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Evaluation of oxidative stress during adverse environmental conditions in Marwari sheep from arid tracts in India


Academic year: 2017

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An im a l Biology & An im a l H u sb a n dr y

I n t e r n a t ion a l Jou r n a l of t h e Bioflu x Socie t y

Ev a lua t ion of ox ida t iv e st re ss du r in g a dv e r se

e n v ir on m e n t a l condit ion s in M a r w a r i she e p fr om

a r id t r a ct s in I n dia

Ruchi Maan, and Nalini Kat aria

Depart m ent of Vet erinary Phy siology, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj ast han Univ ersit y of Vet erinary and Anim al Sciences, Bik aner, Raj ast han, I ndia.

Corresponding aut hor: N. Kat aria, nalinik at aria@rediffm ail. com

Abst r a ct. The pur pose of t he st udy was t o evaluat e oxidat ive st r ess during adver se envir onm ent al condit ions in Mar war i sheep br eed, t o m onit or t he healt h st at us. Six hundr ed and t hir t y anim als wer e sam pled belonging t o ar id t r act s of Raj ast han, I ndia dur ing adver se envir onm ent al condit ions including ext r em e hot and ext r em e cold. Oxidat ive st r ess was evaluat ed by det er m ining ser um cat alase act ivit ies by basic color im et r ic m et hod in which ser um was r eact ed wit h hydr ogen per oxide for specific per iod of t im e. The cont r ol m ean value of ser um cat alase was 66. 90± 2. 01 kU L- 1

. Hot envir onm ent al condit ion r esult ed in a significant ( p≤0.05) increase, whereas cold environmental condition caused a significant ( p≤0.05) decrease in the mean value as compared to m oder at e or cont r ol. Rise in cat alase level was m axim um at t he individuals of 2. 5- 4. 5 year s age gr oup irr espect ive of gender , followed by m ale anim als ir r espect ive of age dur ing hot envir onm ent al condit ion. As cat alase is consider ed one of t he end ogenous ant ioxidant enzym es, it was concluded t hat it s levels increased t r em endously dur ing ext r em e hot envir onm ent al condit ion pr obably t o com bat for m ed fr ee radicals. Result s point ed out t owar ds t he developm ent of oxidat ive st r ess in ext r em e hot envir onm ent al condit ion as com par ed t o cold envir onm ent al condit ion. Supplem ent at ion of ant ioxidant s m u st be t her e dur ing adver se envir onm ent al condit ions t o m aint ain pr oper healt h of t hese anim als as oxidat ive st r ess is a pr elude t o m any pat hological condit ions.

Ke y W or ds: Envir onm ent al condit ion, cat alase, Mar war i, ser um , sheep.

I n t r odu ct ion. Living in an ox y genat ed environm ent has required t he ev olut ion of effect iv e cellular st rat egies t o det ect and det oxify m et abolit es of m olecular ox y gen k now n as react iv e ox y gen species. The appropriat e and inappropriat e product ion of ox idant s, t oget her w it h t he abilit y of organism s t o respond t o ox idat ive st ress, is int ricat ely connect ed t o ageing and life span of anim als ( Fink el & Holbrook 2000) . Ox idat iv e st ress is ex t rem ely dangerous as it does not ex hibit any sy m pt om and is recognisable wit h great difficult y by m eans of laborat ory m et hods only (Kat aria et al 2010a) . The ex posure t o different kind of st ress im pact s on t he react iv e ox y gen species product ion w it h pot ent ial risk t o t he int egrit y of t he t issues. Env ironm ent al st ress funct ions as one of t he st ressors encount ered by t he anim als of arid t ract s. Heat st ress t em pers m et abolic react ions t hrough react iv e ox y gen species and generat es oxidat iv e st ress ( Kat aria et al 2010b) .

Cat alase is considered as an ant ioxidant enzy m e found in nearly all t he cells t hat are ex posed t o ox y gen, w here it cat aly ses decom posit ion of hy drogen perox ide t o w at er and ox y gen. Hy drogen perox ide is a harm ful by product of m any norm al m et abolic processes. To prev ent dam age, it m ust be quickly conv ert ed int o ot her, less dangerous subst ances. Higher serum cat alase act ivit y in st ressed anim als indicat e t he higher rat e of hy drogen perox ide form at ion ( Kat aria et al 2010c) , t herefore it is considered as one of t he m ark ers t o assess oxidat iv e st ress in anim als ( Kat aria et al 2010a; Kat aria et al 2012) .


phy siological m easures of t he body and t heir use in healt h m anagem ent and clinical diagnosis. Despit e of im m ense qualit y charact erist ics of Marw ari sheep v ery lit t le scient ific sav oir fair e is t here about norm al and clinical v ariat ions in t he v alues of ant ioxidant enzy m es present in t he blood. To underst and t he real w ort h of t hese anim als and t o ex plore t he product iv e pot ent ial, est ablishm ent of t heir ow n norm s becom es v ery im port ant in t he field of v et erinary clinical m edicine. Therefore, t he present inv est igat ion w as aim ed t o det erm ine serum cat alase act ivit y during ex t rem e hot and cold env ironm ent al condit ions in Marw ari sheep and t o set it s norm al v alues for t he use in fut ure research.

M a t e r ial a n d M e th od. The present inv est igat ion w as carried out in six hundred and t hirt y apparent ly healt hy Marw ari sheep of eit her gender, bet w een 6 m ont hs t o 4. 5 y ears of age, belonging t o arid t ract s of Raj ast han, I ndia. Blood sam ples w ere collect ed during slaught ering ( j ugular v ein) from priv at e slaught er houses ( Bik aner, Raj ast han) t o harv est sera in m orning hours during m oderat e ( Mean m ax im um t em perat ure 30. 34± 0. 20oC) , hot ( Mean m axim um t em perat ure 45. 1± 0. 09oC) and cold environm ent al ( Mean m inim um t em perat ure 4. 83± 0. 30oC) condit ions. I n each env ironm ent al condit ion, 210 blood sam ples w ere collect ed ( 105 m ale and 105 non pregnant fem ale) . Furt her each group w as divided according t o age as below 1 y ear ( 35 m ale and 35 fem ale) ; 1- 2 y ears ( 35 m ale and 35 fem ale) and 2. 5- 4. 5 y ears ( 35 m ale and 35 fem ale) . Mean v alues of m oderat e environm ent al condit ion w ere considered as cont rol v alues.

Serum cat alase w as det erm ined by basic colorim et ric m et hod as described by Goldblit h and Proct or ( 1950) w it h lit t le m odificat ions by Kat aria et al ( 2010b) . The serum w as allow ed t o react w it h H2O2 for a specific period of t im e. The react ion w as t hen st opped by using H2SO4. Then ex cess of KMnO4 solut ion w as added t o allow react ing wit h t he peroxide not decom posed by t he cat alase. Wit hin one m inut e, t he excess in KMnO4 w as det erm ined phot om et rically . Mean changes in serum cat alase lev els during adv erse env ironm ent al condit ions w ere com pared from t hose of m oderat e environm ent al condit ion by using st at ist ical significance ( St eel & Torrie 1980) .

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion. The range ( 39- 126 k UL- 1) and m ean v alue of serum CAT ( Table 1) in t he present st udy w as close t o t he earlier report s ( Kat aria et al 2010a, 2010b) . St udies pert aining t o serum CAT in sheep are few in t he lit erat ure and w ork has been done on ery t hrocy t ic cat alase. Variat ion in t he v alues of cat alase in different species could be relat ed t o free radical form at ion and decom posit ion of hy drogen perox ide ( Chelik ani et al 2004) and t o different diet s ( Nazifi et al 2009b) .

The m ean v alue of serum CAT w as significant ly higher ( p≤0.05) during hot and significant ly low er ( p≤0.05) during cold environm ent al condit ion in com parison t o m oderat e m ean v alue ( cont rol). Env ironm ent al condit ion associat ed v ariat ions in t he cat alase act ivit ies hav e been report ed by m any researchers ( Mart i et al 2007; Kat aria et al 2010b, 2010c) . The increased act ivit y of serum cat alase during hot environm ent al condit ion suggest ed t he abilit y of t he anim als t o prov ide defense against free radicals ( Kat aria et al 2010c) . I n a st udy , Carpent er et al ( 2001) observ ed t hat lam bs, w ho did not receive ant ioxidant enzy m es, had low cat alase act ivit ies. Earlier researchers have recom m ended t he use of cat alase in t he sit uat ions w here free radicals are form ed ( Seek am p et al 1988) . The increased act ivit y of serum cat alase during hot environm ent al condit ion suggest ed t he abilit y of t he anim als t o prov ide defense against free radicals. I t w as t he body ’s response t o com bat t he ox idat ive st ress ( Kat aria et al 2010b) , as it is an enzy m e of ant ioxidant defense sy st em t hat elim inat es and cont rols t he t oxic ox y gen species. Phua ( 2004) observ ed higher cat alase act ivit y in sheep w here react iv e ox y gen species w ere generat ed. How ev er, Kozat et al (2007) found low er cat alase act ivit y in diseased lam bs and Cam et al ( 2009) in pox affect ed ew es and lam b.


defense against react iv e ox y gen species in anim als and ant ioxidant enzy m e cat alase is one of t hem , w hich can be used effect iv ely as m ark er of oxidat iv e st ress. Furt her it can be inferred t hat higher cat alase act ivit ies show ed act iv at ion of defense sy st em , w hereas it s low ered act ivit ies could hav e a negat iv e im pact on cellular resist ance against t he ox idant induced dam age of t he cell ( Cam et al 2009) .

Table 1 Mean ± SEM v alues of serum cat alase ( CAT) in Marw ari sheep

Par am et er Env ir onm ent al condit ions CAT, kU L- 1

Moderat e ( 210) 66. 90± 2. 01b

Male ( 105) 74. 86± 2. 01 d


Fem ale ( 105) 58. 94± 3. 02d

Below 1 year ( 70) 53. 81± 3. 41 f

1- 2 y ears ( 70) 66. 95± 3. 01f


2. 5- 4. 5 y ears ( 70) 79. 94± 2. 02f

Hot ( 210) 96. 92± 2. 72b

Male ( 105) 103. 28± 2. 51 d


Fem ale ( 105) 90. 56± 2. 80d

Below 1 year ( 70) 71. 41± 2. 20 f

1- 2 y ears ( 70) 100. 9± 2. 10f


2. 5- 4. 5 y ears ( 70) 118. 45± 2. 10f

Cold ( 210) 59. 79± 2. 00 b

Male ( 105) 70. 51± 2. 50 d


Fem ale ( 105) 49. 06± 2. 50d

Below 1 year ( 70) 37. 34± 2. 50 f

1- 2 y ears ( 70) 65. 03± 2. 02 f


2. 5- 4. 5 y ears ( 70) 76. 95± 2. 41 f Figur es in t he par ent hesis indicat e num ber of anim als and m eans super scr ipt ed by sam e super scr ipt differ significant ly ( p≤0.05) from each other.


Cat alase is considered as one of t he endogenous ant ioxidant enzy m es. I t w as concluded t hat ant ioxidant enzy m e act ivit y increased t rem endously during ex t rem e hot env ironm ent al condit ion probably t o com bat free radicals form ed.

Con clusion s. Result s point ed out t ow ards t he dev elopm ent of ox idat ive st ress in ex t rem e hot env ironm ent al condit ion as com pared t o cold condit ion. This st udy has t ried t o prov ide com prehensiv e v alues of cat alase in serum of Marw ari breed of sheep, probably serving as t he first report . The silence of lit erat ure ov er t his aspect in Marw ari sheep underlined t he significance of est ablishm ent of appropriat e phy siological reference v alues for nat iv e breeds, w hich could help in realist ic ev aluat ion of t he healt h m anagem ent pract ices including ant ioxidant supplem ent at ion. The dat a obt ained can also serv e as a baseline for fut ure research in t he field of v et erinary clinical m edicine.

Re fe r en ce s

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Received: 04 August 201 2. Accept ed: 07 August 2012. Published online: 24 August 201 2. Aut hor s:

Ruchi Maan, Depar t m ent of Vet er inar y Physiology, College of Vet er inar y and Anim al Science, Raj ast han Univer sit y of Vet er inar y and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 0 01, Raj ast han, I ndia, r uchim aan@r ediffm ail. com Nalini Kat ar ia, Depar t m ent of Vet er inar y Physiology, College of Vet er inar y and Anim al Science, Raj ast han Univer sit y of Vet er inar y and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 0 01, Raj ast han, I ndia, nalinikat ar ia@r ediffm ail. com How t o cit e t his ar t icle:


Table 1   Mean ±  SEM v alues of serum  cat alase ( CAT)  in Marw ari sheep


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