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Published since February 2002


Academic year: 2023

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Формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти…..……….49 Сліпчишин Лідія, Мелко Марина. Структура системи формування готовності педагогів до роботи в умовах освітньої інклюзії в закладі загальної середньої освіти.

10Висновки і перспективи подальших

In the context of involving future teachers in work education in creative educational and cognitive activities, the problem of forming the creative activity of the students' personality is important. The effectiveness of the formation of creative activity of future teachers of labor education in the process of professional education is due to compliance with a set of pedagogical conditions, among which it is appropriate to highlight the following:.

14Виклад основного матеріалу. Нині існують

16- ігрові методи (ділові ігри). Добре

The activities of the school had to be useful to the family, the community, the state and the people. The perspective mainly depended on the activities of parents, teachers and the state of education of the young generation.

20завдань; пошук і реалізація різних засобів

22мусять постійно працювати над собою і

In this regard, in 2004, the ideas of the Bologna process were actively implemented in Ukraine. In this article, we discuss the processes related to the reform of the education sector in Ukraine.

26інформаційним контекстом розвитку освіти [9], так

The paper represents types of educational institutions that carry out training of teachers to work with children with special educational needs. Categories of schools for children with special educational needs in Slovakia and Slovenia have been identified.

30Латвії – “Законом про захист прав дітей” від 19

32соціальних наук, гуманітарний та педагогічні

The article is devoted to the study of teachers' attitude to the organization of professional development programs based on the use of the potential of distance education at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Interpretation of data on the attitude of research and teaching staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University to the organization of education, content of the course, prepared materials (lecture notes, video lectures, practical tasks, test tasks), as well as methods of cooperation between teacher - student, student course - a student of the course by participating in discussions on forums and discussions of current issues of professional development of university teachers were given.

38інформаційна технологія. Вісник Житомирського

The article reveals the main problems of the formation of the civic activity of high school students in institutions of general secondary education and lyceum. The article also examines the areas of educational work for the formation of civic activity of high school students in extracurricular activities.

40Ураховуючи суспільно-політичну ситуацію, що

42розвитку громадянської активності старшокласників

It is emphasized that the use of basic provisions of education and personality-oriented education, in our opinion, will contribute to the process of forming healthy lifestyle skills in children in extracurricular educational institutions. Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle; valeological education; extracurricular education; the educational activity of the extracurricular educational institution; the collective of children of the extracurricular educational institution.

46погоджуємося з визначенням дослідників Л. Сущенко

The pedagogical experience of the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of the Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy for the formation of professional competences of future teachers of primary education has been clarified. Pedagogical experience of pedagogues of national higher education institutions in the formation of professional competences of future teachers of primary education.

52Він є інструментом у проєктуванні того, що

54педагогічних дисциплін, етика викладача закладу

Vchytel z pochatkovoi osvity (z dyplomom molodshoho spetsialista)" [Professional standard for the professions "Primary School Teacher of General Secondary Education", "Teacher of General Secondary Education", "Primary Education Teacher (with a Diploma of Junior Specialist)"]: approval by order of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Silicon State of Ukraine No. Profesiinyi standart na hrupu profesii "Vykladachi zakladiv vyshchoi osvity" [Professional standard of the group of professions "Teachers of higher educational institutions"]: approval of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development , trade and the silicon state Ukraine no.

56Materials for Writing and Defending Term and

Positive experiences with the establishment of the Small Culinary Academy based on an institution whose activity is built on the principles of project technology are given.

58У державному стандарті ПТО для професії

60ЗП(ПТ)О є не новим, проте спостерігається між

Державний стандарт професійної підготовки за професією. Режим доступу: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-standartu-profesijnoyi-profesijno- tehnichnoyi-osviti-z-profesiyi-kuhar.

62УДК 378.091.214:379.8

Keywords: content of the training; educational-professional program; content modules; curriculum; educational component; preparation for the bachelor's degree.

64й учнівською молоддю; наукове обґрунтування

66науки науково обґрунтовано її спрямованість на

The article proves how urgent the problem of creating the need for a healthy lifestyle among young students on the basis of statistical data. The great importance of creating the need for a healthy lifestyle among young students has been proven, and the ways of its formation have been determined.

70можливе шляхом видання інформаційних листків,

The article discusses the effective forms and methods of developing the musical culture of schoolchildren. Keywords: method; musical culture; learning process; pedagogical principles; system of music and aesthetic education; structural components; form.

74він реалізується на інтелектуальному рівні, стає

Продумане, багаторазове виконання музичного твору допоможе виконавцю розкрити індивідуальні здібності, опанувати нові засоби виразності, подолати технічні труднощі, які можуть виникнути під час виконання при вдалому інструментальному виступі майбутнього фахівця. музичний твір вважається невід’ємною частиною підготовки до мистецьких заходів, і потреба в ньому безпосередньо впливає на особистісну зрілість учасника, а також на його здатність ефективно вирішувати професійні завдання. Наведено приклади участі здобувачів вищої освіти фортепіанного відділу комунального закладу «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради в мистецьких конкурсах.

78мистецькому конкурсі. Окрім того, у такий спосіб

Krimpas, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea States, Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) DIALOGICAL INTERACTION: THE INVOLVEMENT OF POLYCULTURAL FACES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ACQUISITION. The formation of a poly-/multicultural personality in the environment of students training to be teachers/instructors of foreign languages ​​(FL), instructors of languages ​​for special purposes (LSP) is inextricably linked to the development of both their linguistic and cultural abilities in a globalizing world. and effective communication skills.

84(i) socio-cultural portrait of countries, their peoples

The mentioned is also possible in a FL classroom, by performing problem-solving tasks during foreign language education in a modern Ukrainian and Greek university. The value-oriented perspective of dialogic interaction provides educational education in the context of intercultural interaction.

86of critical thinking and reasoning, leads to improving

In the process of analyzing Fitzgerald's novel "Tender is the Night" the saturation of the text with sensory vocabulary was investigated. Analysis of the use of sensory vocabulary in the novel "Tender is the Night" by F.S.

90форму, що дана нам в відчуттях, емоційну

For example, “…the calm of the storm that ceased woke him about three o'clock and he went to the window.” Fitsdzheralda “Nich lahidna” [Theoretical foundations of the study of sensory vocabulary as a means of creating artistic images in the novel F.S.

94scientific research development. Proceedings of the

It is substantiated that an important condition for improving the vocational education system is the implementation of the ideas of the competency approach, which is relevant in connection with the professional and which requires attention to the future teacher as a subject of one's own professional activity and personal- professional development, that is, the fact of the formation of professional competence. It has been proven that the subject of professional development is a person who consciously organizes the process of his own professionalization, sets a goal, implements it, consciously enriches the experience of own activities and communication.

96саморозвитку та самовдосконалення. Очевидним

98успішною тоді, коли актуалізоване студентом

100вибірковим, відповідальним ставленням до

УДК 378.14:377.1

102Аналіз основних досліджень та публікацій

104змішаного формату (методичний аспект) і час,


Keywords: art pedagogy; methods of art education; students with special needs; social integration; vocational training institution. METHODS OF ART PEDAGOGY IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.

108allows to build a foundation for their further

The purpose of the article is to identify and theoretically prove the impact of the methods and tools of art pedagogy in the process of social integration of students with special needs in VET institutions, based on the analysis of the results of the experimental verification of their effectiveness. Our observations and practical ART PEDAGOGY METHODS IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS.

110experience in implementing the methods of art

Also, the use of art pedagogy is a factor that increases the mental alertness of students. Art-pedahohika i art-terapia v spetsyalnom obrazovanii : uchebnik dlia vuzov [Art pedagogy and ART METHODS PEDAGOGY IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS.

УДК 378.016:81’243

114Аналізуючи причини формування окресленої

З урахуванням наведених особливостей реалізації технології «перевернутого класу». flipped classroom) у навчальному процесі вищих навчальних закладів навчальна діяльність студентів під час вивчення дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» організовується за двома основними напрямками: заочна робота та аудиторна робота. Після експерименту ми провели заключне заняття, на якому проаналізували результати навчальної роботи студентів протягом семестру та пояснили їх ставлення до впровадження технології «перевернутого класу». flipped classroom) у навчальному процесі вищих навчальних закладів, особливо на заняттях з дисципліни «Іноземна мова для професійного спрямування».

116підтвердило ефективність використання технології

The article highlights the versatile practical methods of teaching violin by an excellent teacher, a representative of the Lviv Violin School, Professor Georgiy Ivanovich Pavliy, who in his work synthesizes the best achievements of the domestic and foreign violin school. It is established that his way of playing the violin is based on the following musical and pedagogical principles: development of technical skills, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the student; initiative to create an individual interpretation based on the analysis and intonation of the musical text; formation of orchestral thinking and skills of solo performance with the orchestra;

122інших діячів мистецтва. Завдяки участі у

Research independent activity of students is defined as one of the main components of modern professional training. One of the possibilities to apply theoretical knowledge in practice is the modeling or reproduction of conditions and situations of.

126та практичне спрямування задля більш

The article considers the ways of developing the creative activity of technology teachers as a component of their pedagogical skills. The requirements that must meet the criteria of the creative activity of technology teachers are defined.

130майбутнього фахівця при розв’язанні оригінальних

132до молодого фахівця. Дослідники саме цього

The presence of ascorbic acid is closely related to the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Hydroxylation processes take place with the formation of several biologically active substances in the presence of ascorbic acid.

136vitamin C in the blood is a marker (indicator) of the health

A slightly lower content of vitamin C is in strawberries and citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit) and sorbier domestique. The following types of dog rose differ in the high content of ascorbic acid: Rosa cinnamomea, Rosa acicularis; Rosa canina.

138food consumption high in vitamin C among

Based on the results of the study, it was found that the consumption of foods high in vitamin C by students is at a fairly high level. The article outlines the need to provide educational and methodological support for the purpose, objectives and content of professional training in the specialty “Information, Library and Archive Affairs”.

142інформаційно-аналітичних структурних підрозділів

The article deals with innovative methods of mastering embroidery and bead weaving techniques of the Boikos ethnographic group. In the light of the mentioned techniques, the therapeutic artistic possibilities of interactive, cooperative and social and emotional learning are analyzed and generalized.

146визначених параметрів дій та виробів учня із їх

Due to the fact that the processes of integration of the world community, first of all in the linguistic sphere, bring changes in the qualification requirements for the professional training of border guards. The article examines the peculiarities of teaching English to professional border guards in the context of European integration.

152мові, а саме: border, protection, detection passport,

154Наприклад, тренувальні ігри, ігрові етюди

Petro Turianskyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Musical Instruments and Vocal Singing, Honored Cultural Worker of Ukraine Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University FORMING FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS RELATING TO VOICE TRAINING OF A SINGING. The purpose of this article is to unite, in theory and practice, the ways in which we can shape fundamental ideas related to the voice training of a vocal singer in the educational process of the professional training of a teacher in the musical art.

І хоча сторітелінг – це не завжди смішні історії, адже за емоційним забарвленням вони можуть бути сумними, страшними, смішними, характеризуються смішні уроки суспільно-гуманітарної сфери. Розглянуто доцільність використання сторітелінгу у навчанні суспільно-гуманітарного спрямування.

162та зворушливими, однак спільне в них те, що всі

164Доречним буде використання сторітелінгу і на

WORK WITH MACHINE TRANSLATION AS A COMPONENT OF THE CONTENT OF THE TRAINING OF LANGUAGE SPECIALISTS. Attention is drawn to the content of the training of future specialists in the field of foreign languages.

16810 років. Надалі ці дані використовувались для

Serhii Tsiura, Lecturer of the Cycle Commission Conducting and Choir Disciplines and Voice Production, Municipal Establishment "Uman Taras Shevchenko Humanitarian and Pedagogical Vocational College, Cherkasy Regional Council". It is certain that in modern conditions, the problem of conducting and choral pedagogy is to help future music teachers master the mechanism of practical implementation of the content of the educational process, taking into account the interests and musical abilities of students, personal creativity.

172як необхідний компонент для художнього

174Таким чином, спостерігаємо значну кількість

The article deals with current issues of the modern Ukrainian system of education and pedagogical science - education of students with special educational needs (SEN). The psychological, pedagogical and methodological conditions for teaching a foreign language to students with special needs are analyzed.

178значень слів тощо. У деяких випадках їхнє

Collection of scientific works of the Berdjan State Pedagogical University: Continuity problems in preparing children of preschool and primary school age for life.


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