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Sao Paulo Med. J. vol.113 número2 suppl.


Academic year: 2018

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Lys Esther Rocha


Repetitive strain injuries in

key-board operators

T he w ork of K ey-board operators w as initially

associ-ated to R epetitive Strain Injuries (R SI) in Japan around 1960, w hen these w orkers com plained of pain in the

neck-shoulder-arm -hand are called O ccupational C ervicobrachial D isorders

by the com m itte of the Japan A ssociations ofIndustrial H ealth.

In A ustralia, an increase of R SI in keyboard operators w as

registered around 1970. In B razil, cases of tenosynovitis, a

clinical type of R SI, related to key-board's w ork since 1982,

have been registered.

In 1986, the L abour U nion of the D ata Processing C om -panies for the State of Sao Paulo requested from the L abour

M inistry of Sao Paulo the developm ent of an Inspection

Pro-gram for these com panies. In the planning of how these

in-spections w ould be run, it w as decided to use the C A T (W ork

A ccidents C om unication) of tenosynovitis registered at

So-cial W elfare.

A s the N ational Institute of M edical A ssistance and

Social W elfare established in N ovem ber 1986 tenosynovitis

as an occupational disease, the period select for the C A T s

analysis w as from N ovem ber 1986 to D ecem ber 1987. T his

study analysed 284 C A T s registered in the city of Sao Paulo. T he nam e R SI w as not used by the Social W elfare D

epart-m ent in 1987.

T he inform ation analysed regarded the business, the

w orker (age, sex, m arital status, occupation, w ages) and the

accident characterization (m edical service and diagnosis). T he

data w as processed by the C om puter Service of Preventive

M edicine, D epartm ent of the Sao Paulo U niversity M edical


Sum m arizing, the inform ation on the w orkers gathered

w as: 79,9% w ere w om en; the m ajority (60,8% ) w ere 25 to 34

years of age; 43,9% w ere unm arried and 48,9% w ere m

ar-ried; 71,9% received betw een 4 to 6 m inim un salaries.

W e com pared the inform ation collected through the

C A T s w ith the 1989 A nnual Social Inform ation R eport (R A IS) of the L abour M inistry. In that year, there w ere 12.272 key-board operators w orking. In relation to sex, w e observed that

52,7% w ere w om en. It seem s to be that the diseasis m ore

com m on in w om en. In relation to the age, according to R A IS's

data 35,7% of the keyboard operators w ere betw een 18 to 24

years of age and those w ith tenosynovitis represented only

13,5% suggesting that the m ore serious cases of the disease

occured 5 years after w orking in this occupation.

T he occupation collected through the C A T s in 91,8%

w ere of keyboard operators. T his inform ation differs from

international literature, that report m ore R SI in assem bly-line

operators. T he explanation of this fact is the m obilization of

data processing w orkers in B razil to recognize R SI as an

oc-cupational disease.

T he keyboard operation can be associated w ith R SI

because of the follow ing factors: high speed finger w ork

to-taling 12.000 strokes per hour' associated w ith production

prizes; continuous w orking periods w ith a break tim e after

three hours; frequent over-tim e; poor ergonom ic design of

the furniture and m achines causing m uscular strain; increase

of stress because of electronic m onitoring of production;

en-vironm ents w ith low tem perature and inadequate lighting; use of force to stroke and 12 hour w ork periods.

T he recognition of tenosynovitis as an occupational

dis-ease w as m ainly done by W ork A ccident E xperts of the

So-cial W elfare D epartm ent that w ere distributed in 5 areas of

the city. M ost patients w ere attended at the C entral A gency

(70,6% ) because of its localization. M edical Services of the

C om panies w ere responsible for attending 11,8% .

T he m ain diagnosis w as for the right arm (90,1% );

59,4% for the upper m em bers; tenosynovitis of the w rist


occured in 21,8% of the cases. This observation consolidates that the best nam e is R SI w hich explains the generalized at-tack of the superior m em bers.

In the relation to the duration of leaves, only 6,7% tookless than 15 days off. The m ajori ty took off m ore than 90 days, m aking it evident that only the m ore serious cases had been registered.

The keyboard operators w ith tenosynovitis in general directed them selves to orthopedists of m edical health plans (com m on in data processing business) w ho recom m ended they stay aw ay from w ork from 7 to 10 days. A fter the treatm ent,

the keyboard operators returned to w ork w ithout alterations in the production. These episodes m any tim es w ent unkow n by to M edical Services of the C om panies because the m edi-cal certificates w ere filed in the Personnel D epartm ent. In these cases, they did not file C A Ts because the business is responsible for the paym ent of the first 15 days aw ay from the job.

The C A Ts data and the inspection at the com panies con-tributed to changing the Ergonom ic G uidelines of the Labour M inistry, establishing prevention m easures for the disease through the Portaria 3751 of N ovem ber 23,1990.


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