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Academic year: 2018











Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica da Universidade Federal do Ceará, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de Doutor em Bioquímica. Área de concentração: Bioquímica Vegetal.


Prof. Dr. Renato de Azevedo Moreira. Co-orientadora:

Profa. Drª. Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro Moreira.


Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação Universidade Federal do Ceará

Biblioteca Universitária

Gerada automaticamente pelo módulo Catalog, mediante os dados fornecidos pelo(a) autor(a)

S696c Sousa, Felipe Domingos de.

Clonagem e expressão da lectina frutapina em Escherichia coli : Análises estruturais / Felipe Domingos de Sousa. – 2018.

96 f. : il. color.

Tese (doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica , Fortaleza, 2018.

Orientação: Prof. Dr. Renato de Azevedo Moreira.

Coorientação: Prof. Dr. Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro Moreira. 1. Lectinas. 2. Fruta-pão. 3. Cicatrização. 4. Receptor Toll-like 4. I. Título.




Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica da Universidade Federal do Ceará, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de Doutor em Bioquímica. Área de concentração: Bioquímica Vegetal.

Aprovada em 04/05/2018.


________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Renato de Azevedo Moreira (Orientador)

Universidade Federal do Ceará

________________________________________________________ Profª. Drª. Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro Moreira (Co-orientadora)

Universidade de Fortaleza

_______________________________ Prof. Dr. Márcio Viana Ramos Universidade Federal do Ceará

______________________________ Prof. Dr. José Tadeu Abreu de Oliveira

Universidade Federal do Ceará

_______________________________ Profª. Drª. Ilka Maria Vasconcelos

Universidade Federal do Ceará

______________________________ Prof. Dr. Gilvan Furtado Pessoa


Federal do Ceará – UFC; Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE; Universidade de Fortaleza UNIFOR e University College London (UCL). Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – FUNCAP; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq, pela concessão da bolsa para período sanduíche na UCL; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES, pela concessão da bolsa de estudos; Rede Nordeste de Biotecnologia -RENORBIO.

De todos os desafios que aceitei fazer nessa vida, até agora, esse é o de mais longa e complexa jornada. Trabalhar com biologia molecular envolve uma cascata de sentimentos, com a felicidade oscilando entre picos e vales dia-a-dia. Admiro hoje, muito mais, os profissionais desse campo e deixo aqui um conselho aos que um dia se aventurarão na mesma jornada: força, foco e fé. Esse trabalho não teria acontecido sem o acesso à brilhante equipe de profissionais que eu tive. A todos os envolvidos, estimo a minha mais profunda gratidão.

Agradeço aos meus orientadores Prof. Dr. Renato de Azevedo Moreira e Profa. Dra. Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro Moreira pelo desafio, confiança no trabalho e por me fazerem crer que era possível chegar onde eu cheguei. Em especial ao Prof. Renato, que me desafiou a fazer dois doutorados ao mesmo tempo e acreditou que eu tinha potencial para isso. Desafio aceito e agora concluído com sucesso. Muito obrigado por todos esses anos de ensinamento e companheirismo, dos cafés às cervejas. À profa. Ana Cristina pela solicitude em atender minhas demandas e amizade nos momentos difíceis. É sempre um prazer trabalhar com vocês. O que aprendi nesse período será perpetuado em toda minha carreira acadêmica.

Agradeço a todos os membros da banca que contribuíram substancialmente para a melhoria desse trabalho, com suas sugestões e considerações finais na avaliação do manuscrito.


infraestrutura disponibilizada. Aos meus amigos Igor de Sá Carneiro e Gilvan Furtado Pessoa que se somaram e me fizeram ir além quando eu pensei que nada fazia mais sentido. Agradeço à Pedrinha Vasconselos e Tais Luz que me acompanharam também no início dessa jornada e hoje perseveram em caminhos além. A vocês eu agradeço as várias horas dedicadas ao desenvolvimento desse trabalho.

Durante esse trabalho fui contemplado com uma bolsa de estudos do programa Ciências sem Fronteiras. Por intermédio do Prof. James S. Owen, tive acesso aos pesquisadores David J. Abraham, Xu Shiwen e Korsa Khan do Centre

for Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Diseases, na University College London,

além dos pesquisadores Alun R. Coker, Jingxu Guo e Yiwei Guan, do Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research. Sem vocês este trabalho não teria chegado tão

longe. Agradeço também às amigas que fiz durante esse período: Johanna Verneau, Athina Dritsoula, Bahja Abdi e Geerthana Jeyathas.

Ao Prof. Marcos Lourenzoni pelo suporte nos experimentos em bioinformática. Às minhas amigas, companheiras de pesquisa: Ayrles Brandão, Carol Viana e Mayara Matos. Aos meus grandes amigos Rogênio Mendes e Rosueti Diógenes filho, pela amizade que contribuiu na manutenção da minha sanidade mental.


"Permita-se sonhar um pouco. E sonhe alto sobre todas as coisas que você pode ser. Mas, sobretudo, permita-se."



As lectinas vegetais são proteínas que se ligam reversivelmente a carboidratos ou glicoconjugados, sem alterar a estrutura covalente dos mesmos. Devido a estas características inerentes, elas podem interagir com a superfície celular e exibir tanto propriedades inflamatórias e anti-inflamatórias, além de imunomoduladoras e imunoestimulantes. Artocarpus incisa é uma espécie comum em regiões

pantropicais, conhecida popularmente no Brasil como fruta-pão, onde é consumida cozida pela população. A frutapina (FTP) é a segunda lectina mais abundante em sementes de A. incisa, pertencente à subfamília de lectinas manose ligantes da

família das jacalin-like. Em estudos preliminares, FTP foi de difícil purificação, com

rendimentos muito baixos e contaminação com frutalina (a lectina mais abundante e de caráter multivalente nas sementes da mesma espécie). Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um sistema de expressão heteróloga da rFTP em Escherichia coli

(BL21DE) usando a estratégia SUMO-tag, com rendimento médio superior a 40 mg de proteína solúvel por litro de cultura. Cristais da Apo-FTP, manose e FTP-glucose foram obtidos e submetidos à difração de raio-x , apresentando resolução de 1,58 (P212121), 1,70 (P3121) e 1,60 (P3121) Å, respectivamente. A melhor solução mostrou quatro monômeros por unidade assimétrica. Simulações com dinâmica molecular demonstraram que FTP exibe maior afinidade por manose do que glucose. A capacidade da rFTP em interagir com o receptor TLR4 foi avaliada (HEK-Blue™-hTLR4). Além disso, o efeito da FTP na fisiologia de fibroblastos, de pele humana, foi avaliado por meio de ensaios de migração celular, produção de IL-6 e

Western blot. A rFTP não mostrou citotoxicidade para os fibroblastos (<1 000 µg /

mL). A partir de 8 h de tratamento, amostras tratadas com FTP tiveram um número significativo de células migradas quando comparadas ao controle. A rFTP estimulou o TLR4 de maneira similar àquela observada com o LPS. Concentrações elevadas de IL6 foram observadas em fibroblastos tratados. Os níveis de pERK 1/2 e MyD88 foram significativamente maiores quando comparados com os dos controle, durante 24 h de tratamento (p< 0,05). Assim, este estudo mostrou que rFTP não foi citotóxica para fibroblastos humanos. Sabendo que fibroblastos desempenham um importante papel no reparo de tecidos, rFTP representa uma biomolécula com potencial terapêutico para a cicatrização de feridas e outras doenças de pele.


reversible binding to selective sugars in carbohydrates or glycoconjugates without altering their covalent structure. Due to these inherent features, lectins can interact with cell surface moieties and display both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory, as well as immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory, properties. Artocarpus incisa is a

widespread plant, common in pan-tropical regions, and popularly known as “ fruta-pão” (breadfruit) in Brazil, where it is consumed cooked by local populations. Frutapin

(FTP) is the second most abundant lectin in A. incisa seeds, belonging to the

mannose-binding subfamily of jacalin-related lectins (JRL). FTP proved difficult to purify with very low yields and contamination with Frutalin (a multiple-binding lectin and most abundant in the same species), which have frustrated its characterization so far. In this work, we developed a high-level expression system of biologically active recombinant FTP in Escherichia coli BL21 using a SUMO-tag strategy,

optimizing conditions with the best set yielding >40 mg/l culture of soluble active rFTP. Apo-FTP, FTPmannose and FTPglucose crystals were obtained, and they diffracted X-rays to a resolution of 1.58 (P212121), 1.70 (P3121) and 1.60 (P3121) Å, respectively. The best solution showed four monomers per asymmetric unit. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation suggested that FTP displays higher affinity for mannose than glucose. The ability of rFTP to interact with TLR4 was evaluated using HEK-Blue™-hTLR4 cells. Also, the effect of FTP on fibroblast biology was assessed through cell migration assay, IL-6 production and western blot analysis. rFTP did not show cytotoxicity to human skin fibroblasts (<1,000 µg/mL). After 8 h, samples treated with FTP had significant numbers of migrated cells when compared to controls, migrating across the denuded area and effecting efficient wound closure. rFTP was able to potently stimulate the TLR4 pathway in a manner similar to that observed with LPS. High levels of IL6 production were observed when compared to untreated cells (p<0.0001). The levels of pERK 1/2 and MyD88 were significantly higher when compared to untreated cells after 24 h (p<0.05). In conclusion, this study showed that rFTP was non-cytotoxic to human fibroblasts. Given that fibroblasts play an important role in tissue repair, rFTP may represent a potential therapeutic biomolecule for wound healing and other related skin diseases.













Bastante difundidas na comunidade científica, as lectinas vegetais possuem uma grande versatilidade em aplicações biotecnológicas envolvendo atividade antimicrobiana, antiviral e inseticida, além de serem imunoestimulantes e imunomoduladoras, apresentando propriedades tanto pró-inflamatória como anti-inflamatória. Essa versatilidade é devida à definição intrínseca das próprias lectinas, a qual engloba proteínas ou glicoproteínas capazes de se ligar reversivelmente a glicanos sem alterar a estrutura covalente dos mesmos.

Curiosamente, nas sementes de Artocarpus incisa, conhecida popularmente

como fruta-pão, é possível encontrar três lectinas com reconhecimento distinto a carboidratos, citadas aqui em ordem de abundância nas sementes: frutalina, frutapina e frutaquina. Esse padrão também foi observado nas sementes de jaca, a

Artocarpus integrifolia, com as lectinas jacalina, artocarpina (KM+ ou ArtinM) e

jacaquina. Frutalina e Jacalina são as lectinas mais abundantes nessas espécies, com alta homologia estrutural, porém com diversos estudos demonstrando diferentes aplicações biológicas. Da mesma forma, se supunha frutapina e ArtinM, as lectinas glucose/manose ligantes, como homólogas estruturalmente. ArtinM já havia sido reportada como potente estimuladora do sistema imune, além de apresentar potencial para aplicações em cicatrização de feridas.

Por outro lado, a frutapina, apesar de ser a segunda lectina mais abundante em extratos de sementes de fruta-pão, foi pouco estudada devido ao seu baixo rendimento e laborioso processo de isolamento resultante de sucessivas cromatografias até eliminação total da frutalina em preparações. Isso se deve ao fato da frutalina, apesar de grande afinidade por glicanos contendo α-D-galactose, ser também capaz de reconhecer glucose e manose, o que impactou no isolamento e caracterização da frutapina até então.

Com o advento da tecnologia do DNA recombinante, associada à facilidade de se manipular microrganismos, tais como E. coli para clonagem e expressão


O que permite reunir material que fomenta o estudo da estrutura e função das proteínas obtidas, para aplicações clínicas ou industriais. Dessa forma, essa abordagem impulsionou os objetivos deste trabalho, divididos aqui em três capítulos, a fim de se promover um melhor entendimento do assunto a ser abordado.

No capítulo I, uma revisão com um histórico sobre as lectinas encontradas no gênero Artocarpus é apresentada, a fim de situar o leitor no escopo do trabalho.

O capítulo II traz como objetivo a clonagem e expressão da frutapina recombinante. A metodologia foi otimizada para a produção heteróloga da lectina em Escherichia coli, com alto rendimento (>40 mg de frutapina/L de cultura) e preservação da

funcionalidade da mesma. E por fim, resultados prévios in vitro demonstraram o




Felipe Domingos de Sousa1,2, Ana Cristina de Oliveira Monteiro-Moreira1 and

Renato de Azevedo Moreira1,2

1Northeast Biotechnology Network (RENORBIO), Center of Experimental Biology (Nubex), University

of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Av. Washington Soares, 1321, Edson Queiroz, CEP 60811-905, Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil; 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Federal University of Ceará (UFC),

Campus do Pici, S/N, Bloco 907, CEP 60451-970, Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil.


O gênero Artocarpus (Moraceae) compreende cerca de 60 espécies de árvores

perenes e caducifólias, incluindo aquelas de notável valor como fonte de frutos comestíveis e usos na medicina popular. Entre elas, a jaca é a mais estudada como fonte da lectina jacalina, que após sua descoberta, deu nome à família de lectinas relacionada à Jacalina (JRL). Aqui, nós revisamos este gênero e família com ênfase especial no padrão incomum de espécies de Artocarpus, discutindo diferentes

lectinas com três propriedades distintas de reconhecimento de carboidratos e focando em lectinas de jaca, fruta-pão e chempedak. Apesar de sua alta homologia estrutural, as lectinas de Artocarpus apresentam uma ampla gama de atributos bioquímicos e biológicos com diferentes aplicações.


The genus Artocarpus (Moraceae) comprises about 60 species of evergreen and

deciduous trees, including those of notable value as sources of edible fruit and uses in folk medicine. Among these, jackfruit is the most studied as the source of the lectin jacalin, which after its discovery gave name to the Jacalin-related lectin (JRL) family. Here, we review this genus and family with special emphasis on the uncommon pattern of Artocarpus species, discussing different lectins with three distinct

carbohydrate recognition properties and focusing on jackfruit, breadfruit and chempedak lectins. Despite their high structural homology Artocarpus lectins display



Artocarpus is a genus comprising about 60 trees and shrubs of Southeast Asian and

Pacific origin, belonging to the Moraceae family; all species are lactiferous with

leaves, twigs and stems producing milky sap. The name is derived from the Greek

words artos (“bread”) and karpos (“fruit”). Although this flora type produces unisexual

flowers both sexes can be found in the same plant. After pollination, the female

flowers can grow into a syncarpous fruit, and these can reach very large sizes.

Leaves vary from relatively small and entire such as Artocarpus integer to large

divided ones such as Artocarpus altilis in which each division ends in long and sharp

tips. Indeed, in the most recent revision of the genus, the highly variable species A.

communis is a complex of three species of breadfruit: A. altilis, A. mariannesis, and

A. camansi [1]. All these species are similar in terms of the general morphology of the

fruit, but upon ripening they differ both in taste and in composition.

Although most species of Artocarpus are restricted to Southeast Asia, such as A.

hypargyreus (kwai muk), A. lakoocha (lakoocha), A. kemando (pudau), A. hirsutus

(anjily), A. chama (chaplaish), and A. odoratissimus (marang), several species are

widely distributed and cultivated throughout the tropics due to their edible fruits and

timber. These include A. heterophyllus (jackfruit), A. altilis, and A. integer (cempedak,

also known as chempedak) [1–3], well-known species conspicuous as substantial

sources of plant lectins which are readily recovered from their seed flour.

Lectins (from Latin “legere”, to pick out or choose) are proteins or glycoproteins

found in nonimmune nature which can specifically recognize and reversibly bind


Indeed, this attractive characteristic distinguishes lectins from other carbohydrate

binding proteins and enzymes. They are also widely distributed in the plant kingdom,

usually from leguminous seed origin and play crucial roles and functions in biological

processes such as molecular recognition, storage proteins and plant defence

mechanisms. Their interaction with glycosyl ligands occurs mainly through hydrogen

bonds, van der Waals’ forces, hydrophobic interactions and, less frequently,

electrostatic interactions [4]. Here, we focus on the structural features of lectins from

jackfruit, breadfruit and chempedak (Figure 1) and their biological applications.

Artocarpus heterophyllus

Also known as A. intrifolia or A. integrifolius, the jackfruit is one of the most studied

species within the Artocarpus genus. The exemplars of this species are monoecious,

presenting both male and female flowers on the same tree, and growing in several

tropical countries. Jackfruit trees can reach about 25 m high bearing one of the

biggest fruits in the world with a length up to 90 cm and 50 cm diameter, weighing up

to 40 kg. About 100-500 seeds are enclosed in each fruit to comprise about 15% of

the weight [5,6]. These seeds contain not only carbohydrates (~50%) and proteins

(~20%), but also antinutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors, saponin, tannin and

oxalate [7,8]. As regards the ripening process, the fruits are found in two forms: some

trees produce hard fruits in which the perianth remains firm even at full ripeness,

while others produce fruits whose perianth become soft and pulpy on ripening. The

textural differences between the two forms appears due to different capacities to

produce pectic enzymes and control cell wall degradation [9].


asthma, dermatitis, anemia, diarrhea and fever; antisyphilitic and anthelmintic

properties; sedative effects in convulsions; and also wound healing properties [10].

Indeed, jackfruit are in high demand in areas such as cosmeceutical, pharmaceutical

and natural food handling for supplement markets, due to numerous studies on

phytochemical and pharmacological properties of all parts of the plant (pulp, leaf, root

and bark) [11–13].

Extracts and metabolites from jackfruit possess several useful bioactive

compounds and may confer multiple health-promoting effects for heart and skin

disorders, and to treat ulcers and cancer [14]. Moreover, new studies of jackfruit

properties provide additional biological findings consistent with antibacterial,

antitubercular, antiviral, antifungal, antiplatelet and antiarthritic actions, thereby

indicating therapeutic applications [10]. It is noteworthy that crude extracts of jackfruit

are rich in jacalin, a lectin with wide-ranging bioactivities as discussed in later

sections of this review.

Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg

The Pacific Islands are the centre of origin and diversity of breadfruit (A. altilis),

sometimes referred to as A. communis or A. incisa. The species was derived from a

seeded, diploid ancestor, A. camansi, giving two varieties, one seeded (var.

seminifera) whose rind spines are as prominent as those on jackfruit, and one

seedless (var. apyrena), which presents a spineless outer layer. The latter is

well-appreciated by local Brazilians when cooked, because of its large starchy content of

compound fruits with high levels of minerals and provitamin A carotenoids [1,3,15–17].


lost the ability to produce viable seed [18].

Also found is a monoecious species, in which breadfruit flowers fuse together to

give the edible portion of the fruits. These are usually oval with weight ranging from

0.25 to 5.0 Kg. Exemplars of the A. altilis var. seminifera do not present an edible

pulp, and the seeds are consumed toasted in Northeast Brazil [3,15,19]. Fruits are

usually cooked at the starchy stage, which is reached when the fruit is totally mature,

becoming soft and sweet. The species begins producing fruits after 3-5 years and

can keep producing nutritious fruit for decades. Breadfruit is an excellent dietary

staple, often compared with other starchy crops such as sweet potato, corn and rice.

Indeed, it is an energy-rich food, presenting high levels of complex carbohydrates,

fibre and minerals [3]. Due to these features, its flour was approved in 2016 by the US

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food Generally Recognized as Safe


Several studies have identified bioactive compounds within A. altilis extracts and

explored their pharmacological or biological effects. Thus, although the species is

extensively used in traditional medical practices throughout the tropics, many have

been successfully proven scientifically. For example, based on acute toxic studies in

rats [20], A. altilis leaf and bark extracts are considered safe for therapeutic use, while

the traditional use of breadfruit leaves to treat hypertension and diabetes is supported

by experimental data [21,22].

Artocarpus integer

Although widely known in the tropics as chempedak or campedak, Artocarpus integer


species is a monoecious tree reaching heights of 10-30 m, bearing fruits containing

from 100 to 500 seeds. The fruit is syncarp and cylindrical growing up to 30 cm long,

remaining attached to the trunk or main branch by a peduncle of 7-12 cm long. The

pulp covering the seeds within the fruit is popular for its fragrant taste. However, the

hard seeds can also be cooked and eaten [2], having a pleasant, nutty flavor and

comprised mainly of carbohydrate, protein, and dietary fibre [23].

The A. integer species is rich in phenolic compounds such as flavones possessing

cytotoxic and antimalarial activities. Artoindonesianin A-2, artoindoneisianin A-3,

heterophyllin, cudradaflavone C, artoindonesianin T have all been isolated,

presenting a strong cytotoxic activity against murine leukemia P-388 [24]. Among

these, the potent inhibitory activity of heteroflavanone C against growth of the

Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 clone supports folk medicine use of chempedak dried

stem bark as an antimalarial [25]. Likewise, a chempedak paste of the inner bark

prevents infection and helps healing when applied on wounds, as well as heated leaf

extract. The fruits and products of A. interger are not only conspicuous as sources of

pharmacoactive molecules but also as providers of natural and readily available

instant energy [26,27].

Jacalin-related lectin family

Lectins were first discovered in plants and, although ubiquitously distributed in nature

(animals, insects, viruses, fungi and bacteria), the majority have been characterized

from plant protein extracts, reflecting ease of extraction and relatively high yields

usually via a simple one-step affinity chromatographic method [28]. Due to this


carbohydrate specificity, evolutionary relationships and sequence or tri-dimensional

structural similarities. As regards amino acid sequences, the carbohydrate binding

property of most lectins consists mainly of hydrophobic interactions involving five to

six amino acids residues that bind sugar hydroxyl groups. This

carbohydrate-recognition domain within a polypeptide sequence is termed the Carbohydrate

Binding Site (CBS). Generally, lectins are classified into five groups based on their

affinity for (i) Glucose/Mannose; (ii) Galactose and acetyl-D-galactosamine; (iii)

N-acetylglucosamine; (iv) L-fucose, and (v) Sialic acid [29].

After the discovery of jacalin, novel lectins sharing high homology to it were placed

into a family of jacalin-related lectins (JRL), now divided into two different subgroups.

The first comprises galactose-specific lectins (gJRL) and a few other Moraceae

lectins, which exhibit specificity towards galactose and are built up of subunits

consisting of a short β chain and a long α chain. The second is the mannose-binding

subgroup (mJRL), which occurs in different plant families with the lectins exhibiting

exclusive specificity towards glucose/mannose residues with the binding subunits

contained within a single polypeptide chain [30,31].

Jacalin itself is synthesized as a preproprotein on the rough endoplasmic reticulum

and follows a secretory pathway comprising a complex series of co- and

post-translational modifications: signal peptide removal, a glycosylation, removal of an

N-terminal propeptide, and excision of a linker tetrapeptide. The immunocytological

analysis of jackfruit cotyledons revealed that jacalin accumulates in small punctuate

structures distributed throughout the cytoplasm. On the other hand, mannose-specific


mature lectin polypeptides comprise the entire open reading frame of the

corresponding genes [32,33]. In contrast, Helja, a JLR from Helianthus annuus

extracellular fluid is found as an unconventionally secreted lectin, being detected in

apoplastic vesicles. Evidence suggests that Helja is likely associated with

multivesicular bodies released after fusion of these vesicles with the plasma

membrane [34].

From another perspective, glucose and galactose are epimers of each other,

differing only in the hydroxyl group position at C4, which is important for sugar

recognition by galactose-binding lectins. Glucose and mannose differ in the position

of the hydroxyl group at C2, placing the glucose/mannose-binding lectins in a

different JRL subgroup family [30]. Additionally, comparative biochemical studies

highlight lectins as a very heterogeneous group of proteins based on their

carbohydrate recognition pattern, which reflects their biochemical/ physicochemical

properties, molecular structure, and biological activities [35].

Galactose-binding lectins


The occurrence of jacalin, the D-galactose-binding lectin from A. integrifolia seeds

was first reported in 1979 [36] and found to exceed 50% of the protein in jackfruit

crude seed extracts. This is also the case for galactose-binding lectins in the

Artocarpus genus such as frutalin and CGB (champedak galactose-binding). Jacalin

is a tetrameric two-chain lectin of 65 kDa combining a heavy α-chain of 133 amino

acids and light β-chain of 20–21 amino acid to form a 3D structure as a single


which correspond to glycosylated and slightly or non-glycosylated forms, respectively


Jacalin presents a characteristic subunit fold, known as type-1 β-prism fold. This

type of subunit fold has three four-stranded β-sheets parallel to each other arranged

in a prism. The subunit structure shows a tetramer with 222 symmetry and the

asymmetric unit of the crystal consists of four subunits, two each from two

independent tetramers that occupy crystallographic two-fold special positions. This

prismatic organization of the subunit is stabilized by hydrophobic interactions in the

core of the subunit and a small number of hydrogen bonds involving main-chain, as

well as side-chains, atoms [38].

The CBS of jacalin mainly involves residues Gly1, Tyr78, Val80, Gly121, Tyr122,

Trp123 and Asp125. In D-galactose-jacalin complexes, the O4 hydroxyl group of the

galactose axial position forms hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Asp125 and the

terminal amino group of Gly1. If O4 is at the equatorial position, as in glucose and

mannose, Asp125 can still interact with O4, but not the amino group. This explains

the high specificity of jacalin for galactose compared to glucose and mannose at the

primary binding site. Additionally, the post-translational cleavage and removal of the

“T-S-S-N” peptide linker assure a stronger hydrogen bond connecting the α- and β-

chains, as non-cleavage leaves a neutral peptide NH group [38,39].

The whole CBS of jacalin is assumed to have a secondary binding site A, the

primary site and secondary binding site B which give an extended anchoring domain

for the sugars. Hence, the primary binding site is made up of the side chains of


Trp123 and the free amino group of Gly1 of the α-chain. Among these, the side chain

of Tyr78 stacks against the B-face of the galactose ring. The aromatic side chains of

Tyr78, Tyr122, and Trp123 form the secondary binding site A, which is important to

binding of methyl α-mannose (Me-α-Man), facilitating the weak lectin-carbohydrate

interaction of the methyl group with this wholly hydrophobic region. Lastly, at the

secondary site B, the ligand is involved only in water mediating interactions with the

main chain nitrogen and oxygen atoms of Val79, Ser119 OG, and the carboxyl

terminal region of the β-chain [40,41]. This acquired plasticity of the CBS has been fully

documented using molecular dynamics and X-rays studies [42].


As of 1983, our group started to survey lectins in A. incisa seeds and found lectins

with similar behaviour to those in jackfruit seeds [43]. Breadfruit seeds are composed

of a high water content (up to 60%) and moderate protein content (12.25% of dry

weight). Most of this protein is recovered as frutalin in chromatographic methods

using crude extracts of seed flour. Therefore, frutalin is the most abundant lectin of

this species, presenting multiple-binding properties in which the same CBS

recognizes a range of different ligands, although it has higher affinities for α

-D-galactose monosaccharides and complex carbohydrates that contain Galα1–3

glycans [17].

Frutalin has a broad band pattern by isoelectric focusing with pI between 8.8 and

9.0, and a deconvoluted mass spectrum with different masses within 16.5 kDa,

consistent with the presence of glyco-isoforms of identical monomers. These


carbohydrate content can reach 2.1% of the total protein mass. The SDS-PAGE

pattern of frutalin presents a jacalin-like pattern of two bands between 20 and 14 KDa

that correspond to glycosylated and non-glycosylated fractions, respectively. Indeed,

three sites of N-glycosylation are predicted for jacalin based on necessary

Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr consensus sequences and also on other gJRL lectins. In solution, frutalin

may form homotetramers in which each monomer contains an α-chain (16 kDa) and

a β-chain (2 kDa) [17,44]. This tetrameric form can be disturbed by thermal and

chemical denaturation as was described by spectroscopy and chromatographic

studies [45]. It was shown that the sugar-binding site serves as a nucleus at the

monomer level to increase the stability of D-galactose-frutalin complexes during the

unfolding process [45].

The CBS of frutalin in the binding of galactose is dominated by hydrogen bonding

through O1, O3, O5 and O6, and backbone/side chain hydroxyl groups. Similar to the

Moraceae lectins, the CBS of frutalin is located in a domain close to the N-terminus

of the α chain, consisting of four key residues Gly25, Tyr146, Trp147 and Asp149.

About ten interactions occur, involving the C1 hydroxyl to residue Tyr146, hydroxyl

C3 to residue Gly25, hydroxyl C4 to residues Gly25 and Asp149, and hydroxyl C6 to

residues Tyr146, Trp147 and Asp149 [46]. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that

frutalin possesses stereospecificity, capable of specifically binding α-D-galactose,

since it was previously isolated on a cross-linked galactomannan column, but not on

β-galactosyl-immobilized matrices [17,47].

Champedak galactose-binding lectin (CGB)


high levels in extracts from its seed flour. The lectin’s bioactivity was first noted when

extracts were tested for selective stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells;

at 20 µg/mL CGB stimulated proliferation of T-lymphocyte populations [48,49]. Like

frutalin and jacalin, CGB is transcribed as a propeptide and then post-translationally

processed into a typical gJRL lectin, having a 13-kDa α-chain (133 amino acids) and

a 2.1-kDa β-chain (21 amino acids). CGB has 6 different amino-acids compared to

jacalin, giving 97% identity for their amino-acid sequences [50].

As part of structural analyses, CGB lectin complexes with galactose (Gal) and

galactose-β1–3-galactose-NAc (GalNac) were obtained by crystal soaking

techniques, though attempts to obtain a CGB-mannose complex was unsuccessful

[51]. As with jacalin complexes, the interactions are well conserved, presenting the

same CBS. In Gal-CGB complexes, the O atoms on the sugar ring are bound with

the side-chain and main-chain N and O atoms on the α chain (O3 and Gly1 N; O4

and Gly1 N and Asp125 OD1; O6 and Trp123 O, Trp123 N and Tyr122 N; and O5

and Tyr122 N). Similarly, GalNac-CGB complexes present bound disaccharide in the

same region though hydrogen bonds (O3 and Gly1 N; O4 and Gly1 N and Asp125

OD1; and O6 and Asp125 OD1). Also, there are a number of hydrophobic

interactions contributed by Tyr78, Gly121 and Tyr122. Although closely related to

jacalin’s structure, CGB was unable to bind mannose as judged by isothermal

calorimetry and co-crystallization studies. It is believed that this change in CGB

specificity is caused by subtle differences in the environment near the sugar-binding


Mannose-binding lectins

Artocarpus seeds are also the source of several mannose-binding jacalin-related

lectins (mJRLs). These proteins have potential utility based on their carbohydrate

recognition, which display specificity toward Man and oligomannosides. However,

biological application of these molecules is often impaired due to their low

concentrations in extracts, in addition to contamination with gJRLs lectins from the

same source, some being multiple-binding lectins.


Further studies post-discovery of jacalin revealed that jackfruit seed extracts also

possess small amounts of a D-mannose-binding lectin [52]. Previously named

artocarpin, the term was provisionally replaced by the name KM+; the lectin had

become confused with distinct substances from Artocarpus spp. which were similarly

designated. Additionally, artocarpin was used to name the galactose-binding lectin in

Artocarpus lakoocha seeds [53].

The origin of the name KM+ comes from the successive affinity chromatography

steps in immobilized D-galactose matrices to remove jacalin (retained fraction J). The

unretained fraction was called K, while M+ refers to the retained fraction on

immobilized mannose matrices. Nevertheless, there remained confusion over this

adopted nomenclature, which led to the proposal for a rational name change to

ArtinM based on the universal code for plant proteins. This takes into account both a

lectin’s origin and specificity of sugar recognition [54]. Hereafter, we will apply ArtinM


ArtinM is a single polypeptide of 150 amino acids devoid of covalently attached

carbohydrates with four isolectins and a pI range of 5–6.5, sharing 52% sequence

identity with jacalin [55]. In solution, the protein is built up in a homotetrameric complex

with one CBS per protomer. Isothermal titration calorimetry was employed to

determine the thermodynamics of the carbohydrate-protein binding reaction,

revealing that mannose (1640 ± 36 M-1, K

b) is preferred over glucose (150 ± 20 M-1, Kb). However, ArtinM presents low affinity for simple sugars, interacting potentially with mannotriose (20100 ± 900 M-1, K

b) and a mannopentaose (21200 ± 600 M-1, Kb)


Unlike jacalin, there are no aromatic residues on the CBS of ArtinM, comprising

Gly15, Asp138, Leu139, and Asp141. Indeed, it is believed that the galactose

specificity of jacalin was achieved by a two-step process with ArtinM as its putative

precursor: mutation of key aliphatic residues close to the sugar binding pocket to

aromatic ones; and then cleavage of a short loop, a key step as it creates a positively

charged N-terminal which interacts specifically with O4 at the axial position. The

structures of ArtinM complexed with mannotriose and mannopentose display an

involvement of three loops in the sugar recognition. Two of them compose the

primary binding site through hydrogen bonds, while the third one is involved in van

der Waals interactions. Mannotriose in its complex with the lectin interacts through all

the three mannopyranosyl residues, while mannopentose interacts with the lectin

using at least three of its five mannose residues. Compared to Heltuba lectin, this



Frutapin (FTP) is the next most abundant lectin in breadfruit seed extracts.

Preliminary FTP investigations began in 1998, describing three different lectins with

distinct carbohydrate recognition within the same species [60]. However, further

studies proved difficult since native FTP was hampered by very low yields and

contamination with Frutalin, a notable factor as frutalin binds diverse sugar moieties

and has high abundance in plant extracts. Recombinant FTP production is now a

feasible approach to circumvent this problem, allowing large-scale heterologous

expression to give continuous supplies for further characterization and to improve

potency, particularly for biomedical applications [61].

Recognizing this possibility, we optimized a high-yield production protocol to

isolate biologically active recombinant FTP in Escherichia coli BL21 (>40 mg/L

culture) [62]. Moreover, molecular insights of carbohydrate recognition by FTP were

obtained through crystal structures and molecular dynamics (MD) using mannose

and glucose-FTP complexes. FTP shares 91% of sequence identity with ArtinM,

shows a β-prism I fold similar to that in jacalin, and has high structural homology

except for a few loop areas around residues Leu90, Glu36 and Lys106.

FTP is a hololectin defined as a homotetramer with an identical CBS per protomer,

able to bind either the same or structurally similar sugars. The CBS is formed of four

residues, namely Gly16, Asp139, Leu140 and Asp142, distributed in a few loops

connecting the strands β5 and β6, β7 and β8, and β11 and β12. Several hydrogen

bonds (HB) occur in FTP–glucose and FTP–mannose complexes involving Gly16,


In MD simulations, Lys60 plays an important role forming salt bridges with Asp139 in

FTP-glucose complexes, reducing the interaction between this former residue and

mannose and minimizing the repulsion of the mannose hydroxyl groups with oxygen.

In this case, mannose was more completely surrounded in the carbohydrate-binding

site and also stabilized by indirect interaction with Asp139 through water molecules.

This local structuring is more stable in the case of mannose than glucose, indicating

a higher affinity of FTP for mannose residues than glucose [62].

Champedak mannose-binding (CMB)

Extracts of Artocarpus integer seeds are a source of CMB, previously termed

champedak lectin-M [63]. The lectin is ~20-fold more abundant than ArtinM in crude

extracts of A. heterophyllus seeds. Structural studies reveal CMB to be a 64-kDa

tetramer with some of the polypeptides being disulphide-linked to give dimers. The

functional activity of CMB was assessed by studying interactions with different

isotypes of human immunoglobulins: strong binding to IgE and IgM was noted, unlike

CGB and jacalin which strongly interact with IgA1. The lectin also shows a similar

pattern of carbohydrate binding specificity to ArtinM with Man-α-13Man the most

potent inhibitor, followed by methyl-α-D-mannopyranose and D-mannose [63].

Further studies allowed full characterization of the CMB sequence and structure.

At least 8 amino acids were different in CMB compared to ArtinM, though 97%

identity was reached, while their crystals belonged to space group P212121. As with

CGB, the CMB monomer is a β-prism made up of a single polypeptide chain, with

four chains forming the asymmetric unit. The sugar-binding properties of CMB differ


only a weak interaction with mannose (0.18 x 10-3 M,K

b), and no sign of binding to galactose. Indeed, a crystal structure of CMB with mannose is not yet available.

Based on the high sequence similarity between CMB and ArtinM, with all

sugar-binding residues (Gly15, Asp138, Leu139 and Asp141) conserved, it is hypothesized

that the two have similar binding characteristics; for example, that the binding site is

formed by the loops between β5 and β6, β7 and β8, and β11 and β12, as in the CGB

lectin. In this CBS, modelled mannose implies hydrogen bonds between O6 and

Asp139, Leu140 and Asp142, O4 and Asp142, and O3 and Gly16. There are also

hydrophobic interactions between mannose and residues Gly15 and Gly138 [50,64].

Chitin-binding lectins

Jackin and Frutackin

Chitin is a key component on the cell wall of fungi. As a result, chitin-binding lectins

have been isolated from diverse sources and screened for antifungal activity against

phytopathogenic species. Such lectins are particularly attractive, since they affect

plant-pathogen interactions at the first point of contact. Although generally accepted

that they are unable to penetrate into the fungal cytoplasm, owing to the cell wall

barrier, they are expected to affect fungal growth and development, disturbing the

synthesis and/or deposition of chitin in the cell wall [28,65].

Besides jacalin and ArtinM, jackfruit seeds are the source of a third lectin named

jackin due to its affinity for chitin. Further studies of breadfruit seeds also revealed a

similar lectin, named frutackin. Both lectins have a 14 kDa polypeptide chain, built up


lectins showing their homology to each other in terms of molecular mass, secondary

structure, and primary sequence, but not to other plant chitin-binding proteins. Both

jackin and frutackin inhibit the growth of F. moniliforme and S. cerevisiae [66].

Nevertheless, their low yield from natural sources still hampers further

characterization, though this might soon be overcome with high-yield heterologous

production in microbial systems.

Summary: despite high structural homology, Artocarpus lectins differ in

biological properties

It appears that the Artocarpus genus employs a plurality of lectins, though to date few

of these lectins have been purified and functionally characterized. Nevertheless, a

consistent pattern is that Artocarpus seeds contain more than one lectin with distinct

carbohydrate recognition features [5,60,66,67]. Altogether, the JRL family is complex with

a vast diversity in biochemical properties and activities, which have drawn much

attention because of their pivotal biomedical applications. Owing to

carbohydrate-binding interactions of plant lectins with cell wall glycoproteins, they are promising

targets to selectively modulate immune responses in plants. Hence, it is important to

delineate the molecular details of lectin binding to CBS domains and how

downstream activation of cellular immune signalling proceeds [68]. In this context, it is

of particular note that Artocarpus lectins have a distinct repertoire of biological


Figure 1.Artocarpus species.

(A) Jackfruit. (B) Cut section of jackfruit. (C) Jackfruit seeds. (D) Breadfruit (var.

seminifera). (E) Cut section of breadfruit (var. seminifera). (F) Breadfruit (var.

seminifera) seeds. (G) Breadfruit (var. apyrena). (H) Cut section of breadfruit (var.


Figure 2. Sequence alignment using Clustal W and structural superposition of

Artocarpus lectins.

(A) Sequence alignment of galactose-binding lectins: Jacalin (PDB 1UGW), Frutalin

(PDB 5BN6) and CGB (PDB 4AKB). (B) Sequence alignment of mannose-binding

lectins: ArtinM (PDB 1J4S), Frutapin (PDB 5KRP) and CMB (PDB 4AKD). (C)

Structural superposition of galactose-binding lectins with their carbohydrate

interacting residues in complex with D-galactose: jacalin (cyan), frutalin (red) and

CGB (mangeta). (D) Structural superposition of mannose-binding lectins with the

carbohydrate interacting residues highlighted: ArtinM (green), frutapin (yellow) and


Table 1. Biological activities and biochemical studies on Artocarpus seed


Lectin Study Focus [Reference]


Jacalin crystals in complex with methyl-α-galactose: structural basis of carbohydrate recognition [69].

Jacalin specifically triggers cell signaling in CD4+ T lymphocytes [70]. Crystal structure of the jacalin-T-antigen complex and a comparative study of lectin-T-antigen complexes [71].

Structural basis for the unusual carbohydrate-binding specificity of jacalin towards galactose and mannose [41].

The multiple binding profile of Jacalin [72].

Further studies on CD4-mediated signal transduction and HIV-impaired CD4+ T cell activation by jacalin [73].

Structural basis for the energetics of jacalin-sugar interactions: promiscuity versus specificity [74]

Jacalin induces human B-lymphocyte apoptosis through glycosylation-dependent interaction with CD45 [75].

Specific interaction of jacalin with phycocyanin: the lectin as a carrier for targeted delivery of a fluorescent phycobiliprotein [76].

Jacalin can interact with desmoglein-1 and abrogates the pathogenicity of pemphigus foliaceus autoantibodies in vivo[77].

Piezoelectric biosensoring studies on jacalin interaction with human IgA1 and bovine IgG1[78].

Synthesis and characterization of jacalin-gold nanoparticles conjugates as specific markers for cancer cells [79].

Spectroscopic investigation on the interaction of ruthenium complexes with jacalin [80].

Interaction of sugar stabilized silver nanoparticles with jacalin [81].

Proinflammatory activity of jacalin: jacalin-activated macrophages exhibit an antitumor phenotype [82].

Interaction of cadmium sulfide quantum dots with jacalin for specific recognition of cancer cells [83].


activity against drug resistant bacteria via cell surface glycan recognition [84].

Jacalin capped platinum nanoparticles confer persistent immunity against multiple Aeromonas infection in zebrafish [85].


Preliminary survey of lectins in breadfruit extracts [43,86] Isolation and partial characterization of frutalin [17]. Unfolding and refolding studies of frutalin [45]

Modulation of neutrophil (PMN) functions by frutalin [87].

The mechanisms involved in the mitogenic effect of frutalin on human lymphocytes [88].

Expression of frutalin in the yeast Pichia pastoris [89]. Functional expression of frutalin in Escherichiacoli [90].

A comparative study of recombinant and native frutalin binding to human prostate tissues [91].

The specificity of frutalin lectin using biomembrane models [92].

Cytotoxic effects of native and recombinant frutalin on Hela cervical cancer cells [93].

Gastroprotective potential of frutalin against ethanol-induced gastric lesions [94].

Enhanced heterologous protein production in Pichia pastoris under increased air pressure [95].

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of frutalin [44] Frutalin reduces acute and neuropathic nociceptive behaviours in rodent models of orofacial pain [96].

A panel of glycoproteins as candidate biomarkers for early diagnosis and treatment evaluation of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [97]. Label-free proteome analysis of plasma from patients with breast cancer: stage-specific protein expression [98].

Neuropharmacological characterization of frutalin in mice: Evidence of an antidepressant-like effect mediated by the NMDA receptor/NO/cGMP pathway [99].


Crystallization and preliminary structural studies [101].

Structures and binding specificity of galactose- and mannose-binding lectins from chempedak [50].

Conformational analysis of CGB under different urea concentrations [102].


Crystal structures of ArtinM and its complex with methyl-alpha-D-mannose: implications to the generation of carbohydrate specificity [58]. Carbohydrate-binding properties of ArtinM [103].

Structural basis for the carbohydrate specificities of ArtinM [59]. Neutrophil haptotaxis by ArtinM [104].

Further studies on neutrophil activation induced by ArtinM [105].

Release of inflammatory mediators and enhancement of effector functions by neutrophil activation induced by ArtinM [106].

Effect of ArtinM on human T lymphocyte activation and cell death [107]. Corneal epithelial wound healing induced by ArtinM [108].

Protection against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection conferred by

the prophylactic administration of native and recombinant ArtinM [109]. ArtinM induces recruitment of rat mast cells from the bone marrow to the peritoneal cavity [110].

ArtinM plays a potent adjuvant and immunostimulatory role in immunization against Neospora caninum[111].

ArtinM binds to mast cells inducing cell activation and mediator release [112].

Characterization and optimization of ArtinM lectin expression in

Escherichia coli[113].

Elucidation of carbohydrate molecular interaction mechanism of recombinant and native ArtinM [114]

Recognition of TLR2 N-glycans: critical role in ArtinM immunomodulatory activity [115].

IL-17 induction by ArtinM is due to stimulation of IL-23 and IL-1 release and/or interaction with CD3 in CD4+ T cells [116]


murine model for treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infection [117]

Yeast expressed ArtinM shares structure, carbohydrate recognition, and biological effects with native ArtinM [118]

Neutrophils Contribute to the Protection Conferred by ArtinM against Intracellular Pathogens: A Study on Leishmania major [119]

Recombinant ArtinM activates mast cells [120].

Inhibition of hepatocarcinogenesis by ArtinM via anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic mechanisms [121].

Systemic effects in naïve mice injected with immunomodulatory lectin ArtinM [122].

Artinm mediates murine T cell activation and induces cell death in jurkat human leukemic T cells [123].

Frutapin Cloning, expression and molecular insights of Frutapin [62]. Frutackin,



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Figure 1. Artocarpus species.
Figure 2.  Sequence alignment using Clustal W and structural superposition of  Artocarpus lectins
Figure 1.  Expression, purification and biological activity of recombinant FTP
Table 1 X-ray parameters for FTP structures.  Values in parentheses are for the outer resolution shell


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