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Democracy - Brazil

Democracy and social policies for inequality reduction in Brazil : representatives policies' congruence and relevance – 1998-2018

Democracy and social policies for inequality reduction in Brazil : representatives policies' congruence and relevance – 1998-2018

... open. Brazil offers a case of study, as a country where socio-economic indicators have significantly advanced for those at the bottom of the social pyramid after the ...Brazilian democracy to deliver ...


The dilemmas of the developmental state: democracy and economic development in Brazil

The dilemmas of the developmental state: democracy and economic development in Brazil

... of Brazil, a country that transitioned from a military dictatorship to a democratic regime in the late 1980s, and has been moving towards increasing state inter- ventionism since ...in Brazil have been ...


Political culture in southern Brazil: young people’s perspectives on democracy

Political culture in southern Brazil: young people’s perspectives on democracy

... of Brazil, there is extensive literature aimed at portraying the construction of the citizenship, the culture, and the Brazilian State (Leal, 1978; Faoro, 1979; Holanda, 1992; Carvalho, ...in Brazil, which ...




... in Brazil are, and how this generates a surprising amount of distrust within the police themselves, as well as between their corporations and other state agencies and civil society groups with whom they are ...


Democracy and information: the null vote and its misconception in Brazil / Democracia e informação: o voto nulo no Brasil

Democracy and information: the null vote and its misconception in Brazil / Democracia e informação: o voto nulo no Brasil

... in Brazil, by which electors may end up basing themselves on false premises to second their electoral ...of democracy. In Brazil, it is possible that an elector abstains from voting, votes blank or ...


Political Memory, Authoritarian Legacies, and the Quality of Democracy: Considerations for a Comparison Between Brazil and Argentina.

Political Memory, Authoritarian Legacies, and the Quality of Democracy: Considerations for a Comparison Between Brazil and Argentina.

... than Brazil, it relies on, within a judicial system, a statute which does not accept the assignment of military positions unless they are in reserve and if there are no qualified and adequately prepared civil ...


Democracy and access to university in Brazil: a balance of recent history (1995-2017)

Democracy and access to university in Brazil: a balance of recent history (1995-2017)

... In addition, the (already reduced) budget funding, has suffered a more radical curtailment than in previous years: the amounts required for the mainte- nance of universities (overhead costs) have yet to be fully ...


From riffraff despotism to starched collar democracy: a history of the concept of democracy in Brazil (1770-1870).

From riffraff despotism to starched collar democracy: a history of the concept of democracy in Brazil (1770-1870).

... Também os radicais mobilizavam o conceito de democracia em sentido meramente liberal, ao pedirem apenas que o governo fosse “só governo, que distribua justiça, mantenha a ordem, puna o c[r] ...


Politics of recognition, race and democracy in Brazil.

Politics of recognition, race and democracy in Brazil.

... O primeiro momento é aquele da década de 1930 e 1940 com as experiências da imprensa ne- gra, na organização de clubes, irmandades religiosas e associações re- creativas, assim como da F[r] ...


Democracy and access to university in Brazil: a balance of recent history (1995-2017)

Democracy and access to university in Brazil: a balance of recent history (1995-2017)

... Mas não que nesse período o ensino superior privado tenha sido atacado ou esquecido: na verdade ocorreu uma relativa paralização da criação de novas instituições privadas (o que em par[r] ...


International trade negotiations and democracy: the WTO drug patent dispute between Brazil and the USA.

International trade negotiations and democracy: the WTO drug patent dispute between Brazil and the USA.

... Nos Estados Unidos, fica evidente que as relações domésticas entre grupos de interesse, parlamentares e membros do Executivo, regula- das por estruturas e instituições domésticas como o [r] ...


Elections and democracy in Brazil: Victor Nunes Leal and the 1945 transition.

Elections and democracy in Brazil: Victor Nunes Leal and the 1945 transition.

... Como pro- curarei mostrar adiante, tampouco é claro que a base material e social descrita por Nunes Leal leve necessariamente à deturpação dos princí- pios do governo representativo ou m[r] ...


Gender political violence and the unfulfilled promise of substantial democracy: a look at Brazil and Colombia

Gender political violence and the unfulfilled promise of substantial democracy: a look at Brazil and Colombia

... on Brazil and Colombia, similar cultural models in Latin America, examining the legislation that reserves quotas for the registration of female applications and the challenge imposed on the justice system in ...


Political Parties And Participatory Democracy: Political Status And Associative Profile In Participatory Budgeting Of Brazil

Political Parties And Participatory Democracy: Political Status And Associative Profile In Participatory Budgeting Of Brazil

... Desde una metodología de análisis basada en el estudio de la organización de las secretarías en las alcaldías, de la estructura de participación de la sociedad civil y su perfil asocia[r] ...


Democracy and domination: a discussion (via India) with reference to Latin America (Brazil).

Democracy and domination: a discussion (via India) with reference to Latin America (Brazil).

... O mesmo é verdadeiro no que se refere à efetivação da cidadania civil por um Estado ainda “despótico” que amiúde trata suas populações como “súditos” e possui um “poder infraestrutural” [r] ...


(De)militarization: fragile democracy and the militarization of public safety in Brazil

(De)militarization: fragile democracy and the militarization of public safety in Brazil

... The fragility of the Brazilian institutions jeopardizes democracy, since it makes the demilitarization of power more difficult. And the process of milita- rization is intensifying as criminality rises as a result ...


Diário Trabalhista and black racial democracy in Brazil in the 1940s.

Diário Trabalhista and black racial democracy in Brazil in the 1940s.

... A necessidade de os líderes negros contestarem Pierson era tanta que não apenas acadêmicos brancos, mas quase trinta personalidades ne- gras, profissionais liberais ou gente simples do p[r] ...


Democracy and identity

Democracy and identity

... The human mission of the Occident is the return to spirit and to its immortality. In other words, Husserl is saying that changes in Europe are the only precondition of the new humanism. As follows, China and India are ...


Democracy and capitalist revolution

Democracy and capitalist revolution

... on democracy is between those who see it primarily as a result of propitious economic, social, or cultural conditions and those who see it primarily as a result of political institutions, processes, and ...for ...


Democracy and Growth in Brazil1

Democracy and Growth in Brazil1

... Rent-seeking in Brazil manifests itself in several ways. We divide them in four main groups. First, there is a very complex system of tax and transfers, characterized by several rules and exemptions that mask the ...


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