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Data. Data. Technology


Academic year: 2021

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Data Technology Data Technology


Chapters Chapters

Arquivo Interativo.

Interações no menu ao lado, topo e base das páginas, e nas indicações do Grammar Guide no final de cada lesson.

What is big data? p. 03


3 The Role of Social Media p. 45

2 Innovations p. 23

4 Social Media Impacts p. 64

5 Artificial Intelligence p. 79

6 AI Trends p. 100

7 Jobs and Technology p. 118

8 Grammar Guide p. 137


What is

Big Data What is big data?



Chapter 1 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

[At a coworking space]


Entering the job market and getting ahead demands lots of preparation, a keen eye for opportunities, and, most of all, the necessary courage to take them.

A lot has changed throughout the years. Some professions that used to exist are no longer a thing, and you can’t deny technology has played a huge part in these changes—especially the use of big data to define market trends and consumer behavior.

In this series, we’ll go over the concept of big data as well as its impacts on innovation technology and the way that people do business and make money nowadays. We’ll also talk about how big data relates to artificial intelligence and the consequences that may emerge from this kind of technology.

To do so, we’re going to count on some meaningful insights from our guests. Two of them will take part in this series since the first episode.

Let me introduce them to you:


We are going to start exploring the world of data technology. Data technology, also called datatech or DT, is the technology connected to areas such as market or advertising technologies. The data technology sector includes solutions for data management, and products or services that are based on data generated by both humans and machines. Data technology is an emerging industry that uses artificial intelligence, big data analysis, and machine-learning algorithms to improve business activities in many sectors, such as digital marketing, or business analysis.

In this chapter, you will learn how to introduce and describe people, things, and projects. You will also see some important vocabulary and grammar topics in order to make that happen.

Now look at the script of What is big data?

Part 1.

Video Script


This is Keshav Malani, co-founder of Powr of You, an analytics platform that allows people to understand their online footprints and make money from their data.

Meet Richard Weyhrauch, founder of IBUKI, a company designed to be the leading source of linguistic data and software products that index, process, organize, and search unstructured data.

So, let’s get started, shall we?

When I say “big data,” what comes to your mind?

[Keshav Malani]

From my perspective, big data is extremely large amounts of data that can be used to uncover patterns about behavior, about business trends, trends in general about population. That’s where big data has been, and that’s where it is right now.

Right now, we are actually generating a ton more data through things that we never did before. So, before, it was a lot of business transactions – when you are filing your taxes, etc. – that was creating a lot of data set.

Now, as people, we are creating data on an ongoing basis. Throughout our phones, our social media… Every single second that you are doing something, that you’re moving, that you’re getting in your car, it’s generating data.


Allow me to exemplify what Malani is saying—when you fill out your income tax return, for instance, you need to provide some information about you: your full name, address, occupation, age, social security number, and the amount of money you make… All of that is data on you that you’re giving away just by doing something as trivial as paying your taxes.

And that’s just one example. The widespread use of the internet and social media has also taken a considerable part in this process.

So, when we say “big data,” are we really talking about something completely new?

[Richard Weyhrauch]

So, in some ways, big data is a kind of an illusion, because there was

always big data. Namely, everything you had… Just now you can have



Chapter 1 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities


[Em um espaço de coworking]


Ingressar e avançar no mercado de trabalho requer muito preparo, um olhar aguçado para oportunidades, e, mais do que tudo, a coragem necessária para aproveitá-las.

Muito mudou ao longo dos anos. Algumas profissões que antes existiam já não existem mais, e não se pode negar que a tecnologia teve um papel enorme nessas mudanças – especialmente o uso de megadados para definir tendências de mercado e comportamento do consumidor.

Nesta série, vamos ver o conceito de megadados, assim como seu impacto na tecnologia da inovação e na maneira como as pessoas fazem negócios e dinheiro hoje em dia. Nós também vamos falar sobre como os megadados estão ligados à inteligência artificial e sobre as consequências que podem decorrer desse tipo de tecnologia.


You see? Big data has actually always been around, but we just haven’t taken a moment to acknowledge its existence. There wasn’t enough technology to deal with the amount of data that we generate on a daily basis.

But there is now. And that means companies can use this data to better understand our behavior as consumers.

So, what they do is, first, collect the data. Then, they store it and clean it up—by that, I mean they remove all the information that has nothing to do with their line of business or their objectives.

The next step is to verify the data that is left and analyze it to see if it’s valuable to their business. And let me tell you, it almost certainly is.

In short, big data is all the information that we give away since we are born! We could also say that big data itself is not something new, but the way it has been used is. Companies have been exploring the potential of big data to help them better understand their line of business…and attract consumers.

Video Script


Para isso, vamos contar com alguns insights significativos de nossos convidados. Dois deles vão participar dessa série desde o primeiro episódio; permita-me apresentá-los:

Este é Keshav Malani, cofundador da Powr of You, uma plataforma analítica que ajuda as pessoas a entenderem sua pegada virtual e lucrar com os dados gerados.

Conheça Richard Weyhrauch, fundador da IBUKI, uma empresa feita para ser a maior fonte de dados linguísticos e produtos de software que indexam, processam, organizam e buscam dados desestruturados.

Vamos começar?

Quando eu digo “megadados”, no que você pensa?

[Keshav Malani]

Da minha perspectiva, megadados são quantidades extremamente grandes de dados que podem ser usados para descobrir padrões de comportamento, tendências de negócios, e tendências gerais da população. É aí que os megadados estiveram, e é aí que eles estão agora.

Atualmente, estamos gerando muito mais dados por meio de coisas que nunca fizemos antes. Antes eram as transações negócios – quando você está preenchendo os formulários dos seus impostos, etc. – isso estava criando muitos conjuntos de dados.

Agora, como pessoas, estamos gerando dados de forma constante, por meio dos nossos telefones, das redes sociais… Cada segundo que você faz alguma coisa, que você se move, que você entra no seu carro, isso gera dados.


Me permita dar um exemplo de o que o Malani está falando – quando você faz sua declaração de imposto de renda, você precisa fornecer alguns dados a seu respeito: seu nome completo, endereço, ocupação, idade, CPF, renda… Tudo isso são dados que você está fornecendo fazendo algo tão banal quanto pagar seus impostos.

Esse é apenas um exemplo. O uso generalizado da internet e das redes sociais também tem um papel considerável nesse processo.

Então, quando falamos de “megadados”, estamos realmente falando de

algo completamente novo?


Chapter 1 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

[Richard Weyhrauch]

Em alguns aspectos, megadados são um tipo de ilusão, porque eles sempre existiram. Ou seja, tudo o que você tinha… Só que agora você pode ter ainda mais.


Entendeu? Os megadados sempre existiram, mas nós não tínhamos parado para reconhecer a sua existência. Não existia tecnologia suficiente para lidar com a quantidade de dados que geramos cotidianamente.

Mas hoje existe. Isso significa que empresas podem usar esses dados para entender melhor nosso comportamento como consumidores.

Então, o que elas fazem é: primeiro, elas coletam os dados. Depois, armazenam e “limpam” – o que quero dizer com isso é que toda a informação que não tem a ver com os objetivos ou linha de negócios delas é removida.

O próximo passo é verificar todos os dados que restaram e analisá-los para ver se eles são relevantes para os negócios dessas empresas. E deixa eu te falar, quase sempre são.

Para resumir, megadados são todas as informações que fornecemos desde que nascemos! Poderíamos também dizer que os megadados não são algo novo em si, mas a maneira como eles são usados é. As empresas têm explorado o potencial dos megadados para ajudá-las a entender sua linha de negócios... e atrair clientes.

Video Script


After reading the script about data technology, you got an idea of the amount of information generated daily. So, it is quite clear how the evolution of technology has made this kind of information valuable to the business world.

In order to better understand this world, first we need to know some frequently used words and expressions that are common to this kind of environment.

Let’s start with the ones that collocate with the verb to make:


to make a profit ter / obter lucro, lucrar

to make money fazer / ganhar dinheiro

to make a deal fazer um acordo

There are other frequently used expressions related to the business world, but this time with the verb to do. Have a look:


to do business fazer um negócio / negociar

to do a job fazer um trabalho

Depending on the context, to make and to do can both mean to perform an action. However, in these expressions, to make and to do are not

interchangeable, and they will be followed by specific complements. There is no rule to justify that; it is just as it is.

There are more expressions that require specific verbs to make sense. Some others can even have different meanings depending on the verb that is being used.

Part 2.


Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

That’s the case of the following examples with the verbs to have and to take.

They are also pretty common in the corporate world:


to have a business ter um negócio / uma empresa

to have an opportunity ter uma oportunidade

to have a meeting ter uma reunião

to take an opportunity aceitar / aproveitar uma oportunidade

to take part in a meeting participar de uma reunião

Speaking of differences, take a look at these words:


reunion reencontro

meeting reunião

Note that a meeting is an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions, which is something recurrent in the business world. Whereas the noun reunion relates to the verb reunite, which means bringing people back together after a long time, usually friends and family. Be careful not to mix them up.

Another quite common verb in the English language, not only in the business world,

is the verb to be.


You can also use the verb to be to introduce other people and talk about their profession. Take a look:

This is Keshav Malani.

Este é Keshav Malani.

Mr. Malani is the co-founder of Powr of You.

O senhor Malani é cofundador da empresa Powr of You.

It can be used to talk about yourself and your profession. For example:

My name is John Doe.

Meu nome é John Doe.

I am a lawyer.

Eu sou (um) advogado.

This is a neutral way of introducing people, and it can be used both in a

corporate context and in a familiar one. Notice that we use Mr. followed by the last name of a man as a sign of respect.

If you are speaking before an audience or if it is a more formal occasion, you may introduce other people by saying:

Meet Richard Weyhrauch.

Conheça Richard Weyhrauch.

There is a difference in structure when you introduce one person and when you introduce more people at a time. Contrast:

This is Angela Green. Ms. Green is the sales manager.

Esta é Angela Green. A senhora Green é a gerente de vendas.

These are George Bennet and Samuel Brown. They are lawyers.

Estes são George Bennet e Samuel Brown. Eles são advogados.

Note that you will use this is when introducing one person, because it is a singular construction. And you will use these are when you introduce more than one person, because it is a plural construction. Also, notice that we use Ms.

followed by the last name of a woman to show respect.


Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

When introducing people in the work environment, it is common to mention their profession. Here is a list of some traditional ones:


doctor médico

engineer engenheiro

teacher professor

dentist dentista

But there are also the ones that emerged thanks to the development of all kinds of technology, such as:


data detective

profissionais especializados em fazer triagem de megadados

user-experience designer

profissionais especializados em entender e melhorar a experiência do usuário com

tecnologias ou serviços

app developer

desenvolvedor de aplicativos



Anna is 25 years old. / Anna is 25.

Anna tem 25 anos de idade.

Our address is yet another piece of personal information that we can share. Take a look:

Anna lives on Maple Street, in Los Angeles.

Anna mora na Maple Street, em Los Angeles.

Name, occupation, age, and origin are personal information we can share. Look:


Anna is from São Paulo.

Anna é de São Paulo.


Notice that in the example we used the verb to live, not the verb to be. But we could also say:

Anna’s house is on Mapple Street, in Los Angeles.

A casa de Anna é/fica na Maple Street, em Los Angeles.


competent competente


When introducing someone, or talking about them, it is pretty common to mention their characteristics. And to do so, you will need adjectives, such as:




Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

Here are some examples of how to use these adjectives in complete sentences:

George is a competent professional.

George é um profissional competente.

He is extremely important to our company.

Ele é extremamente importante para a nossa empresa.

determined determinado

talented talentoso

great ótimo

Samuel is very talented.

Samuel é muito talentoso.

He takes a considerable part in the decision-making process.

Ele tem papel considerável no processo de tomada de decisão.

Angela is a great manager.

Angela é uma gerente ótima.

She leads a big team in a responsible way.

Ela comanda uma equipe grande com muita responsabilidade.

Sometimes, adjectives can have different meanings according to the context.

It is the case of the adjective great. For example:

Angela is a great manager.

Angela is an excellent manager.

Angela é uma gerente ótima.


In this chapter, you saw frequently used verbs in the business environment, and learned how to talk about yourself, to introduce

people, and to make basic descriptions.

Here, great means the same as excellent. Now, contrast:

The product is a great success.

The product is a huge / a big success.

O produto é um grande sucesso.

In this case, great is the same as huge or big. Bear in mind that

context makes all the difference when you are trying to make

sense of a word.


Vocabulary Activities

Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Grammar Grammar Activities

Ac tiv ity A – Ans w er s 1. to do business / 2. to do a job / 3. to hav e an oppor tuni ty / 4. to mak e a deal / 5. to mak e mone y / 6. reunion / 7. to mak e a pr ofit / 8. to hav e a business / 9. to tak e par t in a mee ting / 10. mee ting / 11. to tak e an oppor tuni ty / 12. to hav e a mee ting Ac tiv ity B – Ans w er s a. gr eat / big / huge b. gr eat c. talented d. big team / huge team e. compe tent pr of essional f. consider able par t / consider able r ole

A. Number the columns according to the translation of the words.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words according to the translation.

( 1 ) fazer um negócio / negociar

( 2 ) fazer um trabalho ( 3 ) ter uma

oportunidade ( 4 ) fazer um acordo ( 5 ) fazer / ganhar dinheiro ( 6 ) reencontro ( 7 )

( 8 ) ter um negócio / uma empresa ( 9 ) participar de uma reunião ( 10 ) reunião ( 11 ) aceitar / aproveitar uma oportunidade ( 12 ) ter uma reunião

( ) to make a profit ( ) to have a meeting ( ) to make a deal ( ) to do business ( ) to take an opportunity ( ) to do a job ( ) to take part in a meeting

( ) to have an opportunity ( ) to make money ( ) to have a business ( ) reunion

( ) meeting

a) The product is a success.

O produto é um grande sucesso.

b) Angela is a manager.

Angela é uma gerente ótima.

c) Samuel is very .

Samuel é muito talentoso.

d) She leads a in a responsible way.

Ela comanda uma equipe grande com muita responsabilidade.

e) George is a .

George é um profissional competente.

f) He takes a in the decision-making process.

Ele tem papel considerável no processo de tomada de decisão.

ter / obter lucro, lucrar

Part 3.



In this chapter, you will learn some important grammar topics to help you understand and communicate better in English. We will start with one of the most essential topics in the English language: the verb to be.

The verb to be can be used in different contexts. A sentence in the simple present will follow this structure:

The verb to be is the most irregular verb in the English language, and it is important to learn its conjugations. They will change according to the subject of the sentence.

There are three possible conjugations for the verb to be in the simple present: am, are, and is.

Take a look:


I am a teacher.

Eu sou professor(a).

You are a student.

Você é um(a) aluno(a).

He is a doctor.

Ele é médico.

She is an engineer.

Ela é engenheira.

It is a huge company.

É uma empresa enorme.

We are at a nice house.

Nós estamos em uma casa legal.

You are students.

Você são alunos(as).

They are from California.

Eles(as) são da Califórnia.

Subject + Verb To Be + Complement Sujeito + Verbo To Be + Complemento

VERB TO BE Sentence Structure

Part 4.


Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

The verb to be is one of the most used verbs in the English language, and it is going to be used in a variety of situations. Take a look:


Occupation Anna is an app developer.

Anna é desenvolvedora de aplicativos.


Anna is from São Paulo.

Anna é de São Paulo.


Anna is 25 years old.

Anna tem 25 anos de idade.

The verb to be can be used with demonstrative pronouns to make introductions.

For example:

This is Angela Green.

Esta é Angela Green.

These are George Bennet and Samuel Brown.

Estes são George Bennet e Samuel Brown.


Note that the demonstrative pronoun this refers to a singular noun. The

corresponding conjugation of the verb to be will be is. On the other hand, the

demonstrative pronoun these is used with plural nouns, and its corresponding

conjugation of the verb to be is are.


George and Samuel are lawyers.

George e Samuel são advogados.

George is a competent professional.

George é um profissional competente.

Nouns are words that give names to things, people, places, and animals. They can have a singular form and a plural form. Observe the nouns underlined in the following sentences:

Note that, in English, the adjective comes before the noun it is describing.

Adjectives do not vary according to the word they are describing. That is:

they do not have plural forms and they do not change according to gender; in other words, they stay the same whether they’re describing a feminine or a masculine noun. Check it out:


George is a competent professional.

George é um professional competente.

Angela is a great manager.

Angela é uma gerente ótima.

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun. They qualify things, people, places, and animals. Let’s see how we place nouns and adjectives in a sentence:


Samuel is very talented.

noun adjective

Samuel é muito talentoso.


Angela is very talented.

noun adjective

Angela é muito talentosa.

They are very talented.

noun adjective

Eles são muito talentosos.


Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

You have seen a number of contexts in which we can use the verb to be.

But this is not the only verb there is. To form sentences with other verbs, you will use the same general structure you will use with the verb to be, and that is subject + verb + complement.

Conjugating other verbs in the simple present is simpler than doing it with the verb to be. In the affirmative form, the verb remains in the base form – which is the infinitive form without the particle to. The only difference happens in the third person singular, in which you will add -S to the end of the verb.

Observe the next examples to understand it better:

I have an important meeting in an hour.

Eu tenho uma reunião importante em uma hora.

They make big money selling microchips.

Eles ganham muito dinheiro vendendo microchips.

We do a good job together.

Nós fazemos um bom trabalho juntos.

He takes a considerable part in the decision-making process.

Ele tem papel considerável no processo de tomada de decisão.

She leads a big team in a responsible way.

Ela comanda uma equipe grande com muita responsabilidade.

In this chapter, you learned how to use the verb to be and the other verbs in the affirmative form of the simple present. You also learned about adjectives and nouns. If you want to learn more about these topics, you can refer to the

Grammar Guide section at the end of your book.


Adjectives Page 138

Nouns Page 160

Simple Present – Other Verbs Page 205

Simple Present – Verb To Be Page 211



Part 5.


a) I a teacher.

b) You a student.

c) He a doctor.

d) She an engineer.

e) It a huge company.

f) We at a nice house.

g) You students.

h) They from California.

A. Complete the table with the correct form of the verb to be.

B. Fill in the blanks with the missing adjectives and nouns according to the translation.

a) I have an in an hour.

Eu tenho uma reunião importante em uma hora.

b) She leads a in a responsible way.

Ela comanda uma equipe grande com muita responsabilidade.

c) They make selling microchips.

Eles ganham muito dinheiro vendendo microchips.

d) He takes a part in the decision-making process.

Ele tem papel considerável no processo de tomada de decisão.

e) We do a together.

Nós fazemos um bom trabalho juntos.


Chapter 1 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

f) Angela is a .

Angela é uma gerente ótima.

a. important meeting b. big / huge team c. big money

d. considerable e. good job f. great manager a. am

b. are c. is d. is

e. is f. are g. are h. are

Activity A – Answers Activity B – Answers


Innovations Innovations



Chapter 2 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities


[On the phone, at a coworking space]

Yeah, it sounds great. Yeah, that’s perfect! I was just thinking that same thing. Yeah…oh, hey, I gotta go. Okay, bye.

[Casey hangs up the phone and changes place]

In the previous episode, we saw a general concept of big data and its potential value to businesses. Now, it’s time to take a step further and go through some of its practical applications.

Our guest Mark Zawacki will help us get started.

One important big data application is to make some innovations possible, such as Uber, Airbnb, and even Google.

[Mark Zawacki]

All of those have huge, huge big data engines in them in terms of how they’re used.

You know, if you think about the complexity of routing multiple riders together in an efficient way, in getting them all to their destinations…

that’s a pretty complex, a reasonably complex mathematical problem that is solved with big data.


As passengers keep using the app, it’s possible, for example, to pick up the most common destinations and cross them with the times at which people generally use the service. That information will define prices and how many cars they need to make available at certain places to cover the users’ needs.


In this chapter, you are going to see the difference between verbs, nouns, and adjectives. You will learn how to describe people and see more about the simple present of all verbs.

Now look at the script of Innovations.

Part 1.

Video Script


That takes us to another benefit companies can get from big data. They can use it to improve user experience—which is important because the more satisfied users feel with a specific device or technology, the more they will tend to use it, and eventually even depend on it.

But there’s another big data application that is much more aggressive when it comes to making profits.

[Keshav Malani]

You’re trying to understand, from people’s behavior, do they have a propensity to buy a certain product? Okay, so, before, what you would do is: you would look at a table, “Okay, are my sales going up or down?”

On big data, you’re not just doing this on a couple of stores, you can expand this out to the entire nation, and then you can expand this out globally.

I need to predict what’s going to happen in order to make sure that my prices, when I go to market, are pretty stable. Because consumers are not going to handle five dollars, then ten dollars, then two dollars. That’s not going to happen. So, you need a lot of the predictability that comes along with big data and analytical abilities behind that to be able to really kind of drive your business decisions.


That is, companies can use all that information to analyze which cities or even countries are more inclined to buy their products. They can even compare costs and probability of profit to decide if it’s worth expanding their market into this or that place. Advertising strategies can be defined based on big data analysis. Richard Weyhrauch gives us an example to illustrate that.

[Richard Weyhrauch]

There are people who price things higher because of the fact that they know that certain persons are likely to buy that thing, so they price that higher, not lower.

In other words, by knowing that this person buys this kind of shampoo, then your website, when you look at it to buy it, well, that has a higher price than someone who doesn’t buy it, and you are trying to attract them to buy it. So, there are companies that do that very aggressively.


As you can see, big data analysis has a significant impact on companies’

decision-making processes. The fact that now it’s possible to handle this

information in an intelligible way changes business transactions for good.


Chapter 2 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities



[No telefone, em um espaço de coworking]

Ah, isso soa ótimo! Sim, está perfeito! Eu estava pensando na mesma coisa. É... oh, escuta. Eu tenho que ir. Ok, tchau!

[Casey desliga o telefone e muda de lugar]

No episódio anterior, vimos o conceito de megadados e seu potencial valor para os negócios. Agora é o momento de dar um passo além e ver suas aplicações práticas.

Nosso convidado, Mark Zawacki, vai nos ajudar a começar.

Uma importante aplicação dos megadados é tornar algumas inovações – como o Uber, o Airbnb e até o Google – possíveis.

[Mark Zawacki]

Todos eles têm imensos, imensos mecanismos de megadados, em termos de como eles são utilizados.

Se você pensar sobre a complexidade de agrupar múltiplos

passageiros de maneira eficiente, fazendo com que todos cheguem aos seus destinos… É bastante complexo, é um problema matemático razoavelmente complexo, que é resolvido com megadados.


Portanto, na medida em que os passageiros continuam usando o aplicativo, é possível, por exemplo, coletar os destinos mais comuns e ligá-los aos horários em que as pessoas mais usam o serviço.

Essa informação vai definir os preços e quantos carros precisam ser disponibilizados em certas regiões para atender às necessidades dos usuários.

Isso nos leva a outro benefício que as empresas podem obter dos megadados: melhorar a experiência do usuário – o que é importante, porque quanto mais satisfeitos os usuários se sentem com um certo dispositivo ou uma tecnologia específica, mais eles tendem a usá-la e, possivelmente, até a depender dela.

Mas existe outra aplicação dos megadados que é muito mais agressiva quando se trata de obter lucro.

Video Script


[Keshav Malani]

Você está tentando entender, de acordo com o comportamento das pessoas: elas têm propensão a comprar um certo produto? OK, isso é o que você faria antes: você olharia para uma tabela: “OK, minhas vendas estão aumentando ou diminuindo”. Com os megadados, você não faz isso apenas em algumas lojas, você pode expandir isso para o país inteiro, e, depois, pode expandir isso globalmente.

Eu preciso prever o que vai acontecer para garantir que, quando eu entrar no mercado, meus preços sejam bastante estáveis. Porque os consumidores não vão lidar com cinco dólares, depois dez dólares, depois dois dólares. Isso não vai acontecer. Por isso, você precisa da considerável previsibilidade decorrente dos megadados e das habilidades analíticas por trás disso, para realmente orientar suas decisões de negócios.


Ou seja: as empresas podem usar toda essa informação para analisar quais cidades ou até quais países estão mais propensos a comprar os seus produtos. Elas podem até comparar custos e probabilidade de lucro para decidir se vale a pena expandir o mercado delas para esse ou aquele lugar. Estratégias de publicidade podem ser definidas com base na análise de megadados. O Richard Weyhrauch nos dá um exemplo para ilustrar isso.

[Richard Weyhrauch]

Há pessoas que cobram mais caro por algo por saberem que algumas pessoas tendem a comprar essa coisa; portanto, elas cobram preços mais altos, não mais baixos.

Em outras palavras, sabendo que essa pessoa compra esse tipo de xampu, então, no seu site, quando você entra lá para comprar o xampu, bem, ele está com o preço mais alto do que o site de uma pessoa que não compra o xampu, e você está tentando atraí-la para comprá-lo.

Existem empresas que fazem isso agressivamente.


Como você pode ver, a análise de megadados tem um impacto

significativo nos processos de tomada de decisão das empresas. O

fato de que agora é possível lidar com essa informação de uma forma

inteligível muda as transações de negócios para sempre.


Video Script Vocabulary

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

You have already learned a little bit about big data’s importance and its applicability in the current market. You have also seen how big data influences costs, price, and value. Let’s have a look at these concepts:

So, this is how it works:

Data analysis helps to define prices.

A análise de dados ajuda a definir preços.

Companies can compare costs and the probability of profit.

As empresas podem comparar custos e a probabilidade de lucro.

Big data has a potential value to business.

Megadados têm um valor potencial para os negócios.


The amount of money a company spends to produce a certain product or offer a service.


The amount of money consumers pay for a product or service. From the company’s perspective, the price includes the costs and the profit markup.


The level of satisfaction a customer has toward a product or service. This concept can’t be quantified in a general way because it tends to vary from one customer to the other.

These concepts of price, costs, and value make a reference to the business world. In other contexts, these words can be either interchangeable or even carry completely different meanings.

So, it is important not only to understand the difference between these concepts in a corporate environment, but also their use in some expressions in English.

Part 2.


The expression at a cost conveys the idea that something comes at an expense, not in a financial sense, but as a relatively bad consequence of a choice. For example:

Mary has a great job, but at a cost. She doesn’t have vacation breaks.

Mary tem um ótimo emprego, mas com um custo. Ela não tem períodos de férias.

In the previous example, at a price suggests that imported goods are actually expensive, that is, they cost a lot of money. So, the context is necessarily financial. Notice that the word goods, with an S in the end, is the same as products. It does not refer to the adjective good.

There is also the expression to pay the price, which means dealing with a negative

consequence of a situation. In this case, it has nothing to do with paying something with money.

Observe the example:

But, if you change the word cost for price, it completely changes the idea. Observe:

It’s possible to buy imported goods at the supermarket, but at a price!

É possível comprar produtos importados no supermercado, mas isso tem um preço!

Mary pays the price of not having vacation breaks.

Mary paga o preço por não ter períodos de férias.

However, if we use the verb pay with the noun cost as a complement, the idea changes completely. Observe:

The company pays the costs of shipping.

A empresa arca com os custos do frete.

In this case, we are referring to the actual payment of financial costs involving the shipping of a product.

Depending on the context, the word cost can be used as a verb. And you will use it to ask about price. You will say:

A frequently used synonym for that question is:

How much does it cost?

Quando custa isso?

How much is it?

Quanto é?


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

Some other expressions carry the word value, and they can also be used in contexts other than the financial one.

For instance, we can talk about sentimental value, which refers to personal or emotional feelings one might give for something, even though it may have little monetary value. Someone could say, for example:

Value (noun)

That house has sentimental value for me.

Aquela casa tem valor sentimental para mim.

Note that in the previous example, value is being used as a noun. But it can also be used as a verb. Take a look:

Value (verb)

The CEO values Jane for her hard work.

O CEO valoriza a Jane pelo seu trabalho árduo.

You can also notice that, in this sentence, the verb value is conjugated in the third person singular in the simple present. That’s why it becomes values, with an S in the end.

There is yet another expression that we can say to refer to the value of things. Take a look:

Some consumers change brands when there is a sale. Sometimes it’s worth it!

Alguns consumidores mudam de marca quando tem promoção. Às vezes vale a pena!

The expression be worth it is used to say that you gain something from an action. In the previous example, people gain from changing brands during a sale. Notice that the word worth is an adjective; that’s why it is followed by the complement it.

As you could see with the word value, sometimes the same word can be used as a noun or a verb. This is quite common in the English language.

Let’s see another case:

Experience (noun)

Companies use big data to improve user experience.

As empresas usam megadados para melhorar a experiência do usuário.


Experience (verb)

Companies experience an increase in productivity when the employees are satisfied.

Empresas experienciam um aumento de produtividade quando os funcionários estão satisfeitos.

In the first example, experience is a noun, whereas in the second one it is a verb.

Check out another example:

Impact (noun)

Big data analysis has an impact on decision-making processes.

A análise de megadados tem um impacto sobre os processos de tomada de decisão.

Impact (verb) High prices impact sales.

Preços altos impactam vendas.

In the first example you have just seen in the previous box, the noun impact is used with the verb to have. We say: to have an impact on. The preposition for this expression is on. However, when using impact as a verb, it will not require a preposition in its complement.

There is another case in which the verb have will be necessary when using the noun instead of the verb. Check this out:

Tend (verb)

People tend to buy products on sale.

As pessoas tendem a comprar produtos em promoção.

Tendency (noun)

People have a tendency to buy products on sale.

As pessoas têm uma tendência a comprar produtos em promoção.

Notice that, in this case, besides adding the verb have to say have a tendency,

you also need to make a change in the verb tend to turn it into a noun – it

becomes tendency.


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

There are many cases in which we have to make alterations in the verb to form the noun.

Here is another example:

Improve (verb)

Companies use big data to improve user experience.

As empresas usam megadados para melhorar a experiência do usuário.

Improvement (noun)

Thanks to big data, it’s possible to achieve an improvement in user experience.

Graças aos megadados, é possível atingir uma melhoria na experiência do usuário.

Note that we add the suffix -MENT to transform the verb improve into the noun improvement.

Verbs express actions, and nouns are names given to things, people, animals, and places.

And what about adjectives? As we saw in chapter 1, adjectives describe or qualify things. It is also possible to form adjectives from nouns.

Let’s take the verb improve, for instance. The noun is improvement, and a possible derived adjective is improved. Watch how we use it in a sentence:

Improved (adjective)

The product shows an improved performance in user experience.

O produto mostra um desempenho melhorado em experiência do usuário.

In the previous example, the adjective improved is used to describe the performance outcome of the product.

Let’s check out another example:

Develop (verb)

Data analysis helps companies develop market strategies.

A análise de megadados ajuda as empresas a desenvolver estratégias de mercado.

Development (noun)

The development of market strategies is one of the company’s goals.

O desenvolvimento de estratégias de mercado é um dos objetivos da empresa.

Developed (adjective)

The company has a developed market strategy.

A empresa tem uma estratégia de mercado desenvolvida.


Now you know some common expressions with the words cost, value, and price, as well as some differences between verbs, nouns, and


Note that to form the noun development, you have to add the suffix -MENT to the verb develop. The derived adjective will be developed.

As you can see, there are many cases of nouns and adjectives derived from verbs. Here is a list of some common ones that may emerge in a corporate environment:


to inform informar

information informação

informed informado to consider


consideration consideração

considerable considerável to decide


decision decisão

decided decidido to understand


understanding entendimento

understood entendido to predict


predictability previsibilidade




Vocabulary Activities

Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Grammar Grammar Activities

tiv ity A – Ans w er s stood / 2. impr ov ed / 3. inf ormation / 4. to impr ov e / veloped / 6. to under stand / 7. inf ormed / 8. to de velop / standing / 10. to inf orm / 11 . impr ov ement / 12. de velopment a. prices b. cos ts c. v alue d. at a cos t e. at a price f. pay s the price

Ac tiv ity B – Ans w er s

A. Number the columns according to the translation of the words.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or expression according to the translation.

( 1 ) entendido ( 2 ) melhorado ( 3 ) informação ( 4 ) melhorar ( 5 ) desenvolvido ( 6 ) entender

( 7 ) informado ( 8 ) desenvolver ( 9 ) entendimento ( 10 ) informar ( 11 ) melhoria

( 12 ) desenvolvimento

( ) to improve ( ) to develop ( ) to inform ( ) to understand ( ) improvement ( ) development

( ) information ( ) understanding ( ) improved ( ) developed ( ) informed ( ) understood

a) Data analysis helps to define .

A análise de dados ajuda a definir preços.

b) Companies can compare and the probability of profit.

Empresas podem comparar custos e a probabilidade de lucro.

c) Big data has a potential to business.

Os megadados têm valor potencial para os negócios.

d) Mary has a great job, but . She doesn’t have vacation breaks.

Mary tem um ótimo emprego, mas com um custo. Ela não tem períodos de férias.

e) It’s possible to buy imported goods at the supermarket, but ! É possível comprar produtos importados no supermercado, mas isso tem um preço!

f) Mary of not having vacation breaks.

Mary paga o preço por não ter períodos de férias.

Part 3.



In this part of the chapter, you will learn how to use the simple present of the verb to be and of other verbs. You will also learn the subject pronouns.

You already know that to form affirmative sentences with the verb to be in the simple present, we follow the structure subject + verb to be + complement.

For example:

Here, you have the subject Mary followed by the verb to be and the complement.

Notice that the subject is a proper noun, and it refers to the third person singular, that’s why the verb to be is conjugated as is.

You could replace the noun with a subject pronoun. Since Mary is a woman, and just one woman, you will use the subject pronoun she. So, you will have the sentence:


She is a manager.

Ela é uma gerente.

Mary is a manager.

Mary é uma gerente.


As you can see, we simply replace the noun with the subject pronoun. The rest of the sentence does not suffer any modifications.

Check out this other example:


Peter and Jack are co-workers.

Peter e Jack são colegas de trabalho.

They are co-workers.

Eles são colegas de trabalho.

Part 4.


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

It’s a pleasure to work with you.

É um prazer trabalhar com você.

It’s possible to buy imported goods at the supermarket.

É possível comprar produtos importados no supermercado.

SUBJECT PRONOUN IT Here, we have the proper nouns Peter and Jack. To replace them with a subject pronoun, since Peter and Jack are two people, you will use they. Observe, once more, that nothing else changes in the sentence when we use the pronoun.

The subject pronoun replaces a noun when it is the subject of the sentence so as to avoid repetitions in the discourse. Therefore, it refers to a noun that is clear in the context. Observe the following example:


Mary is a manager. She is from New York.

Mary é uma gerente. Ela é de Nova York.

The subject pronoun she refers back to the noun Mary mentioned in the first sentence. Let’s see another one:


I have a new computer. It’s great.

Eu tenho um computador novo. Ele é ótimo.

It is clear that the subject pronoun it in the second sentence refers back to the noun computer in the first sentence.

However, there is one case in which the subject pronoun it will not refer back to a noun. It happens when the subject pronoun it is used to refer to a whole situation, for example. In this case, it is called impersonal pronoun. Have a look at these sentences:

In both previous sentences, the subject pronoun it is simply there to represent a situation: in the first sentence, it represents the situation of working with someone.

In the second sentence, it refers to the situation of being possible to buy imported

goods. Also, observe that the verb to be is contracted with it in both sentences.


She is from New York.

She’s from New York.

Ela é de Nova York.

The contraction between the subject pronouns and the verb to be quite is common, not only with the pronoun it. So, we can say: I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, and they’re. For example:


However, you cannot contract the verb with a proper noun. So, you cannot say:

Mary’s from New York.

Mary é de Nova York.

Now, let’s check out the negative form. All we have to do to form the negative is add not after the verb to be:

She is not from New York.

Ela não é de Nova York.


In the negative form, it is possible to contract the verb either with the subject, or with the particle not. Observe:

She isn’t from New York.

She’s not from New York.

Ela não é de Nova York.


Negative Form


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

You can use these two kinds of contractions – the pronoun with the verb to be or the particle not with the verb to be – with all subject pronouns, except for one.

When the subject is I, we can either say I am not, with no contractions, or say I’m not, contracting the subject pronoun with the verb to be.

The option of contracting the conjugation am with the particle not actually exists – it is ain’t. However, this is not standard English, so it is not considered correct by many people. Even though you may see or hear it in colloquial conversations, lyrics, and songs, it is extremely informal, and you should definitely avoid it in formal situations.

Still on rules of contractions, do not contract the verb with a noun in the negative form either. So, do not say:

Mary’s not from New York.

Mary não é de Nova York.

Peter and Jack are not co-workers.

Peter and Jack aren’t co-workers.

Peter e Jack não são colegas de trabalho.

They aren’t co-workers.

They’re not co-workers.

Eles não são colegas de trabalho.


Let’s have a look at another example:

It is worth mentioning that the negative non-contracted form sounds more

emphatic than the contracted ones.


Is she from New York?

Ela é de Nova York?

Are they co-workers?

Eles são colegas de trabalho?

SIMPLE PRESENT – VERB TO BE Interrogative Form

For the interrogative form of the verb to be, all you have to do is invert the order of the subject and the verb to be in the sentence. That means you are going to start the sentence with the verb. Check it out:

Affirmative Form:

SUBJECT + VERB TO BE + COMPLEMENT sujeito + verbo to be + complemento Negative Form:

SUBJECT + VERB TO BE + NOT + COMPLEMENT sujeito + verbo to be + not + complemento

Interrogative Form:

VERB TO BE + SUBJECT + COMPLEMENT verbo to be + sujeito + complemento

SIMPLE PRESENT – VERB TO BE Sentence Structures

So, as you can see, there is little variation in the structure of sentences with the verb to be in the simple present. In short, we have the following sentence structures:

In chapter 1, we saw that, even though the sentence structure of the affirmative is the same, the conjugation of the other verbs in the simple present is different from the conjugation of the verb TO BE. Let’s start by reviewing that.

Take a look at the following example:

Consumers buy products on sale.

Os consumidores compram produtos em promoção.



Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

The subject is consumers, followed by the verb in the base form, that is, the infinitive without the particle to. Notice that the word consumers corresponds to the third person plural.

Now, if we have a subject that corresponds to the third person singular – he, she, or it –, you will need to make a small alteration to the verb. Look:


Data analysis helps define prices.

A análise de dados ajuda a definir preços.

The subject of the sentence is data analysis. It corresponds to the pronoun IT, the third person singular. That’s why you will need to add -S to the verb. The rest of the sentence is the complement.

Depending on the ending of the verb in its base form, the alteration may be a bit bigger than just adding the -S. For example, the verb watch ends in -CH, so we need to add -ES, and it will become watches. The verb try, on the other hand, loses the Y and gets an -IES, becoming tries.

Now, there is a particular verb that does not follow these rules, even though it changes quite a lot. Pay attention to this:

Big data has a potential value to business.

Big data haves a potential value to business.

Megadados têm valor potencial para os negócios.


As you can see, the verb have becomes has in the third person singular in the simple present. The conjugation haves does not exist.

In order to form the negative and the interrogative forms of the other verbs in the simple present, we are going to need an auxiliary verb. And the auxiliary verb for the simple present is do.

With that in mind, take a look at the following structures:


Affirmative Form:


sujeito + verbo principal + complemento


Negative Form:

SUBJECT + AUXILIARY VERB DO + NOT + MAIN VERB + COMPLEMENT sujeito + verbo auxiliar do + not + verbo principal + complemento

Interrogative Form:

AUXILIARY VERB DO + SUBJECT + MAIN VERB + COMPLEMENT verbo auxiliar do + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento

These are the general structures to form sentences in the simple present for all verbs, except for the verb to be.

For example:

Affirmative Form:

Consumers buy products on sale.

Os consumidores compram produtos na promoção.

Negative Form:

Consumers do not buy / don’t buy products on sale.

Os consumidores não compram produtos na promoção.

Interrogative Form:

Do consumers buy products on sale?

Os consumidores compram produtos em promoção?


Observe that, in the negative form, it is possible to contract do with not – it becomes don’t.

As you can conclude from the previous examples, the conjugation of the main verb is the same as its base form.

The only exception regarding the main verb is in the affirmative form for subjects in the third person singular: as a general rule, we add -S to the main verb.

When it comes to the auxiliary verb do in both negative and interrogative forms, it will remain the same for all subjects, except for the third person singular.

In such cases, it will become does.


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

In this chapter, you reviewed the affirmative form of the simple present and learned how to use the negative and interrogative forms of the verb to be and other verbs. If you want to learn more about these topics, you can refer to the

Grammar Guide section at the end of your book.


Simple Present – Other Verbs Page 205 Simple Present – Verb To Be Page 211 Spelling Rules – Third Person Present Page 215

Subject Pronouns Page 217

Observe the following examples with the subjects in the third person singular:

Affirmative Form:

Big data analysis helps define prices.

A análise de megadados ajuda a definir preços.

Negative Form:

Big data analysis does not help / doesn’t help define prices.

A análise de megadados não ajuda a definir preços.

Interrogative Form:

Does big data analysis help define prices?

A análise de megadados ajuda a definir preços?


Observe that, in the negative form, the auxiliary verb is conjugated as does, and

it can be contracted with the particle not – it becomes doesn’t. Note, too, that

the main verb will remain in its base form for both negative and interrogative

sentences. It will be conjugated just in the affirmative form, in which help

becomes helps.


Part 5.



I (1) an engineer.

He (3) an engineer.

We’re engineers.

They (6) engineers.


I (2) an engineer.

He (4) an engineer.

We (5) engineers.

They (7) engineers.

Interrogative Am I an engineer?

Is he an engineer?

Are we engineers?

(8) engineers?


Complete the table with the right form of the verb to be.

B. Fill in the blanks with the missing verbs.

a) I a new computer. It’s great.

Eu tenho um computador novo. Ele é ótimo.

b) Big data analysis define prices.

A análise de megadados não ajuda a definir preços.

c) she from New York?

Ela é de Nova York?

d) consumers products on sale?

Os consumidores compram produtos em promoção?

e) Consumers products on sale.

Os consumidores compram produtos em promoção.


Chapter 2 Video Script Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities

a. have b. doesn’t help / does not help c. Is

d. Do / buy e. buy

f. are not / aren’t 1. am

2. am not 3. is

4. is not / isn’t

5. are not / aren’t 6. are

7. are not / aren’t 8. Are they

Activity A – Answers Activity B – Answers

f) They co-workers.

Eles não são colegas de trabalho.


The Role of

Social Media

The Role of

Social Media



Chapter 3 Vocabulary Vocabulary Activities Grammar Grammar Activities


So far, we’ve seen a general concept of big data and how it affects businesses in practical terms.

At this point, you might be asking yourself: “Where do companies get that amount of information about people’s choices and preferences?”

The main answer to that question is social media.

If someone had access to all of your social media accounts, what conclusions would they be able to draw about you?

Maybe they would get to know your family through your pics, or find out where you went during your last vacation. Or maybe they would see you’ve been willing to buy a bedside table based on the ads that appear on your Facebook page.

But wait… How does Facebook know you want to get that table if you’ve only Googled about it? Did these platforms exchange any info about your wishes?

Or maybe, to make things even stranger, you’ve just TALKED ABOUT it to a friend, and the minute you go online, these ads start filling up your smartphone screen? How is that even possible? I’ll tell you how: due to all the big data footprints we leave behind just by being online.


In this chapter, you will learn how to talk about your preferences, likes and dislikes on your social media profiles. You will also see some important vocabulary and grammar topics to help you communicate better in English.

Now look at the script of The Role Of Social Media.

Part 1.

Video Script


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