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Learners perform the task without the teacher’s help


Academic year: 2019

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: 11º H (Tourism)

Number of students present:



: 45 min.


11:50 a.m.




Prefixes and sufixes


1) To understand the type of relationship between teacher and learners; 2) To get a general idea of the environment inside the classroom.


1-The teacher smiles


The teacher doesn’t smile

2 -The teacher is unnaturally

loud X

The teacher speaks at a normal volume

3 -The teacher behaves and interacts as he/she might outside the classroom


The teacher behaves in a distinctively “teacherly” way

4-The teacher talks a lot


The teacher talks very little

5-The teacher asks mainly

open questions X

The teacher asks mainly questions with

expected/fixed answers 6 -The teacher seems

impatient X

The teacher is patient

7 -The teacher doesn’t seek or take note of learner s’ feedback through the lesson


The teacher takes note of learners’ feedback

8- The teacher adjusts the lesson content in response to learners


The teacher doesn’t adjust the lesson content in response to learners 9- The teacher is working at

his/her own pace X

The teacher is working at the pace of the learners

10-Information is conveyed clearly and is understood by learners


Information is conveyed unclearly or is not understood by learners 11-Task instructions are clear




1-Learners are generally engaged

X Learners are not engaged

2 – Learners are largely passive

X Learners take an active role 3 – Learners are mainly

obeying instructions

X Learners are largely

autonomous 4- Participation levels are


X Some learners dominate

5- Learners feel comfortable to speak and answer



Learners don’t feel comfortable to speak and answer questions

6 – Learners respect the teacher

X Learners don’t respect the

teacher 7 – Learners respect

classroom rules

X Learners don’t respect

classroom rules 8– Learners ask for the

teacher’s support while performing a task

X Learners perform the task

without the teacher’s help

Adapted from: Scrivener, J. (1994). Learning Teaching. London: Macmillan. (p.384)


The teacher’s relationship with students is quite good because she is balanced in everything she does, thus she doesn’t take extreme measures to deal with them. They seem to know their roles inside the classroom, respecting her and also classroom rules.

Even when she is telling them off (two students arrived very late) and adopts a different posture, they admit their blame and recognize they were wrong. I think this happens because she doesn’t keep a big distance between her and them and treats them as friends too.



Trabalho e participação na unidade -

Technology and Social Changes

10º F

Nomes Trabalho individual Participação oral voluntária

Participação oral sugerida

Ana Paciência X X X

Ana Fernandes X X

André Rodrigues X X X

Carlos Coelho X X X

Cláudio Durães X X X

Diogo Santos X X

Filipa Conceição X X

Inês Miguel Faltou às 3 aulas

Inês Lopes X

Inês Cruz X X

Inês Aldeano X

Iúri Costa X X X

Janette Assis X X

Jefferson Lima X X X

Leandra Silva X

Licínia Pessanha X X X

Margarida Camilo X

Mariana Duarte X X X

Nuno Raminhos X X X

Rita Amaro X

Rodrigo Nunes X

Rudi Pacheco X X X

Sara Pomar X

Sara Mota X

Tiago Oliveira X X X

Tiago Pila X X X

Samara X em Português X



Observation Grid

Class: 11º H Time: 11:50 – 12:35 Date: 16/11/2012

Materials and resources: 2 retratos da autoria de Picasso - 1 auto-retrato cubista - 1 auto-retrato em criança

Task: Descrever um rosto por escrito

Adaptado de: Wajnryb, R. (1992). Classroom Observation Tasks. Cambridge: CUP.


My observation of the materials

The language of the materials

Não contêm qualquer linguagem. São materiais autênticos visuais.

Reality as reflected by the materials

O auto-retrato em criança espelha uma imagem real. No entanto, o quadro cubista já não o faz.

Appeal to the learners’ “affect”

Sendo estudantes de Turismo, também já estudaram este pintor/movimento cubista em História da Arte.

Verbalizaram gosto pelos quadros trazidos e demonstraram interesse na análise dos quadros.

Scope for choice/disagreement

O primeiro retrato (cubista) permite que seja feita uma leitura pessoal do mesmo uma vez que cada aluno vê/interpreta coisas/aspectos diferentes nele. Esta característica possibilitou a partilha de opiniões.

Quality of students’ interaction

Apesar de se tratar de uma tarefa de produção escrita, permitiu-lhes consolidar a descrição de pessoas/retratos, tentando realizá-la da forma mais fiel possível em relação às imagens seleccionadas pela professora.

Todos os alunos conseguiram escrever algo, mesmo tratando-se de textos curtos e com alguns erros. Houve ainda alguma interacção oral sobre as leituras pessoais feitas acerca do conteúdo do quadro.

Safety of the learning environment

O vocabulário para descrever pessoas já tinha sido trabalhado em sala de aula, o que facilitou a tarefa e lhes deu a segurança necessária para a levar a cabo.

What I liked the most

A possibilidade de cada aluno poder fazer a sua interpretação pessoal do quadro cubista e de lhe permitir ser crítico em relação ao que estava a observar e a descrever.

Tarefa motivadora.



Tabla para evaluar los materiales auténticos

Grupo: 10ºA/B

Fecha: 16/10/2013

Material/es: Imagem (cartoon) sobre os perigos das redes sociais.

Actividades/tareas: Comentar e interpretar o cartoon.

Fuente del material:


Criterios Mis observaciones de los materiales

1 – El lenguaje del material (se debe parecer al usado por nativos o entre nativos)

Foi retirado de um blog espanhol, logo as legendas estavam escritas em Espanhol.

2 – La realidad reflejada en el

material (el mondo y la realidad

como los estudiantes la conocen)

Reflecte os perigos reais a que os usuários das redes sociais podem estar sujeitos.

3 – Relación afectiva de los

estudiantes con el material

Hoje em dia as redes sociais fazem parte do seu universo diário.

4 – Posibilidad de escoja /desacuerdo

(los estudiantes tienen que tomar decisiones)


5 – Calidad de las interacciones de los

estudiantes (interacciones significativas, propósito comunicativo)

Permite-lhes trabalhar a interpretação de uma imagem ou legenda e transmitir a sua opinião a outros.

6 – Seguridad del ambiente de

aprendizaje (sin riesgo de humillación para los estudiantes)

Este tema já tinha começado a ser abordado em aulas anteriores.

¿Qué haría de una manera diferente de mi colega?


¿Qué cambiaré/mejoraré la próxima

vez que utilice este material? ---

¿Qué me sorprendió?


¿Qué me gustó más/ Qué resultó mejor?



Parrilla de observación – Tareas comunicativas

Fecha: 05/02/2014 Grupo: 9º B

Componentes de la tarea



Chegar a um consenso sobre quais são os 3 tipos de poluição mais graves.


Textos autênticos sobre a poluição do Planeta Terra.


Decidir em grupo quais são os 3 tipos de poluição mais graves, colocando-os por ordem (do mais nocivo para outros menos nocivos) e apresentar as razões da escolha do grupo à turma.

Función del profesor Función de los alumnos

Facultar os materiais, monitorizar, mediar a discussão.

Parceiros de conversação.

Organización social del aula

Grupo de 4 elementos.

Adaptado de: Wajnryb, R. (1992). Classroom Observation Tasks. Cambridge: CUP. (pag. 130-131) baseado em Nunan, D. (1989). Designing Tasks for the Comunicative Classroom. Cambridge: CUP.


Foi uma tarefa autêntica que resultou bem pois permitiu aos alunos ensaiar e praticar competências comunicativas que utilizam na vida real, assim como estruturas específicas da Língua Espanhola (expressões para dar opinião que os alunos estavam a estudar nesse momento).



Módulo 7

: As Novas Tecnologias da Informação e o Turismo

Objectivos gerais:

Identificar e caracterizar os impactos da introdução das novas tecnologias no sector do turismo, assim como na sociedade e no


Compreender e manifestar-se sobre a evolução dos meios de comunicação tradicionais;

→ Identificar as inovações tecnológicas mais marcantes da actualidade;

→ Compreender e manifestar

-se sobre a Internet como forma de divulgação e venda de produtos e destinos turísticos;

→ Identificar os sectores do turismo que foram revolucionados pelas novas tecnologias;

→ Identificar as diferenças entre um texto em suporte de papel e a apresentação de conteúdos em formato electrónico.


11º H


Lições 62 e 63

Sumário: Communicating in tourism at airports and on airplanes

Data: 11/01/2013

Objetivos específicos Procedimentos Modelos de Interacção Competências Materiais e suportes Tempo: 90 min.

Contactar com o tema da lição; Despertar o interesse pelo tema da aula.

Interpretar e relacionar o conteúdo do vídeo inserindo-o no contexto da aula;

Reflectir sobre a importância da comunicação no turismo; Reflectir sobre a importância da língua inglesa no turismo; Praticar a compreensão auditiva.

O professor explica aos alunos que vão ver um excerto do filme “Terminal de Aeroporto” que aborda algumas questões relacionadas com o turismo, especificamente com viajar de avião.

Projecção do vídeo.

Após o visionamento, levanta algumas questões: - Por que é tão importante saber comunicar em turismo?

- Por que é tão importante saber falar inglês?

- Por que é essencial conhecer palavras/expressões deste campo lexical quando se viaja de avião? - Que conclusões se podem tirar do excerto visto?

Professor → alunos

Alunos (individual)

Professor ↔ alunos

Compreensão auditiva

Expressão e interacção orais

Vídeo do Youtube: <http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nOn3xbI6Vyk> Projector 1 min. 7 min. 10 min.

Rever e consolidar o


expressões relacionados com viagens de avião e com o aeroporto;

Compreender um texto oral. Seleccionar informação.

Seguidamente, o professor explica que vai projectar outro vídeo e que os alunos deverão ser capazes de responder a algumas questões depois de o ter visto, pedindo-lhes de antemão que as leiam para que seja mais fácil conseguirem responder às mesmas. Distribui a ficha aos alunos.

Projecção do vídeo.

Os alunos fazem o exercício de ‘matching’. Faz-se a correcção oral do exercício.

Professor → alunos

Alunos (individual) Alunos (individual) Compreensão auditiva Compreensão leitora

Vídeo do Youtube: <http://www.youtube.com/

watch?v=wCyWGjDNPnY> Projector

Ficha de trabalho 1

2 min.

10 min.

10 min.

Saber adequar as expressões à língua portuguesa, ao contexto em questão, tendo ainda em conta os registos linguísticos.

De seguida o professor explica que irão fazer um exercício de tradução de algumas expressões que constavam do vídeo anterior.

Os alunos realizam o exercício de tradução. Faz-se a correcção oral do exercício.

Professor → alunos

Alunos (pares)

Compreensão leitora e


Praticar a compreensão auditiva.

Memorizar e consolidar o vocabulário e a sua forma escrita.

Por último, o professor explica que irão novamente visualizar um vídeo e que terão de prestar bastante atenção porque depois ser-lhes-á pedido algo.

Projecção do vídeo.

O professor explica que irão fazer um pequeno jogo, em pares, tendo que escrever o máximo de palavras que se lembrarem contidas no vídeo anterior. Organizam-se os grupos.

Os alunos realizam o jogo de memória. Correcção oral do mesmo.

Professor → alunos

Alunos (individual)

Professor → alunos

Alunos (pares)

Compreensão auditiva

Expressão escrita

Vídeo do Youtube: <http://www.youtube.com/

watch?v=2JW41y_UuWM> Projector

Caderno diário

2 min.

3 min.

10 min.

Sumariar conteúdos. O professor escreve o sumário com a colaboração dos alunos.



Source: <http://www.michellehenry.fr/shak.htm> Access: 08/01/2013


Lição 66


The new technologies of information and communication in tourism: booking a flight and a hotel online. Data: 15/01/2013

Objectivos específicos Procedimentos Modelos de Interacção Competências Materiais e suportes Tempo

45 min.

Conhecer e compreender as potencialidades da Internet como forma de divulgação e venda de produtos e destinos turísticos;

Conhecer as vantagens das novas tecnologias para as vidas quotidianas e para o turismo;

Compreender um texto escrito; Seleccionar informação específica; Gerir um orçamento disponibilizado para uma determinada viagem.

Sumariar conteúdos.

O professor explica aos alunos que a aula vai consistir de uma única tarefa: estes terão de ir à página da British Airways e reservar online um voo e um hotel para um destino à sua escolha. Contudo, o valor de ambos não poderá ultrapassar as 1200 libras. Terão ainda de preencher toda a informação que a ficha nº 3 solicita acerca desta viagem.

Os alunos realizam a tarefa.

O professor escreve o sumário.

Professor → alunos

Alunos (individual)

Professor → alunos

Compreensão leitora

& Expressão


Ficha de trabalho 3 e

computadores com acesso à internet.

Caderno diário.

3 min.

40 min.


English for tourism - 11º H - January/February 2013

Booking a flight and a hotel online

1 – Imagine that you’ve been working really hard lately and your employer, every six months, rewards the best worker of the company with a week off and a prize of 1200 £ to spend on a holiday anywhere. This time good luck knocked at your door and you were the selected one. Isn’t that great?!

Go to the British Airways webpage (www.britishairways.com) and select your next destination by booking a flight (leaving from London) and a hotel. Then, fill in the grid with the information.

Flight details:

Date Take-off Landing Connections From (airport)

To (airport)

Flight company


Name(s) of passengers


Name Address

Distance from the nearest airport Distance from city center

Stars Amenities

Total cost of flights and hotel: ____________________


Comunicar em Inglês

Componente de Formação Técnica - Técnico de Turismo



Unit Plan - Developing an Intercultural Competence in Tourism

Level: 11th grade (Professional course) Module: Communicating in Tourism Number of Students: 13

General Aims:

1) To develop an intercultural competence as tourism students and future professionals;

2) To understand what is meant by ‘Interculturality’;

3) To reflect on the negative impacts that stereotyping might bring about; 4) To reflect on the topic of Sustainable Tourism;

5) To improve students’ ability to formulate a translation strategy; 6) To consolidate countries and nationalities vocabulary;

7) To learn idioms related to nationalities;

8) To analyze and interpret different types of texts and images; 9) To develop critical thinking;


Lesson number 137 11º H

Summary: Developing an intercultural competence – introduction. Date: 30 / 04 /2013

Students’ Objectives Procedures Interaction Patterns Skills Materials Time

45 min. To be introduced to the theme of the


To develop interest in the topic.

Teacher says that a new theme is going to be studied. Explains that a song will be played and they will have to complete the blank spaces of its lyrics, in the worksheet, while listening to it.

Students (individually) Listening

Song by No Doubt <http://www.youtube.com/

watch?v=uOgNeea8wRU> Worksheet

7 min

To express personal opinions; To interpret the lyrics of a song; To infer meanings.

Teacher asks them to do exercise 1.1. Corrects it and reveals the title of the song.

Students do exercise 1.2 in pairs and them the whole group discusses these issues.

Students do exercise 2 and the whole class discusses again what ‘Intercultural competence’ might mean.

Students (individually)

Students (pairwork)

Teacher ↔ Students

Writing & Speaking

Worksheet “Developing an

intercultural competence” 15 min.

To understand what ‘Interculturality' means;

To express and discuss personal ideas; To interpret the content of a video; To relate concepts.

Teacher tells students that they will watch a video called “Intercultural Communication” and after it they will have to do a true/false exercise. Correction is done orally.

Students do exercises 2.2 and 2.3.

Correction is done orally and on the board teacher summarizes the main conclusions.

Students (individually)

Students (individually) Teacher ↔ Students

Listening & Reading Writing & Speaking Youtube video <http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PSt_op3fQck> Worksheet “Developing an intercultural competence” 2 min. 3 min. 10 min.


Developing an Intercultural Competence - Introduction

1. Listen to the song by the band No Doubt and fill in the blank spaces.

“Things can be broken down

In this world of ours You don't have to be a ___________________ Just to make your mark A mother can be __________________ To her little son

Change his thoughts, his mind, his life,

Just with her gentle hum So different, yet so the same

Two sisters only have their parents to blame It's rare that two can get along

But when they do, they're _____________

Such a blessing comes to few, few

The sky is full of ________ and

My world's full of people You got the different kinds with different ways

It would take a _________ to explain

Not one's exactly the same

He and she, two

___________________ With two separate lives Then you put the two together

And get a spectacular surprise

'Cause one can teach the other one

What she doesn't know While still the other fills a place inside

He never knew had______ to grow The sky is full of clouds and

My world's ____________ All different kinds with different ways

It would take a lifetime to explain

Not one's exactly the same

Once in a while ________ And think about the planet Most of the time I trip on it To kick back and think about

How massive it all is And how _________ are on it

I often think about the _____________ In which I live today, of animals and plants And nature's gifts set on display

But the most ______thing That I've seen


Are all the different people And all their different minds

And different ways It would take a lifetime to


Not one's exactly the same

So many different people So many

______________ So many different people So many different kinds Look at me, ___________ Look at me, I'm my own person

So many different people So many different kinds For better or for worse, different people.”


Comunicar em Inglês

Componente de Formação Técnica - Técnico de Turismo



1.1 - Can you guess the title of the song or give it a new one? Justify your choice using your own words.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

1.2 – Discuss the following ideas expressed in the song with your partner and then with the whole class:

a) “My world's full of people / All different kinds with different ways/ It would take a lifetime to explain / Not one's exactly the same.”

b) “Two different people/ With two separate lives/ Then you put the two together/ And get a spectacular surprise.”

c) “‟Cause one can teach the other one/ What she doesn‟t know/ While still the other fills a place inside/ He never knew had room to grow.”

d) “But the most amazing think that I‟ve seen in my time/ Are all the different people/ And their different minds/ And their different ways.”

2 - After this discussion, can you infer what is meant by „intercultural competence‟? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2.1 – Watch the video called “Intercultural Communication” and select the true and false statements about its content:

a) Our cultural perspectives influence the way we see others. ______

b) All cultures present the same approach towards rules and time keeping. _______ c) We don‟t need to have a strong desire of getting to know the others in order to be intercultural ______

d) It‟s important to develop cultural intelligence so we can communicate confidently across other cultures _______

2.2 – How can you relate the content of the video with tourism?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.3 – Explain the aircraft metaphor used in the video.


Teacher’s Key

“Different People” – No Doubt

“Things can be broken down

In this world of ours

You don't have to be a famous person Just to make your mark

A mother can be an inspiration To her little son

Change his thoughts, his mind, his life, Just with her gentle hum

So different, yet so the same

Two sisters only have their parents to blame

It's rare that two can get along But when they do, they're inseparable Such a blessing comes to few, few The sky is full of clouds and My world's full of people

All different kinds with different ways It would take a lifetime to explain Not one's exactly the same He and she, two different people With two separate lives

Then you put the two together And get a spectacular surprise 'Cause one can teach the other one What she doesn't know

While still the other fills a place inside He never knew had room to grow The sky is full of clouds and My world's full of people

All different kinds with different ways

It would take a lifetime to explain Not one's exactly the same Once in a while I sit back And think about the planet Most of the time I trip on it To kick back and think about How massive it all is

And how many others are on it

I often think about the world

In which I live today, of animals and plants And nature's gifts set on display

But the most amazing thing That I've seen in my time Are all the different people And all their different minds And different ways

It would take a lifetime to explain

Not one's exactly the same So many different people So many different kinds So many different people So many different kinds Look at me, I'm a person Look at me, I'm my own person So many different people So many different kinds


Developing an Intercultural Competence – Reflecting on Stereotyping


1 – Read the following article. World's best tourists

Some people use their vacation to express their inner idiot. Not these

By Barry Neild, 16 September, 2011

Mention the word “tourist” and you can be forgiven for recalling the expectorations, feeble linguistic skills and criminally small swimming briefs of this homogenous traveler “race.”

But not everyone‟s like that.

To celebrate the diplomatic power of diversity, we‟ve compiled a list of the best traveling nationalities. Including people who, even at their worst, are sort of memorable.

Which is why we travel in the first place.

It‟s not scientific, it‟s not definitive and it will probably make most nations not on it (and perhaps a few that are) angry -- which is another reason to love them.

Ours may be the first word on the matter, but it‟s hardly meant to be the last.

10 - Canadians

Identifying travel feature: The Canadian flag. They sew it on everything: backpacks, hats, shirts, shorts, possibly underwear. Many probably have it tattooed some place in case their suitcase gets swiped by thieves who see the maple leaf as an invitation to lay their hands on dull but practical clothing.

Commendable habits: Not being American. All the affirming positivity of their southern peer, without the loud.

Such polite, earnest people that you actually root for their hockey team to beat yours in international competitions.

Shortcomings: Declaring themselves not American at every opportunity, as if they think they‟re going to be blamed for the Iraq war, global warming or Sarah Palin.

9 - English

Identifying travel feature: The nuclear tan. Deprived of sunlight at home, the English love frazzling their delicate complexions with the deadly rays emanating from our nearest star.

Commendable habits: They can (usually) speak English, and the tendency to burn can be used as a handy vacation timeline. Day 1: alabaster. Day 2: lobster. Day 3: blister. Day 4: peeler.

If you buy them a beer -- or even suggest it -- they‟ll be your friend for life.

Shortcomings: For the English, vacations and alcohol go together like cheap liquor and waking up in a foreign hospital attached to a drip.

Always unable to communicate in the local lingo, they resort to speaking English slowly and loudly: “Call ... the ... embassy ... someone ... has ... stolen ... my ... kidney ...”

8 - Chinese

Identifying travel feature: Independent travel is still a rarity for Chinese vacationers. Most tour in organized groups, being bellowed at by a guide with a megaphone standing less than a meter away.

Commendable habits: Ready, willing and very able to eat anything you put in front of them … and appreciate it like a local.


Comunicar em Inglês

Componente de Formação Técnica - Técnico de Turismo



Oh, yes, and money. While tourism is suffering in the global economic downturn, the Chinese are still spending.

Shortcomings: It‟s still early days for Chinese global tourism, which is perhaps why vacation etiquette is a work in progress. The days of carving their names on historic sites and smoking absolutely everywhere will surely vanish soon.

7 – Australians

Identifying travel feature: Wearing the Aussie uniform of shorts, singlet and flip-flops regardless of local climate or cultural sensitivities.

Commendable habits: Infectious laid-back nature. If they‟d been able to get visas, there would probably have been congenial Australians dressed like surfers wandering around Afghanistan under the Taliban. “Nice beard, mate ...”

Shortcomings: Congregating and abbreviating. Great on their own, but tough to take in large numbers (as witnessed in the Aussified bars of Bali‟s Kuta resort), largely thanks to beer intake and insistence on shortening every second word. “Cazza and Wozza are going to Afghazza this arvo ...”

6 - Italians

Identifying travel feature: Italians‟ love of

designer labels doesn‟t leave them when they depart the shopping piazzas of Milan. It‟s not unknown to see Italian women scaling the slopes of Machu Picchu in stiletto heels and using Gucci handbags to ward off slobbering llamas.

Commendable habits: If there are Italians, there‟s probably good coffee.

They‟re also the ones at the table across the restaurant having a much better time than you.

Shortcomings: Italians have a reputation for being pushy and caring little for the feelings of fellow travelers. Unfair, perhaps, but when your home is one of the world‟s best tourist destinations, you can probably live with it.

5 – Japanese

Identifying travel feature: Yes, the cliché about carrying cameras is true, but everyone with a cell phone carries a camera these days. We‟re not sure that the white gloves and surgical masks sported by some Japanese will catch on though.

Commendable habits: An adventurous bunch, Japanese tourists can be found everywhere satiating a wanderlust that doesn‟t go hand -in-hand with the booze lust favored by so many others. Their passion for all things twee sustains attractions at risk of dying a sugary death. World of Beatrix Potter, anyone?

Shortcomings: Striking V-sign poses in every photo. Suffering psychological problems as over-romanticized view of cities like Paris fails to match grim French reality.

4- Swedes

Identifying travel feature: Tall, blond, relaxed, healthy: Swedes are easy to spot, but not to be confused with Norwegians (prone to being taller but gloomier) or Danes (even taller, even gloomier).

Commendable habits: Easygoing Swedes are often seen as the Californians of Europe, even if they can come across as a bit dour.

They‟re known for being polite, self-deprecating and evenly tanned. Few nationalities look better in beachwear.

Shortcomings: They make the rest of us look like gelatinous blobs.

3- Americans

Identifying travel feature: Dress like professional golfers … the ones who didn‟t qualify for the tour.

Commendable habits: Yes, some are still loud and prone to complaining. But years of PC inculcation and generally peaceful life in one of the world‟s most ethnically diverse countries has made most Americans more culturally sensitive than they‟re often given credit for.

And when it comes to tipping, they‟re professionals. Americans will tip you just for staring at them. Try it.

Shortcomings: Still seem to think “American” is

synonymous with “entitled.”

2 – Germans

Identifying travel feature: An enduring fondness for the beer-belly-and-super-tight-Speedo look that seems to overshadow otherwise ordinary appearances.


cultures that frequently takes them beyond the beaches of Europe.

As global travelers, they‟re seen as intelligent, respectful and friendly. And while they may drink as much booze as their European contemporaries, at least they can handle it.

Shortcomings: The diminutive swimwear has got to go.

1 - Chileans

Identifying travel feature: Chilled-out Chileans are true travelers, relishing the journey as much as the destination.

Commendable habits: Too many to recount. Admittedly, this entry is based solely on one experience of sharing transport with a generous Chilean woman in Tibet who, despite the hardships of a year of budget traveling, never once complained.

In contrast, her companion, a European who nauseatingly described herself as a “citizen of the world,” whined constantly and haggled over every cent.

Shortcomings: Too easygoing. Should have dumped the Euro whiner long ago. Preferably in a ditch.

Source: <http://travel.cnn.com/explorations/life/worlds-best-tourists-026319>, accessed 10/01/2013.

Expressing Personal Opinions

2 – Did you know all these stereotypes belonging to each of the nations above? Which

ones you didn‟t know?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3 - Do people in Portugal tend to recognize and categorize these nations the same way? Why do you think this type of labeling happens?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4 – Do you think tourists should all be labeled with specific characteristics in order to be

better “understood” when they travel? Why or why not?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5 – What are the negative effects of stereotyping?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 6 – Bearing in mind that you are a tourism student and taking into account our last

lesson about „developing an intercultural competence‟, how should we react to stereotyping?



7 – Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

a. “The days of carving their names on historic sites and smoking absolutely

everywhere will surely vanish soon.” (Chinese)


b. “Suffering psychological problems as over-romanticized view of cities like Paris

fails to match grim French reality.” (Japanese)


c. “And when it comes to tipping, they‟re professionals.” (Americans)

__________________________________________________________________ d. “Deprived of sunlight at home, the English love frazzling their delicate

complexions with the deadly rays emanating from our nearest star.” (English)



8 - Read the text again and find synonyms for the following words: a. uninteresting _________________

b. mate ________________________ c. sincere and serious ____________ d. burning ______________________ e. relaxed, easygoing _____________ f. to turn away __________________ g. strong impulse to travel _________ h. shapeless forms ______________ i. complained ___________________ j. drainage channel ______________

8.1 - Write your own sentences with the words you‟ve found:


9 – In most languages the names of countries and nationalities are used in Idioms. Can you match the following ones with their meanings:

a. Chinese whispers b. Dutch courage

c. French leave

d. Go Dutch e. Greek to me

f. More holes than Swiss cheese g. Pardon my French (UK) h. Young Turk

1. A person who is rebellious and difficult to control in a company, team or organization.

2. When someone exits a gathering without saying goodbye or without permission. 3. When you don‟t understand something.

4. If you go to a restaurant with a group of people and everyone shares the bill. 5. This idiom is used as a way of apologizing for swearing.

6. When something is incomplete and lacks many parts. 7. The reckless bravery caused by drinking too much.

8. When a story is told from person to person, especially if it‟s a gossip or scandal, it inevitably gets distorted or exaggerated.

Adapted from: <http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/cat/6.html>


Lessons: Group: 10º F

Summary: Social Changes and New Challenges Date: 09/04/2013

Students’ Objectives Procedures Interaction Patterns Skills Materials Time

90 min. To consolidate and clarify the use of

some time and place prepositions.

Teacher corrects homework. Teacher ↔ Students Speaking and Reading

Handout /worksheet from the previous lesson

10 min.

To be introduced to the theme of the unit/lesson;

To develop interest in the topic; To learn new vocabulary about the topic.

Teacher introduces the topic of the lesson Social Changes and New Challenges.

Teacher projects 4 images of different types of families and asks students to comment on them asking what they have in common and in what aspects they differ. Teacher elicits the family types from the students.

Teacher → Students

Teacher ↔ Students Speaking Pictures of 4 different types of families (nuclear, single-parent, extended and


1 min.

4 min.

To look for specific information; To learn new vocabulary;

To apply knowledge from other social subjects (cross-curricular).

Teacher hands out a worksheet. Students do exercises 1.3, 1.4, 2 and 3. Correction is done orally.

Students (pairs) Reading and Writing


“Social Changes and New Challenges”

15 min.

To identify, characterize and reflect on the impacts of social changes in daily lives and family routines;

To develop critical thinking; To develop social skills;

To develop communicative skills; To listen for detail.

Then, teacher says that a video will be played and that they must pay closer attention because they’ll have to do 2 activities with its information.

Teacher plays the video (it might be necessary to play it twice in order to complete the true/false exercise). Students do exercise 4 while watch the video. Correction is done orally.

Students perform activity 5. Each group discusses one of the statements from exercise 4 and then tells the class about the conclusions that they came to.

Students (individual)

Students (individual)

Students (group) Teacher ↔ Students

Listening And Reading


Video “The Role of Family and Social Change”

<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-u3khwsUsc >


18 min.


To get the main ideas expressed in the text;

To reflect on a problem and think about

solutions that might

attenuate/overcome it; To develop social skills;

To improve reading and speaking skills.

Teacher asks some students to read a text.

In groups of 4, students do exercise 6.1. Teacher moves around in order to help them with vocabulary that they might need.

Correction is done on the board.

Students (individual)

Students (group)

Teacher ↔ Students


Speaking and Writing

Text “When You Can’t Do it All: How to Avoid Over Scheduling Your Kids”

( in the worksheet)

5 min.

10 min.

10 min.

To summarize contents. Teacher writes the summary on the board.





1. Look at the following images.

Source: Google images Access: 03/04/2013

1.1 – What do they all have in common? 1.2 - In what do they differ?

1.3 – Label them using these four expressions: same-sex family, extended family,

single-parent family and nuclear family.

1.4 – Now read the following definitions and match them to the type of families above.

NOME : _______________________________ __ Nº____ TURMA ______ DATA: ___________

1. A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, often living in close proximity.

2. A group of relatives, such as those of three generations, who live in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof.

Source: thefreedictionary.com access: 03/04/2013

A family consisting of only the mother or the father and one or more dependent children.

Source: thefreedictionary.com access: 03/04/2013


2 – What are the main reasons that explain family members sharing a single household?

_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________

3 – Find synonyms for the following words/definitions in the 4 texts you have read above.

a) The structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle _____________________ b) A miscellaneous collection of things or people _____________________________________ c) Descendants of a person, animal, or plant considered as a group ______________________ d) One that takes the place of another; a substitute ___________________________________ e) Each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister __________________________

f) A stepfather or stepmother ___________________________________________________

Sources: <http://oxforddictionaries.com and http://www.thefreedictionary.com/>

Access: 03/04/2013

To speak of same-sex parenting is, almost by definition, to bundle together an assortment of family arrangements. Most children of opposite-sex parents got there the old-fashioned way, by being the biological children of both parents. Because same-sex couples cannot conceive together, their children arrive by a multiplicity of routes into families that assume a variety of shapes. In many cases (no one knows just how many), children living with gay and lesbian couples are the biological offspring of one member of the couple, whether by an earlier marriage or relationship, by arrangement with a known or anonymous sperm donor (in the case of lesbian couples), or by arrangement with a surrogate birth mother (in the case of male couples).

Source: http://futureofchildren.org access: 03/04/2013

A term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children. This is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended family, and to a family with more than two parents. [These families] typically center on a married couple, but not always; they may have any number of children.

There are differences in definition among observers; some definitions allow only biological children that are full-blood siblings, while others allow for a stepparent and any mix of dependent children including stepchildren and adopted children.


4 - Recently, some people claim that the role played by families is going through a profound

crisis. Let’s watch a video about this topic.

4. 1 - According to the experts’ opinions throughout the video, say whether the following statements are true or false.

a) Families still play a very important role in the lives of their members. b) Lately families are performing their roles in a worse way than they used to. c) Families are trying to fit the challenges of our times.

d) Nowadays there is more parent-child interaction.

e) Families are changing at the same rhythm as they have always changed. f) Families, society and economy influence each other’s behavior.

g) It is estimated that the number of divorces will go down. h) The traditional definition of family is shifting profoundly.

5 - Now, in groups of four, pretending that you’re having a coffee with some friends,

summarize the main ideas from the video and comment on them, sharing your personal views on the topic as well. Feel free to use the information from the last exercise.

6 – Another challenge that families are facing is finding some spare time to be spent together. If families have hectic lifestyles, probably kids and parents will feel overwhelmed by the end of the day. Let’s read the article “When You Can’t Do It All: How to Avoid Over Scheduling Your Kids” on the topic.


When You Can’t Do It All: How to Avoid Over Scheduling Your Kids

Is your child racing from soccer to gymnastics to piano lessons? Learn how to stop the madness and choose the right extracurricular activities for your child.

by Erika Scott

Gone are the days when children rush home from school to play in their yards and ride bikes through the neighborhood. Unstructured time for

today’s kids is nearly a thing of the past. If kids aren’t roaming the

neighborhoods, hanging from jungle gyms, or making forts in their backyards, where are they? Most are busy with a variety of extracurricular

activities. While it is wonderful to widen your child’s horizons through

enrichment, the question remains: How does this decrease in unstructured time affect children?

The concept of the “overscheduled child” is a phenomenon that has slowly developed over the past 15 to 20 years. Dr. William J. Doherty, author of

The Intentional Family and director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program in the department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota, has done extensive research on the subject. His studies indicate that unstructured time for young children is on the decline. As a result of increasingly busy schedules, outdoor play time has decreased by 50 percent, and general unrestricted play time has decreased by 25 percent in the past ten years. In addition, less than one-third of American families regularly eat dinner together. Does this decrease in unstructured play time and family time affect kids? Experts think so.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Dr. Tracey Borriello Murphy, NCSP, a school psychologist in Newton,

Massachusetts who also maintains a private practice, agrees today’s parents

are overloading their kids’ schedules. “Some children do not have the

opportunity to learn how to play independently, creatively, or

spontaneously,” says Dr. Murphy. “With too much structure, they rely on

adults to give them direction for everything.” This reliance on adults can inhibit a child's general ability to organize their own play.

Dr. Murphy identifies these children as the "I'm bored, mom!" kids who,

when faced with down time, are at a loss because they haven’t developed

independence in play or self-entertainment. Dr. Murphy says children who are overscheduled can experience a heightened and significant sense of anxiety—they can be overwhelmed with the feeling that there is too much to master, too much to rush to, and a general feeling of chaos in their lives.

“Under extremely stressful scheduling situations, some parents may even

consider medication to treat anxiety without even recognizing that the anxiety may stem from environmental influences as opposed to an organically based disorder,” states Dr. Murphy. […]


UNIDAD 2 – Biografías Nivel: 10º (continuación)

Tarea final – Escribir su propia biografía.

Objetivos Contenidos Materiales/Recursos

Léxicos Gramaticales Comunicativos Socioculturales Procedimentales

.Conocer léxico relacionado con el tema de la unidad; .Identificar, en textos, léxico relacionado con el tema;

.Seleccionar información en textos orales y escritos; .Hablar de experiencias de vida;

.Presentar a un personaje célebre;

.Contar hechos en pasado; .Situar una acción en un tiempo exacto;

.Utilizar correctamente el pretérito indefinido, el pretérito perfecto, el pretérito pluscuamperfecto y el pretérito imperfecto; .Utilizar correctamente algunos marcadores temporales; .Escribir una biografía.


.Experiencias de vida; .Profesiones; .Aficiones;

.Expresiones idiomáticas con gentilicios.

.Pretérito indefinido; .Contraste entre los usos del pretérito indefinido, del pretérito perfecto, del pretérito imperfecto y del pretérito


.Contar hechos en pasado; .Situar acciones en un tiempo exacto;

.Expresar opinión propia; .Interactuar en situaciones de comunicación simple; .Justificar opciones personales.

.Personalidades de España y de Latinoamérica: .Antonio Gaudí; .Che Guevara, .Clara Campoamor, .Diego Rivera, .Emiliano Zapata .Evita Perón,

. Federico García Lorca; .Frida Kahlo,

.Monserrat Caballé, .Pablo Picasso, .Reina Isabel I, .Rigoberta Menchú, .Salvador Dalí. .Otras personalidades célebres: .Cleopatra VII, .Cristina Aguilera, .Juana de Arco, .Malala Yousafzai.

.Movimientos artísticos .Cubismo y surrealismo.

.Acontecimientos históricos .Guerra civil española; .Revoluciones mexicana y cubana.

.Grupos Sociales . Cultura de la etnia gitana.

.Asociación texto/imágenes (fotografías, cuadros, etc.);

.Lectura de textos escritos;

.Completamiento de frases, de textos y de cuadros;

.Visualización de vídeos; .Audición de canciones y de textos orales; .Producción oral y escrita;

.Interacción oral.


- “La vida de Frida Kahlo” (biografía);

- “Romance de la luna, luna” (videoclip).

.Cuadros de Frida Kahlo: - Raíces,

- El venado herido.

.Textos orales:

- “Rigoberta Menchú; - “Romance de la luna, luna, de Vicente Monera (canción);

- “El valor de Malala, de Rafa Fleita (canción).

.Textos escritos: - Biografía de Federico García Lorca;

- Biografía de Che Guevara; - Biografía de Rigoberta Menchú;

-Pequeñas biografías (libro del alumno).

.Libro del alumno; .Cuaderno de actividades; .Carpeta del profesor; .Fichas informativas y de trabajo.



Lección 21

Grupo: 10º A y 10º B

Contenidos: Inicio del estudio de la Unidad 2 – Biografías.

Lectura de pequeñas biografías y resolución de ejercicios de comprensión lectora.

Visualización de un vídeo sobre la biografía de Frida Kahlo: ejercicio de comprensión auditiva, comentario de frases y análisis escrito de un cuadro.

Fecha: 28 /11/2013

Objetivos Procedimientos Modelos de Interacción Destrezas/Dominios Materiales y recursos Tiempo

90 min. Escribir el nº de la lección y la fecha. Un alumno abre la lección en la pizarra y los

restantes alumnos abren la lección en sus cuadernos.

Pizarra, rotulador, cuadernos, bolígrafos,


2 min.

Ponerse en contacto con el tema de la lección;

Despertar su interés para el tema de la unidad.

El profesor proyecta una foto de Salvador Dalí. Los alumnos tendrán que adivinar quién es y expresar conocimientos sobre su vida y obra.

Profesor ↔ alumnos Producción oral Foto de Salvador Dalí. Vídeo proyector


5 min.

Identificar personajes célebres; Reflexionar sobre la importancia de estos personajes para la cultura española;

Relacionar la vida de los personajes con sus obras artísticas, movimientos políticos y culturales, etc.;

Ampliar y consolidar vocabulario sobre este tema.

Enseguida el profesor pide a los alumnos que abran el libro por la página 38, que observen las fotos de la actividad 1 y que digan qué saben sobre estos personajes.

Los alumnos hacen todas las actividades hasta el final de la página 39.

Se hace la corrección oralmente.

Profesor ↔ alumnos

Alumnos (individual)

Producción oral

Comprensión lectora

Libro del Alumno

Endirecto.com 4

(Pág. 38-39)

10 min.

20 min.

Conocer la biografía de un personaje célebre de la cultura española; Seleccionar información;

Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva; Interpretar significados.

El profesor proyecta un vídeo sobre la biografía de uno de los personajes presentados en el libro (Frida Kahlo) para que los alumnos conozcan un poco más sobre su vida. Mientras lo ven y escuchan, tienen que rellenar una tabla con información proporcionada por el vídeo.

Alumnos (parejas)

Comprensión auditiva y

Producción escrita

Ficha de trabajo nº 1 – Unidad 2

Vídeo “La vida de Frida


<http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=2Td7i11CM9Y>


Después comentan dos refranes de la autoría de la pintora.

La corrección se realiza en la pizarra.

20 min.

Analizar e interpretar un cuadro; Describir lo que está viendo; Escribir su opinión sobre el cuadro.

Enseguida el profesor enseña dos cuadros de Frida Kahlo y los alumnos tienen que escoger uno y hacer una descripción e/o interpretación por escrito de la imagen.

Alumnos (individual) Mediación Producción escrita

Cuadros de Frida Kahlo ( Raíces y El venado herido)

Vídeo proyector

Diccionarios de Portugués- Español

20 min.

Resumir los contenidos Al final, se escriben los contenidos.

Profesor → alumnos Cuaderno de los alumnos








10 º curso 2013/2014

Ficha de trabajo 1 – Unidad 2 “Biografías”

1 – Completa la tabla con la información del vídeo “La vida de Frida Kahlo”.

Nombre completo

Fecha de nacimiento y de muerte



Lugares donde pintaba

Nombre de algunas obras

Países que visitó

Lugares donde trabajó

Personajes célebres que conoció

2 – Reflexionando un poco sobre la vida de Frida Kahlo, intenta explicar el significado de las siguientes

frases de la pintora.

a) “Mi pintura lleva con ella el mensaje del dolor”.



b) “Amurillar el propio sufrimiento es arriesgarte a que te devore desde el interior”.

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________



Fig. 1 - Raíces Frida Kahlo

Fig. 2 –El venado herido Frida Kahlo

Fuentes: <http://www.fotolog.com/zahaedya/10922726/>




10 º curso 2013/2014

Ficha de trabajo 3 – Unidad 2 “Biografías”

1 – Comenta la siguiente cita:

“Poesía es la unión de dos palabras que uno nunca supuso que pudieran juntarse, y que forman algo así como un misterio.”

Federico García Lorca

Fuente: <http://www.citasyproverbios.com/citas.aspx?tema=Literatura#sthash.7UUHeQMQ.dpuf>.

2 – Completa la biografía de García Lorca con las formas verbales que se encuentran en la tabla


Federico García Lorca, uno de los poetas más insignes de nuestra época, _________ en Fuente Vaqueros, un pueblo andaluz de la vega granadina, el 5 de junio de 1898—el año en que España __________ sus colonias. Su madre, Vicenta Lorca Romero, había sido durante un tiempo maestra de escuela, y su padre, Federico García Rodríguez, _________ terrenos en la vega, donde

se ___________ remolacha y tabaco. En 1909, cuando Federico tenía once años, toda la familia—

sus padres, su hermano Francisco, él mismo, sus hermanas Conchita e Isabel— se estableció en la ciudad de Granada, aunque seguiría pasando los veranos en el campo, en Asquerosa (hoy, Valderrubio), donde Federico ____________ gran parte de su obra.

Más tarde, aun después de haber viajado mucho y haber vivido durante largos períodos en Madrid, Federico ____________ cómo afectaba a su obra el ambiente rural de la vega: “Amo a la tierra. Me siento ligado a ella en todas mis emociones. Mis más lejanos recuerdos de niño ________ sabor de tierra. Los bichos de la tierra, los animales, las gentes campesinas, tienen sugestiones que _________ a muy pocos. Yo las capto ahora con el mismo espíritu de mis años infantiles. De lo contrario, no hubiera podido escribir Bodas de Sangre.”

En sus poemas y en sus dramas _________ como agudo observador del habla, de la música y de las costumbres de la sociedad rural española. Una de las peculiaridades de su obra es cómo ese ambiente, descrito con exactitud, llega a ____________ en un espacio imaginario donde se da expresión a todas las inquietudes más profundas del corazón humano: el deseo, el amor y la muerte, el misterio de la identidad y el milagro de la creación artística.

Adaptado de: <http://www.garcia-lorca.org/Federico/Biografia.aspx>

cultivaba escribió convertirse nació se revela


3. Lee el poema “Romance de la luna, luna”de F. García Lorca mientras lo vas escuchando.

La luna vino a la fragua con su polisón de nardos. El niño la mira, mira. El niño la está mirando.

En el aire conmovido 5 mueve la luna sus brazos

y enseña, lúbrica y pura, sus senos de duro estaño. - Huye luna, luna, luna.

Si vinieran los gitanos, 10 harían con tu corazón

collares y anillos blancos. - Niño, déjame que baile. Cuando vengan los gitanos,

te encontrarán sobre el yunque 15 con los ojillos cerrados.

- Huye luna, luna, luna, que ya siento sus caballos. - Niño, déjame, no pises

El jinete se acercaba

tocando el tambor del llano Dentro de la fragua el niño, tiene los ojos cerrados.

Por el olivar venían, 25 bronce y sueño, los gitanos. Las cabezas levantadas y los ojos entornados.

¡Cómo canta la zumaya,

¡ay cómo canta en el árbol! 30 Por el cielo va la luna

con un niño de la mano.

Dentro de la fragua lloran, dando gritos, los gitanos.

El aire la vela, vela. 35 El aire la está velando

mi blancor almidonado. 20


fragua – forja, fornalha jinete - equitador nardos – planta tuberosa llano - simples senos – seios olivar - olival

yunque – bigorna zumaya – mocho-real almidonado – engomado entornados – semi-cerrados


3.1 – ¿Qué te sugiere? Sin pensarlo mucho, escribe lo primero que se te ocurra.


3.2 - ¿Cuáles son las palabras o versos que más te llaman la atención? Escríbelas(los)



3.3 – Ahora discute con tu compañero.

3.3.1 ¿De cuáles de los siguientes temas creéis que trata el poema?




3.3.2. Subrayad en el texto versos que los justifiquen.

3.4 – De las siguientes opciones elige la que te parezca que describe mejor la acción del poema. Comenta tu opción con tu compañero.

a) la muerte de un niño gitano en una noche de luna llena; b) la muerte de un caballo que pertenecía a los gitanos; c) el baile de los gitanos en una noche de luna llena.

3.5 - El poema se plantea como un cuento y en este sentido se puede apreciar en él

una cierta progresión. Pon en orden los siguientes acontecimientos.

a) desenlace trágico

b) presentación de los personajes c) clímax

d) planteamiento del conflicto en el diálogo niño-luna

4 - Poner música a una poesía es algo habitual porque los textos poéticos están

relacionados con la música desde sus orígenes. ¿Con cuál de los siguientes estilos

asociarías este poema? Justifica tu selección.

a) Flamenco b) Pop c) Rock d) Salsa e) Jazz f) Samba

Adaptado de: Benetti, G., M. Casellato e G. Messori (2004): Más que Palabras. Literatura por Tareas. Barcelona: Difusión.

5 - Se puede decir que el poema desarrolla también estereotipos asociados a la etnia

gitana. Discute con tus compañeros y con el profesor los siguientes tópicos:

a) ¿Cuáles crees que son estos estereotipos presentes en el poema?

b) ¿Conoces a personas que pertenecen a esta etnia?

c) ¿En qué países de Europa crees que hay grandes comunidades de gitanos?

¿Por qué?

d) ¿Cómo viven y cómo son vistos por la comunidad?


6 - En español, como en otras lenguas, tenemos expresiones idiomáticas formadas con

adjetivos referidos a etnias, pueblos o habitantes de un país o de una ciudad. Algunas

tienen explicaciones históricas, otras responden únicamente a estereotipos culturales.

En la siguiente lista de nacionalidades están las que forman parte de los modismos

presentados abajo. Con tu compañero, decide qué nacionalidades/etnias se pueden

relacionar con las expresiones.

1. Hacer el __________________ 2. Ser cabeza de _____________ 3. Beber como un ____________ 4. Despedirse a la ____________ 5. Hacerse el ________________ 6. No haber _____________en la costa. 7. Tener patente de ________________ 8. Tener puntualidad _______________

9. Engañar como a un ______________ 10. Tener más oro que la boca de un ___________________

11. Pagar a la ____________________ 12. Disciplina _________________ 13. Jugarse algo a los __________ 14. Café ________________________

chino, británica, francesa, americano, indio, corso, moros, romana, cosaco, turco, sueco, gitano, prusiana, chinos

Adaptado de: <http://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/biblioteca_ele/asele/pdf/15/15_0708.pdf>


6.1- ¿Consigues dar una explicación para las expresiones? Oralmente, intenta hacerlo

con el grupo y con el profesor.

7 – Seguramente ya has conocido a algunos gitanos o a personas de otras nacionalidades. Cuenta por escrito cómo fue, cuándo, dónde y en qué circunstancias.







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