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Schools - Decentralization

The decentralization of primary public schools in Brazil: an empirical analysis of the educational performance after the implementation of FUNDEF

The decentralization of primary public schools in Brazil: an empirical analysis of the educational performance after the implementation of FUNDEF

... the decentralization of basic public education in ...the decentralization on the students’ performance, as well as on the school’s ...of decentralization on students’ performance - failure, dropout ...


Decentralization and education performance: a first view to the Brazilian process

Decentralization and education performance: a first view to the Brazilian process

... the schools at least in two periods of time: the year the school participated in the SAEB test and the year of Prova Brasil, which is mandatory for almost all schools in the public ...track schools ...


Centralization and Decentralization of Public  Policy in a Complex Framework

Centralization and Decentralization of Public Policy in a Complex Framework

... a decentralization program, which allows local governments’ greater freedom over local schools and cultural ...fiscal decentralization and with the political logic of centralization, Garrett and ...


Centralization And Decentralization In Planning

Centralization And Decentralization In Planning

... the decentralization help clarify the accounting responsibility system in line with the administrative reform movements agree researcher with a counselor Educational Planning Institute of UNESCO (Mc Ginn and ...


Decentralization of endemic disease control: an intervention model for combating bancroftian filariasis

Decentralization of endemic disease control: an intervention model for combating bancroftian filariasis

... on decentralization of endemic dis- ease control activities, sponsored in 1994 by the National Health Foundation and the Brazilian Min- istry of Health, that brought together representa- tives of research centers, ...


A management information system for portuguese schools

A management information system for portuguese schools

... Portuguese schools, there are no full time ICT ...“Most schools lacks specialized technical support for the maintenance of ICT infrastructure, with 75% of schools pointing this as a major obstacle to ...


Schools of Government: a comparative study

Schools of Government: a comparative study

... with schools of government as unit of analysis adopted different approaches compared to the analysis undertaken in this ...of schools of ...national schools of government (or similar organizations ...


Director's Letter: Decentralization

Director's Letter: Decentralization

... A local health system must bring together all the existing health resources in a given area so that they will be used more effectively and adapted to the local rea[r] ...


Between external influence and autonomy of schools: effects of external evaluation of schools

Between external influence and autonomy of schools: effects of external evaluation of schools

... and schools should consider themselves and become full-fledged agents of the educational ...and schools to be agents (Mouraz et ...of schools and teachers has in this argument its main support, and ...


Outdoor schools: Limits and dilemmas

Outdoor schools: Limits and dilemmas

... Souˇcasným trendem pˇri organizaci škol v pˇrírodˇe je využívání služeb komerˇc- ních agentur, které pomáhají se zajištˇením ubytování, dopravy i programu. V realizované pˇrípadové studi[r] ...


Noise levels in dental schools

Noise levels in dental schools

... Learning–teaching activities in dental schools are carried out in a noise polluted environment. Although the sound levels are below that which causes damage to the human ear [85 dB(A)], a necessary reduction of ...


Endogenous spillovers in the trade-off between centralization and decentralization

Endogenous spillovers in the trade-off between centralization and decentralization

... are built jointly by communities (i.e. at a national level), but nevertheless their provision depends on the supply of local amenities in each jurisdiction, which in turn depend on the regime we are in (centralization or ...




... ABSTRACT : This study uses Zon and Muyken’s (2001) model to investigate the effect of physicians’ decentralization on health care production, human capital accumulation, and economic growth. The model includes the ...


A Comparative Study between Centralization and Decentralization of Diagnostic Reasoning in EPS

A Comparative Study between Centralization and Decentralization of Diagnostic Reasoning in EPS

...  Identificação de novas falhas – Para além de informar sobre o estado do processo, seja num caso de falha ou normal, um sistema de diagnóstico deve ter a capacidade de[r] ...


Indoor air quality in primary schools

Indoor air quality in primary schools

... Clean air is a basic requirement of life (World Health Organization, 2010). The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the object of several studies due to an increasing concern within the scientific community on the effects ...


Agrarian Ideals in American Architecture Schools

Agrarian Ideals in American Architecture Schools

... of schools built in rural areas following the post-war population boom; though many shared characteristics of Neutra’s modernist schools in California, they often did not have the agrarian philosophical ...


A challenge for schools: work as a general educational principle.

A challenge for schools: work as a general educational principle.

... Seis semanas após a realização das oficinas foram reentrevis- tados os alunos. O roteiro seguido na segunda etapa das entrevistas foi: 1) O que vocês fizeram nas oficinas? 2) Como vocês [r] ...


BESP - Benchmarking of Portuguese Secondary Schools

BESP - Benchmarking of Portuguese Secondary Schools

... and schools private data, collected through questionnaires available within ...public: schools managers and general ...to schools or both to schools and the general ...


Physical education in schools: a renewal proposal

Physical education in schools: a renewal proposal

... • Integrar-se aos outros elementos da equipe educativa para efetivamente participar na construção do projeto da escola; • Suscitar entre os alunos momentos de debates, dando-lhes espaç[r] ...


Mental health awareness intervention in schools

Mental health awareness intervention in schools

... The lack of information and stigma associated with mental disorders are major obstacles to the promotion of mental health. The “UPA Makes the Difference: Mental health awareness intervention in schools” project ...


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