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A Modified BFGS Formula Using a Trust Region Model for Nonsmooth Convex Minimizations.


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A Modified BFGS Formula Using a Trust

Region Model for Nonsmooth

Convex Minimizations

Zengru Cui1, Gonglin Yuan1,2*, Zhou Sheng1, Wenjie Liu2,3, Xiaoliang Wang1, Xiabin Duan1

1Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Mathematics and Its Applications, College of Mathematics and Information Science, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China,2School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China, 3Jiangsu Engineering Center of Network Monitoring, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China



This paper proposes a modified BFGS formula using a trust region model for solving non-smooth convex minimizations by using the Moreau-Yosida regularization (non-smoothing) approach and a new secant equation with a BFGS update formula. Our algorithm uses the function value information and gradient value information to compute the Hessian. The Hes-sian matrix is updated by the BFGS formula rather than using second-order information of the function, thus decreasing the workload and time involved in the computation. Under suit-able conditions, the algorithm converges globally to an optimal solution. Numerical results show that this algorithm can successfully solve nonsmooth unconstrained convex problems.


Consider the following convex problem:


x2Rn fðxÞ; ð1Þ

wheref:Rn!Ris a possibly nonsmooth convex function. In general, this problem has been well studied for several decades whenfis continuously differentiable, and a number of different methods have been developed for its solutionEq (1)(for example, numerical optimization method [1–3] etc, heuristic algorithm [4–6] etc). However, whenfis a nondifferentiable func-tion, the difficulty of solving this problem increases. Recently, such problems have arisen in many medical, image restoration and optimal control applications (see [7–13] etc). Some authors have previously studied nonsmooth convex problems (see [14–18] etc).



Citation:Cui Z, Yuan G, Sheng Z, Liu W, Wang X, Duan X (2015) A Modified BFGS Formula Using a Trust Region Model for Nonsmooth

Convex Minimizations. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140606. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140606

Editor:Lixiang Li, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, CHINA

Received:April 8, 2015

Accepted:September 27, 2015

Published:October 26, 2015

Copyright:© 2015 Cui et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Data Availability Statement:All data are available and they are listed in the paper.

Funding:This work is supported by the Program for Excellent Talents in Guangxi Higher Education Institutions (Grant No. 201261), Guangxi NSF (Grant No. 2012GXNSFAA053002), China NSF (Grant No. 11261006 and 11161003), the Guangxi Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No.


LetF:Rn!Rbe the so-called Moreau-Yosida regularization off, which is defined by


z2Rn fðzÞ þ 1

2lkz xk 2

; ð2Þ

whereλis a positive parameter andk kdenotes the Euclidean norm. The problemEq (1)is equivalent to the following problem


x2Rn FðxÞ: ð3Þ

It is well known that the problems Eqs (1) and (3) of the solution sets are the same. As we know, one of the most effective methods for problemsEq (3)is the trust region method.

The trust region method plays an important role in the area of nonlinear optimization, and it has been proven to be a very efficient method. Levenberg [19] and Marquardt [20] first applied this method to nonlinear least-squares problems, and Powell [21] established a conver-gence result for this method for unconstrained problems. Fletcher [22] first proposed a trust region method for composite nondifferentiable optimization problems. Over the past decades, many authors have studied the trust region algorithm to minimize nonsmooth objective func-tion problems. For example, Sampaio, Yuan and Sun [23] used the trust region algorithm for nonsmooth optimization problems; Sun, Sampaio and Yuan [24] proposed a quasi-Newton trust region algorithm for nonsmooth least-squares problems; Zhang [25] used a new trust region algorithm for nonsmooth convex minimization; and Yuan, Wei and Wang [26] pro-posed a gradient trust region algorithm with a limited memory BFGS update for nonsmooth convex minimization problems. For other references on trust region methods, see [27–35], among others. In particular, for the problem we address in this study, as we can compute the exact Hessian, the trust region method could be very efficient. However, it is difficult to com-pute the Hessian at every iteration, which increases the computational workload and time.

The purpose of this paper is to present an efficient trust region algorithm to solveEq (3). With the use of the Moreau-Yosida regularization (smoothing) and the new quasi-Newton equation, the given method has the following good properties: (i) the Hessian makes use of not only the gradient value but also the function value and (ii) the subproblem of the proposed method, which possesses the form of an unconstrained trust region subproblem, can be solved using existing methods.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly review some basic results in convex analysis and nonsmooth analysis and state a new quasi-Newton secant equation. In section 3, we present a new algorithm for solving problemEq (3). In section 4, we prove the global convergence of the proposed method. In section 5, we report numerical results and present some comparisons for the existing methods to solve problemEq (1). We conclude our paper in Section 6.

Throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified,k kdenotes the Euclidean norm of vec-tors or matrices.

Initial results

In this section, we first state some basic results in convex analysis and nonsmooth analysis. Let

yðz;xÞ ¼fðzÞ þ


2lkz xk 2


and denotep(x): =argminz2Rnθ(z,x). Then,p(x) is well defined and unique, asθ(z,x) is


strongly convex. ByEq (2),Fcan be rewritten as

FðxÞ ¼fðpðxÞÞ þ21

lkpðxÞ xk 2


In the following, we denoteg(x) =rF(x). Some important properties ofFare given as follows:

1. Fis finite-valued, convex and everywhere differentiable with

gðxÞ ¼ rFðxÞ ¼x pðxÞ

l : ð4Þ

2. The gradient mappingg:Rn!Ris globally Lipschitz continuous with modulusλ, i.e.,

kgðxÞ gðyÞ k1

lkx yk; 8x;y2R


: ð5Þ

3. xsolvesEq (1)if and only ifrF(x) = 0, namely,p(x) =x.

It is obvious thatF(x) andg(x) can be obtained through the optimal solution ofargminz2Rn

θ(z,x). However, the minimizer ofθ(z,x),p(x) is difficult or even impossible to solve for exactly. Thus, we cannot compute the exact value ofp(x) to defineF(x) andg(x). Fortunately, for eachx2Rnand any >0, there exists a vectorpα(x,)2Rnsuch that


; ÞÞ þ


2lkp a

ðx; Þ xk2 FðxÞ þ: ð6Þ

Thus, we can usepα(x,) to define respective approximations ofF(x) andg(x) as follows, when

is small,


; Þ:¼fðpaðx

; ÞÞ þ


2lkp a

ðx; Þ xk2 ð7Þ


gaðx; Þ:¼x p a

ðx; Þ

l ; ð8Þ

The papers [36,37] describe some algorithms to calculatepα(x,). The following remarkable feature ofFα(x,) andgα(x,) is obtained from [38].

Proposition 2.1Letpα(x,) be a vector satisfyingEq (6), andFα(x,) andgα(x,) are defined by Eqs (7) and (8), respectively. Then, we obtain

FðxÞ Faðx

; Þ FðxÞ þ; ð9Þ


ðx; Þ pðxÞ kpffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2l; ð10Þ



ðx; Þ gðxÞ k


2 l


: ð11Þ

The relations Eqs (9), (10) and (11) imply thatFα(x,) andgα(x,) may be made arbitrarily close toF(x) andg(x), respectively, by choosing the parameterto be small enough.

Second, recall that whenfis smooth, the quasi-Newton secant method is used to solve prob-lemEq (1). The iteratexksatisfiesrfk+Bk(xk+1−xk) = 0, whererfk=rf(xk),Bkis an



Bkþ1sk¼yk; ð12Þ

whereyk=rfk+1−rfkandsk=xk+1−xk. However, the function values are not exploited inEq

(12), which the method solves by only using the gradient information. Motivated by the above observations, we hope to develop a method that uses both the gradient information and func-tion informafunc-tion. This problem has been studied by several authors. In particular, Wei, Li and Qi [39] proposed an important modified secant equation by using not only the gradient values but also the function values, and the modified secant is defined as

Bkþ1sk¼nk; ð13Þ

whereνk=yk+βksk,fk=f(xk),rfk=rf(xk), andbk¼

ðrfkþ1þrfkÞTskþ2ðfk fkþ1Þ kskk

2 . Whenfis twice continuously differentiable andBk+1is updated by the BFGS formula [40–43], whereBk=Iis a unit matrix ifk= 0, this secantEq (13)possesses the following remarkable property:

fk¼fkþ1þ rf

T kþ1skþ



T kBkþ1sk

This property holds for allk. Based on the result of Theorem 2.1 [39],Eq (13)has an advantage overEq (12)in this approximate relation.

The new model

In this section, we present a modified BFGS formula using trust region model for solvingEq (1), which is motivated by the Moreau-Yosida regularization (smoothing), general trust region method and the new secantEq (13). First, we describe the trust region method. In each itera-tion, a trial stepdkis generated by solving an adaptive trust region subproblem, in which the values of the gradient ofF(x) atxkandEq (13)are used:

min qkðdÞ ¼g


k; kÞ T

dþ12dTB kd; s:t: kdkDk;


where the scalark>0 andΔkdescribe the trust region radius.

Letdkbe the optimal solution ofEq (14). The actual reduction is defined by

Are dk:¼F


k; kÞ F


kþdk; kþ1Þ; ð15Þ

and we define the predict reduction as

Pre dk:¼ g


ðxk; kÞ

T 1



kBkdk: ð16Þ

Then, we definerkto be the ratio betweenAre dkandPre dk

rk:¼ Are dk Pre dk

: ð17Þ

Based on the new secantEq (13)and withBk+1being updated by the BFGS formula, we pro-pose a modified BFGS formula. TheBk+1is defined by


Bk; if sTknk0;


BksksTkBk sT

kBksk þ nknkT nkTs

k; if s T knk>0;

ð18Þ 8










ðxkþ1; kþ1Þ þg a

ðxk; kÞÞ T



ðxk; kÞ F


ðxkþ1; kþ1ÞÞ


2 ;

ifk= 0, thenBk=I, andIis a unit matrix.

We now list the steps of the modified trust region algorithm as follows.

Algorithm 1.

Step 0. Choosex02R


, 0 <σ1<σ2< 1, 0 <η1< 1 <η2,λ> 0, 0ε1,ΔmaxΔ0> 0

is called the maximum value of trust region radius,B0=I, andIis the unit matrix. Letk: = 0.

Step 1. Choose a scalark+1satisfying 0 <k+1<k, and calculatep




ðxk; kÞ ¼ xk paðxk;kÞ

l . Ifxksatisfies the termination criterionkg


(xk,k)k ε,

then stop. Otherwise, go to Step 2.

Step 2.dksolves the trust region subproblemEq (14).

Step 3. ComputeAre dk,Pre dk,rkusing Eqs (15), (16) and (17).

Step 4. Regulate the trust region radius. Let


Z1Dk; if rk<s1;

Dk; if s1rk s2; minfZ2Dk;Dmaxg; if rk>s2:

8 > > > < > > > :

Step 5. If the conditionrkσ1holds, then letxk+1=xk+dk, updateBk+1byEq (18), and letk: =k+ 1; go back to Step 1. Otherwise, letxk+1: =xkandk: =

k+ 1; return to Step 2.

Similar to Dennis and Moré [44] or Yuan and Sun [45], we have the following result.

Lemma 1If and only if the condition sT

knk>0holds,Bk+1will inherit the positive property of Bk.

Proof“)”IfBk+1is symmetric and positive definite, then


kBkþ1sk ¼ sTk Bk

Bksks T kBk sT

kBksk þnknk


nkTs k


¼ sT

kBksk sT

kBksksTkBksk sT



T knknkTsk

nkTs k

¼ sT


> 0:

“(”For the proof of the converse, suppose thatsT

knk>0andBkis symmetric and positive defi

-nite for allk0. We shall prove thatxTBk+1x>0 holds for arbitraryx6¼0 andx2Rnby induction. It is easy to see thatB0=Iis symmetric and positive definite. Thus, we have


kþ1x ¼ xTBkx

xTB ksks

T kBkx sT



Tn knk


nkTs k

¼ xTB

kx ðxTB



sT kBksk

þðx Tn


nkTs k



BecauseBkis symmetric and positive definite for allk0, there exists a symmetric and positive

definite matrixB

1 2

ksuch thatBk ¼B

1 2


1 2



ðxTB kskÞ


¼ xTB

1 2


1 2


h i2

¼ B 1 2 kx T B 1 2


2 B 1 2 kx 2 B 1 2


¼ B 1 2 kx T B 1 2 kx B 1 2




1 2


¼ ðxTB



It is not difficult to prove that the above inequality holds true if and only if there exists a real numberγk6¼0 such thatB

1 2


1 2

ksk, namely,x=γksk.

Hence, ifEq (20)strictly holds (and note thatsknkT >0), then fromEq (19), we have


kþ1x > x

TB kx

ðxTB kskÞ


sT kBksk

þðx Tn


nkTs k

¼ ðx



nkTs k


Otherwise,ðxTB kskÞ


¼ ðxTB kxÞðs


kBkskÞ; then, there existsγksuch thatx=γksk. Thus,

xTB kþ1x ¼

½ðgkskÞ T

nkŠ2 nkTs


¼ g2

ks T knk>0:

Therefore, for each 06¼x2Rn, we havexTBk+1x>0. This completes the proof. Lemma 1 states that ifsT

knk>0, then the matrix sequence {Bk} is symmetric and positive

definite, which is updated by the BFGS formula ofEq (18).

Convergence analysis

In this section, the global convergence of Algorithm 1 is established under the assumption that the following conditions are required.

Assumption A.

1. Let the level setO

O¼ fx2RnjFaðx

; Þ Faðx0; Þ; 8x02R



2. Fis bounded from below.

3. The matrix sequence {Bk} is bounded onO, which means that there exists a positive con-stantMsuch that

kBk kM 8k:

4. The sequence {k} converges to zero. Now, we present the following lemma.

Lemma 2If dkis the solution ofEq (14),then

Pre dk¼qkð0Þ qkðdkÞ


2kg a

ðxk; kÞ kmin Dk; kga

ðxk; kÞ k kBkk


ProofSimilar to the proof of Lemma 7(6.2) in Ma [46]. Note that the matrix sequence {Bk} is symmetric and positive definite; then, we presentdc

kto be a Cauchy point at iteration pointxk,

which is defined by

dc k¼ mk

Dk kgaðx

k; kÞ k ga

ðxk; kÞ;

wheremk¼min kgaðxk;kÞk


Dkgaðxk;kÞTBkgaðxk;kÞ; 1

n o

. It is easy to verify that the Cauchy point is a feasible

point, i.e.,kdc kk Dk.

If kgaðxk;kÞk


Dkgaðxk;kÞTBkgaðxk;kÞ> 1, then


k; kÞ k


>Dkgaðxk; kÞTBkgaðxk; kÞ;


dc k¼

Dk kgaðx

k; kÞ ga

ðxk; kÞ:

Thus, we obtain

Pre dc

k ¼ qk

Dk kgaðx

k; kÞ k ga

ðxk; kÞ

¼ ga

ðxk; kÞ

T Dk


k; kÞ k ga

ðxk; kÞ



Dk kgaðx

k; kÞ k ga

ðxk; kÞ



Dk kgaðx

k; kÞ k ga

ðxk; kÞ

¼ Dk


k; kÞ k kga

ðxk; kÞ k

2 1

2 D2k kgaðx

k; kÞ k

2g a

ðxk; kÞ T



ðxk; kÞ



ðxk; kÞ k


ðxk; kÞ kmin Dk; kgaðx

k; kÞ k kBkk


Otherwise, we havedc k¼

kgaðx k;kÞk



k;kÞTBkgaðxk;kÞg a

ðxk; kÞ. Thus, we obtain

Pre dc

k ¼ g

a ðxk; kÞ


ðxk; kÞ k



k; kÞ T

Bkgaðxk; kÞ ga

ðxk; kÞ !




kÞ k



k; kÞ T

Bkgaðxk; kÞ ga

ðxk; kÞ !T

Bk kg


kÞ k



k; kÞ T

Bkgaðxk; kÞ ga

ðxk; kÞ !

¼ 12 kg a

ðxk; kÞ k



k; kÞ T

Bkgaðxk; kÞ

12kg a

ðxk; kÞ k




ðxk; kÞ kmin Dk;


ðxk; kÞ k



Letdkbe the solution ofEq (14). BecauseqkðdkcÞ qkðdkÞ, we have

Pre dk¼qkð0Þ qkðdkÞ


2kg a

ðxk; kÞ kmin Dk; kgaðx

k; kÞ k kBkk


This completes the proof.

Lemma 3Let Assumption A hold true and the sequence{xk}be generated by Algorithm 1. If dkis the solution ofEq (14),then

jAre dk Pre dkj ¼oðkdkk


Þ: ð22Þ

ProofLetdkbe the solution ofEq (14). By using Taylor expansion,Fα(xk+dk,

k+1) can be

expressed by


ðxkþdk; kþ1Þ ¼F a

ðxk; kÞ þg


ðxk; kÞ T





kBkdkþoðkdk k


Þ; ð23Þ

Note that with the definitions ofAre dkandPre dkand by usingEq (23), we have

jAre dk Pre dkj ¼ jF


ðxk; kÞ F


ðxkþdk; kþ1Þ þqkðdkÞj

¼ oðkd




The proof is complete.

Lemma 4Let Assumption A hold. Then, Algorithm 1 does not circle in the inner cycle infinitely.

ProofSuppose, by contradiction to the conclusion of the lemma, that Algorithm 1 cycles between Steps 2 and 5 infinitely at iteration pointxk, i.e.,rk<σ1and that there exists a scalarρ

>0 such thatkgα

(xk,k)k ρ. Thus, noting that 0<η1<1, we have

kdkkDk ¼Z1kD0!0; for k! 1: By using the resultEq (22)of Lemma 3 and the definition ofrk, we obtain

jrk 1j ¼

jAre dk Pre dkj jPre dkj





k; kÞ kmin Dk; kga

ðxk; kÞ k kBkk

!0; for k! 1:

which means that we must haverkσ1; this contradicts the assumption thatrk<σ1, and the

proof is complete.

Based on the above lemmas, we can now demonstrate the global convergence of Algorithm 1 under suitable conditions.

Theorem 1(Global Convergence). Suppose that Assumption A holds and that the sequence

{xk}is generated by Algorithm 1. Let dkbe the solution ofEq (14).Then, lim

k!1infkgkk ¼0holds, and any accumulation point of xkis an optimal solution ofEq (1).

ProofWe first prove that


k!1 inf kg


ðxk; kÞ k¼0: ð24Þ

Suppose thatgα(xk,k)6¼0. Without loss of generality, by the definition ofrk, we have

jrk 1j ¼ Fa

ðxkþdk; kþ1Þ F a

ðxk; kÞ qkðdkÞ qkðdkÞ


Using Taylor expansion, we obtain


kþdk; kþ1Þ ¼F aðx

k; kÞ þg


k; kÞ T

dkþ R1

0 d

T k½g


kþtdk; kþ1Þ g aðx

k; kފdt:

WhenΔk>0 and small enough, we have jFaðx

kþdk; kþ1Þ F aðx

k; kÞ qkðdkÞj

¼ 12dT


Z 1


dT k½g


ðxkþtdk; kþ1Þ g a

ðxk; kފdt





Suppose that there existsω0>0 such thatkgα(xk,k)k ω0. By contradiction, using Eqs (25)

and (26) and Lemma 2, we have

jrk 1j


2Mkdkk 2

þoðkd kkÞ


2kg a

ðxk; kÞmin Dk; kgaðx

k; kÞ k kBkk




o0min Dk; o0


n o

¼ OðD



which means that there exists sufficiently smallD^>0such thatD



Dfor eachk, and we havejrk−1j<1−σ2, i.e.,rk>σ2. Then, according to the Algorithm 1, we haveΔk+1Δk.

Thus, there exists a positive integerk0and a constantρ0for arbitrarykk0and satisfying



D, for which we have



D: ð28Þ

On the other hand, becauseFis bounded from below, and supposing that there exists an infinite numberksuch thatrk>σ1, by the definition ofrkand Lemma 2, for eachkk0,


ðxk; kÞ F


ðxkþdk; kþ1Þ

>s1½qkð0Þ qkðdkފ

s2o0min Dk; o0


n o


which means thatΔk!0 fork! 1; this is a contradiction toEq (28).

Moreover, suppose that for sufficiently largek, we haverk<σ1. Then,Dk¼Z k

1D0, and we can see thatΔk!0 fork! 1; this is also a contradiction toEq (28). The contradiction shows

thatEq (24)holds. We now show that limk

!1 infkgkk ¼0holds. By usingEq (11), we have


k; kÞ gðxkÞ k ffiffiffiffiffiffi






Together with Assumption A(iv), this implies that


k!1 inf kgkk¼


Finally, we make a final assertion. Letxbe an accumulation point of {xk}. Then, without

loss of generality, there exists a subsequence {xk}Ksatisfying


k!1;k2K xk¼x



From the properties ofF, we have

gðxkÞ ¼

xk pðxkÞ

l :

Thus, by using Eqs (29) and (30), we havex=p(x). Therefore,xis an optimal solution of Eq (1). The proof is complete.

Similar to Theorem 3.7 in [25], we can show that the rate of convergence of Algorithm 1 is Q-superlinear. We omit this proof here (the proof of the Q-superlinear convergence can be found in [25]).

Theorem 2(Q-superlinear Convergence)[25]Suppose that Assumption A(ii) holds, that the sequence{xk}is generated by Algorithm 1, which has a limit point x, and that g is BD-regular and semismooth at x. Furthermore, suppose that


1. xis the unique solution ofEq (1);

2. the entire sequence{xk}converges to xQ-superlinearly, i.e.,



kxkþ1 xk

kxk x k



In this section, we test our modified BFGS formula using a trust region model for solving non-smooth problems. The type of nonnon-smooth problems addressed inTable 1can be found in [47– 53]. The problem dimensions and optimum function values are listed inTable 1, where“No.” is the number of the test problem,“Dim”is the dimension of the test problem,“Problem”is the name of the test problem,“x0”is the initial point, and“fops(x)”is the optimization function evaluation. Here, the modified algorithm was implemented using MATLAB 7.0.4, and all numerical experiments were run on a PC with CPU Intel CORE(TM) 2 Duo T6600 2.20 GHZ, with 2.00 GB of RAM and with the Windows 7 operating system.

Table 1. Problem descriptions for test problems.

No. Dim Problem x0 fops(x)

1 2 Rosenbrock [47] (-1.2, 1.0) 0

2 2 Crescent [47] (-1.5, 2.0) 0

3 2 CB2 [48] (1.0, -0.1) 1.9522245

4 2 CB3 [48] (2.0, 2.0) 2.0

5 2 DEM [49] (1.0, 1.0) -3.0

6 2 QL [50] (-1.0, 5.0) 7.20

7 2 LQ [50] (-0.5, -0.5) -1.4142136

8 2 Mifflin 2 [51] (-1.0, -1.0) -1.0

9 5 Shor [52] (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) 22.600162

10 50 MXHILB [53] ones(50, 1) 0

11 50 LIHILB [53] ones(50, 1) 0


To test the performance of the given algorithm for the problems listed inTable 1, we com-pared our method with the trust region concept (BT) of paper [15], the proximal bundle method (PBL) of paper [17] and the gradient trust region algorithm with limited memory BFGS update (LGTR) described in [26]. The parameters were chosen as follows:σ1= 0.45,σ2= 0.75,η1= 0.5,

η2= 4,λ= 1,Δ0= 0.5<Δmax= 100 andk¼


ð2þkÞ2(wherekis the iterate number). We stopped the algorithm when the conditionkgα(x,)k 10−6was satis

fied. Based on the idea of [26], we use the functionfminsearchin MATLAB for solving minθ(z,x). Then, we obtained the solution

p(x); moreover, we obtainedgα(x,), which is computed usingEq (8). Meanwhile, we also listed

the results of PBL, LGTR, BT and our modified algorithm inTable 2. The numerical results of PBL and BT can be found in [17], and the numerical results of LGTR can be found in [26]. The following notations are used inTable 2:“NI”is the number of iterations;“NF”is the number of the function evaluations;“f(x)”is the function value atfinal iteration;“——”indicates that the algorithm fails to solve the problem; and“Total”denotes the sum of the NI/NF.

The numerical results show that the performance of our algorithm is superior to those of the methods inTable 2. It can be seen clearly that the sum of our algorithm relative to NI and NF is less than the other three algorithms. The paper [54] provides a new tool for analyzing the efficiency of these four algorithms. Figs1and2show the performances of these four methods relative to NI and NF ofTable 2, respectively. These two figures prove that Algorithm 1 pro-vides a good performance for all the problems tested compared to PBL, LGTR and BT. In sum, the preliminary numerical results indicate that the modified method is efficient for solving nonsmooth convex minimizations.


The trust region method is one of the most efficient optimization methods. In this paper, by using the Moreau-Yosida regularization (smoothing) and a new secant equation with the BFGS formula, we present a modified BFGS formula using a trust region model for solving non-smooth convex minimizations. Our algorithm does not compute the Hessian of the objective function at every iteration, which decrease the computational workload and time, and it uses the function information and the gradient information. Under suitable conditions, global con-vergence is established, and we show that the rate of concon-vergence of our algorithm is Q-Table 2. Test results.

No. PBL NI/NF/f(x) LGTR NI/NF/f(x) BT NI/NF/f(x) Algorithm 1 NI/NF/f(x)

1 42/45/3.81 × 10−5 —— 79/88/1.30 × 10−10 26/66/4.247136 × 10−6 2 18/20/6.79 × 10−5 10/10/3.156719 × 10−5 24/27/9.44 × 10−5 13/13/2.521899 × 10−5 3 32/34/1.9522245 10/11/1.952225 13/16/1.952225 4/6/1.952262

4 14/16/2.0 2/3/2.000217 13/21/2.0 3/4/2.000040

5 17/19/-3.0 3/3/-2.999700 9/13/-3.0 4/24/-2.999922

6 13/15/7.2000015 19/119/7.200001 12/17/7.200009 9/9/7.200043 7 11/12/-1.4142136 1/1/-1.207068 10/11/-1.414214 2/2/-1.414214 8 66/68/-0.99999941 3/3/-0.9283527 6/13/-1.0 4/4/-0.9978547 9 27/29/22.600162 42/443/22.62826 29/30/22.600160 8/9/22.600470 10 19/20/4.24 × 10−7 12/12/9.793119 × 10−3

—— 23/108/5.228012 × 10−3 11 19/20/9.90 × 10−8 20/63/9.661137 × 10−3

—— 7/7/2.632534 × 10−3

Total 278/298 164/1111 353/412 103/252


Fig 1. Performance profiles of these methods (NI).


Fig 2. Performance profiles of these methods (NF).


superlinear. Numerical results show that this algorithm is efficient. We believe that this algo-rithm can be used in future applications to solve non smooth convex minimizations.


This work is supported by China NSF (Grant No. 11261006 and 11161003), the Guangxi Sci-ence Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 2015GXNSFGA139001), NSFC No.

61232016, NSFC No. U1405254, and PAPD issue of Jiangsu advantages discipline. The authors wish to thank the editor and the referees for their useful suggestions and comments which greatly improve this paper.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: ZC GY ZS. Performed the experiments: ZC GY ZS. Analyzed the data: ZC GY ZS WL XW XD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ZC GY ZS WL XW XD. Wrote the paper: ZC GY ZS.


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Table 1. Problem descriptions for test problems.
Table 2. Test results.
Fig 1. Performance profiles of these methods (NI).


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