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Manual transrectal palpations performed by veterinary students in cows: a Surrey - Palpaciones transrectales realizadas por estudiantes de veterinaria en las vacas: una encuesta


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REDVET - Revista electrónica de Veterinaria - ISSN 1695-7504  


M a n u a l t r a n sr e ct a l pa lpa t ion s pe r for m e d by ve t e r in a r y

st u de n t s in cow s: a Su r r e y

- Palpaciones t ransrect ales

realizadas por est udiant es de vet erinaria en las vacas: una

encuest a

Joã o Sim õe s

Depart am ent o de Ciencias Vet erinarias. Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias y Vet erinarias. Universidad de Trás- os- Mont es e Alt o

Douro, 5001- 801 Vila Real, Port ugal ( Depart m ent of Vet erinary Sciences.

School of Agrarian and Vet erinary Sciences. Universit y of Trás- os- Mont es e Alt o Douro, 5001- 801 Vila Real, Port ugal)

Em ail: j sim oes@ut ad.pt

Abst r a ct

Vet erinary educat ion of novice vet erinary st udent s in bovine reproduct ion field, like rect um palpat ion t raining, represent som e handicaps m ainly relat ed w it h anim al w elfare. The aim of t he present st udy was t o det erm ine skills and com pet ences expect ed by vet erinary st udent s during bovine t ransrect al palpat ion in reproduct ion classes w it h live non- pregnant fem ales. A survey w as present ed t o st udent s, classified as Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed ( SBM; n= 22) and Non-Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed ( SNBM; n= 28) , at t he end of t he vet erinary reproduct ion m odule. Bot h SBM and SNBM groups w ere in accordance w it h anim al alt ernat ion

use in successive classes ( 86.8 ± 4.7% vs. 77.3 ± 6.5% ; ± SEM; P> 0.05) and

t hey considered t he proport ion 1 cow: 2 st udent s in each class adequat e in 68.6 ± 5.0% and 58.2 ± 5.8% ( P> 0.05) of t he cases, respect ively. The SBM had less

difficult y t han SNBM t o ident ify right and left ut erine horns ( 71.4 ± 5.7 % vs.

52.1 ± 4.5 % ; P= 0.01) , ident ify t he right ( 69.6 ± 4.4 % vs. 52.1 ± 4.0 % ; P <

0.01) or left ( 63.6 ± 4.4 % vs. 47.5 ± 3.9 % ; P< 0.01) ovaries and t he presence

of follicles > 10 m m ( 55.5 ± 6.5 % vs. 31.1 ± 5.0 % ; P< 0.01) . The SBM group

( 61.8 ± 5.2 % ) also show ed a m ore expect ed self- t raining com pet ence in dairy farm s t han SNBM ( 38.8 ± 4.8 % ; P< 0.01) . I n conclusion, we suggest an alt ernat ion of cows used for daily m anual t ransrect al t raining purpose, regarding t he anim al w elfare and st udent sensibilit y. The st udent m ot ivat ion and expect at ion appear t o be det erm inant fact ors t o m axim ize t heir t raining.


REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet

2012 Volumen 13 Nº 3 - http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312.html 


Palpaciones transrectales realizadas por estudiantes de veterinaria en las vacas: una encuesta.-



Re su m e n

La educación vet erinaria de est udiant es de vet erinaria en el cam po de la reproducción bovina, en el caso del ent renam ient o m ediant e la palpación t ransrect al, t iene algunas desvent aj as, principalm ent e relacionadas con el bienest ar anim al. El obj et ivo del present e est udio fue det erm inar las habilidades y com pet encias esperadas por los est udiant es de vet erinaria durant e la palpación t ransrect al en vacas no preñadas, en las clases de reproducción. Al final del m ódulo de reproducción, los est udiant es fueron clasificados com o m ot ivados en la buiat ria ( SBM, n = 22) y no m ot ivados en la buiat ria ( SNBM; n = 28) realizando una encuest a. Am bos los grupos, SBM e SNBM, est aban de acuerdo con la alt ernancia del uso de anim ales en las sucesivas clases ( 86,8 ±

4,7% vs. 77,3 ± 6,5% ; ± EEM; P> 0,05) y consideraron adecuada, en cada

clase práct ica, la proporción de una vaca para dos est udiant es en 68,6 ± 5,0% and 58,2 ± 5,8% ( P> 0,05) de los casos, respect ivam ent e. El grupo SBM t uvo m enos dificult ades que SNBM para ident ificar cuernos ut erinos derecho e

izquierdo ( 71,4 ± 5,7 % vs. 52,1 ± 4,5 % ; P= 0,01) , ident ificar el ovario

derecho ( 69,6 ± 4,4 % vs. 52,1 ± 4,0 % ; P < 0,01) o izquierdo ( 63,6 ± 4,4 %

vs. 47.5 ± 3,9 % ; P< 0,01) y la presencia de folículos > 10 m m ( 55,5 ± 6,5 %

vs. 31,1 ± 5,0 % ; P< 0,01) . El grupo SBM ( 61,8 ± 5,2% ) t am bién m ost ro una

m ayor expect at iva en su capacidad de aut o- form ación en las explot aciones lecheras que el SNBM ( 38,8 ± 4,8% , p < 0,01) . En conclusión, t eniendo en cuent a con el bienest ar de los anim ales y la sensibilidad de los est udiant es, se sugiere una alt ernancia de las vacas ut ilizadas para fines de form ación diaria en palpación t ransrect al. La m ot ivación de los est udiant es y sus expect at ivas parecen ser fact ores det erm inant es para m axim izar su ent renam ient o.

Pa la br a s cla ve : Reproducción Bovina, Educación Vet erinaria; Bienest ar Anim al

1 . I n t r odu ct ion

The curricular pract ical t raining using live anim als by vet erinary st udent s assum es a great im port ance in several fields of Vet erinary Medicine and Anim al Product ion, including basic t heriogenology educat ion and t raining at schools

( Root Kust rit z et al., 2006) . I n Port ugal, like in ot hers European count ries, t he

adapt ed curriculum of Vet erinary Medicine courses t o Bologna Process have 5 t o

6 years of durat ion, e.g. 10 t o 12 sem est ers, including a large pract ical class’s com ponent . Many clinical and zoot echnical pract ices are perform ed in classroom s of vet erinary hospit als, experim ent al large anim al facilit ies and regional anim al farm s w it h sm all st udent s groups ( 6 t o 12 persons) . I n general,

t hese pract ices increase from t he 7t h sem est er unt il t he end of t he course, w hen

t he basic t heory background was previously learned. These clinical “ ent ry- level” st udent s have several handicaps in t heir t raining regarding et hical procedures


The m anual t ransrect al palpat ion in cow s, for reproduct ion m anagem ent purposes, is one of t hese classical polem ic pract ices t hat should be acquired by vet erinary st udent s, especially if t hey expect a professional buiat ric act ivit y. I t is a com m only vet erinary pract ice applied t o reproduct ion program s m anagem ent in cow indust ry ( Sprecher et al., 1994) , due t o easy accessibilit y of reproduct ive st ruct ure from rect um , low cost , accurat e and efficient m et hod. How ever, it is a t raum at ic and subj ect ive t echnique but , t oday, is usually accom plished by t he ult rasonographic exam inat ions w it h t ransrect al probes applicat ion ( Fricke, 2002;

Lam b et al., 2003) during t he herd’s reproduct ion m anagem ent .

Som e part ial solut ions for t he st udent t raining purposes w ere st udied, like t he use of live anim als in slaught erhouses ( Lopes and Rocha, 2006) or com put er

assist ed learn wit hout living cow s ( Baillie et al., 2005a; Forrest et al., 2009) .

Each of t hem present s advant ages and also som e lim it at ions. Bot h m et hodologies can m inim ize t he use of live anim als at “ laborat ory” schools. However, in t he slaught erhouses, anim al m inim ized st ress should be provided before dead. On t he ot her end, t he use of virt ual sim ulat ors cannot subst it ut es t he real case t raining sit uat ions. We believe t hat skills and com pet ences expect ed by t he st udent s are crit ical point s t o resolve t hese pert inent quest ions, in ot her t o m axim ize each t eaching m et hod and m inim ize t he live anim al’s uses ( Jaarsm a, 2008) .

The m ain aim of t he present work was t o det erm ine skills and com pet ences expect ed by vet erinary st udent s during bovine t ransrect al palpat ion, in reproduct ion classes using live nonpregnant fem ales.

2 . M a t e r ia l a n d M e t h ods

2.1 Anim als and t eaching facilit ies

The experim ent al bovine st at ion of universit y of Trás- os- Mont es e Alt o Douro, locat ed at Vila Real- Port ugal, w as used t o t rain 50 vet erinary st udent s in order

t o evaluat e non- pregnant ut erine st ruct ures, during reproduct ion classes ( 7t h

sem est er of t he Vet erinary curriculum course) . I nit ially, six adult s Holst

ein-Frisian ( dairy cat t le breed) and four Barrosã ( local Port uguese beef cow s breed) w ere daily disposed for t his purpose, during 6 consecut ive weeks, from Monday t o Friday.

The st udent s w ere divided in 8 sm all groups, having a t ot al of 3 lessons, 2

hours lengt h each, t hroughout t hese w eeks. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd lessons aim ed

t o ident ify and charact erize t he cervix, t he ut erine horns and t he ovarian st ruct ures, respect ively.


REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet

2012 Volumen 13 Nº 3 - http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312.html 


Palpaciones transrectales realizadas por estudiantes de veterinaria en las vacas: una encuesta.-


4 2.2 Survey m et hodology

An anonym ous survey w as present ed t o st udent s at t he end of t he 3rd lesson.

All answers t o quest ions were present ed in a scale score from 0 t o 100% of expect ed result s ( Table 1) and considering t heir previous experience.

Ta ble 1 Qu e st ion s a n d a n sw e r scor e s in t h e m ode l su r ve y

Qu e st ion

An sw e r scor e d in pe r ce n t a ge of ca se s a ccor din g t h e st u de n t pe r ce pt ion *

Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed or Non- Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed? * * No Yes

You part icipat e( d) in t he ERASMUS program ? * * No Yes

I s your first t ransrect al palpat ion in cow s? * * * No Yes

I s t he num ber of anim als sufficient ( 1 per 2 st udent s) in all classes?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

A daily anim al alt ernat ion w ill be considered? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % ) What t he percent age of cow s w it h adequat e

behavior for t raining?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

What t he percent age of cow s w it h rect al bleeding? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % ) What is your success percent age t o locat e t he right

ut erine horn?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

What is your success percent age t o locat e t he left ut erine horn?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

Can you evaluat e t he ut erine horns conform at ion? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % )

Can you ident ify t he right ovary? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % )

Can you ident ify t he left ovary? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % )

Can you evaluat e t he relat ive ovarian diam et er? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % )

Can you ident ify follicles > 10 m m ? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % ) Can you det ect “ anoest rous” ( bot h t ypical sm all)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

I s t he num ber of lessons sufficient ? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

80 90 100 ( % ) Have you self- t raining com pet ence t o carry t he

t raining in privat e dairy farm s?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( % )

* Except for the first three questions. **The first two questions concerned the independent variables. *** Nominal dependent variable.


2.3 St at ist ical analysis

A fact orial ANOVA w as used and int eract ions bet w een groups t est ed. All dependent variables w ere considered cont inues, except t he classificat ion for t he previous experience in bovine t ransrect al palpat ion ( cat egorical variable) w hich w as analysed by t he chi- square t est . Result s, in percent age of response, w ere show ed as m ean ± S.E.M..

3 . Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion

The m aj orit y of st udent s ( 78 % , 39/ 50 vs. 22 % , 11/ 50; P< 0.001) never had a

previous experience in t ransrect al palpat ion of cows, before t he reproduct ion classes. I t ´ s a preoccupant report , because t his presupposes few cont act s w it h t he realit y bovine farm s, e.g. client - ow ned anim als, and vet erinary t ut orial

assist ance, e.g. short durat ion ext ram ural placem ent s, unt il t he 7t h Sem est er of

som e Vet erinary Medicine Courses. This aspect can creat e som e difficult ies t o choices opt ional Curricular Unit of anim al’s species product ion and herd healt h m anagem ent subj ect in last sem est ers of vet erinary courses.

No differences ( P> 0.05) w ere observed bet w een Erasm us and non- Erasm us st udent s for t his previous experience fact or or all follow ing described param et ers. No significant differences ( P> 0.05) int eract ions w ere observed bet w een ( Non- ) Erasm us and ( Non- ) Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed groups for alls variables.

Bot h SBM and SNBM groups w ere in accordance w it h anim al alt ernat ion use in

successive classes ( 86.8 ± 4.7 % vs.77.3 ± 6.5 % ; P> 0.05) and t hey

considered t he proport ion 1 cow : 2 st udent s in each class adequat e in 68.6 ± 5.0 % and 58.2 ± 5.8 % ( P> 0.05) of t he cases, respect ively.

The successive ut ilizat ion of cows for palpat ion induces rect al bleeding by m ucosal w ounds due t o t hat t raum at ic t echnique. I n ext rem e, a diffuse perit onit is can occurs conduct ing t o fem ale dead. I n t he present st udy, high rect al bleeding percent ages w ere det ect ed by bot h groups, but no differences of awareness rect al bleeding were observed bet ween SBM ( 68.9 ± 4.9 % ) and SNBM ( 66.7 ± 7.2 % ; P> 0.05) groups. This suggest s a high sensibilit y of all st udent s for anim al w elfare subj ect s. However, SNBM ( 40.0 ± 4.1 % ) t ended t o consider anim als w it h non adequat e behavior for t raining purposes in com parison t o t he SBM group ( 29.0 ± 4.9 % ; P = 0.09) . We t hink t hat m ot ivat ion represent s a posit ive fact or relat ed w it h t he anim al cont act , despit e t he obj ect ive of all st udent s t o obt ain a posit ive final evaluat ion record. I n fact , t w o beef cow s rem ained always unusable for t his pract ice during whole classes and, som et im es, t he use of som e rem ained cows was part ially rest rict ed.


REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet  

2012 Volumen 13 Nº 3 ‐ http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312.html 

Manual transrectal palpations performed by veterinary students in cows: a survey



Fig. 1a Identification and conformation evaluation of bovine uterine horns, in percentage, by

Buiatric-Motivated (SBM; n=22) and Non-Buiatric-Motivated (SNBM; n=28). The bars represent ±S.E.M.


Fig. 1c Detection of follicles greater than 10 mm in diameter and “anoestrous” ovaries, in percentage.

The SBM group had less difficult y t han SNBM st udent group t o ident ify right and left ut erine horns or ovaries, t heir conform at ion or relat ive size, and follicles great er t han 10 m m in diam et er. These result s suggest t hat self- m ot ivat ion is an im port ant aspect t o achieving high perform ance learning at reproduct ion pract ical classes. Several cases st udies, described in vet erinary lit erat ure, provide scient ific consist ency t o t his “ psychological st at us” . A high st udent

m ot ivat ion was observed by Parkinson et al. ( 2006) w hen new subj ect s, issues

relat ed w it h clinical pract ice, live anim als or ent husiast ic persons w ere direct ly involved in learning process. However, som e t eaching act ivit ies can im prove t he st udent m ot ivat ion: t he presence of act ive learning environm ent s ( Doucet et al., 2009) , pre- clinical and clinical st udent - cent ered learning m odels ( Elsheikha and

Kendall, 2009) or curriculum int egrat ion like im aging, vet erinary pract ical

classes and visit at ion t o bovine farm s ( Baillie et al., 2005b) .

Nor SBM ( 48.6 ± 5.5 % ) neit her SNBM ( 42.3 ± 3.7 % ; P> 0.05) considered t he t ot al num ber of classes sufficient for ideal t ransrect al t raining com pet ence acquisit ion in order t o ident ify ut erine horns or ident ify and evaluat e t he ovarian st ruct ures. An effect of num ber of “ laborat ory” experiences classes t o acquire com pet ences in t his area, before palpat ing client - owned anim als, was observed

by Sprecher et al. ( 1994) . More classes w it h live anim als or m ore anim als per

class increasing sim ult aneously t he st udent num ber should be a reliable response t o our result s. Addit ionally, and/ or in alt ernat ive, previous hapt ics

sim ulat or t raining could resolve t he problem , like t he t est ed by Baillie et al.

( 2005b, 2008, 2009, 2010) . St udent s augm ent ed perform ance during real t ask aft er com put er sim ulat or use was observed by t his researchers group. I n


REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet  

2012 Volumen 13 Nº 3 ‐ http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312.html 

Manual transrectal palpations performed by veterinary students in cows: a survey



sim ulat ion m odel for rect al palpat ion t eaching ( Breed'n Bet sy) were used. I n t his case, st udent s who used t he live cows t raining were m ore skilled at localizing t he ut erus and ovaries t han t hose who used t he sim ulat ion m odel. However, t hese last researchers also consider t he use of t heir sim ulat ion m odel a pot ent ial value t o t he classical t eaching m et hod.

When quest ioned, SBM ( 61.8 ± 5.2 % ) showed a m ore expect ed self- t raining com pet ence in privat e dairy farm s t han SNBM ( 38.8 ± 4.8 % ; P< 0.01) . This indicat es t hat t he basic skill acquired w it h 3 lessons ( 6 hours) is presum ably sufficient for a significant num ber of Buiat ric- Mot ivat ed st udent s in order t o develop experience evaluat ing t he reproduct ive t ract in privat e’s dairy cat t le

farm s. How ever, and according t o t he st udy of Root Kust rit z et al. ( 2006) ,

st udent s are not able t o at t ain adequat e com pet ency for t his evaluat ion, im m ediat ely at graduat ion in schools. A specific curricular st age wit h a vet erinary t ut or should be realized by each int erest ed st udent in t hese farm s. Addit ionally, t he carefulness assessm ent of early pregnant cow s by st udent s lit t le experience rem ains a prem ise, like t he suggest ed in t he st udy report ed by

Vaillancourt et al. ( 1979) .

According t o Bossaert et al. ( 2006) , quit e possibly m ore t han palpat ion of t w o

hundred cows are necessary t o reach a consist ent level of expert ise. This individual t raining can be possible by final year ext ram ural placem ent s ( Baguley, 2006) t o prepare st udent s for bovine vet erinary pract ice. I n t his case, sim ulat ors, sim ulat ion m odels or ot her soft w are like com put er- aided learning

packages ( Bishop et al., 2009; Bell et al., 2010) , and 3D visualizat ion ( Kinnison

et al., 2009) including Web- based int eract ive solut ions ( Pet ersson et al., 2009) , adapt ed t o reproduct ion subj ect s can help t o im prove t he preparat ion of st udent s for t hese placem ent s.

4 . Con clu sion s

I n conclusion, t he reproduct ive t ract palpat ion t raining in experim ent al universit y facilit ies appears essent ial for com pet ence acquisit ion of fut ure vet erinarian, independent ly of t heir m ot ivat ion.

I n our case, w e suggest an alt ernat ion of cow s used for daily m anual t ransrect al t raining purpose, regarding t he anim al w elfare and st udent sensibilit y. Addit ionally, ot her resources like t he abat t oir and t he assist ed learn by

com put ers can be used for a bet t er im plem ent at ion curriculum program s.

A great cont act w it h t he realit y farm s during t he first t hree years w ill be necessary for a m ore accurat e st udent choice regarding t he opt ional Curricular Unit s in last sem est ers of t he Vet erinary Medicine courses.


Re fe r e n ce s

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ur-REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet  

2012 Volumen 13 Nº 3 ‐ http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312.html 

Manual transrectal palpations performed by veterinary students in cows: a survey



• Kinnison, T., Forrest , N.D., Frean, S.P. and Baillie, S., 2009. Teaching Bovine

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RED VET: 2 0 1 2 , Vol. 1 3 N º 3

Recibido 25.01.2012 / Ref. prov. ENE1214_REDVET / Aceptado 14.02.2012 Ref. def. 031218_REDVET / Publicado: 01.03.2012

El contenido de este artículo foi apresentado en “2nd Annual International Symposium on Agricultural Research” en Grécia en 2009 (ver: http://www.atiner.gr/docs/2009AAAPROGRAM_AGR.htm y fue publicado recientemente como capítulo de libro em 2011 por ATINER: Recent Developments in Energy and Environmental Research. Edited by Eva Maleviti. ISBN:

978-960-85411-2-2, 206 pages (ver: http://www.atiner.gr/docs/2011MalB_CONT.htm) con el título “Bovine Practice Reproduction: Skills and Competences Expected by Entry-level Veterinary Students in Manual Transrectal Palpations”pp181-188. Tras confirmar que ATINER no retiene el copyright su autor lo cede a Veterinaria.org para que sea

difundido a través de REDVET, así pues está disponible en http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n020212.html concretamente en http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n030312/031218.pdf

REDVET®Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria está editada por Veterinaria Organización®. Se autoriza la difusión y reenvío siempre que enlace con Veterinaria.org® http://www.veterinaria.org


Fig. 1b Identification of both ovaries and evaluation of their relative diameter, in percentage
Fig. 1c Detection of follicles greater than 10 mm in diameter and “anoestrous” ovaries, in  percentage


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