• Nenhum resultado encontrado


4. Related work

A popular resource for developing shallow semantic parsers is FrameNet, men- tioned above in Section 2.2. Semantic definitions of frames are intended for hu- mans and are not written in a formal language. Therefore, they structures produced by FrameNet-based semantic parsers cannot be used for inference.

There are several directions in which semantic processing relying on ontologies is currently carried out. Our approach to semantic analysis is closely related to the OntoSem approach, with which we share several important ideas, although our lin- guistic framework is substantially different (Nirenburg, Raskin 2004), (Akshay Java et al. 2006), (Akshay Java et al. 2007), (Raskin, Taylor 2010), (Raskin et al. 2010).

Still another linguistic model underlies a series of papers on FuncGram — an ad- vanced semantic Knowledge Base rooted in the Lexical-Constructional Model (Mairal Usón, Periñán-Pascual 2009, Periñán-Pascual, Arcas-Túnez 2010 a, b, Mairal Usón 2010).

Semantic processing based on OWL-implemented ontologies and Descriptive Logic does not allow accounting for exceptions. Interesting work is being done in or- der to incorporate common sense reasoning, which is inseparable from defeasible statements (Fahlman 2011), (Carlson et al. 2012). In (Bouayad-Agha et al. 2012a), (Bouayad-Agha et al. 2012b) a two-layer ontology is used for NL generation.

Modern QA systems use ontologies as the core knowledge component. They are often used to annotate original data obtained from the web sites and other sources of unstructured or loosely structured texts. The annotated data is stored in the da- tabases and retrieved to answer the user’s questions (Shiyan Ou et al. 2008). (Fer- nandez et al. 2011), (Cardoso et al. 2010) describe semantically-aware QA working on structured data modeled by an ontology.

There is much research on semantic parsing within the machine learning para- digm. Interesting results have been obtained in supervised and unsupervised seman- tic parsing in (Ge and Mooney, 2005), (Poon and Domingos, 2009), (Titov and Kl- ementiev, 2011), (Clarke et al. 2010), (Liang et al. 2011). A combination of machine learning and rule-based approaches is used for semantic processing in (Moldovan et al., 2010). However, for the kind of structure we are interested in, no annotated corpora are available.

5. Conclusion

Deep understanding of NL requires more expressive semantic representation than is currently used in most state-of-the-art semantic parsers. It should be equally well-suited for expressing lexical meanings and world knowledge. Such a repre- sentation can be built on the basis of RDF-style subject-predicate-object triples.

We showed a variety of NL phenomena that are conveniently expressed in such a language. To the best of our knowledge, some of this material is introduced in the computational semantics area for the first time. This is true for semantic definitions of many concepts in 2.2. Our approach to the evaluation topic is also new: it differs from the approaches used in the sentiment analysis domain which are prevalent

Boguslavsky I. M., Dikonov V. G., Iomdin L. L., Timoshenko S. P.

today. We showed how lexical meanings can be decomposed, semantically void collocates can be identified and eliminated not affecting the argument structure, converse terms can be properly processed, general semantics modifiers can be con- textually interpreted, lexical semantics (including evaluation) can be used in hard cases of anaphora resolution. The semantic language illustrated in this paper is used in the semantic analyzer currently under development within the multifunctional ETAP linguistic processor.


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Опыт настрОйки системы

автОматизирОваннОгО перевОда пОльзОвательскОгО кОнтента

Евдокимов Л. В.


Молчанов А. П.

(Alexander.Molchanov@promt.ru) ООО «ПРОМТ», Санкт-Петербург, Россия

В данной статье описывается опыт компании PROMT по настройке и реализации системы автоматизированного перевода PROMT Deep- Hybrid для интерактивной обработки текстовой информации, пред- ставленной на сайте, который представляет собой крупный интернет- ресурс, посвященный туризму и путешествиям. Целью работы было создание решения для перевода пользовательского контента, состоя- щего из текстов отзывов об отелях, ресторанах и других составляющих современного туристического сектора.

Ключевые слова: машинный перевод, пользовательский контент, ав- томатизированный перевод, гибридная технология перевода

Creating an automated system for translation of user‑generated Content

Evdokimov L. V.


Molchanov A. P.

(Alexander.Molchanov@promt.ru) PROMT Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, Russia

This paper describes fast implementation of a hybrid automated transla- tion system for processing user-generated content. We report on engine customization for TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel website. Due to the growing potential of the Russian travel market, TripAdvisor created the Rus- sian version of its website and decided to translate all English reviews into Russian. PROMT, a leading provider of industrial MT solutions, was selected as MT vendor for the English-Russian language pair. According to the cli- ent’s request we had to perform customization within a short period.

All input data represent user-generated content, so we faced several prob- lems while building a large-scale, robust, high-quality engine. We decided to create a solution based on a hybrid machine translation system for the hybrid approach makes possible fast and efficient customization of a trans- lation system with little or none in-domain data.

We automatically crawled a large web-based Russian text corpus of tour- ist reviews to build a statistical language model for our hybrid translation

Evdokimov L. V., Molchanov A. P.

system. We analyzed a batch of tourist reviews in English provided by Tri- pAdvisor, created a number of dictionaries, a translation memory and de- fined translation rules for user-generated content. To handle the problem of various typos and misspellings we added most frequent misspelled words and phrases to the created dictionaries.

We experimented on a test set of tourist reviews in English provided by Tri- pAdvisor. We report on improvements over our baseline system output both by automatic evaluation metrics and linguistic expertise.

Keywords: machine translation, user-generated content, automated translation, hybrid technology

1. Introduction

The fast evolution of computers and the rapid growth of the Internet since the late 1990s made it easier for people to upload, store and share information on the web.

Forums, chats and other web-based informational resources led to the emergence of large amounts of the so called ‘user-generated content’. User generated content (UGC) is material on websites, and occasionally other media sources, that is produced by users of websites (who are generally amateurs as opposed to professional editors, copywriters etc). In our case the content consists of tourist reviews produced by the users of the tripadvisor.com website.

TripAdvisor is world’s largest travel web-based resource. The content is avail- able in 21 languages for 30 countries. Most reviews are presented in English. At the same time, millions of users want to read the reviews in their native language. Human translation cannot be efficient for processing large amounts of UGC. Taking into ac- count the fast growth of Russian travel market, TripAdvisor wanted an efficient auto- mated translation solution for processing UGC.