14.


160 Boletim do Museu Mwn4'oipal do Func1val No. XXXIV, Art. 150


1982 ACANTHIS ACCIPITER acclpltrina ACTITIS lOCuta AEGIALITES AEGIATILIS a<'>gocephaln aetherens AETHYI africana agneteae AIX ALAUDA alaada.rius alba alba albilrons albifrons ALCA aleyon ALECTORIS alexandrinus alexandrinus ALLE aUe aUt'lll alpina al,pina aJuco americana

Le Gr!UWJ, & Fur taldo , Omvthol.ogical Bwliography


the Azores 1131 INDEX OF SPECIES A. cannabina nana A. carduelis parva A. gentills A. nisus A. nisus granti see ASIO A. hypoleucos A. macul,uill see ANAS A. cllnt.illDus A. al6Xllndcinus A. dubia A. ca.n tiana. A. hiaticula. see LIMOSA see PHAETON 27 (51). 1.4 (125), 27 (14, 50). 39 (138), 42 (117). 75 (261), 86 (68), 86 (68), 92 (486). 27 (51). 24 (190), 29 (59), 39 (433), 45 (328). 75 (80, 215). 6 (100, 107), 8 (32, 41). 14 (l03). 14 (103). 7 (91), 13 (192, 196). 13 092, 196), 14 (103). A. lulignla 47 (336).

see CARDUELIS cardueHs, COTURNIX cotumix, FRINGILLA coe-lebs,

see TURDUS merula A. sponsa

A. "arvensis

A. arveDsis cantarella


see ANSER albifrons A. torda 75 (80, 194, 195). 75 (236), 86 (68). 14 (122), 24 (48), 45 (328). 29 (72). 39 (436), CICONIA, TYTO. a.lbll, CROCETHIA, EGRETTA, 13 (195, 197, 199), 14 (99), 39 (434), 45 (328), 75 (228).

see CERYLE. MEGACERYLE. A. barbae.a A. rum A. rufa australis A. rufa hlspanica A. rafa intercedens 39 (312), 45 (324), 75 (101). 39 (143, 149, 150, 312), 42 (124, 128), 53 (90, 98), 60 (116, 118), 63 (81), &4 (131), 75 (99), 85 (293, 296), 88 (66), 101. 86 (293). 27 (14,51), 39 (312), 83 bls, 85 (280, 283, 293). 86 (68, 69). 96 (9). 39 (312). 39 (312), 75(101). see AEGIATILIS, CHARADRlUS. LEUCOPOLIUS. see CHARADRIUS alexandrinus

A. rofa Tufa

A. aUe 14 (100), 39 (136,434,439), 42 (123), see ALLE, MERGULUS, PLAUTUS. PLOTUS.



162 ANAS 8.Dglorum anglorum ANSER &D.ser AN'THUS apiaster apricnrius APUS apus apus ~untlcus AQUILA ~uila arctica.

Bolet.im do ll!u.seu. Mwmci:paJ do Funchal No. XXXIV, Art. 150

A. A. aootn A. BlDlericana A. boscblll< A. clypeata. A. c.recca.. A. c-recca carolinen-ge A. crecca crecca A. discors A. ierus A. nigra A. penelope A. p!&tyrhyncba A. p. piatyrhyncha A. platyrbynchos A. querquedula A. rubripes see PUFFlNUS see REGULUS regulus A. A. albifrons albirrons A. anser A. a.rvensls A. bra.chyrhynchus A. ferus see ANSER A. berthelottii maderensis A. spinoletta see MEROPS

see CHARADRIUS. PLUVIALIS. A. apus A. apus apus A. murinus A. m-urin«s brehmorum A. pallidus A. unicolor A. ullicolor unieoJor see APUS. MICRO PUS. see APUS apus see RALLUS A. chrysaetos A. chrysaetus

see FREGATA. TACHYPETES see FRATERCULA 39 (136). 66 (52). 75 (194), 84 (8, 9). 13 (l93, 196), 39 (152, 431). 45 (326), 63 (85), 75 (80, 194). Ii (128), 6 (102, 107), 7 (91). 8 (36, 4.1), 13 (193, 196), 14 (l08). 75 (194). 5 (128), 6 (102, 107). 7(91), 8(37,41), 13 (193, 196). 14 (l09), 39 (150, 152. 431), 45 (315, 322, 325), 61(132), 66 (52), 75 (81, 95), 84 (8, 9), 85 (280, 283), 88'(66), 91. 45 (315). 45 (3J5), 'If> (192), 96 (9). 75 (80, 193). 5 (128). 1 (7). 4 (84), 5 (128). 13 093, 196), 39 (431), 45 (315, 326), ·:7 (~:C), 5J (33), 75 (93), 39 (141, 152, 431), 42 (123), 15 (322, 325). 27 (J4). 64 (126), 66 (51), 75 (94, 192), 84 (3, 8, 9), 85 (280,282,294), 86 (68), 88 (66). 75 (193). 83 (88l. 9l. 75 (191). 14 (110). 39 ('132), 45 (327), 75 (190). 83 (88). 75 (81, 191). 8 (18). Z7 (51). 53 (92). 14 (115). 39 (435). 88 (71), 92 (486), 47 (337), 50 (31), 75 (233). 45 (324). 27 (51). 92 (485) 45 (3i9, 320). 92 (485). 27 (51). 39 (432). 45 (327). 75 (199, 246). 1'1 (110).


1982 Le Grand & FurtG.ldo, OrnilthaZogica.1 BibU.ography of the Azores 163 ARDEA ARDEOLA ARDETTA ARENARIA a.l'enaria argentatns argentatus arquata arquata ARQUATELLA arquatu8 arvensls ASIO assimilis ASTUR atlantis A. alba A. cinerea A. cinerea cinerea A. comata A. egretta A. garzetta. A. gularis A. minuta A. nyctico.rax A. purpurea A. stellaris A. ibis A. ralloides A. rninuta A. A. inter pres

A. inter pres interpres


see LARUS argenta.tus see NUMENIUS

see NUMENIUS arquata A. mlLritima



A. accipitrlna A. flammeus A. otus A. otu8 canariensls A. otlls otliS see PUFFlNUS A. palumbarius see LARUS 6 (101, 107), 7 (91), 8 (34, 41), 13 (192,196.199), 75 (183). 1 (7), 5 (70, 125), 6 (100, 107, 7 (91), 8 (33, 41), 13 (192, 196), 14 (108), 32 (38), 45 (315, 326), 56 (184), 64 (126), 65 (305), 66 (49), 67 (74, 81), 75(181), 83 bis, 84 (3, 4, 6, 8), 85 (280, 282), 86 (68), 88 (71), 91, 98 (1), 101. 29 (63), 39 (430), 47 (336, 339), 50 (32). 13 (193, 196). 8 (34, 41), 13 (192, 196), 75 (183). 6 (101,107), 7 (91), 8 (34, 41), 13 (192, 196, 199), 75 (183). ]a (193, 196, 199), 14 (107), 75 (184). 6 (101, 107), 13 (193, 196). 13 (193, 196). 1 (7), 4 (84), 5 (70, 125), 6 (101, 107), 7 (91), 8 (33, 41), 13 (192, 196), 14 (108), 39 (431), 45 (326), 76 (183). 13 (193, 196). 77 (461). 14 (107), :~9 (430), 45 (315, 326). 56 (184), 60 (116), 75 (186). 7 (91), 8 (34, 41), 14 (107). 86 (68). 14 (102), 45 (317, 325), 53 (98), 66 (186), 64 (128), 65 (305), 66 (53), 67 (75,81), 71 (28,34), 75 (29), 84 (1, 5), 85 (280, 284), 88 (71), 101, 108. 24 (47), 39 (315), 47 (335, 339), 50 (32), 53 (98), 75 (207). 13 (191, 196). 15 (325). 14 (113). 39 (435), 45 (325), 75 (232, 218), 91. 6 (94, 106), 7 (90), 8(22,41), 14(113), 25 (9). 27 (14), 39 (144, 150, 151), 42 (124, 125), 45 (323), 63 (83), 64 (131), 75 (135, 232, 248), 85 (281), 88 (67, 70), 91, 96 (10), 101, 108, 110 (2). 39 (142), 86 (294). 96 (16). 14 (113), 29 (72). 39 (112, 331). 42 (130), 63 (82). 71 (24). 75 (38, 60. 135, 136), 96 (16). 16 (6). 25 (3).


164 atlantis a.tra atra atrat-us a.trica.pllla. alricapilla anrn.ntiivontris aoritu8 australis avosetta. AYTHYA azorensis azorica azoricus baillon! bannermani barbara baroH BARTRAMIA ba.ssana bella bern!c1 .. bernicla berthe!ottil boarnla boarula bolli! boreali. boreaUs bl>"cha.s BOTAURUS b&Uwryi bracltyrhynchus BRANTA b.rehmorum BUCEPHALA BULBUCUS BULWERIA bolw61'U

Boletim do Museu Munioi:pa;l do Funch;al No. XXXIV, Art. 150

see COLU~IBA livia, LARUS argcnta.t.us, LARUS cachlnnans, LARUS

fuscos, SYLVIA atricapllla. see FULICA

see FULICA atl'B see CYGNUS see SYLVIA

see SYLVIA a.tl'icapllla

see CARDUELIS chloris, CHLORIS chloris. see COLY-MBUS, PODICEPS, TURTUR. see ALECTORIS rufo. see RECURVlROSTRA A. A. americana A. coUa.ris A. ferina A. follgula A. marila

see TURDUS .mcrula. see COLUMBA pa.lumbu8 see REGULUS cTistatos,

sce PUFFINUS obscurus see BUTEO buteo see ALECTORIS see PUFFINUS II.ssimilis

B. longlcaoda see SULA

see SYLVIA c.onspicilata. see BRANTA

see I3RANTA bernlcl .. see ANTHUS see MOTACILLA see MOTACILLA boarula see COLUMBA see NUMENIUS 91. 84 (7). 66 (52), 75 (80. 195). 75 (195). 83 bis. 81 (7). 50 (33), 51 (29), 75 (196), 76 (195). REGULUS rego106. 75 (216). 83 bis.


dlomedea., PUFFI· see ANAS B. lentiginl>sus B. stellarl. B. stellar!. stellaris see TORCAZA see ANSER B. bernicl .. bernicla B. leucl>psis see APUS marlnus B. c1a.ngola B. ibis B. ~ulwerii B. bulwerii hulwerH see BULWERIA see THALASSIDROMA 14 (108), 39 (152. 431) 45 (328), 75 (80. 186). 6 (101. 107), 7 (91), 8 (34, 41). 14 (108). 39 (431). 45 (315, 326) 75(185). 47 (334), 50 (31). 29 (63), 39 (432), 45 (327), 75 (191). 14 (110), 39 (432), 45 (327), 75 (191). 39 (431), 45 (325), 75 (197). 75 (184). 14 (97), 39 (430, 437), 45 (314), 64 (131). 71 (27), 75 (92. 93), 85 (279, 282), 88 (66). 96 (li), 108. 27 (61).75(91).


1982 Le Gra?14 &; Furtado, Orfliitho·l>ogi:cal Bibliography of the Azores 165 bulwerl1 BURHINUS BUTEO buteo buteo cabrerae CACCABIS cachinnllns cachinnans caelebis caeruleus caesius CALANDRELA CALIDRIS

see BULWERIA bulweriJ

B. oedicoeunus B. buteo B. buteo bannennani B. buteo buteo B. buteo harterti B. buteo Insularum B. boteo rothschildi B. buteo zimmermannoe B. deserl-orum B. ol'eophlJus B. vulgari~

see BUTEO, FALCO. see BUTEO buteo

see TURDUS merul .. C. rufa

C. rufu.

see LARUS argentatus see LARUS see FRINGILLA see PARUS see PORPHYRIO C. rufescens C. alb .. C. alpina C. alpina alpina C. alpina schintzi C. a.rena.:ria. C. ca.nutos C. canutus canutus C. ferrusinea C. fusclcoUis C. hi&ticula C. maritima C. mauri C. melanol-os C. minnta 39 (434.), 45 (326), 75 (222), 27 (51), 39 (138, 150, 151, 153,311). 42 (117), 45 (319, 320, 323). 53 (98), 1)3 (83), 75 (251), 85 (280, 283, 293)' 88 (66, 67, 68), 91, 92 (485), 97 (7), 101, 108. . 39 (142). 39 (312); 63 (83). 39 (142, 311), 85 (293), 96 (16). 14 (80, 111), 16 (7), 21 (48), 25 (3), 27 (14), 39 (142), 45 (323), 85 (293)' 96 (16). 21 (48), 29 (63), 38 (572), 39 (142, 309), 42 (124, 128), 45 (323), 60 (116), 63 (82), 64 (126), 71 (24) 75 (38, 59, 69i, 83 bios, 85 (280, 283, 293), 86 (67, 68), 96 (9, 16), 98 (11), 110 (2). 39 (142, 143). 6 (94), 8 (22). 29 (64). 1 (7), 2 (16), 5 (66, 71, 114), 6 (94, 106). 7 (90), 8 (21, 22, 41), 12 (217), 13 (189, 196). 6 (99, 107), 7 (90), 8 (31, 41), 13 (190, 196), 24 (44). 14 (92). 45 (324). 86 (68). 75 (213), 101. 47 (334), 66 (59), 75 (211), 84 (2), 101. 47 (338). 75 (211). 13 (191, 196), 14 (104). 39 (433), 45 (325), 66 (58), 75 (21,0), 84 (1), 101. 47 (344), 50 (32). 66 (59), 75 (212), 85 (281, 285). 39 (133), 66 (58), 75 (80, 213), 84 (1). 84 (51. 39 (433), 75 (212). 83 (87). 66 (58), 75 (80, 213), 84 (6). 39 (433), 66 (58), 75 (210), 84 (2), 101.


166 CALONECTRIS cunarla cana.ria cs.na.riensis canariensis cana.rius canar\u's CIl·Dnllbina. caDorus cantarella cantia.ca cantiana cantianus canus canuta canntus canutus CAPELLA ca;pirote CAPRIMULGUS carbo CARDUELIS cardnelis CARIXA carolinense ca.splcus cassln'i castro castro CATHARACTA CERCHNElS CERCUNEIS CERYLE CHARADRlUS

Bolerim do Mu.seu. Mtllnio;.p:~l do Funcha;l No, xxxrv, Art. 150

C. minutilla 75 (80, 211), 84 (2, 3, 5).

C. pusilla 75 (80, 211), 84 (2, 3, 4, 5).

C. diomede&. 101, 108.

C. diomedea borealie 75 (38, 51, 59, 84, 85), 85 (279, 282),

86 (68), 96 (9).


see SERINUS can aria, SERINUS serlnus, see FRINGILLA

see ASIO otnR, COLUMBA livia, FALCO tinnnnculus, MOTACILLA



see SERIXUS canarlus



see ALAUDA anensls sec STERNA




\See CALIDRlS, TRINGA. see CALIDRIS canutus C. gaJlinago

C. ga.JIina.go gall i nago

see SYLVIA atricllpJlla C. europaeus see PHALACROCORAX C. cardueHs C. ca.rduelis !l.(ricana C. cardllelis pan'a C. cardnelis IschusH C. chloris C. c, aurantiiventris 39 (162,431), 15 (325), 53 (98). 47 (:J:1S) , 339), 50 (33), 66 (54). 75 (233). 39 (143, 150, 161), 42 (124), 53 (98, 97), 75 (1S1), 85 (295), 88 (66, 70), 92 (485), 96 (10), l01, 108. 39 (427), 75 (163). 24 (19), 29 (8l), a9 (426, 427, 440), 42 (132), 60 (1.1.6, 118), 63 (81), 64 (130, 135), 75 (39, 'J.2, 60, 161, 163), 83 bis, 85 (281, 294), 95 (4), 96 (10). 39 (427). 96 (10), 108. 60 (116, 11.8, 119) 63 (81).


C. """"chato. 8 (18).

see ANAS crecca


see PYRRlIULA pyrrhula


see OCEANODROlYIA castro C. skua C. tinnunculus C. t, tinnuncu)us C. alcyoD C. C. o.loxandrin:rs 75 (223, 247). 14 (112). 29 (64). 14 (114), 39 (436), 45 (328). 86 (68). 39 (149, 151, 314), 42 (129), 16 (32G), 50 (33), 51 (30), 62 (182), 56 (186), 60 (US, 118), 63 (8,3), 64 (128), 71 (28.34), 75 (6, l.~, 59, 111,112,208), 85 (280, 284, 293), 88(66, 69), 108.


1982 Le Grand .:{; Furtado, ONvi<th%,gtool Bwlwgraphy of the Azores 167 CHELIDON CHEN CHLIDON1AS CHLORIS chloris chloris chloropus chloropu,s CHORDEILES chrysa~to" chrysR~tus CICONIA ciconia c1neracea cinerea. cinerea clnereus CLANULA clangula clypeata coccinea cocclnca COCCYZUS coe1ebs coelebs colchlcus COLEUS COLINUS colla.rls COLLOCALIA collybita C. R. nlexandrinus C. alexandrlnus spatz! C. apricarius C. dubius curonicus C, hlaticula C. pluviaIia C. voclferU8 C, nrbtca C. hyperborea C, hyperboreus C, C. nig"r C. niger niger C. chloris C, c. aurantiiventris C. chloris chloris


see GALLINULA chloropus C. minor see AQUILA see AQUILA C. alba C, clconia see CICONIA see PYRRHULA 27 (51), 29 (67), 39 (314), 63 (82), 75 (38, 205), 95 (2, 3), 96 (9). 39 (314). 39 (433), 45 (326). 39 (433), 15 (326), 75 (205). 39 (433), 45 (326), 64 (128), 66(53), 75 (205), 84 (4). 14 (l03) , 39 (152, 433), 45 (328)' 51 (30), 75 (80, 206), 14 (120). 75 (192), 77 (451). 83 (88). 45 (317), 51 (29). 47 (334), 50 (32). 39 (143, 150, 151), 42 (124), 53 (90), 75 (163), 85 (281), 88 (66, 67). 14 (127), 27 (14), 29 (61). 39 (428, 429), 42 (132), 64 (130), 75 (39, 60, 163), 85 (289, 294), 95 (3). 39 (428, 429), 75 (451), 83 (88). 13 (193, 196). 14 (108), 39 (431), 45 (327), 75 (188),


see PUFFIN US C. cIangula C. hyemalis 14 (109), 39 (431), 45 (325), 47 (331), 50 (31), 75 (197), 77 (451).



see PYRRHULA pyrrhula C. orythrophthalmus

C. wmerlcs.nns

see FRINGILLA see FRINGILLA coeJebs see PHASIANUS C. monedula C. virginanns see AYTHYA C. fuciphaga' see PHYLLOSCOPUS 14 (114), 230) . 39 (439), 230). 86 (68). 39 (135), 45 (328), 75 (80, 45 (328), 56 (186), 75 (80, 65 (305), 67 (73, 80), 85 (281), 96 (9). 14 (11.5), 39 (435), 45 (328), 75 (80, 234) .


168 COLUMBA co1u'm bianuB COLYMBUS co.mata COMATIBIS COdllIDunis confisa conflsa consplcUata COD.turbans conturbans

BoleNm do Museu MuwiClipllil do Funchal No. XXXIV, Art. 150

C. bollli C. domostica C. junonlo.c C. laurivora. C. Hvia C. livia atlantis C. livia canariensis C. Iivia domestlca C. IIvia livia C. paJumbus C. palmubus azorica

C. palu'mbus maderensis C. trocaz C. t.urricola. C. tu.tur see OLOR C. C. a.uritus C. gla.cialls C. immer C. Lmmer immer C. nigricolis see ARDEA C. oremIta. C. oremitis see COTURNIX see COTURNIX sec COTllRNIX se~ SYLVIA sc'.: COTURNIX see COTURNIX coturnb:: coturnix 39 (140). 5 (121). 39 (140). 6 (99), 14 (91). 4 (84), 5 (120), 6 (99, 107), 7(90), 8 (31, 41). 11 (5), 13 (190, 196), 14 (94), 21 (15). 26 (57), 27 (14), 29 (69), 39 (139, 119, 150, 151, 153), 42 (117), 45 (323), 53 (98). SO (I1S), 54 (129), 70 (90), 75 l131, 132), 85 (293), 88 (67, 70, 71), 92 (485), 93 (340), 96 (10, 16), 98 (1). 100 (2). 101, 107 (45), 108. 35 (117), 39 (329), 71 (29), 75 (38, 59, 132), 83 bis, 85 (281, 285, 294), 86 (68). 85 (294). 8 (18). 27 (51). 35 (117), 39 (141, 329), 42 (130), 63 (82, 83, 84), 75 (132), 96 (16). 6 (99, 107), 7 (90), 8 (30, 41), 39 (149, 150, 1(2), 45 (323), 53 (98), 63 (83), 75 (128), 84 (4, 7), 88 (67, 70)' 92 (484, 485), 96 (16), 101, 107 (45), 108. 14 (80, 93), 24 (14j, 25 (9), 27 (14), 29 (70). 39 (111, 327, 139). 42 (130), 63 (82). 61 (129), 71 (25, 30, 34), 75 (38. 41, 59, 79, 128), 83 bis, 85 (281, 285), 86 (68), 90, 96 (10, 16, 22), 110 (4). 27 (51). 39 (141, 327), 75 (128), 85 (294), 96 (16). 1 (7), 1. (84), 5 (70, 71, 122), 6 (99), 11 (80, 82, 91), 27 (51), 39 (140), 75 (128) . 1 (7), 5 (69, 71, 121). 1 (7), 1. (8'1), 6 (123). 1. (81). 14 (96), 5 (127), 13 (195, 197, 199). 39 (429), 45 (324), 50 (31). 47 (3:15). 14 (96). 39 (431), 15 (328), 75 (80). 14 (107).


1932 CORACIAS corax corone correiana CORVUS cothurolx COTURNIX cotnl'nix coturnix crecca crecca crepitans OREX cre:<: cristatus CROCETHIA CUCULUS curronlcus CURRUCA CYGNUS delawarensis

Le Grand &i Fw'tauw, Ornit.hological Bibliography of the A~ores 169

C. garrulus garrulllS see CORVUS see CORVUS

see GALLINULA chloropus C. C. corax C. corone C. frugilegus C. monedula see PERDIX C. confisa. C. ronturbans C. communis C. cotu.rnix C. coturnix a!ricana C. cotnrnix confisa C. coturnix conturbans C. coturnix coturnix 75 (235). 45 (318). 5 (119), 13 (189, 195), 45 (318), 86 (68). 14 (128), 39 (436), 45 (326), 75 (238), 86 (68). 14 (128), 39 (436), 45 (326), 75 (238). 86 (68), 75 (238). 85 (293). 85 (293). 6 (99, 107), 7 (90), 8 (32, 41), 13 (190, 196), 26 (57). 20. 39 (149, 150, 151, 153), 45 (323), 63 (83, 84), 75 (102), 85 (280, 283, 284), 88 (66, 68), 91, 92 (485), 101, 108. 14 (92, 93), 20, 29 (64), 39 (142, 313), 45 (323), 75 (102, 200), 86 (67). 20, 27 (51), 39 (141, 142, 313), 75 (102), 86 (67), 96 (16), 20, 24 (44), 27 (14), 29 (64), 39 (HI, 142,313, 437), 42 (124, 128), 45(315), 60 (116). 63 (82), 64 (127), 71 (24), 75 (38, 59, 79, 102, 104, 2(0), 83 bis, 86 (67, 68), 95 (4), 96 (9, 16), 99. 14 (93), 20, 39 (313), 75 (103, 104), 200). C. coturnix inopinata 20, 39 (313). see COTURNIX, PERDIX.

see COTURNIX coturnix


see AN.AS cre<:cll, NETTION cracca, see OEDICNEMUS C, CTeX 14 (95), 29 (65), 39 (432), 45 (326), 56 (185), 75 (203). C. pratensis 6 (102, 107), 7 (91), 8 (36, 41), 13 (192, 196). see CREX


C. canorus

see CHARADRIUS dobius C. heinBkeni C. atTatn8 see LARUS 29 (67), 39 (433), 45 (325), 47 (335, 338), 50 (32), 66 (59), 75 (13). 13 (184, 195), 14 (114), 39 (435), 45 (326), 77 (229). 6 (96), 8 (24). 5 (128), 8 (18), 65 (306),67 (78,82), 71 (27), 75 (189),


170 DELICHON DENDROCOPUS DEMIGRETTA desertornm di .. medea diomedea diseors disputans doonestiea domestica domestiens domesticus dougallii dougallii DRYOBATES dnbia dubins edwards! EGRETTA egretta egrBtta eleonorae epops epops eremita eremitis ernesti EROLIA ERYTHACUS

Boletim do Museu Mumicqpa!l do Funch.al No. XXXIV, Art. 150 D. D. D. D. D. see nrbiea major minor gnlaris BUTEO 39 (435), 45 (326), 75 (237), 88 (71), 92 (486). 14 bis (123). 13 (184, 195). 13 (184, 195), 25 (6). 45 (328), 75 (80). see see CALONECTRIS, PROCELL ARIA PROCELLARIA, PUFFINUS. dh.medea see ANAS

see PROCELLARIA dioruedea see COLUMBA, HIRUNDO. see COLUMBA livia see GALLUS, PASSER. see PASSER domestiens see STERNA

see STERNA dougallii D. major

D. minor


see PROCELLARIA diomedea, E. alba E. alba alba E. alba egretta E. egretta E. garzetta E. garzetta garzetta E. gularis E. intermedia 75 (249,252). 6 (98, 107), 7 (90), 8 (30, 41), 14 (84, 114), 39 (140, 145,435), 42 (118), 75 (235, 248, 249, 250), 86 (68). PUFFINUS knhlii 52 (182), 75 (183). 39 (430), 45 (327), 52 (182), 75 (183). 39 (430), 45 (328), 75 (80, 183). 75 (9). 45 (327), 65 (305), 66 (51), 67 (76, 81), 75 (183), 88 (71), 108. 39 (430). 39 (430), 75 (184). 39 (430), 45 (328), 75 (251). see ARDEA, EGRETTA, HERODIAS

see EGRETTA alba see FALCO see UPUPA see UPUP A epops

see COlVIATIBIS, GERONTICUS. see CO"MATIBIS see TYTO E. alpina E. fnseieollis E. maritima maritima E. rminnta E. testaeea E. rnbooula 50 (32), 51 (29). 45 (328). 24 (47). 45 (328). 45 (317, 328). 5 (120), 6 (95, 106), 7 (90), 8 (23, 41), 13 (187, 195), 14 (80, 117), 26 (57), 39 (144, 150, 151, 154), 42 (125), 45 (323), 53 (96), 60 (116, 118), 63 (83), 64 (129), 71 (23), 75 (60, 141), 83 bis, 85 (281, 286), 88 (66, 67, 71), 91, 92 (485), 96 (10, 14), 97 (6), 100 (2), 101, 108.


1982 Le Grand & Furtado, Ornithologiool Bib/Jiography of the Azores 171 erythrophthabnus erythropns EUDROMIAS enropea. europa~a eurnpaeus exllis falclnellu8 FALCO reae ferlna fllrrllginea ferus f1O-mmea fmmmens flavO-navlpcs ila.virost·rls flnvlatllis FRATERCULA FREGATA FRINGILLA E. rubecula melophilus E. rubecula mlcrorhynchus E. rubecula rubecula E. rnbecnlO- superbu8 see COCCYZUS

see TOTA]I.'1JS, TRINGA. E. morinellus


see PYRRHULA pyrrhula see CAPRIMULGUS see IXOBRYCHUS see PLEGADIS F. F. buteo F. eleonora,e F. naUlJDa·nni naumanni F. perflgrinu8 F. spllrteveriu8 F. tlnnunculus F. tinnunculus canarlensls F. tlnnunculus tlnnunculus see PTERODROMA mollis see AYTHYA. FULIGULA, see CALIDRIS


14 (117). 96 (16). 14 (117), 24 (48), 27(14, 51), 29 (75), 39 (142, 334, 335), 12 (l30), 63 (82), 75 (38, 112), 95 (2, 3), 96 (16). 14 (117), 75 (142). 83 (88). 86 (68). <1 (831. 45 (321). 75 (199). 14 (112). 39 (432), 45 (327), 75 (199, 246). 77 (151). 83 (88). 5 (67), 39 (437), 45 (326). 66 (52), 92 (486), 27 (51). 39 (432), 47 (337), 50 (31), 75 (198) FULIX, l\nIROCA.

see PEOCELLARIA dloont'Aea, PUFFINUS kuhlli see STERNA F. arctics. F. F. aquila F. ma.l\11lficens F. minor F. F. cafllebis F. ca.na.ria.. F. cannriensis F. canuriensls F. carduells F. coelebs moreleUi 14 (100), 39 (136, 327), 12 (123), 45 (317,325), 56 (185), 75 (5,229). 45 (314). 14 (110), 39 (430), 45 (314). 45 (314), 75 (80, 181l. 45 (314). 3(409), 7 (92) 5 (68, 117), 8 (18, 28l. 1 (7), 3 (411), 4 (52), 5 (68, 71,117, 118). 7 (92), 8 (28), 26 (57). r, (117). 13 (186, 195), 3 (412), 6 (97), 39 (150, 151, 152, 153), 45 (323), 53 (91, 94, 97, 98), 55 (458, 471), 63 (83), 73, 75 (157, 160). 85 (294), 88 (67, 70), 91, 92 (485), 96 (14, 16), 97 (5), 100 (2), 101, 105, 108.


172 bngllegns Juc1phaga FULlCA fuUcarlus fnliginosa fuliglnosus FULIGULA fnIlgula FULIX Juscat& fuscata fU8clcoIIls fUSCU8 fuscus galbnla galeata GALLINAGO

Boletim do Museu MwnioipaJ d'o Func.hiJ;Z No. XXXIV, Art. 150

F. coelebs Ilfricana F. coelebs coelebs F. coelebs madel'ensis F. coelebs m~rclettl F. eoelebs ombrlosQ F. eoeJebs palmae F. coeJebs spodJogcny·s F. eoelebs tlntilhm F. moreletti F. petronia F. poJ",tzeki F. serinns F. spodiogena F. spodiogenys F. teydea F. t1ntillon sec CORVUS see COLLOCALIA F. atra F. atra atra sec PHALAROPUS see STERNA see PUFFlNUS F. ferlna


F. da.ngula.

F. farina,


see STERNA luseata

39 (419). ~9 (416, 419), 75 (160), 105. 14 (122, 123), 27 (50), 29 (78), 39 (142, 419), 85 (294), 96 (16), 105. 14 (80, 122), 24 (49), 25 (9), 27 (14), 29 (78), 39 (142, 417, 419, 424. 440), 42 (131), 60 (116), 63 (82), 64 (131), 71 (23), 75 (39, 59, 157, 159), 79, 83 bls, 84 (7), 85 (281, 290), 86 (68), 95 (2, 3), 96 (10, 16), 105. 85 (294), 105. 85 (294), 105. 39 (419). 85 (294). 3 (412), 4 (84), 5 (118), 6 (97, 105, 107, 108), 7 (90, 92), 8 (26, 27, 28), 9 (279), 14 bis, 26 (57). 5 (119). 18 (119). 1 (7), 4 (52, 84), 5 (68, 71, 116, 117) 6 (97). 7 (92). 3 (412). 3 (411, 412), 7 (92), 39 (140), 53 (94), 75 (157). 3 (411), 5 (118), 6 (97, 108), 7 (92), 8 (19, 26, 27, 28, 41), 9 (279), 11 (5). 13 (186, 195, 199, 201), 26 (57). 6 (102, 107), 7 (91), 8 (36, 41), 13 (192, 196), 14 (95), 39 (136. 141, 149, 150, 432), 42 (123), 45 (322), 56 (186), 60 (116, 119), 63 (82, 83), 64 (128), 65 (305), 66 (53), 67 (77,81), 75 (59. 108), 83 bis, 84 (4), 85 (280, 284, 294), 86 (68), 88 (67), 96 (9). 108. 27 (11), 29 (66), 38 (573), 39 (438), 42 (128), 45 (317). 75 (38, 201), 96 (9). 14 (109), 13 (193, 196, 199). 13 (193, 196).



see LARUS fuSen.




1982 Le G-rand &, Furta4.o, Or-ni,tht;logicc.,l Bibliography of the Azores 173 gallinago gallinag-o GALLINULA gal1opavo GALLUS garrulu8 garrulus GARZETTA garzetta garzetta GAVIA GELOCHELIDON gentllis GERONTICUS gJo.clalis glareo)a glaucoldes godmani grael\sii granU gravis grlselgcna griseiventris grisous GRUS grus gularls guttata HAEMATOPUS haliaetus haliaetus HARELDA harteti hasita.ta heluekeni G. gallinago G. media 14 (105), 75 (39, 117, 209), 85 (280, 284, 294), 88 (67, 69, 72), 91, 96 (10), 97 (8), 101, 107 (45), 110 (6). 6 (101, 107), 7 (91), 8 (35, 41), 13 (191, 196), 75 (117).


see CAPELLA galJlnago G. ch)or<>pus G. cluodopus chloropus G. chloropus correlana see :vTELEAGRIS G. domesticus see CORACIAS

see CORACIAS garrulll.S

1 (7), 5 (70, 125), 6 (102, 107), 7 (91), 8 (36, 41), 13 (192, 196), 14 (96), 39 (136, 149, 150, 152), 45 (317, 322), 60 (119), 63 (83), 75 (105), 84 (9), 85 (280, 283, 284), 88 (66, 68), 91, 96 (9), 108. 29 (65), 75 (105, 106, 107, 201), 88 (68). 29 (65), 38 (572), 39 (141, 313), 42 (123,128),63 (82),64 (128),65 (305), 67 (77, 81), 75 (38, 39, 59, 74, 105, 106), 85 (294), 86 (66), 88 (68), 95 (3), 96 (9). 5 (124), 8 (18). G. garzeHa 14 (107).


see EGRETTA garzetta

G. Imber 14 (96). G. Immer 24 (190), 75 (175), 103 (3). G. steUata 103 (1). G. nllotiea 77 (452), 80 (196), 83(88). see ACCIPITER G. eremlta 75 (188).




see PUFFINUS &9similis

see LARUS futeus

see ACCIPITER n.leus, STURNUS vulga.ris.




G. gruB 75 (200).

see GRUS


see TYTO alba

H. H. see see H. see see see meade-waldol ostralegus PANDION PANDION haliaetus glBClaUs BUTEO buteo PROCELLARIA CURRUCA, SYLVIA. 45 (320). 75 (203). 13 (193, 196, 199), 14 (109),


174 Bolet!?n do· Museu Mu'l'llioi.pwl do Funch!.aZ No. XXXIV, Art. 150 heinekcn HERODlAS hlaUcula HIMANTOPUS hlm .... topn. himantopus HIPPOLAIS HIRUNDO hl~n .. do hi ru nd{) hispanica hlspa.lllolensis ho'rtnlanos hullsonicus HYDROBATES HYDROCHCLIDON HYDROCOLOEUS hyemalls HYLOCICHLA hyperborea hyperboreos h'ypoleuca hypoleucas il)is leterilla ietl .. n.~ igllicapillus lliaen. Imber immer immer Inerml,s Inopinata Insularum interceden·s iDtermedin. intermedla iote~pres lnterpres IXOBRYCHUS jU80lliae kDlllU kuhlil see H. H. see H. see see H. H. H. H. see see see Bee see sec H. H. H. see H. see SYLVIA atricapiJIa alba egretta AEGIATILIS, CALIDRIS, hLmantopus himantopus HIMANTOPUS HIMANTOPUS hilmantopus ieteriDa domestio£L rustics. rustlea rustlca. STERNA STERNA hi~undo ALECTORIS ~ufa. PASSER SERINUS NUMENIUS phaeopus pelagious nigra ridibundus ridibundus CLANGULA mu.t.eliD& CHEN 14 (107). 14 (107). CHARADRIUS. 75 (220). 53 (93). 5 (69). 5 (120), 13 (186. 195). 14 (120), 39 (435). 45 (326). 51 (3D). 75 (236). 92 (4851. 47 (334. 338). 60 (311. 58 (147), 64 (125). 85 (279). 86 (68). 96 (19). 47 (334). 29 (68). 75 (80. 240).










see REGULUS regulus sce COTURNIX cotnrDlx


sec PORZANA pusilla.


I. exllls 1. miDutus I.miDutus mlnutus 1. mlnutus payesl see COLUMBA see PUFFINUS

see PUFFINUS kuhlil

PORZANA. 75 (80. 187). 39 (430). 45 (315. 326). 66 (51). 103 (6). 75 (186). 83 (137).


Fig.  1.  - Pyrrhula  . murin ..  Godman,  1866,  from  IBIS  1866,  PI.  III


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