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INGLÊS 7ª, 8ª e 9ª classes


Academic year: 2021

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7ª, 8ª e 9ª classes





Programas de Inglês - 7ª, 8ª e 9ª classes Editora

Editora Moderna, S.A.

Pré-impressão, Impressão e Acabamento GestGráfica, S.A.

Ano / Edição / Tiragem / N.º de Exemplares 2014 / 2.ª Edição / 1.ª Tiragem / 2.000 Ex.

E-mail: geral@editoramoderna.com


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Introdução Geral da Disciplina --- 4

Objectivos Gerais da Disciplina --- 5

7ª Classe - Programa da Disciplina Objectivos Gerais da 7ª Classe --- 8

Conteúdos Programáticos --- 9

8ª Classe - Programa da Disciplina Objectivos Gerais da 8ª Classe --- 18

Conteúdos Programáticos --- 19

9ª Classe - Programa da Disciplina Objectivos Gerais da 9ª Classe --- 28

Conteúdos Programáticos --- 29

Sugestões Metodológicas --- 33

Avaliação --- 34



A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira é, em si mesma, uma experiência de comunicação, abertura e interacção social, cultural e tecnológica do aluno. Deve permitir-lhe descobrir e valorizar os povos de diferentes comunidades, alargando os seus horizontes culturais e sociais, enriquecendo a sua personalidade, fomentando o são convívio e compreensão entre todos, levando-o a reflectir criticamente sobre a sua própria cultura, no sentido de a valorizar ainda mais.

A Língua Inglesa possui uma situação proeminente dado ser a língua mais internacional, uma das línguas oficiais da ONU e veículo de acesso à investigação e informação.

O ensino e aprendizagem desta língua reveste-se de particular importância em Angola, devido à posição geográfica deste país. Situado na África Austral, tem como vizinhos vários países de expressão inglesa. Por outro lado, Angola é um dos países membros da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento dos Países da África Austral (SADC), cuja língua de trabalho é o Inglês.

Por todos os factos apresentados, torna-se necessário consciencializar os jovens para a aprendizagem e descoberta desta importante via de comunicação oral e escrita, assim como para a aprendizagem de um são convívio com povos de outras línguas e culturas.



› Desenvolver as competências básicas de comunicação;

› Desenvolver capacidades de compreensão de mensagens orais e escritas veiculadas por vários tipos de textos utilitários;

› Adquirir conhecimentos que permitam ao aluno dominar, oralmente e por escrito, formas de compreensão, expressão e argumentação;

› Aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos em situações de comunicação autêntica, no âmbito dos conteúdos programáticos;

› Desenvolver uma visão mais ampla e pensamento crítico em relação à cultura, à língua estrangeira e à sua língua, na base da tolerância e respeito pela diferença;


7ª Classe



1. Compreensão e expressão oral:

› Compreender discursos orais simples;

› Transmitir mensagens orais em língua inglesa; › Desenvolver técnicas de comunicação e expressão; 2. Compreensão e expressão escrita:

› Desenvolver diferentes estratégias de leitura; › Interpretar textos escritos;

› Produzir textos simples de forma clara e correcta. 3. Funcionamento da língua

› Reconhecer diferentes classes de palavras e formas verbais; › Identificar diferentes tipos de frases;




7.1.1. Personal identification. Objectives:

Students should be able to: › Greet one another;

› Understand and use ways of greeting; › Introduce themselves;

› Identify long and short forms of the verb “to be”; › Use the regular plural forms of nouns.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Introducing yourself. Time expressions.

e.g.: Good morning;

Good afternoon. Greetings / leave the talk.

e.g.: Hello;


Personal pronouns. Present tense of “to be”. Use of indefinite articles

“a”; “an”. Contractions.

e.g.: I’m;

She’s; My name’s. 7.1.2. The English alphabet and the numerals.


Students should be able to:

› Reorganise and pronounce the letters of the English alphabet and the › numerals (0-20);

› Count and write numbers (0-20).

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Spelling the names of the letters of the English alphabet.

Saying phone numbers.

Numbers (0-20).

Phone numbers. Possessive adjectives.e.g.: my.


e.g.: this / that.

Regular plural of nouns.

e.g.: boy / boys.

Why - questions.


7.1.3. School subjects and school objects. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Identify and write names of classroom objects.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Classroom objects.


7.2.1. House and home. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Identify and name types of houses; › Describe their homes.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Identifying and naming types of houses.

Describing buildings.

Names of buildings.

e.g.: bank; school; cinema. Verb to be in statement and question forms.

Regular and irregular plurals.

e.g.: child-children

7.2.2. Family occupations. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Identify the members of the family; › Ask someone their age;

› Name various jobs;

› Use has got in its long and short forms (affirmative, negative and questions).

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking about family relationships. Asking “how old ...” Talking about


Family members

e.g.: father; mother

Numerals. Names of jobs

e.g.: student; teacher

Possessive of names Asking questions

e.g.: how old...?

Prepositions (in, on, at) Use of the verbs “have and


7.2.3. Pets. Objectives:

Students should be able to: › Name their favourite pets.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Describe the pets according to their characteristics.

Names of pets

e.g.: dog; cat Being able to say:“I’ve got a dog.”


7.3.1. Talking about the weather. Objectives:

Students should be able to: › Ask about the weather;

› Name the colours of a rainbow.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking about the weather.

Identifying colours

Vocabulary related to the weather


Ordinal numbers

What’s the weather like today?

It’s fine/rainy 7.3.2. Talking about the time.


Students should be able to: › Ask about the time.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Asking and telling the

time. Time expressions (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night).

What time is it? Present Continuous Prepositions of time. 7.3.3. Days of the week.


Students should be able to: › Write out and say dates.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Writing and saying dates. The days of the week. 7.3.4. Months of the year.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

The months of the year. Expressions of time (ex:

today, tomorrow...) ›Adjectives (e.g.: nice, wet...) 7.3.5. Colours.


7.4.1. Free time occupations. Hobbies. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Speak about free time occupations;

› Identify their hobbies and favourite sports.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Expressing preferences about free time occupations and sports.

Vocabulary related to hobbies sports, food and drink.

Form gerunds. Use adjectives and

regular and irregular comparatives and superlatives (e.g.: good, better, best).

7.4.2. Sports.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Verbal nouns

(e.g.: unning, climbing). 7.4.3. Likes / dislikes.


Students should be able to: › Make simple comparisons.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Expressing likes and dislikes.

Making comparisons. Giving opinions.

›Adjectives (e.g.: indoor,

outdoor, good, nice) › ›Like, dislike, prefer + ingYes / No answers Verb “to do”

Verb “to like” (simple present, negative and affirmative).

7.4.4. Food and drink. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Name types of fruits and vegetables; › Talk about food preferences;

› Talk about meals;

› Use the auxiliary verb “to do”.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Giving opinions. ›Meals of the day (e.g.:

breakfast, lunch…) Adverbs of frequency (e.g.: sometimes, always, never, often).

›Quantifiers (e.g.: all, many, a few)

The present continuous


7.5.1. Countries, nationalities, languages. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Say and write the name of some African countries; › Name four European languages spoken in Africa; › Name the four points of the compass;

› Ask questions using “which”.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Recognising and saying the names of countries, nationalities and spoken languages

Countries and their spoken languages. Nationalities: the


Adjectives of nationalities. Nouns.

Question word “which” and “where”.

The verbs to live and to speak (simple present)


7.5.2. Means of transport. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Identify the means of transport;

› Use the appropriate vocabulary about “it”.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Asking and giving information about places. Speaking about means of


Comparing means of transport.

Coach; bus; train; plane; car; taxi

Comfortable; cheap; fast; expensive. Prepositions of direction (to, from). Prepositions in /on. Degrees of adjectives. 7.6.

7.6.1. Asking the way giving directions. Objectives:

Students should be able to: › Ask the way;

› Give directions;

› Understand directions.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Asking for and giving information about how to go to school / cinema; park ... Vocabulary expansion about: new nouns new verbs, adjectives, numbers, ordinals.

Modal verbscan / must. Prepositions of distance

and direction. How long...?

Simple Past of the most useful verbs (be, go, see, buy, travel, visit) in its affirmative, negative and interrogative form. Adverbs.

7.6.2. Personal experiences. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Students should be able to express their own experiences and to consolidate the previous learnings.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax


8ª Classe



1. Compreensão e expressão oral:

› Compreender discursos orais variados;

› Pronunciar palavras correctamente e enunciar frases com ritmo e entoação apropriadas;

› Desenvolver técnicas diversas de comunicação e expressão, tais como: diálogo, apresentação de trabalhos individuais ou de grupo, jogos.

2. Compreensão e expressão escrita:

› Desenvolver estratégias variadas de leitura;

› Exprimir e justificar opiniões pessoais e recriar textos lidos, (por exemplo: recontar histórias, dramatizar, ler expressivamente, entre outros);

› Desenvolver a capacidade de utilização de materiais de informação, consulta e estudo, tais como dicionários, enciclopédias, jornais, revistas, cadernos diários;

› Redigir, individualmente ou em grupo, pequenas composições orientadas, cartas e outros textos;

› Utilizar um vocabulário activo de aproximadamente duas mil palavras. 3. Funcionamento da língua

› Reconhecer a estrutura da frase simples;

› Distinguir diferentes tipos de frases (declarativo, interrogativo, imperativo e exclamativo);

› Reconhecer e identificar diferentes classes e subclasses de palavras e formas verbais.



7.1. Every day life.


Students should be able to:

› Talk about what they can and cannot do; › Agree / disagree.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking about ability;

Showing agreement. New verbs related to the topic. Use “do” /”did” as auxiliary verbs. Use the modal “can”

for abilities (past and present). Questions Tags. “Usually” as an adverb of frequency. 7.1.1. Childhood. Objectives:

Students should be able to:

› Talk about games, instruments animals; › Talk about the ability to do things in the past; › Use time expressions correctly.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking and writing about family relationships; Explaining what is

happening right now.

New nouns: Names of musical

instruments (drums...); Names of game (football,


Names of animals, toys.

Use better in comparative statements;

Introduce present continuous in affirmative statements and questions. 7.1.2. Celebrations.


Students should be able to:

› Ask the student to write about his/hers accomplishment and/or development of certain skills, placing them time;


› Talk about family/ relationships. E.g.: My brother’s wife (my sister-in-law). › Talk and write about dates;

› Form sentences that require two objects;

› Write a description about a celebration in their life.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Describing and writing about a special celebration.

Words associated with weddings:

Nouns: wedding, marriage, bride, husband, wife.

Verbs: to take a photo, to cut the cake, to get married.

Associated with birthdays: Nouns: birthday, party,

present, candle, guest, .... Verbs: to light a candle,

to below out a candle, to welcome a guest.

Form sentences with two objects, indirect and direct.

7.2. Education.


Students should be able to:

› Understand and talk about the English school system;

› Understand more clearly how students from another country live;

› Write a controlled letter to an imaginary pen friend using the language skills learnt.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking and writing about school subjects, hobbies and interests.

Words associated with schools;

Gerund associated with hobbies, interests (dancing, reading, writing, swimming). New nouns: housewife,

pop music, friend, hobby... New Verbs.

Adjectives: older, younger, favourite.

Introduction to gerund in subject (swimming is my favourite hobby), object (I like swimming) or complement (her hobby is collecting stamps). “Going to” form. “Can” vs “Must”


7.3. The world of work.


Students should be able to:

› Name and describe additional occupations.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking and writing about types of jobs;

Writing about favourite activities.

Occupations: tailor, baker, pilot, shop assistant, waiter, secretary, butcher, mechanic, driver, taxi-driver, newspaper boy, shop keeper.

7.4. Travelling.


Students should be able to:

› Recognise the use of the relative pronoun “that” to introduce defining relative clauses;

› Talk and write about occupations; › Recognise and form compound nouns; › Describe activities;

› Talk and write about journeys;

› Use the Present Continuous to describe actions and the Present Simple for physical description;

› Tell the time in different ways; › Name the different parts of a bicycle; › Talk about riding bicycles safely;


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Identifying and

understanding the use of defining relative clauses. Talking and writing about


Talking about time. Describing objects.

Expressions: That’s fine. New nouns: worry Nouns and verbs having

to do with travelling. Nouns: passenger,

airport, lounge, arrival, departure, luggage... Verbs: check-in, take off, laud, reach (a


Vocabulary about bicycle; Introduction to prefixes.

Defining relative clauses. The relative pronouns

“who” and “that” / “which” in defining relative clauses. “Which” in defining

relative clauses. Compound nouns. Different uses of the

modal “can” = possibility, ability and permission. Prepositions of time, place

directions and means of transport.

Contrast Present Simple and Future Simple to talk about the future.

Contract Simple Future with ability.

Use “should” to give advice.

Reverse order in questions (is there..?).

Determiners: (Some, any...).

7.5. Our environment.


Students should be able to:

› Describe the types of bicycles invented or used in the past; › Describe activities;

› Understand and talk about the different ways we use water in daily lives; › Describe people’s activities;

› Explain why people do certain things;

› Ask questions and write about different regions; › Talk about the problems farmers have with pets.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Discussing the topic. Asking and answering


Talk about problems. Talking about things that

can happen in the near future.

Giving advice.

Associated with water. Review of food. New nouns, verbs and


Words associated with farming and pets’ control.


the first conditional in affirmative statements and questions (e.g.: if you get it in your eyes, it will damage them).

Negative “won’t”, “if” and “might”.

Modals “can” (“can’t”) for permission. “Must” for necessity.

Different use of the modal verbs previously introduced.

Revision of regular past tense verbs.

7.6. African and other peoples’ culture and stories.


Students should be able to:

› Talk about things that will happen if certain precautions are not taken; › Use the First Conditional to give advice;

› Talk and write about events in the past, using Simple Past verbs (regular and irregular forms);

› Talk about a process in both the past and present simple tenses;

› Form plural nouns (regular) and inflected forms and non-inflected forms of verbs;

› Demonstrate their understanding of and competence in the use of the major structural points of 7th grade;

› Use “because” and “why” to ask and explain the reason for something; › Form statements using the construction: Verb+to+infinitive;

› Identify parts of an animal’s body;

› Use descriptive adjectives to describe how something feels; › Recognise every day objects from a description;

› Use descriptive to explain the appearance of various animals;

› Use new vocabulary to talk about aspects of ancient Egyptian culture; › Describe some ancient cities;

› Ask someone, talk and write about a trip;


› Read and understand longer passages;

› Use reported speech to repeat what has been said in the past; › Recognise correct English words and sentence stress.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Describing a process in both the present and the past.

Asking the reason for something and explaining the reason.

Demonstrating, understanding and competence. Describing objects. Talking about ancient

civilizations. Describing cities. Talking/writing about

trips and journeys in the past.

Comprehending and discussing longer passages.

Recognising and producing correct words and sentences stresses in poems.

New nouns: sky, earth, false, teeth...

New Adjectives: hungry, greedy, angry, happy, shiny.

New verbs: cut off, throw away, cut...

Parts of animal bodies – specific animal parts. (Revise human parts of

the body).

New nouns, adjectives and verbs related to the topic.

Verbs with irregular past tense endings.

Introduce prepositions + gerund (e.g.: we use water for drinking.)

Quantifiers: “all”, “most”, “a lot of”, “plenty”, “of”, “some”, “loads”... Questions words:

How much? How many? How long?

Infinitive of purpose (e.g.: people dig wells “to get” water).

Simple Present and past tenses (revised from 7th grade).

“Why” questions “Because” answers. Verb+ to + infinitive (e.g.:

try to catch).

Infinitive after verb + object (e.g.: she asked her husband for help). “Him” as object pronoun. Interrogative and negative


Punctuation for direct speech: placing of quotation marks and commas: “...”, he said. Comparisons using like+

nouns / as+adjective+as. Descriptive adjectives. Indirect speech.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Conjunctions “until”, “while”, “as”, “when”, “after” …

Questions words. Prepositions of time,

direction and place. Clauses of time. Adverbs of manner:

“quickly”, “slowly”. Recycle modals: “can”,

“couldn’t”, “must”, “mustn’t”, “should”, “shouldn’t”.

Use subject/verb/object/ infinitive construction for reported speech (e.g.: He ordered Kong-see to many Ta-Jin).

7.7. Entertainment, sports and interests.


Students should be able to:

› Talk about famous touristic attractions; › Talk about famous places;

› Write an imaginary letter about a holiday; › Talk about football;

› Write a report;

› Ask and answer questions about teams and players; › Talk about football players

› Talk about music;

› Describe events that occurred at a concert;

› Talk about a musician / or a designer of musical instruments; › Talk and write about different musical instruments;

› Learn about the origin of some instruments;

› Ask and answer questions about playing instruments; › Use adverbs to explain how well / badly someone plays.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Understanding and talking about musicians, types of instruments. Identifying some famous

sights in a big city.

Talking and writing about holidays.

Discussing football, teams, players and matches.

Names of tourist attractions and points of interest in a city (e.g.: Trafalgar Square, Statue of Liberty, The Champs Elysées, The Eiffel Tour, The Heroin Statue, etc...) New words: sunglasses,

passport, etc...

Vocabulary associated with football.

Names of teams and players.

Words associated with music (instruments, musicians, concert, rhythm, band, guitar, singer, song, audience, etc.).

Verbs to express

appreciation (clap, cheer). Nouns to describe music

related occupations (e.g.: audio mixer, designer, musician).

Countries / Areas (West India, United States of America, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Japan, etc.).

Present Perfect used to talk about an action that occurred at some point in the recent past (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms). Present Perfect contrasted

with the Simple Past. Adverbs.

Contrast progressive forms (present and past). Sequence of tenses (past


Report with direct speech (indirect speech).


conjunctions: “not only, but also”.


9ª Classe



1. Compreensão e expressão oral:

› Participar numa conversa ou debate com falantes nativos e não nativos; › Ouvir e ter em consideração as opiniões dos outros, intervindo


› Desenvolver diferentes técnicas de comunicação;

› Compreender e apreciar, de forma crítica, discursos orais variados. 2. Compreensão e expressão escrita:

› Participar nas actividades da biblioteca;

› Desenvolver a capacidade de utilizar dicionários, gramáticas, enciclopédias e outras obras de referência;

› Realizar leituras individuais ou em grupo; › Ler ou ouvir textos;

› Extrair a ideia geral de um texto (oralmente ou por escrito); › Interpretar diferentes tipos de informação gráfica;

› Compreender textos e imagens de diferentes fontes;

› Produzir textos escritos de utilidade prática: cartas, pequenos relatórios, entre outros;

› Utilizar um vocabulário activo de aproximadamente três mil palavras. 3. Funcionamento da língua

› Compreender e utilizar as estruturas gramaticais da língua inglesa apresentadas nesta classe;



7.1. Family life.


Students should be able to:

› Talk about the horoscope and zodiac sign; › Make predictions;

› Identify and describe people.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Talking and writing about types of jobs;

Writing about favourite activities.

Female: - ess nouns endings.

Months. Animals.

Family relationships.

“Will” used in future and “would” in reported speech.

Indefinite pronouns and adverbs: no one, anyone, anything, anywhere, nowhere.

Defining and non defining clauses.

Possessive adjectives. Genitive.

7.2. Women occupations and school life.


Students should be able to: › Tell a life story;

› Report;

› Write about and describe ambitions; › State conditions;

› Explain choice;

› Talk about giving rules.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Telling a life story. Reporting. Describing ambitions. Stating conditions. Explaining choice. Giving rules. Work. Housework. Quantifiers. School life. Books.

Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Obligation with “must”, “needn’t, “have to”... The first (noun) +

infinitive. “Since” and “for”.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax


Past / Past Conditionals. “Used to”

“Make” and “do”. The Present Perfect


7.3. Science and technology.


Students should be able to: › Tell a life story;

› Report;

› Write about and describe ambitions; › State conditions;

› Explain choice;

› Talk about giving rules.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Describe a process. Follow and give


Describe how something is made and its purpose of use.

Give advice.

Describing a process. Following instructions. Describing how

something is made and its purpose of use.

Giving advice.

The passive with modal verbs.

“Why”, “because”. Contact clauses. The passive voice, past

and present tenses. Imperative in

instructions. Modals: “ought to” /


Noun plural forms.

7.4. African culture and some historical events.


Students should be able to: › Report and write dialogue; › Discuss;

› Act an unscripted story;

› Talk about hypothetical situations; › Give advice;


› Write a letter;

› Listen for information;

› Find information from letters; › Find facts from a history text; › Identify pronoun referents › Put facts in chronological order; › Rewrite a story.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Reporting what is said. Talking about

hypothetical situations. Giving advice.

Making suggestion and stating obligations. Narrating historical events. Putting facts in chronological order. Rewriting a story. Historical events:

battles, etc. › ›Reported questions.Reported answers. Reported commands. Adverbial clauses of time. Non-finite verb forms

after prepositions. Second-type Conditional. Comparatives and superlatives. Use of should Reported speech. Pronouns and their

referents. Connections. Passive / Active.

Non-defining clauses and oppositions.

7.5. Fighting for freedom.


Students should be able to: › Write and make contrasts; › Report;

› Write a biography;

› Learn a poem and a song; › Complete a chart;

› Write and make contrasts; › Report;

› Write a biography;

› Learn a poem and a song; › Complete a chart.


Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Making contrasts.

Reporting. Abstract nouns. › ›ConjunctionsContrast (“although”). “Will” in reported speech.

7.6. Feelings and achievements.


Students should be able to: › Memory games;

› Take information from a commentary, a tablet, a newspaper report, a diary, a telephone conversation;

› Write a diary; › Write a story;

› Get / find information from a newspaper, an article, etc; › Give opinions and advice;

› Write definitions; › Identify phobias; › Take a class survey.

Functions Lexis / Vocabulary Morphosyntax

Reporting (newspaper, diary styles). Narrating events. Asking questions. Expressing opinions. Explaining symptoms. Giving opinions and


Countries, cities, sports, sea, voyage.

Fractions. Fears.

Present Perfect with “since” and “for”. Past tense with “ago”. Contrast between past

tense and Present Perfect. Adverbs of place, time,


Order of adjectives. Superlatives.

Copular verbs + adjective contrasted with verb + adverb.

Mixed tense review (Present Perfect, Present Simple, Conditionals - 1st and 2nd).

Adjectives and adverbs of manner.



O(a) professor(a) deverá:

› Situar-se como facilitador da aprendizagem;

› Tentar adequar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem à situação e necessidades reais dos alunos;

› Permanecer numa contínua posição de diagnóstico dos processos operacionais;

› Tentar remediar as dificuldades de aprendizagem através de estratégias diversificadas e material adequado à faixa etária e aos interesses socioculturais dos alunos;

› Provocar a crescente autonomia do aluno; › Atender às suas necessidades individuais;

› Promover o desenvolvimento integrado e equilibrado das quatro “skills” (aptidões): ouvir, falar, ler e escrever;

› Levar o aluno a usar a língua inglesa em apropriação progressiva das regras do sistema e do seu funcionamento, num crescendo de adequação e fluência.



O(a) professor(a) utilizará testes diagnósticos, formativos, somativos, fichas de trabalho, entre outros. Promoverá as quatro aptidões ao longo de todo o processo de ensino / aprendizagem, fomentando a auto e heteroavaliação.

Terá a consciência permanente de que a avaliação corresponde a uma análise cuidada das aprendizagens conseguidas face às aprendizagens planeadas, o que se vai traduzir numa descrição que informa professores e alunos sobre os objectivos atingidos e aqueles onde se levantaram dificuldades.

A avaliação deverá ser vista como um “motor” de aperfeiçoamento do sistema, cujo principal objectivo é perseguir o sucesso escolar, levando os envolvidos no processo de ensino /aprendizagem a reflectir sobre o seu próprio trabalho, numa perspectiva de inter-ajuda, incentivo e motivação permanentes.



BALL, W. J. - Dictionary of Link words in English Discourse, Macmillan, 1986. BRUMFIT, C. - Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

CASEY, Francis - How to Study, Macmillan, 1985.

CRIPWEEL, K. & KEAN, J. - Go for English, Macmillan Education, Ltd., 1990. DOFF, A. - Teach English, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

HARMER, J. - The Practice of English Language Teaching, 1983.

LAIRD, Elizabeth - English in Education, Oxford University Press, 1977.

LITTLEWOOD, W. - Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 1981.

MALAMAH-THOMAS, A. - Classroom Interaction, Oxford University Press, 1988

NORMAN, D. - Communicative Ideas, Language Teaching Publications, 1986 NUNAN, D. - Syllabus Design, Oxford University Press, 1988

NUNAN, D. - Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

PARROTT, M. - Tasks for Languages Teachers, Cambridge University Press, 1993.

PINTO, C. F. & RIBEIRO, O. S. - English for Study Purposes, Replicação. SPRAH, M. - English for the Teacher, Cambridge University Press.


SWAN, M. - The New Cambridge English Course, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

WALLACE, M. J. - Training Foreign Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

WATSON, H. & OSIBODU, B. - Learning to Teach, Evans Brothers (Kenya) Limited, 1987.

WILLIS, D. & WRIGHT, J. - Basic Grammar, Harper Collins Publishers Ltd, 1995.

WOODWARD, T. - Ways of Training, Cambridge University Press, 1991. WRIGHT, T. - Roles of Teachers and Learners, Oxford University Press, 1987.


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