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Primeiro Semestre de de novembro de 2013


Academic year: 2021

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Primeiro Semestre de 2014 - 12 de novembro de 2013



Problema 1: Considere um raio de luz passando de um meio 1 com ´ındice de refra¸c˜ao n1 para um

meio 2 com ´ındice de refra¸c˜ao n2.

a) Fa¸ca uma figura explicando a lei de reflex˜ao e lei de refra¸c˜ao:

θ1 = θ1r, n1sin θ1 = n2sin θ2 (1)

indicando os ˆangulos θ1, θ2 e θ1r (ˆangulos de incidˆencia, refra¸c˜ao e reflex˜ao, respectivamente),

assim como o plano de incidˆencia.

b) Qual rela¸c˜ao entre n1 e n2 ´e necess´aria para observar reflex˜ao total? Calcule o ˆangulo θ1 = θtpara

que isso aconte¸ca (ˆangulo cr´ıtico).

Considere agora que o raio de luz, dado por uma onda eletromagn´etica incidente a partir do meio 1, seja circularmente polarizado. Podemos decompor o campo el´etrico �E em duas componentes linearmente polarizadas, sendo uma perpendicular ao plano de incidˆencia (⊥) e outra paralela (�). As amplitudes relativas das componentes refletidas em rela¸c˜ao `a amplitude do campo incidente s˜ao dadas pelas f´ormulas de Fresnel R := � E1r E1 � ⊥ =sin(θ1− θ2) sin(θ1+ θ2) (2) R := � E1r E1 � � = tan(θ1 − θ2) tan(θ1+ θ2) . (3)

c) Calcule o chamado ˆangulo de Brewster θ1 = θBpara o qual a luz refletida ´e linearmente polarizada.

d) Considere novamente a situa¸c˜ao de reflex˜ao total do item (b) no caso em que θ1 > θt. Formalmente,

θ2 se torna um n´umero complexo, por´em as f´ormulas (1)-(3) ainda permanecem v´alidas. Mostre

que neste caso a refletividade r :=|R|2 = 1 e r

� :=|R�|2 = 1 justificando o termo reflex˜ao total.

Problema 2: Considere um disco circular de raio R carregado uniformemente com uma densidade de carga superficial σ.

a) Calcule o potencial eletrost´atico em um ponto P a uma distˆancia z do centro do disco. Como mostra a figura 1, o ponto est´a situado no eixo de simetria do disco.


b) Obtenha o vetor campo el´etrico no ponto P.

c) Obtenha express˜oes aproximadas para o campo el´etrico nos limites z � R e z � R e indique a quais sistemas f´ısicos estes dois limites correspondem.

Figura 1: Problema 2.

Problema 3: Uma part´ıcula de massa m e velocidade inicial �u colide elasticamente com outra de massa M , inicialmente em repouso no referencial do laborat´orio. Ap´os a colis˜ao, a part´ıcula de massa m ´e defletida para um ˆangulo de π/2 em rela¸c˜ao `a dire¸c˜ao inicial do movimento e a magnitude de sua velocidade ´e reduzida para u/√3, onde u = |�u|. A part´ıcula de massa M emerge da colis˜ao com velocidade de magnitude v, numa dire¸c˜ao que faz um ˆangulo θ com �u.

a) Determine θ.

b) Calcule v em fun¸c˜ao de u. c) Calcule a raz˜ao M/m.

Problema 4: Um g´as ideal executa um ciclo termodinˆamico que pode ser dividido em quatro etapas. Entre os estados A e B sofre uma compress˜ao isot´ermica que o leva do estado (PA, VA) para o estado

(PB, VB). Em seguida ´e levado isocoricamente (volume constante) para o estado C, no qual PC > PB.

Na terceira etapa ocorre uma expans˜ao isot´ermica levando-o ao estado D, que tem o mesmo volume VA

do estado inicial. Por fim, o sistema realiza um processo isoc´orico que o leva de volta ao estado inicial A.

a) Fa¸ca um esbo¸co do digrama P× V deste sistema e determine o trabalho realizado pelo g´as em um ciclo completo.

b) Calcule a varia¸c˜ao de entropia para cada etapa do ciclo. Dica: a energia interna de um g´as ideal s´o depende da temperatura na forma dU = CvdT , onde Cv ´e constante.

c) Uma t´ecnica de resfriamento conhecida por desmagnetiza¸c˜ao adiab´atica foi originalmente proposta nos anos 1920. Em sais paramagn´eticos a baixas temperaturas, a entropia associada `a desordem


dos spins (entropia magn´etica) ´e dominante sobre as outras entropias (eletrˆonica, de rede, etc.). Considerando as duas curvas apresentadas na figura abaixo, que representam a varia¸c˜ao da entropia magn´etica de um sal paramagn´etico de spin S = 1/2 em fun¸c˜ao da temperatura e do campo magn´etico, encontre a sequˆencia de processos termodinˆamicos que leva a um resfriamento a partir da temperatura de 50mK e B = 0. Indique na figura e explique cada um dos processos. Determine tamb´em a temperatura final do sistema.

d) Calcule a quantidade de calor retirada do sistema durante o processo proposto no ´ıtem c).

Figura 2: Problema 4.

Problema 5: Um aparelho A emite part´ıculas de spin 1/2 que se propagam ao longo do eixo y. As part´ıculas s˜ao preparadas em um autoestado de Sz com autovalor +�/2. Um outro aparelho B,

localizado no eixo y, mede o spin destas part´ıculas na dire¸c˜ao ˆn = (sin θ, 0, cos θ), onde θ ´e um ˆangulo entre 0 e π.

a) Qual ´e o operador correspondente `as medidas realizadas por B? Denote esse operador por Sn.

b) Encontre os autovalores e autovetores de Sn expressos na base que diagonaliza Sz.

c) Quais os valores medidos emB e suas respectivas probabilidades? As matrizes de Pauli s˜ao:

σx = � 0 1 1 0 � , σy = � 0 i −i 0 � e σz = � 1 0 0 −1 � .


Problema 6: O operador paridade Π ´e um operador unit´ario definido por

ΠˆxΠ−1 =−ˆx e ΠˆpΠ−1 =−ˆp (4)

onde ˆx e ˆp s˜ao os operadores de posi¸c˜ao e momento, respectivamente. Al´em disso, Π2 = 1.

a) Mostre que Π|x� = | − x�, onde |x� ´e um autoestado de posi¸c˜ao, ˆx|x� = x|x�. b) Mostre que Πψ(x) = ψ(−x).

c) Qual deve ser a condi¸c˜ao sobre o potencial V (x) para que o hamiltoniano H = p2/2m + V (x) comute

com Π? Mostre que, neste caso, as autofun¸c˜oes deste hamiltoniano ser˜ao fun¸c˜oes pares ou ´ımpares. Lembre-se que uma fun¸c˜ao f (x) ´e par se f (x) = f (−x) e ´ımpar se f(x) = −f(−x).



First Semester 2014 - November 12


, 2013



Problem 1: Consider a beam of light going from a medium 1 with refractive index n1 to a medium

2 with refractive index n2.

a) Make a figure explaining the law of reflection and the law of refraction:

θ1 = θ1r, n1sin θ1 = n2sin θ2 (1)

In your figure, indicate the angles θ1, θ2 and θ1r (angles of incidence, refraction and reflection,

respectively), as well as the plane of incidence.

b) Which relation between n1 and n2 is necessary to observe total reflection? Calculate the critical

angle θ1 = θt for the onset of total reflection.

Consider now that the beam of light, given by an electromagnetic wave incident from medium 1, is circularly polarized. We can decompose the electric field �E into two linearly polarized components, one perpendicular to the plane of incidence (⊥) and the other parallel (�). The relative amplitudes of reflection with respect to the amplitude of the incident field are given by the Fresnel equations:

R := � E1r E1 � ⊥ =−sin(θ1− θ2) sin(θ1+ θ2) (2) R := � E1r E1 � � = tan(θ1 − θ2) tan(θ1+ θ2) . (3)

(c) Calculate the so-called Brewster angle θ1 = θB for which the reflected light is linearly polarized.

(d) Consider again the total reflection of item (b) in the case θ1 > θt. Formally, θ2 is now a complex

number, nonetheless the expressions (1)-(3) remain valid. Show that in this case the reflectivity r:=|R|2 = 1 and r

� :=|R�|2 = 1 justifying the term total reflection.

Problem 2: Consider a circular disk of radius R uniformly charged with a surface charge density σ. a) Find the electric potential at a point P located at a distance z from the center of the disk. As shown

in the figure 1, P is located along the symmetry axis of the disk. b) Find the electric field vector at P.


Figure 1: Problem 2.

c) Write approximate expressions for the electric field in the limiting cases z � R and z � R. To which physical systems these two limits correspond?

Problem 3: A particle of mass m and initial velocity �u collides elastically with another particle of mass M , which was initially at rest in the laboratory frame. After the collision, the particle of mass m is deflected to an angle of π/2 with respect to the initial velocity and the magnitude of its final velocity is u/√3, where u =|�u|. The particle of mass M emerges from the collision with a velocity of magnitude v, making an angle θ with �u.

a) Determine θ.

b) Calculate v as a function of u. c) Calculate the ratio M/m.

Problem 4: An ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamical cycle which can be divided in four pro-cess. From an initial state A to a state B, the gas undergoes an isothermal compression defined by (PA, VA) −→ (PB, VB). In the second process, the gas goes from B to C at constant volume reaching

a pressure PC > PB. The third process is an ishothermal expansion going to a state D with the same

volume VA as the initial state. Finally, the gas undergoes another isovolumetric process that brings it

back to the initial state A.

a) Sketch the plot P × V describing the cycle and calculate the work done by the gas in a complete cycle.

b) Calculate the entropy variation in each process of the cycle. (Hint: The internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on the temperature through dU = CvdT , where the heat capacity at constant

volume Cv is a constant.)

c) A standard method originally proposed in 1920’s to cool down physical systems is based on adia-batic demagnetization. In paramagnetic salts at low temperatures, the entropy associated to spin disorder (magnetic entropy) dominates over other types of entropy (electronic, lattice entropy,


etc.). The figure below shows the variation of the magnetic entropy of a spin S = 1/2 param-agnetic salt as a function of its temperature and mparam-agnetic field. Considering the two curves in the figure, find a sequence of thermodynamical processes (involving T , S and B) that cools down a system originally at 50mK and B = 0. Describe each process and sketch it in Figure 2. In addition, find the final temperature of the system.

d) Calculate the amount of heat extracted from the system during the sequence of processes of part c).

Figure 2: Problem 4.

Problem 5: A device A sends spin 1/2 particles along the y axis. These particles are prepared in an Sz eigenstate, corresponding to the eigenvalue +�/2. A measuring device B, placed in the y axis,

measures the particle spin along the direction ˆn = (sin θ, 0, cos θ), where θ is an angle between 0 e π. a) What is the operator Sn associated to the measurements performed by B?

b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Sn in the basis that diagonalizes Sz.

c) What are the possible results of the measurements performed byB, and what are their probabilities? The Pauli Matrices are:

σx = � 0 1 1 0 � , σy = � 0 i −i 0 � e σz = � 1 0 0 −1 � .

Problem 6: The parity operator Π is a unitary operator defined by


where ˆx and ˆp are the position and momentum operators respectively. Moreover, Π2 = 1.

a) Show that Π|x� = | − x�, where |x� is a position eigenstate, ˆx|x� = x|x�. b) Show that Πψ(x) = ψ(−x).

c) What is the condition V (x) must satisfy so that the hamiltonian H = p2/2m + V (x) commutes whith

Π? Show that in this case the hamiltonian eigenfunctions are either even or odd. Remember that f (x) is even if f (x) = f (−x) and odd if f(x) = −f(−x).



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