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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. vol.37 número2


Academic year: 2018

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Disseminated histoplasmosis and pr imar y centr al

ner vous system lymphoma

Histoplasmose disseminada e linfoma primário

do sistema nervoso central

Jo sé Ro ber to Lamber tucci1, Br uno Mo ur ão Fr ança1 and Vir gínia Ho r a Rio s Leite2

1 . Se r viç o de Do e nç as Infe c c io sas e Par asitár ias da Fac uldade de Me dic ina da Unive r sidade Fe de r al de Minas Ge r ais, B e lo Ho r izo nte , MG e 2 . Se r viç o de Anato mia Pato ló gic a da Fac uldade de Me dic ina da UFMG.

Ad d r e ss to : Dr. J o sé Ro b e r to Lamb e r tuc c i. Ave nida Alfr e do B ale na 1 9 0 , 3 0 1 3 0 - 1 0 0 B e lo Ho r izo nte , MG, B r azil

e -mail: lamb e r @ uai.c o m.b r

Re c e b ido par a pub lic aç ão e m 1 3 /1 /2 0 0 4 Ac e ito e m 2 3 /2 /2 0 0 4




Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 3 7 ( 2 ) :1 9 4 -1 9 5 , mar-abr, 2 0 0 4


1 9 5 La mbe r tuc c i JR e t a l

A 36-year-old man with a previous diagnosis of AIDS was admitted

to hospital complaining of weakness, dry cough, high fever, weight loss and shortness of breath, with onset 1 0 days earlier. He was

treated for cerebral toxoplasmosis in 1 9 9 5 and since then has been

given anti-retroviral drugs, which he takes irregularly. His CD4 count

was 3 4 c e lls/µl and the vir al lo ad was 1 4 3 ,7 3 0 c o pie s/ml. Fo r 6 months he was treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, a probable

diagnosis, based on c irc umstantial evidenc e, without c linic al

improvement. In the present hospitalization, a chest x-ray showed

condensation in the right lung. Computed tomography revealed two cavitations with thick walls and the presence of multiple nodules

disseminated in both lung fields, some with the aspect of a budding

tree, suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis ( Figure A) . During clinical

examination two small ulcers were noticed in his left arm, and a biopsy taken from one of them ( Figure B) confirmed the diagnosis of

cutaneous histoplasmosis. In addition, a liver biopsy and a biopsy of

the bone marrow also found the fungus Histo pla sm a ca psula tum.

With a diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis, intravenous amphotericin B ( 5 0 mg/day) was initiated and the patient improved

quickly. One morning, he woke up complaining of headache, difficulty

in swallowing and left hemiparesis. Computed tomography of the

brain revealed a large c erebral tumor involving the frontal lobe ( Figure C) . He developed seizures which were barely controlled

with anticonvulsants and died a few days later. Necropsy confirmed

the diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis of the lungs, liver, bone

marrow, skin and suprarenal glands. In the brain two lesions were apparent: signs of old and cured toxoplasmosis in the occipital area

and basal ganglia, and primary central nervous system lymphoma

( Figure C – insert) in the frontal and parietal lobe ( arrow) surrounded

by a large hemorrhagic and edematous area, corresponding to the lesion that caused his death.

O pac iente, de 3 6 ano s de idade, c o m o diagnó stic o prévio

de AI DS, ve io ao ho spital q ue ixando - se de fr aq ue za, to sse

se c a, fe b r e alta, pe r da de pe so e dispné ia, de iníc io havia 1 0

dias. Ele fo i tr atado par a to xo plasm o se c e r e b r al e m 1 9 9 5 e , de sde e ntão , fe z uso ir r e gular de anti-r e tr o vir ais. A c o ntage m

de linfó c ito s T CD4 + e r a de 3 4 c é lulas/µl e a carga viral de

1 4 3 .7 3 0 cópias/ml. Por seis meses, ele recebeu tratamento de prova para tuberculose pulmonar sem melhora clínica. Durante a internação

atual, uma radiografia de tórax mostrou a presença de condensação

na base do pulmão direito. A tomografia computadorizada revelou a

presenç a de duas c avitaç ões e de vários nódulos pulmonares disseminados em ambos os pulmões, alguns com aspecto de árvore

em brotamento, sugestivos de tuberculose pulmonar ( Figura A) .

Duas pequenas lesões ulceradas no antebraço esquerdo foram notadas

durante o exame clínico. A biópsia de uma delas ( Figura B) confirmou

o diagnóstico de histoplasmose da pele. A seguir, o fungo Histoplasm a

ca psula tum foi identificado em biópsias do fígado e da medula óssea. Iniciou-se o tratamento da histoplasmose com anfotericina B

( 50mg/dia) e notou-se rápida melhora do quadro clínico. Um dia, o paciente acordou queixando-se de cefaléia, disfagia e hemiparesia

esquerda. A tomografia computadorizada do crânio revelou uma

grande massa tumoral no lobo frontal direito. Ele passou a apresentar

convulsões de difíc il c o ntro le c o m antic o nvulsivantes e mo rreu po uc o s dia s de po is . A n e c r o ps ia c o n fir m o u o dia gn ó s tic o

de h is to pla s m o s e dis s e m in a da do fíga do , pe le , pulm õ e s ,

m e dula ó ssea, e supr a-r enais. No c ér eb r o , havia duas lesõ es:

toxoplasmose c urada na região oc c ipital e em gânglios da base, e linfo ma pr imár io do siste ma ne r vo so c e ntr al ( Figur a C –

destaque) na região fro nto -parietal direita ( seta) , c irc undado

por extensa área de hemorragia e edema – lesão a que se atribuiu

a morte do pac iente.


1 . B a ta r a J F, Gr o s s m a n SA. Pr im a r y c e n tr a l n e r vo us s ys te m lym ph o m a s . Cur r e nt Opinio n in Ne ur o lo gy 1 6 : 6 7 1 - 6 7 5 , 2 0 0 3 .

2 . No b r e V, B r aga E, Raye s A, Se r ufo J C, Go do y P, Nune s N, Antune s CM, Lamber tuc c i JR. Oppo r tunistic infec tio ns in patients with aids admitted to an university ho spital o f the so utheast o f B razil. Revista do Instituto de Medic ina Tr o pic al de São Paulo 4 5 : 6 9 - 7 4 , 2 0 0 3 .


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