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Vanchulyak O.Ya., Sarkisova Yu.V., Kolacheva A.Yu

Key words: prescription of death coming, vitreous body, diagnostic methods, forensic medical examination.

The article presents an analysis of modern literature on the approaches in identifying the duration of the post-mortal interval, in particular, different methods of identifying the prescription of death coming and gen-eralization of their characteristics. The maximum precise identification of the prescription of death coming now is based on the recent scientific achievements, and is one of the most important aspects of the forensic medicine. To date, there have been a large number of diagnostic techniques described in the relevant literature that ultimately allow experts to determine the estimated time limits of death coming. Despite a number of advantages, these techniques require improvement of their accuracy and elimination of shortcomings, such as the procedural complexity, the non-specificity of morphological changes in biological tissues at different pathological conditions and the influence of environmental factors, high costs, time consuming, the impact of

"human factor" on the results obtained. According to literary sources, a set of laser polarimetric techniques allows forensic experts to solve a number of the above-mentioned problems, as well as to carry out an express diagnosis; they are more objective, characterized by less task-performance time, independence, higher sufficient accuracy and reproducibility of the results. Having analyzed the literature data, we came to the conclusion that unlike the conventional methods used in forensic medical practice, which may not always be effective and may not be reliable, modern possibilities in investigations of biological tissues and body fluids by laser polarimetry techniques enable to find and implement the latest forensic optical criteria and methods for identifying the prescription of death coming in forensic practice. The use of analytical capabilities of laser polarimetric methods in combination with the characteristics of vitreous body as an object of research seems to be promising and requires scrutinized study.


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Bezega N.M., Ryadnova V.V.

Key words: lacrimal system, dacryocystitis, dacryocystorinostomy, laser dacryocystorinostomy, endonasal surgery, endoscopic technology.

Chronic dacryocystitis is an infectious inflammatory disease, which in 80-85% of patients was associated with various forms of nasal diseases due to the close relationship between the nasal cavity, perianal sinuses and the lacrimal system. Typically, the therapeutic treatment of this disease that consists of general and local (eye drops) antibiotic therapy, irrigation of lacrimal ducts with sterile solutions, is not effective and requires further surgical intervention. Most often, the choice of dacriocysteine treatment depends on the degree of chronicity of the process. Dacryocystorinostomy is known as the main approach in treating chronic dacriocysts that can be performed either through external or endonasal access. As it is known from the history of surgical treatment of dacriocystis, there is an ever-existing question on what profile this pathology belongs to: ophthalmology or rhinology. External and endonasal access to the lacrimal sac has become the basis for the parallel existing techniques of surgical treatment of dacriocystitis. The success of the operations mainly depends on the close interaction of ophthalmologist and otorhinolaryngologist. Modern ophthalmologists are increasingly mastering endonasal procedures. This review highlights the techniques of performing dacriocystoryostomy retrospectively: from conventional to the latest technologies. The review also covers a large number of reports, discussing combined and separate applying of surgical treatment of chronic dacryocystitis.


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Key words: children, food allergy, allergen, food, risk factors, epidemiology.

The article highlights key issues on the problem of food allergy in children. Based on numerous research papers and reports published by well-known experts, some examples of the prevalence of food allergy among children and adults are given in the article. There has been an attempt to clarify the role of food al-lergy in the structure of allergic pathology. There is no clearly defined and reliable picture of food allergy epidemiological that is mainly due to the absence of exact diagnostic algorithm and unified classification of food allergy; this, in turn, results in delayed diagnosis and late therapeutic management. The article also focuses on the main risk factors of the development of food allergy and singles out the key causative food allergens. Food products with the most pronounced allergenic properties are milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, nuts, fish and seafood.

Modern molecular diagnostic capabilities make it possible to isolate the main components of food allergens and cross-allergy with pollen of plants and animal proteins. Among the commonest proteins there are simple and complex proteins (glycoproteins, haptens, polypeptides) of food products having different functional characteristics. The article emphasizes on the thorough

approach in differential diagnosis between true food allergy and pseudo-allergic reactions. The role of chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the development of sensitization and allergic inflammation has been analyzed as well. There has been established the necessity to improve diagnostic and therapeutic measures in order to improve the quality of life of children.


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