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Докучаева ОТРАЖЕНИЕ БИО-, ГЕО-, АНТРОПОСФЕРНЫХ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЙ В ПОЧВАХ И ПОЧВЕННОМ ПОКРОВЕ Сборник материалов VII Международной научной конференции, посвященной 90-летию кафедры почвоведения и экологии почв ТГУ 14–19 сентября 2020 г., г


Academic year: 2024

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Materials from research in the field of soil science, genesis, evolution, classification of soil and land cover are presented. The material will be useful to specialists involved in fundamental and applied problems in the field of soil science, agriculture, environmental protection, environmental management and related areas.




Диагностические параметры дегроторфяных почв Беларуси

The article presents the results of a study to determine the diagnostic parameters of degraded peatlands, which occupy 3.6% of the agricultural land of the republic, developed on the basis of many years of scientific research of anthropogenic changes in composition and properties, as a way to control and increase the objectivity of diagnostics during soil agrochemical surveys and to account for ecological condition of soils in the development of measures for rational land use. The developed parameters of degraded peat soils based on relevant data of the agro-ecological condition will become an integral part of the guidelines for the diagnosis and field research of anthropogenically transformed soils for the scientific and methodological support of soil surveys of agricultural lands of the republic.

Магнитная восприимчивость

The volumetric (VMS) and specific (SMS) magnetic sensitivities, as well as the composition and properties of anthropogenically transformed permafrost light yellow soils of Central Yakutia were studied. In this case, the magnetic profiles of the studied soils are leveled and almost uniform, and the weighted average SMS values ​​increase from 63.8 to 94.0 m3/kg.

Структурные модели педогенеза Б.Ф. Апарин

It has been shown that pedogenesis models represent a hierarchical system of processes. The latter processes are the basis of soil formation at all stages of development.

Изучение магнитных свойств двух типов мерзлотных почв Центральной Якутии

Study of magnetic properties of two types of permafrost soils in central Yakutia. Comparative study of magnetic properties and composition of two types of permafrost soils - podzol and chernozem, formed on light alluvial deposits of different altitudes of the lowland of central Yakutia in a cryoarid climate.

Антропогенное влияние на морфогенетическую диагностику аллювиально-лугово-лесных почв

Morphogenetic diagnosis of alluvial-meadow-forest soils in the dry subtropics in the floodplains of Azerbaijan // Journal of soil-water. An influence of irrigation on the morphogenetic diagnosis of alluvial-meadow-forest soils in the Qanich-Agrichay valley of Azerbaijan.

Таежные суглинистые почвы: дифференциация профиля в условиях криогенеза

The study presents the results of the impact of irrigation on the diagnostic indices of flat forest floors in the Qanich-Agrichay valley. The presence of a specific structure of caviar can be attributed to the cycle of freezing and thawing due to the seasonal action of frost in combination with the moisture content of the soil, the texture of the clay soil, the extremely acidic reaction and the high quality of the coagulator.

Подтиповые тренды почв техногенных ландшафтов железорудных месторождений в таежной зоне

Subtype soil trends of technogenic landscapes of iron ore deposits in the taiga zone of southern Western Siberia. In the near future, the emerging land cover of landscapes resulting from iron ore mining in the taiga zone of southern Western Siberia may be represented by soils similar in origin to brown taiga soils; in the distant future, through taiga soils, in which podzol formation processes will take place.

Томографическая пористость почв: особенности распределения пор по размерам в сухих и влажных

The development of land cover takes place under the influence of soil formation factors for quite a long time - tens of thousands of years.

The role of GIS technologıes in ınvestıgatıon of forest soıls T.I. Jafarov

One of the most current issues is the conservation of forests as natural resources and the efficient use of the soil spread under the forest. Based on the results of a field survey of the soil and an analysis of the selected soil samples, a map (scale 1:10,000) of the surveyed area was constructed (Fig. 3).

Цикличность почвообразования на южных границах бореальной зоны

We have shown that the successional cycles in forest ecosystems are determined by the soil-geochemical properties of the landscape. The signs of ironization of the illuvial part of the soil layer and the parent rock were revealed.

Формы минеральных фосфатов в мерзлотных почвах Южной Якутии

Fe-P, менее доступный для растений, чем Al-P, составляет большую часть всех минеральных фосфатов в изученных типах почв. Окклюдированные фракции Al-P и Al(Fe)-P 5 и Al(Fe)-P 5 и 6 минеральных фосфатов почв обычно представляют собой недоступные для растений соединения, прочно связанные полуторными оксидами Fe и Al.

Эколого-генетические особенности и диагностика аллювиально-луговых почв сухой субтропической зоны

Распределение содержания кремнезема от поверхности к нижним горизонтам, где количество SiO2 увеличивается с 62,3–65,7%, имеет противоположный характер. Анализы аллювиально-луговых темно-мариевых почв свидетельствуют о глубоком разложении алюмосиликатов за счет щелочного гидролиза в анаэробных условиях; содержание SiO2 только, а карбонатных форм CaO, наоборот, увеличивается.

Геоинформационное картографирование почв и насаждений Главного ботанического сада

Currently, the geoinformation system of the main botanical garden Tsytsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All collected information was systematized in the form of the most common electronic formats for the presentation of geodata and will be included in the unified geographic information system of the Main Botanical Garden Tsytsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Соединения железа в агросерых почвах Брянского ополья

The geoinformation system sections created include archival materials, especially the soil map studies of the past and planned forests. A soil research program based on the collected and digitized archive material.

Микротопография контролирует процессы осветления и проградации подтаежных почв в ареалах

A correlation analysis was performed to reveal the dependence of the number of microorganisms on the hydrothermal and chemical parameters of these soils. The details of the influence of peasants on soils remain poorly studied for southern Siberia.

Черноземные почвы степных низкогорий (на примере кластера «Оглахты»,

Среди поглощенных оснований преобладает кальций (до 52,4 мг-экв/100 г почвы в гумусовых горизонтах), количество обменного магния незначительно, максимальные значения составляют 10,6 мг-экв/100 г почвы в горизонте ВСК. Рассмотрены особенности формирования черноземных почв низкогорного массива Оглахты Минусинской межгорной котловины.

Особенности диагностики и классификации солончаков (на примере степных приозерных солончаков

Features of diagnosis and classification of solonchaks (on the example of the steppe lake salt marsh in the South Minusinsk depression). The main diagnostic criteria for assigning solonchaks in soil classifications operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Word Reference Base For Soil Resources (WRB), are considered.

Титановый модуль как критерий диагностики условий формирования почв

Titanium modulus as a criterion for diagnosing soil formation conditions in high-altitude geosystems in the Middle Urals. An evolutionary genetic feature has been established in the distribution of the titanium module in soil, which is expressed in confirmation of the soil development in different directions: upward due to aeration of fine soil; down due to the transformation of crushed stone and eluvium of rocks during weathering and soil formation into fine soil; joint manifestation and combination of these directions in the development of the profile.

Черноземы Западной Сибири: региональные и зонально-провинциальные особенности

Diagnostics of soils with the titanium module revealed the causes of the heterogeneity of their composition depending on the altitude conditions. It was found that the carbonate profile reflects the provincial characteristics of West Siberian chernozems, zonal differences are reflected in its quantitative characteristics.

Почвы дендрологической территории Сибирского ботанического сада

Сумма адсорбированных катионов во всех почвах максимальна в гумусовых горизонтах (мэкв/100 г почвы), что обусловлено органическим веществом и снижается с глубиной до 16,4–18,6 мэкв/100 г почвы. Содержание доступного фосфора в гумусовых горизонтах серых лесных почв находится в пределах 5,6-7,5 мг/100 г почвы, увеличиваясь с глубиной до 10,4 мг/100 г почвы.

Мерзлотные почвы Центральной Якутии

Geographical features of distribution, genesis as well as properties and composition of the main types of permafrost soils in Central Yakutia are studied. It is noted that the compiled systematic list of soil data contains 9 zonal, 2 azonal and 7 intrazonal soil types, which indicates a high genetic diversity of the soil in the studied territory.

Современное состояние, перспективы и актуальные вызовы в физике почв




Микробиом первичных почв Антарктиды в районе станции «Прогресс»

Антарктида.2 Окрестности станции Прогресс-1, каменное покрытие на поверхности Антарктиды.3 Мохово-лишайниково-водорослевой слой; влажный; переход заметен. Согласно полученным данным, первичные почвы на каменных покрытиях весьма разнообразны; В микробиоме доминируют представители Proteobacteria.

Ландшафтная индикация почвенного покрова среднетаежной зоны Западной Сибири

Depicting the land cover landscape of the middle taiga zone of West Siberia according to remote sensing data. The article discusses the main landscape indicator approaches in thematic land cover mapping with the example of a main section of the Pyakopur-Purovsky watershed.

Почвенно-факторные сопряжения в Субарктике Средней Сибири

For automorphic and hydromorphic soils, a brief description of the structure and texture of the landscape image is given. The combinations of soil and factors are represented by the comparison of the functional dependence of soils on environmental factors over time.

Почва как отражение межгеосферных взаимодействий на примере водородной дегазации Земли

The state of organic matter and peculiarities of soil physicochemical properties in endogenous hydrogen seepage zones // Open Journal of Soil Science. In addition, in the 3-5 mm aggregate fraction, the difference is more noticeable than in the 2-3 mm fraction, which is related to the destruction of organic matter in the soil under the action of endogenous hydrogen.

Особенности формирования почв Обь-Шегарского междуречья с высокой границей карбонатного пояса

The peculiarity of their formation is related to the position in the relief and the complex structure of the landscape. Of greatest interest in the study are soils with a contrasting profile, which combine eluvial and accumulative carbonate processes.

Влияние почвенно-литологических условий на состав миграционных потоков Западной Сибири

In summer and autumn, the role of the truly dissolved and high-molecular colloid fraction increases. Land cover is one of the primary factors in the formation of the composition of migration flows.

Запасы почвенного углерода и растворенный органический углерод в хвойно-широколиственных

The importance of dissolved organic carbon liquids for the carbon balance of a temperate pine forest // Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Tebenkova The determination of the soil carbon stock and the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was carried out in coniferous broad-leaved forests of the Bryansk woodland.

Распределение Ra-226 и Th-232 в травяно-подзолистом профиле почвы на покровном суглинке, под которым залегает морена, имеет слабодифференцированный характер (табл. 1). Увеличение удельной активности Ra-226 и Th-232 в гор. ВЦт и ее снижение в нижнем гор. Д связано с изменением профиля гранулометрического и минералогического состава почвообразующей породы и подстилающей морены. глины.

Разнообразие высокопродуктивных экосистем Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа

The levels of specific activity of Ra-226 and Th-232 in the studied profiles of grass-podzol and grass-podzol clay soils in the Solnechnogorsk District of the Moscow Region were inherited from the soil-forming and overlying rocks. Greening of plant cover associated with warming is observed in many parts of the district.

Почвенно-продукционный потенциал и эколого- функциональные особенности фосфоритных

The study of highly productive ecosystems will make it possible to assess the maximum level of the greening process. It has been found that the largest areas of highly productive ecosystems are located in the riparian zone of streams, floodplains of rivers and depressions of drained thermokarst lakes.

It has been shown that no significant qualitative or quantitative deviations in vegetation cover have been found in the studied geosystems with abnormal phosphorus content. The prevention of phosphatization of Hovsgol lake water and growth of the area of ​​phosphorite dispersions is provided both by the presence of carbonate and other geochemical barriers around the deposit and by the formation of a biogeochemical barrier due to high biological activity, productivity of biogeocenoses and soil fertility in the landscapes, formed on the source rocks of phosphorites despite the strong lateral flow down of materials at mountain conditions.

Формирование засоленных техногенных почв в зоне влияния калийных предприятий

Для образца 2 характерно увеличение содержания некоторых ионов с глубиной в несколько раз, так содержание хлорид-ионов в слое 29–60 см увеличилось до 1778,5 мг/100 г, натрия – 699,2 мг/100 г, кальция – 272. мг/100 г, калий и магний характеризуются незначительной разницей по сравнению с верхним слоем. Исследования проводились на территории Верхнекамского калийного месторождения в долине реки Лены.

Функциональные связи почвенных особенностей с погодно-климатическими условиями летнего периода

Functional relationships of soil characteristics with weather and climate conditions of the summer period in northern Kazakhstan. The author suggests that the role of crack action in relation to rainfall should be considered.

Цифровое картографирование почв горной лесостепи (на примере Тигирекского заповедника, Алтайский край)

The paper shows that the depth and width of the cracks caused different types of absorption, seepage, infiltration of precipitation and the evaporation of soil moisture from different depths. We mapped the soil combinations of the main site (7x4.5 km), located in the Khankarinsky cluster and the adjacent protection zone of the Tigirek Nature Reserve (Altai Mountains).

Особенности функционирования подстилок зеленых насаждений городских экосистем

In urban landscapes, the biological cycle of matter is intensive, as evidenced by the dominance of destructive waste of low strength. Removing part of the waste removes a significant amount of organic matter from ecosystems, reducing the closed cycle in urban conditions.

Влияние черного углерода на деградацию ледникового покрова полярных и горных регионов Земли

Strong radiative heating due to the mixing state of black carbon in atmospheric aerosols. The effect of black carbon on the deterioration of the ice sheet of the polar and mountainous regions of the Earth.





Ключевые этапы влияния традиционного природопользования на почвы центра Европейской

Key stages in traditional land-use impacts on soils in central European Russia in the mid-late Holocene. For most sites, three main waves of burning and clearing were noted, the first occurring in the early Iron Age, the second (the largest) during the period of Slavic colonization, and the third in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Почвенно-седиментационные серии озерных котловин Центрально-азиатского степного биома как индикаторы

Soil-sedimentary sequences of lake depressions in the steppe biome of Central Asia as indicators of climatic rhythms in the Holocene. SSS reflects environmental dynamics in the steppe zone in the Holocene: fluctuations in lake water levels, alternation of lacustrine and aeolian sedimentation, change of sedimentation and pedogenesis.

Свойства почв с погребенным гумусовым горизонтом ландшафтных экотонов юга Сибири

Содержание крупнопылевой фракции характеризуется неравномерным распределением по профилю (рис. 1, Б), максимальное содержание этой фракции наблюдается в гор. Ад (27,9%), минимальное - в гор. ВСК (10,9). ) % ). Экотонический эффект в этих почвах заключается в наличии в профиле погребенного гумусового горизонта, что отражается на специфике их морфологического строения.

Почвенный покров гор как архив палеоэкологичесой информации плейстоцена

Carbonate occurs in the upper layers of Quaternary deposits, Northern Armenia, and their significance for the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment // Quaternary International. The Caucasus landscapes in the early Pleistocene were swampy areas with a warm, humid climate and woody vegetation.

Погребенные горизонты почв западин палеокриогенных ландшафтов Южного Предбайкалья как индикатор

From the example of the Caucasus it is shown that buried soils, horizons, soil-like bodies and individual soil features, recorded in the series of tephro-soil, proluvial and colluvial-soil, lagoon-marine deposits.

Buried horizons of bare soils of Paleocryogenic landscapes of Southern Predbaikalia as an indicator of reconstruction. The territory of South Predbaikalia is a system of cracks and polygons formed in Sartan time (Late Pleistocene) due to severe cooling and drying.

Антракологический и морфологический анализ старопахотных и антропогенных почв ландшафтов

As a result of the melting of permafrost in the Holocene, polygons turned into mounds, and cracks - into depressions. The soil profile of the depressions contains one or several buried humus horizons, which differ significantly in their properties from the northern (day) ones.

Anthracological and morphological analysis of ancient arable soils and anthrosols in the moraine-glacial plains landscape of the Upper Volga. In ancient arable lands, the main part of the coal was located in 10, less often 20 cm of the profiles.

Коллювиальные отложения и погребенные почвы как перспективный источник информации о динамике

Mossy flora of the nature park «Kondinskie Ozera» // Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, Western Siberia Arctoa. This article presents the results of the soil study and the main regularities of the organization of the soil cover in the Ural part of the middle taiga zone of Western Siberia on the example of the territory of the Kondinsky Lake Nature Park and the region. of the middle course of the river Bolshoi Yugan.




Микробиомы природных

При создании библиотек фрагментов гена 16S рРНК на каждом образце почвенной ДНК проводили ПЦР с универсальными праймерами для вариабельной области V4 - F515 (5-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-3) и R806 (5-). На основе выделенной почвенной ДНК была проведена количественная ПЦР, а из образцов ампликонов были получены библиотеки (378904 последовательностей, объединенных в 4094 филотипа) для гена 16S рРНК.

Почвенно-земельные ресурсы Чеченской Республики

Land restoration and regeneration after intense anthropogenic impact is a key environmental problem of the Russian Arctic. The microbiomes of overcrowded quarries were strikingly different from the soil microbiome and resembled those of arctic soils.

Диагностические возможности использования таксономической структуры альгофлоры

Diagnostic possibilities of using the taxonomic structure of algal flora to determine the trophic status of a marsh. Trends in the organization of the taxonomic structure of algae flora, which are integrated characteristics of marshes of different trophic levels, are revealed.

Изменение лесорастительных свойств почв в трансформированных лиственничных лесах


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