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Academic year: 2023




Ingimar Erlingsson Kalyakin Mikhail Keping Ma. Akademiko ti Akademia ti Siensia ti Russia. ences, ISDCT SB RAS, Irkutsk, Biolohia ti Rusia), SIPPB SB RAS, Irkutsk, Rusia. Kubrak Svetlana Ph.D., Departamento ti Genetika ken Sitolohia ti Nailian nga Akademia ti Siensia ti Belarus, Minsk, Republika ti Belarus.


Regarding the problems of the regional reference plot system for ground support in the processing of remote sensing materials. Electronic database of the collection of living microalgal strains and cyanoprokaryotes from the northeastern United States.

Actualization of herbarium labels information

Актуализация информации гербарных этикеток

The DB's interface uses drop-down fields to enter most of the text data. They are replenished and updated in parallel with the filling of the database every time you enter a new record.

Analysis of anthropogenic pressures on the ecosystem of lake Baikal method of mathematical statistics

In the strains of bacteria isolated from the clean parts of the lake, all the ERs we discovered are well known. Thus, in the large variety of data obtained as a result of the research methods of statistical analysis to identify cause-and-effect relationships, determining the strength and direction of variability between variables is considered one of the most promising.

Analysis of diatoms using the logical method search

Анализ диатомовых водорослей с использованием логического метода поиска

The diatom shape is described using the relationship between the graphic primitives, such as line, circle or their combinations. Length and width can be defined with the size of graphic primitives, the texture can be defined with predefined model.

Once the desired function combination satisfying the rule is found, the value of the energy function is calculated and compared to the threshold. If the value is less than threshold, diatoms are extracted, otherwise the search continues.

The method is robust to noise, blur, and other collisions, but typically takes a long time to complete.

Анализ конкурентного отношения и возможности симпатрического обитания нативного Castor fiber и

The applied analysis of the two-species model showed the validity of the principle of competitive exclusion of G.F. Gausea, i.e. Data analysis using the two-species model was carried out with the financial support of RSF grant no.

and data collection within the programs of the Presidency of the Russian Academy of Sciences no. 41 "Biodiversity of natural systems and biological resources of Russia". For each event, the following data will be used, if available: remotely sensed information from satellite imagery around the event location, temperature, precipitation, hygrometry, altitude, soil type, if known, georeferenced terrain images of the landscape around the location, other types that they live in close proximity so interactions between species are taken into account. Models and species distributions at global, regional and local levels resulting from the project will be made available to the scientific community and stakeholders through a dedicated portal.

Application of remote sensing methods for landscape mapping of the M ondy depression

Применение дистанционных методов для ландшафтного картографирования Мондинской

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS with partial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects No. Assessment of typological diversity of vegetation cover based on field data, RSD and DE M on.

In the study area on the Tunkinsky gleaming ridge of Goltsov, steep slopes with lichens cover landscapes, as well as birch and larch birch stages of restora.

Оценка типологического биоразнообразия

Московской области

Data on relief and/or reflectance characteristics of vegetation obtained from satellites in different spectral ranges can serve as a source of quasi-continuous information for the interpolation of typological vegetation units. In addition, 3 categories of vegetation cover (fields, reservoirs and settlements) were identified based on RSD.

Biodiversity data mobilization in the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve

Мобилизация данных о биоразнообразии Приокско-Террасного биосферного резервата

The iNaturalist platform is very important for the promotion of ecological education in the reserve.

Biodiversity of Cenozoic ochotonids (Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) in Holarctic

Биоразнообразие пищух ((Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) Голарктики

The Pliocene time with moderate and warm climate became the favorable time for ochotonid diversification, especially for the genera Pliolagomys, Ochotonoides and Ochotona, known in the Europe, North America and Asia, they were represented by more than 50 extinct species. At the end of the Pliocene, all ochotonid genera disappeared except the genus Ochotona, which survived to the present.

Biodiversity of late Cenozoic small mammals of the south Eastern Siberia

At that time, the ochotonids migrated to North America, which was evident from the fact that the genus Oreolagus had several species. Ochotonids are distinguished in Europe, they were represented by the genera Heterolagus, Lagopsis, Marcuinomys, Albertona and Paludotona with different taxa.

Биоразнообразие мелких млекопитающих позднего кайнозоя юга Восточной Сибири

In the Late Pliocene, the fauna is characterized by the disappearance of a number of archaic arvicolids and by an increase in the abundance and diversity of small mammals. In the Middle Pleistocene with the further strengthening of arid conditions, inhabitants of arid landscapes became dominant forms in the fauna.

Building a national biodiversity information facility in Norway

The role as Head of Delegation (HoD) with voting rights in the GBIF Governing Board has been delegated to the Research Board from the beginning. The role as Head of Delegation was delegated to the Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo in 2017.

A similar workshop with funding from SIU was organized by ForBio and GBIF together with the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in Moscow from May 15 to 17, 2018 on “Digitalization of collection. ForBio and GBIF's BioDATA project, with funding from SIU, will organize a three-year train.

For the climatic parameters, a standard deviation is specified, which allows adjusting the fluctuations of these parameters at different points of the simulated territory.

Climate data optimization for species distribution models using unsupervised machine learning

Оптимизация климатических данных для

A lower correlation of the variables of the new data set was demonstrated and the hierarchical clustering for the two data sets was large. Complex of open access databases of Altai State University for Altai-Sayan purposes.

Complex of open access databases of Altai State University for the purposes of the Altai-Sayan

R open source software was exclusively used to build and evaluate models based on various machine learning methods including maxent (implemented in the «m axn et» R package) in a consistent and reproducible way. Next, various supervised machine learning techniques were applied to train and evaluate binary classifiers for both datasets.

Indeed, some Worldclim variables should be highly correlated (i.e. the maximum temperature of the hottest month and the hottest quarter, isothermality is the result of dividing one variable by another and therefore does not contain additional information , etc.) Therefore, we performed correlation analysis as well as principal component analysis (PCA) and were able to determine the most correlated and least contributing variables to the variance of the data set which were removed from the new set of reduced data. In conclusion, the different machine learning techniques used together with maxent as well as the reduction of the set of predictors (i.e. bioclimatic variables) by means of unsupervised machine learning appear to be beneficial for the performance of SDMs. .

Комплекс баз данных Алтайского государственного университета открытого доступа для целей

A special database record contains an image of a herbarium sheet (with an individual barcode number) and textual information (label content) that includes 16 units. The database is intended for storing, systematizing and searching for information on the species composition of lichens of Altai and its individual botanical-geographical regions, species included in the Red Books, and bibliographic references to publications containing this information. zones.

Concerning the problems of regional reference plots system for ground support of remote sensing

For species included in the national or regional Red Data Book, the conservation status is indicated.

К проблемам развития системы регионально верифицированных эталонов для наземного

Recognition of the species composition of the tree layer, the practice of which is being developed. Using the example of the forest-steppe-steppe Central Povolzhye (Samara region) as an ecotone with a mosaic combination of preserved natural ecosystems, agro-ecosystems, urban complexes and spontaneously regenerating ecosystems, we can demonstrate the need for a network of regional reference plots for ground support in the processing of remote sensing data.

Creation of electronic catalogue of big zoological collections by example of collection of Onithological

As characteristics related to species composition and vegetation condition become more detailed, the importance of ground measurements increases. Some experience gained in recent years in the development of steppe, forest ecosystems, former field sites as reference plots has shown that one of the difficulties can be the availability of accessible high-resolution space images of the desired areas, precisely timed to the required dead.

Section of Zoological Museum of Moscow State Lomonosov University

In the near future, we plan to continue collecting ground information on the condition of particularly valuable natural communities typical for the Samara region and adjacent regions on new reference sites, as well as the selection and cataloging of satellite data that provide diagnostic parameters and the time reflect. frame for their detection.

Оцифровка больших зоологических коллекций на примере сектора орнитологии Зоологического музея

An important milestone in the Department's work was the creation of a network database with parallel access for several operators based on the MySQL server, after which many common operations were noticeably accelerated and optimized. For the sake of accessibility for experts from all over the world, the database is published on the official website of the museum and in the biobank of Moscow State University.

Creation of Information retrieval system on the unique research collections of the Zoological

Currently, part of the database is being completed for the collection of bird tissue samples, which are the source of DNA extraction. The work was carried out with financial support from the RNF grant Scientific funds for the creation of a National Depository Bank of Live Systems”.

In the near future we are planning to digitize the collections of alcohol-preserved materials and bundles, as well as the publication of articles that include data from the electronic catalog included.

Создание информационной системы для уникальной фондовой коллекции Зоологического института РАН

In general, about 260 thousand animal species are presented in the collections of ZIN, which is about a quarter of the known world fauna. The content of the term "zoological collection" in our day with rapid advances in information technologies and advances in molecular ge.

IKBFU's Herbarium, which is registered in the international database Index Herbariorum (K LGU ), was established on the basis of the Faculty of Natural History at KSPI in 1964. T O P IC A L IT Y AND PRO SPE C TS / / The International Conference "The Use of modern information technologies in botanical studies" Mur.

Database of Barguzinsky reserve

Taxonomic composition of the Orchidaceae Juss family in the Kaliningrad region / X X V International Conference for students, PG - students and young scientists "Lom onosov - 2018".

Базы данных Баргузинского заповедника

Data lineage for Baikal microbiome study

Отслеживание происхождения данных в исследовании микробиома Байкала

Development of regional biodiversity portal in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Разработка информационного портала

Биоразнообразие Югры”

Development perspectives of CRIS

By the end of the testing period, new groups of organisms such as vascular plants, diatoms, protists and fish will be included in the new version of CRIS. The main result of this project will be the development of a modern, web-based IS that is not tied to lo.

The new version offers the possibility to enter information about distantly related organisms, for example cyanoprokaryotes and diatoms, in one record.

The main responsibility for the development of DINA systems lies with the Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. The planned timeline for the presentation of the first pilot collections is the end of 2018.

Distribution of endemic locoweed species around lake Baikal

Analysis showed a high diversity and a large number of localities of endemic locust species in Buryatia. More than half of studied endemic gorse species (13 of 23) are included in local Red Data Books.

D N A-barcoding in the study of rare plant species of Belarus

Distribution analysis showed that the majority of the localities of endemic Oxytropis species were restricted to the mountainous areas south of Baikal Siberia. Potential distribution for this species under bioclimatic modeling included the southern part of Buryatia (the valleys of the Selenga and Uda rivers).

Использование ДНК-штрихкодирования в изучении редких видов растений Республики Беларусь

With the involvement of the Republican D N A Bank, a D N A Barcoding Center is being established, which contains a barcode database of the flora and fauna of the Republic of Belarus. The Center will consolidate research institutions and universities holding natural science collections and environmental institutions of the Republic.

ДНК-штрихкодирование видов Waldsteinia Willd

Rosaceae) с использованием нуклеотидных последовательностей генетических маркеров ITS и

From two spacers of the ITS region for molecular identification of plants using the B O LD system, ITS2 region is recommended, but our data showed a high intraspecific and intrapopulation variation. The best results were observed in the case of combining the ITS1 and trnH psbA sequences together, which allowed species to be identified in 100%.

Electronic database of the collection of living microalgae strains and cyanoprokaryotes of the

PCR products were visualized on a 1.5% ethidium bromide agarose gel after electrophoresis, gel purified using the GeneJET Gel Extraction Kit (Therm o Fisher Scientific), ligated into p T Z 5 7 R /T (Therm o Fisher Scientific) or pM iniT 2.0 (New England BioLabs) plasmid vectors followed by cloning into TO P10 E.

Электронная база данных коллекции живых штаммов микроводорослей и цианопрокариот

Experience in the use of GIS tools in plant systematics and conservation

Опыт использования ГИС-технологий в еиситематике растений и охране природы”

Using freely available climatic and occurrence data, the bioclimatic profiles of morphologically similar Poa palustris L., P. The models for their potential distribution in the current climate, in the Pleistocene maximum ice age, in the interglacial and mid-Holocene were reconstructed with MaxEnt and applications.

They make it possible to predict the expansion of invasive species, the possibility of introduction of useful species, the likely dynamics of intervals in accordance with different scenarios of climate change in the future and reveal the possible locations of rare species. Flora Pomeranica Orientalis is a project hosted by the Herbarium of the University of Gdansk - Herbarium Universitatis Gedanensis U GD A of the Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, University of Gdansk.

Природные пожары и изменение ландшафтов на ООПТ северо-восточного побережья озера Байкал

Forest fires and landscape changes in protected area on the northeastern shore of Lake Baikal. The pace of landscape research can be determined using satellite images and results of monitoring on plots.

Лесные ресурсы Прибайкалья: динамика

The geosystem approach is applied to define and map landscape types and landscape (land cover); to assess the area burned and to consider changes in vegetation on monitoring plots. 1 Matrosov Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia.

Calculation of numerous scenarios for the use of forest resources makes it possible to see the consequences of various management decisions. We present the results of a computer modeling and predictive mapping for the regional model under anthropogenic use of the forest resource dynamics.

Fractal models for assessing the functional diversity of organized soil microbial communities

Фрактальные модели для оценки функционального разнообразия организованных почвенных

The degenerate triangles in the microbial community portrait join the OTU groups that are in the biosystem. The proportion of biosystematic OTU groups in the microbial community determines the degree of joint participation of soil microbes.

G BIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility)

On a two-dimensional fractal portrait of the microbial community, each OTU group is represented by a point with coordinates that depend on the frequency of occurrence of this group. In this case, the smallest height of the triangle is chosen to be the scale of the fractal dimension.

Geographic information system ” Bryophyte diversity in the Republic of Bashkortostan”

Over 976 million biodiversity data from over 1170 institutions worldwide are now available via the GBIF portal (www.gbif.org). The national GBIF focal points promote the GBIF activities at national and regional level and help to mobilize the data.

ГИС-система ’’Разнообразие мохообразных Республики Башкортостан”

It can integrate knowledge about bogs of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russian and international databases, which showed relevance of the results of regional and national bryological studies. Geoinformation web system for analysis of the expansion of the Baikal crustaceans in the Yenisey.

Geoinformational web-system for the analysis of the expansion of the Baikal crustaceans of the Yenisey


Геоинформационная веб-система для анализа экспансии байкальскими ракообразными реки


Based on the data of the geoportal, prepared in accordance with the State Water Cadastre, geo-reference of the hydrobiological monitor.

Geoportal monitoring system for the parameters of inland water bodies

Геопортальная система мониторинга параметров внутриконтинентальных водных объектов

Lake Krasilovskoe with the value of the NDCI spectral index calculated from data from the Sentinel-2 spacecraft is presented.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Глобальная Информационная Система по Биоразнообразию: приоритеты развития и

The steady growth of data content, improvements of GBIF.org and other tools translates into the in. DOI-based mechanics. nism of data citation ensures credit to the data producers, and therefore recognition of the field and database efforts and products as first-class scientific progress.

The discrepancy in the results obtained by the two techniques can be explained by accounting for the aerial photography of smaller trees (DBH < 5 cm) in the gaps, which were left out during the land survey. One more reason may be due to the uncertainty of recognizing similar-looking aspen, birch and lime in aerial photographs.

Hedysarum zundukii Peschkova (Fabaceae) mapping

In addition, the parts of the crown of individual trees, branched at a low height above the ground, could be recognized on orthophoto maps as individual crowns.

Despite the fact that Oto-Khushun Cape is marked on a wide variety of labels as the location of the specimen, our data show that the southernmost location of this species is located 2.5 km north of the tip of Cape Oto-Khushun (IR.

Higher plant cadaster of the Kemerovo region

The easternmost point coincides with the northernmost point, and the westernmost point coincides with the southernmost point.

Кадастр высших растений Кемеровской области

The Taxonomic position module includes the Russian and Latin names of the plant division, fam. Based on the cadastre, we are currently working on the development of the "Herbarium of the Kemerovo region (K E M )" database.

The register is used in scientific research, for the preparation of publications (qualification works, articles, conference papers, regional red books, reports) and in the educational process for teaching biological disciplines at the bachelor's degree, master's degree, research degree levels. Based on the register, we are currently working on the development of the database "Herbarium of the Kemerovo Region (K E M )". tory: Altai, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Trans-Baikal; Chukotka Autonomous Region; Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area) and 6 foreign states (Canada, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA) from 1818 to 2018 were also added to the database.

How much data do Russian biological collections contain?

Сколько данных хранится в российских биологических коллекциях?

There are 81 biocollections from Russia registered in the Global Register of Biodiversity Repositories (h ttp ://g rb io .o rg. Large collections are kept in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University (6378700 specimens), the Museum of the Institute of Plants and a .

Informational and analytical support of floristic diversity researches in the Middle Volga region —

This work is partially supported by a GBIF - FinBIF data mobilization grant for European Russia (project Russia-02).

This collection has been almost entirely digitized and is now available through GBIF.org (doi 10.15468/cpn-hcc) and the Thematic Information System (h ttp s://p lan t.d ep o.m su .ru.

Информационно-аналитическое обеспечение исследований флористического разнообразия

Среднего Поволжья — система SALIX

Information and analytical aspects of Linum usitatissimum L. cultivation: biodiversity and

1 Russian Federation State Commission for Testing and Protection of Selection Results, Mocsow, Russia spl7@mail.ru. Content analysis of the state register of selection results showed that the register contains data on 37 varieties of oilseed flax, which are allowed for use in 8 regions of the Russian Federation (Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Lower Volga, Ural , West Siberian, East Siberian).

Introducing a sequence database management system (SeqDB) at the Swedish Museum of Natural

For example, content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids can be used. The directions for use of flaxseed can also be determined on the basis of these parameters.

History and how to export to external systems

Research into the composition of fatty acids and amino acids has shown that the qualitative and quantitative phytochemical parameters of the oil raw material can be used as chemotaxonomic criteria of intraspecific forms. SeqDB currently supports exports to GenBank and BOLD (Barcode of Life Data Systems) and will also support exports to GGBN DwC standards in the future.

Large-scale aerospace photography, soil-geobatanic profiling in the geobotanical mapping (discover

In addition to the functionality already available, the SMNH instance of SeqDB has been thoroughly evaluated to handle large-scale genotyping, as part of the Swedish Environment Agency's monitoring programs. The long-term goal is to connect the SMNH SeqDB instance with external APIs such as Rovbase (a database hosting wildlife observations in Scandinavia).

All information is presented using a graphical user interface with intuitive molecular workflows and a RESTful API that allows integration with external applications and programmatic access to the data.

Крупномасштабные аэрокосмические снимки, почвенно-геоботаническое профилирование в

Крупномасштабная аэрофотосъемка, почвенно-геоботаническое профилирование в геоботаническом картографировании (открытие. выявление фитоценотического и биогеоценотического разнообразия).

Using methods that combine geobotanical research with large-scale vegetation mapping based on field deciphering of aerospace photography, together with phytocoenosis monitoring over different seasons and years, data on biogeocenotic diversity can also be obtained.

Living Atlases Community

One of the main objectives of this presentation will be to present the community of Living Atlases by showing examples already in production (Atlas of Living Australia, Canadensys, GBIF Benin, GBIF Spain or NBN Atlas), past and future projects involving the community and highlights how reusing existing software can be motivating and stimulating.

Mapping Asia Plants: Initiative and Progress

Asian plant species, distribution and is available comprehensive basic information and interdisciplinary data mining for plant diversity conservation. Species checklist databases have been established essentially in five sub-regions of Asia (Southeast Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia, North Asia and Central Asia) at the national level, and checklist databases of species are basically established in 3 countries in West Asia.

Modeling of areas of cladotype species of plants of the nemorose refugia of the Khamar-Daban ridge

Modeling cladotype species ranges of plants from the nemorosis refugia on the Khamar-Daban Ridge.

Моделирование ареалов реликтовых видов растений неморального рефугиума хребта Хамар-Дабан

We simulated the potential areas of three species groups of higher vascular plants on the northern macroslope of the Khamar-Daban Ridge. In the future, it is planned to use the obtained data for a more precise determination of the boundaries of refugia of non-frost-resistant plant species and the identification of environmental factors that influence their formation.

M odel mapping of phytoplankton biomass from remote sensing data

Модельное картографирование биомассы фитопланктона по данным дистанционного

To solve the vertical model, the depth maps were digitized to determine the limiting aquifer at each point of the ob. Moscow Digital Herbarium: OCR editing of the text data for Russia's largest biodiversity database.

Moscow Digital Herbarium: OCR-m ining of the text data for the Russias largest biodiversity database

Biomass values ​​in the areas covered by clouds are obtained by automatic triangulation using support nodes where the numerical solution data is correct. Labels with words characteristic of the German language were processed repeatedly in the German way (about 2,000 labels of mosses). recipes of labels for the following additional activities.

Multivariant approximation of observational data characterizing biodiversity and individual

Многовариантная аппроксимация данных

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the existence of dependencies, which include variables that are not present in the observation data, in particular, characterizing the changes in the values ​​​​of the direct mea. Backfilling the axis of attributes with ''calculable'' variables that are absent from the observations and using changes in values ​​of variables in certain areas.

On the analysis of the spatial and interannual features of phenological stages of forest vegetation by

Об анализе пространственных и разногодичных особенностей фенологического развития лесной

On the analysis of the spatial and interannual characteristics of phenological stages of forest vegetation by. A considerable amount of cloud-free satellite imagery is devoted to determining the gear shift points of the seasonal development in the diagram.

Peculiarities of dynamics of plant life forms of the meadow communities of the Ugra National Park at

As a result, the interannual data with the same NDVI moved to the same position in the axis of the phenological development. Characteristics of dynamics of plant life forms of the meadow communities of the Ugra National Park at.

Interannual satellite images of some plots of the Bashkir State Reserve were used to test the method; regular terrestrial phenological observations were carried out on these plots. The dates of onset of seasonal growth and the duration of phenological phases varied between years; thus, the average annual dates of the beginning of different phenological phases and their duration were calculated.

Особенности динамики жизненных форм видов растений луговых сообществ национального парка

Угра” при разных условиях антропогенного воздействия на основе данных многолетнего

Haymaking increases the participation of perennial life forms, and the grazing regime increases the participation of biennial and annual life forms. The conclusion is: the most optimal use of meadows is the alternation of haying and grazing regime.

Phytomass production of vegetation near lake Baikal

Накопление фитомассы растительностью на побережье озера Байкал

The stocks of tree stand phytomass and aboveground herbaceous phytomass have been estimated in different countries. In the result, the maps of phytomass stock for the study areas were compiled based on the method of landscape interpretation mapping.

Pre-geoinformation-cartographic support for the development of new protected areas

Linear multiple regression analysis of the dependence of phytomass on environmental factors (in terms of altitude, steepness of slopes, level of moisture, convergence index, annual amount of precipitation, sum of temperatures above 10°C, thickness of the humus horizon) at local and regional levels showed that combinations of factors and the directions of their influence on phytomass production change depending on the local features of the landscape.


There is experience in creating GIS at the planning stage of the "Foothills of Altai" nature park near the resort of Belokurikha. Now the borders of the planned national park "Mountain Kolyvan" have been changed, the PA area is increasing.

Regional information and analytical system on insect biodiversity of the Baikal region

On the territory of the planned national park "Mountain Kolyvan", pre-GIS, a database of field information was created in 2002-2004 on the basis of the project basis for the creation of the natural park. The new version of GIS on the territory of the park, created during the design phase, will update the existing data, integrate the new information received and conduct monitoring studies using previously obtained data and maps.

Региональная информационно-аналитическая система по биоразнообразию насекомых

Байкальского региона

Remote sensing techniques for investigation of grassland communities” diversity in the N orth-W est

At present, the spatial distribution characteristics of ants and buprestids have been investigated using this information and analytical system. The discriminant function analysis shows some uniqueness of classes in the dimensions of Sentinel-2 bands and vegetation.

And if the seeds are collected alongside the herbarium specimens, the usefulness of the herbarium increases dramatically. However, smaller seed banks are no less important and valuable, but creating the herbarium-related bank can be sensitive to miscarriage.

Study phytogeographical boundaries in Amur basin using species distribution modeling

There are approximately 1,400 seed banks worldwide, with the Svalbard Global Seed Vault being the best known, functioning as a global repository and backup for other seed banks. Here we would like to discuss the problem and critical points of control for the newly established seed bank, based on the experience of the creation of the Seed Bank collection financed along the Herbarium U GD A within the project "Protection of genetic resources of vascular species endangered in the wild. the plants of Gdansk Pomerania".

Исследование ботанико-географических рубежей в бассейне р. Амур с использованием моделирования

A seed bank not only stores seeds as evidence of species occurrence, but also provides an opportunity for farmers and researchers to find varieties that could grow in different places. The collection of seeds from wild populations and their subsequent storage conditions, as well as the aggregation and unification of data in the database, are critical processes, but very vulnerable to errors.

The aim of the study is to represent the main phytogeographical patterns of this area using species of dis. Therefore, we provided new phytogeographic data on the distribution of vascular plants in the Russian part of the Amur Basin and mobilized herbarium specimens for further research.

Taxonomic and phytogeographical databases in systematics of the flowering plant family

For the first time in eastern Siberia and the southern part of the Far East, we form a dataset with 12371 georeferenced records and pub. The dataset includes samples of vascular plants deposited in seven major Russian herbaria: LE, MW, MHA, VLA, VBGI, NSK and TK.


As a result, we derived 11 clusters of species with similar distribution within study scope and estimated their climatic ranges.

Таксономические и фитогеографические базы данных в систематике семейства

Umbelliferae/Apiaceae (цветковые растения

The Alien plants in the South Siberian flora database

The database is available on request, species distribution maps are automatically created on the geoportal.

The Database of the Moss Flora of Russia

The experience of geo-referencing Central Siberia herbarium collections from the Moscow State

Опыт географической привязки гербарных сборов Средней Сибири из коллекции Московского

The operator of the geo-reference must be well aware of the natural conditions of the region and have experience in field work. For the region, it is possible to consider revealed some never published local floras - for example, environments of the cities of Igarka and Snezhnogorsk.

The ExStatR plugin for biodiversity research based on Excel and statistical package R

In some cases, it would make sense to connect not to the point with the error radius, but to a certain feature of the polygon or line (river section, road crossing, proximity to the settlement, etc.) . Thus, geographically localized collection areas were defined, roughly corresponding to the concept of local flora.

Надстройка ExStatR для анализа биоразнообразия на основе Excel и статистического пакета R

We developed the ExStatR software module (Novakovskiy, 2016), which combines a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and the R programming environment. So far, the following data analysis algorithms have been designed in the module: ordination (principal component analysis - PC A , non-metric multidimensional scaling - NMS), cluster analysis (U PG M A , Ward's method, single and complete linkage). ) and heat maps.

The integrated database of geographical distribution of Darevskia rock lizard species in the Caucasus and

Asia Minor

Интегрированная база данных географического распределения видов скальных ящериц рода

Darevskia Кавказа и Малой Азии

Distribution pattern of 4 parthenogenetic and 4 parental species of rock lizards and location of potential contact areas in the past, present and future; The model for predicting changes in lizard ranges and their contact areas in the future;.

The use of matematical methods in analysis of antibioticresistans of microorganisms of lake Baikal

Dispersion analysis of the average bacterial resistance to antibiotics over the period studied revealed the inter. The use of N D V I for the analysis of the effect of drought on food supplies for grazing in the.

In bacterial communities for such pairs of antibiotics, an increase in resistance to a single antibiotic was accompanied by a decrease in resistance to another.

The objective of the present study is to predict changes in forage resources for grazing under drought stress. The average NDVI at the time of mowing of the recorded plots was calculated for the entire grassland area (95% of the protected area); from this information, forage sources for grazing were determined using regression equations.

Use of Remote Sensing data and GIS technologies for monitoring resources of medicinal plants

In 2016, vegetation mapping was done and productivity of grassland in the main types of vegetation was analyzed according to the method of recorded cut plots. A correlation index of 0.77 between grass productivity in dry weight and NDVI was calculated when the recorded plots were cut in 2016.

Использование данных ДЗЗ и ГИС-технологий для мониторинга запасов лекарственных растений

Preservation of the biodiversity of medicinal plants makes it possible to create a basis for the development and creation of new medicines through scientifically based nature management. The result of the joint work was a map and a database of stocks of medicinal plants for the study site.

Виртуальные гербарные коллекции Центрального сибирского ботанического сада как ресурс для

Currently, approximately 8,000 herbarium specimens have been digitized at 600 dpi, images and metadata are stored in CSBG SB RAS database generated by ScanWizard Botany and MiVapp Botany software (M icrotek, Taiwan). We encourage our fellow colleagues to access herbarium collections online and suggest that such a tool will facilitate progress in global biodiversity breeding.

Visualisation model of cereals morphogenesis in the different environments

The database is structured in such a way that a common user can access a sample file containing a high-resolution image and the following key information: sample ID (= barcode), surname, science. In our internal database, each image is provided by the following information: barcode, type status, genus name, species name, author name, subsp /v a r name, family name, collector name, field number of herbarium specimen, date (yyyy-m m -dd), country, admin region, latitude , latitude minutes, longitude degrees, longitude minutes, label text, destination name, a.

Модель визуализации морфогенеза злаков при изменении окружающей среды

Therefore, it is necessary to formalize real data with dynamic models (Stefanova et al., 2006). Until recently, morphogenesis has been difficult to study due to the lack of tools to collect and process three-dimensional (3D) information (Kaitaniemi et al., 2000).

W eb-G IS “Faunistics” — the online database for crowdsourcing data collecting on biodiversity

The algorithms were expressed as morphogenesis specifications in a specific system formalism, such as the L-system formalism (Allen et al., 2005), and the specifications were interpreted by specialized software to generate 2D wheat plants. Using the length of the metameric organs, realistic images of the lengths and shapes of the following leaves were created.

Веб-ГИС «Фаунистика» для краудсорсингового сбора информации о биоразнообразии

A section "Small Cats in Eurasia" is a section maintained by the Working Group on the Study and Conservation of the Pallas Cat in the Eurasian Steppes and it contains 886 photos in 570 observations by 37 users. This section is of great practical use - it allows users to quickly fill out and print actions for appeal to the prosecutor's office about violations of environmental legislation.

W ild forest reindeer habitat assessment in forest landscapes of eastern part of Barentz region

To prepare maps for wildlife habitat assessment, we mapped vegetation cover, disturbances, sandy soils and roads. Reindeer selection for old-growth conifer cover is also consistent with predation risk avoidance as well as browse availability.

Database on temperate forests of European Russia in the international information systems on

База данных «Умеренные леса Европейской России» в международных геоботанических

The database contains data from vegetation plots located in forest communities and, to a lesser extent, grassland communities; about 10% of the levels were sampled in former agricultural fields that had been abandoned from 1 to 25 years before the summit. Acknowledgments This study was carried out within the project No. of the Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of RAS - branch of M.V.

Geobotanical database of sinantropic vegetation of South Ural settlements: current status, problems

Геоботаническая база данных синантропной растительности населенных пунктов Южного

The main problem in its implementation was the unavailability of complete geobotanical descriptions of a number of authors. Thus, only synoptic tables without complete geobotanical descriptions are often given in dissertations, and the source of field data is also lost.

Проблемы хранения данных длительного

Sukachev Institute of Forestry SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk Federal Research Center SB RAS Scientific Center, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Long-term forest community monitoring data are necessary and important for testing and developing existing and new theories and hypotheses, but such data are very limited. With the advent of IBM PC compatibles a user-friendly database (DB) was developed that was constantly updated.

GIS development for monitoring of anthropogenic impact on Lake Baikal water area

Разработка ГИС мониторинга антропогенного воздействия на акваторию озера Байкал


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