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Academic year: 2021






Jonas Bernardes Bica1; Cátia Viviane Gonçalves2; André Jasper34


The integration of society with the environment often goes unnoticed in the daily routine of users in urban environments. On the other hand, urban landscaping seeks harmony between natural and built-up environments. This study identified native and exotic species in common areas on campus of Centro Universitário UNIVATES. We collected samples of the arboreal species and identified them with specific dichotomous keys.We found 465 individuals of 59 species in 26 families. We observed a predominance of exotic species (35; 50.3%) over native ones (27; 49.7%). The most frequently species found were Dypsis lutescens (65 individuals), Syagrus romanzoffiana (52 individuals), Inga marginata (77 individuals), Peltophorum dubium (21 individuals) and Bauhinia sp. (27 individuals). The species Butia capitata, Ficus luschnathiana and Ficus cestrifolia are highlighted for their ecological significance. Aiming to improve interaction between the students and the environment, nameplates containing information about the species occurrence, scientific name, and popular name were attached to the trees. We hope that this information helps to value and preserve the green areas on the UNIVATES campus.

Keywords: green areas; tree identification; interaction; self-guided knowledge.



A integração da sociedade com o meio ambiente, muitas vezes passa desapercebida no cotidiano de transeuntes que circulam por áreas verdes, por outro lado, o paisagismo urbano busca harmonia entre o ambiente natural e o construído. Buscou-se identificar as espécies nativas e exóticas encontradas nas áreas de uso comum do campus da Univates. Foram coletadas amostras de espécies arbóreas e arborescentes presentes nas áreas comuns do campus e, com auxílio de chaves dicotômicas específicas, realizou-se a identificação das mesmas. Foram encontradas 465 espécimes de 59 espécies, distribuídas em 26 famílias. As espécies exóticas tiveram uma maior ocorrência do que as nativas, sendo que foram encontradas 35 (50,3%) espécies exóticas e 27 (49,7%) nativas. As espécies encontradas com maior frequência foram Dypsis lutescens (65 indivíduos), Syagrus romanzoffiana (52 indivíduos), Inga marginata (77 indivíduos), Peltophorum dubium (21 indivíduos) e Bauhinia sp. (27 indivíduos). As espécies Butia capitata, Ficus cestrifolia e Ficus luschnathiana são destaque por sua importância ecológica. Visando proporcionar a maior interação entre os estudantes e o meio ambiente, foram implantadas placas com informações sobre ocorrência, nomenclatura científica e popular das espécies, contribuindo para conhecimento monitorado ou autoguiado bem como para a valorização e auxílio na manutenção dos ambientes verdes da Univates.

Palavras-chave: Áreas verdes; identificação arbórea; interação; conhecimento autoguiado.

1 Biólogo, Mestrando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento do Centro Universitário UNIVATES (PPGAD/Univates – Bolsa FAPERGS), Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, contato: jonas2bel@universo.univates.br

2 Bióloga, Mestre em Ecologia, coordenadora do Programa Interno de Separação de Resíduos do Centro Universitário UNIVATES (PISR/UNIVATES), Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, contato: biologacatia@univates.br

3 Biólogo, Doutor em Geociências, Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento do Centro Universitário UNIVATES (PPGAD/Univates), Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, contato: ajasper@univates.br


recebido em 30.09.2013 e aceito para publicação em 15.12.2013 ISSN 1980-7694 ON-LINE



Urban afforestation contributes to maintaining a pleasant environment playing an important role in the quality of life in cities and, therefore, in the health of the population (MÜLLER, 1998). Shams; Giacomeli and Sucomine (2009) state that an accelerated urbanization process can cause serious damage to the environment, as well as considerable economic losses, affecting social and quality of life in urban communities. In this sense, in addition to the quality of life of people, urban afforestation is very important for biodiversity conservation in cities (RICHTER et al., 2012).

Sanchotene (1994) defined urban afforestation as a set of the arboreal vegetation, natural or cultivated, in private areas, parks, squares, streets, and in green areas. Richter et al. (2012) states that the urban afforestation refers to tree-sized plants, within the city, thus, the trees

planted on sidewalks are part of this landscape composition, as well as those planted in parks and squares. For Schanzer (2003), the presence of vegetation exerts great influence on aspects of environmental comfort especially on issues regarding thermal comfort and the perception of the built-up environment.

Floristic surveys on campuses allow the development of management and monitoring actions of local afforestation, which provides benefits and welfare to the environment as well as to the population that frequent the area (COSTA; MACHADO, 2009) valuing the existing forest in each site (KURIHARA; IMAÑA-ENCINAS; PAULA, 2005).

In order to promote popular and scientific knowledge, this study identified tree and arboreal species in common areas on campus of UNIVATES.


The campus of Centro Universitário UNIVATES (Figure 1), is located in the municipality of Lajeado, in Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. It is inserted into the Atlantic Rainforest Biome, integrating the phytogeographical region Deciduous Forest. We identified tree and arboreal species in common areas of the campus. We use the dichotomous key proposed by Sobral et al. (2013) to identify the native species. For that, the plant material was collected as proposed by Jasper, Musskopf and Majolo (1997). We

identified the exotic species using bibliography for exotic species of Rio Grande do Sul State, mainly Lorenzi (2003).

After the identification, nameplates containing information on the family, scientific and popular names were fixed to all individuals. The species protected by Laws No. 11026/97 and 9519/92 of Rio Grande do Sul State received additional nameplates indicating their legal importance.


Figure 1. Aerial view of the UNIVATES campus.

Source: http://www.univates.br/files/files/univates/institucional/univates_aerea_1_12.jpg, from February 26, 2012.


We identified and delineated 465 individuals of 59 species and 25 families (Table 1). We

registered a predominance of exotic species (35) in relation to native species (27).

Table 1. Species identified on campus of Centro Universitário UNIVATES divided into families and their quantities.

Family Scientific name Popular name

Number of individual s Relative Frequenc y Origin Anacardiacea

e Manguifera indica Manga 1 0.21% Exotic

Schinus terebinthifolius

Aroeira-vermelha 15 3.22% Native

Araliaceae Schefflera arborícola Cheflera 1 0.21% Exotic

Araucariaceae Araucaria columnaris

Pinheiro-de-natal 1 0.21% Exotic



cunninghamii Palmeira-real 5 1.07% Exotic

Butia capitata Butiá 6 1.29% Native

Dypsis decary

Palmeira-triangular 8 1.72% Exotic


Phoenix roebelinii Tamareira-anã 12 2.58% Exotic

Syagrus romanzoffiana Gerivá 52 11.18% Native

Asteraceae Annona sylvatica Araticum 1 0.21% Native



crisotrichus Ipê-amarelo 19 4.09% Exotic


heptaphylus Ipê-roxo 9 1.93% Native

Jacaranda micrantha Caroba 1 0.21% Native

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Jacarandá-mimoso 5 1.07% Exotic

Cannabaceae Trema micrantha Grandiúva 3 0.64% Native


Chamaecyparis obtusa

Cipreste-dourado 1 0.21% Exotic

Cupressus lusitanica

Cipreste-português 15 3.22% Exotic

Cupressus sempervirens Cipreste-comum 1 0.21% Exotic

Juniperus chinensis

torulosa Kaizuca 1 0.21% Exotic

Cycadaceae Cycas revoluta

Palma-de-santa-rita 3 0.64% Exotic

Euphorbiacea e

Alchornea triplinervia Tanheiro 4 0.86% Native

Sapium glandulosum Leiteiro 3 0.64% Native


Acacia mearnsii Acacia 1 0.21% Exotic

Bauhinea sp. Pata-de-vaca 26 5.59% Exotic

Caesalpinia ferrea Pau-ferro 3 0.64% Native


peltophoroides Sibipiruna 12 2.58% Exotic

Calliandra brevipes

Topete-de-cardeal 1 0.21% Native

Inga marginata Ingazeiro 77 16.56% Native

Peltophorum dubium Canafístula 21 4.52% Native

Schizolobium parahyba Guapuruvu 1 0.21% Exótico

Senna oblongifolia Acácia 6 1.29% Native

Tipuana tipu Tipuana 6 1.29% Exotic

Juglandaceae Juglans regia Nogueira 1 0.21% Exotic

Cinnamomun verun Canela-da-índia 5 1.07% Exotic

Nectandra oppositifolia

Canela-ferrugem 1 0.21% Native

Persea americana Abacateiro 2 0.43% Exotic

Meliaceae Guarea machrophylla

Catiguá-morcego 1 0.21% Native

Melia azedarach Cinamomo 1 0.21% Exotic


Ficus benjamini Fico-chorão 3 0.64% Exotic

Ficus cestrifolia

Figueira-de-folha-miúda 3 0.64% Native

Ficus luschnathiana Figueira 2 0.43% Native



xanthocarpa Guabiroba 2 0.43% Native

Eugenia involucrata Cerejeira 18 3.87% Native

Eugenia pyriformis Uvaia 1 0.21% Native

Eugenia uniflora Pitangueira 4 0.86% Native

Psydium guajava Goiabeira 12 2.58% Exotic

Sizygium jambolana João-bolão 3 0.64% Exótico


e Bougainvillea spectabilis Três-marias 3 0.64% Exotic


Pinaceae Pinus eliottii

Pinheiro-americano 1 0.21% Exótico

Proteaceae Grevillea robusta Grevilea 1 0.21% Exotic

Rhamnaceae Hovenia dulcis Uva-do-japão 1 0.21% Exotic

Rosaceae Eryobotria japonica Nespereira 1 0.21% Exotic

Salicaceae Casearia sylvestris Chá-de-bugre 3 0.64% Native


Allophilus edulis Chau-chau 2 0.43% Native

Cupania vernalis

Camboatá-vermelho 1 0.21% Native

Matayba juglandifolia

Camboatá-branco 1 0.21% Native

Solanaceae Solanum mauritianum Fumo-bravo 1 0.21% Native

Native species represent 52.04% of the individuals found (242 trees) and 47.96% exotic individuals (223 trees). The species with higher frequency were Inga marginata, 16.56% with 77 individuals; Dypsis lutescens, 13.98% with 65 individuals; Syagrus romanzoffiana, 11.18% with 52 individuals. These results conflict with Batista et al. (2013), who argues that it is possible to select native species appropriate for the enrichment of regional diversity of afforestation of urban streets, squares and avenues.

For Melo and Severo (2007) the use of ornamental plants in landscaping, as scenic composition or enhancement of structures and environments, has become part of functional aspects of their use with multiple purpose. The functional aspect, the symbiosis between the

objective and the object, where the focus is the improvement of the quality of life for the population is aggregated to the art of beauty, aesthetics and shape (ANGELIS NETO; ANGELIS, 1999).

We observed the preservation of species Butia

capitata, Ficus cestrifolia and Ficus

luschnathiana, identified on campus, is highlighted by their ecological importance. These species are protected by Laws No. 11026/97 and 9519/92 of the Rio Grande do Sul State and were identified with a specific card (Figure 2). The species are kept in strategic locations in terms of ecological and landscape interest.

Figure 2. Specific card for individuals protected by State Law.

Source: Department of Botany and Paleobotany of UNIVATES.

Tradution: ATTENTION This tree is protected from cutting by the state law No. 9519/92

Individual of the ficus genus For further information, call extension 5577


Plant cover on the UNIVATES campus, according to Melo and Severo (2007), can arouse environmental awareness on users through the interpretation of nature and experience in better-preserved areas with landscape biodiversity. This promotes more

integration between the society and the environment, enhancing, in turn, the understanding of the importance of the features of these landscapes, both for the ecological interactions and for the well-being of society.


In this study, we identified 465 arboreal and tree individuals in the common areas of the UNIVATES campus. The delineation and characterization of these individuals allowed to improve the knowledge on arboreal vegetation diversity to student and visitors to the campus. Through the communication means, UNIVATES currently promotes interaction and contact of students and visitors to the campus

with the natural environment of the common areas. UNIVATES also disseminates the green areas of the institution to release information on the interactions of the university with the community, providing popular and scientific knowledge to the population.


The authors wish to thank the students from the Biological Sciences Course at the Centro Universitário UNIVATES: Eduardo Graf, Rosane Pereira da Silva, Claudete Teresinha Klafke Mallman, Talyssa Valerius and Joana Beuren.

We also give thanks to FAPERGS for granting a scholarship to the first author. We would like to thank CNPq, CAPES and FAPERGS for the financial support.


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