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Recursos para Estudo / Atividades


Academic year: 2021

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Programa de Recuperação Paralela 2ª Etapa – 2013

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Professora:Eliane

Ano: 2º Turma: FG

 Caro aluno, você está recebendo o conteúdo de recuperação.

 Faça a lista de exercícios com atenção, ela norteará os seus estudos.  Utilize o livro didático adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo.

 Se necessário, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didáticos, exercícios além dos propostos, etc.).

 Considere a recuperação como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado.

 Leve o seu trabalho a sério e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obterá sucesso.  Qualquer dúvida procure o professor responsável pela disciplina.


Recursos para Estudo / Atividades

* Interpretação * Present Continuous * Simple Present * Simple Past * Past Progressive * Present Perfect

*Starter unit and Unit1 * Anotações do caderno * Provas anteriores


Rede de Educação Missionárias Servas do Espírito Santo Colégio Nossa Senhora da Piedade

Av. Amaro Cavalcanti, 2591 – Encantado – Rio de Janeiro / RJ CEP: 20735042 Tel: 2594-5043 – Fax: 2269-3409 E-mail: cnsp@terra.com.br Home Page: www.cnsp.com.br


Área de Conhecimento: CÓDIGOS E LINGUAGENS Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Tipo de Avaliação: BLOCO DE ATIVIDADES Gabarito

Etapa: 2ª Professor: Eliane

Nº de Questões: 11 Data: ____/____/2013.

Nome do (a) aluno (a): Ano:2° Turma: FG

Querido (a) aluno (a):

Para que se organize melhor siga as orientações abaixo:

LEIA com atenção cada questão;

PROCURE compreender o que está sendo pedido, para você resolver;

ELABORE respostas completas;

FAÇA uma letra legível;

RELEIA todas as suas respostas antes de entregar ao professor (a).

SUCESSO! Professor: Eliane


WRITE True or False according to the text.

The most valuable player

Sammy Sosa was 16 when he left the Dominican Republic to play baseball for the Texas Rangers organization. He left behind the one-bedroom apartment where he lived with his mother, who was a widow, four brothers and two sisters. The boy had shined shoes and washed cars to earn money to put rice and beans on the table for the family. His mother asked Sosa to stay:” If you go, we’ll die here.” The boy promised his mother that he would be back. And in October, after having had one of the greatest years in baseball history, he returned home. With his $42.5 million, a four-year contract, he was able to buy his mother a nice, comfortable house.

1. Sammy’s mother always encouraged him to be a player. ( F ) 2. Sammy had seven brothers and many friends. ( F )

3. Sammy left his family to marry a woman whom his mother disapproved. ( F ) 4. Sammy left his family to play baseball for an organization. ( T )



UNDERLINE the correct alternatives. ( Simple Present )

a) My brothers often (wait / waits) for me after school.

b) They always (buy / buys) fruit at the street market.

c) You always (arrive / arrives) late for class.

d) Mary and Anna usually (eat / eats) an apple in the mornings.

e) Carla (like / likes) hamburgers.


CIRCLE the correct option. ( Present Continuous )

a) ( Isshe - She is ) working at the moment ?

b) They ( isn’t - aren’t ) sleeping now. They ( arestudying - am studying ). c) The children ( arewatching - is watching ) TV in their room.

d) The girl ( isn’tlistening - are listening ) to music. QUESTÃO 04:

UNDERLINE the correct alternative.

a) What ( are ... do ) you ( do ... doing )now?

b) Roger and Daniel ( arestudying ) ( study ) for their Math test now.

c) The Earth (moves ) ( is moving ) around the Sun.

d) My mom ( is getting ) ( gets ) up at 6:30 every day.

e) Those boys ( plays ) ( play ) soccer every weekend.


- FILL IN THE BLANKS . USE the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

a) We arelistening (listen) to music right now. b) British people love (love) football!

c) Mom istalking (talk) on the phone right now. d) Jackie doesn´teat (not eat) meat. She’s a vegetarian. e) My brother isplaying (play) soccer in the park right now. f) Brazilians speak ( speak) Portuguese.


g) I amnotwatching (not watch) TV right now. I’m at work! h) My dad wears (wear) a suit to work.


COMPLETE the sentences with was or were.

* I, he, she, it - was * we, you , they - were

a) They were late for school and their teacher was angry at them.

b) Marcela was very happy. Her birthday party was a success.

c) After school, the children were very tired.

d) Carlos was at home yesterday.


FILL IN THE BLANKS with the Simple Past form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) Last vacation, my friends climbed ( climb ) Machu Picchu.

b) Toni traveled ( travel ) to China.

c) Adam went ( go ) snowclimbing in Pantagonia.

d) My sister got ( get ) blisters on a walking vacation.

e) Giselle sprained ( sprain ) her ankle on a skiing vacation.

f) I didn´tgo ( not go ) anywhere. I stayed ( stay ) at home.

g) How did you spend your vacation? ( spend )


COMPLETE the sentences. USE the Present Perfect of the verbs in parentheses. a) Matt hasn’t finished his test yet. ( not finish )

b) Carla has just visited her cousins. ( visit) c) Have they made a decision yet? ( make )

d) Luis and Bella have just arrived from New York. ( arrive ) e) It has rained a lot this year. ( rain )

f) She hasn’t played chess with Marco yet. ( not play )



a) How many movies (did you see / have you seen) this month?

b) In my last vacation (I stayed / have stayed) at home.

c) I (didn´t do / haven´t done) any homework this week.

d) She (did / has done) a lot of work today and its only 2 pm.

e) Jack (didn´t see / hasn´t seen) Rebecca yesterday.

f) Charlie Chaplin (made / has made) a lot of movies before he died.

g) David Gilmour (played / has played) the guitar for years.


COMPLETE the sentences using the Past Progressive.

* was / were + principal verb (ing )

a) She was taking a shower when the telephone rang. ( take )

b) I was studying English when my mom arrived. ( study )

c) My brother was playing soccer when it started to rain. ( play )

d) My daughter was eating an apple when I woke up. ( eat )

e) The children were having lunch when their mom called them. ( have )


COMPLETE the sentences using the Past Progressive. USE the verbs below.

not study - not play - watch - drink - cry - listen

a) The cat was drinking milk when it started to rain.

b) The girls were watching TV when their mom arrived.

c) He was listening to music when his brother called him.

d) The children weren’t playing in the yard. They were at home

e) The students weren’t studying English. They were studying Portuguese. f) The baby was crying when his mom appeared.


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