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Academic year: 2023




Abstract: This article analyzes how the formation of the XXIst Portuguese Constitutional Government, supported by the Parliamentary Left (Socialist Party, Communist Party and the far-left organization Left Block which brings together the fringes of environmental movements, Trotskyist groups and ex- Maoist organizations ) was framed by “Observador”, a right-wing online newspaper, ideologically opposed, from the editorial point of view, to the new Government. The comments that the news readers posted on the website but also on Facebook were analyzed during the formation of the new political solution. Our analysis shows that the "Observador"'s audience has caused different interpretive frameworks that always share an opposition to the formation of the left government.


Literature review 1. The framing theory

Deliberative Frames in election times

At election time, there was an identifiable frame: the horse race frame. The dominant framework for electoral decisions in Portugal so far has insisted on the issue of "electing the Prime Minister". He mobilized one of the oldest rhetorical platitudes: “we have come this far; we can't go back.

Internet, readers’ comments spaces and deliberative framing

The motivational framework points out the greatest difficulties: “How can we mobilize the PS, one of the protagonists of one of the last episodes of the Cold War, in the direct confrontation against the PCP and the extreme left as opponents?; How do you mobilize a social support base of CDU and BE, who saw the PS as a traditional opponent?" In turn, the conservative bloc faced another dilemma: mobilizing legitimacy based on the victory of the elections against the legitimacy derived from the formation of a majority in parliament, in order to accentuate the differences between the supporters of the left government . In addition to the initial diagnosis related to identifying what the problem is, the framework will also indicate a possible causal interpretation of the problem, i.e.

Research strategy and methodological design

Brief contextualization of the case under study: formation process of the XXIst Constitutional Government

  • Data collection and sample definition
  • News and readers’ comments content analysis
  • Data and coding procedure for news frames and readers’ comments Taking into account that “the very techniques of the news building – title,

The real debate over the formation of the government then begins, with the coalition attempting to negotiate with the Socialists. It is by taking into account these two aspects, the type of audience and the characteristics of the media system. From the definition of the period, we continued to research the news and the comments on it.

Table 1. Operationalization of variables and categories in news analysis
Table 1. Operationalization of variables and categories in news analysis


However, upon a more detailed analysis of the frames, we found that the most commonly used frame was actually about policy and its impact on society. We also realized that the focus on conflict inherent in the situation or between players, known as the conflict story frame, appears in 21% of news. We therefore see that in the comments of the readers there is an effective, although not in a direct way, connection with the dominant frames in the news.

Table 3. Most common frames in news
Table 3. Most common frames in news


Specifically in the case of the United States, predict all the socio-political and socio-communicative phenomena that will be a trend in the coming years in a general way. From the initial moment of the election campaign of Donald Trump, there has been an avalanche of bibliographic publications, journalistic reports and audio-. The path to becoming a conservative political reference was therefore much shorter than in other cases of presidential candidates close to the power structures of the Republican Party.

The republican primaries and the organizational structure

The other candidates in the primaries: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich. As the weeks and elections of the Republican primaries progressed, candidate Trump became more popular and his message of rebirth became more widespread and impactful. Trump won three of the first four events in February (losing only Iowa), and in three of the four states, more votes were cast for the Republican side than for the Democratic side.

Table 1. The results of the primary in the Republican Party in 2016 by state
Table 1. The results of the primary in the Republican Party in 2016 by state

The key strategy of the 2016 campaign

Defending the existence of a media conspiracy against Trump and his political project by the Democratic Party and the US economic and financial elites. In the latter case, consideration of NAFTA was inevitably linked to the construction of a border wall with Mexico. The social and cultural preservation of the United States must be present in the next legislative program.

Table 6. The results of the presidential elections of the United States in 2016
Table 6. The results of the presidential elections of the United States in 2016

Symbiosis of the new and the old: communication, publicity, message and leadership

In this way, Trump could address the states located on the East Coast and the Great Lakes region5, with the aim of pointing out the deep economic issues experienced by very high percentages of the population. Campaign advertising and dissemination of political information and messages were a mixture of detailed programming and improvisation of the candidate at specific moments (Corder, 2016, p. The purpose of this use of unspoken and irrational elements is related to the gradual elimination of theoretical components and deontological aspects of political debate and the media.


The Democrats' approaches to political logic and macroeconomic reality were always in the shadows. We must remember that Donald Trump's speeches have been a selective synthesis of the various programs and ideological positions of the Republican Party over time. The combined use of traditional media and new digital platforms is undoubtedly a key issue in the broad dissemination of political messages and programmatic content in the Republican Party.

Sources Bibliography

In the first program, a political journalist also talked to him before asking questions in front of television viewers. These discussions are followed by an analysis of the two television shows, and the paper concludes with reflections on the workings of power and citizenship. This production format created a discursive space in which Cameron located himself in the body of the audience.

The audience gave a performance as members of the public but in fact they are Tory supporters. This exchange illustrates a number of aspects of the interplay between the performance of power and citizenship in this program. In contrast, in this version of the program one question addressed to the prime minister followed another.

A particularly worrying issue – in the context of Orbán's supermajority – is that the votes of the members of the nomination committee are weighted according to the proportion of each faction's representation in parliament. 2017) Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 in the EU, Montenegro and Turkey 2017 Policy Report. The 'agripolitician' is characterized by his simultaneous actions on 'both sides of the counter', i.e. in their political offices and in the agricultural industry.

Sociability is part of the configuration of sociability modalities in the communication process, as well as in terms of context. The results of the efforts applied in communication are subject to the intentions of the subjects engaged in their objectives. Of the 11 candidates competing for Mato Grosso's two seats in the Senate, three were agropoliticians.



Fiction or reality? The case of the “Hope Live in Every Name” awareness campaign

Hope Live in Every Name" is an awareness campaign and call for mobilization launched by the international association Equality Now in collaboration with "The Handmaid's Tale series". Available on the association's website [6], it consists of a video showing the main actors of the series dressed in everyday clothes and sequentially reading the testimonies of women who survived violence and abuse. In the first seconds of the video, nothing explains the reality of these testimonies.

Only at the end of the video are the names of the women quoted and one of the actors makes it clear: "this is not fiction, this is not The Handmaid's Tale." Also, although the actors appear as actors and not as characters from the series (their first and last names are imprinted at the beginning of their appearance and do not wear their costumes from the series) and thus enter the video into the realm of reality, the aesthetics of the film are similar to the visual aesthetics of the television series. By reusing the series' visual cues, the campaign film increases its ability to capture the attention of fans of the series, especially during the initial run of the second season.

Shared on the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the series, of the channel, of the actors and the writer, this video uses the series' popularity to raise awareness of a public issue. Such a campaign is an opportunity to highlight the starkness of the dystopia, proving that what is shown on the screen and read through the prism of fiction is already a reality for some people. Here it is a proposal to join an association by signing our name or making a donation, but the series also motivated other types of engagements at the initiative of fans as analysis of the second object will demonstrate.

MAIDEZ - The Official Handmaid's Tale Facebook Discussion Group (now titled: The Handmaid's Tale - Official Fan Group).

MAIDEZ – The official Handmaid’s Tale Discussion Group on Facebook (now titled: The Handmaid’s Tale – Official Fan Group)

  • Selected dystopias: how education versis human rights is presented in Science Fiction
  • Model: predicting the future as the past becomes non-linear
  • Conclusions and Future Perspectives

Second, it examines the context, origins and impact of Dutton's remarks, including the threads of the various media narratives in the ensuing debate. Twenty-four of the 30 articles in The Australian and Daily Telegraph defended Dutton's comments, mostly on the grounds that he was being 'honest'. Henderson points out that 'they were not refugees in the strict definition of the term, as they were not fleeing persecution.

The first two books of the trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture (Castells highlight historical facts related to gender issues that profoundly marked the evolution of feminism, the presence of women in universities and in the labor market, in addition to the close relationship built with digital platforms and information technologies (IT).AYLAN KURDI AS THE AWAKENING IMAGE OF THE REFUGEE CRISIS: THE FRAMEWORK OF THE IBERIAN PRESS.At the beginning of the 21st century, Europe is facing an exponential increase in the number of migrants coming from arrives in other countries.

In lifeworld analysis, these cognitive schemas were considered to be based on a priori experimentation with the world and the objects that make it up. The theorization of the priming effect only began in the mid-80s following the media effect studies initiated in the early 70s. In this way, awakening a priming effect, intensifying the subject's importance in the agenda-setting process, gives rise to new frameworks.

In the subtitle, a lament of the Syrian boy's father, adds to the need for it. It is precisely at this point that the importance of the evocative image in the field of journalism emerges. Aylan Kurdi was the awakening image of the refugee crisis, contributing decisively to the awareness of this problem.

Figure 1: Dynamics of the proposed Reductio ad dystopia social quantum model.
Figure 1: Dynamics of the proposed Reductio ad dystopia social quantum model.


Table 1. Operationalization of variables and categories in news analysis
Table 2. Operationalization of deliberative frame analysis on readers’ comments
Table 3. Most common frames in news
Table 4. Most common readers’ frames and interpretation of the issue under  deliberation


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