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Duração do Teste: 15 minutos, aproximadamente De a


Academic year: 2021

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Apresentam-se quatro guiões com incidência em diferentes domínios de referência. O guião 4 permite a realização da prova a um par ou a um grupo de três alunos.

Teste Intermédio



Duração do Teste: 15 minutos, aproximadamente | De 04.02.2014 a 04.04.2014

11.º Ano de Escolaridade


Guião 1

Atividade A


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?

What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A1.] And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A2.]

I’d now like you to answer some questions. This will take about three minutes. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.

[1. O professor usa as perguntas que se seguem, escolhendo o número de estímulos

adequados ao tempo. 2. Mesmo que não tenham sido feitas todas as perguntas, o

professor pode dar por terminada esta parte assim que o aluno use o tempo previsto e surja uma oportunidade. 3. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical

(entrevistando um aluno de cada vez). 4. Caso o aluno utilize um tom de voz baixo, o

professor poderá dizer “I’m sorry but I can’t hear you. Could you speak louder, please?”

Este pedido pode ser repetido ao longo da prova, sempre que necessário.]

Professor e alunos

Total: +/– 3 minutos


• (A1), do you like your school? What’s it like being a student there/here?

• Is your school modern? + Why? / Why not?

• Do you think technology helps you learn better at school?

(positive response)

 Why? In what ways?

(negative response)

 So, what helps you learn better? • What goals / objectives do you have as

a student?


• (A2), what makes a school a good school?

• About your school … Is there anything you’d like to change?

• What do you think about the different types of courses offered in Portuguese secondary schools?

• How important is school for the future of people your age?


Atividade B Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about a minute and a half. You have half a minute to prepare.

You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she’s speaking.

Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes. Please do not write a text.

[1. O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos, simultaneamente. 2. Os alunos realizam a tarefa sozinhos e em sequência, primeiro o A2, depois o A1. 3. Os alunos só recebem as imagens quando for a sua vez: primeiro o A2; depois de este

ter terminado a sua prestação, o A1.]

Professor Cada aluno Meio minuto Professor Cada aluno +/– 1 minuto e meio Professor Total: +/– 4 minutos A2 (A2), you’ll be first.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.]

A1 Now it’s your turn, (A1).

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]

Look at the picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you. You have half a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.

[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]

Please begin now, (A2). Please begin now, (A1).

[Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o

aluno tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor poderá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das seguintes perguntas:

 What can you see in the picture?

 Would you like to learn at this type of school? Why / Why not?

 What benefits does this type of teaching bring?

 What can you see in the picture?

 What message are the students trying to convey?

 Where could this picture have been published?

O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:

 Can you give me some (more) examples/details?  Can you tell me more about it/that?

O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:

 Remember you have to …]

Thank you, (A2). Thank you, (A1).


Atividade C Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Now, I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen. After that, I’ll ask you some questions.

I’m going to give each of you a card. The information on your cards is different.

Your class has organised some activities to raise money to be spent on your school. You have managed to raise about 2000 euros.

You have to decide/agree on how to spend that money.

[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 ao aluno A1 e Card 2 ao

aluno A2.]

You have a minute to prepare. Remember you have to talk to each other. Alunos 1 minuto + +/– 3 minutos Professor Professor e alunos +/– 2 minutos Professor Total: +/– 6 minutos

[Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos usam o tempo para tomarem conhecimento do material

de suporte.

Em caso de impasse, o professor poderá ainda: – repetir as instruções;

– dizer, por exemplo:

 “ Could you start, please?” – caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenha decorrido mais de um minuto.

 “ Remember you have to ...” – para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande desvio ao tema.

 “ Remember you have to talk to each other.” – para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um com o outro.]

Thank you.

• So (A1), what do you think schools will be like in the future?

• And you (A2), do you agree with (A1)? + Comment on what he/she said. • (A2), what skills will students need to have to be successful in the future? • (A1), do you agree with (A2)? + Comment on what he/she said.

[Caso os alunos não forneçam um discurso suscetível de ser comentado pelos colegas,

as perguntas iniciais podem ser adaptadas e dirigidas ao outro aluno, substituindo aquela que pede uma reação. Por exemplo, o professor poderá dizer:

“Well, (A2), what do you think will happen to schools in the future?/ Well, (A1), what will students need to do to be successful in the future?”]

[O professor pode ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo: Â Anything else?

 Can you explain that?

 Can you tell me more about it/that?] Thank you both. That is the end of your test. [O professor recolhe o material: Card 1 e Card 2.]


Guião 1

Picture 1


• Describe the picture.

• Explain how you might feel in this classroom.

• Are these conditions all it takes to learn? Why? / Why not?


Guião 1

Picture 2


• Describe the picture.

• Explain what these students might be feeling.

• Is it easy or possible to learn in these conditions? Why? / Why not? • Say what you think these students could do to change their situation.


Guião 1

Card 1

Your class has organised some activities to raise money to improve conditions in your school. You have managed to raise about 2000 euros.

Together with your partner, you have to decide/agree on how to spend that money.

You think the money should be spent on new science labs because you believe science and technology are the future.

Convince your partner that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


---Guião 1

Card 2

Your class has organised some activities to raise money to improve conditions in your school. You have managed to raise about 2000 euros.

Together with your partner, you have to decide/agree on how to spend that money.

You think the money should be spent on material for an arts and photography club because you believe students need to develop their creativity.

Convince your partner that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


Guião 2

Atividade A


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?

What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A1.] And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A2.]

I’d now like you to answer some questions. This will take about three minutes. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.

[1. O professor usa as perguntas que se seguem, escolhendo o número de estímulos

adequados ao tempo. 2. Mesmo que não tenham sido feitas todas as perguntas, o

professor pode dar por terminada esta parte assim que o aluno use o tempo previsto e surja uma oportunidade. 3. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical

(entrevistando um aluno de cada vez). 4. Caso o aluno utilize um tom de voz baixo, o

professor poderá dizer “I’m sorry but I can’t hear you. Could you speak louder, please?”

Este pedido pode ser repetido ao longo da prova, sempre que necessário.]

Professor e alunos

Total: +/– 3 minutos


• (A1), is English useful in your everyday life?

(positive response)

 How? In what way?

(negative response)

 Why not?

• And what about the role of English in the world today? How important is it?

• In your opinion, what’s the best way to learn English?

• If you had the chance of going to an English-speaking country, which one would you choose?

(positive response)


(negative response)

 Why not?


• (A2), what about you? Do you think it is important for people to learn more than one language?

(positive response)


(negative response)

 Why not?

• What languages do you speak? Which is your favourite one? + Why?

• In your opinion, what are the benefits of student exchange programmes?

• Have you ever taken part in such a programme?

(positive response)

 Tell us about it.

(negative response)

 Would you like to have an exchange student stay with your family? + Why? / Why not?


Atividade B Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about a minute and a half. You have half a minute to prepare.

You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she’s speaking.

Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes. Please do not write a text.

[1. O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos, simultaneamente. 2. Os alunos realizam a tarefa sozinhos e em sequência, primeiro o A2, depois o A1. 3. Os alunos só recebem as imagens quando for a sua vez: primeiro o A2; depois de este

ter terminado a sua prestação, o A1.]

Professor Cada aluno Meio minuto Professor Cada aluno +/– 1 minuto e meio Professor Total: +/– 4 minutos A2 (A2), you’ll be first.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.]

A1 Now it’s your turn, (A1).

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]

Look at the picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you. You have half a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.

[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]

Please begin now, (A2). Please begin now, (A1).

[Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o

aluno tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor poderá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das seguintes perguntas:

 What can you see in the picture?

 Who are the people and what are they doing?

 Do you think life would be easier if the same language was spoken in every country? + Why? / Why not?

 What can you see in the picture?

 Have you ever been in this situation? + What did you feel? / What would you do if it happened to you?

 Do you think tourists should make an effort to speak the language of the country they are visiting?

O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:

 Can you give me some (more) examples/details?  Can you tell me more about it/that?

O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:

 Remember you have to …]

Thank you, (A2). Thank you, (A1).


Atividade C Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Now, I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen. After that, I’ll ask you some questions.

I’m going to give each of you a card. The information on your cards is different.

You are brothers/sisters/brother and sister. You are going to host an exchange student. You have to convince your brother/sister that your favourite candidate is better.

[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 ao aluno A1 e Card 2 ao

aluno A2.]

You have a minute to prepare. Remember you have to talk to each other. Alunos 1 minuto + +/– 3 minutos Professor Professor e alunos +/– 2 minutos Professor Total: +/– 6 minutos

[Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos usam o tempo para tomarem conhecimento do material

de suporte.

Em caso de impasse, o professor poderá ainda: – repetir as instruções;

– dizer, por exemplo:

 “ Could you start, please?” – caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenha decorrido mais de um minuto.

 “ Remember you have to ...” – para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande desvio ao tema.

 “ Remember you have to talk to each other.” – para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um com o outro.]

Thank you.

• So (A1), would you like to have exchange students in your class? + Why? / Why not? • And you (A2), do you agree with (A1)? + Comment on what he/she said.

• And you (A2), if there were exchange students in your class, what could you learn from them or teach them?

• What about you (A1), do you agree with (A2)? + Comment on what he/she said.

[Caso os alunos não forneçam um discurso suscetível de ser comentado pelos colegas,

as perguntas iniciais podem ser adaptadas e dirigidas ao outro aluno, substituindo aquela que pede uma reação. Por exemplo, o professor poderá dizer:

“Well, (A2), what might be the advantages of having exchange students in your class? / Well, (A1), what would you like to tell/show an exchange student about Portugal?”]

[O professor pode ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo: Â Anything else?

 Can you explain that?

 Can you tell me more about it/that?] Thank you both. That is the end of your test. [O professor recolhe o material: Card 1 e Card 2.]


Guião 2

Picture 1


• Describe the picture.

• Who might these people be and what kind of meeting might this be? • Would you like to work in such an environment? Why? / Why not? • Explain how this picture relates to the topic “A world of many languages.”


Guião 2

Picture 2


• Describe the picture.

• These people do not have the same first language. How can these people communicate/make themselves understood?


Guião 2

Card 1

You are brothers/sisters/brother and sister. You are going to host an exchange student. From a list of candidates you chose the following one:

Name: Mariah Jones

Languages spoken: English, French

Interests / hobbies: reading, going to the cinema, visiting museums, cooking Dislikes: dogs, clubbing, reality shows

Convince your brother/sister that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


---Guião 2

Card 2

You are brothers/sisters/brother and sister. You are going to host an exchange student. From a list of candidates you chose the following one:

Name: John Michaels

Languages spoken: English, German and Spanish

Interests / hobbies: sports, animals, outdoor activities, heavy metal Dislikes: reading, technology, meat

Convince your brother/sister that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


Guião 3

Atividade A


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?

What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A1.] And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A2.]

I’d now like you to answer some questions. This will take about three minutes. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.

[1. O professor usa as perguntas que se seguem, escolhendo o número de estímulos

adequados ao tempo. 2. Mesmo que não tenham sido feitas todas as perguntas, o

professor pode dar por terminada esta parte assim que o aluno use o tempo previsto e surja uma oportunidade. 3. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical

(entrevistando um aluno de cada vez). 4. Caso o aluno utilize um tom de voz baixo, o

professor poderá dizer “I’m sorry but I can’t hear you. Could you speak louder, please?”

Este pedido pode ser repetido ao longo da prova, sempre que necessário.]

Professor e alunos

Total: +/– 3 minutos


• (A1), would you say you are addicted to technology? + Why? / Why not?

• Is there any technological gadget you couldn’t live without?

(positive response)

 Which one and why?

(negative response)

 But which one would you miss the most? + Why?

• In your opinion, what is the most dangerous technological gadget ever invented? + Why is that?

• What would you like to see invented in the future? + Why?


• What about you, (A2), are you interested in new technology?

(positive response)

 What do you use it for?

(negative response)

 Why not?

• In your opinion, what is the most important invention of all time? + Why?

• Do you think the impact of technology on people’s lives is positive? + Why? / Why not?

• Would you like to pursue a career in an area related to the development of technology? + Why? / Why not?


Atividade B Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about a minute and a half. You have half a minute to prepare.

You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she’s speaking.

Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes. Please do not write a text.

[1. O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos, simultaneamente. 2. Os alunos realizam a tarefa sozinhos e em sequência, primeiro o A2, depois o A1. 3. Os alunos só recebem as imagens quando for a sua vez: primeiro o A2; depois de este

ter terminado a sua prestação, o A1.]

Professor Cada aluno Meio minuto Professor Cada aluno +/– 1 minuto e meio Professor Total: +/– 4 minutos A2 (A2), you’ll be first.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.]

A1 Now it’s your turn, (A1).

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]

Look at the picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you. You have half a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.

[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]

Please begin now, (A2). Please begin now, (A1).

[Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o

aluno tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor poderá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das seguintes perguntas:

 What can you see in the picture?

 Could it be you in the picture? + Why? / Why not?

 What kind of relationship do you think these young people have with each other?

 What can you see in the picture?

 Have you ever experienced a similar situation? + Tell us about it.

 Does this situation only happen to teens? + Tell us about it.

O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:

 Can you give me some (more) examples/details?  Can you tell me more about it/that?

O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:

 Remember you have to …]

Thank you, (A2). Thank you, (A1).


Atividade C Intervenientes

e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Now, I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen. After that, I’ll ask you some questions.

I’m going to give each of you a card. The information on your cards is different. You and your partner want to help a mutual friend.

You have to convince your partner that your suggestion is better.

[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 ao aluno A1 e Card 2 ao

aluno A2.]

You have a minute to prepare. Remember you have to talk to each other. Alunos 1 minuto + +/– 3 minutos Professor Professor e alunos +/– 2 minutos Professor Total: +/– 6 minutos

[Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos usam o tempo para tomarem conhecimento do material

de suporte.

Em caso de impasse, o professor poderá ainda: – repetir as instruções;

– dizer, por exemplo:

 “ Could you start, please?” – caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenha decorrido mais de um minuto.

 “ Remember you have to ...” – para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande desvio ao tema.

 “ Remember you have to talk to each other.” – para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um com o outro.]

Thank you.

• So (A1), in which way is your school affected by technology? And the way you learn? • And you (A2), do you agree with (A1)? + Comment on what he/she said.

• (A2), how can technology divide people and create inequalities?

• What about you (A1), do you agree with (A2)? + Comment on what he/she said.

[Caso os alunos não forneçam um discurso suscetível de ser comentado pelos colegas,

as perguntas iniciais podem ser adaptadas e dirigidas ao outro aluno, substituindo aquela que pede uma reação. Por exemplo, o professor poderá dizer:

“Well, (A2), in what way does technology help or harm your school work? / Well, (A1), explain how technology can create inequalities.”]

[O professor pode ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo: Â Anything else?

 Can you explain that?

 Can you tell me more about it/that?] Thank you both. That is the end of your test. [O professor recolhe o material: Card 1 e Card 2.]


Guião 3

Picture 1


• Describe the picture.

• Explain the criticism implied in this picture.

• Do you identify with the teenagers in this picture? Why? / Why not? • Explain how teenagers can avoid this type of behaviour.


Guião 3

Picture 2


• Describe the picture.

• Explain the criticism implied in this picture.

• Do you think the picture is realistic? Why? / Why not?


Guião 3

Card 1

You have a friend who is seriously addicted to the Internet. You want him to experience being without it for a couple of days.

You and your partner want to make a suggestion he can’t refuse. You want him to go trekking in a remote place. Your reasons are:

– mountainous scenery; fresh air; no Internet access; survival skills; challenging activities, etc. Convince your partner that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


---Guião 3

Card 2

You have a friend who is seriously addicted to the Internet. You want him to experience being without it for a couple of days.

You and your partner want to make a suggestion he can’t refuse.

You want him to go scuba-diving off the coast of an island. Your reasons are:

– underwater environment; intriguing sea creatures; no Internet access; relaxing time; challenging activities, etc.

Convince your partner that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


Guião 4 (Para um par de alunos ou para um grupo de três alunos)

Atividade A


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?

What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A1.]

And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A2.]

And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A3.]

I’d now like you to answer some questions. This will take about three minutes / four and a half minutes. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partners.

[1. O professor usa as perguntas que se seguem, escolhendo o número de estímulos adequados ao tempo. 2. Mesmo que não tenham sido feitas todas as perguntas,

o professor pode dar por terminada esta parte assim que o aluno use o tempo previsto e surja uma oportunidade. 3. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha

vertical (entrevistando um aluno de cada vez). 4. Caso o aluno utilize um tom de voz baixo, o professor poderá dizer “I’m sorry but I can’t hear you. Could you speak louder, please?” Este pedido pode ser repetido ao longo da prova, sempre que necessário.]

Professor e alunos Total: +/– 3/4,5 minutos A1

• So, (A1), what do you do when you are not at school?

• Have you ever thought about doing volunteer work?

(positive response)

 What type of volunteer work have you considered? + Why?

(negative response)

 Why not?

• What do you think are the most important qualities a volunteer should have? + Why?

• What are the benefits of volunteering for a teenager?


• And you, (A2), would you like to work as a volunteer? + Why? / Why not?

• In your opinion, why do people volunteer?

• Mention some types of volunteer work you’ve heard about.

• Do you believe teens can make a difference in society? (positive response) Â How? (negative response) Â Why not? A3

• So, (A3), have you ever done any volunteer work?

(positive response)

 Tell us about it.

(negative response)

 Why not?

• What type of volunteer work would be really difficult for you? + Why?

• In your opinion, what situations need volunteer workers the most? + Why?

• Think of a question you would like to ask a volunteer and explain why you chose that question.


Guião 4 (Para um par de alunos ou para um grupo de três alunos)

Atividade B


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about a minute and a half. You have half a minute to prepare.

You mustn’t interrupt your partner(s) while they’re speaking.

Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes. Please do not write a text.

[1. O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois/três alunos, simultaneamente. 2. Os alunos realizam a tarefa sozinhos e em sequência, primeiro o A2, seguido do

A3 e, depois, o A1. 3. Os alunos só recebem as imagens quando for a sua vez: primeiro o A2; depois de este ter terminado a sua prestação, o A3; e depois de este ter

terminado, o A1.] Professor Cada aluno Meio minuto Professor Cada aluno +/– 1 minuto e meio Professor Total: +/– 4/6 minutos A2

(A2), you’ll be first.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.]


Now it’s your turn, (A3).

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]


Now it’s your turn, (A1).

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 3.] Look at the picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.

You have half a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.

[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]

Please begin now, (A2). Please begin now, (A3). Please begin now, (A1).

[Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o aluno tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor poderá ajudá-lo com

as/algumas das seguintes perguntas:

 What can you see in the picture?

 What do you think the teenagers are doing?  Do you know any teenagers that participate in this

kind of activity? + Tell us about them.

 What is the picture about?

 How important are these initiatives?

 Do you think schools should organise similar campaigns?

 What is the picture about?

 Why do teens participate in food campaigns?  Would you like to take part in such a campaign?

+ Why? / Why not?

O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:

 Can you give me some (more) examples/details?  Can you tell me more about it/that?

O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:

 Remember you have to …]

Thank you, (A2). Thank you, (A3). Thank you, (A1).


Guião 4 (Para um par de alunos ou para um grupo de três alunos)

Atividade C


e tempos Descrição da atividade

Professor Now, I’d like you to talk to each other for about three / four minutes while I listen. After that, I’ll ask you some questions.

I’m going to give each of you a card. The information on your cards is different.

You and your friend/friends are planning to go to a volunteering summer camp this year. The two/three of you want to go together and you have been searching for information about some camps. Convince your friend/friends your choice is better.

[O professor entrega o material aos dois/três alunos: Card 1 ao aluno A1, Card 2 ao aluno A2 e Card 3 ao aluno A3.] You have a minute to prepare. Remember you have to talk to each other.

Alunos 1 minuto + +/– 3/4 minutos Professor Professor e alunos +/– 2/3 minutos Professor Total: +/– 6/8

[Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos usam o tempo para tomarem conhecimento do material de suporte. Em caso de impasse, o professor poderá:

– repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:

 “Could you start, please?” – caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenha decorrido mais de um minuto.

 “Remember you have to ...” – para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande desvio ao tema.

 “Remember you have to talk to each other.”– para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um com o outro/uns com os outros.]

Thank you.

• So (A2), do you care about animals? Would you like to be a volunteer for an animal protection organisation? + Why? / Why not? • And you (A1), do you feel the same way? + Comment on what (A2) said.

• (A3), what kind of person do you need to be to work with children? Would you like to do that? + Why? / Why not? • And you (A2), do you feel the same way? + Comment on what (A3) said.

• What about you (A1), what do you think about campaigns to raise money to help non-profit organisations? • And you (A3), do you agree with (A1)? + Comment on what (A1) said.

[Caso os alunos não forneçam um discurso suscetível de ser comentado pelos colegas, as perguntas iniciais podem ser adaptadas e dirigidas a outro aluno, substituindo

aquela que pede uma reação. Por exemplo, o professor poderá dizer:

“Well, (A1), would you like to be a volunteer for an animal protection organisation? + Why? / Why not? / Well, (A2), would you be happy working with children? + Why? / Why not? / Well, (A3), do you usually contribute to fund-raising campaigns? + Why? / Why not?”]

[O professor pode ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:

 Anything else?  Can you explain that?

 Can you tell me more about it/that?]

Thank you both/all. That is the end of your test.

[O professor recolhe o material: Card 1, Card 2 e Card 3.]


Guião 4

Picture 1


• Describe the picture.

• What kind of event could this be?

• Do you identify with the teenagers in this picture? Why? / Why not?


Guião 4

Picture 2


• Describe the picture.

• What kind of event could this be?

• Do you identify with the teenagers in this picture? Why? / Why not? • Who can benefit from this type of action?


Guião 4

Picture 3


• Describe the picture.

• What kind of event could this be?

• Do you identify with the teenagers in this picture? Why? / Why not? • Who can benefit from this type of action?


Guião 4

Card 1

You and your friend/friends are planning to go to a volunteering summer camp this year. The two/three of you want to go together and you have been searching for information about some camps.

You like children and you have come across the following programme: Programme: Youth Club.

Accommodation: Youth hostel. Meals included.

Activities: Help with young people and organise social, leisure and outdoor activities. Convince your partner/partners that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


---Guião 4

Card 2

You and your friend/friends are planning to go to a volunteering summer camp this year. The two/three of you want to go together and you have been searching for information about some camps.

You enjoy nature and you have come across the following programme: Programme: Environmental Conservation.

Accommodation: Tents. Meals to be prepared by the volunteers. Activities: Repair footpaths, clean forests and plant trees.

Convince your partner/partners that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


---Guião 4

Card 3

You and your friend/friends are planning to go to a volunteering summer camp this year. The two/three of you want to go together and you have been searching for information about some camps.

You love animals and you have come across the following programme: Programme: Animal Care.

Accommodation: Rooms at a youth hostel. Meals included.

Activities: Feed the animals and help treat injured/abandoned animals at the community kennel.

Convince your partner/partners that your suggestion is better by presenting your arguments and discussing them together.


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