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Interdisciplinary Approach to the Mental Lexicon: Neural Network and Text Extraction From Long-term Memory


Academic year: 2017

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P h ilo lo gica l Sc ie n ce s


UDC 81.23+0 0 4.8 2

In te rd is cip lin a ry Ap p ro a c h to th e Me n tal Le xic o n : N e u ral N e tw o rk a n d Te xt Extra c tio n Fro m Lo n g-te rm Me m o ry

Vardan G. Arutyunyan

Im m anuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russian Federation 14, A. Nevskogo street, Kaliningrad city, 2360 41

PhD student

E-m ail:

Abs tra c t. The paper touches upon the principles of m ental lexicon organization in the light of recent research in psycho- and neurolinguistics. As a focal point of discussion two m ain approaches to m ental lexicon functioning are considered: m odular or dual-system approach, developed within generativism and opposite single-system approach, representatives of which are the connectionists and supporters of network m odels. The paper is an endeavor towards advocating the viewpoint that m ental lexicon is com plex psychological organization based upon specific com position of neural network. In this regard, the paper further elaborates on the m atter of storing text in hum an m ental space and introduces a m odel of text extraction from long-term m em ory. Based upon data available, the author develops a m ethodology of m odeling structures of knowledge representation in the system s of artificial intelligence.

Ke yw o rd s : m ental lexicon; text extraction from m em ory; associative-sem antic networks; regular and irregular m orphology; connectionism ; hum an brain; artificial intelligence.

In tro d u ctio n .

The problem of m ental lexicon organization becam e one of the discussed topics in psycho- and neurolinguistics from late 20th to early 21st cc. Representatives of various fields (linguists, specialists in com puter m odeling, neurophysiologists and cognitive psychologists) have scrutinized the topic. Specialized research editions are published, devoted this scientific field (“The Mental Lexicon J ournal”, “Brain and Language”, “Cognitive neuropsychology”, “J ournal of Neurolinguistics” etc.), and in Canada annual conference is convened entitled (International Conference on the Mental Lexicon).

The interest to this problem em erges from the rapid developm ent of cognitive science, which becam e leading research paradigm in 21st century. Sciences got fuzzy borders within it, which allowed casting a com plex interdisciplinary glance at the problem concerned. It is obvious today data by any single science absolutely not enough for the solution of such fundam ental questions as the structure of the bran, language and m ind: “Synthesis of the hum anities and natural-scientific knowledge is not optional decoration and fashion tribute but necessary condition of scientific progress: m ajor linguistics questions cannot be solved without consideration of the facts of biology and psychology…” [25, p. 329– 330 ].

Verbalized knowledge stored in hum an brain has been referred to as m ental lexicon in present-day academ ic world; in fact it is interior language system . Mental lexicon includes the special skills, “a certain am ount of resources and funds, aim ed at assisting the speech activity” [21, p. 378]; “Mental lexicon is the sum of hum an knowledge about words, their m eaning and the relationship between those words. It is arranged by the rules that represent the orthographic, phonological and sem antic characteristics of words” [24, p. 236]; “Mental lexicon is considered as storage of declarative knowledge and as an analog of sem antic m em ory” [22, p. 27].

In this paper the author surveys the m ain problem s connected with the principles of m ental lexicon organization. Question about the type and nature of m ental representation as well as problem s of storing them in hum an long-term m em ory are discussed.



1. To present a novel m odel of process text extraction from long-term m em ory.

2. To describe a m ethod of m odeling structures of knowledge representation in the system s of artificial intelligence.

Studies devoted to the problem s of m ental lexicon do not place special em phasis upon the issue of text storage in long-term m em ory and the process of its extraction during recollection. Moreover in the field of cognitive m odeling and artificial intelligence insignificant attention has been paid to the m odeling of language as psychical construction, which dim inishes the efficiency of the works m entioned, because the creation of strong artificial intelligence is im possible should its algorithm s not encom pass principles of hum an language organization. Therefore the goal of this paper is to produce our vision of these problem s and to represent our findings.

Re gu lar / Irre gu lar Mo rp h o lo gy w ith in th e Me n tal Le xic o n

One of the m ost urgent and studied question is the specificity of processing regular and irregular m orphology in m ental lexicon. Researches of the processing English past-tense regular and irregular verbs show that there are two m ain opposite view on the problem of the functioning the m ental gram m atical rules in the brain. First approach, m odular or dual-system , suggests that regular and irregular form s are processed by two distinct brain m echanism s: regular verbs are com puted by rule-processing system , while irregular verbs are processed in associative m em ory [13; 16]. Second approach, the connectionist and the network or single-system , postulates that both regular and irregular gram m atical form s are processed by single m echanism in associative m em ory [12].

M. Ullm an and his colleagues researched peoples with several brain disorders. Their studies show that Parkinson’s patients with defective Broca’s area do m ore m istakes in regular than irregular verbs. In contrast, Alzheim er’s patients with defective Wernicke’s area do m ore errors in irregular versus regular verbs. On the basis of these data hum an language com petence was divided into m ental lexicon and m ental gram m ar by supporters of m odular or dual-system approach.

H owever, m any other studies convincingly dem onstrated that all lan guage processes are com puted by single system in associative m em ory and disturbance in system m ay lead to selective disorders in speech production [12, p. 20 8 ; 3]. Moreover research of the processing Russian verbs with richly inflected m orphology suggests that factors such as frequency, analogy and probability play a m ajor role in m ental lexicon. Besides in com plicated inflected language such as Russian it is difficult to identify regular / irregular verb because there are m any verb classes [5; 6].

Therefore the division into the m ental lexicon and m ental gram m ar is irrelevant for languages with richly inflected m orphology. Experim ental data suggest that “m orphological and syntactic (i.e. gram m atical) inform ation about word is represented in m ental lexicon” [22, p. 27]. There isn’t a boundary between lexicon and gram m ar in hum an brain. Thus all knowledge about language including several gram m atical rules is stored in m ental lexicon.

Re p re s e n tatio n o f Kn o w le d ge in H u m a n Lo n g-te rm m e m o ry

One m ore problem connected with m ental lexicon besides m orphological processing is the topic of basic com ponent within m ental lexicon. In traditional linguistics the lexicon is register of the word. H owever, m ental lexicon is not only words, list. It includes a lot of lexem es, phrases, idiom s, texts and several m ental gram m atical rules.

Many various studies suggests that basic com ponent of m ental lexicon is the word [4; 17; 19; 23]. In this context it is necessary to understand how words are stored in long-term m em ory. What are lexem es in hum an brain? How are they interrelated? H ow are m ultim orphem es and polysem antic words represented in m ental lexicon? H ow is lexical access realized? And finally, what is inform ation stored with the words in hum an m ental lexicon?

First of all it is necessary to m ention that several specialists write about the word as a unit in m ental lexicon. We disagree with this proposition because we firm ly convinced that there aren’t stand-alone units in the brain. Every word or concept is connected with countless other words / concepts. Therefore w e suppose that m ore correctly to consider w ord as the basic com ponent but not as a unit.



netw ork representation. Besides the fundam ental type of connects in m ental lexicon is associations that we have shown previously [18 ]. Such associative-sem antic network m odels consistent with the recent data of neuroscience.

Thus m ental lexicon in the brain is constructed on the principle of network. Moreover it has a hierarchical structure but that we will discuss in the next section of this paper. So how are knowledge represented within network? How are m ental representations organized? And how do we find the necessary word in our m ind without trouble (the problem of lexical access)?

Neurolinguistic studies suggest that lexical access is a com plexity psychical process which includes several levels of processing [4; 8]. A. Caram azza, for exam ple, points: “The dom inant view is that lexical access involves at least two distinct stages of processing. The first stage involves the selection of a sem antically and syntactically specified lexical representation or lem m a; the second stage involves the selection of its corresponding lexical-phonological representation or lexem e” [4, p. 177]. Furtherm ore often one word has several m eanings and lexical access becom es m ore com plicated in this case [2].

In reality lexical access is the process of search the m ental inform ation in the neural network because every word is a “label” for the concept. We have already discussed that word / concept is the basic com ponent in m ental lexicon. H owever, what does it m ean? H ow are word / concept represented in the associative-sem antic network of the m ental lexicon?

As we know now, early versions of the sem antic networks are m ore sim plified th an in point of fact. For exam ple, G. Scragg m entioned that sem antic network is the sum of graphs. Each of graphs is the concept or m ental representation; all graphs are connected with one another [14]. H owever, today, from the viewpoint of the connectionism , this proposition is not entirely true.

Connectionism as one of the approaches within cognitive science was founded in 198 0 , when J . McClelland and D. Rum elhart developed the interactive m odel of processing inform ation [11]. It is im portant to accent that this m odel is based on the idea of parallel distributed processing of inform ation. We know speed transm ission of nerve signal between neurons is slowly; at the sam e tim e the cognitive processes go very fast. How is it realized? And connectionists give the convincing answer: it is realized by the parallel distributed processing of inform ation.

Moreover connectionism postulates that concepts / m ental representations aren’t contained in network: graph of the sem antic network is not concept. It is feature / characteristic of the m ental representation. These features or characteristics are activated and graphs connected with it are activated too. As a result an all large area of activated network is the structure of knowledge. Som e scientists write that “concepts are not defined in a knowledge net, but their m eaning can be constructed from their position in the net” [10 , p. 165]. Furtherm ore that extensive network site, which constructs a concept, has connects with countless of other graphs and m ental representations; and in the speech activity it attracts the giant cluster of various inform ation.

If the concept is constructed in the brain so com plicated and includes countless of com ponents, then how is the whole text represented in the m ental lexicon? And how is process of text extraction from long-term m em ory during recollection realized? Below we produce our m odel of this psychical process.

Te xt Extra c tio n fro m Lo n g-te rm Me m o ry



Fig. 1. H ierarchical structure of Mental Lexicon with the nucleus on the apex

Based on the connectionist approach we think that text as well as concept or m ental representation has a distributed organization. There isn’t a special place in the brain where text is stored; it scattered all over the neural network. And text extraction from long-term m em ory is com plicated psychical process including a lot of operations and realizing in several stages.

The first step of recollection connects with an activation of sem antic kernel of the text, i.e. those parts of the network, which construct the key words or concepts. As a rule it is the m ost general knowledge in the m ental lexicon. H owever, it is im portant to m ention that initially the concepts are activ ated not from this text. At first the general m ental representations, which are in the nucleus of m ental lexicon, are activated and then they activate those graphs or part of network, which construct the basic concepts of the text.

For exam ple, have a look at the sentence “Forty -ears-old M ary m ov es the chair”. Although in the text tells about Mary, initially that part of the network, which constructs the concept ‘hum an’ (generally), will be activated. Then concept ‘hum an’ in turn will activate the part of the network connected with it, which will construct concept ‘w om an’, and at the sam e tim e will inhibit concepts ‘m an’, ‘boy ’, ‘girl’ etc. Moreover, the parallel activation of other m ental representations will be realized. Other parts of the nets will be activated and will construct the concepts ‘to do’ (generally) and ‘things’ (generally) etc. It should be m entioned that all activated parts of network will be connected with one another by associative-sem antic links (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Model of the text extraction from long-term m em ory (the case of the one sentence)

Thus on the first step of text extraction the process of activation the several associative-sem antic network’s parts, which construct a associative-sem antic kernel of the text is realized.

The second step includes an expansion of nets: m ore graphs and parts of the network activates, and special concepts of the text connects with one another. Here m ay be a process of


To do







To move

A chair

To give

To play

A mirror

A door



substitution the text com ponent. Concepts, which locates in sem antic kernel of the text, alm ost aren’t incurred these process, but special concepts are incurred. We think that it is associated with the spreading-activation theory of hum an sem antic processing [7]. According to this theory the intensity and distance between concepts are different; and m ental representations, which are closely connected (‘fire’ and ‘red’) have m ore strong connection than other (‘fire’ and ‘w ater’).

Thus probability of change as m ore as the special concepts are closely. For exam ple text tells “There is a heav y rain in sum m er”. Then ‘sum m er’ m ay changed in ‘autum n’ during recollection, because ‘heav y rain’ is connected m ore strong associative-sem antic links with ‘autum n’, than with the ‘sum m er’.

So the text extraction from long-term m em ory is the m ost com plexity psychical process, which includes a lot of operations and is realized in several stages that we have dem onstrated above.

Co gn itive Mo d e lin g an d P ro ble m s o f Cre atio n th e Artificial In te llige n c e

The cognitive m odeling of psychical processes in the system s of artificial intelligence is the question of the hour. Problem s of creation the artificial intelligence is also the part of cognitive science. Com puter m odels, which can perform certain algorithm s, are developed at present. Som e results have already achieved in these field of research.

H owever, there are a lot of shortcom ings in existing system s. We suppose it is connected with the fact that principles of hum an language organization (i.e. m ental lexicon) aren’t considered. Meanwhile, we are convinced that creation of strong artificial intelligence is im possible should its algorithm s not encom pass principles of hum an language organization.

Currently we conduct an investigation at Laboratory for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at Im m anuel Kant Baltic Federal University by the m odeling of cognitive processes by m eans of artificial growing neural networks. The Laboratory has high -class android robot AR-60 0 , which was developed by Russian scientific com pany “The Android Technology”.

In order to m odeling the structure of knowledge representation (m ental lexicon) we use the described above hierarchical m odel of the m ental lexicon, in which associations are the fundam ental types of connects. Moreover, we use our m odel of process the text extraction from long-term m em ory. These algorithm s, which should underlie of our m odel will help to m odern and im prove existent system s because they aren’t im itation of cognitive processes. These algorithm s is sim ilar to processes in the hum an brain.

Our work is based on the m odified version of the associative SOINN (Self-organizing increm ental neural network) [15]. Input inform ation from every sensory system s of robot goes into the specific SOINN, where the m ultistage structure of patterns and classes is form ed. The inform ation clustered in this layer participates in constructing of associative layer, which includes one neuron-prototype from each class from each system . Relations between two neurons-prototypes m eans that there are associations between them (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The m odified version of SOINN with associative m em ory

Associative layer

First layer: patterns

with classes



It is known that children’s nucleus of m ental lexicon is form ed in the first years of life; and then augm entation nets and expansion of m ental lexicon are realized. Therefore, we decided to repeat hum an ontogenesis (i.e. initially we constructed within system those words / concepts, which are “m em bers” of nucleus); so we realized the m odel that is sim ilar to developm ent of hum an brain.

We showed to robot several things and at the sam e tim e nam ed it (from the nucleus of m ental lexicon), in order to establish the associative relations between visual and sound im ages. Moreover, we gave in arm s of robot those things in order to tactile sensations are recorded in m em ory.

This study had just begun. We construct the nucleus of m ental lexicon but then associative-sem antic network in the robot will grow independently . The m icrophones and cam eras at the Laboratory will are turned for constant input of inform ation. And new knowledge and relationship well are form ed by oneself. Then received the som e results we can com pare it with natural developm ent of the hum an brain.

Co n c lu s io n .

In this paper we have discussed the problem of m ental lexicon organization, which is the one of the m ost com plicated topic in cognitive scien ce. Goals of the paper were: 1) present our m odel of text extraction from long-term m em ory; 2) describe a m ethod of m odeling the structure of knowledge representation in the system s of artificial intelligence.

We suggest that text extraction from m em ory is a com plexity psychic process, including a lot of m ental operations and stages. We also show that creation of strong artificial intelligence is im possible should its algorithm s not encom pass principles of hum an language organization because w ord is only way to nam e the m ental representation.

Thus we hope that our investigations and developed m odels will com plem entary clarify the problem s of m ental lexicon organization and knowledge representation.

Re fe re n ce s :

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УДК 81.23+0 0 4.8 2

Междисциплинарный подход к ментальному лексикону: нейронная сеть и извлечение текста из долговременной памяти

Вардан Геворгович Арутюнян

Балтийский федеральный университет им. И. Канта, Российская Федерация 236041, Калининград, ул. А. Невского, 14


E-m ail:

Аннотация. Рассматриваются принципы организации ментального лексикона в свете

современных исследований в психо- и нейролингвистике. Комментируются два основных

подхода к проблеме его функционирования – модулярный или двусистемный,

разрабатываемый в рамках генеративизма, и противоположный, односистемный, представителями которого являются коннекционисты и сторонники сетевых моделей.

Отстаивается точка зрения, согласно которой ментальный лексикон – это сложное

психическое образование, опирающееся на специфическое построение нейронной сети.

Вэтой связи обсуждается вопрос хранения текста в ментальном пространстве человека и

представляется модель извлечения текста из долговременной памяти. На основе

имеющихся данных разрабатывается методика моделирования структур представления знаний в системах искусственного интеллекта.

Ключевые слова: ментальный лексикон; извлечение текста из памяти;

ассоциативно-семантические сети; регулярная и нерегулярная морфология;


Fig 2. Model of the text extraction from  long-term  m em ory (the case of the one sentence)
Fig. 3. The m odified version of SOINN with associative m em ory


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