• Nenhum resultado encontrado


4.2 Repartition Join

Before we jump into the algorithm we need to explain some class extensions of the Hadoop framework.

First, there is the Header Input Format that extends the File Input Format. It’s the same as the class it extends with the only difference that whenever a mapper gets the first split of a file it tosses the first line because it is the header – it contains the column names of the file.

Second, there is the Tagged Key class [8]. This class is used within the framework and hence needs to implement the writable and writable comparable interfaces. Apart from the join key that is used for the join this class also has a tag field which tells us from which file this key comes from. Tagged Key also has an overridden compare method that when join keys are equal it compares the tags.

Because the Tagged Key is a composite class the partitioner needs to know the field of the class that the partition will take place. For this we implement the Joining Partitioner that overrides the default one and partitions the Tagged Key by checking the join key field of the class [8].

Finally, we implement the Joining Grouping Comparator in a similar way [8]. The comparator needs to know which field to compare and our class does exactly that by again specifying the join key field.

With the classes above we are able to achieve what is known as secondary sorting. Secondary sorting sends each key to a reducer by partitioning the keys on the join key field of our Tagged key class then proceeds to again group the keys by checking the join key field of the class. However, when all the values of a key are

grouped and sorted in a reducer they will be differentiated based on their tags. Those with a lexicographically smaller tag will be placed on the top of the reducer’s iterable list.

Repartition join is the most common way of performing joins in Hadoop Map Reduce. The framework partitions the two files into multiple smaller splits and each mapper takes one as input. In the setup we get can learn which file we are processing by getting the name of the file from the input split.

The map function extracts the join key from the common columns reordering them if necessary. We then combine the join key and the name of the file (used as a tag) into a Tagged Key object which is written as the output key. The rest of the columns represent the output value. An extra byte – the tag byte – is written in front of the value in order to know from which file it comes from. The Joining Partitioner proceeds to partition the key-value pairs based on the join key. The code of the map function is as follows


protected void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

String key_str = "";

String value_str = "";

int counter=0, i=0, col_counter=0;

StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());

String[] key_array = new String[key_length];

if (joinOrder == 0) // specified by the name of the file. 0 for first file, 1 for second


for (Integer raw_number: key_raws) {

if (raw_number >= 0)

key_array[raw_number] = itr.nextToken(); // order of key columns changes to match the order of the other file




data.set(reverseOrder + value.toString().trim());

} else {

for (Integer raw_number: key_raws) {

if (raw_number >= 0)

key_array[col_counter++] = itr.nextToken(); //order of key columns remains the same


value_str += itr.nextToken() + separator;


while (itr.hasMoreTokens())

value_str += itr.nextToken() + separator;

data.set(reverseOrder + value_str.trim());


Out_Key.set(Arrays.toString(key_array).replaceAll(",|\\[|\\]", ""),

Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Hadoop MapReduce

E. Ntoulias K. Tharrouniatis 32


context.write(Out_Key, data);

} }

Table 6 – Repartition join map method

In the reducer all the values of the same join key are grouped together by the Joining Grouping Comparator. By using Tagged Key class that we mentioned above we achieve a secondary sort in the reducer. We check the values of the iterable one by one and add them into a list. While the tag byte in front of every value remains the same it means that we read values from the first file since the values are sorted by their tag.

When that byte changes it means that all the values following the change belong to the second file. We join every remaining value of the iterable - values of the second file – with the values we have previously added on the list – values of first file – and write them on the output of the reducer. Reduce function code is shown below.

Table 7 - Repartition Jon Reduce method

public void reduce(TaggedKey key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException



char flag = 0;

value = values.iterator().next().toString();

file_descriptor = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0,1));

if (file_descriptor == 1) //no entries from first file. descending order


aList.add(new Text(value.substring(1)));

for (Text val : values) {

value = val.toString();

if (Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0,1)) != file_descriptor) { flag = 1; //tag byte has changed. records from file 2 from now on break;


aList.add(new Text(value.substring(1)));


if (flag == 1)

{ right_val.set(value.substring(1));

for (Text list_val : aList)

context.write(right_val, list_val);


for (Text val : values) {


for (Text list_val : aList) {

context.write(right_val, list_val);

} }

} }

Since the algorithm is cascaded we repeat the process until all files have been joined. The input of the next job is the output of the previous one plus a file of our choosing.

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