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Venereal disease as a national and international health problem


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Washington, D. C. September-October 1970


2 Provisional A_enda Item 16 CSP18/DT/1 EN

9 September 1970




CSPI8/DT/I, Rev. i (Eng.)


After the decrease in the incidence of venereal disease observed in

the years following World War II, the recrudescence of the disease that

commenced toward the end of 1950 in all regions of the world again focused

the attention of the public health authorities in the majority of the

coun-tries on the health problem posed by syphilis and gonorrhea.


Reflecting this general concern, in October of 1965 the Pan American

Sanitary Bureau, in cooperation with the United States Public Health Service,

" held a seminar which was attended by 40 public health experts representing

25 countries and territories of the Hemisphere, most of whom were directors

and chiefs of departments in ministries of health.

The purpose of the seminar was to exchange ideas and experiences on

the venereal disease problem and to discuss control methods, and its aim was

to direct the attention of the Governments to the situation and to the need

to conduct control programs.

Since then, there has been an increase in the interest of the

coun-tries, as evidenced by the requests for assistance received by the Bureau,

including fellowships to study laboratory techniques and control methods

abroad, national courses and projects at the country level, and advisory

ser-vices and program evaluation.

Another indicator of the growing interest in the problem is the

increasing number of countries that participate in the evaluation of the

performance of laboratory tests which the WHO Serological Reference Laboratory,

at the National Communicable Disease Center in Atlanta, Georgia, United States

of America, makes each year. Seven countries participated in 1963, and 18

participated in 1969.

Even more significant than the foregoing, the selection of the topic,

"Venereal Diseases as a National and International. Health Problem," for the

Technical Discussions at the XVIII Pan American Sanitary Conference Shows the

high interest and concern of the Governments in ascertaining the facts of the

situation and in seeking solutions to the problem.

Venereal diseases are widespread in every country of the world, and,

while it is generally recognized that they constitute an important problem,

its true magnitude is as yet not definitely known.

Various attempts to study them in different regions of the world point

up the gaps in our knowledge of their extent and importance.

The ma:ln difficulties stem from incomplete and deficient case

notifica-tion and lack of uniformity in the notification and registration practices


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For this reason, comparability and collation of statistical data on

the incidence and prevalence of this group of diseases is a problem in itself,

and the authorities are forced to resort to estimates to obtain an idea of

the situation.

Guthe and Hume, in 1948, estimated that there were at least 2 million

new cases of syphilis, acquired by venereal contact, each year and that the ¥

annual prevalence of the disease was as high as 20 million in the world

popu-lationover15 yearsof age. i

If population increases since 1948, the changes in the factors that

influence the spread of the disease, and the trend to increasing incidence

observed in all regions of the world in the decade of the 1950' s, are taken

into account, the annual incidence of new cases of syphilis in the 1960's

may be estimated at not less than 3 million, and the prevalence at 30 million


Using the same type of calculation, it would be possible to make a

cautious prediction that we are entering the decade of the 1970's with an

annual incidence of 4 million cases of early syphilis, of which 370,000 will

occur in the Americas.

The annual incidence of gonorrhea can be calculated by applying to the

world incidence of syphilis the ratio of cases of syphilis and gonorrhea that

seek medical treatment, which shows that for each case of the former there

are four of the latter. Accordingly, the annual incidence of gonorrhea would

have been 12 million in the 1960's, and we can expect 16 million at the

begin-ing of the present decade, with 1.5 million cases in the Americas.

A study of this problem, based on the notified cases of venereal

dis-ease since 1950, shows that infectious syphilis has increased in many

coun-tries, has remained at approximately the same level in others, and has

diminished in some.

Increase in gonorrhea has been much more widespread and in some

coun-tries has approached epidemic proportions.

Chancroid, !ymphosranuloma venereum, and granuloma inguinale appear

to be less important, while nongonocoecal urethritis, in those countries in

which it is distinguished from gonorrhea, is more prevalent. &

A world survey made by the World Health Organization in 1962 showed

that 76 of the 106 countries (72 per cent) reported a steady increase in the

incidence of early syphilis. Of the 106 countries, 21 were in the Western

Hemisphere and 15 of them (59 per cent) reported an increase.

The situation revealed by this survey has continued; and, even though

around the mid-1960's some countries (France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and

the United States of America) reported a new decrease, this trend did not


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T the Americas, 9 out of 12 countries responding to a questionnaire

sent out by the Bureau in the early part of 1969 reported either an increase

or no significant change for the period from 1960 to 1967, 1968 or 1969.

The increase in gonorrhea is still more marked than that of early

syphilis. A survey of a similar nature conducted by WHO in 1961 showed that

4 53 out of the iii countries (48 per cent) reported a steady increase from

1950 to 1960. In the Americas, in ii out of the 21 countries (52.4 per cent)

the same phenomenon was observed and the trend has not been reversed since

• that date.

In the 1969 survey, 13 of the 24 countries in the Americas reported

an increase.

There can no longer be any doubt that we are witnessing an increase in

the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea in an important number of the countries

that have adequate reporting procedures, and it may be assumed that the same

thing is also occurring in those countries where the reporting procedures are

not reliable.


In order to obtain an overall picture of the venereal disease problem

in the Hemisphere, all countries and territories were asked to complete a

questionnaire and the information received is the basis of the description

presented herein. However, in some cases it was necessary to complete this

information with data derived from regular reports of the countries to the

Bureau and to estimate rates when the countries failed to do so, using the

population estimates of the United Nations.

All countries and some territories replied to the questionnaire, but

the information from most of the latter is incomplete and, accordingly, the

presentation is limited to the situation in the 26 countries of the Hemisphere.

It is, of course, well known to all and can easily be observed, that

the data are frequently incomplete and we cannot be certain of their

compara-bility. In some cases the figures furnished in the questionnaire do not

coincide with others previously reported to the Bureau.

Because of such deficiencies in basic information, the overall

descrip-tion must be viewed with caution and no definitive conclusions can be drawn.

• Despite these inadequacies, the data collected can be used to give some

general idea of the situation.

Information from Brazil for the period 1965-1969, appearing in Table I,


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Disease 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Syphilis,all forms 11,718 8,603 -* 6,759 -*

Syphilis, primary and

secondary 2,123 2,847 2,469 2,798 1,881

Syphilis,early latent 804 284 250 691 197

Syphilis,late 1,344 909 751 1,062 461

Syphilis, congenital 283 181 82 556 55

Gonorrhea 13,337 13,254 9,707 13,849 6,176

Chancroid 2,811 2,856 2,409 3,483 2,119

Lymphogranulomavenereum 793 624 606 590 483

Granulomavenereum 190 128 25 32 14

* Information not available


RecordedMorbidityfor Syphilis- All Stages

Tables II and III show cases of syphilis, all stages, and the rates

per i00,000 population in 25 countries, for the years 1950 and 1960-1969. o

The rates for all stages of syphilis are in general much higher than

those for early syphilis, and in many countries the great difference results

from the fact that many of the cases notified are discovered and reported as


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In 1969 the total rate per I00,000 population for syphilis was ii.0

in Canada and 45.4 in the United States of America; in Middle America, the

highest rate was 242.3 in E1 Salvador, and lowest was 13.7 in Panama. The

Dominican Republic had the highest rate of the Caribbean Islands, 330.3, and

Cuba, the lowest, 7.2, in the zone and in the Continent. In South America

the rate varied from 98.8 in Venezuela to 8.0 in Bolivia.


Data are available for 1950 from 18 out of 26 countries (Bolivia,

Canada, Colombia, Dominican Republic, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti,

° Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago,

United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela) and from 16 countries for

the years 1950-1960. The rates dropped 97 per cent in Panama and 20 per cent

in Haiti. Only those for Trinidad and Tobago and for Uruguay rose by 203 per

cent and 12 per cent respectively in this period.

Although the downward trend continued between 1960 and 1969, it was

not too generalized. Of the 25 countries, 17 (Argentina, Barbados, Canada,

Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, E1 Salvador, Haiti, Honduras,

Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, and

Venezuela) reported lower rates. The greatest decrease was observed in

Jamaica (80 per cent) and the smallest in Venezuela (6 per cent). In eight

countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Trinidad

and Tobago, and Uruguay) there was an increase varying from one per cent in

Nicaragua to 82 per cent in Uruguay. In Costa Rica, where data are not

avail-able prior to 1962, a decrease of 16 per cent was recorded between 1962 and

1969 (Table IV).

The foregoing data, with the limitations imposed by their quality and

the variations in the efficiency of case detection and the prompt discovery

of early cases, would indicate that even though the decline observed between

1950 and 1960 continued over the next decade, it is not as general or as


Recorded Morbidity for Early Syphilis

Early syphilis (primary and secondary), in addition to being the

in-fectious stages of the disease, also constitutes recently acquired syphilis

and hence the rate for early syphilis is the best incidence indicator,

de-spite the fact that it is subject to the effects of variations in the number

of cases diagnosed and notified.

Thirteen countries had data available for 1968 or 1969 (Argentina,

Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru,

Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela). In

North America the rate per i00,000 population was 4.4 in Canada and 9.4 in

the United States of America. In Middle America, the highest rate, 70.2,

was recorded in E1 Salvador and the lowest, 3.5, in Guatemala. In the

Caribbean Area, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago had similar rates, 29.4

and 31.8, respectively; in Cuba it was 2.7; in South America the rates ranged


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Figures for 1950 were available from only seven countries (Canada,

Colombia, Guyana, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, and

Venezuela). From 1950 to 1960, all showed a decrease, ranging from 43 per

cent in the United States of America to 97 per cent in Guyana.

In contrast, in the 13 countries for which the rates for 1960 and 1969

can be compared, the decrease was not generalized. Eight countries (Canada,

Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America,

Uruguay, and Venezuela) recorded increases ranging from 28.8 per cent in

Trinidad and Tobago to 5 per cent in Colombia. In the five countries in

which there was a decrease, the sharpest drop was in Argentina (90 per cent)

and the smallest in Jamaica (3 per cent) (Tables IV, V, and VI and Chart I).

The change in the trend for early syphilis from 1950 to 1960, and from

1960 to 1969, and the predominance of countries in which the rates showed an

increase, support the assumption that we are witnessing a recrudescence of the

syphilis problem, due to an increase in incidence.

Despite the increase shown in the comparison of rates for 1960 and

1969 in the United States of America, the upward trend that began in 1959

reversed direction in 1965. In 1969 the latter trend was continuing, with

the rate for that year 7.4 per cent under that of 1968. No other country in

the Hemisphere shows this phenomenon so clearly, and it could be attributed

to the renewal or intensification of the control program in that country.

Recorde d Morbidity for Early Latent Syphilis

Tables VII and VIII show the known cases and the rates per i00,000

population for early latent syphilis in ten countries (Colombia, Ecuador,

E1 Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United

States of America, and Venezuela). The rates for 1968 and 1969 for Cuba,

Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Paraguay may be seen in Table V.

In 1968 or 1969 the rates varied from 0.8 in Cuba to 84.2 in

El Salvador.

In five countries (Colombia, Guyana, Mexico, United States of America,

and Venezuela) the information for 1950 and 1960 reveals a decrease in the

rates for all these countries ranging from 74 per cent in the United States

of America to 34 per cent in Guyana, while between 1960 and 1969 only Jamaica,

Mexico, and the United States of America had a decrease, which amounted to

55 per cent, 87 per cent, and 24 per cent respectively. All other coun- •

tries with data for those years (Colombia, Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Trinidad and

Tobago, United States of America and Venezuela) showed increases ranging from

8 per cent in Venezuela to 166 per cent in Colombia. This change in the trend


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Identification of early latent syphilis is made almost entirely as a

result of serological tests, and the rate therefore depends on the tests that

are made; despite this fact, the trend in the rates of early latent syphilis

is an indicator of the prevalence of the first period of latency of the

dis-ease that is the result of the incidence of two to four years earlier. For

this reason, it also reflects failure to detect cases in the early stages.

The ratio between early syphilis and early latent syphilis, expressed

in terms of the average number of early syphilis cases for each case of latent

- syphilis, constitutes an index of efficiency in the detection of infectious

cas es.

Table IX gives these indices for 1950, 1960, and 1969 in Colombia,

Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of _America,

and Venezuela.

Recorded Morbidity for Late Syphilis and Late Latent Syphilis

The rate per i00,000 population for late and late latent syphilis is

an indicator of the prevalence resulting from infections occurring 5 to

20 years earlier, and in general, because of the lack of notification of

symp-tomatic late syphilis, the majority of the cases included are due to late

latency and, accordingly, are much affected by the number of serological

examinations carried out.

Data are available for 1968 or 1969 for 13 countries (Colombia, Cuba,

Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru,

Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, and Venezuela). The highest

rate was recorded for E1 Salvador (59.3) and the lowest for Cuba (1.3).

From 1950 to 1960 in all countries for which we have data (Colombia,

Guyana, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, and Venezuela)

the rates dropped, with the sharpest decrease in Trinidad and Tobago (69 per

cent) and the smallest in Guyana (12 per cent).

From 1960 to 1969 in the same countries the rates increased in Ecuador

(180 per cent) and in Guyana (55 per cent) from 1960 to 1966) and declined

in Colombia (50 per cent), Mexico (58 per cent) United States of America

(41 per cent) and Venezuela (68 per cent) (Tables IV, X, XI).

• Recorded Morbidity for Consenital Syphilis

In North America the rates for congenital syphilis per i00,000

popula-tion were 0.2 in Canada and 1.0 in the United States of America.

In the Caribbean Area, the rate for Cuba was 0.i per cent and that for


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In Middle America, the highest rate was recorded in E1 Salvador (1.6)

and the lowest in Honduras and Mexico (0.i).

In South America, the rate in Argentina was less than 0.i; in Ecuador

it was 0.3; in Colombia, 0.8; in Uruguay, 1.3; in Venezuela 1.6; and the highest


Five countries (Canada, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, United States

of America and Venezuela) submitted data permitting comparison of the rates

in 1960 with 1950 and all recorded decreases ranging from 87.0 per cent in

Canada to 39 per cent in Venezuela.

Between 1960 and 1968 or 1969 the decrease in the prevalence of cases

of congenital syphilis seems to be continuing even though it remains

rela-tively high in some countries, especially if it is kept in mind that in all

probability the notified cases reflect only a part of the problem.

Five count¢ies furnished age-specific morbidity rates for congenital

syphilis (Colombia, E1 Salvador, Jamaica, United States of America, and

Venezuela). Table XIV shows that in Colombia the rate for the group under

one year decreased from 8.8 to 7.0 from 1963 to 1967; while in the United

States of America it increased from 5.0 to 8.8, despite the fact that in both

countries the rate for all age groups decreased. The increase may be

inter-preted as the result of improved diagnoses, or as a consequence of an increase

in the disease in pregnant women or deficiencies in the maternal and child

health programs.

The rates for the 10-year-and-over group dropped 55.2 per cent in the

United States of America over the period 1960 to 1968 or 1969, and since

cases in persons over one year of age reflect incidence i0 or more years

earlier, the observed decrease is an indicator of the changes in the

situa-tion before 1950 and from 1950 to 1960.

Mortality from Syphilis

Death rates from syphilis are conditioned by the prevalence of the

disease, the prompt treatment of early cases, and the diagnosis of syphilis

as the cause of death. Tables XV and XVI show the notified deaths and the

ratesfor1950and for1960-1969.

In Guyana, Haiti, and Paraguay such mortality figures are not

avail-able, and in Cuba and Peru there are no comparable data for 1950.

A comparison of the rates for the most recent year (1967, 1968, or

1969) for which mortality data are available in each country shows that, in

North America, Canada reported a rate of 0.4 and the United States of America_

1.2. In Middle America, Mexico and E1 Salvador reported the highest rates (0.5

in both) and Guatemala and Nicaragua, the lowest (0.i). In the Caribbean

Area, the rate varied from 3.2 in Jamaica to 0.5 in Cuba_ in South America,


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In most countries the decrease in the syphilis mortality rate from

1950 to 1960 continued between 1960 and 1969.

From 1950 to 1960 the decrease in rates ranged from 75.6 per cent in

Paraguay to 33.3 per cent in Trinidad and Tobago. From 1960 to 1969, in

contrast to the decrease observed in all other countries, increases were

4 recorded in Argentina (15.4 per cent) Paraguay (20.7 per cent), and Trinidad

and Tobago (i00 per cent). The greatest decrease was in El Salvador

(75.4 per cent) and the smallest in the United States of America (25 per cent).


Chart No_ 2 shows the trend in mortality rates for the several regions

of the Hemisphere.

Enfant Mortality from Syphilis

Mortality rates from syphilis per i00,000 live births, for 1969 or the

most recent year for which data are available, show that Paraguay recorded

the highest (97 per cent in 1968). No deaths from syphilis were reported in

Barbados, Canada, Costa Rica, and Trinidad and Tobago in the last year for

which data were reported.

Only Barbados and the United States of America presented data on which

a comparison of rates for 1950 or 1951 could be made with data for 1960. Both

countries showed a decrease, 95 per cent in Barbados and 88 per cent in the

United States of America.

For the period 1960-1969, five countries experienced an increase in

infant mortality from syphilis, with the greatest increase recorded in the

Dominican Republic (173 per cent) and the smallest in Colombia (66 per cent).

The sharpest decline was in Mexico (70 per cent) (Tables XVII and XVIII).

The foregoing data suggest that, despite the decreasing trend, infant

mortal-ity continues to be a problem in many countries and indicates deficiencies

in maternal and child care programs.

Recorded Morbidity from Gonorrhea

The number of cases of gonorrhea continues to increase, reaching

epi-dermic proportions in some countries and constituting the principal venereal


disease problem in many areas.

In 1969 or the most recent year reported, for each reported case of

" early syphilis there were 73 cases of gonorrhea in Jamaica, 29 in Canada,

23 in the United States of America, 16 in Argentina, i0 in Colombia and Mexico,

8 in Ecuador, 6 in Peru, 3 in Nicaragua and 2 each in E1 Salvador, Honduras,


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The rates per i00,000 population in North America were 128.6 in Canada

and 263.2 in the United States. In Middle America, rates ranged from 199.2

in Costa Rica to 20.2 in Mexico. In the Caribbean Area tbe highest rate

(2,147.2), was recorded in Jamaica with the lowest (2.9) in Cuba. In South

America, the range was 265.5 in Venezuela and 5,0 in Bolivia (Tables IV,

XIX,andXX andChartNo.3).

The trend from 1950 to 1960 was downward in i0 countries (Bolivia,

Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago,

United States of America, and Venezuela). The sharpest decrease was recorded in

Bolivia(94 per cent) and the smallest in IIaiti (20 per cent). In five countries

(Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Peru and Uruguay) increases in the

rates ranged from 161 per cent in the Dominican Republic to 16 per cent in


In ii countries (Argentina, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti,

Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Panama, and Uruguay), the rates for gonorrhea

in 1969 were less than in 1960. The decrease ranged from 62 per cent in

Argentina to 0.4 per cent in Uruguay.

In the same period, 13 countries (Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica,

Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Trinidad and

Tobago, United States of America, and Venezuela) recorded an increase. The

greatest increase was observed in Ecuador and the lowest in E1 Salvador.

In Cuba a comparison of the rate for 1969 with the 1961 rate shows an

increase of 9.7 per cent.

The picture revealed by these figures indicates that the problem of

gonorrhea is out of control and that a concerted effort must be made to find


Other Venereal Diseases

Tables XXI, XXII, XXIII, and XXIV show the notified cases of Chancroid,

lymphogranuloma venereum, and granuloma inguinale and the rates for chancroid

per i00,000 population.

Cases of granuloma inguinale are relatively rare and in general are

decreasing; in 1969 the greatest number of cases (168) was reported by Colombia.

The same thing seems to be happening to lymphogranuloma venereum, even

though the total number of cases is somewhat higher. The highest figure for

notified cases (722) was reported by the Dominican Republic.

Chancroid, on the other hand, still constitutes a problem; in 1969 the


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The highest ratio of cases of chancroid to each notified case of early

syphilis (0.5) was recorded in Venezuela and in E1 Salvador in 1969; in

Honduras in 1967 the ratio was 1.2.


There is a worldwide recrudescence of venereal diseases which has

occurred despite modern control techniques and availability of treatment that

" is effective and easy to administer and that offers adequate means of control.

Under these circumstances it is essential to identify the causes of

this apparent paradox so as to organize, or accelerate (as the case may be),

national control programs based on the elimination or control of the factors

that are causing or contributing to this increase. Given the importance of

venereal diseases as a health problem and their impact on society, such

na-tional progrs_ms should have a permanent character and should be carried on

without interruption.

This paradox which involves an increase instead of a decrease in

venereal diseases, in the face of the progress made in availability of

treat-ment, has come about in a changing environment that is characterized by:

The expansion and increasing rapidity of communications between

different countries, and within each country, that facilitates travel

for cultural, commercial, and touristic purposes, and thereby favors

the spread of contacts and venereal diseases which are no longer

confined to limited areas;

An increase in urbanization and industrialization. Both the

developed and the developing countries, with the consequent mobility

of population groups attracted by urban life and new sources of

em-ployment within one country and between different countries;

High birth rates with a great increase in youthful populations,

limited in some countries by family planning and population control;

High population density in certain areas, with overcrowding along

with a process of homogenization of ideas and cultures, especially

among the young who change their traditional ideas and values without

fully replacing them, which in turn gives rise to the co-existence

of different groups with different values and cultural standards

. within the same community.

In this si1:uation of change, epidemiological and social factors that

are favorable for the spread of venereal diseases are intensified, while at

the same tim_ as a result of effective medical action, there is less fear of

venereal diseases coupled with a reduced immunity to reinfection, which


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The increase in the diseases at the same time brings about an increase

in the demand for control services that are not being adequately provided by

the health authorities.

In this general framework, various factors conditioning the present

situation stand out. They may be grouped into behavioral factors and medical


i. Factors Related to Behavior and Its Changing Nature

Venereal diseases are typical of the ills that have been called

behav-ioral diseases; they continue to spread, despite the fact that adequate

methods of control and treatment are available, because their basic causes

are linked to individual and con_nunity behavior.

Human conduct plays a predominant role in these diseases, and hence

they are closely interrelated to intellectual, emotional, and sociocultural

factors. Even though the effects of these social, economic, and psychosocial

influences on the incidence and spread of the diseases have long been known,

few studies have been made to pinpoint the relative importance of the several

factors, and even fewer to point out ways of controlling venereal disease by

changing behavioral patterns.

The changing environment that characterizes the present situation

con-stitutes the ecological background to venereal diseases, in which one or more

of the factors influences the balance that can inhibit or facilitate


The factors most frequently cited as contributing to changes in sexual

behavior are increased promiscuity, changes in sexual habits, increased sexual

activity in the younger age groups, and increased sexual contacts resulting

from the increased migration and interchange between population groups and



Promiscuity is not basically a sexual problem but is rather a

manifes-tation of deep psychic disturbances. A study made in the United States of

America by the Public Health Service on sexual life in urban and social

envir-onments brought out very clearly the comon factors in promiscuity that cut

across the borders of social, educational, and age groups, and that were related


Changes in ethical, moral, and behavioral standards resulting from

rapid social, economic, and technological changes have been diffused with

great rapidity and have, in turn, led to increased sexual activity. The

effect of transition from rural to urban environment is the production of

emotionally maladjusted adolescents, as destruction of basic social


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subjecting them to an environment in which a large number and variety of

social ills can flourish, and thereby creating foci of venereal diseases

in the large urban centers.

Traditionally, the problem of female promiscuity has been identified

with prostitution. Even today, when the type of prostitution that originated

in poverty and the need for a living has been abolished in principle by


international action, it still plays a large part in the spread of venereal

diseases, particularly gonorrhea, in many countries. In the Region of the

Western Pacific, a great many countries reported that more than 80 per cent

of the infection in males can be traced to this source.

According to the replies received, prostitution in the Americas is

regulated in five countries and two territories (Ecuador, Guatemala, Uruguay,

Honduras, and Panama, and the Bahamas and the Netherlands Antilles); it has

been eradicated in Cuba. In seven countries it is illegal (Canada, E1 Salvador,

Guyana, Mexico, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States of America);

in the remainder it is tolerated, whatever may be its legal status.

Never-theless, in the seven countries that reported prostitution illegal, one

(Guyana) commented that it exists in fact, while in Mexico there appears to

be a provision under which the municipalities may permit it, and in Trinidad

and Tobago, although it has been outlawed, it is reported to play a major

role in the spread of venereal diseases.

Nine countries (Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, E1 Salvador,

Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela) consider

pros-titution to be an important factor in the spread of venereal disease, and

Costa Rica holds it responsible for 80 per cent of the problem.

Only Cuba, Jamaica, and the United States of America reported that

prostitution plays no part, or is of little importance, in the venereal

dis-ease problem in those countries.

The picture drawn by these data appears to indicate that prostitution

itself is still a problem, as well as an important factor in the spread of

venereal diseases, and that it is probably being overlaid with new aspects

of clandestine se_mal traffic in an environment of a changing social ecology.

Following the postwar period, prostitution has reappeared in the

devel-oped countries and in many of the developing countries, with changed

charac-" teristics attributable to the improved social and economic situation,

indus-trialization, and the emancipation of women, and stimulated by the search for

pleasure and benefits and luxuries of the improved economic situation. Hence,

" this intensification of hidden sexual traffic is a reflection of higher income

and an increasingly complacent attitude of society toward sexual freedom.

It is stimulated by communications media and advertising and has its roots

in mental aberrations, hereditary factors, traits of ethnic and other minority

groups, and family and educational background that give rise to social

dislo-cations and impair the ability of the individual to face the complexities of


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Whether or not it is a question of commercialized promiscuity or

pro-miscuity stimulated by changes in sexual behavior arising from the other

causes discussed, the theory has been advanced that the introduction and

in-creasing use of oral contraceptives has contributed to increased sexual

activ-ity and the consequent spread of venereal diseases.

Few studies have been made to explore this problem, and the majority

of opinions offered are subjective. However, one study, made in Upsala,

Sweden, from 1967 to 1968, revealed that among patients receiving treatment

for gonorrhea and their contacts, 70 per cent of the female students and

51 per cent of the females who were not students were using contraceptive pills,

while the respective percentages for similar groups in 1966 were 48 and 18 per

cent thus evidencing a considerable increase in use of the pill. But what is

more significant is the fact that the average number of sexual pairs was 36 per

cent higher among the group using the pill than in the group not using it.

The average frequency of sexual contacts in the first-named group was 47 per

cent higher than in the second. Moreover, 36 per cent of the females had

increased both the frequency of sexual relations and the number of pairs by

25 per cent after beginning to use oral contraceptives.

If the results of this study were generalized, we would have to accept

the fact that the use of oral contraceptives plays a part by causing the

pro-miscuous woman to expose herself much more frequently. The lack of replies

on this point indicates a lack of precise information that can be generally

applied to all factors relating to changes in conduct. In effect, 14

coun-tries responded in one way or another to the question: What role is played

in the dissemination of venereal diseases by changes in standards of conduct

observed in the last decade? None was able to describe such effects or to

supply objective data.

Increased Sexual Activity and Venereal Diseases in Younger Age Groups

It is evident that there is an increase in sexual activity among younger

age groups and in the number of contacts, and that this increase is conditioned

by psychological, educational, and social and cultural factors in the

environ-ment which encourage greater promiscuity in these groups.

While in some countries there is still the belief that venereal

dis-eases are not a problem among the young, in the majority of the world regions

it appears to be increasing among adolescents and the under-20 age group and

in many instances has been responsible for the recrudescence of venereal

dis-eases as a problem. Reports from the different countries do not agree in

their conclusions. If we consider the increase in the number of persons who

are now seeking treatment, and only the conduct of those who seek treatment

is known, it is difficult to affirm that the observed situation is due to


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Nevertheless, in countries where this increase in the under-20 age

group has been observed, the factors contributing to the increase seem to

be early maturity, industrialization and urbanization which attract young

people to the cities where they are free of family control, living in crowded

housing, the rebellion of the young people to the authoritarian ideas of

their parents and teachers, and the greater tolerance of society to sex.

An increase in venereal diseases in the under-20 age group was observed

in the United States of America, where rates for early syphilis in that group

rose from 10.1 to 24.2 per i00,000 population between 1956 and 1965. An

" increase has also been recorded in Canada, the Federal Republic of West Germany,

France, Italy, and the Scandinavian countries.

Five countries in the Americas (Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, United States

of America, and Venezuela) submitted data on which a comparison of the

inci-dence of early syphilis in 1960,with data for 1968 or 1969, was possible for

the age groups 10-19 and 15-19 (Table XXV).

If the percentage differences between rates for this group in the two

years are compared with the differences for all ages in the same years, we

find that in Mexico, where the decrease was general, the rates for males and

females in the 15-19 group decreased less (9.3 and 18.7 per cent, than the

rates for all ages (28.4 and 30 per cent).

In Peru, the decrease in rates for all ages was 17.9 per cent, and in

the age group 10-19 it was only 3.7 per cent. In the United States of America

a comparison of the figures for 1960 and 1968 also shows that the decrease in

the 15-19 age group for males was 10.3 per cent, while in females there was an

increase of 5.7 per cent. The rates for all ages decreased 2.4 per cent in

males and increased 27.2 per cent in females.

In Venezuela, the increase for males in the 10-19 age group was

53.1 per cent, while the increase for all ages was i0 per cent. In females,

where an imcrease was also recorded, this increase was greater for all ages,

351.7 per cent, than the 192.3 per cent recorded for the 10-19 age group.

In Ecuador_ in the same age group there was an increase of 66.6 per cent

in males and 61.2 per cent in females.

The foregoing data are not consistent, since in the countries where

there was a decrease this was in general less among youthful groups of both

sexes, and in Venezuela, where there was an increase in both sexes, and

espe-cially in women of all ages, the increase observed among the young was less.

Only two countries, the United States of America and Venezuela, can

be used to study the trends of gonorrhea infection in the younger groups.

In both countries the rates for both sexes and all age-groups increased. The

United States of America reported a 74.2 per cent increase for males and 35.1

per cent increase for females, while the figures for Venezuela were,


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the United States of America was less, 62.9 per cent in males and 26.7 per cent

in females, while in Venezuela the increase of 160 per cent in males and

161 per cent in females in the 10-19 age group is virtually the same as that

observed for all age groups (Table XXVI).

The available data, therefore, are not such as to permit general

con-clusions about the increase in sexual activity and venereal diseases among

the younger age groups.

Influence of Homosexuality

In recent years male homosexuality has gained in importance in the

transmission of infectious syphilis in many of the developed countries of the

world where a large proportion of primary infections occur in this group.

This is in contrast with the traditional belief, still prevalent in the

devel-oping countries, that homosexuality plays a very small part in the spread of

venereal disease.

Data available from some studies made in European countries, the United

States of America, Canada, m_d Ceylon show that different groups of patients

who have contracted infectious syphilis identify male contacts in percentages

that range from 8.4 to 93 per cent. The average shown in these studies is

around 20 to 25 per cent, in which is included the data found in a survey

made by the American Social Health Association covering the years 1965 and

1966. There are no figures of this nature in the other American states, and

the replies to the questionnaire indicate that no country in the Hemisphere

could supply any objective information.

It is important to point out that homosexual prostitution results

more from the desire for money and immorality than to intersexuality, and

that homosexuals also have heterosexual contacts, thus playing a significant

role in the spread of venereal disease to other groups.

Population Mobility

Increased population mobility with the greater number of contacts and

their frequency between countries, and between different areas within the

same country, facilitated by the expansion and rapidity of communications,

is another identifiable factor among the causes of venereal disease recrudescence.

As an indicator of the importance of the problem, it is observed that

in Sweden, 24 per cent of recent syphilis cases acquired the infection abroad.

In the United Kingdom, 40 per cent of the infected males and 60 per cent of



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2. Medical and Public Health Factors

The introduction of penicillin in the treatment of venereal diseases,

its widespread use, and the results initially obtained,changed the public

attitude toward this group of diseases. The fear of the consequences of

vene-real diseases was replaced by a certain lack of concern on the part of the

i public, and gave rise to a false sense of security among health authorities.

Government interest in control programs began to decrease, and in

almost every part of the world the majority of venereal disease patients came

to be treated by private physicians. The simPle , rapid treatment thereby passed

out of the hands of the trained venereologist to the general practitioner, and

the idea was lost that the latter required any special preparation for the new

tasks. Accordingly, their training for the new responsibility is largely

defi-cient because at the same time the changing image of these diseases was reflected

in the medical schools where instruction in the field either deteriorated or

was neglected.

Nevertheless, the role of private physicians inthe diagnosis and

treatment of venereal diseases is, and must continue to be, extremely

impor-tant, if the work of investigating contacts and educating the patient and the

community in prophylaxis is to be carried on.

The proportion of patients who resort to private physicians and receive

treatment from them depends on social and economic conditions, the

availabil-ity of public services, and the attitudes of the public.

The proportion of patients treated by private physicians varies in the

different countries according to the organization and coverage provided by

the health services. In the United Kingdom, where there is a single health

service, more than 75 per cent of the patients receive treatment in public

clinics. In Scotland, particularly, 90 per cent of the gonorrhea patients

receive such treatment.

In contrast, ten times as many cases as are reported are treated by

private physicians.

The availability and ease of administration of the treatment lends

itself to self-medication, as well as treatment by nonmedical people of all

types (pharmacists, witch doctors, amateurs, etc.). Free distribution of

antibiotics, which is the practice in many countries, contributes to this


Antibiotics can be obtained without medical prescription in 15 of the

26 countries in the Americas (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic,

Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,

Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela).

Although there is no evidence that the treponemicidal efficacy of


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therapy seems to have been reached. At the same time, it is known that many

strains of N. $onorrheae in various parts of the world are showing increasing

resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics used for its control, and,

for this reason, its treatment is becoming more complex, requiring

special-ized and up-to-date knowledge in the selection of drugs and treatment schedules.

Preventive effects that might have been derived from use and abuse of

antibiotics in the first decade after their introduction, if in fact this was

the case, seem to have disappeared. In the case of syphilis, the prescribed

treatment eliminates relative immunity, leads to the reinfection of

individ-uals forming part of those groups that have high rates of exposure, and causes

changes in the volume of susceptibles.

Eradication or control of yaws in countries where it was once prevalent

may also have contributed to the increase of the susceptible population.

The initial optimism created by the successful use of penicillin has

given rise to a de-emphasis of the attention given to control programs.

Measures earlier in effect were not continued, or at least new procedures

were not developed, nor were adequate funds assigned to the work, since it

was considered to be no longer a program requiring high priority.

However, with the present recrudescense of the diseases, many countries

have introduced new programs and have renewed their interest in the control

and study of the venereal disease problem.


It is true that the multiplicity of ecological forces affecting the

dissemination of venereal diseases is not within the control of the

tradi-tional public health measures, and behavioral factors have a determining

influence that makes it essential to promote social and educational techniques

based on multidisciplinary studies. Nevertheless, venereal diseases do not

for that reason cease to be a cormnunicable disease to which the control

pro-cedures appropriate to their specific epidemiological behavior can and must

be applied.

Measures for the control of gonorrhea and syphilis are known and easy

to define. They consist primarily in early detection and prompt treatment

of cases.

In the absence of an irmnunizing agent and because of the manner in

which they are transmitted, through venereal contact between infected and

non-infected individuals, control depends on locating the infected persons

as promptly as possible, especially those in the infectious stages, and

treat-ing them before they can become focis of infection.

Control depends on diagnosis and treatment of cases, their detection,


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work is to be done, the existence of a well-organized and dynamic health

service, working for a well-organized society, is essential.

The establishment of control programs and their application depend

on a great many factors, among which an important role is played by the

attitude of its medical profession, the authorities and workers in the health

services, and the community attitude toward the diseases which determine the

priority of the work and the funds that will be made available for it.

i. Venereal Disease Control Programs

Nineteen countries of the Americas (Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile,

Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica,

Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America,

Uruguay, and Venezuela) have reported that they have officially organized control

programs. Twelve of this group (Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican

Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, United

States of America and Venezuela) could identify all or a part of the financial

resources allocated for venereal disease control activities. Two countries

(Argentina and Honduras), although ha_ing no officially organized control

programs, were also able to report the funds available to combat these


Except for Cuba and Guatemala, all countries with venereal disease

control programs indicated that they had programs for the control of gonorrhea,

and three - Barbados, Guyana, and Honduras - had gonorrhea control programs

even though they did not report official venereal disease control programs.

All countries except Colombia and Panama furnished free treatment for

syphilis and gonorrhea.

2. Venereal Disease Notification

The increase in venereal diseases that can be observed in countries

with the more highly developed reporting systems seems to indicate that it

is a universal problem.

, It frequently appears that syphilis and gonorrhea are more prevalent

than is revealed by available statistics, even in those countries having the

best notification procedures. Apart from the fact that case notification

. from all possible sources ought to be obligatory, efforts to promote timely

and efficient reporting should not be curtailed.

It is essential to encourage regular notification of all cases

diag-nosed and treated by private physicians and by both private and public

institutions, both for gonorrhea and for syphilis in each and every one of


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Limited knowledge of venereal disease derives from a series of facts.

In many cases the patient resorts to self-treatment_ to the amateur

practi-tioner_ to the curer, to the witch doctor, or to nonmedical professionals who

do not report the cases that come to their attention. At the same time, the

medical profession reports only a small proportion, if they do so at all_ of

the cases among their patients.

In addition to the foregoing, variations in the forms and the standards

for classification of syphilis that are employed, often within the same country,

are not comparable and make it difficult to correlate early syphilis cases

reported by one country with the figures for another.

A national survey on incidence of venereal diseases made in the United

States of America in 1968 showed that private doctors reported to the

Depart-ment of Health only about ii per cent of the infectious syphilis cases,

38 per cent of the cases of other stages, and ii per cent of the cases of

gonorrhea. Nevertheless, four out of five of the reported cases were treated

by private physicians.

As a result of poor notification procedures, data on gonorrhea have

little validity. Even when data for syphilis are more reliable, notification

of these cases is also very deficient. In the WHO surveys of 126 countries,

57.2 per cent of the countries reported that notification was obligatory. In

the Americas, however, notification is obligatory in 22 countries.

Data on early syphilis since 1950 were available in only twelve

coun-tries, eight in Europe and four in the Americas (Canada, E1 Salvador,

United States of America and Venezuela)

In replies to the questionnaire sent out by the Bureau this year,

21 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,

Cuba,Dominican Republic, Ecuador, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,

Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Toba_o. United States of America,

Uruguay, and Venezuela) reported that case notification of venereal diseases

to the health authorities is obligatory.

However, notification of positive serological reaction is obligatory

in ii countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic,

Honduras, Mexico, Panama, United States of America (all but 12 states), and


Although this picture appears encouraging, examination of the data

supplied reveals substantial deficiencies in both quantity and quality, which

makes it difficult to describe and interpret the situation.

3. Serological Examinations

Serological examinations constitute an important tool in the diagnosis


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Screening procedures tend to lose their value and the cost increases

to the extent that the incidence of the disease decreases; at the same time,

they are very useful in population groups that are especially vulnerable, and

the majority of public health authorities and workers consider that this

pro-cedure should be used for premarital testing, for pregnant women, as a routine

test in hospitals, in health examinations, and in any other group that is


particularly exposed to the diseases.

The serological tests that are most recommended and that are considered

perfectly feasible in a well-organized program are VDRL as a nontreponemal test

to be used as a routine, primarily as a screening technique, and a treponemic

test which, because it is more specific, could be employed whenever the diagnosis

has to be based on the serological result. The VDRL test is already being used

as a nontreponemic test in all countries of the Hemisphere; Cuba reported that

it is using the Kahn test, and Chile and Haiti both use VDRL and Kahn.

Ten countries (Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico,

Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela) report

at least one laboratory in the country that performs serological tests for


Eleven countries (Argentina, four provinces of Canada, Costa Rica,

E1 Salvador, Guatemmla, Honduras , Mexico, Panama9 Paraguay, Peru and the

United States of America, with the exception of five states) have laws or

provisions requiring premarital serological tests, and in five of the

remain-ing countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, and Venezuela) it is

customarily perfo creed.

Serological tests for pregnant women are required by law or regulation

in 14 countries (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, E1 Salvador,

Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, and

Vemezuela), and such testing is customary in ten (Argentina, Barbados, Canada,

Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and


In Brazil, serological tests are made in both groups in the maternity


Table XXVIII shows serological tests made in 1969 with the percentage

" positivity. The lowest percentage, 2.1, was recorded in the United States of

America and the highest, 45, in the Dominican Republic, followed by Jamaica with


• Five other countries submitted data on the number of cases treated in

1969 as result of serological tests (Bolivia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico and


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4. Diasnosis of Gonorrhea

Up to the present date no satisfactory serological technique is available

that will detect cases of gonorrhea. The Gram stain and culture methods are

relied upon for diagnosis and detection.

In women, and especially in the asymptomatic cases that constitute the

principal reservoir of infection, culture is the basic technique.

The Gram stain technique is employed in all countries in the Americas,

but it is used in all clinics in only twelve countries (Brazil, Canada,

Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago,

United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela). Thirteen countries have

facilities for culture (Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic,

E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United

States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela).

5. Investigation of Contacts

Identification of contacts, their location, examination_ and treatment

is essential if the spread of the disease is to be halted.

In recent years, particularly in the United States of America,

tech-niques and procedures have been developed and highly encouraging results have

been obtained through their application in syphilis control. In contrast, it

is much more difficult to trace the source of infection and halt transmission

of gonorrhea, because of its very short incubation period. Experience shows

that control methods must take into consideration the differences in the

behav-ior of the two diseases and that new methods specifically applicable to gonorrhea

must be found.

Whatever the method employed and the level of training of personnel

used in contact investigation, the information collected shows that contact

investigation is carried throughout the entire country in ten countries

(Argentina, Barbados, Canada, Costa Rica, E1 Salvador, Panama, Trinidad and

Tobago, Uruguay, United States of America, and Venezuela). In twelve countries

(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Ecuador, Jamaica,

Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru), this work is performed only in the large


Nevertheless, only five of the first-named ten countries (Costa Rica, •

E1 Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, and Venezuela)

have available data for 1967 and 1968 on the number of primary and secondary

cases of syphilis interviewed. In the second group, where interviews are carried

out only in the large cities, data were submitted by only six countries (Bolivia,

Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Jamaica, and Mexico).

Five countries of the eleven in which the number of cases of primary and

secondary syphilis interviewed is known also have data for 1960 (Costa Rica,


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Tables XXVlII and XXIX show the activities and the results of contact

investigation in the countries that have data. Table XXX shows indices of

these activities and the results.

The contact index, i.e., the average number of sexual contacts reported

for each case of infectious syphilis interviewed, ranged from 0.47 in El Salvador

to 4.35 in Venezuela in the figures for 1968.

Comparison of the contact index for 1968 with the same data for 1960

" shows that it decreased from 4.11 to 2.58 in Costa Rica, from 0.92 to 0.47 in

E1 Salvador, and from 3.39 to 2.95 in the United States of America. In Mexico

and Venezuela it increased from 1.17 and 1.23 to 1.72 and 4.35 resoectively.

These differences can be interpreted as a function of changes in the number of

sexual pairs, or in the techniques and ability of the investigators in

obtain-ing names of contacts from the persons interviewed.

The percentase of contacts interviewed reflects the ability of the staff

to locate them as well as the availability of funds for the work, and varied

from 17 per cent in Ecuador to 90 per cent in Costa Rica. The comparison of

these percentages for 1960 and 1968 shows that Costa Rica experienced an increase

from 20 to 80 per cent, and Ecuador from 32 to 84 per cent, while no change

appeared in the United States of America, and Mexico and Venezuela had a

decrease from 50 to 47 per cent and from 75 to 53 per cent, respectively.

The index of syphilis cases treated, which is the average number of cases

discovered and treated as a result of investigation of contacts of each case of

infectious syphilis interviewed, is known only for E1 Salvador, the United

States of America_ and Venezuela. It was 0.43 for the United States of America

in 1960 and 0.43 in 1968. The figures for Venezuela in the same years were

0.43 and 2.11 respectively; and for E1 Salvador it was 0.17 in 1969.

The index of earl}_ syphilis cases treated (lesion-to-lesion) represents

the average number of infectious cases of syphilis for each case of early

syphilis interviewed. It ranged from 0.16 in Mexico to 0..72 in Chile in 1968.

The comparison between the figures for 1960 and 1968 shows that it rose in

Venezuela from 0.I to 0.66, and in E1 Salvador from 0.13 to 0.28; it remained

stationary in Mexico, and decreased from 0.27 to 0.22 in the United States of


• 6o International Control Measures

Attention has been concentrated on the epidemiological control of

emigrants and tourists, in the venereal disease control centers of the

maritime health authorities recommended by the Brussels Agreement, and on

the international exchange of epidemiological information, in the control

of the spread of venereal diseases from one country to another, which has


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The number of venereal disease control centers in the Americas in

1961 was 387.

With regard to the exchange of epidemiological information, the

information provided by the countries shows that in 1969 only Mexico, the

United States of America, and Venezuela notified other countries in the

Hemisphere of the number of contacts obtained that had their domicile in the

country notified. The number of for_q sent by Mexico was 147, the United

States of America, 411, and Venezuela, 22. Mexico sent one and the United

States of America sent 396 to countries in other continents.


Even though only in general terms, it is important to have an idea

of the burden imposed on the community by the presence of these diseases in

order to arrive at an estimate of the benefits that might be obtained

through their control or eradication, a benefit that in turn justifies, in

economic terms, the health programs and the resources required to carry

them out.

The cost of venereal diseases in terms of morbidity has been pointed

out in the presentation of estimates of new cases of early syphilis and

gonorrhea. But in addition to the magnitude of the problem of the acquired

infection and its recrudescence on a worldwide basis, it is also important

to estimate the disability and premature death that may be expected among

patients who are not treated.

Under present conditions of technical knowledge and given the fact

that effective drugs are available for treatment of the diseases, it is

difficult if not impossible on ethical grounds to carry out studies to

measure the varying degrees of disability and death between the treated and

untreated groups. Probably the only source of information that could be

used for this purpose, either today or in the future, would be the classic

material collected by Beck and Brunsgaard in Oslo and the study made at

Tuskogee in Alabama.

It has been estimated on the basis of these two studies that for

every 200 patients not receiving treatment, one will become blind; four

will develop dementia; eight,consumption; and seven, cardiovascular syphilis.

At the same time untreated syphilis reduces life expectancy by 17 per cent,

and in 30 per cent of the deaths it has been determined on autopsy that the

principal cause of death was syphilitic involvement of the cardiovascular

or the central nervous system.

Moreover, apart from the emotional and social problems caused by the

disease that are measured in terms of human suffering, untreated syphilis

results in enormous e,:onomic losses and the burden of the expense required

to treat the disease and its complications and disabilities, and in the

diminution of productivity resulting from man-hours of work lost either by


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It has been estimated that in the United States of America 24,000

patients with psychoses as a result of syphilis, interned in mental hospitals,

represent an expense of $49 million. The cost of maintaining 12,200 persons

incapacitated by blindness amounts to $5 million each year, and the loss of

man-years resulting from the lowered life expectancy can be calculated as a

loss in productivity equivalent to $48 million annually.

This total of $102 million, although a substantial sum, represents

only a part of the problem; it does, however, serve as an indicator to

assess the economic importance of venereal diseases and can be used as a

• yardstick to measure the benefits that might be obtained by their control.


Venereal diseases and especially gonorrhea have increased to a

significant extent in the decade of the 1960's and the programs to control

these diseases have not been adequate.

Medical and public health efforts have been neutralized and

out-weighed by ecological influences and rapid physical and social changes in

the environment that have favored, and are continuing to favor, its spread.

All that can be expected of individual therapy in the treatment of

gonorrhea and syphilis seems to have been achieved, and there is little hope

that new advances in treatment would effect any change in that situation.

Since the disease is so intimately related to the behavior of

indi-viduals and societies, the psychological, educational, and sociocultural

factors affecting its spread must be taken into consideration so as to be

sure they are made a part of the control programs. However, we have very

little knowledge of these factors and even less of the processes by which

they may be changed.

It is probable that, as a consequence of this situation, venereal

diseases will continue to be a national and international problem of

impor-tance, unless it is possible to develop vaccines and preventive methods or

technical developments are found that can offset the effects of the

indi-vidual and environmental factors now contributing to their incidence. Both

aspects need to be studied, and the necessary attention and funds must be

made available for this purpose.

The impact of health education programs does not seem to be very

• promising, and new techniques must be designed to produce the required

impact on individuals and groups most at risk. Social research and


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to identify with some precision those who are most exposed to the risk and

what characteristics they have. Even when epidemiology is showing

increas-ing interest in psychological, cultural, and social factors that influence

patients, and some social scientists are becoming concerned in turn with

epidemiology, much still remains to be done and very few studies have so

far been made to clarify the problem.

The need for coordinated research is imperative, and the importance of

behavior in the venereal disease problem is obvious. However, this should not

be used as an excuse for abandoning control activities. In the present state

of knowledge, these are essential and they must be intensified since, at least

in the case of syphilis_they have demonstrated their effectiveness when

prop-erly applied.

Accordingly, each country must perfect and develop its control programs,

giving them a permanent basis by effective incorporation into the health

ser-vices so as to assure their continuity.

The programs must be based on a diagnosis of the situation and the

epi-demiological behavior of the disease in different communities and sectors of

the communities. There must be an adequate register of cases completed by a

system of analysis and interpretation that facilitates surveillance on the

trends of venereal diseases in different areas and in different population

groups. This is not possible without obligatory notification that is properly

enforced. It is essential that redoubled efforts be made to improve the

ex-isting conditions.

A program, to be effective, must include the necessary activities

de-signed to improve the general state of health, to provide specific protection,

and to limit the consequences of the disease.

Health education and sex education are fundamental requirements if a

program is to be effective in improving the general health situation in

rela-tion to venereal diseases. Despite the limitations on the available

tech-niques, an effort must be made to extract the best possible advantage from

them, to perfect them, and to seek new methods.

Provision of specific protection requires individual and collective

prophylaxis, diagnosis and early treatment of cases, and identification of

contacts so as to close off the reservoirs and halt or limit spread of the


Research in preventive methods now in progress must be expanded and

intensified with the objective of finding a satisfactory syphilis vaccine and

immunizing agents or other types of preventive measures for gonorrhea. The

study of preventive techniques could be incorporated in programs for family

planning and maternal and child care, which at the same time can be used for

epidemiological research in behavioral aspects that encourage the spread of




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