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Bibliotecas Universitárias


LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts

LL - Library Literature

ISA - Information Science Abstracts


J. -

New Challenge for university and technicallibrari

L ib r i, 19 (4): 265-74, 1969. .

AMAN, M.M. - Egyptian university libraries. ln te r n a tio n a l L ib r a r y R e vie w , 2 (2 ): 1 7 5 -8


AMOSU Margaret - On the planning of a new library. N ig e r ia n L ib r a r ie s , 1 0 :141-7, Aug.lDc 1974.

BADR, Ahmad &KALANDER, Sulaiman - Las bibliotecas universitarias de Kuwait. B o le tin

Ia U n e s c o p a r a Ia s B ib lio te c a s , 24(2):87-91, 1970.

BAIRD, Donald A. - Simon Fraser university Library, C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y [ournal, 28(3): 190· 1971.

BAKER, N. R.&NANCE, R. E. - Organizational analyses and simulation studies of universi

libraries: a methodological overview. Information Sto r a g e a n d R e tr ie u a l, 5(4):153-68, 1971

BECKMAN, M. - International colloquium on the construction of university librarie

C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y [ournal, 29(1):28-9, 1972.

BESWICK, Norman W. - Library-college re-vtsited, L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 72(4): 148-1970.

BESWICH, Norman W. - Library resources centre in higher education: some person

speculations. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 75(7):134-5, 1973.

BLUH, P. - A study of an inventory. L ib r a r y R e s o u r c e s a n d T e c h n ic a l Se r u ic e s , 1 3 (3 ): 3 6 7 -7


BOL TON, E. C. - Response of university library management to changing modes of universit

governance and contro!. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 33(4):305-11, 1972.

BOOZ, Allen and Hamilton, inc. - O r g a n iza tio n a n d s ta ffiin g o f th e lib r a r ie s o f C o lu m b i u n iu e r s ity, a summary of the case study. Washington, Association of Research Librarie 1972. 27p.

BOOZ Allen and Hamilton, inc. - P r o b le m s in u n iu e r s ity lib r a r y m a n a g e m e n t; a stud


Levantamento Bibliográfico

conducted for the Association of Research Libraries and the American Council on Education.

Washington, Association of Research Libraries, 1970. 63p.

REITING, Amelie & Staff development in college and university libraries.


Sp e c ia l L ib r a r ie s ,

67(7):305-10, 1976.

ROWN, Cecily & University libraries. Q u a r te r ly R e vie w o f Au s tr a lia n E d u c a tio n , 3 (3 ): 5 1 -5 ,


ROWN, Harry Faulkner &P la n n in g th e a c a d e m ic lib r a r y. Newcastle upon Tyne, Oriel, 1971. 97p.

RYAN, H. & Australian university libraries: a gloomy conclusion? L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 92: 4113-16, 1967.

URGIS, G. C. & The contemporary univer-ity library: learning resource technology and

techniques. C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 27 (1):24-8, 1970.



URGIS, G. C. & A systems concept of organization and control for large

university libraries. C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 28(1):24-9, 1971.

URNETT, A. D. & Impressions of West Germany university libraries. L ib r i,2 0 (1 /2 ): 3 5 -5 8 ,


ARA VIA, Paul & La experiencia moderna de Ias bibliotecas universitarias de Rumania. B o le tin d e Ia U n e s c o p a r a Ia s B ib lio te c a s , 23(5):285-89, 312, 1969.

AREY, R. J. P. & Library instruction in colleges and universities of Britain. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 7 0 (3 ): 6 6 -7 0 , 1 9 6 8 .

ASSATA, Mary B. &Student unrest and the library. W ils o n L ib r a r y B u lle tin , 4 5 (1 ): 7 8 -8 5 ,


LARK, Jay B. & Odyssey of a university library, 1869-1968. [oumal o f L ib r a r y H is to r y,

5(2): 119-32, 1970.

OIRO, Giovanni & Problemi delle biblioteche universitarie e prospettive. Ac c a d e m ie e

B ib lio te c h e d ' Ita lia , 37(4/5):275-84, 1969.

OLUMBIA University. Libraries - T h e -a d m in is tr a tive o r g a n iza tio n o f th e lib r a r ie s o f C o lu m b ia U n ive r s ity: a detailed description. New York, 1973. Iv,

OMMANGER, Henry Steele - Problems of the university library. L ib r a r y C o lle g e [ournal, 3(4): 44-52, 1970.

ONDAMIN, Jeanne - La nouvelle bibliothêque scientifique universitaire de Reims. B u lle tin

d e s B ib lio th ê q u e s d e F r a n c e , 12 (4): 145-53, 1967.

ANTON, Joseph Periani - B o o k s e le c tio n a n d c o lle c tio n s , a c o m p a r is o n o f G e r m a n a n d Am e r ic a n u n iu e r s ity lib r a r ie s . New York, Columbia University Press, 1963. 188p.

AVINSON, Donald - Ac a d e m ic a n d le g a l d e p o s it lib r a r ie s : an examination guidebook. London, Bingley, 1965. 74p.

EALE, H. V. - Trends in college librarianship. L ib r a r y T r e n d s , 18 (1): 3-102, 1962.

EWEESE, L. C. - Status concerns and library professionalism. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s ,

33 (1): 31-8, 1972.


R- bras. Bibliotecon. Doc. 11 (112): 125-136, jan.ljun.1978

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Bibliotecas Universitárias

DICKINSON, Fidelia - Participative management: a left fielder's view.·C a lifo r n ia L ib r a r ia n .

34: 24-33, Apr. 1973. .

DIX, William Shepherd - Cause and effect on university libraries: two decisive decades

Am e r ic a n L ib r a r ie s , 3 (7): 721-31, 1972.

DORFF, Francis - Librarian as planner. C a th o lic L ib r a r y W o r ld , 46: 17-21, July 1974.

DOUGHERTY, R. M., ed. - Colorado Academic libraries book processing center study. I

L ib r a r y R e s o u r c e s a n d T e c h n ic a l Se r u ic e s , 13 (1): 115-41, 1969. :

DOUGHERTY, R. M. - The unserved-academic library style.Am e r ic a n L ib r a r ie s , 2 (10):1055-58, 1971.

DOWNS, R. B.&HEUSSMAN, J. N. - Standards for university libraries. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h

L ib r a r ie s , 31 (1): 28-35, 1970. •

DUCOTE, R. L. - Spiraling patterns in college libraries: two decisive decades. Am e r ic a n

L ib r a r ie s , 3 (7): 733-4, 1972.

ELLISON, John W. - Coping with administrative problems: a survival kit for librarians.

U n a b a s h e d L ib r a r ia n , (17):9-10, 1975.

ELLISWORTH, Ralph E. - Scholarly publishing and the university library. L ib r a r y J o u r n a l,

96(19):3568-72, 1971.


.EMEZI, H. O. - Public relations in university libraries. N ig e r ia n L ib r a r ie s , 8:29-33, Apr. 1972. ENU, Cosmas - Problems of Nigerian university libraries. U n e s c o B u lle tin fo r L ib r a r ie s ,

27(2):84-91, 1973.

FISCHER, G. L. - Australian university library laws and administrative responsability.

Au s tr a lia n Ac a d e m ic a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 2:1-15, Mar. 1971.

FLENER, Jane G. - Staff paí:ticipation in management in large university libraries. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 34 (4):275-9, 1973.

FORD, Geoffrey - Research in user behaviour .in university libraries. [oumal o f D o c u m e n ta -tio n , 29(1):85-106, 1973.


FOX, E. S. - Academic libraries in the U.S.A. L ib r a r y W o r ld , 68:183-7, 1967.

FRANCIS, D. & RA YMOND, B. - University librarians: shepherds of books or disseminators

of information? C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y J o u n a l, 26(2):144-7, 1969.

GA VER, Mary V . .,- The librarian in the academic community - a new breed? W ils o n L ib r a r y B u lle tin , 43(6):540-4, 1969.

GELFAND, Moris A. - U n iu e r s ity lib r a r ie s fo r d e u e lo p in g c o u n tr ie s . Paris, Unesco, 1968. 157p. Existe ed. em espanhol,

GRONBERG, L. - University libraries - national libraries, aspects of the problems m

Scandinavia, especially in Sweden. L ib r i, 17(1):59-62, 1967.

HAAG, D. E. - Teaching function of the university library. So u th Afr ic a n L ib r a r ie s , 3 7 (5 ): 2 7 2

-9, 1970.


Levantamento Bibliográfico

Bibilotecas Universitárias

AAK, J. R. - The undergraduate library: goal determination.


L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 9 6 (9 ): 1 5 7 3 -8 ,


ALE, Barbara - Library development at the University of Western Australia. Au s tr a lia n

L ib r a r y [ o u r n a l, 22(7):247-51, 1973.

ALLAM, O. M. - Starting a library from scratch (Honduras) L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d ,

71(11):328-9, 1969.

AMBURG, M. et aI. .- L ib r a r y p la n n in g a n d d e c is io n - m a kin g s ys te m s . Cambridge, Mass .. MIT Press, 1974. 274p.

AMLIN, A. T. - Libraries of the universities of Italy: a study of their services and collections.

L ib r i, 15(2):138-58, 1965. v

AMLIN, A. T. - Library salaries in British universities. L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 93:513-17, 1968.

ARO, R. P. - Change in academic libraries. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 3 3 (2 ): 9 7 -1 0 3 ,


ARO, R. P. - College libraries for students. L ib r a r y J o u r n a l,

4(11):2207-8, 1969.

ARO, R. P. - The floating academic librarian. Am e r ic a n L ib r a r ie s , 2(11):1169-73,1971.

ARO, R. P. - Some problems in the conversion of a college to a university library. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s ,3 0 (3 ): 2 6 0 -4 , 1 9 6 9 .

AR VARD- WILLIAMS, R. - National and university libraries - special services for special

readers. L ib r i, 18(3/4):173-81, 1968.

HEANEY, Henry J. - Academic libraries., L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 72(7):262-3, 1970.

HEANEY, Henri J. - Progress in documentarion: British university library statistics. jo u r n a l o f D o c u m e n ta tio n , 27(3):205-11, 1971.

HINGWE, K. S. - Organizational patterns of academic libraries.'L ib r a r y H e r a ld , 1 1 (3 ): 1 3 9 -5 3 ,


HOLLEY, Edward Gailon - Organization and administration of urban university libraries.

C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 33(3):175-89, 1972.

HOLLEY, Edward Gailon - Am e r ic a n u n ive r s ity lib r a r ie s : organization and

administration. Texas, Tex. A & M Univ., 1971. 15p.

HOOKWA Y, Harry T. - Nationallibrary planning in Britain. T h e B o w ke r An n u a l o f L ib r a r y &

B o o k T r a d e In fo r m a tio n , 1975. p.340-6.

HORN, Roger G. - Think big: the evolution of bureaucracy. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s ,

33(1):13-17, 1972.

HORNY, K. - The undergraduate library: building Northwestern's core. L ib r a r y jo u r n a l,

96(9):1580-3, 1971.

HOSTROP, Richard W. -E d u c a tio n in s id e th e lib r a r y m e d ia c e n te r .Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Press, 1973. 178p.

R. bras. Bibliotecon. Doc. 11 (112): 125-136, jan.ljun.1978

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HUE, Joseph - Les nouvelles structures administratives et les missions des bibliotheques d'études v

et de recherche. As s o c ia tio n d e s B ib lio th é c a ir e s F r a n ç a is B u lle tin d ' ln fo r m a tio n (85): 117-81, 1975.

HUMPHREYS, K. W. - Dévelopments récents dans les bibliothéques universitaires en

Grande-Bretagne. B u lle tin d e s B ib lio th é q u e s d e F r a n c e , 14(11):455-64, 1969.

HUMPHREYS, K.W. - Libraries in new universities. In te r n a c io n a l L ib r a r y R e vie w , 2 (3 ): 3 0 7 -2 8 ,


HUMPHREYS, K.W. - Standards in university libraries. L ib r i, 2 0 (1 1 2 ): 1 4 4 -5 5 , 1 9 7 0 .


HUMPHREYS, K.W. - Subject specialist in national and university libraries. L ib r i, 1 7 (1 ): 2 9 -4 1 ,

1967. '

JOHNSON, M. - Performance appraisal of librarians - a survey. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h

, L ib r a r ie s , 33(5):359-67, 1972.

JONES, N. E. - The undergraduate library - for undergraduates! The UCLA experience. W ils o n

L ib r a r y B u lle tin , 45(6):584-90, 1971.

JOSEY, Elonnie Junius - Community use of academic libraries. L ib r a r y T r e n d s , 18 (1):66-74, 1969.

~ dOSEY, Elonnie Junius - Faculty status for librarian. L ib r a r y jo u r n a l, 96(8):1333-6, 1971.

JOSEY, Elonnie Junius &BLAKE, F. M. - Educating the academic librarian. L ib r a r y [ o u r n a l,

95(2):125-30, 1970.

KABBEBO, T. & STEPHENSON, Y. - The university of Guyana library: past, present and

future. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 72(7):258-60, 1970.

KASER, D. - Modernizing the university library structure. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s ,

31(4):227-31, 1970.

KASER, David Edwin - A dialetic for planning in academic libraries. In: Ac a d e m ic lib r a r y: essays

in honor of Guy R. Lyle. Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow, 1974. p. 96-104.


KASER, David Edwin - Planning in university libraries: context and processes. So u th e a s t

l L ib r a r ia n , 21:207-13, Winter, 1971.

KAUL, B. K. - College library and instruction. H e r a ld L ib r a r y o f Sc ie n c e , 8 (3): 203-9, 169.

KELLER, John E. - Program budgeting and cost benefit analysis in libraries. C o /le g e a n d

R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 3 0 (2): 156-60, 1969.

KENNEDY, J. R. - Integrated library instruction. L ib r a r y [ o u r n a l, 95 (8): 1450-3, 1970.

KESSLER, Meyer M. '"'- Application of ideas of management, instruction and technology in the administration of the academic library. L a c u n y J o u r n a l, 2: 23-5, Spring 1973.

KILGOUR, Frederick G. - Regional network: Ohio College Library Center. D a ta m a tio n , 1 6

(2): 87-9, 1970.

I<IlPELA, Raymond - The administrative structure of the university library. C o lle g e a n d I R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 29 (6): 511-16, 1968.


Levantamento Bibliográfico


IORNE, Ierrold ~ Future acadernic librarv administration _ whither or wheter. In:


Ac a d e m ic

11 (112): 125-136, jan.ljun.1978j ~. bras. Bibliotecon. Doc. 11 (1/2): 125-1 '

Bibliotecas Universitárias

MACKENZIE, A. G. - Reader instruction in modern universities. As lib P r o c e e d in g s , 2 1 (7 ): 2 7 1

-9, 1969.

MCNEAL, A. L. - Libraries book to the state agency: the academic library. Am e r ic a n L ib r a r ie s ,

2(7):739-71, 1971.

MARCHANT, Maurice P. - Participative management as related to personnel development.

L ib r a r y T r e n d s , 2 0 (1 ): 4 8 -5 9 , 1 9 7 1 .

MARCHANT, Maurice P. - University libraries as economic systems. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 36(6):449-57, 1975.

MASON, E. - Along the academic way: a report of a seven-month study project, November 1,

1969 to May 31, 1970, funded by a Council on Library Resources fellowship. L ib r a r y

[ o u r n a l, 96(10):1671-6, 1971.

MERR Y, Susan A. - The Ontario new universities library project - a centralized processing

experimenr completed. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 29(2):104-8, 1968.

METCALF, Keyes De Witt -P la n n in g a c a d e m ia a n d r e s e a r c b lib r a r y b u ild in g s . New York, N. Y.,

McGraw-Hill, 1965. 431p.

MEWS, H. - Library instruction concerns people. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 72( 1): 8-1 O, 1970.

MILCZEWSKI, Marion A. - E s tr u c tu r a d e Ia b ib lio te c a u n ive r s ita r ia e n Ia Am e r ic a L a tin a .

Washington, D.e. Unión Panamericana, 1967. 48p.

MORRIS, Leslie R. - Head librarian and his education: the presidents' attitudes. [ o u r n a l o f E d u c a tio n fo r L ib r a r ia n s h ip , 12(3):162-5, 1972.

MOUNT, Ellis &FASANA, Paul- An approach to the measurement of use and cost of a large

academic research library system: report of a study done at Columbua University Library.

C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 33(3):199-211, 1972.

NEAL, Kennerh Williarrt -ln tr o d u c tio n to lib r a r y a d m in is tr a tio n . Alderley Edge, 1975. 58p.

INICHOLLS, R. A. - Library service and use. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 33 (3): 199-211, 1972.


J. -

Shared cataloging: an experiment in cooperation between university and special

lib r a r ie s .Sp e c ia l L ib r a r ie s , 61(7): 377-80, 1970.

NOEL, David G. - Dynamic-response library: a blueprinr for new universities. Au s tr a lia n

L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 22(1): 8-23, 1973.

OBOLER, EliMattin - Academic library. L ib r a r y [ o u r n a l, 92(15): 2903, 1967.

O'CONNELL, T. F. - Undergraduate library? C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y [ o u r n a l, 27(4): 278-82, 1970.

OERTEL, Dieter - Tâches et entreprises communes des bibliothêques d'études de Ia République

fédérale aliem ande. B u l/e tin d e s B ib lio th e q u e s d e F r a n c e , 14(3): 95-104, 1969.

OMELUSIK, N. E. - Ex uno plures: the libraries of the University of British Columbia.


Levantamento Bibliográfico


L ih r a r y: essays in honor of Guy R. Lyle. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow, 1974. p. 82-95.

ORNE, Jerrold - The place of the library in the evaluation of graduate work. C o lle g e a n d

R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 30(1): 25-31, 1969.

ORNE, Jerrold - The undergraduate library. L ib r a r y J o u r n a l, 95(12): 2230-3, 1970.

ORNE, Jerrold - PALMOUR, Vernon E. et aI. - Stu d y o f c h a r a c te r is tic s , c o s ts , a n d m a g n itu d e o f in te r -lib r a r y lo a n s in a c a d e m ic lib r a r ie s . London, Greenwood Press, 1972. 127p.

PARKER, Thomas Francis - Models and methods: the tools of library networking. C o lle g e a n d

R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 36(6): 480-6, 1975. l.i

PARRY, Thomás - University libraries and the future. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 70(9):

225-- 9, 1968. .

a t


PFLUG, Günther - Effects of automation on library administration. IF L A[ournal, 1 (4): 267·

75, 1975

PAITERSON, Franklin - TheIibrary as arbiter. Am e r ic a n L ib r a r ie s , 1 (3): 254-5, 1970.

PERKINS, Ralph - Realistic library orientation - a necessity. L ib r a r y C o lle g e [ournal, 3 (4): 20-7, 1970.

PIPE, Christopher C. - University and its library. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 70 (7): 180-1, 1968.

PLANNING library services: proceedings of a research seminar held at the University of

Lancaster, 9-11 July 1969; edited by A. Graham Mackenzie and Ian M. Stuart. Lancaster,

University of Lancaster, 1969. 228p.

PRAKASK, O. - Academic libraries in India: problems and prospects. H e r a ld L ib r a r y o f

Sc ie n c e , 5 (1): 68-71, 1966.

RADCLIFFE, F. W. - Problems of open acess in large academic libraries. L ib r i, 18 (2): 95-111, 1968.




RAFFEL, J. & SHISHKO, R. - Centralization vs. decentralization: a location analysis approach

for librarians. Sp e c ia l L ib r a r ie s , 63 (3): 135-43, 1972.


RALSTON, 1\. - The library lobby. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c b L ib r a r ie s , 32 (6): 427-31, 1971.


REA:DY, William B. - Bibliocentre: an essay in central processing at college level. C o lle g e a n d R e s e a r c b L ib r a r ie s , 31 (1): 50-4, 1970.

. REDMOND, Donald Aitcheson - University libraries and university research. C o lle g e a n d .

R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , 33 (6): 447-53, 1972.

ROBERTS, Norman - University libraries. L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d , 7i(I): 7-8,1971; 73

(6): 110-2,1971; 73 (11): 210-2, 1971; 74 (3): 47-9, 1972; 74 (8): 141-8,1972; 75 (3):

48-50, 1973; 75 (11): 219-221, 1973.

ROBINSON, Eric E. - Developments in higher education andtheir implications for

Iibraries-L ib r a r y As s o c ia tio n R e c o r d ; 71 (5): 142-3. 1969.

ROBINSON, Joyce L. - Library planning in Jamaica. T h e B o w ke r An n u a l o f L ib r a r y a n d B o o k T r a d e ln fo r m a tio n , 1975. p.355-60.


R. bras. Bibliotecon. Doe, 11 (112): 125-136, jan.ljun.1978

Bibliotecas Universitárias

tl--,.-ROCHER, Jean Louis - La bibliothêque universitaire de Lyon-La - Dova aprês cinq années de

fonctionnement. B u lle tin d e s B ib lio tb ê q u e s d e F r a n c e , 15(11):545-73, 1970.

ROGERS, Rutherford David &WEBER, D. C. - U n iu e r s ity lib r a r y a d m in is tr a tio n ..New York, N.Y., H. W. Wilson, 1971. 454p.

ROSS, Johanna C. - Scientific management in libraries. C a lifo r n ia L ib r a r ia n , 33:83-7, Apr. 1972.

ROTHSTEIN, S. - From reaction to interaction: the development of the North American

university library. C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y jo u r n a l, 29(2):111-5, 1972.

RUSSELL, Norman et al. - McMaster's Mills memoriallibrary, 1950-1963. C a n a d ia n L ib r a r y jo u r n a l, 27(3):196-8, 1970.

RZASA, P. V.&BAKER, N. R. - Measures of effectiveness for a university library. jo u r n a l o f ~ Am e r ic a n So c ie ty fo r ln fo r m a tio n Sc ie n c e , 23(4):248-53, 1972.

SAR, R. N. - College libraries in Delhi. H e r a ld o f L ib r a r y Sc ie n c e , 10(1):55-8, 1971.

SARGENT, C. W. & LINDBERG, D. A. B. - Computer-based union catalog project for the

University of Missouri. Sp e c ia l L ib r a r ie s , 63(3):121-9, 1972.

SARKAR, Amal - Introduction of work-study in a library. ln d ia n L ib r a r ia n , 26:41-4, Jan. 1971.


SAUNDERS, Wilfred Leonard - U n iu e r s ity a n d r e s e a r c b lib r a r y s tu d ie s : some contributions

from the University of Sheffield Postgraduate School of Librarianship and Information

Science. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1968. 221p.

SCHILLER, A. R. - Computerized information service. Am e r ic a n Lib r a r ie s , 3(1):79-80,1972.

SCHMIDMAIER, D. - Some effects of the science on the education of the library user in the

DDR. IAT U L P r o c é e d in g s , 5(1): 35-50, 1970.

SCHMIDT, C. James & SHAFFER, Kay - Cooperative interlibrary loan servicefor the srate

assisted university libraries in Ohio. C o lie g e a n d R e s e a r c b Lib r a r ie s , 32(3): 197-204, 1971.

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