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Almanack número14


Academic year: 2018

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Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos



Port uguese



Reading: a space f or medical science in

t he 1 9 t h cent ury

O Real Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura

do Rio de Janeiro: um espaço para a

ciência médica Oit ocent ist a

DOI: ht t p://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2236- 463320161410

M onique de Siqueira Gonçalves Universidade Est adual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil

monique.eco@ gmail.com

Tânia Bessone Universidade Est adual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil bessone@ uol.com.br

Abst ract : This work present s an analysis on t he role of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of

Reading during t he second half of t he 19t h cent ury regarding t he collect ion and

safekeeping of medical science books. By analyzing t he books cont ained in t he 1906

cat alog by Ramiz Galvão (consist ing of t he inst it ut ion's collect ion since 1837), we

int end t o underst and t he relat ive import ance of t he medical science collect ion found in

t he general collect ion of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading, and whet her it was

updat ed and relevant amidst t he const it ut ion of Brazil's medical science field. It is also

int ended t o discover t he preponderant idiom among it s works and at which t arget

audience t hey were aimed at , t herefore, whet her it s guard mat ched t he inst it ut ion's

out line of lusophone cult ure preservat ion.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos que compõem o Cat álogo organizado por Ramiz Galvão, publicado em 1906 (que reúne o acervo const it uído pela inst it uição desde o ano de 1837), objet ivamos compreender qual era a import ância relat iva do acervo de ciência médica ident ificado em meio ao acervo geral do Real Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura, e se esse era at ualizado e relevant e mediant e o cont ext o de const it uição do campo médico- cient ífico no Brasil. Assim como, at ravés de seu est udo det alhado int ent amos saber qual era o idioma preponderant e das obras e a que público- alvo eram direcionadas, port ant o, se a sua guarda coadunava com o perfil da inst it uição de preservação de uma cult ura lusófona.

Keywords: Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading, Hist ory of books and Reading, M edical hist ory.

Palavras- chave: Real Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura, Hist ória do livro e da leit ura, Hist ória da medicina.

Int roduct ion

Since t he Court moved t o Rio de Janeiro, in 1808, a cult ural/scient ific inst it ut ional apparat us began in t he cit y, wit h t he original int ent ion of reconst ruct ing t he Lisbon cosmopolit an environment wit hin t he new realm. The first act ions in t his regard were represent ed by t he creat ion - by decree - of inst it ut ions such as t he Royal Library1, t he Royal Garden2 and t he School of Anat omy, Surgery and M edicine of Rio de

1 Creat ed by a D. João Royal Decree in 1810, lat er in 1822 t he name was changed t o Empire and Public

Library, and aft er t hat , in 1876, Nat ional Library. See: SCHWARCZ, Lilia M orit z. A longa viagem da bibliot eca dos reis: do t erremot o de Lisboa à independência do Brasil. São Paulo: Companhia das Let ras, 2002; BETTIOL, M aria Regina Barcelos. A fundação da Bibliot eca Nacional: uma memória compart ilhada ent re dois mundos. Inst it uto Hist órico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Sul. Available at :< ht t p://www.ihgrgs.org.br/art igos/cont ibuicoes/M aria%20R.%20B.%20Bet t

iol%20-%20A%20Funda%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20Bibliot eca%20Nacional.pdf >. Accessed in: 12/15/2016.

2 Designat ions: Royal Garden (1808); Royal Bot anical Garden (1818); Rodrigo de Freit as Lagoon

Bot anical Garden (1825); Bot anical Garden (1833); Rio de Janeiro Bot anical Garden; Rio de Janeiro Bot anical Garden Research Inst it ut e (1998). Source: Hort o Real. Dicionário Hist órico- Biográfico das

Ciências da Saúde no Brasil (1832- 1930). Available at :


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Janeiro3, all of t hem in t he same year of t he arrival of t he Royal Family. Such effort

would be ext ended and int ensified in t he capit al in t he subsequent years, wit h t he est ablishment , in 1818, of t he Royal M useum, as declared by D. João VI, and by t ransforming t he M edical School int o t he M edical College of Rio de Janeiro. Ot her specific init iat ives were also relevant during t he process of est ablishing a cult ural inst it ut ional apparat us in Rio de Janeiro, in t he period before and aft er t he Independence, amongst which we emphasize: t he Brazilian Hist orical and Geographical Inst it ut e

Cabinet of Reading (1826), t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading (1837), t he Fluminense Library (1847) and t he Fluminense Imperial Typographical Associat ion Library (1854), just t o name a few of t hose vent ures.

As highlight ed by DeNipot i4, such init iat ives were mainly relat ed t o a broader

process of definit ion of Nat ional Ident it y, which should be connect ed t o an idea of west ern civilizat ion, well- informed by t he not ion of progress. Therefore, according t o

in t he process of modernizat ion of it s public spaces5, since, based on t he

document at ion, t hey scoured a form of civilizat ion, whilst aiming t o delineat e t he social roles.

Ot her cult ural/commercial undert aking, since t he end of t he 1820s and beginning of t he 30s, did also provide - t o t he lit erat e people residing or visit ing t he cit y - access t o books and newspapers/magazines of different origins at an "affordable"

3 Designat ions: School of Anat omy, Surgery and M edicine of Rio de Janeiro (1808); M edical- Surgical

Academy of Rio de Janeiro (1813); M edical College of Rio de Janeiro (1832); M edicine and Pharmacy College of Rio de Janeiro (1891); M edical College of Rio de Janeiro (1901); M edical Collage of t he Rio de Janeiro Universit y (1920); Nat ional M edical Collage of t he Universit y of Brazil (1937); M edical College of t he Federal Universit y of Rio de Janeiro (1965). Source: Escola Anat ômica, Cirúrgica e médica do Rio de Janeiro. Dicionário Hist órico- Biográfico das Ciências da Saúde no Brasil (1832- 1930). Available at : < ht t p://www.dichist oriasaude.coc.fiocruz.br/iah/pt /verbet es/escancimerj.ht m>. Accessed in: 12/15/2015. About t his t opic, see also: DANTES, M aria Amélia M arcarenhas. Fases da implant ação da ciência no Brasil. Quipu, M éxico, v. 5, n. 2, 1988, p. 265- 275; FERREIRA, Luiz Ant onio;. FONSECA, M aria Rachel Fróes da; EDLER, Flavio Coelho. A Faculdade de M edicina do Rio de Janeiro no Século XIX: a organização inst it ucional e os modelos de ensino. In: DANTES, M aria Amélia M ascarenhas (org.). Espaços da ciência no Brasil. 1800- 1930. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Fiocruz, 2001, p. 59- 79.

4 DENIPOTI, Cláudio. Normas e gest ualidades da leit ura em bibliot ecas brasileiras do século XIX. Cult ura Revist a de Hist ória e Teoria das Ideias, v. 25, 2008.

5 About t he process of composit ion of public spaces in Brazil, in t he first half of t he 19t h Cent ury, see:


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos price, including: The Port uguese and French Cabinet of M ongie6, t he Port uguese and

French Cabinet of Crémière7, t he French Cabinet of Dujardin8, t he Port uguese and

French Cabinet of Piacent ini9, among ot hers. Such offices were similar t o t he

t radit ional English and French Reading Cabinet s, wit h t he common feat ure of being spaces wit h commercial and cult ural charact erist ics at t he same t ime, since t hey enabled t he subscribers t o read and/or rent books and newspapers/magazines wit hout t he need t o purchase10. According t o Soares, t he first "circulat ing libraries" est ablished

in Rio de Janeiro, belonging t o French owners, dat e back from t he first half of t he 19t h cent ury, being t he Casa do Livro Azul11 one of t he best - known, from 1828 t o 1852,

where client s could purchase, exchange or rent books by paying a fee of "80 réis a day and 2,000 réis a mont h12.

In t he middle of t he cent ury, according t o Alessandra El Far, while a w ell-maint ained edit ion of Garnier or t he Laemmert brot hers would cost bet ween 3 and 5 t housand réis (varying according t o t he number of pages and genre), t he works from Livraria do Povo (paperback) ranged from 100 t o 2 t housand réis. By cont rast , a specialized worker would earn, on average, 3,300 réis a day, while a worker wit hout specializat ion would receive 1,400 réis; and t he payment for public servant s ranged

6 Louis M ongie was t he owner of t he main bookst ore at Rua do Ouvidor, according t o Joaquim M anoel

de M acedo, having worked in t his st reet , number 91 (and t hen renumbered t o 87), from 1832 up t o his deat h in 1853. M ongie would also own t he second bookst ore in Rio de Janeiro which present ed a reading cabinet . In: HALLEWELL, Laurence. O livro no Brasil: sua hist ória. São Paulo: Edusp, 2005, p. 153.

7 Wit h t he auct ion made by Carlos Taniere, from t he Reading Cabinet of Just ino Vi t or Crémière (locat ed

at his residence at Rua da Alfândega, 135), aft er t he deat h of t he owner, in Oct ober 2nd, 1851, we can have an idea of a business of t his nat ure. Among t he auct ioned asset s which were acquired by Eduardo August o Ribeiro and Henrique d

wit h books in Port uguese, French, Spanish and English, dramas and novels in paperback, 2 count ers, 3

Jornal do Commercio¸10.02.1851, p. 3), and also a t ypographer (sold bundled).

8 Désiré Dujardin French- Belgian Bookst ore, locat ed at Rua do Ouvidor, 105. Source: Almanak Administ rat ivo, mercant il e Indust rial do Rio de Janeiro, do ano de 1850. Available at : <memoria.bn.br>. Accessed in 12/15/2015.

9 Joaquim Ant onio Piacent ini. Source: Almanak Administ rat ivo, mercant il e Indust rial do Rio de Janeiro. 10 SOARES, M aria Angélica Lau Pereira. Visão da modernidade. A presença brit ânica no Gabinet e de

leit ura (1837- 1838). Dissert ação (M est rado em Est udos linguíst icos e lit erários em inglês). São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.

11 Casa do Livro Azul worked from 1828 t o 1852, being t he most popular second- hand bookst ore at Rua

do Ouvidor, selling, purchasing, exchanging and rent ing books, and also receiving some new books as payment . The owner was a French man named Albin Jourdan (Brazilianised t o Albino Jordão). Source: HALLEWELL, Laurence. Op. Cit ., p. 127. The books in Port uguese were always highlight ed in t he advert isement of Casa do Livro Azul (locat ed at Rua do Ouvidor, 121) and, in t he several advert isement s published in t he pages of Jornal do Commercio, up t o December 24t h, 1851, t hey emphasized t he books writ t en in Port uguese or t ranslat ed int o Port uguese about Commerce, Law, Hist or y, Philosophy and M edicine, besides romances and novels.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos from 60 t housand réis t o 100 t housand réis a mont h13. Such figures confirm that t here

was, among t he small populat ion of lit erat es in t he Court , a significant share of pot ent ial book buyers or rent ers, just ified t he increasing presence of t hat kind of inst it ut ions in t he cit y, t hroughout t he ninet eent h cent ury.

Furt hermore, bot h because it added a significant port ion of consumers of print ed mat erial and because it act ed as an economic cent er of t he count ry, t he capit al would be consolidat ed, t hroughout t he 19t h cent ury, as main ent ry port of print ed mat erial of t he Empire, and also t here were in t he Cit y t he largest number of booksellers, edit ors and book merchant s of t he whole count ry14. The main st reet s in t he

cit y cent er would gradually st art t o be populat ed by a large select ion of print ed mat erial, sold by t he book merchant s who offered all sort s of lit erary genre, making it difficult for t he reader t o go home empt y- handed, as st at ed by Alessandra El Far15,

considering t he large select ion of books for every tast e and budget .

It is import ant t o st ress t hat t his commerce would be mot ivat ed, most ly, by t he concent rat ion of an int ellect ual and polit ical elit e in Rio de Janeiro, whose driving force was in t he cent ralizat ion of t he imperial bureaucracy in t he cit y, as in t he exist ence of inst it ut ions such as t he Rio de Janeiro School of M edicine, responsible for t he format ion of many sons of t he polit ical, economical and cult ural elit e of t he Empire.

For t hose who do not have a significant mont hly sum t o purchase books in t he renowned bookshelves at Rua do Ouvidor, it was possible t o buy second- hand books in bookst ores locat ed in t he neighboring st reet s, or even exchange or rent print ed mat erial at low cost in t he "circulat ing libraries" or reading cabinet s, wit h commercial int ent . For t hose who had a reasonable amount of money, it would be possible t o join t he cabinet s init ially formed by groups of expat riat es wit h t he Port uguese Cabinet of

13 EL FAR, Alessandra. Ao gost o do povo: as edições barat íssimas de finais do século XIX. In: BRAGANÇA,

Aníbal; ABREU, M árcia (orgs.). Impresso no Brasil: dois séculos de livros brasileiros. São Paulo: Edit ora Unesp, 2010, p. 89- 99.

14 See: FERREIRA, Tânia M aria Tavares Bessone da Cruz. Palácios de dest inos cruzados: bibliot ecas,

homens e livros no Rio de Janeiro (1870- 1920). Rio de Janeiro: Arquivo Nacional, 1997; HALLEWELL, Laurence. Op. cit ., BRAGANÇA, Aníbal; ABREU, M árcia (orgs.). Impresso no Brasil. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2010; GONÇALVES, M onique de Siqueira. Livros, t eses e periódicos médicos na const rução do conheciment o médico sobre as doenças nervosas na Cort e Imperial (1850- 1880).In: FERREIRA, Tania B. C; RIBEIRO, Gladys S.; GONÇALVES, M onique de S. (orgs.). O Oit ocent os ent re livros, livreiros, impressos missivas e bibliot ecas. São Paulo: Alameda, 2013, p. 59- 87.

15 EL FAR, Alessandra. Páginas de sensação. Lit erat ura popular e pornográfica no Rio de Janeiro


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Reading16, t he "Germania" Associat ion Library and t he Brit ish Cabinet of Reading.

M oreover, t here was t he possibilit y of accessing t he desired books t hrough Public Libraries, such as t he Nat ional Library, t he Fluminense Library, or even t hrough specialized libraries, as t he example of t he M edicine College, Polyt echnic School, Army and Navy libraries.

In t he second half of t he 19t h cent ury, t he lit erat es in t he count ry could find in libraries, commercial reading cabinet s, associat ions and public libraries, sociabilit y environment s, where t he love for reading would confer a high st at us t o t he frequent ers, in a societ y highly hierarchical. The t ypography and new srooms also fulfilled t his role (along wit h locat ions such as cafet erias and drugst ores), grouping lit erat e men who, wit hin t hose spaces, were included in closed cust omer net works, in order t o obt ain prest ige by narrowing emot ional, polit ical and professional t ies wit h t he ot her frequent ers17.

Broadly, we believe t hat t he inst it ut ional init iat ives put int o pract ice

occurred t o set in t he cit y of Rio de Janeiro, as a capit al, a cult ural inst it ut ional apparat us, providing t o t he small lit erat e port ion of t he populat ion, access t o varied and updat ed readings about on diverse subject s18. M edical science was, t hus, one of t he preferent ial t opics covered by

t hose collect ions, according t o researches we have made, mainly because t he first M edicine College of t he Empire (creat ed in 1808) was est ablished in t he cit y and t he st udent s needed alt ernat ive means t o obt ain t he necessary skills t o t heir format ion, considering t he high price of t he books.

16 In t he pages of t he Almanak Laemmert from 1850 t o 1873 t he Port uguese Cabinet of Reading

announces t hat t he annuit y would be 12 t housand réis, and t here was st ill t he opt ion, from t he end of t he 1860s, t o pay 7 t housand réis for six mont hs. The amount of 12 t housand réis annually was t he same as charged t o t he members of t he Fluminense Library.

17 FERREIRA, Tania M aria Tavares Bessone da Cruz. As bibliot ecas públicas cariocas no século XIX. In:

INTERCOM , 2011. Available at :

ht t p://www.int ercom.org.br/papers/nacionais/2001/papers/NP4FERREIRA.pdf. Accessed in: 6/20/2013. _______. O que liam os cariocas no século XIX? In: XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da

Comunicação, 2005. Available at :

ht t p://galaxy.int ercom.org.br:8180/dspace/bit st ream/1904/17536/1/R2053- 1.pdf. Accessed in: 6/2/2011.

18 About t his t opic, see also: GONÇALVES, M onique de Siqueira. Livros de ciência médica na Bibliot eca


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Anot her reason for increment ing t he collect ion referred t o M edicine would be t he growing demand for popular medicine manuals19

first half of t he 19t h cent ury and were int ensified from t he 1850s, due t o t he burst of -t rea-t men-t and medical -t herapy of rela-t ives, households and even slaves serving -t he family20.

Thus, we have t ried t o present t he considerat ions about t he role of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading in a cont ext of const ruct ion and expansion of a cult ural/scient ific apparat us in t he cit y of Rio de Janeiro, emphasizing t he collect ion relat ed t o medical science found in t he cat alogs of such inst it ut ion which, if in t he middle of t he cent ury had around 16 t housand volumes, at t he end of t he Empire already had a collect ion est imat ed in 50 t housand volumes, included among t he main Empire Libraries21. Below follows t he growt h of t he collect ion.

Table 1 - Collect ion of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading of Rio de Janeiro (1850- 1881)

Year Collect ion Direct ors

1 8 5 0 Around 16,000 vol. M r. Adolpho M anoel Vict orino da Cost a

1 8 5 1 Around 18,000 vol. Idem

1 8 5 2 Around 20,000 vol. Idem

1 8 5 3 Around 22,000 vol. Idem

1 8 5 4 Around 25,000 vol. Idem

1 8 5 5 Around 27,000 vol. João Henrique Ulrich

1 8 5 9 Around 30,000 vol. M r. José Pedro da Silva Camacho

1 8 6 0 Around 32,000 vol. Idem

1 8 6 1 Around 32,000 vol. José Peixot o de Faria Azevedo

19 There were several advert isement s selling medicine popular manuals in t he main Court daily

newspapers, such as Jornal do Commercio and Correio M ercant il.

20 FIGUEIREDO, Bet ânia Gonçalves. Os manuais de medicina e a circulação do saber no século XIX no

Brasil: mediação ent re o saber acadêmico e o saber popular. Educar, Curit iba, n. 25, 2005, p. 59- 73.

21 Only from 1850 on, t he quant ificat ions of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading collect ion st art ed


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos

1 8 6 2 Around 32,000 vol. Idem

1 8 6 4 Around 35,000 vol. Idem

1 8 6 5 Around 40,000 vol. Idem

1 8 6 7 Around 37,000 vol. w it h 16.500 works

José Pereira Soares

1 8 7 0 Around 42,000 vol. w it h 18.000 works

M anoel José Gonçalves M achado Júnior

1 8 7 3 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 21.000 works

Boavent ura Gonçalves Roque

1 8 7 4 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 21.000 works

José Joaquim Ferreira M argarido

1 8 7 5 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 21.000 works


1 8 7 6 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 21.000 works

1 8 7 7 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 21.963 works

1 8 7 9 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 22.681 works

Eduardo Rodrigues Cardoso Ramalho Ort igão

1 8 8 1 Around 50,000 vol. w it h 23.853 works

Source: Almanack Laemmert (1850- 1881)

The Royal Port uguese Cabinet of Reading of Rio de Janeiro and it s M edical Sciences Collect ion


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco, t he hospit al recent ly est ablished in t he same cit y and ot her associat ions proving t he frat ernit y and harmony exist ing among our compat riot s, who, t hrough t his coexist ence, alleviat es t he homesick feeling (...).22

The Port uguese Cabinet of Reading was founded in M ay 1837 by an associat ion of Port uguese emigrant s residing in t he cit y of Rio de Janeiro. According t o Schapochnik23, t he process of creat ion of t he collect ion of t his inst it ut ion

was based on it s ident it y charact er, since it was organized as a space for safekeeping t he nat ional memory. Furt hermore, as highlight ed by Azevedo24, t he Port uguese

emigrat ed arriving in Rio de Janeiro during t he 19t h cent ury found few places t o read what was published in t heir count ry, because of a Gallicism reducing t he space of t he Port uguese cult ure from t he reading spaces. This aspect should cert ainly result from t he exist ence of a st rong Ant i- Port uguese sent iment in t he cit y of Rio de Janeiro, st art led during t he period before and aft er t he Independence of Brazil25.

The st rengt hening of t he language ident it y would also permeat e, t hus, according t o Azevedo26, t he creat ion of associat ion libraries, such as t he Port uguese

Cabinet of Reading of Rio de Janeiro, act ing as a social space for t he cit izens speaking t he same language and living in t he capit al. Thus, t he consolidat ion of a ident it y charact er of t he Port uguese cult ure in t he creat ion of t he collect ion int ended t o consolidat e t he ideals t o maint ain t he Port uguese memory.

In regard t o t he rich collect ion of M edical Sciences exist ing in t he Cabinet and surveyed by t he reading of t he cat alog27 elaborat ed and published by t he librarian

Ramiz Galvão28, in 1906, we could ident ify t he exist ence of a subst ant ial quant it y of

22 Transcript s. Colonisat ion. Correio M ercant il, 7/7/1856, p. 2.

23 SCHAPOCHNIK, Nelson. Os jardins das delícias: gabinet es lit erários, bibliot ecas e figurações da leit ura

na cort e imperial. 1999. Tese (Dout orado em Hist ória). São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.

24 AZEVEDO, Fabiano Cat aldo. Cont ribut o para t raçar o perfil do público leit or do Real Gabinet e

Port uguês de Leit ura: 1837- 1847. Ci. Inf., v. 37, n.2, 2008, p 20- 31.

25 RIBEIRO, Gladys Sabina. A liberdade em const rução: ident idade nacional e conflit os ant ilusit anos no

Primeiro Reinado. Tese (Dout orado em Hist ória). Campinas: Unicamp, 1997.

26 AZEVEDO, Fabiano Cat aldo. O acervo bibliográfico do Gabinet e Port uguês de leit ura como lugar de

memória e forma reconhecível: considerações acerca dessas aproximações. Convergência Lusíada, n. 25, 2011, p. 43- 60.

27 GALVÃO, Benjamin Franklin Ramiz Galvão (Org.). Cat álogo do Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura no Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Typ. do Jornal do Commercio de Rodrigues & C., 1906.

28 Benjamin Franklin Ramiz Galvão Bachelor of Art s degree at Colégio Pedro II, medical doct or at t he


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos works in Port uguese, French and English. Such aspect differed significant ly from t he collect ion about t he same t heme exist ing in t he main public library of Rio de Janeiro, Nat ional Library. In it , t he massive exist ence of French works not only confirmed t he

29 but also reflect ed t he prominence of t he French M edicine in t he

Ninet eent h Cent ury, mainly in relat ion t o ort hopat hy, in t he int ellect ual environment of t he physicians from Rio de Janeiro30.

works regarding M edicine31, and among t hem many edit ions published by print ing

companies in Rio de Janeiro, from Lisbon and London, writ t en by Brazilian, Port uguese or English doct ors, respect ively. Despit e t he exist ence of a significant amount of books in French - among which 533 books were ident ified - such works represent ed only around ¼ of t he general collect ion about M edicine in t he inst it ut ion, what , as already highlight ed, differed from t he profile of t he collect ion of ot her Public Libraries, where French works were prevalent .

In comparison t o t he collect ion of M edical Sciences comput ed in t he Cat alog of books from t he Cabinet, published in 1858, we may deduce t hat during t he second half

of t he 19t h cent ury t his collect ion acquired it s relevance in t erms of numbers. In t he cat alog of 1858 only 211 medicine books were list ed, wit h 86 books in French, 68 in Port uguese, 47 in Lat in, 6 in English and 4 in Spanish. Among t hem, 136 had been published in t he 19t h cent ury, and t hat would denot e t he commit ment of t he administ rat ors t o acquire updat ed books, t hat could be referred t o by t he Cabinet readers. Such quant um leap, from 211 t o 2,183 works of medical sciences, denot es t he effort of t he Cabinet members t o increase t he collect ion of t he inst it ut ion in relat ion t o t he healt h t opic32.

ret ired from bot h posit ions (source: BLAKE, August o Vict orino Alves Sacrament o. Diccionario bibliographico brasileiro. 1º volume. Rio de Janeiro: Typographia Nacional, 1883, p. 395).

29 In t he 19t h cent ury, Brazil had a st rong influence of t he French cult ure, so t he reading habit s were

also st rongly influenced by t his prevalence, given t he import ance grant ed t o t he ideas arising from t he words of t he French int ellect uals. The int ensit y in which French books circulat ed in Rio de Janeiro was, especially, t hrough a blat ant presence of t ypographers and booksellers in t he cit y, since t he beginning of t he 19t h cent ury. About t his t opic: M OREL, M arco. Op. Cit ., 2005; HALLEWELL, Lawrence. Op. Cit ., 2005.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos The t hemes of t he books, t hesis, memoirs33, report s, speeches, print ed let t ers

and newspapers, eit her nat ional and int ernat ional, belonging t o t he collect ion were well- diversified, including, among t hem: medical pract ice, anat omy, physiology, experiment al medicine, digest ion, lymphat ic syst em, opt ical physiology, hygiene, popular hygiene, public hygiene, milit ary/marit ime hygiene, hygiene in hot count ries, climat ology, homeopat hy, nut rit ion, wat ers, poisons, prost it ut ion, medicine hist ory, drugs falsificat ion, wine, medical geography, t herapeut ics, pharmacy (including journals, pharmacopoeia, t herapeut ics, books of pharmacy hist ory), medical pat hology, childcare, clinical microscopy, specific diseases (such as yellow fever, cholera, t uberculosis, bronchit is gout), dermat ology, venereal diseases, operat ive/surgical medicine, ent ozoon, opht halmology, among ot hers. Those t opics were deduced by analyzing t he mat erial, since t here was no explicit separat ion int o t hemes or subject s in t he cat alog, and t hey were implied in t he t it les placement .

Besides t he works list

Applied Sciences), t he works relat ed t o physiology and ment al hygiene, as well as works relat ed t o psychiat ric pat hologies feat ured t he Cat alog arranged by Ramiz

from t he works relat ed t o medical sciences cont ained in Class VI -


works relat ed t o ment al medicine, such as: M . Bain,

point de vue de leurs rélat ions, 1873; Louis Büchner, Essais de Philosophie et de Science

nat urelle (t ranslat ed from German), 1866; P. J. G. Cabanis, Rapport s du physique et du


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos , 1824; P. Flourens, , de 1858; P. Janet , Le cerveau et la penseé, 1867; Ch. E H. Janiet , De la vie et de son int erprét at ion dans les

, 1860; Lélut , Physiologie de la pensée. Recherche crit ique

, 1852; M aine de Biran, Nouvelles considérat ions sur les

(post humously published by Vict or

Cousin), 1851; E. Billod, Des maladies ment ales et nerveuses. Pat hologie, medicine

, 1882; M . Bra, M anuel des maladies ment ales,

1883; E. Esquirol, Des maladies ment ales considérées sous les rapport s médical, hygiénique et médico- légal, 1838; H. M audsley, The Physiologie and pat hology of mind, 1868; J. M oreau, La psychologie morbide dans ses rapport s avec la philosophie de

, 1859; C. Ollivier, Influence des affect ions organiques sur la raison ou pat hologie morale, 1867; E,

Regis, M anuel prat ique de medicine ment ale, 1885; A. Voisin, Leçons cliniques sur les maladies ment ales et sur les maladies nerveuses profesées à Salpêt rière, 1883; F. E. Foderé, Trait é du délire, aplique a la medicine, a la morale et a la législat ion, 1817; G. L.

Harrison, Legislat ion on insanit y, 1884; Ph. Pinel, Trait é médico- philosophique sur

, 1809; I. Ray, A t reat ise on t he medical jurisprudence of insanit y,

1838; J. Tissot , La folie considérée surt out dans ses rapport s avec la psychologie normale, 1877; G. Dumas, Les Ét at s int ellect uels dans la mélancolie, 1895; A. B. de La Grandiere, De la nost algie ou mal du pays, 1873; A. M airet , De la démence

mélancolique, 1883; Th. Ribot, Les maladies de la mémoire, 1881; L. Figuier, Hist oire du merveilleux dans les t emps modernes, 1869; L. Bordelon, Hist ória das imaginações ext ravagant es de monsieur Oufle causadas pela leit ura dos livros, 1814; A. Brierre de

Boismont , Des hallucionat ions ou hist oire raisonée des apparit ions, des visions, des

, 1852; Gougenot des

M ousseaux, Les médiat eurs et les moyens de la magie, les hallucinat t ions et les savant s, le fant ome humain et le príncipe vit al, 1863; F. Lélut ,

, 1846; A. M aury, Des hallucinat ions du myst icisme Chrét ien, s/d; F. Lélut ,

, 1836;


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos jours Réflexions prat iques sur le magnét isme, le spirit isme et la magie, 1864; Léon

Denis, O porquê da vida solução racional do problema da exist ência (...), de 1898; Alan


Christ (...), 1868; Alan Kardec, O que é o Spirit ismo e noções element ares do Spirit ismo. Int rodução ao conheciment o do mundo invisível pela manifest ação dos espírit os

(Port uguese version), 1893; A. S. M orin, Du M agnét isme et des sciences occult es, 1890,

among ot her 125 books.

However, ot her works classified as relat ed t o nervous diseases feat ured among medicine books such as: J. M . Charcot , Leçons sur les maladies du syst ème nerveux,

1880; R. Grenier, Des localisat ions dans les maladies nerveuses sans lésions appréciables, 1886; C. M . S. Sandras, Trait é prat ique des maladies nerveuses, 1851; A. Voisin, Leçons cliniques sur les maladies ment ales et sur les maladies nerveuses, 1883;

and A. Vulpian, M aladies du syst ème nerveux, 1879, among ot her t hirt y books. This leads us t o believe t hat t he organizat ion of t he works int egrat ed t he processes of

jurisdict ional disput es34 exist ing since t he last quart er of t he 19t h cent ury about t he

format ion of a psychiat ric medicine in Brazil, qualifying t he adopt ion of an organicist perspect ive in ment al medicine, as being part of a process of scient ificat ion of psychiat ry. The process occurred in cont rast t o t he alienist pract ice const it ut ed by t he French and Brit ish t radit ion, coined bet ween t he end of t he 18t h cent ury and t he beginning of t he 19t h cent ury. It was, t hus, t he inclusion made by Ramiz Galvão (as a doct or) in t he preparat ion of a cat alog, a demarcat ionist socio- professional perspect ive, in which t he result of a scient ific cont roversy put t ing on opposit e sides a medicine wit h alienist t radit ion (regarded as non- scient ific, at t he end of t he disput e) and an organicist psychiat ric medicine (considered scient ific) was incorporat ed.

Anot her int erest ing aspect of t his collect ion, in relat ion t o t he works classified

which, according t o Bet ânia Figueiredo35, played t he role of cult ural mediat or bet ween

t he medical and popular knowledge. The daily use of such books (wit h wide circulat ion, several reprint s and int ense circulat ion in Brazil during t he 19t h cent ury), by people

34 Concept developed by Andrew Abbot t (1998) t o analyze t he process of socio- professional disput es

permeat ing t he ment al medicine in t he 19t h cent ury. See: ABBOT, Andrew. The syst ems of professions. An essay on t he division of expert labor. Chicago and London: The Universit y of Chicago Press, 1998.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos wit h or wit hout academic background, played a f undament al role in a societ y lacking doct ors, needed in most of t he t errit ory. Furt hermore, t he process of t ransferring healt h care t o specialist s who, gradually, gained social legit imacy and dist inguished from t he ot her pract it ioners or healers was in progress, and t hey were looking for a socio-professional legit imizat ion36. Therefore, we believe t he major presence of works t o

disseminat e/mainst ream t he scient ific area in t he collect ion was relat ed t o t he t arget audience of t he Cabinet , who were not ably educat ed people, linguist ically compet ent , but not specialized in medical sciences.

In t hat subject area, feat ured t he renowned works of Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz,

Dicionário de M edicina Popular37 (print ed in Paris, in Port uguese); J. B. A. Imbert , M anual do fazendeiro, ou t rat ado domést ico sobre as enfermidades dos negros (edit ed

in Rio de Janeiro wit h issues in 1834 and 1839); and J. B. Dazille, Observações sobre as enfermidades dos negros, suas causas, seus t rat ament os e meios de prevenir (edit ed in

Port ugal, at Arco do Cego t ypography, 1801). It is wort h t o highlight t hat t he reference t o t he last t wo books were succeeded by t he observat ions t hat such works could not leave t he inst it ut ion. This also indicat es t he st rong demand for t hose manuals, because only books considered rare had such rest rict ion38.

We also ident ified ot her seven scient ific diffusion books writ t en by foreign aut hors (published in Port uguese by nat ional or foreigner print ing companies), such as: Cazenave, M anual de medicina prát ica para uso das famílias, Paris (1886); Levy, Guia de higiene e saúde para facilit ar os socorros em caso de acident es ou de molést ias, 1900; Jean François M acé, Hist ória de um bocadinho de pão Cart as a uma menina acerca da vida do homem e dos animais, undat ed; Chidloe, Homeopat ia domést ica ou Inst ruções

para qualquer pessoa poder curar homeopat icament e nos lugares onde não há médicos,

(1853); Gouré, A homeopat ia post a ao alcance de t odos (1850); Benoît M ure, A prát ica element ar da homeopat ia,(1855- 56); Benoît M ure, O médico do povo (1868).

In addit ion t o such manuals, we highlight eleven books by Port uguese aut hors in t his cat egory (t en edit ed in Lisbon and one in Port o), namely: Cardoso Klerl,

36 PIM ENTA, Tânia Salgado. O exercício das art es de curar no Rio de Janeiro (1828- 1855). Tese (Dout orado

em Hist ória). São Paulo: UNICAM P, 2003.

37 The book t it les, in Port uguese, were updat ed according t o t he current st andards of Port uguese, but t he

proper names were kept as t hey used t o be w rit t en.

38 We reached t his conclusion because, as t he cat alog w as creat ed in t he beginning of t he 19t h cent ury,


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Formulário geral médico cirúrgico, ou guia prát ico do médico, do cirurgião e do

farmacêut ico (1842); Cost a Paiva, Aforismos de medicina e cirurgia prát icas (1837);

Julio Art hur Lopes Cardoso, A medicina nos casos urgent es (1888); Julio Art hur Lopes Cardoso, M anual do enfermeiro M edicina domést ica (1883); Ayres B. Pint o, Guia médico- homeopát ico familiar ou modo de cada uma se t rat ar pront a e suavement e das molést ias mais comuns (1870); Francisco Soares da Ribera,

Cirurgia met ódica e química reformada (1721); Filipe José Rodrigues, Dicionário homeopát ico port át il de sint oma (1858); J. P. Almeida Brandão, O livro das famílias ou

inst ruções acerca do mat rimônio e das doenças mais comuns (1873); Ant onio José de Sousa Pint o, M edicina polít ica ou princípios necessários t ant o aos professores como út eis aos enfermos (1822); and M anoel Joaquim Henriques de Paiva, Curso de medicina

t eórica e prát ica, dest inado para os cirurgiões que andam embarcados, ou que não

est udaram nas universidades (1792). Presence t o st rengt hen t he Cabinet effort t o

est ablish a collect ion which could be a reference in relat ion t o t he works of Port uguese aut hors, as most part of t hose books were not in t he cat alog of ot her libraries of t he cit y.

Ot her out st anding charact erist ic of such collect ion is t he safekeeping of books about homeopat hic medicine, and during t he second half of t he 19t h cent ury, t he homeopat hy ent husiast s have made great effort s t o disclose it s principles, and gained not oriet y among t he Court societ y, t hrough t he t ranslat ion and sale of t he books of M ure39, among ot hers. Furt hermore, t he t ranslat ion of such books denot es, in our

opinion, an aspect present ed by Figueiredo40 t hat t he Port uguese edit ion aimed t he

professional acknowledgment and fort une, given t he int ense circulat ion of such books across t he t errit ory

The exist ence of a represent at ive collect ion about homeopat hy in t he Cabinet was relat ed t o t he pract ice of homeopat hic doct ors in such inst it ut ion, as t he first

39 Benoît - Jules M ure (1809- 1858) was considered one of t he int roducers and great mot ivat or of

homeopat hy in Brazil. M edical doct or graduat ed by M ont pellier College, he pract iced homeopat hy in Europe and came t o Brazil in 1840. In t he next year he t ried t o est ablish a colonizat ion project wit h French Socialist orient at ion, at Saí (Sant a Cat arina), where he st art ed t o organize t he Supplement ary M edicine College and Homeopat hic Inst it ut e of Saí (1842). As t he project failed, he was t ransferred t o Rio de Janeiro in 1843, where he founded t he Homeopat hic Inst it ut e of Brazil, of which he was t he president up t o 1848, when he ret urned t o Europe. Source: Inst it ut o Homeopát ico do Brasil.Dicionário Hist órico- Biográfico das Ciências da Saúde no Brasil (1832- 1930). Available at : <ht t p://www.dichist oriasaude.coc.fiocruz.br/iah/pt /pdf/inst hombr.pdf>. Accessed in: 12/28/2015.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos

41. A t heoret ical influence t hat , despit e being

reject ed by most of t he medical class belonging t o t he Court medical elit e42, had many

M ure. Such charact erist ic was present in t he Nat ional Library, reflect ing t he int erest of t he medical class, and a significant amount of t he populat ion, in t he infinit esimal homeopat hic formulat ions.

We also ident ified ot her books not int ended t o t he specialized audience in English, French, It alian and Spanish, emphasizing t he English edit ions, such as: G. H. Barkow, A manual of t he pract ice of medicine (1856); Thomas Graham, M odern domest ic medicine (1853); James Copland, A dict ionary of prat ical medicine (1866) and

Edmund A. Parkes, A manual of pract ical hygiene, among ot hers43. Such works came

from a donat ion made by a pharmacist graduat ed in sciences in Brussels during t he 1860s, and known for his pract ice in t he Imperial Court , Ant onio Alves Ferreira44.

According t o Azevedo45, t he collect ion donat ed by Alves Ferreira was composed

by 1,400 copies of which we could ident ify 298 books46 47.

Among t hem, 134 were in English (115 edit ed in London, 7 in Dublin/Edinburgh and 12 in t he Unit ed St at es), 125 in French, 12 in Port uguese (5 edit ed in Brazil and 7 in Port ugal), 6 in It alian, 1 in German and 1 in Spanish. Despit e t his collect ion present ed works about general medicine mat t ers, such as clinical pract ice, anat omy, experiment al medicine and hygiene (among ot hers), t here was a concent rat ion of works about t herapeut ics and/or pharmacology, hist ory of pharmacy, count erfeit ing of medicines,

41 Lit t le informat ion appear in t he bibliographical dict ionary prepared by Sacrament o Blake about t his

charact er. Blake only st at ed he was a volunt ary pract it ioner from M inas Gerais, Brazilian, wit h his name included in t he Cat alog of t he Brazilian M edical Exposure in 1883, as t he Aut hor of t he book: Resumo da medicina prát ica, edit ed in 1848. (BLAKE, Op. Cit ., vol. 4, p. 274)

42 The medical elit e is not necessarily made up by t he best doct ors, but by t hose who t radit ionally

concent rat e dif ferent t ypes of professional influence. See t he concept of medical elit e in t he Weisz art icle. Les t ransformat ions de l‟Elit e medicale em France. Act es de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, nº 74, p. 33- 46, sept . 1988.

43 Such names reflect a small sample.

44 VELLOSO, Verônica Piment a. Farmácia na Cort e Imperial (1851- 1887): prát icas e saberes. Tese

(Dout orado em Hist ória das Ciências). Rio de Janeiro: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2007.

45 AZEVEDO, Fabiano Cat aldo. A doação da bibliot eca João do Rio ao Real Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura:

aspect os de uma hist órica pouco conhecida. Perspect ivas em ciência da informação, v. 15, n. 3, set ./dez. 2010, p. 233- 249.

46 The quant it y of books is larger, because many books had more t han one volume and, wit h t hey were

donat ed wit h pharmacy newspapers collect ions wit h several issues. Addit ionally, some of t he works were not ident ified and t he number may include inaccuracies, since it w as made by t it le.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos besides a great variet y of pharmacopoeias and pharmacy journals, wit h an eminent ly pract ical charact er of the library creat ed. This aspect may be confirmed by t he prominence of books edit ed in t he 60s (comprising 94 t it les), followed by 53 books from t he 1870s, 44 from t he 1850s, 33 from t he 1820s, 16 from t he 1880s and, finally, 10 from t he 1830s, besides ot her books wit hout a specified dat e. That means t hat it was not a library wit h classic books, it included books relat ed t o t heir area of expert ise and everyday pract ice. This dat a confirms our assumpt ion t hat t here was, among t he doct ors in t he Court , an int ense circulat ion of scient ific ideas coming from different knowledge product ion cent ers, result ing of an effort of cont inuous updat e by t he int ellect ual physicians. Such readings, made t hrough t he acquisit ion of books and journals wit h t he int ent ion t o inform t hem about everyt hing t hat was creat ed overseas, wit h such knowledge being adopt ed and receiving anot her meaning in t he daily pract ice. Nonet heless, it is of ut most import ance t o highlight t hat t he significant presence of books in English wit hin t he Cabinet collect ion, as opposed t o t he profile of t he ot her libraries in Rio de Janeiro during t he 19t h cent ury result ed mainly from t he donat ion of Alves Ferreira, and t he works were not acquired t hrough purchase, and, consequent ly, it was not a result of a "policy" of books acquisit ion.

Thus, despit e a st rong presence of works in English in t he Cabinet , t he quant it y of books in French was significant , including aut hors commonly adopt ed in t he nat ional medical lit erat ure, such as: A. Bouchardat , Le t ravail. Son influence sur la sant é

(1863); Broussais, Examen des doct rines médicales et des syst ème de Nosologie

(1829-34); A. Becquerel, (1864); Sandras, C. M .

S., Trait é prat ique des maladies nerveuses (1851); Lélut , De la sant é du peuple (1849);

Claude Bernard, Rapport sur les progrès et la marche de la physiologie génerale em France (1867); A. Armand, M édicine et hygiène des pays chauds et spécialement de

(1853); e E. Bouchut , Dict ionnaire de Thérapeut ique médicale et chirurgicale (1867), among many ot hers.

The t hree last books also figured t he largest collect ion donat ed t o t he Cabinet


Port uguese cit izen Francisco M anuel de M ello (who had also been a librarian in t he


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos Cabinet ). Of t his amount , we ident ified 139 volumes49 relat ed t o t he cat egory

50. Amongst t he books about

medicine, 77 were in French, 58 in Port uguese (36 of which were edit ed in Port ugal and 19 in Brazil), 1 in German and 1 in Lat in. Despit e t he books list ed under t he heading "M edicine" were t he smaller port ion of his donat ion, t hey were significant , as t he collect ion belonged t o an individual wit h no background in M edicine. Besides works t o mainst ream M edicine, such as Dicionario de medicina popular (1862), by Pedro Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz, t here were also works about homeopat hy, like M édico

do povo (1868), by Benoît M ure, and some nat ional product ions such as t he book writ t en by Joaquim Remédios M ont eiro dos Sant os, Hygiene e educação da infância

(1868). The collect ion also had classic books from t he French M edicine, such as Th. Ribot , Les maladies de la mémoire (1881); and La folie considérée surt out dans ses rapport s avec la psychologie normale, J. Tissot (1877).

In t he collect ion coming from M anuel de M ello we also found a great variet y of subject areas, such as medical pract ice, hygiene in hot count ries, hist ory of medicine, hist ology, popular hygiene, milit ary/marit ime hygiene, childcare, sanit at ion, t herapeut ics. However, t here was a focus of t it les about homeopat hy, physiology and venereal diseases. On t he whole, t he t it les were connect ed t o t he main diseases and healt h problems faced by t he Brazilian inhabit ant s, highlight ing t hat t he books also enabled t he individuals wit h no background in M edicine t o obt ain knowledge about what was being produced in t his field. The books were updat ed, being mainly edit ed in t he 1860s (wit h a t ot al of 74 books), followed by 25 edit ed in t he 1850s, 16 edit ed in t he 1870s, 5 edit ed in t he 1830s, 3 edit ed in t he 1880s, 3 edit ed in t he 1840s, 1 edit ed in t he 1820s, and ot hers undat ed, including a rare edit ion of 1237, writ t en by J. de Vigo, about surgery.

However, when analyzing t he medicine collect ion purchased by or donat ed t o t he Cabinet , from 1837 t o 1906, we can observe a great effort t o compile (original or t ranslat ed) works in Portuguese, as t hey were t he vast majorit y of it , wit h 1,263 books (of which 1088 had been edit ed in Brazil, 173 in Port ugal and 2 in Goa). Besides books


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos r Lopes Cardoso, A medicina nos casos urgent es (1888) and M anual do enfermeiro (1889); t here

were also medical science newspapers print ed in Lisbon, such as Jornal de Sciencias M edicas de Lisboa (1835- 64) or A M edicina M oderna (1899- 1905), edit ed in Port o. This support s t he perspect ive advocat ed by Schapochnik51 and Azevedo, t hat such collect ion

had been creat ed t o consolidat e a Port uguese memory in t he former Port uguese colony.

In relat ion t o t he books edit ed in Port ugal, we can observe t hat t here was a prominence of books t o mainst ream M edicine, as M edicina domést ica

(1883); Guia médico- homeophat ico familiar ou modo de cada uma se t rat ar prompt a e suavement e das molést ias mais comuns, Ayres B. Pint o (1870); and Diccionario homeopat hico port át il de sympt omas, Filipe José Rodrigues (1858). They appeared

alongside t ranslat ions such t he one made by Hufeland, Art e de prolongar a vida

(1825) and by Guilherme Buchan, M edicina domest ica, ou t rat ado complet o de conservar a saúde, e de curar, e precaver as

enfermidades (1788- 1803).

The Cabinet also had a subst ant ial amount of dissert at ions present ed in science inst it ut es in Lisbon, such as Dissert ação sobre o novo syst ema do cont raest ímulo (1816), by Ant onio José de Sousa Pint o, and dissert at ions present ed by doct oral st udent s of t he M edicine College of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia (in large volumes). We can also not ice t he significant presence of print ed works about medicine made by nat ional edit ors, being a version of books originally published in several languages, such as t he renowned Dicionário de medicina popular, by Chernoviz (3rd edit ion, 1862), and O

médico do povo, Benoît M ure, t ranslat ed by Joaquim José da Silva Pint o, revised by Dr. A de Cast ro Lopes and print ed by t he print ing company belonging t o A de Cast ro M elo, in Rio de Janeiro, 1868.

By cont rast , we can ident ify in t his collect ion t he presence of classic books, such as t he Hippocrat es book, and ot her edit ions of Port uguese aut hors from t he 17t h and 18t h cent uries (for the most part ), besides several books writ t en in Lat in language

51 SCHAPOCHNIK, Nelson. Cont ext os de leit ura no Rio de Janeiro do século XIX: salões, gabinet es


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos wit h different origins such as Inst it ut iones physiologicae et pat hologicae, Leopoldo M arc Ant onio Caldani, dat ed 1784, or Inst it ut ionum, Caspari Hofmannus, 1645.

Yet , despit e not icing a significant presence of classic books, t he vast majorit y of t he books kept by t he Port uguese Cabinet of Reading in t he medical sciences area had been edit ed in t he XIX cent ury, mainly in t he second half of t he cent ury. Such aspect denot es t he effort carried out by t he inst it ut ional execut ives wit h t he int ent ion t o const ruct an updat ed collect ion, t hat could be accessed by t heir members and, t hat could especially st imulat e t he membership, as t hey were paid.

In t he Cabinet Board of Leaders we may find t he explanat ion t o t he exist ence of t his rich and updat ed collect ion of books and journals on M edicine, since it was no rare t o see physicians working as librarians or even direct ors of t he inst it ut ion, as we can see in Table 1, previously present ed. It is wort h ment ioning t hat t he collect ion regarding M edicine included around 8% of t he Cabinet collect ion, showing t he import ance of t his subject area for t he inst it ut ion. The figures present ed in t he Table also show t he major effort made by t heir represent at ives t o increase const ant ly t he collect ion, which, if init ially int ended t o represent t he Port uguese cult ure in t he cit y at t he end of t he 19t h cent ury, had become one of t he main libraries in t he capit al, mainly because of t he variet y of books and aut hors available in t he shelves of t he sumpt uous main office, inaugurat ed in 1887, at Rua Luís de Camões, wit h M anueline st yle, in t he cit y cent er, which was once seat of t he Luzo- Brazilian Empire.

Dat a de recebiment o do art igo: 22/01/2016 Dat a de aprovação do art igo: 10/05/2016


ABBOT, Andrew. The systems of professions. An essay on t he division of expert labor.

Chicago and London: The Universit y of Chicago Press, 1998.

AZEVEDO, Fabiano Cat aldo. A doação da bibliot eca João do Rio ao Real Gabinet e Port uguês de Leit ura: aspect os de uma hist órica pouco conhecida. Perspect ivas em ciência da informação, v. 15, n. 3, p. 233- 249, set ./dez. 2010.


Almanack. Guarulhos, n.14, p.241- 263 art igos _____. O acervo bibliográfico do Gabinet e Port uguês de leit ura como lugar de memória

e forma reconhecível: considerações acerca dessas aproximações. Convergência Lusíada, n. 25, p. 43- 60, 2011.

BETTIOL, M aria Regina Barcelos. A fundação da Bibliot eca Nacional: uma memória compart ilhada ent re dois mundos. Inst it ut o Hist órico e Geográfico do Rio

Grande do Sul. Avaliable at :<

ht t p://www.ihgrgs.org.br/art igos/cont ibuicoes/M aria%20R.%20B.%20Bet t iol%2

0-%20A%20Funda%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20Bibliot eca%20Nacional.pdf>. Accessed in: 12/15/2016.

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Table 1  -  Collect ion of t he Royal Port uguese Cabinet  of Reading of Rio de Janeiro  (1850- 1881)


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