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Combined field/modelling approaches to represent the air-vegetation distribution of benzo[a]pyrene using different vegetation species


Academic year: 2021

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Nuno Ratola* and Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero 4

Physics of the Earth, Regional Campus of International Excellence “Campus Mare 5

Nostrum”, University of Murcia, Edificio CIOyN, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, 6

Spain 7


*Tel: +34 86888 8552; e-mail: nrneto@um.es

9 10



A strategy designed to combine the features of field-based experiments and modelling 12

approaches is presented in this work to assess air-vegetation distribution of benzo(a)pyrene 13

(BaP) in the Iberian Peninsula (IP). Given the lack of simultaneous data in both 14

environmental matrices, a methodology with two main steps was employed. First, evaluating 15

the simulations with the chemistry transport model (CTM) WRF (Weather Research and 16

Forecasting) + CHIMERE data against the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme 17

(EMEP) network, to test the aptitude of the CTM to replicate the respective atmospheric 18

levels. Then,, using modelled concentrations and a method to estimate air levels of BaP from 19

biomonitoring data to compare the performance of different pine species (P. pinea, P. 20

pinaster, P. nigra and P. halepensis) to describe the atmospheric evidences.The comparison 21

of modelling vs. biomonitoring has a higher dependence on the location of the sampling 22

points, rather than on the pine species, as some tend to overestimate and others to 23

underestimate BaP concentrations, in most cases regardless of the season. The climatology of 24

the canopy levels of BaP was successfully validated with the concentrations in pine needles 25

(most biases below 26%), however, the model was unable to distinguish between species. 26

This article was published in Atmospheric Environment, 106, 34-42, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.01.063


especially in summer and autumn, the. The comparison with biomonitoring data showed a 28

similar pattern, but with the best results in the warmer months. 29


Keywords: Benzo(a)pyrene; Pine needles; biomonitoring; air sampling; WRF+CHIMERE;

31 32


1. Introduction

33 34

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are atmospheric pollutants originated from 35

several natural (forest fires, volcanoes) and anthropogenic (traffic, industry) sources, via the 36

combustion of fossil fuels, wood or other organic materials. But their release into the 37

environment as a consequence of human activities is increasing continuously (Lapviboonsuk 38

and Loganathan, 2007). The noticeable differences in their physical-chemical properties have 39

a decisive influence on their emission, transport and deposition behaviour (Ravindra et al., 40

2008). Both gaseous and particulate PAHs can undergo atmospheric transport over long 41

distances (Baek et al., 1991), carrying potentially high toxicity towards organisms worldwide 42

(Solé, 2000). 43

Several chemistry transport model (CTM) approaches tried to describe the levels and 44

patterns of PAHs (Sehili and Lammel, 2007; Matthias et al., 2009; Bieser et al., 2012; 45

Friedman and Selin, 2012; San José et al., 2013). In particular benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), 46

predominantly found in the particulate fraction of the atmosphere and the reference for the 47

existing air quality standards for PAHs (European Commission, 2008). However, CTMs still 48

cannot provide a full understanding of the processes involved in their atmospheric fate 49

(Galarneau et al., 2013), being the lack of field data reporting atmospheric concentrations a 50

major reason for this fact. For instance, the measuring stations of the European Monitoring 51

and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) network cover the whole European territory, but those 52

monitoring semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) like PAHs are located essentially in 53

the Scandinavian countries and almost absent from the southern European countries (Bieser 54

et al., 2012; Torseth et al., 2012). This is why the use of alternative ways to include field 55

sampling data in the validation of the models has to be considered. 56


One valid option is performing monitoring studies employing vegetation species, which 57

have been used for some time in the assessment of PAHs levels. Coniferous species, in 58

particular the lipid-rich cuticle of their needles, is likely to accumulate such contaminants 59

(Simonich and Hites, 1995) and are favoured due to their ubiquity, which allows the 60

establishment of trans-boundary studies (Lehndorff and Schwark, 2004). According to 61

McLachlan (1999), PAHs can reach the needles by equilibrium partitioning between the 62

vegetation and the gas phase, kinetically-limited gaseous deposition, or wet and dry particle-63

bound deposition. A few studies proved the ability of coniferous needles to establish levels 64

and spatio-temporal patterns of PAHs (Lehndorff and Schwark, 2009; Augusto et al., 2010; 65

Ratola et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2012; Amigo et al., 2011), but only a very limited number of 66

literature is available regarding the air-vegetation distribution, in controlled systems (Zhu et 67

al, 2008) or in field-based studies (St Amand et al., 2009a, 2009b). However, the strong 68

potential of biomonitoring data and CTMs can be used in concomitance to obtain reliable 69

estimates of the air-vegetation partition of PAHs. Differences between the uptake capacity of 70

the needles of several pine species and the dissimilar levels depending on the land use have 71

been reported in biomonitoring schemes (Librando et al., 2002; Piccardo et al., 2005; Ratola 72

et al, 2011), and it would be very important that CTMs could represent those differences 73

adequately, especially in areas where data regarding persistent atmospheric pollutants is 74

scarce, such as the western Mediterranean (Bernalte et al., 2012). 75

As such, an innovative approach using the Weather Research and Forecasting 76

(WRF)+CHIMERE modelling system, coupled to emission data from EMEP and compared 77

to data from 70 pine needles sampling sites is presented in this work. The main objective is to 78

evaluate the presence of BaP in the Iberian Peninsula, in order to verify if models and field 79

data can represent accurately their atmospheric concentrations, and at the same time unveil 80


possible differences between pine species (in this case Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, Pinus 81

nigra and Pinus halepensis).

82 83

2. Experimental Section

84 85

2.1. Pine needles sampling and analysis 86

Details on the sampling campaigns taken in consideration for the pine needles can be 87

found elsewhere (Ratola et al., 2010a; 2012). A brief description can be found in Supporting 88

Information. 89


2.2. Estimation of BaP air concentrations from pine needles 91

An estimation of atmospheric concentrations of BaP in the sampling sites chosen for this 92

study was performed using the levels found in pine needles. This indirect calculation was 93

necessary to face the scarce information on the atmospheric presence of BaP in the area of 94

study. The methodology employed is based on the studies by St. Amand et al. (2007, 2009a, 95

2009b), who determined levels of gas-phase and particulate PAHs (and PBDEs) in vegetation 96

and in the nearby atmosphere. They reported an approach to estimate the air concentrations 97

from those found in vegetation, consisting briefly in the following calculations: 98

Ca = Cp + Cg (eq. 1) with 99

Cp = (Cvp*m) / (A*vp*t) (eq. 2) and


Cg = (Cvg*m) / (A*vgt*t) (eq. 3)


where Ca, Cp, Cg – total, particulate and gas-phase (respectively) concentrations of the target 102

compound in air (ng m-3); Cvp, Cvg - contribution of particle-bound and gaseous deposition


(respectively) to the total concentration in vegetation (defined as Cvp+Cvg, ng g-1); m - dry


weight of pine needles (g); A - total surface area of pine needles (m2); v

p - particle-bound


deposition velocity (m h-1); v

gt - net gaseous transfer velocity (m h-1); t - environmental


exposure time of pine needles (h). For BaP, the gas-phase contribution is strongly 107

predominant (ASTDR, 1995; Friedman and Selin, 2012), so the gas-phase contribution is 108

considered negligible (St. Amand et al., 2009a), meaning Cg ≈ 0 and Ca ≈ Cp. This way, vp


can be calculated by equation 2, if the concentrations in air (Ca) and vegetation (Cvp) are 110

known. However, due to the lack of atmospheric measurements, it was impossible to 111

calculate vp for our samples. So, given that the value reached by St. Amand et al. (2009a)


was for Norway spruce (Picea abies) needles, it was decided to use the deposition velocity 113

estimated for BaP over a coniferous forest canopy by Horstmann and McLachlan (1998): 114

2.196 m h-1. This way, it is possible that the differences in the PAHs uptake by different pine


species found in literature (Librando et al., 2002; Piccardo et al., 2005; Ratola et al., 2011) 116

were somehow compensated in this first approximation. Table S1 (Supporting Information) 117

presents the mass and total surface area for the pine needles species considered in this work. 118

The exposure time (in hours) was estimated from April 15th (considered as the day the


needles sprung out) to the sampling day. 120


2.3. Modelling experiment 122

In this study, the modelling system consists on the Advanced Research Weather Research 123

and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model v3.1.1 (Klemp et al., 2007; Skamarock et al., 2008) 124

coupled off-line to the CHIMERE chemistry transport model (Menut et al., 2013). Details are 125

presented in Supporting Information. 126


2.4. Model evaluation 128

For the evaluation of canopy deposition and atmospheric concentrations, the spatial 129

correlation coefficient (r), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias (MB) values were 130


selected after Pay et al. (2010). Annual and seasonal mean statistics are computed, with 131

seasons corresponding to December, January and February (DJF, winter), March, April and 132

May (MAM, spring), June, July and August (JJA, summer) and September, October and 133

November (SON, autumn). Also, the mean fractional bias (MFB) and the mean fractional 134

error (MFE) will be used instead of the mean normalised bias error (MNBE), since Boylan 135

and Russell (2006) reported that the latter may not be appropriate for evaluating particulate 136

materials. This is due to the fact that the concentrations of these components can be 137

considerably low, leading sometimes to very large normalised biases and errors when 138

observations are close to zero, even though the absolute biases and errors are very small. 139

These authors defined a performance goal (both MFE and MFB are less than or equal to 50% 140

and ±30%, respectively) and a model performance criterion (MFE ≤ 75% and MFB ≤ ±60%) 141

to be met by the errors obtained. 142

Results from the field-based air monitoring made within EMEP were used to characterise 143

the ability of the model to reproduce present air BaP levels and variability. EMEP stations 144

are located at a minimum distance of approximately 10 km from large emission sources and 145

thus assumed to fit the resolution of the model used for regional background concentrations 146

(Torseth et al., 2012). Although the collection and analysis of the pine needles covered the 147

period of late 2006-2007, the data available from EMEP stations in the Iberian Peninsula 148

regarding the levels of BaP was scarce, so it was decided to extend the EMEP data range to 149

2006-2010, in order to have statistically representative results and enhanced reliability of the 150

model validation. 151

As one of our aims is to have the best approximation of atmospheric BaP levels through 152

modelling procedures, the multiplicative ratio bias-correction technique was applied 153

following the methodology of Borrego et al. (2011) and Monteiro et al. (2013). A four-week 154


training period was chosen here as a compromise of having a sufficiently long timeframe to 155

gather adequate statistics but not as much as to mask seasonal variations. 156


3. Results and Discussion

158 159

3.1. Description of model climatologies 160

Since this work focuses on the climatologies (values of a variable which is significant for 161

a certain period of time and also climatologically representative) of the BaP levels canopies 162

and in the air over the Iberian Peninsula, first the estimations made by the modelling system 163

used are presented. 164

Figure 1 indicates the total annual deposition on vegetal canopies and the seasonal 165

contribution to annual deposition as represented by WRF+CHIMERE. Areas with a larger 166

deposition are coincident with most vegetated areas of the Iberian Peninsula (Figure S1, 167

Supporting Information), so the growing cycle of the different species can have a strong 168

influence on the canopy levels, together with the emissions of pollutants. Hence, differences 169

in the entrapment of PAHs by the different land uses may play a significant role, as observed 170

in the spatial pattern of uptake. The largest annual deposition amounts are about 50 ng g-1 in


northern and north-western areas, while non-vegetated areas obviously present negligible 172

depositions (northern and central plateaus, Guadalquivir and Guadiana river valleys in the 173

south or Ebro valley in the north-east). In terms of levels, the contribution to the deposition 174

values of BaP is lowest for JJA (under 5% over most of the Iberian Peninsula, except in 175

Portugal and northern Spain, with 5% to 10%) and have the highest values in DJF and 176

especially in MAM (when the contribution is over 30-40% for the entire Iberian Peninsula 177

except in the northern Atlantic coast, where it ranges from 20 to 30%, see Figure 1). 178

Apparently, although the levels of BaP over the canopy seem to follow the density of 179


vegetation, it is clear that the seasonal patterns are in line with the commonly described 180

variations of the BaP content in the atmosphere (Prevedouros et al., 2004; Garrido et al., 181

2014). 182

Regarding the atmosphere, the BaP concentrations obtained by the model for the period 183

2006-2010 (Figure 2) indicate the highest incidences surpassing in some cases 75 pg m-3


(NW Spain and western coast of Portugal), although the levels in background areas hardly 185

exceed 5 pg m-3 (lowest incidence in the SE Levantine coast). Although the highest BaP


concentrations in the atmosphere are mainly found in urban and industrial settings, that is, 187

near the predominant emitting sources (Jaward et al., 2004), this is only partially seen in the 188

current results. In fact, in the north and west Iberian Peninsula, the major urban and industrial 189

areas such as Lisbon, Porto, A Coruña or Santander show the highest levels (Figure 2). But 190

for the main urban conurbations in all Iberia (Madrid and Barcelona), the model estimates 191

lower BaP concentrations comparatively, but still higher than the mean values in the 192

east/centre/south of the domain. The reasons can be several, including different types of fuel 193

that can be used in house heating or industrial processes in areas with different climatic 194

patterns. In any case, only the validation of these model estimations with field data can 195

clarify if this spatial fingerprint is accurate. 196


3.2. Model validation 198


3.2.1. BaP canopy estimations 200

The accuracy of pine needles to reflect the incidence of semi-volatile organic 201

contaminants in general is described in literature (Eriksson et al., 1989; Klánová et al., 2009). 202

Gas and particulate phase cannot be distinguished, and the former tend to be better captured 203

by the waxy layer of the needles. In the case of BaP the gas-phase content is negligible, as 204


mentioned previously, so there is no effect of partition between the two phases and the air-205

vegetation calculations can be more reliable (Chun, 2011). The field-based BaP 206

concentrations used in this work to validate the canopy estimations of the modelling system 207

are taken from monitoring campaigns previously performed in the Iberian Peninsula using 208

pine needles (Ratola et al., 2009, 2010a, 2012). These data were compared to the deposition 209

over vegetal canopies estimated by the CHIMERE transport model. The results were divided 210

by each of the four pine species monitored, in order to assess the potential differences 211

between them regarding the validation of the model. 212

Hence, the model validation parameters for canopy deposition are summarised in Table 1, 213

revealing an overall good performance of the model to reproduce the uptake of BaP by 214

vegetation was observed, when compared to the results in pine needles. In fact, a general 215

view indicates that the model tends to overpredict the BaP concentrations in pine needles 216

during DJF and MAM and underpredicts them for JJA (no conclusion can be obtained for 217

SON). The root mean-square error (RMSE) remains under 2 ng g-1 in all seasons and species,


indicating a close link of the model to the levels obtained from pine needles. The accurate 219

representation of the temporal patterns over the Iberian Peninsula (over 0.7 for P. pinea and 220

P. pinaster, see Table 1) is worthy of mention, indicating that despite the model bias, the


time reproducibility of the deposition patterns over the Iberian Peninsula captures accurately 222

the seasonal distribution. In fact, some authors report that the concentrations of these classes 223

of contaminants in pine needles are more influenced by biological processes than the air 224

concentrations (Kylin and Hellstrom, 2003). Nevertheless, the seasonal fingerprints are 225

clearly present in this case. 226

Considering all samples analyzed regardless of location, it is interesting to focus first on 227

the seasons with largest climatic differences over the Iberian Peninsula: winter (DJF) and 228

summer (JJA). The mean BaP concentration shown by the P. pinea needles in DJF (1.25 ± 229


0.84 ng g-1) is significantly lower than for P. pinaster needles (2.70 ± 2.40 ng g-1), as also


reported by Ratola et al. (2011). This is in addition confirmed by the CTM deposition 231

concentrations, exhibiting values of 1.51 ± 1.41 ng g-1 and 3.14 ± 2.20 ng g-1 for P. pinea and


P. pinaster, respectively. For JJA, this behaviour is analogous, showing P. pinaster the


highest measured and modelled values (1.40 ± 0.89 ng g-1 and 1.08 ± 0.77 ng g-1,


respectively). For P. pinea during the summer season, the pine needles indicate a mean 235

concentration of 1.15 ± 0.91 ng g-1, while the model reproduces depositions of 0.69 ± 0.49 ng


g-1. It is noticeable that for both pine species the model tends to overpredict the DJF


depositions (bias = 0.26 ng g-1 for P. pinea and 0.44 ng g-1 for P. pinaster; with respective


MFB = 6.76% and 23.82%), while in JJA the behaviour is opposite, with a slight trend to 239

underestimate the measured concentrations (bias = -0.46 ng g-1 for P. pinea and -0.32 ng g-1


for P. pinaster; MFB = -47.65% and -25.89%, in that order). The summer underestimation 241

may be caused by the tendency of the model to volatilise SVOCs as a result of the high 242

temperatures simulated with the model over the Iberian Peninsula. 243

The aforementioned results are consistent with the work of Piccardo et al. (2005) or 244

Ratola et al. (2011), who showed that P. pinaster needles have a superior uptake capacity 245

towards PAHs than P. pinea or P. nigra. The former two species are two of the most 246

predominant in the forests of the Iberian Peninsula, but while P. pinea is more equally 247

distributed although mainly present in the south and Mediterranean coast, P. pinaster prevails 248

in the north-west and Atlantic coast. It was also suggested that leaf surface properties are 249

more a function of the environmental exposure than of the plant response (Cape et al., 1989). 250

Given all these facts, the models face a huge task to represent the levels of pollutants in 251

vegetation. 252

An important finding arises from the comparison between pine species. Considering the 253

sites where it was possible to collect needles from two contiguous trees (Antuã and Quintãs, 254


coordinates 40.6949N 8.5225W; 40.5758N 8.6294W), with P. pinaster and P. pinea, it is 255

clear that they presented dissimilar BaP entrapment abilities, with concentrations in Antuã of 256

3.75 ng g-1 and 2.71 ng g-1 (for P. pinaster and P. pinea, respectively) and 2.07 ng g-1 (0.74


ng g-1) for P. pinaster (P. pinea) in Quintãs, as annual mean concentrations. This is in line


with the studies of Ratola et al. (2010a), who stated that P. pinaster needles have overall 259

stronger adsorption ability towards the sum of the 16 EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection 260

Agency) PAHs, and most PAHs individually (including BaP). 261

However, the inability of the model to distinguish between pine species can be inferred 262

from Figure 3, where all the data from field campaigns (F) and modelling (M) available was 263

combined and averaged. The CTM tends to underpredict the concentrations over P. pinaster 264

and overestimate the depositions over P. pinea (Figure 3). This is due to the assumptions in 265

the deposition velocity made by the model (which considers the several vegetation species as 266

a whole canopy). Although the discussion is brought by the simultaneous sampling of P. 267

pinaster and P. pinea, it can also be seen that for the other two pine species sampled (P.


nigra and P. halepensis, only available for SON), the same intermediate behaviour can be


observed in the model validation parameters (overestimation for P. nigra, bias = 0.27 ng g-1


and MFB = 5.74%; underestimation for P. halepensis, bias = -0.17 ng g-1 and MFB =


17.30%, see Table 1) and the global field/model comparison (Figure 3). 272

The model representation of uptake and partition processes of organic contaminants into 273

vegetation is, by itself, challenging (Barber et al., 2004). The gaps still existing in the 274

understanding of these phenomena reflects on the ability to reproduce the interactions with 275

the atmospheric loads as well. Both field-based and computational approaches have been 276

improved along the years, trying to take into account increasingly more crucial aspects that 277

influence the behaviour of the pollutants, such as meteorological parameters (Klánova et al., 278

2008; Jiménez-Guerrero et al., 2008). The easiest approach is, naturally, to consider 279


vegetation as a big canopy, as did, for instance, Horstmann and McLachlan (1998), since it 280

would be impossible on a large scale to distinguish between every species present. But what 281

the results of this work show is that models may be able to incorporate a particular species or 282

some of them with not such a big effort in the future. 283


3.2.2. BaP air estimations 285

For air levels, a validation against EMEP field-based air quality data after the removal of 286

the bias is required, to assess the correct reproducibility of the spatial-temporal patterns of 287

BaP by WRF+CHIMERE. As mentioned previously, studies in literature regarding the field 288

monitoring of levels of PAHs in the Iberian Peninsula are scarce and, therefore, modelling 289

strategies can represent a valuable tool for assessing BaP levels over the target region. As 290

seen in Table S2 (Supporting Information), the atmospheric concentrations of BaP modelled 291

present mean fractional errors (MFE) under 25% over all the EMEP stations in the Iberian 292

Peninsula, except in the case of Peñausende station (ES0013R), where MFB=+43%. Annual 293

mean concentrations of BaP in air show both positive and negative mean fractional biases 294

(MFB), depending on the stations. This fact indicates that the model does not fall 295

predominantly towards overprediction or underpredicion for the area in question, with 296

deviations (Table S3, Supporting Information) from +1.63 pg m-3 in Peñausende station and


4.59 pg m-3 in San Pablo de los Montes. These low values confirm that the model estimates


can be used as a reference for the comparison with the levels of atmospheric concentrations 299

of BaP obtained from air-vegetation estimation calculations. 300


3.3. Atmospheric levels using biomonitoring data 302


Given that the model represents accurately the air concentrations of BaP, in this section 304

the modelled concentrations were considered as a pseudo-reality (a low-biased simulation 305

that was tested to accurately reproduce reality at observation points and therefore can be used 306

as a physico-chemical consistent reality, despite the obvious errors associated to modelling 307

techniques) to act as a reference to validate the approach employed to convert vegetation 308

levels into atmospheric concentrations. Biomonitoring campaigns can produce helpful 309

datasets to compensate the current scarcity of information on the atmospheric presence of 310

PAHs (and other pollutants of high concern) over the Iberian Peninsula. So, profiting from 311

pine needles sampling studies conducted in this region, an estimation of the BaP 312

concentrations in the atmosphere of each sampling point was done, since the loads in pine 313

needles have an atmospheric source (Hwang and Wade, 2008). An approach developed by St. 314

Amand and co-workers (2007, 2009a, 2009b) was used for this purpose, taking in 315

consideration the deposition velocity of BaP found by Horstmann and McLachlan (1998) 316

over a coniferous forest canopy. The validation of the model can take advantage from this 317

approach, matching the air concentrations found to those of the pseudo-reality given by the 318

CTM. 319

Results are presented in Table 2 and show that the BaP concentrations are generally 320

higher in the coldest season (winter). This is expected and has been reported previously 321

(Lehndorff and Schwark, 2009), since winter triggers an increase of PAH sources, namely 322

domestic heating and heavier road traffic. Over P. pinea sampling sites, modelled 323

concentrations (considered in this case as the pseudo-reality) for DJF are 13.29±13.22 pg m-3,


showing very similar values to the samples collected over P. pinaster sites (15.28±14.53 pg 325

m-3). However, the air estimates from vegetation done according to the methodology based


on St. Amand et al. (2007, 2009a, 2009b) and explained in section 2.2, reveal a larger 327

disagreement: while estimations over P. pinea sites indicate a mean concentration of 328


8.70±5.88 pg m-3 (and therefore clearly underestimating the winter concentrations as


reproduced by the CTM), the approach for P. pinaster data largely overestimates the pseudo-330

reality reproduced by the model (28.43±23.78 pg m-3). This general behaviour is observed for


the mean values on Figure 2. A similar trend is observed for summer, where the air-332

vegetation approach underestimates the atmospheric concentrations when using P. pinea 333

data, but overestimates for P. pinaster. The ratios between winter/summer concentrations are 334

2.43 (1.74) over P. pinea sampling sites for the CTM (air-vegetation approach) and 2.00 335

(3.22) when using P. pinaster needles. The importance of the species is therefore noticeable 336

when trying to reproduce the temporal patterns using the air-vegetation approach. A possible 337

explanation for these differences can be found in Hwang and Wade (2008) and Ratola et al. 338

(2010b), who demonstrated the variability of PAHs uptake by needles of different pine 339

species and for different seasons. As reported by those authors, this is much more visible in 340

the lighter PAHs (the ones in the gas-phase), given their stronger affinity to the pine needles 341

lipidic cuticle, if compared to particulate PAHs such as BaP. The concentrations of the latter 342

may not suffer as strong seasonal variation in pine needles as that conveyed by the different 343

emission rates from winter to summer. The seasonal results presented here agree with the 344

work of Menichini (1992), who reported that the levels of atmospheric PAHs are 2 to 10 345

times higher in the colder months. Moreover, the air temperature dependence can also 346

suggest that increased partitioning in the winter fuelled a higher accumulation of BaP in pine 347

needles (Hwang and Wade, 2008). An enhanced volatilisation in warmer periods would also 348

contribute towards a lower BaP incidence. 349

Comparing the mean atmospheric concentrations estimated by the CTM modelling (M) 350

and the air-vegetation conversion (S) by using the St. Amand et al (2007, 2009a, 2009b) 351

approach, described in section 2.2 (Figure 4), only the P. halepensis results are identical for 352

the modelling and conversion methods, while there is a significant difference for P. nigra 353


needles. For P. pinea and P. pinaster the trends are opposite, so there is no clear indication of 354

a consistent behaviour of such comparisons in terms of mean atmospheric incidence. 355

Interestingly, results indicate that none of the pine species considered in the current study 356

outperforms the others when reproducing the pseudo-reality provided by the model (Table 2). 357

For DJF, the MFB ranges from the underestimation (-43.26%) for P. pinea to an 358

overestimation using P. pinaster (+49.60%). Despite the different sign, the relative 359

magnitude of these errors is analogous. A similar behaviour is observed for JJA (MFB of -360

28.46% when using P. pinea vs. +28.78% for P. pinaster). These errors can be considered as 361

acceptable, bearing in mind the diversity of the sampling sites considered in this work and 362

the model performance criterion established by Boylan and Russell (2006) (MFB ≤ ±60%). 363

The lowest fractional biases are found for P. halepensis (+8.94%), while the only value 364

exceeding the MFB performance criterion is found for P. nigra (-67.86%). Again, both 365

species were only accountable for the autumn (SON) season. 366

With respect to the temporal correlation coefficients, comparable results are found for 367

each pine species with available data (r>0.7), and only small differences are found (0.73 for 368

P. pinea and 0.70 for P. pinaster), displaying an adequate description of the temporal


variability observed using all sampling data. Even if the actual concentrations are not very 370

well described, the temporal air-needles synergies are accurately projected by this approach. 371

The spatial correlation coefficients (which provide a simulation for the adequate 372

representation of the BaP spatial patterns over the Iberian Peninsula) are, in general, correctly 373

reproduced by the air-vegetation approach (Table 2). The highest value is seen for summer in 374

the case of P. pinaster and for autumn when estimating air concentrations from P. pinea 375

(r=0.93). Both species also reproduce the modelled spatial patterns of BaP during spring 376

(r>0.8). Conversely, the lowest spatial correlation coefficients (under 0.5) are found for 377

summer/P. pinea, autumn/P. pinaster and autumn/P. halepensis. There is no apparent reason 378


for this evidence other that some particular characteristics of the pine species and the 379

sampling sites associated to them. 380

Being the basis of the field data input an estimation of the atmospheric concentrations 381

from the levels in pine needles, it can be suggested that the deposition velocity chosen may 382

not be the best for our domain, but instead the one closer to the approximation of the 383

deposition over vegetal canopies included in the model. However, as the results were 384

validated over an extended time frame (2006-2010) with BaP field concentrations given by 385

EMEP stations with very good results (as mentioned previously), proving that the model 386

estimates are matching positively the conditions of the area. 387


4. Conclusions

389 390

The current study has shown the ability of pine needles to act as biomonitors of BaP 391

atmospheric levels when coupled with CTM strategies, regardless of the species used in the 392

assessment. The validation of WRF+CHIMERE (+EMEP emissions) simulations against the 393

data available from the EMEP network was done to verify the skills of the CTM to reproduce 394

BaP levels over the Iberian Peninsula, before employing the modelled concentrations as a 395

pseudo-reality to compare with a vegetation-air estimating approach applied to four pine 396

species (P. pinea, P. pinaster, P. nigra and P. halepensis). 397

The WRF+CHIMERE method was found to mimic accurately the atmospheric 398

concentrations of BaP and their spatial and temporal patterns over vegetation in the Iberian 399

Peninsula, as was the approach based on the work of St. Amand and co-workers to estimate 400

air concentrations from pine needles levels considered a good alternative to overcome the 401

lack of information on the atmospheric presence of BaP in Iberia. In this line, other pollutants 402

with even less or no data at all can be considered using a similar set-up.. 403


Moreover, the results found reinforce the idea that the modelling results depend more 404

strongly on the location of the pine species collected (for evaluation purposes) than on the 405

pine species themselves, since the model presents an intermediate behaviour. However, 406

research on these matters should be significantly enhanced, particularly in the ability of the 407

models to identify and reproduce different vegetation species, which in turn can help in the 408

design of biomonitoring field campaigns. Namely, choosing which species is the most 409

appropriate for the study in question among the available ones. 410




This work was partially funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme-413

Marie Curie COFUND (FP7/2007-2013) under UMU Incoming Mobility Programme 414

ACTion (U-IMPACT) Grant Agreement 267143. The Spanish Ministry of Economy and 415

Competitiveness and the "Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional" (FEDER) (project 416

CORWES CGL2010-22158-C02-02) are acknowledged for their partial funded. Dr. Pedro 417

Jiménez-Guerrero acknowledges the Ramón y Cajal programme. 418


Appendix A. Supplementary data


Supplementary data related to this article can be found at… 421




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579 580

Table 1 – Seasonal evaluation of modelling results (over vegetal canopies) against pine 581

needle data according to the sampling periods of each pine species. 582


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.641 0.249 0.637 0.488 0.723 MFB (%) 6.76% 4.33% -47.65% -24.95% RMSE (ng g-1) 1.04 1.83 0.75 1.97 BIAS (ng g-1) 0.26 -0.08 -0.46 -0.34 MEAN OBS (ng g-1) 1.25 1.76 1.15 1.98 STD OBS (ng g-1) 0.84 1.92 0.91 1.74 MEAN MOD (ng g-1) 1.51 1.69 0.69 1.64 STD MOD (ng g-1) 1.41 1.51 0.49 1.45


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.754 0.887 0.877 0.903 0.759 MFB (%) 23.82% 36.47% -25.89% 44.35% RMSE (ng g-1) 1.82 2.32 0.55 1.08 BIAS (ng g-1) 0.44 0.34 -0.32 0.93 MEAN OBS (ng g-1) 2.70 3.39 1.40 1.56 STD OBS (ng g-1) 2.40 4.41 0.89 0.67 MEAN MOD (ng g-1) 3.14 3.73 1.08 2.49 STD MOD (ng g-1) 2.20 2.98 0.77 0.97


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.955 N/A MFB (%) 5.74% RMSE (ng g-1) 0.60 BIAS (ng g-1) 0.27 MEAN OBS (ng g-1) 0.57 STD OBS (ng g-1) 0.26 MEAN MOD (ng g-1) 0.84 STD MOD (ng g-1) 0.82


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.884 N/A MFB (%) -17.30% RMSE (ng g-1) 0.72 BIAS (ng g-1) -0.17 MEAN OBS (ng g-1) 1.62 STD OBS (ng g-1) 1.00 MEAN MOD (ng g-1) 1.46 STD MOD (ng g-1) 1.14

DJF – December, January and February; MAM – March, April and May; JJA – June, July and August; SON –


September, October and November; MFB - mean fractional bias; RMSE - root mean square error; OBS - pine


needle concentrations; MOD - modelled concentrations; STD – standard deviation; R – correlation coefficient; N


– number of sampling sites

586 587


Table 2 – Results from the comparison of BaP concentrations in air obtained by the chemistry 588

transport model simulations and those estimated from pine needle levels by St. Amand et al. 589

(2007, 2009a, 2009b), grouped by pine species. 590


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.678 0.819 0.426 0.934 0.727 MFB (%) -43.26% -47.18% -28.46% -5.80% RMSE (pg m-3) 12.43 8.82 5.78 4.99 BIAS (pg m-3) -6.60 -5.27 -2.10 -0.66 MEAN ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 8.70 10.22 5.00 8.07 STD ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 5.88 10.11 3.97 7.59 MEAN CTM (pg m-3) 13.29 11.79 5.46 8.73 STD CTM (pg m-3) 13.22 11.57 5.08 8.17


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.627 0.838 0.929 0.486 0.703 MFB (%) 49.60% 25.66% 28.78% -3.73% RMSE (pg m-3) 21.60 14.19 4.01 13.08 BIAS (pg m-3) 11.20 6.25 1.17 -2.72 MEAN ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 28.43 23.27 8.84 8.41 STD ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 23.78 21.42 5.62 3.78 MEAN CTM (pg m-3) 15.28 16.83 7.64 11.12 STD CTM (pg m-3) 14.53 16.19 7.59 10.58


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.755 N/A MFB (%) -67.86% RMSE (pg m-3) 2.19 BIAS (pg m-3) -1.95 MEAN ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 1.91 STD ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 0.87 MEAN CTM (pg m-3) 3.85 STD CTM (pg m-3) 1.33


TEMPORAL R SPATIAL R 0.381 N/A MFB (%) 8.94% RMSE (pg m-3) 2.69 BIAS (pg m-3) 0.88 MEAN ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 4.04 STD ST. AMAND (pg m-3) 2.49 MEAN CTM (pg m-3) 3.17 STD CTM (pg m-3) 0.98

DJF – December, January and February; MAM – March, April and May; JJA – June, July and August; SON –


September, October and November; MFB - mean fractional bias; RMSE - root mean square error; STD –


standard deviation; R – correlation coefficient; N – number of sampling sites

593 594



595 596


Figure 1 – (Top) Annual modelled deposition of BaP on vegetation (ng g-1) over the domain


covering the Iberian Peninsula. (Bottom) Seasonal contribution (%) to the annual total 599

concentration over vegetation: (from top-down and left-right): winter (DJF), spring (MAM), 600




Figure 2 – BaP mean annual climatology in air (pg m-3) over the Iberian Peninsula (mean


values for the period 2006-2010). 605

606 607


0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 F M F M F M F M

P. pinea P. pinaster P. nigra P. halepensis

B a P ( n g g -1) 608

Figure 3 – Mean deposition levels (ng g-1) on pine needles for all samples, grouped by pine


species (F: field; M: CTM modelling). The black line on the bars represents the standard 610 deviation. 611 612 613 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 M S M S M S M S

P. pinea P. pinaster P. nigra P. halepensis

B a P ( p g m -3) 614

Figure 4 – Mean atmospheric concentrations (pg m-3) as estimated by CTM modelling (M)


and air-vegetation estimation (S) by St. Amand et al (2007, 2009a, 2009b). The black line on 616

the bars represents the standard deviation. 617


Table  1  –  Seasonal  evaluation  of  modelling  results  (over  vegetal  canopies)  against  pine 581
Table 2 – Results from the comparison of BaP concentrations in air obtained by the chemistry 588
Figure 1 – (Top) Annual modelled deposition of BaP on vegetation (ng g -1 ) over the domain 598
Figure  2  –  BaP  mean  annual  climatology  in  air  (pg  m -3 )  over  the  Iberian  Peninsula  (mean 604


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