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Sao Paulo Med. J. vol.117 número1


Academic year: 2018

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N otes for A uthors- I CM J E

S ã o P a u l o

Medical Journal

Re dundant or Duplicate Publication

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Re d und ant o r d up lic ate p ub lic atio n is publicatio n o f a paper that o verlaps substantially with o ne already published.

Re ad e rs o f p rim ary s o urc e p e rio d ic als de se rve to b e ab le to trust that what the y are re ad in g is o rig in al u n le s s th e re is a c le ar state m e nt that the article is b e ing re pub lishe d b y the c ho ic e o f the autho r and e d ito r. The b a s e s o f th i s p o s i ti o n a re i n te rn a ti o n a l c o p yrig ht laws , e thic al c o nd uc t, and c o s t-e fft-e ctivt-e ust-e o f rt-e so urct-e s.

Mo st jo urnals do no t wish to receive papers o n wo rk that has already been repo rted in large part in a published article o r is co ntained in a published article o r is co ntained in ano ther paper th a t h a s b e e n s u b m itte d o r a c c e p te d fo r publicatio n elsewhere, in print o r in electro nic media. This po licy do es no t preclude the jo urnal co nsidering a paper that has been rejected by ano ther jo urnal, o r a co mplete repo rt that fo llo ws publicatio n o f a preliminary repo rt, such as an abstract o r po ster displayed fo r co lleagues at a p ro fe s s io nal m e e ting . No r d o e s it p re ve nt jo urnals c o nsid e ring a p ap e r that has b e e n p re s e n te d at a s c ie n tific m e e tin g b u t n o t published in full o r that is being co nsidered fo r pub licatio n in a pro ceeding o r similar fo rmat. Pre ss re po rts o f sche dule d m e e tings will no t

usually be regarded as breaches o f this rule, but s u c h re p o rts s h o u ld n o t b e am p lifie d b y a d d itio n a l d a ta o r c o p ie s o f ta b le s a n d illustratio ns.

Whe n s ub m itting a p ap e r, the autho r sho uld always make a full statement to the edito r abo ut all submissio ns and previo us repo rts that might b e regarded as redundant o r duplicate publicatio ns o f the same o r very similar wo rk. The autho r s ho uld ale rt the e d itho r if the wo rk includes subjects abo ut which a previo us repo rt has been published. Any such wo rk sho uld be re fe rre d to and re fe re nc e d in the ne w pape r. Co pies o f such material sho uld be included with the submitted paper to help the edito r decide ho w to handle the matter.

If re dundant o r duplicate pub licatio n is attempted o r o ccurs witho ut such no tificatio n, autho rs sho uld e xp e c t e d ito rial ac tio n to b e take n. At the le ast, p ro m p t re je c tio n o f the submitted manuscript sho uld be expected. If the edito r was no t aware o f the vio latio ns and the article has already been published, then a no tice o f re d und ant o r d up lic ate p ub lic atio n will p ro b ab ly b e p ub lis he d with o r witho ut the autho r´s explanatio n o r appro val.

Pre lim inary re le as e , us ually to p ub lic media, o f scientific info rmatio n described in a



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