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Regionalist projects of Rogério de Azevedo


Academic year: 2018

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ESAP, Port ugal

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I n t he w ork of t he arch it ect Rogério de Azev edo – m ost ly realised fr om end of t w ent ies t o fort ies – t he regionalist opt ion w as alw ays present . Som et im es by his ow n init iat ive, som et im es as an answ er t o t he rules of gov ernm ent al pr ogram m es.

Regardless of t he condit ion of t he St at e t o w ork w it h regional t ypes t o built in series, supposedly respect ful of local sensit ivit ies, t he const raint s and t echnical m at erials led t h e archit ect t o adopt ed t echniques and appr opriat e languages, in a personal int erpr et at ion, w er e m odernism and v ernacular are m ixed. Her e a decisiv e fact or is t he count erpoint bet w een t he pr oj ect for t he cit y and t he pr oj ect for t he rural envir onm ent .

I f in som e cases t he St at e order w as det erm in ant , in ot her s, part icularly in pr oj ect s of lat e t w ent ies and early fort ies, t h e archit ect and his vision of t he r elat ionship bet w een t he placem ent s, t he m at erials available and ex pressiv e values t hat inform his w ork, are t he r eason of being of h is w orks.

Ke y w or ds: Modern Archit ect ure, Archit ect ure Vernacular, Regionalism

The Est ado Novo1

This is how t he m ost t alent ed and innovat ive archit ect s of his generat ion 'build t he new panoram a of t he w orks of t he syst em ' ( Tost ões, 2003, p. 113) exploring

unconst rained language of an int ernat ionalist m odel t hey already experienced, support ed by t he new const ruct ion m et hods, in an apparent adequacy of m odernism t o t he official expect at ions.

developed num erous infr ast ruct ure const ruct ion program s and equipm ent in t he t hirt ies. The count ry, m ost ly rural and low econom ic developm ent , has been obj ect of a m et hodical and st ruct ural policy of public w orks carried out by t he w ill and pow er of Duart e Pacheco, Minist er of Public Works and Com m unicat ions and Salazar m an of act ion.

But t he m odern opt ion in t his generat ion of em bryonic m odernist archit ect s t raining, alt ernat ing in t heir pract ices w it h regionalism or hist oricist eclect icism , is not an ideological, social or philosophical quest ion. For t hem t he m odern is j ust anot her st yle av ailable, a new w ay t o build int egrat ing a funct ionalist and




rat ionalist concept ion of archit ect ure ( Mart ins, 1999, p. 121) . I t 's a generat ional at t it ude, rev ivalist t raining eclect ic, bet on linguist ic renew al 'w it hout int egrat ing t he ideological principles of int ernat ional m odern m ovem ent ' ( Tost ões, 2003, p.

110) . On t he ot her hand, t he increasing use of int ernat ional st andards in t he const ruct ion of m odernist public facilit ies is underst ood by t he pow er as anot her " st yle" . A m oderat e st y le by m onum ent alit y and dignit y values t hat are part of t he m eaning of public w ork . And t he idea of m odernit y associat ed w it h t he progress st rengt hens, at t his st age, t he im age of t he pow er.

Rogério de Azevedo does not escape t he cont radict ions of it s co- generat ion and also he designed som e public facilit ies t hrough a var iet y of languages. Exam ples of t his are t he Vila Flor and Póvoa de Varzim Municipalit ies ( early t hirt ies) or t he Capt aincy of t he port of Viana do Cast elo ( 1933) .

But m uch of t he equipm ent program s w it h expression at nat ional level are developed using proj ect - t ype regionalist m at r ix . These regionalist charact er concerns do not appear t o be linked t o an ideological posit ion of t hose w ho order, t he ret urn values t o a ruralit y t hat span t he polit ical speech or inspir ing m odels of nat ionalist allegedly draw n, because at t he t im e did not exist . And t he Minist ry of Public Works delivery im plem ent at ion t o m odernist archit ect s, ext ernal t o t heir serv ices, t hereby circum vent ing t he short com ings of t heir st ruct ures.

Am ong t hese program s lies t he Econom ic Houses, 1933. I n it t he Est ado Novo defines it s policy on social housing. I t is an innovat ive policy in t w o w ays: first because chooses t he im age of t he english garden cit y in t erm s of cit y concept ; second because est ablishing a new t ype of cont ract ual relat ionship w it h t he t enant t o his hom e. I n t he m ont hly inst allm ent for t he purchase of housing is associat ed w it h an insurance syst em of social prot ect ion as a m eans t o secure t he populat ion.

Public int ervent ion in housing t he urban populat ion of low er incom e is achieved t hrough single- fam ily housing, an ant i- collect iv ist m odel 'm ore in line w it h t he nat ional charact er, m ore hygienic and m ore suit able for t he m at erial and m oral


The houses are present ed from different classes aim ed at differ ent social st rat a. Only except ionally, t he const ruct ion of houses of all classes in t he sam e housing developm ent , could be aut horized. How ever, 'in t his case, t he neighborhood had t o be divided int o different sect ors, playing w ell, t o her bosom , social zoning

st rat egy officially defended' ( Gros, 1994, p. 87) . Wit h t his m odel t hat creat e

sm all clust ers on t he out skirt s of cit ies. They define a different iat ed urban space t hat approx im at es t he m odel neighborhood of t he cit y- garden. But , given it s sm all size, it s design 'ident ifies m ore w it h t he garden suburb' ( How ell, 1999, p. 152) .

The const ruct ion m ust be of 'port uguese savour, t ypically regional and can adapt t o t he building syst em s and const ruct ion m at erials from different regions of t he

count ry' ( Casas Económ icas, 1943, p. 17) . I t is by follow ing t hese precept s t hat

t he Neighborhoods Econom ic Houses, having expression in t he urban fabric, present consist ing of different t ypes of v illas w it h garden at t he back and gar den next t o t he m ain facade, t hus break ing an idea of uniform it y2.

Figu r e 1 . Neighborhood Econ om ic Hou ses of Paranhos,

Port o, undat ed. Ar chive DGEMN: SI PA, I PA n º

PT011312100438, FOTO.0551323


Wor ked in pr oj ect design st andar d of t he houses of all classes, all of which m ay pr esent one or t wo floor s, ar chit ect s such as Raul Lino Cor r eia, Rebelo de Andr ade, Cout o Mar t ins, Alber t o Cr uz or Rogér io de Azevedo, am ong ot her s. Wit h t he im plem ent at ion of t he pr ogr am ar e built new



At first t he Est ado Novo gave great er em phasis t o t he house t han t o t he neighborhood. How ever, t he Econom ic Houses clust ers built in t he t hirt ies, in Port o, w ere t o include t he building of Pr im ary Schools t ype Douro sort of regionalised t ype proj ect s, 1935, designed by Rogér io de Azev edo, aft er m inor changes.

As in all w orks carried out by t he Minist ry of Public Works, also t he Neighborhoods Econom ic Houses w ere abundant ly phot ographed. I t sought not a docum ent ary record but obt aining im ages t o publicize t heir achievem ent t hrough t he publicat ions of t he Nat ional Propaganda Secret ariat . Som e of t hat phot ographic record of w ork in t he neighborhoods of Port o fit t he st udio Phot ographia Alvão.

But perhaps t he m ost paradigm at ic case of t he program s im plem ent ed by m eans of st andard proj ect s is t he regionalized proj ect s- t ypes of Pr im ary Schools officials t o build in series, 1935.

Am ong t he proj ect s w it h t he General Direct orat e of Nat ional Buildings and Monum ent s ( DGEMN) began operat ions in 1929 are t he Schools Dr. Alfredo de Magalhães in Viana do Cast elo dist r ict . Rogério de Azevedo proj ect ed six of t hese

schools. Them reflect s t he deep know ledge t hat holds about t he school built herit age in t he 20s and t he concern t o int egrat e locally and play w it h t radit ional or revivalist charact er det ails.

Wit h t he dest ruct ion of t he Prim ary School of Lourosa, m ot ivat ed by t he need t o free t he Church from all out buildings3

3 Cur r ent pr act ice in r est or at ion wor k for conduct ing sur veys and st udies for t he r est or at ion of

m onum ent s. I n t his case t he wor k was st ar t ed by or der of Dr . Alfr edo de Magalhães and pr ofusely accom panied by t he m agazine I lust r ação Moder na and by Eng. Henr ique Gom es da Silva ( Dir ect or-Gener al DGEMN) .


Figu r e 2 . Prim ary Sch ool of Lour osa, Oliveira do Hospit al.

Proj ect ar chit ect s of Rogério de Azev edo an d Balt azar de Cast r o. Axonam ét rica Vist a, 1930. Ass., Dat .: Rogério Azevedo and Balt azar Cast r o, ar chit ect s, 12/ 08/ 1930.

I lust ração Moderna, 5t h year, No. 46, August 1 930, p. 192.

But t he General Direct orat e approved or m at erialize proj ect s expressing var ious concept s held by different aut hors. I ncluding t he archit ect Jorge Segurado4

I n t he early years of t his decade, t he syst em aim s t o est ablish it self in rural societ y

w orking int ensively in school buildings, but w it hout t he inclusion of regionalist concerns t aken by Rogério de Azevedo.

5 by est ablishing a regim e t hat refers t o t he local aut hor it ies a share in t he w orks of 50% of it s value. Many of t he school buildings ar e const ruct ed by popular init iat ive, ot her donat ed or subsidized by benefact ors6

I t is in t his cont ext t hat Rogério de Azevedo develops, in collaborat ion w it h Januário Godinho, t he School- Cant een proj ect in Alij ó ( 1930) . I t is an



Jor ge de Alm eida Segur ado ( 1898- 1990) developed sever al pr oj ect s for school buildings, including t he t own of Est r em oz ( 1931) and t he t own of Pom bal ( 1932) ; proj ect t ype for t he Pr im ar y Schools of t he Municipalit y of Cascais ( 1931) ; building for Schools of Social Neighbor hood Ar co do Cego, Lisbon ( 1932) ; Cent r al School I nfant e D. Henr ique, Angr a do Her oism o ( 1933) am ong m any ot her s.


Decr ee No. 19502, Mar ch 1931 ( published 03/ 24/ 31) , defined t he Rur al I m pr ovem ent policy, st ipulat ing a schem e for t he const r uct ion, r epair and adapt at ion of r oads and schools, allowing t he allocat ion of budget subsidies gener al St at e.

6 This gest ur e is encour aged by t he St at e t hat gives donor s t he r ight t o indicat e people for placing



archit ect ure built in granit e, robust and t hick, in dialogue w it h t he m at erials and t he t ransm ont ana landscape, 'volum et rically charact erized from t he organizat ion of t he plant ' ( Tavares, 2012, p. 35) .

Since 1932 t hat ex ist ed in DGEMN an archit ect ure sect ion, headed by archit ect Guilherm e Rebello de Andrade, ready t o m ake new Pr im ar y Schools proj ect s. Of t heir effort s result ed in t he present at ion of a Mem ory7

On t he first page appears w rit t en t hat proj ect s should be designed 'in accordance w it h t he charact erist ics of t he regional archit ect ure, im posed not

only by t he applicat ion of t hese m at erials ow n regions but also by clim at e

changes'. And explicit t he idea: it is int ended t o t he assim ilat ion of new buildings

for t he people, not hurt ing 't heir et hnic sensit ivit y' w it h exot ic elem ent s of a " rat ionalism " forced, despising t he t radit ion. Moreover, it is believed t hat such " rat ionalit y" w ell underst ood, it t akes local elem ent s, com bining t hem w it h t he new const ruct ion feat ures.

, in 1933, in w hich t he precept s t o be m et by t he school buildings t o be const ruct ed by t he governm ent are defined. I n t his Mem ory are som e rules t hat prev iously had not been defined.

On t he next page are est ablished t hree m ain condit ions for t he design of plant s:

1st - w it h t he plan of a school for a place school- unit , solve t he plant s from ot her schools;

2nd - design t hose plant s t o be able t o t ake advant age of all t he land w hat ever exposure t o Nort h;

3rd - st andardizat ion of t he const ruct ion of schools, for gr oups, even t hough t hese groups are form ed by schools of different num bers of places.

The m ainland is div ided int o six regions t hrough t he affinit ies in building m at erials resources, m anpow er, const ruct ion processes and clim at e: Algarve;


Ant e- pr oj ect o do Plano Ger al de Tipos- Regionaes de Escolas Pr im ar ias Oficiais a Const r uir em

Sér ie – Mem ór ia. Lisbon, 14 Decem ber 1933. Ass. The Ar chit ect Chief of Sect ion Guilher m e Rebello


Alent ej o; Ext rem adura; Beira- Lit oral; Beir a Baix a, Sout h; Beir a Baix a, Nort h, Beira- Alt a, Minho and Trás- os- Mont es.

While t he proj ect s for t he Sout h dist r ict s are delivered t o Raul Lino, t he dist r ict s of Nort h and Cent ral are t he responsibilit y of Rogério de Azevedo.

Based on t he designed proj ect in 1930 for t he School of Lourosa, he chooses t o sim plify it st art ing fr om t he classroom idea as a space cell, an idea already present previously and consequent ly used in t he proj ect s of pr im ary schools w hich had m eanw hile realized. Follow ing a funct ional orient at ion present s a num ber of var iat ions of t he sam e basic t ype of building in t he com posit ion by adding cells/ room s t hat are repeat ed, and set t ing t he m ax im um st andardizat ion. The school's cent ral space is t he classroom .



Figu r e 3 . Sch ool- Cant een Salazar. Vim ieiro, Sant a Com ba

Dão. Cu rr ent phot o. Archive DGEMN: SI PA, I PA nº PT021814080009, FOTO.4051935.

Rogério de Azevedo had creat ed t hroughout his w ork, and from var ious elem ent s base, 't ypes w hose adapt abilit y and flexibilit y solut ions are best expressed in t he special proj ect of t he School- Cant een Salazar', 'w ork t hat synt hesizes t he values

set in proj ect s- t ype regionalised t hat are prior', not also failing t o refer t o t he

proj ect Prim ary School of Lourosa ( Pim ent el, 2014, p. 55) .

Wit h t he regionalised st andard proj ect s w as init iat ed t o a pur ificat ion process of t he const it uent areas of t he school buildings. By t he lat e 60s t he evolut ion of t hese buildings w ill be seam less. Alt hough t echnical and funct ional alt erat ions proj ect s alw ays present t he sam e concept space- school, dilut ing t he language expresses t hem t hrough a progressive im poverishm ent of t he im plem ent ed solut ions.


m odel. One opt ion already clear ly polit ical and corollar y of a pat h st at em ent values consist ent w it h t he spir it of t he Cent enary Com m em orat ions 19408

I n order t o convey an im age of progress and renew al and sim ult aneously com bat penet rat ion in t he count ry of any solvent s and dist urbing ideas of unit y and nat ional int erest , t he Est ado Novo creat es in 1933 t he Nat ional Propaganda Secret ariat ( SPN)



Led by Ant onio Ferro, and in order t o m obilize t he art s and let t ers for view ing syst em , cont ribut es t o t he affir m at ion of art ist s and m odernist s dur ing t he t hir t ies. How ever, t he m ost innovat ive w ere already connect ed t o im port ant int ervent ions w hose design predat ed t he cr eat ion of t he SPN.


Wit h t he 'great m ission' t o 'raise t he spirit of t he Port uguese in know ledge t han it really is and it ' - w ords of Salazar in t he inaugural speech ( Acciaiuoli, 1998, p.

14) - t he policy of t he spirit t hen creat ed by Ant onio Ferro, develops a st ruct urally holist ic and int egrat ive m ode ( Port ela, 1982, p. 59) . Looking cover var ious areas in a m ult idisciplinary w ay and in order t o reveal t he count ry in it s cult ural and popular aspect s, t ourism w ill be used by t he Est ado Novo t o launch t he count ry's im age abroad.

I n Oct ober 1933 opens t he t raveling exhibit ion of " Hot el Modelo" , const it ut ed by t he report of eight archit ect ural proj ect s of regional hot els pr epared by eight young archit ect s inv it ed, culm inat ion of a cam paign on nat ional t ourism issues launched by t he m agazine O Not ícias I lust rado, direct ed by Leit ão de Barros, and w it h t he support of t he Nat ional Tour ism Council and t he CP ( Port uguese Railw ays) and a program - regulat ion prepared by Raul Lino. Having shall be int ended t o prov ide guidance m odels t o t he privat e sect or for t he const ruct ion of hot el facilit ies t hat have t he charact er of large fam ily inns, very com fort able, but devoid of all t he false luxur y, according t o t he regionalist pr inciple, bot h t he form al level and in experience of t he buildings in an at t em pt t o est ablish a pedagogy for new developm ent s in t he sect or, buck ing t he t rend for perform ing

8 Celebr at ions of t he Double Cent enar y of t he Foundat ion ( 1140) and Rest or at ion ( 1640) of

Por t ugal in 1940.

9 Refur bished in 1944, is now calling it self t he Nat ional Secr et ar iat of I nfor m at ion, Popular Cult ur e



'false and pret ent ious " Palaces" ' ( Ferro, 1949, p. 48) built out side m aj or urban cent ers.

Above all

Above all m at t er look for archit ect ural reasons in t he t radit ion or regional charact er, giv ing preference t o t he localit y m at erials em ploym ent in order t o ensure respect for t he landscape elem ent s, t he regional t radit ion, t he pict uresque ( Mart ins, 1999, p. 125) .

These concerns and t he influence of t heir underly ing program m ing m odel as w ell as t he Pouzadas10

I n 1938, t he sect or proj ect of Ant ónio Ferro begins t o gain expression. I n addit ion t o t he hist oricist and popular t ourist circuit s ot her net w orks are regarded as essent ial: t hat of t he t ourist offices and inns. I t is designed t o plan a net w ork of Regional I nns dist r ibut ed t hroughout t he count ry,

t hesis present ed at t he First Nat ional Tourism Congress in 1936, w ill be accom panied by Ant ónio Ferro, w it h it s const ant presence in polit ics for t our ism developed by him .

w it hin a design t o innovat ive t im e t hat com bined a pat ent m odernized dynam ism – t hrough t he new com fort and syst em ic caract er/ nat ional init iat ive – w it h a conservat ive and regionalist sense w hich called for a " ret urn t o t radit ionalism " ( Fernandes 1999, p. 159) .

The a necessary st andardizat ion of t our ism , expression of a count ry's t ourist point of v iew 'designed as a grand draw ing', against 't he dem on of individualism ' and t he act ion of 'am at eur archit ect s and paint ers' ( Ferro, 1949, pp. 40 - 41) , Ant ónio Ferro associat es t he concept of difference, a count ry in parallel and different from ot hers, em phasizing t he popular charact er of resources, looking



inst ill t hem in t heir int erlocut ors - Com m issions and Tourism Joint s t ut ored by local councils.

These different aspect s are sum m arized in reaport uguesam ent o cam paign of Port ugal inspired on 'fundam ent alist ideas in t he m yt hical ruralit y, lat e of peasant origins, and w hich w as applied by t he regionalist st aging t he Est ado

Novo' ( Melo, 2001, p. 252) , a process of t he count ry's im age t ransm ut at ion,

giv ing

unit y t o all t hese different count ries w it hin t he sam e count ry, a purely nat ional life, w it h a pict uresque high, in st r ong, solid colors, and above all, an adm irable people, ar ist ocrat by inst inct , w hich som et im es canet read but t hat feel and underst and as few ( Ferro, 1949, p. 36) .

Salazar had given t he t one as refers Paulo Pina ( 1988, p. 151) :

I do not know w here t he reaport uguesam ent o w ork of our social and polit ical inst it ut ions, and t he cult of good, healt hy, fruit ful nat ional t radit ions, so ow n t o give t he originalit y and charact er, t hey w ill raise m aj or difficult ies and not be preferred t o slavish copy ing how t o t hink and do in a foreign count ry, inspir ing m uch of our act iv it y for a long t im e. Moreover, t his effort is hom age t o t he creat ive spir it of t he Lusit ano breed and it s pow er of init iat ive, w hich w ill be fruit ful if t he persist ent w ork of inner discovery not give w ay t o lazy im it at ion of st range creat ions.

I t definit ely broke w it h t he apparent spirit of openness of t he early years of t he SPN in w hich t he need t o w ork had enabled experiences in t he languages used.

The proj ect s of t he inns t o be built by DGEMN in 1939 and 1940, are st ill delivered in 1938 t o t hree of t he archit ect s of t he m odernist generat ion w ho had already dem onst rat ed t he abilit y t o dialogue w it h t radit ionalist values: Miguel Jacobet t y Rosa11

11 Miguel Sim ões Jacobet t y Rosa ( 1901- 1970) was one of t he closest collabor at or s of Duar t e




Marão, Sant o Ant ónio in Serém , Vouga Valley, São Lorenço in t he Serra da Est rela) 12. The inn from t he cent er of t he count ry ( São Mart inho in Alfeizerão, S. Mart inho do Port o) is delivered t o Veloso Reis Cam elo13

Their locat ions are t hought of as an int erv ent ion st rat egy in t he t errit ory. They aim t o prov ide t he count ry w it h m odern hot el facilit ies and are r esponsive t o t he needs obj ect ively act ing on t he nat ional t err it ory, 'building a coherent and rat ional st ruct ure' ( Lobo, 2006, p.44) .


Rogério de Azevedo could have had an im port ant role in t he choice of t he exact locat ions of t he inns by he designed and clear ly assum es t he use of ext ract ed m at erials from const ruct ion sit es t hem selv es14

Wit h a program and guidance at t ached t o DGEMN by t he Governm ent , ie by Duart e Pacheco, t he plan t o build seven Regional Tourism I nns w ill be m at erializing over nine years w it h t he successive conclusions of t he const ruct ion and subsequent deliv ery t o t he aut horit y of t he SPN , t he ent it y responsible for t he exploit at ion, inspect ion and aw ard t o privat e dealers.


I n 1942 w as inaugur at ed t he first of seven inns built from scrat ch: t he Sant a Luzia in Elvas15. The first of seven sm all hot els t hat do not should look like hot els, w it h t he int er iors arranged by t he Tourist Office and SPN t echnicians, and w here guest s should feel 'const ant ly' in t he region w here t hey are w it hout breaking t he 'cont inuit y bet w een inside and out side, bet w een t he house and t he field' ( Ferro, 1949, pp. 68- 69) . And t he openings w ill be happening unt il 194816


Január io Godinho have collabor at ed wit h Rogério de Azevedo in t he developm ent of t hese pr oj ect s, accor ding t o t he cor r ect ed ver sion, and signed by Január io Godinho t o 07.15.1988, t he academ ic wor k done by st udent s in FAUP Ant onio Neves, Fer nando Lisboa, Pauol Cor t ez and Vít or Seabr a, which cont ains a chr onology of t he life and wor k of ar chit ect Rogér io de Azevedo. Est at e of Január io Godinho, Mar ia de Fat im a Alves Sales file.



Ant onio Mar ia Veloso Reis Cam el ( 1899- 1985) . Aut hor of sever al pr oj ect s of buildings in Lisbon awar ded t he Valm or Pr ize ( 1931, 1942, 1945) am ong ot her s.

14 See in t his r egar d Pousada par a Ser r a do Mar ão. Mem ór ia. Rogério de Azevedo. Por t o, 15

Febr uar y 1939. Pousadas. Pr ocesso Ger al. I HRU: SI PA. 15

The fir st st at e inn, t he I nn of Lidador ( Óbidos) , inaugur at ed on August 16, 1940, was an old conver t ed pension.



Of t he seven host els, all designed t he sam e t im e and w it h const ruct ion st art ed at t he sam e t im e, w it h t he except ion of Sant iago de Cacém , t he penult im at e being opened, w e can highlight t he group of buildings of t he Elvas and Marão. Are buildings t hat have a clear idea t hat draw s t hem from t he sim ple house, dom est ic housing scale eit her by t he w ay t he program w as int erpret ed t hem , bot h for it s form al com posit ions, eit her by t he w ay t hey w ere at t ached t o t he land.

I n Marão, as in t he Serra da Est rela, along w it h a m ore com pact organizat ion of space t here is a skillful use of t he full capacit y of t he building, com m on value t o Rogério de Azevedo proj ect s t hat 'let s do w it hout a m onum ent alizat ion sm all-scale' ( Becker, 1997, p. 192) and sim ult aneously reinforces t he opening of t he

int er ior spaces of t he landscape.

Figu r e 4 . São Gonçalo I nn, Serra do Marão. I m age file.



The rem aining buildings it appears t hat t he Sant o Ant ónio of Serém and S. Brás of Alport el I nns are t hose t hat com e closest t o t he idea of a t y pe in com m on, near t he dom est ic environm ent . But t he building of t he São Lourenço I nn, by t heir appearance debugged, com pact and w it h a st rong foundat ion, breaks t his possible ident it y and t he Sant iago do Cacém I nn t hat , w hile set t ing a foundat ion, is m arked by a st rong axialidade. The building of t he São Mart inho do Port o I nn is w hat is closest t o t he idea of a housing block unrelat ed t o t he ground.

Figu r e 5 . São Lour enço I nn, Ser ra da Est r ela, Mant eigas.

I m agem file. Prim eiras- pousadas- de- port ugal.ht m l, May 21, 2012, 18: 00.


plast er, t he flavour of t he regions, in an ordered and coherent synt hesis of building syst em s and form al suggest ions fr om m any sources.

Wit h t he publicat ion by SNI t he book Turism o, Font e de Riqueza e de Poesia ( Ferro, 1949) , Ant ónio Ferro speeches collect ion conduct ed bet w een 19 Novem ber 1939 and 11 Oct ober 1948, and t he book/ guide Pousadas do S.N.I . in 1949, w it h phot ographs of João Mart ins ( Tavares, 2002, p. 52) - t rue st orefront s done, it s under ly ing ideas and t he fut ure preview - closes a cycle of policy of t he spirit relat ed t o t our ism in Port ugal.

Ack n ow le dgm e n t s

This w ork w as conduct ed w it hin t he proj ect Phot ography, Modern Ar chit ect ur e and t he

'School of Oport o'. I nt erpr et at ions around t he Teófilo Rego Ar chive ( PTDC/

ATP-AQI / 4805/ 2012; FCOMP- 01- 0124- FEDER- 0280 54) and, as such, w as co- funded by t he Foundat ion for Science and Technology I P ( PI DDAC) and by t he European Regional Dev elopm ent Fund – FEDER, t hrough COMPETE – Operat ional Program m e for Com pet it iveness Fact or s ( POFC) .

Re fe r e n ce s

ACCI AI UOLI , Margarida ( 1998) – Exposições do Est ado Nov o 1934- 1940 . Lisboa: Livr os Horizont e.

BECKER, Annet t e; TOSTÕES, Ana; WANG, Wilfried ( orgs.) ( 1997) – Arquit ect ura do

Século XX. Port ugal. Lisboa/ Frankfu rt : Deut sch es Archit ek t ur- Museum / Pr est el / Cent ro

Cult ural de Belém .

CASAS Económ icas ( 19 43) . Lisboa: SPN.

FERNANDES, José Manuel ( 1999) – “ Pousadas de Port ugal. Obr as de raiz e em m onum ent os” , in Cam inhos do Pat rim ónio, DGEMN 1929- 1999. Lisboa: DGEMN.

FERRO, Ant ónio ( 1949) – Turism o, Font e de Riqueza e de Poesia. Lisboa: Edições SNI .

GROS, Marielle Christ ine ( 1994) – “ ’Pequena’ hist ória do aloj am ent o social em Port ugal” , in Sociedade e Territ ório, n. º 20, Maio.

HOWELL, Margarida Souza Lôbo ( 1999) – “ Casas Econ óm icas. Um pr ogram a

em blem át ico da polít ica habit acional do Est ado Nov o” , in Cam inhos do Pat rim ónio –

DGEMN 1929- 1999, Lisboa, DGEMN.

LOBO, Susana ( 2004) – “ 1942- 1970. 60 Anos de Pousadas” , in TOSTÕES, Ana ( coord.) –



LOBO, Susana ( 2006) – Pousadas de Port ugal. Reflexos da Arquit ect ur a Port uguesa do

Século XX. Coim bra: I m prensa da Universidade de Coim bra.

MARTI NS, João Paulo ( 1 999) – “ Port uguesism o: nacionalism os e region alism os na acção da DGEMN. Com plexidade e algum as cont radições na arquit ect ura port uguesa” , in

Cam inhos do Pat rim ónio. Lisboa: DGEMN / Livros Horizont e.

MELO, Daniel ( 2001) – Salazarism o e Cult ura Popular ( 1933- 1958) . Lisboa: I m pr ensa de Ciências Sociais.

PI MENTEL, Jorge Cunha ( 2014) – Obra Pública de Rogério de Azevedo. Os an os do

SPN/ SNI e da DGEMN. Universidad de Valladolid.

PI NA, Paulo ( 1988) – Port ugal. O Turism o n o Século XX. Lisboa: Lu cidus Publicações.

PORTELA, Art u r ( 1982) – Salazarism o e Art es Plást icas. Lisboa: I CALP.

TAVARES, André ( 2012) – Duas obras de Január io Godinho. Port o: Dafn e Edit ora.

TAVARES, Em ília ( 2002) – A fot ografia ideológica de João Mart ins ( 1898- 1971) . Port o: Mim esis.

TOSTÕES, Ana ( 2003) – “ Arquit ect ura Moderna Port uguesa: os Tr ês Modos” , in

TOSTÕES, Ana ( coord.) – Arquit ect ura Moderna Port uguesa 1920- 1970. Lisboa, I PPAR.

Au t h or ide n t ifica t ion

Jor ge Cu n h a Pim e n t e l. PhD in Archit ect u re, Universit y of Valladolid, w it h t he t esis Obra Pública de Rogério de Azev edo. Os anos do SPN/ SNI e da DGEMN. Dir ect or of

Visual Art s Depart em en t ( DAV) , ESAP. Researcher of CEAA, ui&D 4041 of FCT, in Archit ect u ral St udies r esearch group. Research proj ect s: 2013- 2014 – Principal research er of t he proj ect Draw ing of Archit ect ur e in t he Tw ent iet h Cent ury Pre- digit al ( ESAP/ 2013/ P05/ DAV) , DAV and CEAA. 2013- 2 015 – Phot ography, Modern Archit ect ure

and t he “ Escola do Port o” : I nt erpr et at ions on Teófilo Rego Ar chive. Principal research er:


Figu r e   1 .  Neighborhood  Econ om ic Hou ses  of  Paranhos,  Port o,   undat ed. Ar chive DGEMN:  SI PA, I PA n º   PT011312100438, FOTO.0551323
Figu r e  2 .   Prim ary   Sch ool  of  Lour osa,   Oliveira do  Hospit al.
Figu r e  3 .  Sch ool- Cant een  Salazar. Vim ieiro, Sant a Com ba  Dão.  Cu rr ent  phot o
Figu r e   4 .  São Gonçalo I nn, Serra do Marão. I m age file.


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