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Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal defejando cílabelecer o Syftema de Commercio, annunciado pelo prefente Tratado, fobre as Bafes as mais extenfas. Ha por bem aproveitar a opportunidade que elle lihe oíferece de publicar a Determinação anteriormente concebida no Seu Real Entendimento, de fazer Goa Porto Franco, e de permitter iP aquella Cidade, e fuas Dependencias, a livre Tolerância de todas quaefquer Seitas Rehgiofas.


Todo o Commercio cora as PoíTefsôes Portuguezas fituadas fobre a Cofia Oriental do Continente d’Africa (em Artigos niío incluidos nos Contraclos Exclufivos poíTuidos pela Coroa de Portugal) que poíTa ter fido anteriormente permittido aos Vaflalos da Grande Bretanha, lhes he confir­ mado, e aflegurado agora, e para fempre do mefmo modo, que o Com­ mercio, que tinha até-qui fido permittido aos VaíTalos Portuguezes nos Portos e Mares d’Afia, lhes he confirmado, e aflegurado em virtude do Sexto Artigo do prefente Tratado.

A R T IG O X X V .

Porem cm ordem a dar o devido effeito ao Syftema de perfeita Recipro­ cidade que as Duas Altas Partes Contradlantes defejáo eftabelecer por Bafe das Suas mutuas Relações, Sua Mageftade Britannica cenfente em ceder do Direito de Crear Feitorias, ou Corporações de Negociantes Britannicos debaixo de qualquer Nome, ou deferipção que for, nos Domínios de Sua Alteza Real


Principe Regente de Portugal ; com tanto porem que efta Condcfcendencia cora os defejos de Sua Alteza Real ü Principe Regente

r , ! i \ ■ ’ ■} '•|‘i ' 5 1 ( 35» )

Prince Regent of Portugal, iliall not deprive the Subjeds of His Britannic Majeily, refidlng \viihiiithe Dominions oiTortugal, of the full Erjoyinent as Individuals engaged in Commerce, of any ofthofe Rights and Privileges which they did or might poflefs as Members of Incorporated Connnercial Bodies ; and aUb that the Commerce and Trade carried on by Britilh Subjefts fnall not be reilriaed, annoyed, or otherwife affeaed by any Commercial Company whatever, poffclfing exclufive Privileges and Favours within the Dominions of Portugal. i\nd His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent of Portugal does alfo engage, that He will not confent nor permit that any other Nation or State fiiall poiTefs Faaories or Incorporated Bodies of Merchants within His Dominions, fo long as Britiih Faaories {lull not be eilabliihtd therein.


The Two Pligh Contraaing Parties agree, that they will forthwith pro- ceecl to the Revifion of all other former Treaties fubfifting between the Two Crowns, for the Purpofe of afeertaining what Stipulations contained in them are, in the prefent State of Affairs, proper to be continued or renewed. It is agreed and declared, that the Stipulations contained in former Treaties concerning the Admiflion of the Wines of Portugal on the one Hand, and the Woollen Clothes of Great Britain on the other, ihall at prefent remain unaltered. In the fame Manner it is agreed, that the Favours, Privileges, and Immunities granted by either Contracting Party to the Subjefts of the other, whether by Treaty, Decree, or Alvara, ihall remain unaltered, except the Power granted by former 'Preatles, of carry­ ing ill the Ships of either Country Goods and Merchandizes of any De- feript’on whatever, the Property of the Enemies of the other Country, which Power is now macually and publicly renounced and abrogated.


The reciprocal Liberty of Commerce and Navigation, declared and announced by the prefent I’reaty, ihall be confidered to extend to all Goods and Merchandizes whatioever, except thofe Articles the Property of the Enemies of either Power, or Contraband of W ar.



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de Portugal nâo prive osVaíTalIos cie Sua Maçefbde Brltannica, Refidentes nos Donnmos de Portugal, de gozarem plenamente, corno Indi-iduos Commerciantes, de todos aquelles Direit< s, e Piivilogios que p-)flruj”i


ou podiao poíTuir como Membros de Corporações Commerciaes, e igualmente que p Trafico, e o Commercio feito pelos VaíTallos Britannicos nao ferá reíliingido, embai afiado, ou de outro modo afteítado por alguma Com­ panhia Commercial, qualquer que feja, que pofiua Privilégios, e Favores Exclufivos nos Dominios de Portugal. E Sua Alteza Real ü Piincipe Regente de Portugal tam bem Sc obriga a nao Conlentir, nem permittir, que alguma outra Nação ou Eftado poüua Feitorias, ou Corporações de Negociantes nos Seus Dominios, em quanto fe não efiabelecerem neües Feitorias Britannicas.



As Duas Altas Fartes Contratantes Convem, em que Elias procederão logo á revisão de todos os outros antigos Tratados fubfiilentes entre as Duas Coroas, a fim de determinarem, quaes das Ellipulações, das que elles contem, devem fer continuadas ou renovadas no prefente eílado das coufas.

Conveiofe com tudo, e declaroufe que as Eftipulações conteudas nos Antigos Tratados relativamente á admifsão dos Vinhos de Portugal, de huma parte, e dos Pannos de Lãa da Grande Bretanha, da outra,"ficarão por ora fern alteração. Do mefmo modo conveiofe, que os Favores, PrF vilegios, e Immunidades concedidas por cada huma das Altas Partes Con­ tratantes aos Vaílalios da Outra, tanto por Tratado, como por Diireto, ou Alvará, ficarão fem alteração, a excepção da Faculdade, concedida por antigos Tratados, de conduzir em Navios de hum dos dois Eftados Generös, e Mercadorias dequalquer qualidade, pertencentes aos Inimigos de Outro Efiado, a qual Faculdade he agora publica, e inutuamente renunciada, e abrogada.


A reciproca Liberdade de Commercio, e de Navegação declarada, e an- nunciada pelo prefente 1 ’ratado ferá confiderada extender fe a todos os Ge­ neros e Mercadorias quaefquer, à excepção d’aquelles Artigos de Proprie­ dade dos Inimigos de huma ou outra Potência, ou de Contrabando de Guerra.


( 34 ) A R T IC L E X X V III.

Under the Name of Contraband or Prohibited Articles ihall be com­ prehended not only Avm% Cannon, Harquebuffes, Rlortars, Retards,

Bombs, Grenades, Sauciflcs, Carcafles, Carnages for Cannon, Muflvet Reds, Bandoliers, Gunpowder, Match, Saltpetre, Ball, P^kes, Swoids, Head Pieces, Helmets, Cuirafles, Halberts, Javelins, Holders, Belts,Horfes, and their Harnefs, but generally all other Articles that may have been Iheciiied as Contraband in any former'I reaties concluded by Great Britain or bv Portugal with other Powers. But Goods which have not been wrought into the Form of Warlike Inilruments, or which cannot become fuch,^iliall not be reputed Contraband ; much lefs

ready wrought and made up for other Purpofes ; all w'hich iliaU be deemed not contraband, and may be freely carried by the Subjects of both Sove­ reigns even to Places belonging to an Enemy, excepting only fuch 1 laces as are befieged, blockaded, or iiiveiled by Sea or Land.



In cafe anv Ships or Veffels of W ar, or Merchantmen, iliould be fliip- wrecked on the Coafts of either of the High Contrading Parties, all fuch Parts of the faid Ships or Veffels, or of the Furniture or Appurtenances thereof, as alio of Goods and Merchandizes as ihall be faved, or the Pro­ duce thereof, ihall be faithfully reilored upon the fame being claimed by the Proprietors or their Fadorsduly authorized, paying only the Expences incurred in the Prefervation thereof, according to the Rate of Salvage fettled on both Sides (faving at the fame Time the Rights and Cuiloms of each Nation, the Abolidon or Modification of which ihall however be treated upon in the Cafes where they iliallbe contrary to the Stipulations of the prefent A rticle); and the High Contracting Parties will mutually interpofe their Authority, that luch of their Subjects as ihall take Advan- tage of any fuch Misfortune, may be feverely puniilied.

A R T IC L E X X X .

And, for the greater Security and Liberty of Commerce and Navlga- tion it is further agreed, that both Flis Britannic Majefty and His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent of Portugal, ihall not only refufe to recede


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