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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.24 número3


Academic year: 2018

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J Appl Oral Sci. 187

Edit orial

On June 1 4t h, 2 0 1 6 , t he Baur u School

of Dent ist r y ( FOB) , Univer sit y of São Paulo ( USP) r eceived w it h huge ent husiasm t he gr eat new s of t he 1.117 im pact fact or for t he Jour nal of Applied Oral Science ( JAOS) in t he Jour nal Cit at ion Repor t s® ( JCR) , 2015

Scien ce Ed it ion . Ou t of t h e 8 9 j ou r n als indexed in t his dat abase in t he Dent ist ry, Oral Sur ger y & Medicine cat egor y, JAOS is now ranked in t he 56t h place and j um ped t o t he

3r d quar t ile. Am ong all t he Brazilian j our nals

indexed in JCR, JAOS is t he 14t h out of 127

j our nals. I t is always w or t h m ent ioning t hat -$26WDNHVSDUWLQWKH6FLHQWL¿F(OHFWURQLF Library Online ( SciELO) , an elect ronic library cover ing a select ed collect ion of Brazilian VFLHQWL¿FMRXUQDOVZKLFKDOORZVIUHHDFFHVV t o full ar t icles.

Par t of t his t r em endous success is t he r esult of t he ser ious w or k per for m ed by Dr. Gust avo Pom per m aier Gar let and Dr. Kar in Her m ana Neppelenbr oek since t hey w er e appoint ed, in Novem ber, 2014, as Edit or- in-Chief and Co- Edit or- in- in-Chief, r espect ively. Anot her m aj or r eason for JAOS’s success is t he dedicat ion and pr ofessionalism of our em ployees Valér ia Cr ist ina Tr indade Fer raz, Jo sé Ro b er t o Pl á ci d o Am a d ei , D eb o r a h Schm idt Capella Junqueira, Sônia Cláudia An t o n el l i Pi r o l a, Nei m ar Vi t o r Pav a r i n i ,

New im pact fact or and Edit ors of t he Journal of

Applied Oral Science

Rubens Kazuo Kat o, Allan Rodr igo Dias and Zelm a Bat ist a Borges. Finally, since t he JAOS LVDQRQSUR¿WMRXUQDOZHQHHGWRHPSKDVL]H WKH¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWSURYLGHGRYHUWKHODVW years by t he Rect ory of USP and t he Nat ional Co u n ci l f o r Sci en t i f i c an d Tech n o l o g i cal Developm ent ( CNPq) .

We also t ak e ad v an t ag e of t h is t im e t o a n n o u n c e t h a t D r. Ka r i n H e r m a n a 1HSSHOHQEURHNLVQRZRI¿FLDOO\DSSRLQWHGDV t he new Edit or- in- Chief since Dr. Gar let w ill face t he challenge of serving as an Associat e Edit or for t he Jour nal of Dent al Resear ch, w hich also m ade us ver y pr oud. Dr. Vanessa Soar es Lar a w ill ser v e t h e JAOS as t h e new Co- Edit or- in- Chief. We also announce a n ew pan el of Associat e Edit or s, w h ich include colleagues fr om for eign inst it ut ions in or der t o m eet r ecent cr it er ia est ablished by SciELO. Ther efor e, w e w ish t he best of luck t o t he new edit or s t o keep t he m ission of incr easing t he int er nat ional v isibilit y of t he JAOS.

Your s sincer ely,

M a r ia Apa r e cida A.M . M a ch a do

Dean of t he Baur u School of Dent ist r y

Ca r los F. Sa n t os

Vice- Dean of t he Bauru School of Dent ist ry



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