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Bibliotecas Públicas

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LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts

LL - Library Literature

ISA - Information Science Abstracts

BBD - Bibliografia Brasileira de Documentação

BS-Section 101 - Bulletin Signaletique - Section 101

Sciences de l'Information. Documentation


ANDERSON, John F. - Aspects of main library administration and management.


Libr a r y

Tr ends, 20 (4): 654-62, 1972.

ARAGÃO, E.M. de - Ossistema s r egiona is de biblioteca s pública s e seu entr osa mento com o

ser viço na ciona l de biblioteca s. Fortaleza, 1963. 12f. /Trabalho apresentado ao 4· Congresso Brasileiro de Bibliotecomia e Documentaçãol

ASHEIM, L.E. ed - F or um on the P ublic libr a r y inquir y. London, Greenwood Press, 1970,


ASPECTS of public library management; the application of new process of the public library

service; repto of a working party of the library advisory Council for England. London,

H.M.S.O., 1973. 22p.

BALE, William R. - Management of public and regional libraries. In: WORKSHOP ON

LIBRARY MANAGEMENT, 1969, Red Deer, Albert. P a per s. Lib. Assn. of Alber ta , 1969.


BARROSO, Maria Alice - Independência ou morte da biblioteconomia. Revista de

Biblioteco-nomia de Br a silia , 1(2):109-20, 1973.

BAUMFIELD, B.H. - Attitudes and authority: a personal examination of the public library

scene. [ our na l of Libr a r ia nsbip, 2(1): 22-32, 1970.

BEYERSDORFF, Günter i=- Vergleich von Organisations-und Geschâítsverteilungsplãnen

sini-ger Grosstadtbüchereien. Comparison of organization and business and distribution plans

of some large city libraries. In: Zur O r ga nisa tion G r osstã dtischer Bucher eisysteme. Berlin,

Deutscher Büchereivernand, ArbeitssteIle für das Büchereiwesen, 1972.

p.15-35-BIBLIOTECAS públicas. Revista Br a sileir a dê Biblioteconomia e D ocumenta çã o, 2(4/6):

119-125m 1973

BIEL, Audrey, ed.-Young adult service in the public library. Libr a r y Tr ends, 17(2): 115-220,

1968. IFascículo inteiro, composto por reunião de artigos de diversos autores.

BLASINGAME, Ralph Jr. - Future patterns of library development. In: SEMINAR FOR

EXPERIENCED BUILDING CONSULTANTS, 1968. Libr a r y building consulta nt, r ole

a nd r esponsa bility. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1969. p. 87-93.

BLOSS, Meredith - Standards for public library service - quo vadis? Libr a r y J our na l,

101(11): 1259-62, 1976.

NOTA: Para um levantamento bibliográfico exaustivo sobre Biblioteca Pública, ver "Boletim Bibliográfico - SESC", n" 18/19, dezembro 1977 /junho 1978, editado pela Assessoria de Divulgação e Promoção Instirucional do Departamento Nacional SESC (rua Voluntários da Pátria, 169, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) .

• Chefe-Substituta da Secção de Processos Técnicos da Biblioteca Central da Divisão de Biblioteca e Documentação da Coordcnadoria de Atividades Culturais da Universidade de São Paulo


jan.ljun.1978-Levantamento Bibliográfico Bibliotecas Públicas

BONE, Larry Earl, ed. - Community analysis and libraries.


Libr a r y Tr ends, 24(3),:429-643,

1976. /Fascículo inteiro composto por reunião de artigos de diversos autores.

BOITASSO, Enzo - La biblioteca publica: esperienze e problemi. Torino, Italy, Assn.

Piemontere dei Bibliotecari, 1973. 283p.

BROGAN, Jack - Recent development in Scotlish public libraries. Assista nt Libr a r ia n,

64(8):119-20, 1971.

BROWN, Robert E. - J oetta community libr a r y: a simulation exercise in library administration.

University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library Science, 1975. 78p.

CAMPBELL, H. C. - Effect of metropolitanism on the public library. Libr a r y Q ua r tely,

38(1):32-40, 1968.

CHANDLER, G. - Public libraries in development. lnter na tiona l Libr a r y Review, 6(2):231-5,


CLAPP, V. W. - Public libraries and the network idea. Libr a r y J our na l, 95(2):121-4, 1970.

CLAPP, V. W. - Public library systems and the nationallibrary networks. In: INSTITUTE ON

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, Madison, ""':'isconsin, 1968. Rea lities of the public libr a r y

system cocept in Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin, Div. of. lib. Service, Dept. of public

instruction, 1968. p.103-1L

CLA Y, E. S. - Public library systems: democracy in the administrative state. Southea ster n

libr a r ia n, 22:31-3, Spring 1972.

CONNY, P.,T. - Administr a tive a uthor ity thr ough the delega tion of power s. Oakland, Calif.,

Public Lib., 1969. 23p.

COBERIT, E. V. - Public libraries today. Libr a r y Associa tion Recor d, 77(9):205-6, 1975.

CORBEIT, E. V. - P ublic libr a r y a nd its contr ol. 2,ed. rev. North Yorkshire, Association of

Assistante Librarians, .1966. 145p.

CRONEBERGER, R, B. - The effective public library. C a tholic Libr a r y Wor ld, 48:166-8, Nov,


CUSHMAN, J. - Children's and young peoples's librarianship: an administrator viewpoint.

C a lifor nia Libr a r ia n, 27:165-7, Jul 1966.

DANE, William J. - Organization patterns in public libraries. Libr a r y Tr ends, 23(3):329-48,

1975. •

DAUGAARD, P. - Folkebiblioteket: mal og midler. Public Library: aims and means. Bogens

Ver den, 57(2/3):50-3, 1975.

DEWEY, M.- Relation of the state to the public library. In: AMERICAN library philosophy:

an anthology. Connecticut, Shoe String Press, 1975.

DUNSTAN. P. W. - The functions of public libraries in the 1970. Austr a lia n Libr a r y [ our na l,

20(7):9-13, 1971.

R. bras. Bibliotecon. Doe, 11 (112): 119-124, jan.ljun.1978

" 'r



ESCOBAR, H. - D esa r r ollo de Ia s biblioteca s publica s en el Br a sil: creación de Ia Bíbliorec, :

Publica de Brasília. Paris, Unesco, 1969. 63f.

ESCOBAR, H. - EI planeamiento bibliotecario. Boletin de 1"ANABA (55): 17-34, 1969.

FERGUSON, Eleanor Archer - Public library development through systems. In: INSTITUTI

ON PUBLIC LIBRARY MANAGEMENT, Madison, Wisconsin, 1968. Rea lities of th,

public libr a r y system concept in Wisconsin. Madison. Wisconsin, Div. of Lib. Service, Dept:

of Public Instruction, 1968. p.9-20. I

FERGUSON, Eleanor Archer - lnevitable change for public libraries. Amer ica n Libr a r ies. I

3(7):743-52, 1972. I '

GALVIN, H. & ASBURY, B. - Public library building in 1972. Libr a r y J our na l, 97(21):3856·,

65, 1972.

GARDNER, F.M. - P ublic libr a r y legisla tion: a comparative study. Paris, Unesco, 1971. 285p.

GARDNER, Frank M. - Finalidades y objetivos de Ias bibliotecas públicas. Boletin de Ia U nescoi

pa r a Ia s Biblioteca s, 27(4):225-30. 1973.

GOLTZ,Siegfried - Zu einigen Fragen der Struktur und Funktion der staatlichen allgemeinen,

offentlichen Bibliotheken. Some problems of structure and function of state public libraries. I

Bibiotheka r , 23 (7/8):727-42, 1969. . t

GRANHEIM, E. - IFLA and the public libraries. Sca ndina via n P ublic Libr a r y Q ua r ter ly,'~

8(1):3-4. 1975. l

GRANHEIM, E. - IFLA'S medium-term programme in relation to aspects of public work. IF LA

J our na l, 3(3): 239-42, 1977. t

GREGO L, L. C. - Bibliotecas públicas: história e situação atual. São Paulo, 1967. 15f.'

Trabalho apresentado ao 5" Congresso Brasileiro de Biblioteconomia e Documentação. i

GUERIN, Edmond - L'avenir des bibliorhêques publiques. Associa tion de Bibliotheca ir es

F r a nça is Bulletin d'Infor ma tions (80):125-7. 1973. l

HEL WING, Ronald E. - Alternative methods of organizing and financiallocal public libraries :

in South Dakota: a thesis submitted in partial fulfilIment of the requirements for the degree ,

of Master of Arts. South D a kota Libr a r y Bulletin, 56(112):1-79, 1970. '

HENINGTON, D. M. - Developing patterns of main library organization. Libr a r y Tr ends.;

20(4):640-53, 1972.

HOLLEY, E. F. - Libraries and the usefulness of knowledge. Michiga n Libr a r ia n, 42:4-8, Fall


HOWARD, E. N. - Orbital organization. Libr a r y J our na l, 95(9):1712-5, 1970.


libr a r ies. Munich, Verlag Dokumentation, Pullach, 1973. 53p. !

c J





Levantamento Bibliográfico Bibliotecas Públicas



P ublic libr a r y a dministr a tion: an examination guidebook. London, Clive

Bingley, 1966. 75p.

ONES, Arthur - Criteria for the evaluation of public library services.[ our na l of Libr a r ia nship,

2(4):228-45, 1970.

ONES, K.H. - Management theory and public library: technique or revolution? Libr a r y

Associa tion Recor d, 73 (1): 10-12, 1971.

KOEPP, D.W. - P ublic libr a r y gover nment: seven case studies. California, Univ. of Califórnia

Press, 1968. 184p.

A KOZMUVELODESI Kônyvtárak helyzere és fejlõdése. The position and developments of

public libraries. Kõnyuta r i F igyelõ Szemle (1):5-24, 1969.

LANGE, C.E. -C ommunica tion beha uior a nd inter per sona l coor ienta tion between public libr a r y

dir ector s a nt their boa r d member s. 1972. 183p.rrhesis PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison

LEWIS, C.H. - Public library administration in South Carolina. South C a r olina Libr a r ia n, 19:

8-10, FalI 1975.

LIPSMAN, Claire K. -D isa dva nta ged a nd libr a r y effectivness. Chicago, III A.L.A., 1972. 197p.

LOCK, R.N. - Libr a r y a dministr a tion. 2. ed. London, Lockwood, 1965. 150 p.

MCKINNON, Katherine - Policies for public libraries. O nta r io Libr a r y Review, 57 (4): 231-3,


MCPHERON, J. - Critique of the progressive public library movement in America. Illinois

Libr a r ies, 59: 299-303, Apr. 1977.

MOHLENBROCK, S. - Biblioteksa dministr a tion: a teori och praktik, Library administration:

theory and practice. Lund, Sweden, Biblioteksjânsr, 1970. 369p.

MOLOD, S.E. - Librarians and the power structure. F ocus, 23:4-8, Mar. 1969.

MONROE, M.E. - Evaluation of public services for adults. Libr a r y Tr ends, 22 (3): 337-59,


MOON, E. E. - What is happening to public library circulation. Libr a r y J our na l, 91(15):

3851-62, 1966.

MOREY, G.E. ldentifica tion of common libr a r y gools: objetives and activities relative to a

planning, programming, system. 1970. 75p. Thesis (Ed. S.) Western Michigan University

MUELLER-HEIDELBERG, Klaus - Buchereiplanung und Verivaltungsorganisation. Library

planning and administrative organization. Bucher ei und Bild 19: 72-8, Feb. 1967.

MURISON, W.G. P ublic libr a r y: its origins, purpose and significance. 2 ed. rev. & reset.

London, Harrap, 1971. 244p.

NEWHOUSE, J. P. & ALEXANDER, A. J - An economic analysis of public library services.

RANB - R 848BH, 1972. .

NORMEM voor het Openbare bibliotheekwerk. Standards for public library service. O penba r e

Bibliotheek, 12 (7/8): 277-306, 1969.

R. bras. Bibliotecon. Doc. 11 (112): 119-124, jan.ljun.1978

11· ,



PAGETII, R. - The organization of public libraries in Milan. lnter na tiona l Libr a r y Review 5 (1

73-6. 1973.

PATON, William B. - Standards for public library. An Lea bha r la nn, 27 (3): 103-105, 107-L


POLlTICA do I.N.L. para o setor biblioteca (MEC - Plano Setorial de Educação e Cultura, 1972

1974. Projeto 33: Programa Nacional do Livro. Revista de Biblioteconomia de Br a silit

1(1):91-4, 1973.

PUBLIC library aims and objetives. Libr a r y Associa tion Recor d, 73 (12): 233-4, 1971.

PHINNEY, ElIeanor, ed. Library services to the aging. Libr a r y Tr ends, 21 (3): 359-458, 1973 I

Fascículo inteiro, composto por reunião de artigos de diversos autores.

RANGANATHAN, S. R. et al, - Freee book service for alI: an international survey; publ. for th

Mysore Assn. s. 1. Asia publ., 1968. 464p.

ROBBINS, J. B. C itizen pa r ticipa tion a nd public libr a r y policy. New Jersey, Scarecrow, 1975'


ROCKWOOD, C. and ROCKEOOD, R.H. - Regional differences in public library servicc

Southea ster n Libr a r ia n, 19:217-20, Winter 1969. I

RUSSO, Laura Garcia M. - O planejamento de bibliotecas públicas. Acr ópole, 28(329): 119-2~

1966. .

SCHON, B. - Community participation and library planning. O nta r io Libr a r y Review, 60: 7B'

82, Jan. 1976.

SCHUSTER, Herbert - Zur Ieitungsrãrigkeit der algemeinen õffentlichen bibliotheken. Manage

ment of the public libraries. Bibliotheka r , 21:225-33, Mar. 1967. '

SEAMAN, F.L. - Insurance coverage for public libraries. Nor th C a r olina Libr a r ies, 35: 14-2.1

Spring 1977.

SEVER, Shmuel - Some social aspects of public library development in Israel. Libr a r y Q ua r ter l;

38(4): 388-405, 1968.

SEWELL, P.H. - The development of library services: the basis of their planning and assessmen

[ our na l of Libr a r ia nship, 2(1): 33-42, 1970.

SHAFFER, K.R. -D ecision ma r king: a seminar in library management. Connecticut, Shoe

Strin-Press, 1971. 191p.

SHAFFER, K.R. - E xper ience of ma na gement: case studies in public and academic librar

administration. New Jersey, Scarecrow, 1972. 167p. ~

SILDEN, William K. - Accrediration of public libraries - yes or no? Wilson Libr a r y Bulletir

45(4): 394-8, 1970.

SMITH, C.E. - Aspects of public libr a r y a dministr a tion: report on a study tour of librarif't

overseas in 1968. Newcastle public lib.,.1969. 310p.



Biblioteca Pública

ERANDIO, Liliana - História da Biblioteca Pública do Paraná.


Revista de Biblioteconomia de

Br a sília , 2(2): 199-202, 1974.

ENSLAND, R.P. - Management in public libraries. Nor th C a r olina Libr a r ies, 32: 19-22,

Winter 1974.

TEVENSON, G. - Popular culture and the public library. Adva nces in Libr a r ia nship, 7:

177-229, 1977.

TEVENSON, Grace T., ed. - Group services in public libraries. Libr a r y Tr ends, 17(1): 3-108,

1968. (Fascículo inteiro, composto por reunião de artigos de diversos autores.)

YKES, P. - Where the buck stops: public library administration. New Libr a r y Wor ld, 73(850):

182, 1972.

AYLOR, Anne - How to test your library. Libr a r y Associa tion Recor d, 72(2):49-52, 1970.

AYLOR, William A. - The public library after "mand". In: PROCEEDINGS PAPERS AND


AT BRIGHTON, 23 to 26 September, 1968. London, The Library Association, 1968. p.


HARAUD, C. - Public librarian as supervisor: sucess or failure.

C a lifor nia Libr a r ia n, 37:6-17, Oct. 1976.

HOMAS, P. A. - Looking at libraries. Aslib P r oceedings, 24(11):627-34, 1972.

ODA Y show features public library service. Bookma r k, 31:116, Mar. 1972.

ISWANATHAN, C. G~ - P ublic libr a r y oper a tions a nd ser vices; a short manual. 2 ed. s. 1.

Asia publ., 1967. 294p.

AKNIS, T. D. - Library organization in India. lndia n Libr a r ia n, 25(4); 191-5, 1971.

ALLlS, C. L. - Public libraries. 'Amer ica n Libr a r y Associa tion Yea r book, 1976: 273,83.

HEELER, Joseph L. - What good are public library standards? Libr a r y J our na l, 95(3):

455-62, 1970. .

LSH, W. J. - The processing department of the Library of Congress in 1970. Libr a r y

Resour ces a nd Technica l Ser uices, 15(2): 191-214, 1971.

HITE, P. - Only the best will do: if the public library ~sto cultivate excellence it must promote

elitsm. Austr a lia n Libr a r y J our na l, 25 (4): 145-9, 1976.

IGHT, Edward A. - The contribution of the public library survey. Libr a r y Q ua r tely, 38

(4):293-300, 1968. '

IJASURIYA, D. E. K. - Need to know: developing public library services to the community.

IF LA J our na l, 3 (2):215-7, 1977. ,

ILSON, A. - The public library in the service of leisure.J our na l of Libr a r ia nship, 494):222-39,


OUNGS, W.O. - Quality public library service, the long view, Wyoming Libr a r y Roundup, 24:

24-34, Jan. 1969.


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