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Ciênc. saúde coletiva vol.22 número8


Academic year: 2018

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1 Hospital Gaffrée Guinle, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unirio). R. Mariz e Barros 775, Tijuca. 20270-004 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil. adsvieira@yahoo.com.br 2 Escola de Nutrição, Unirio. Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil.

Effectiveness of n-3 fatty acids in the treatment

of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV/AIDS patients: a meta-analysis

Efetividade de ácidos graxos n-3 no tratamento

da hipertrigliceridemia em pacientes com HIV/AIDS:

uma meta-análise

Resumo A hipertrigliceridemia é comum em pacientes tratados com terapia antirretroviral e os ácidos graxos ômega 3 estão sendo usados como uma intervenção na redução triglicérides séricos (TG) nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia do uso do ômega 3 no tratamen-to da hipertrigliceridemia em pacientes com HIV/ Aids em terapia antirretroviral. Este estudo é uma revisão sistemática com metanálise de ensaios clí-nicos randomizados. As bases de dados eletrônicas – PubMed, Cochrane e Lilacs foram pesquisadas. Cinquenta e um artigos foram encontrados. Nove incluídos na metanálise. A redução do nível de tri-glicerídios foi -77.55 mg (IC de -121,85 a - 33,25) no grupo com Omega 3. A análise considerando ensaios com mais de 1000 mg de EPA/DHA in-cluiu sete estudos e a heterogeneidade caiu para 0%. A redução das médias combinada foi -101.56 mg (IC de -145,76 a -57,37). A análise conside-rando ensaios com doentes que tinham mais do que 200 mg/dL, de triglicéridos iniciais incluiu também sete ensaios e a heterogeneidade caiu para 0%. A redução das médias combinada foi -114.15 mg (IC de -162,34 a -65,97). A suplementação de EPA/DHA reduz níveis de triglicérides séricos em pacientes com hipertrigliceridemia associada ao HIV/AIDS em uso de terapia antirretroviral


Palavras-chave HIV, HAART, Triglicerídeos, Ômega 3 e óleo de peixe

Abstract Hypertriglyceridemia is common in an-tiretroviral therapy-treated patients and Omega 3 fatty acids are being used as a intervention in re-ducing serum triglycerides (TG) in these patients. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effec-tiveness of the use of Omega 3 in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV/AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy. This study is a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Electronic databases – PubMed, Cochrane and Lilacs were researched. Fifty one articles were encountered. Nine were added to the meta-analy-sis. The reduction of triglycerides level was -77.55 mg (IC of -121.85 to -33.25) in Omega 3 groups. The analysis considering trials with more than 1000 mg of EPA/DHA included seven studies and the heterogeneity dropped to 0%.The reduc-tion of combined averages was -101.56mg (IC of -145.76 to -57.37). The analysis considering trials with patients that had more than 200 mg/dL of initial triglycerides included also seven trials and the heterogeneity dropped to 0%. The reduction of combined averages was -114.15 mg (IC of -162.34 to -65.97). EPA/DHA supplementation reduces serum triglycerides levels in patients with HIV/ AIDS-associated hypertriglyceridemia in stable

use of antiretroviral therapy.

Key words HIV, HAART, Triglycerides, Omega 3 and fish oil

Aline Doria Sobral Vieira 1











Highly activity antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is reducing the morbidity and mortality of HIV-infected patients. With improved prognosis, the disease’s chronic aspect started to be han-dled with1,2. However, treatment is associated to

adverse reactions and HIV associated lipodys-trophy syndrome characterized by dyslipidemia, glycemic alterations and morphologic alterations as lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy3.

In case of dyslipidemia, when associated to HIV-infection, it occurs low HDL levels, total cholesterol and LDL increase (TC) and rise of triglycerides, conditions that favor the risk of car-diovascular disease4,5. A few observational

stud-ies revealed that the incidence of cardiovascular event in HIV-infected patients on ART is higher than in the overall population6,7.

Hypertriglyceridemia is one of the most fre-quent metabolic alterations in ART patients8. In

a transversal study with 788 patients’ cohort, the authors identified the prevalence of 56% of hy-pertriglyceridemia9.

It has been discussed the effect of Omega 3 fatty acids in metabolic complications in ART patients. Almeida et al., in a review, concluded that Omega 3 supplementation resulted in sub-stantial reduction of serum triglycerides levels10.

In 2012, a new review showed that the reduction of triglycerides with Omega 3 fatty acids supple-mentation was the nutritional intervention that most gathered substantial scientific evidences11.

In a meta-analysis published by Oliveira et al.12 in 2011 with four controlled trials evaluating

the use of Omega 3 fatty acids in the reduction of serum triglycerides in ART HIV-patients, it was observed a reduction of -80.34 with interval con-fidence of (IC of -129.08 to -31.60) in Omega-3 treated groups. In another meta-analysis where the effects of dietetic intervention in HIV dyslip-idemia were analyzed it was observed a reduction of 99.11 (IC of -138.93 to -59.29) in triglycerides of the Omega 3-treated group13.

In another study of Jacobson14, the author

discuss that the degree of TG reduction would be associated on the initial levels of triglycerides and the dose of EPA/DHA used.

There was no uniformity across clinical trials in the dosage of the supplement used, with a vari-ation of 900 to 4000 mg/day of EPA/DHA. The same thing happens with the initial triglicerides dosage15,16.

New clinical trials were published16-18, and

better answers are necessary to the questions mentioned above.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effec-tiveness of the use of omega 3 fatty acids in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV/AIDS patients on HAART.


This study consists in a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials to as-sess the use of Omega 3 fatty acids for the treat-ment of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV/AIDS pa-tients.

Studies with HIV/AIDS male and female, any ethnicity adult individuals on stable use of ARV’s with Omega 3 fatty acids-based interventions, at any dosage, compared with control group pla-cebo and serum triglycerides as outcome were included. Studies comparing equivalence or su-periority of n-3 supplement the drugs were ex-cluded.

The research was made in electronic data-bases – PubMed, Cochrane Central of Clinical Trials, and Lilacs, using the terms: HIV, HAART, triglycerides, hypertriglyceridemia, Omega3 and fish oil. The searches were made between May 2013 and August 2014, and the terms were used in the follow combination, aiming to find the greatest number of studies: HIV, Hypertriglycer-idemia, omega 3; HIV, HypertriglycerHypertriglycer-idemia, fish oil; HIV, triglycerides, omega 3; HIV, triglycerides, fish oil; HAART, Hypertriglyceridemia, omega 3; HAART, Hypertriglyceridemia,fish oil; HAART, triglycerides, omega 3; HAART, triglycerides, fish oil. Articles were obtained from specific bib-liographic references in manual search too. The quotes identified by the researchers were selected by two independent reviewers.

Jadad Scale19 was adopted to evaluate the

quality of the articles comprehending the ran-domization (1 point to randomized plus 1 for adequate randomization), blinding (1 point to blinding plus 1 for adequate blinding) and losses (only 1 point). So the total sum of points is five and five is the better classification. However, such classification was applied only to discuss differ-ent results of each study and not to discard them. Portions of the data were extracted inde-pendently by two reviewers.

Differences of weighted averages by the inver-sion of the variance of the study20 to evaluate the



e C






mated using the fixed effects method20. In case

of heterogeneity, Dersimonian & Laird21 random

effects model was used. The presence of hetero-geneity was evaluated per the methods suggested by Deeks et al.20.

Initially, a graphic exploratory analysis was performed based in the visual inspection of the charts (forest-plot). Later, the chi-square test (χ2)

of homogeneity was calculated.

Because of the limitation of the test χ2, the

heterogeneity was investigated as well through statistic I2 proposed by Higgins & Thompson22.

Values below 30% mean mild heterogeneity, in-termediate values of 30% to 50%, moderate and above 50%, an elevated level of heterogeneity.

Multivariate models of meta-regression23

were adjusted to investigate possible sources of heterogeneity across the studies’ results.

It was adopted the sensibility analysis to ex-plore the robustness of the results. This analysis consists in the repetition of the procedures, ex-cluding, for example, non-published studies and of low methodological quality.

Stata 10.0 SE24 software was used for

statisti-cal analysis.


A total of 51 articles were encountered. At Pubmed 33, Cochrane 15, Lilacs 2 and 1 article as reference of references. Of a total of 51 arti-cles, only 9 met the eligibility criteria previously defined and were included in the meta-analysis (Figure 1).

Of the nine (9) clinical trials included in this meta-analysis with total of 448 patients, five (5) consider diet together with intervention17,25-28

and one of them adopted diet and physical work out28. The other four (4) did not address

co-in-terventions. The result of the quality analysis ac-cording to Jadad Scale was three trials (3) with five points, three trials (3) with four points and three trials (3) with Three points.

Six studies accepted the stable use of hypoli-pemiants for a minimum period (prior to the be-ginning of the study) of 8 weeks18; 3 months15,29;

6 months25; one of them accepted the use of

statin, but excluded who were on fibrates for 6 weeks before the beginning of the study28; and

on another, the use of fibrate or niacin was al-lowed, but the use of niacin for less or equal to 3 months prior to the beginning of the study was exclusion criteria26. Various TARV regimens

were described, using protease inhibitors (PIs), NRTI (nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase

inhibitors) and NNRTI (non-nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors) in various com-binations; and the stable use for a period of ≥ 2 months27; 3 months16,18,26,28,29; 6 months15,17,25

was inclusion criteria.

Supplements used and dosages of EPA/DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) per day were:

Omacor® – 3360 mg26,29;

Maxepa® – 2700 mg25,1800 mg27;

Lovaza® – 3360 mg18;

Coromega® – 2900 mg28;

Salmon oil – 900 mg15;

Fish oil – 4000 mg17, 900 mg16

The studies included in this revision are shown in Chart 1.

Excluded Studies: Failed to meet eligibility

criteria: n = 26 (review articles and

other designs of study) Encountered in more than one database (same trials):

n = 10

Excluded clinical trials: Other intervention: n = 3 (supplement x medicine) Insufficient or inadequate

data: n = 3 Studies identified as potentially relevant:

n = 51 PubMed – 33 Cochrane Library -15 Lilacs- 2

Manual Search - 1

Figure 1. Flow chart with stages of obtaining of results. Clinical trials selected for more

thorough evaluation: n = 15


V ie ir a ADS, S il ve

Chart 1. Data summary of clinical trials included in the meta-analysis. Author/ Year/ Country Method/ timing (author/used) Intervention (n) Control

(n) Jadad Results (tg)

Baril JG et al.15, 2007.

Canada Clinical Trial, randomized, controlled, crossover. 24 weeks (author). 12 weeks (used). Salmon oil. EPA/DHA - 540/360mg. n = 26

Did not use placebo, did not receive oil (salmon) in the 12 initial weeks, but from 12th -24th

weeks. n = 31

3 I C mg/dL(SD) mmol/ L(SD) mg/dL(SD) mmol/ L(SD) 380,5 (203,5), reduction TG. P = 0.04

4.3 (2.3) 433.6 (212.3) 4.9 (2.4)

Peters BS et al.26, 2012.

England Clinical trial, randomized Double-blind, controlled. 12 weeks. Hypocholesterinic diet in use of fibrate or niacin. Omacor®. EPA/DHA - 1840/1520mg. n = 23

Hypocholesterinic diet in use of fibrate or niacin + placebo.

n = 25

5 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/ L(SD) 342.4 (168.1), reduction TG. p = 0.02

3.78 (1.90) 425.6 (272.5) 4.81 (3.08) Carter et al.25, 2006.

Australia Clinical trial, randomized Double-blind, controlled. 14 weeks.


EPA/DHA - 1620/1080mg. n = 5

Dietary guidance for 6 weeks (NHFG) placebo (olive oil). n = 6

4 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/ L(SD) 203.5 (163.7), reduction TG. p = 0.04

2.3 (1.85)

361.1(163.7) 4.08 (1.85)

De Truchis et al.27, 2007.

France Clinical trial, randomized Double-blind, controlled. crossover. 16 weeks (author). 8 weeks (used).


EPA/DHA - 1080mg/720mg. n = 58

4 weeks diet (AHA) placebo. n = 62

5 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 340 (180), reduction TG. p = 0.003

3.8 (2.30)

480 (310) 5.4 (3.5)

Wohl et al.28,

2005. USA Clinical Trial, randomized, controlled. 16 weeks (author). 4 weeks (used).


EPA/DHA - 1750/1150mg. n = 24.

Diet and physical activity (AHA), no placebo.

n = 20

3 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 306 (162), redução TG. p = 0,007

3.4 (1.8) 503 (421) 5.6 (4.7)

Thusgaardet al..29, 2009.

Denmark Clinical trial, randomized Double-blind, controlled. 12 weeks. Omacor® EPA/DHA - 1840/1520mg. n = 25

Placebo, 2 pills, 2g corn oil 2x/day. n = 23

4 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 134.5 (85.8), reduction TG. p = 0.03


(0.97) 178.7 (170.7) 2.02 (1.93)


aúd e C ole tiv a, 22(8):2659-2669, 2017

Effect of the Omega 3 fatty acids on triglycerides in individuals with HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia

Of the studies encountered and considering those with sufficient data for calculation purpos-es, nine clinical trials evaluated the outcome of

interest. Heterogeneity measured by I2 of

Hig-gins & Thompson22 was 43.7%. The results of

each study, their respective intervals of confi-dence (IC) of 95% and the summary measure are shown in Graphic 1. The reduction of combined averages through random effects was -77.55 mg/ dL (IC of -121.85 to -33.25; p = 0.001), that can be interpreted as presence of significant reduc-tion of triglycerides of the Omega 3group.

Year variables, classification of Jadad et al.19,

EPA and DHA dosage and initial triglycerides were analyzed to evaluate heterogeneity. Howev-er, none of the variables used explained the het-erogeneity.

As the AHA cardioprotective recommended dosage is approximately 1g/d and the recom-mended dosage to reduce triglycerides levels is 2 to 4g/d30 it was performed the analysis of

sub-groups considering studies with more than 1000 mg of EPA/DHA. Of the nine studies included, seven used more than 1000 mg of EPA/DHA and, when these seven were analyzed, the heteroge-neity measured by I2 of Higgins & Thompson22

dropped to 0%. The results of each study, their respective intervals of confidence (IC) of 95%

Chart 1. continuation

Author/ Year/ Country Method/ timing (author/used) Intervention (n) Control

(n) Jadad Results (tg)

Capili & Anastasi17,

2013. USA Clinical trial, randomized Double-blind, controlled. 10 weeks (author). 8 weeks (used).

Diet (NCEP-TLC). Fish oil.

EPA/DHA - 2400mg/1600mg n = 8

Diet (NCEP-TLC) placebo

n = 10

4 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 169 (133), reduction TG. p = 0.013


(1.50) 289 (129)

3.26 (1.45)

Oliveira et al.16, 2014.

Brazil Clinical Trial, randomized, controlled. 24 weeks. Fish oil. EPA/DHA - 540mg/365mg. n = 31

Placebo, 3g soy oil/day n = 35

3 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 141.7 (59.7), Non-significant reduction TG When compared with GC. p = 0.613


(0.67) 158.6 (59.0) 1.79 (0.66)

Paranandi A et al.14, 2014.

USA Clinical Trial, randomized, controlled. Crossover. 28 weeks (author) Washout (4 weeks) 12 weeks (used).


EPA/DHA - 1860/1500mg (12 weeks)

n = 17

Placebo (12 weeks.), washout (4 weeks) and 4 pills of Lovaza®

(12 weeks). n = 19

5 I C mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) mg/dL (SD) mmol/L (SD) 215.6 (149.4), reduction TG. p = 0.001


(1.68) 335.6 (314.2) 3.79 (3.55)










and the summary measure are shown in Graphic 2. The reduction of combined averages through the random effects was

-101.56 mg/dL (IC of -145.76 to -57.37; p= 0.00), which can be interpreted as presence of significant reduction of triglycerides of the group that used more than 1000 mg of EPA/DHA.

Was performed the analysis of subgroups in studies with patients that had more than 200 mg/dL serum triglycerides in the beginning of the study, a value defined as elevated level of triglyceride31. Of the nine studies used in this

meta-analysis, seven included patients with ini-tial average triglycerides over 200 mg/dL and

Graphic 2. Effectiveness of more than 1000mg of EPA/DHA to treat HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia.



Peters BS


De Truchis





Overall (l-squared = 0.0%, p=0.641)

NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis

WMD (95% CI)

-83.20 (-210.20, 43.80)

-157.60 (-351.88, 36.68)

-140.00 (-230.00, -50.00)

-197.00 (-392.56,-1.44)

-44.20 (-121.65, 33.25)

-120.00 (-242.01, 2.01)

-120.00 (-278.12, 38.12)

-101.56 (-145.76, -57.37) Weight








100.00 %


-393 0

Graphic 1. Effectiveness of Omega 3 fatty acids to treat HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia.



Baril JG

Peters BS


De Truchis






Overall (l-squared = 43.7%, p=0.076)

NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis

WMD (95% CI)

-53.10 (-161.28, 55.08)

-83.20 (-210.20, 43.80)

-157.60 (-351.88, 36.68)

-140.00 (-230.00,-50,00)

-197.00 (-392.56, -1.44)

-44.20 (-121.65, 33.25)

-120.00 (-242.01, 2.01)

-16.90 (-45.60, 11.80)

-120.00 (-278.12, 38.12)

-77.55 (-121.85, -33.25) Weight










100.00 %




e C






when these seven were analyzed, the heteroge-neity measured by I2 of Higgins & Thompson22

dropped to 0%. The results of each study, their respective intervals of confidence (IC) of 95% and the summary measure are shown in Graphic 3. The reduction of combined averages through random effects was -114.15 mg/dL

(IC from -162.34 to -65.97; p = 0.00), which can be interpreted as presence of significant re-duction of triglycerides of the group with initial serum triglyceride above 200 mg/dL.


This meta-analysis with nine studies indicated a statistically significant reduction of serum tri-glycerides in the Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) group when compared to control group. Similar re-sults to the encountered in the meta-analysis of Oliveira e Stradling12,13. The poor result of the

triglycerides reduction in the present study can be explained by the inclusion of new clinical trials16-18 with specific characteristics discussed

next. The heterogeneity encountered was consid-ered moderate according to Higgins

&Thomp-son22. Two analysis of the subgroup were

con-ducted, the first excluding the studies that used

under 1000 mg EPA/DHA day15,16 dosages and

the second, excluding the studies with initial

tri-glycerides under 200 mg/dL16,29; in both studies,

the heterogeneity was 0%.

Studies of the overall population show that there is a relation between levels of triglycerides and the percentage of reduction. Individuals with higher triglycerides have major percent of reduc-tion of the EPA/DHA dosage used32. Balk et al.33

in a systematic review with meta-analysis verified that each raise of 1 g/d of fish oil was associated to the reduction of triglycerides levels of approx-imately 8 mg/dL. Additionally, each raise of 10 mg/dL in the initial levels of triglycerides is as-sociated to a decline of 1,6 mg/dL of triglycerides after consumption of fish oil. The degree of TG reduction would be contingent, therefore, on the initial levels of triglycerides and the dose of EPA/ DHA used14.

There was no uniformity across clinical trials in the dosage of the supplement used, with a vari-ation of 900 to 4000 mg/day of EPA/DHA. Only two clinical trials used values below 1000mg of EPA/DHA15,16 and presented different results.

Ol-iveira et al.16 did not find significant reduction

when compared to the control group while in the study of Baril et al.15 the reduction was

substan-tial. The difference among these studies is most likely in the initial levels of triglycerides: Olivei-ra, under 200m/dL, and Baril, above 400mg/dL, which is the justification of Baril’s study best re-sults.

Graphic 3. Effectiveness of Omega 3 to treat HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia in patients with triglycerides over 200 mg/dL d.



Baril JG

Peters BS


De Truchis




Overall (l-squared = 0.0%, p=0.850)

NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis

WMD (95% CI)

-53.10 (-161.28, 55.08)

-83.20 (-210.20, 43.80)

-157.60 (-351.88, 36.68)

-140.00 (-230.00,-50,00)

-197.00 (-392.56, -1.44)

-120.00 (-242.01, 2.01)

-120.00 (-278.12, 38.12)

-114.15 (-162.34, -65.97) Weight








100.00 %











In the present study the results were clear-ly better when the EPA/DHA was more than 1000mg and triglycerides was over than 200 mg/ dL. This becomes clear when look at the summa-ry measured: -77,55 (-121,85 to -33,25) all group; -101,56 (-145,76 to -57,37) >1000 mg EPA/DHA; -144,15 (-162,34 to -65,97) >200 mg/dL of tri-glycerides.

Other studies that also adopted the same dos-age of EPA/DHA18,26,29 and that had different

ini-tial levels of TG, also presented different results. The reduction was commensurate to the initial levels of triglycerides. The higher TG, major re-duction is encountered (Peters et al.26 > 400 mg/

dL, Paranandi et al.18 >200 mg/dL and Thusgaard

et al.29 < 200 mg/dL)

Our study has limitations, due to the reduced number of studies included, different dosages of Omega 3, difference of interventions associated with concomitant use of diets, use of hypolimi-ants, further to initial TG levels and differences of TARV regimen. Among them, it is possible to single out the absence of non-published studies, the impossibility of evaluating the existence of bias of publication due to the small number of studies included and heterogeneity.

The recommendations for the treatment of dyslipidemia, including HIV-patients hypertri-glyceridemia, are the same for the overall popula-tion. The guidelines of IDSA (Infectious Disease

Society of America)34 and ACTG (Adult AIDS

Clinical Trial Group)35 follow the

recommenda-tions of NCEP ATPIII31. EACS (European AIDS

Clinical Society)36 guidelines recommend healthy

diet, work out and weight control to reduce dys-lipidemia and among the drugs recommended for dyslipidemia management, it appears Omega 3 with dosage indication, Maxepa® 5g 2x/d(3000 mg EPA/DHA) and Omacor® 1g to 2g 2x/d (1680 mg to 3360 mg EPA/DHA) to reduce TG.

Publications about dyslipidemia manage-ment for HIV manage-mention fish oil (supplemanage-ment of EPA/DHA) as a safe and alternative treatment to reduce serum TG because it is well tolerated and does not present drug interactions with

antiret-roviral therapy37-39.Recommended dosage vary

from 2 to 9g/d and the supplements are indicated some times as fish oil, others as Omega 3 fatty acids and others as EPA/DHA37,38,40-42.

Fish oil is a source of Omega 3 fatty acid con-taining EPA/DHA. And 1g of fish oil (or Omega 3) is not necessarily equal to 1 g of EPA/DHA, it will depend on the prescribed formulation. For this reason, the selection of supplement with bigger concentration of EPA/DHA is essential

to reduce the quantity of required pills to get an effective result, thus improving the adherence to the treatment.

To achieve the dosage recommended by the AHA cardioprotective approximately 1g/day of EPA/DHA need to ingest ≈ 71g of salmon, 71-340 g of tuna, 57g of herring, 354 of cod daily43. The

recommendation for the reduction of TG is 2 to 4 g/of which prevents the use of fish consumption for this purpose.

In two studies44,45 comparing the use of

Ome-ga 3 and fibrates to reduce TG in HIV patients, the authors conclude that the reduction with fibrates is bigger, but it occurs also with Omega3 (n-3 polynsaturated fatty acids-PUFA, polyunsaturat-ed ethyl esters of n-3 fatty acids- PEE) showing improved tolerability, and this may potentially mean an effective and safe alternative to fibrates.

In another study46 evaluating the associated

use of fish oil supplement with fenofibrate, which initially separated the patients received treatment for 8 weeks and those who did not respond to treatment, received combination therapy for 10 weeks. In the group receiving fish oil only TG was reduced by 46%, as received fenofibrate was 58% and that received combination therapy reduction was 65.5%, concluding that the fish oil alone or combined the fenofibrate is safe and significantly reduces TG levels in HIV patients with hypertri-glyceridemia and that the combination therapy is effective for those who do not respond to therapy alone.

EPA/DHA dosage to reduce TG needs more trials. As there exists a relation between the initial TG and EPA/DHA dosage in the effective reduc-tion, the following questions need to be respond-ed: Will initial high TG respond better to a lower EPA/DHA dosage? And even why not ask wheth-er, depending on the case, would it be interesting to attempt initially only with EPA and DHA prior to prescribing fibrate in specific cases, as we are dealing with patients using multiple medicines daily?


The findings of this study led to the conclusion that supplementation with EPA/DHA in 900 to 4,000 mg/day dosages reduce the serum levels of triglycerides in HIV/AIDS associated hypertri-glyceridemia patients in stable use of antiretro-viral therapy.



e C






glyceride and when offered in higher doses than 1000 mg/day.

Other clinical trials to attempt to determine EP/DHA dosages in different scenarios to pro-mote the reduction of TG are necessary, consid-ering the relation of initial TG and EPA/DHA dosage.












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Artigo apresentado em 25/06/2015 Aprovado em 23/01/2016



Figure 1. Flow chart with stages of obtaining of results.
Graphic 2. Effectiveness of more than 1000mg of EPA/DHA to treat HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia.
Graphic 3. Effectiveness of Omega 3 to treat HIV/AIDS associated hypertriglyceridemia in patients with  triglycerides over 200 mg/dL d.StudyIDBaril JGPeters BSCarterDe TruchisWohlCapilliParanandi Overall (l-squared = 0.0%, p=0.850)


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