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Influence of ambient temperatures on metabolic responses of Murrah buffaloes of varying physiological states from arid tracts in India


Academic year: 2017

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Ex t re m e Life , Biospe olo gy & Ast r obiology

I n t e rn a t ion a l Jou rn a l of t h e Bioflu x Soci e t y

I n flu e n ce of a m b ie n t t e m pe ra t u re s on m e t a bo lic

re spon se s of M u rr a h

bu ffa loe s of va r yin g

ph ysiolog ica l st a t e s f rom a r id t ra ct s in I n d ia

Ashish Josh i


, Nalini Kat ar ia


, Anil Kum ar Kat ar ia


, Nidhi Pandey


, Lax m i

Nar ay an Sankhala


, Shesh Asopa


, Ruchi Pachaur y


, Shok at Khan


1 Raj ast han Universit y of Vet erinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner, Rajast han, I ndia; 2 Apollo College of Vet erinary Medicine, Jaipur, Raj ast han, I ndia;

3 Governm ent of Raj ast han, I ndia;

Corresponding aut hor: N. Kat aria, nalinikat aria@rediffm ail. com

Abst ract. Am bient t em perat ure associat ed variat ions in m et abolic responses of Murrah breed of buffaloes of varying physiological st at es belonging t o arid t racts w ere invest igat ed. Healt hy adult fem ale Murrah buffaloes w ere grouped according t o physiological st at es int o group A (non-pregnant m ilch, pregnant m ilch and pregnant dry) and group B (prim ipara and m ultipara) and blood sam ples w ere collect ed during m oderat e, hot and cold environm ent al t em perat ure periods t o obt ain sera. Met abolic responses were assessed by analyzing serum urea, creat inine, t ot al prot eins, cholest erol, t riglycerides and glucose and t he m oderat e m ean values w ere 5.18± 0.04 m m ol L- 1, 118.00± 1.00 µm ol


-1, 71.00± 0.12 gL- 1

, 3.30± 0.02 m m ol L-1

, 1.28± 0.01 m m ol L- 1

and 3.7± 0.02 m m ol L- 1

, respect ively. The m ean values of serum urea and creatinine were significant ly ( p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold am biences, t he m ean value of t ot al serum prot eins and t riglycerides w ere significant ly (p≤0.05) lower during hot and cold am biences and t he m ean values of cholest erol and glucose w ere significantly ( p≤0.05) lower during hot am bience and significant ly (p≤0.05) higher during cold am bience as com pared t o respective m oderat e m ean value. The m ean values of non pregnant m ilch, pregnant m ilch and pregnant dry anim als differed significant ly (p≤0.05) from each other in all the environmental periods. I t w as concluded t hat ext rem e hot and cold am bient t em perat ures affect ed the buffaloes of all physiological st at es which w as evident in t he form of variations in t he m et abolic responses t o com bat t he environm ent al challenges.

Key w ords: Am bient t em perature, cold, hot , Murrah buffalo, m et abolic responses.

I n t rod u ct ion. Maint enance of anequilibrium bet ween t he heat product ion and heat loss is a prerequisite for t herm oregulat ion in m am m als. When t herm oneut ral environment al condit ions are changed t o adverse condit ions, large domest ic anim als become st ressed which can be observed in t he form of m odulat ions in t he ph ysiological m echanism s. Since t he heat t olerance capacit y of buffalo is poor, exposure t o heat st ress m ay bring considerable changes in physiological m echanism ( Chaiyabut r et al 1987) . During drast ic change in am bient t em perat ures, m aint enance of healt h of an anim al depends upon t he synergist ic approach of various body syst em s. Environm ent al st ress is considered as a big financial burden t o anim al owners. To cope up wit h changing environment al t em perat ures, m et abolic adj ust m ent s are required.


The data generat ed regarding various physiological stat es will help in healt hy m anagem ent of t hese anim als and will cont ribut e t o fut ure research.

M a t e ria ls a n d M e th od s

An im a ls a n d sa m p lin g. To find out variat ions in m et abolic responses associat ed wit h environm ent al tem perat ures, four hundred and fift y apparent ly healt hy adult fem ale Murrah buffaloes bet ween 4 and 12 years of age were screened. Blood sam ples were collect ed from j ugular vein t o harvest t he serum in clean and dry t est t ubes during m oderate ( m ean m axim um am bient t em perat ure 30. 33± 0. 20) , hot ( mean maxim um am bient t em perat ure 45. 5± 0. 08) and cold ( m ean m inim um am bient t em perat ure 4. 88± 0. 20) am biences. All t he animals belonged t o private dairy farm s in Rajast han st at e, I ndia and were m anaged in sim ilar condit ions of feeding and wat ering. I n each am bience 150 blood sam ples were collected during m orning hours. On t he basis of physiological st at es, anim als were broadly divided int o group A ( non- pregnant m ilch, pregnant m ilch and pregnant dry) and group B ( prim ipara and m ult ipara) . Each cat egory consist ed of 30 anim als in each am bience.

An a ly sis. Met abolic responses in t he serum included urea, creat inine, t otal prot eins, cholesterol, t riglycerides and glucose which were det erm ined by t he t echniques of Nat elson ( Varley 1988) , Bonsnes and Taussky ( Varley 1988) , Lowry et al ( 1951) , Sacket t ( Varley 1988) , GPO-PAP m et hod of kit ( Wipro) and Folin- Wu ( Oser 1976) , respect ively. The changes in t he m eans were m easured by using m ult iple m ean com parison procedures ( Duncan 1955 and St eel & Torrie 1980) .

Re su lt s a n d Discu ssi on. Mean± SEM values of serum urea, creat inine, prot eins ( Table 1) , cholest erol, t riglycerides and glucose ( Table 2) have been present ed according t o am bient t em perat ures wit h furt her cat egorizat ion as per physiological st at es.

The m ean values of serum urea and creat inine were significant ly ( p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold am biences, t he m ean value of t ot al serum proteins and t riglycerides were significant ly ( p≤0.05) lower during hot and cold ambiences and the mean values of cholesterol and glucose were significant ly ( p≤0.05) lower during hot ambience and significant ly ( p≤0.05) higher during cold ambience as compared to respective moderate m ean value. I n group A, m ean values of all serum m et abolites of non pregnant m ilch, pregnant m ilch and pregnant dry anim als differed significant ly ( p≤0.05) from each other in all t he am biences. I n each am bience t he m ean value of serum urea, creat inine, t ot al prot eins, cholesterol and glucose were highest in non pregnant m ilch anim als and were lowest in pregnant dry anim als. The m ean value of serum t riglyceride showed t he reverse t rend. I n group B, t he m ean values of serum urea, creat inine and t riglycerides were significant ly ( p≤0.05) higher in multipara animals than primipara in each ambience whereas of cholest erol and glucose were significant ly ( p≤0.05) higher in primipara. Though effect of physiological st at es on serum met abolit e concent rat ion in buffaloes is docum ent ed ( Lapit an et al 2008; AbdEllah et al 2010; Serdaru et al 2011) , a com prehensive st udy t o discuss t hem according to varying am bient tem perat ures is lacking. I t has been seen t hat m etabolite concent rat ions showed interact ions am ong various responses.


Table 1

Mean ± SEM values of serum urea, creat inine and t ot al proteins in Murrah buffalo

Figures in t he parenthesis indicat e num ber of anim als. Means superscribed by sam e superscript within a colum n differ significantly ( p≤0.05)

Cre a t in in e. Environm ent al st ress can result int o higher serum creat inine concent rat ion due t o higher m et abolic act ivit y in liver and m uscle m ediated by cort isol ( Kataria et al 2000a) . I n hum an pat ient s higher serum creat inine levels have been correlated wit h oxidat ive st ress ( Kolagal et al 2009) . Due t o paucit y of such st udies in animals, it is very im port ant t o link creatinine as one of t he im port ant diagnost ic param et ers of environm ent relat ed oxidat ive st ress. Heat st ress m obilises prot eins and produces variat ions in value ( Nat h 2006) . Met abolic st at us of t he anim als is also r eflect ed by t he levels of creat inine. Most of t he creat inine excret ed originat es from endogenous creat ine. The am ino acids arginine and glycine com bine t o form guanidinoacet ate in t he pancreas, kidney and sm all int est ine. I n t he liver, m et hionine provides a m et hyl group for conversion of guanidinoacet at e t o creat ine. Creat ine circulat es in plasm a and is t aken up by m uscle, where it st ores energy in t he form of phosphocreat ine, which undergoes spont aneous cyclisat ion wit h loss of inorganic phosphat e to form creatinine. Cret aine undergoes no cat abolic react ion ot her t han decom posit ion t o creat inine ( Finco 1999) . The quant it y of creat inine formed each day depends also upon t he rate of synt hesis of creat ine by t he liver ( Kaneko et al 1999) and st ress related changes m ay occur in t he rat e of form at ion.

Effect s Serum m et abolic responses

Urea m m ol L- 1

Creat inine um ol L- 1

Tot al prot eins g L- 1

Am bient t em perat ures

Moderat e (150) 5.18± 0.04 b 118.00± 1.00 b 71.00± 0.12 b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 30) 6.62± 0.04 d

126.00± 1.04 d

77.00± 0.10 d

Pregnant m ilch ( 30) 4.72± 0.03d 119.00± 1.10d 72.00± 0.11 d

Pregnant dry (30) 4.20± 0.04d

109.00± 1.00d

64.00± 0.10d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 4.07± 0.03f 107.00± 1.20f 66.0± 0.22 f

Multipara ( 30) 6.29± 0.03 f 129.00± 0.10f 76.0± 0.18 f

Hot (150) 7.17± 0.03b 215.00± 1.10 b 61.50± 0.20 b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 40) 8.51± 0.04 d

221.00± 1.10 d

66.30± 0.20 d

Pregnant m ilch ( 40) 7.00± 0.03d 214.00± 1.40 d 61.80± 0.20 d

Pregnant dry( 40) 6.02± 0.03 d 200.00± 1.80 d 56.40± 0.22 d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 6.19± 0.03 f

205.00± 1.10f

55.50± 0.20 f

Multipara ( 30) 8.15± 0.04 f 225.00± 1.30 f 67.50± 0.22 f

Cold ( 150) 5.78± 0.03b 210.00± 1.00 b 67.00± 0.06 b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 30) 7.08± 0.04 d 230.00± 1.22 d 71.00± 0.10 d

Pregnant m ilch ( 30) 6.18± 0.03 d 205.00± 1.00d 68.00± 0.15d

Pregnant dry( 30) 4.08± 0.02d 195.00 ± 1.30d 62.00± 0.10 d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 4.99± 0.02 f 201.00± 1.00 f 64.00± 0.20 f


Table 2 Mean ± SEM values of serum cholest erol, t riglycerides and glucose in Murrah buffalo

Effect s Serum m et abolic responses

( m m ol L-1


Cholest erol Triglycerides Glucose Am bient t em perat ures

Moderat e (150) 3.30± 0.02 b

1.28± 0.01 b

3.70± 0.02 b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 30) 3.90± 0.01 d

1.15± 0.01 d

3.81± 0.02 d

Pregnant m ilch ( 30) 3.40± 0.01 d

1.29± 0.01 d

3.71± 0.01 d

Pregnant dry( 30) 2.60± 0.02 d 1.40± 0.01 d 3.58± 0.01 d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 3.7± 0.02f 1.16± 0.02 f 3.79± 0.02f

Multipara ( 30) 2.9± 0.02f 1.40± 0.01 f 3.61± 0.02f

Hot (150) 2.70± 0.02b 0.40± 0.01b 3.10± 0.02b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 30) 2.83± 0.03 d 0.29± 0.02 d 3.30± 0.02d

Pregnant m ilch ( 30) 2.69± 0.02d 0.39± 0.01 d 3.10± 0.01d

Pregnant dry( 30) 2.58± 0.03 d 0.52± 0.01 d 2.90± 0.01 d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 2.81± 0.02f 0.27± 0.01 f 2.80± 0.02f

Multipara ( 30) 2.59± 0.02f 0.53± 0.02 f 3.40± 0.01f

Cold ( 150) 4. 7± 0.03b

0.93± 0.01b

3.80± 0.01b

Group A

Non-pregnant m ilch ( 30) 5.8± 0.03 d 0.83± 0.01 d 4.10± 0.02 d

Pregnant m ilch ( 30) 4.6± 0.02d 0.90± 0.01d 3.79± 0.01d

Pregnant dry( 30) 3.7± 0.03 d 1.06± 0.01 d 3.51± 0.01d

Group B

Prim ipara ( 30) 5.5± 0.02f 0.76± 0.01f 4.00± 0.02f

Multipara ( 30) 3.9± 0.03f

1.10± 0.02f

3.60± 0.03f

Figures in t he parenthesis indicat e num ber of anim als. Means superscribed by sam e superscript within a colum n differ significantly ( p≤0.05)

Prot e in s. St ress condit ions m ay produce oxidat ive changes in prot eins leading t o high t urnover in blood ( Goswam i et al 2003) . I t can be hypot hesised t hat t otal serum proteins can also serve as m arker of environm ent relat ed st ress. React ive oxygen species form ed due t o ext reme variat ions in t he environm ent al tem perat ures can m odify concent rat ions of fuel m olecules producing oxidat ive st ress as superoxide radicals and hydroxyl radicals have a great im pact on t he norm al funct ion of biom olecules ( Nazifi et al 2009) . The higher value of t ot al serum prot eins in com parat ively older age group m ay be suggest ive of increased physiological act ivit y of hepat ocyt es.

Ch ole st e rol. Higher serum cholest erol levels could be at t ribut ed t o higher t hyroid act ivit y in cold am bience as increase in BMR is required wit h t he need for ext ra product ion of heat t o m aint ain body t em perat ure ( Kat aria et al 2000b) . During heat st ress liable changes in t he phyt ochem ist ry of t he norm al grazing flora could add t o t he fact ors account ing for t he lowering of t he plasma lipids concent rat ion ( Al-Qarawi 1999) . Recent advances in t he field of clinical medicine links t he cholest erol wit h oxidat ive st ress ( Pappolla et al 2002) . Low cholesterol levels can be relat ed to higher m et abolic needs ( Saeed et al 2004) . Growt h and different age groups can affect t he m et abolite st at us as per t he need of t he body ( Kataria et al 2000b) . Higher level of cholesterol could be due t o oest rogen effect which prom ot es cholest erol synt hesis ( Singh et al 1994) .

Trig ly ce rid e. Changes in t riglyceride level indicat ed t he m et abolic st at us of t he anim als during ext rem e am biences ( Karapehlivan et al 2007) . Oxidat ive st ress was correlat ed wit h t he t riglyceride levels by various workers in hum an subj ect s ( Kat suki et al 2004) . The higher values of serum t riglycerides could be due t o higher m et abolic responses t o m eet t he energy requirement s and can be relat ed t o m et abolic st ress response ( Mazuri et al 2009) .


1965) . During heat st ress feed consum pt ion decreases, which com paratively lowers t he blood glucose ( Kat aria et al 2002) . The lower blood glucose during hot am bience m ight also be due t o variat ion in t hyroid horm ones ( Nat h 2006) . The associat ion bet ween glucose and react ive oxygen species has been discussed widely ( Russella et al 2002) . Em erging dat a from hum an and anim al st udies suggest t hat glucose- derived oxidat ive st ress m ay play a cent ral role, linking t oget her m any of t he ot her physio- pat hogenet ic m echanism s ( Greene et al 1999) .

Con clu sion. I t was concluded t hat variat ions in t he am bient tem perat ure uring ext rem e hot and cold am biences affect ed t he buffaloes of all t he physiological stat es. Probably m odulat ions in t he met abolic responses reflect ed t owards m et abolic adapt at ion t o com bat environm ental challenges. Present invest igat ionhas at t em pted t o relate t he m odulat ions in met abolic responses according t o variat ions in t he am bient tem perat ures in Murrah breed of buffaloes at a large scale. The dat a generat ed in t he present invest igat ion could help in t he fut ure research in t he field of m et abolic st ress responses.

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Received: 11 Sept em ber 2012. Accept ed: 20 Sept em ber 2012. Published online: 23 Sept em ber 2012. Authors:

Ashish Joshi, Departm ent of Vet erinary Physiology, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj ast han Universit y of Veterinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 001, Raj asthan, I ndia.

Nalini Kat aria, Departm ent of Vet erinary Physiology, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj asthan Universit y of Veterinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 001, Raj asthan, I ndia, Phone , 0091- 151-2546399; e-m ail: nalinikat aria@rediffm ail.com

Anil Kum ar Kat aria, Apex Cent re for Anim al Disease I nvest igation, Monit oring and Surveillance, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj ast han Universit y of Vet erinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 001, Raj asthan, I ndia.

Nidhi Pandey, Departm ent of Vet erinary Physiology, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj asthan Universit y of Veterinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 001, Raj asthan, I ndia.

Laxm i Narayan Sankhala, Depart m ent of Vet erinary Pharm acology and Toxicology, College of Vet erinary and Anim al Science, Raj ast han University of Vet erinary and Anim al Sciences, Bikaner – 334 001, Raj ast han, I ndia Shesh Asopa, Depart m ent of Vet erinary Pathology, Apollo College of Vet erinary Medicine, Jaipur, Raj asthan, I ndia.

Ruchi Pachaury, Depart m ent of Anim al Husbandry, Governm ent of Raj asthan, I ndia. Shokat Khan, Departm ent of Anim al Husbandry, Governm ent of Raj ast han, I ndia.

This is an open- access art icle dist ribut ed under t he t erm s of the Creat ive Com m ons Att ribution License, which perm its unrest rict ed use, dist ribut ion and reproduct ion in any m edium , provided the original author and source are credit ed.

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Table 2  Mean ±  SEM values of serum  cholest erol,  t riglycerides and glucose in Murrah buffalo


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As a result show that plus shape building displaced more, these may be due to lesser weight and slender geometry as in comparison to other plans of buildings

social assistance. The protection of jobs within some enterprises, cooperatives, forms of economical associations, constitute an efficient social policy, totally different from