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4.3 Analysis procedures

4.3.1 Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) Stage 6: Searching for patterns through the cases

At this stage, the recurrence of main- and subthemes was checked at the individual and at the focus group level. This aimed to ensure the conservation of the individual and the group’s collective voice in accordance with the IPA’s idiographic principles, while recognizing the importance of the focus group design (Love et al., 2020).

Figure 7. Groups of related themes in Study 3.

Id en tif yin g th e n ee d f or se lf- ex plo ra tio n

The need for self-exploration to understand one's feelings and behavior in a relationship The importance of handling the softer feelings and needs as life situations change

En ab lin g a n ew k in d of se lf- ob ser va tio n

Expansion of perspective on meaning of a child's illness Reviewing and reflection on self-related new things (e.g., the real needs, deep emotions) A new perspective on the functioning of one's mind

In cr ea sin g s elf -u nd er st an di ng

Identifying the soft feelings and raw spots behind the interaction of the relationship Recognizing the fears and need for self- protection concerning sharing one’s own deep feelings Understanding one’s behavior and reactions

Fa cilit at in g t he p re ve nt io n o f an d d ea lin g w ith ch alle ng in g sit ua tio ns

Concept of negative cycles as a means of discussing interaction Preventing and processing negative interaction cycles Strengthening of one's agency in a relationship Hope and motivation to explore and fix problems in the future

St re ng th en in g th e m ut ua l em ot io na l c on ne ct io n

Correcting a breaking emotional connection Identifying and accepting emotions of oneself and the partner Identifying and sharing real needs and noticing the meaning of responding to partner's needs Increasing positive interaction; talking about the warm feelings for a partner Handling of everyday habits and rituals that maintain love Strengthening the experience of cohesion and working together in a relationship The importance of direct expression of needs and emotions

In cr ea sin g t he u nd er st an din g of fa m ily in te ra ct io ns

Identifying the importance of attitudes towards one’s own children and reflection on what could be done better as a parent Negative cycles with children and possible underlying feelings A potentially favorable impact of possible decrease in negative cycles in the home atmosphere and the well-being of children Realizing the impact of childhood and youth emotional world on the future and self-image

Im pr ov in g pe rs on al w ell - be in g a nd re silie nc e

Facilitation, empowerment, and increased hopefulness because of dealing with important relationship issues and an increase in understanding Noticing handling of positive aspects of the couple relationship as supportive for one’s own coping Reviewing common goals and cooperation as reinforcing for one’s resilience

Po ss ib ilit y to id en tif y an d pr oc es s c ou ple re la tio ns hip ph en om en a

The space offered by the course as helpful for noticing important and difficult matters related to the relationships Discussing in a peaceful and guided manner the issues that had been postponed when the child had become ill to avoid disputes and save resources Understanding the necessity of taking care of the couple relationship Confidence in developing a couple relationship and planning the future Learning, naming, structuring, and understanding new things in a couple relationship

In cr ea sin g t he u nd er st an din g of re la tio ns hip in te ra ct io ns

Getting feedback from a partner Normalization of couple relationship phenomena, problems, and reactions

Identifying how a child's illness affects a couple relationship Noticing one’s role in provocation of partner’s reactions Awareness of the meaning and power of emotions behind behavior, especially under load

Awareness of the importance and impact of previous relationships to the couple interaction and parenthood Identifying negative, repetitive interaction patterns of a relationship Awareness of everyday challenges and one’s role in them Reach of partner’s thinking, emotions, and needs Reduction of the offensiveness of previous conflict situations due to the new understanding

Figure 7. Groups of related themes in Study 3.

Id en tif yin g th e n ee d f or se lf- ex plo ra tio n

The need for self-exploration to understand one's feelings and behavior in a relationship The importance of handling the softer feelings and needs as life situations change

En ab lin g a n ew k in d of se lf- ob ser va tio n

Expansion of perspective on meaning of a child's illness Reviewing and reflection on self-related new things (e.g., the real needs, deep emotions) A new perspective on the functioning of one's mind

In cr ea sin g s elf -u nd er st an di ng

Identifying the soft feelings and raw spots behind the interaction of the relationship Recognizing the fears and need for self- protection concerning sharing one’s own deep feelings Understanding one’s behavior and reactions

Fa cilit at in g t he p re ve nt io n o f an d d ea lin g w ith ch alle ng in g sit ua tio ns

Concept of negative cycles as a means of discussing interaction Preventing and processing negative interaction cycles Strengthening of one's agency in a relationship Hope and motivation to explore and fix problems in the future

St re ng th en in g th e m ut ua l em ot io na l c on ne ct io n

Correcting a breaking emotional connection Identifying and accepting emotions of oneself and the partner Identifying and sharing real needs and noticing the meaning of responding to partner's needs Increasing positive interaction; talking about the warm feelings for a partner Handling of everyday habits and rituals that maintain love Strengthening the experience of cohesion and working together in a relationship The importance of direct expression of needs and emotions

In cr ea sin g t he u nd er st an din g of fa m ily in te ra ct io ns

Identifying the importance of attitudes towards one’s own children and reflection on what could be done better as a parent Negative cycles with children and possible underlying feelings A potentially favorable impact of possible decrease in negative cycles in the home atmosphere and the well-being of children Realizing the impact of childhood and youth emotional world on the future and self-image

Im pr ov in g pe rs on al w ell - be in g a nd re silie nc e

Facilitation, empowerment, and increased hopefulness because of dealing with important relationship issues and an increase in understanding Noticing handling of positive aspects of the couple relationship as supportive for one’s own coping Reviewing common goals and cooperation as reinforcing for one’s resilience

Po ss ib ilit y to id en tif y an d pr oc es s c ou ple re la tio ns hip ph en om en a

The space offered by the course as helpful for noticing important and difficult matters related to the relationships Discussing in a peaceful and guided manner the issues that had been postponed when the child had become ill to avoid disputes and save resources Understanding the necessity of taking care of the couple relationship Confidence in developing a couple relationship and planning the future Learning, naming, structuring, and understanding new things in a couple relationship

In cr ea sin g t he u nd er st an din g of re la tio ns hip in te ra ct io ns

Getting feedback from a partner Normalization of couple relationship phenomena, problems, and reactions

Identifying how a child's illness affects a couple relationship Noticing one’s role in provocation of partner’s reactions Awareness of the meaning and power of emotions behind behavior, especially under load

Awareness of the importance and impact of previous relationships to the couple interaction and parenthood Identifying negative, repetitive interaction patterns of a relationship Awareness of everyday challenges and one’s role in them Reach of partner’s thinking, emotions, and needs Reduction of the offensiveness of previous conflict situations due to the new understanding

In Study 3, main- and subthemes were amalgamated across all focus groups, once the analysis for each focus group was completed. As Palmer et al. (2010) suggested, I checked all the data to ensure sufficient homogeneity between focus groups to allow for successful integration of themes. I picked out commonalities and differences between groups and frequently revisited the transcripts to check themes in relation to original text to ensure accuracy.

I also considered the themes in the wider context of existing relevant theories, my research questions and aims. According to Smith et al. (2012), measuring of the frequencies through the cases is appropriate, especially with large sample sizes. In this study, the numeration of participants who produced themes indicated the relative importance of themes.

As suggested during the focus group analysis, Juho Kalapudas (M. A., Psych.), who was familiar with the data and IPA, thoroughly reviewed the process of analysis and provided written feedback about the themes and interpretations.

The feedback was used to improve and amplify the analysis and to ensure the quality of the final product. Differences in themes, their connections, and interpretations were resolved by discussion and by making compromises. As suggested, I also discussed themes with my focus group co-facilitator.

At the end of this stage, I developed a full narrative, evidenced by a detailed commentary on data extracts, which took the reader through the interpretation and reflection of the researcher’s perceptions, conceptions, and processes during the analysis.