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Fuzzy dynamical systems and Invariant attractor sets for fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups


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Available online at www.ispacs.com/jfsva

Volume 2016, Issue 2, Year 2016 Article ID jfsva-00294, 8 Pages doi:10.5899/2016/jfsva-00294

Research Article

Fuzzy dynamical systems and Invariant attractor sets for fuzzy

strongly continuous semigroups

A. El Allaoui1, S. Melliani1∗, L. S. Chadli1

(1)Laboratoire de Math´ematique Appliqu´ees&Calcul Scientifique Sultan Moulay Slimane University, BP 523, 23000 Beni Mellal, Morocco

Copyright 2016 c⃝A. El Allaoui, S. Melliani and L. S. Chadli. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In this work we study a relation between a fuzzy semigroups and fuzzy dynamical systems. Some concepts about stability are introduced to evaluate a fuzzy semigroups. Several examples are given to illustrate the obtained results.

Keywords:Fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups, fuzzy dynamical systems, stability, Zadeh’s extension.

1 Introduction

Letπ(t, .)be a flow generated by solutions of autonomous differential equation. M.T. Mizukoshi et al. showed in

[7] that the family of applicationsπb(t, .), indexed byR, obtained by Zadeh’s extension(see [11]) on initial condition of the flowπ(t, .), satisfies conditions that characterize πb(t, .) as a dynamical system in the metric space En. In [8], authors discuss conditions for existence of equilibrium points forπb(t, .)and the nature of the stability of such equilibrium points. New results about equilibrium points are presented in [2].

In [1], M.S. Cecconello discuss results obtained in [3] on invariant sets and stability of such fuzzy sets for fuzzy dynamical systems.

The fuzzy dynamical systems we consider here are obtained by Zadehs extension of dynamical systems defined on subsets ofRn.

In this paper we discuss fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups fuzzy dynamical systems relationships and results obtained in [1] on invariant sets and stability of such fuzzy sets, but this case for fuzzy semigroups.

2 Preliminary Notes

LetPK(Rn)denote the family of all nonempty compact convex subsets ofRnand define the addition and scalar

multiplication inPK(Rn)as usual. LetAandBbe two nonempty bounded subsets ofRn. The distance betweenA

andBis defined by the Hausdorf metric,

d(A,B) =max{ρ(A,B),ρ(B,A)}


whereρ(A,B) =sup



bB∥a−b∥and∥∥denotes the usual Euclidean norm inR

n. Then it is clear that(P


becomes a complete and separable metric space(see[10]). Denote

En={u:Rn−→[0,1] | u satisfies (i)-(iv) below}, where

(i) uis normal i.e there exists anx0∈Rnsuch thatu(x0) =1, (ii) uis fuzzy convex,

(iii) uis upper semicontinuous,

(iv) [u]0=cl{xRn:u(x)>0}is compact.

For 0<α ≤1, denote[u]α={t∈Rn/u(t)≥α}. Then from (i)-(iv), it follows that theα-level set[uP K(Rn)

for all 0≤α≤1.

According to Zadeh’s extension principle, we have addition and scalar multiplication in fuzzy number spaceEnas

follows :

[u+v]α= [u]α+ [v]α, [ku]α=k[u

whereu,vEn,k∈Rnand 0≤α≤1. DefineD:En×En→R+by the equation

D(u,v) = sup 0≤α≤1




whered is the Hausdorff metric for non-empty compact sets inRn.Then it is easy to see that Dis a metric in En.

Using the results in ([10]), we know that (1) (En,D)is a complete metric space;

(2) D(u+w,v+w) =D(u,v)for allu,v,xEn; (3) D(k u,k v) =|k|D(u,v)for allu,vEnandk∈Rn.

OnEn, we can define the substraction⊖, called theH-difference (see [4]) as follows:uvhas sense if there exists

wEnsuch thatu=v+w.

Nguyens theorem provides an important relationship betweenα-levels of image of fuzzy subsets and the image of

theirα-levels by a function f:X×Y−→Z. According to [6], ifX⊆Rn, Y⊆Rmandf:X−→Y is continuous, then

Zadehs extensionfb:F(X)−→F(Y)is well defined and [


f(u)]α=f([u]α), ∀u∈F(X), α[0,1]. (2.1)

Theorem 2.1. (see [11]) Let f :Rn−→Rnbe a function. Then the following conditions are equivalents:

(i) f is continuous.

(ii) bf:(En;D)−→(En;D)is continuous.

2.1 Fuzzy dynamical systems.

Definition 2.1. We say that a family of continuous maps, defined on the complete metric space(X,H), π: R+×X −→X

(t,x0) 7−→π(t,x0) is a dynamical system, or semiflow, ifπ(t, .)satisfies

1- π(0,x0) =x0


for all t,s∈R+and x0∈X .

The set X is called phase space of the dynamical system. In the case of X⊂R2, X is said to be phase plane.

In dynamical systems context, an orbit (positive) of a pointxoXis the subset of the phase space defined by

θ(x0) = ∪


π(t,x0) ={π(t,x0), t∈R+}.

and for each subsetBXwe haveθ(B) = ∪



The setθ(x0)is called periodic orbit if there existsτ>0 such that

π(t+τ,x0) =π(t,x0). The smallest numberτ>0 for which this property is satisfied is called period of the orbit [5].

Theω-limit of a subsetBXis defined as

W(B) =∩

s≥0 ∪



Remark 2.1. Let x0∈X , we have

W(x0) =


y, ∃tn−→+∞, lim

n→+∞π(tn,x0) =y }


A setSUis called invariant ifθ(x0)⊂Sfor allx0∈S. It follows thatSis invariant if and only ifπ(t,S) =Sfor all t∈R+.

Example 2.1. The orbits andω-limit are examples of invariant sets.

Definition 2.2. we say that a set MX attracts a set B⊂Rn, by flowπ(t, .), ifρ(π(t,B),M)−→0when t→+∞. In other words, we say that a set M attracts a set B is equivalent to saying that M attracts uniformly all orbits with initial condition in B, that is,


t→+∞sup{ρ(π(t,x0),M): x0∈B}=0.

The basin of attraction of a setMis the setA(M)defined by

A(M) ={x0∈U: ρ(π(t,x0),M)−→0, t→+∞}.

The setMis called attractor if there exists an open subsetVMsuch thatVA(M). IfMis an attractor and attracts compacts subsets ofA(M), thenMis a uniform attractor.

Definition 2.3. Letx¯∈X ,x is a equilibrium point if¯ π(t,x¯) =x for all t¯ ∈R+.

Definition of stability for invariant sets is similar to definition of stability for equilibrium points. That is, an invariant

setSis stable if for every neighborhoodV ofS, there exists a neighborhoodV′of Ssuch thatπ(t,V)V for all

t∈R+. WhenSis stable and moreover there exists a neighborhoodW such thatSattracts points ofW thenSis a set asymptotically stable.

Theorem 2.2. ([1]) Let M be compact and invariant. Then M is asymptotically stable if and only if M is a uniform attractor.

Letπ(t, .)be a dynamical system defined in a subsetU⊂Rn, that we will call deterministic dynamical system.

Theorem 2.3. (see [7]) Letπ(t, .):U−→U be a deterministic dynamical system. Thenπb(t, .)defined by Zadehs extension applied inπ(t, .)has the following properties:

1- πb(0,x0) =x0,∀x0∈F(U).

2- πb(t+s,x0) =πb(t,πb(s,x0)),∀x0∈F(U), t,s≥0.

Thus, the Zadehs extensionπb(t, .):F(U)−→F(U), of deterministic dynamical system π(t, .):U−→U, is a

dynamical system inF(U)and we will call it fuzzy dynamical system. Then Concepts of stability and asymptotic


3 Main Results

3.1 Fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups.

We give here a definition of a fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups, which is alike to that given in [9] on Banach space.

Definition 3.1. A family{T(t),t≥0}of operators from Eninto itself is a fuzzy strongly continuous semigroup if (i) T(0) =i , the identity mapping on En,

(ii) T(t+s) =T(t)T(s)for all t,s≥0,

(iii) the function g:[0,∞[→En, defined by g(t) =T(t)x is continuous at t=0for all xEni.e lim


(iv) There exist two constants M>0andωsuch that

D(T(t)x,T(t)y)≤M eωtD(x,y), f or t≥0,x,yEn

As particular case if M=1andω=0, we say that{T(t),t≥0}is a contraction fuzzy semigroup.

Remark 3.1. From the condition (iii), we can prove that the function t−→T(t)(x)is continuous on [0,∞[for all xEn.

Definition 3.2. Let{T(t),t≥0}be a fuzzy strongly continuous semigroup on Enand xEn. If for h>0sufficiently small, the Hukuhara difference T(h)xx exits, we can define the operator A as:

Ax= lim


T(h)xx h

when this limit exists in the metric space(En,D). Then the operator A defined on

D(A) =


xEn: lim


T(h)xx h exists



is called the infinitesimal generator of the fuzzy semigroup{T(t),t≥0}.

Lemma 3.1. Let A be the infinitesimal generator of a fuzzy strongly continuous semigroup{T(t),t≥0}on En, then for all xEnsuch that T(t)xD(A)for all t≥0, the mapping t→T(t)x is differentiable and

d dt


T(t)x)=A T(t)x, ∀t≥0

Example 3.1. We define on Enthe family of operator{T(t),t≥0}by T(t)x=ektx, k∈R.


3.2 Relation between a fuzzy semigroups and fuzzy dynamical systems.

In this section, we shall give a relation between fuzzy strongly continuous semigroup and fuzzy dynamical system. Let(π(t, .))t0be a dynamical system onRn.

We consider the family{T(t),t≥0}given by

T : R+×Rn −→Rn

(t,x) 7−→T(t)x=π(t,x). Note that, the family{T(t),t≥0}defines a strongly continuous semigroup onRn. By Zadehs extension, we can defines a fuzzy dynamical systemπb(t, .).

Define a mapping{Tb(t),t≥0}as follows


T : R+×Rn −→Rn

(t,x) 7−→Tb(t)x=πb(t,x). From theorem 2.3, we have

1- Tb(0)x=x,∀x∈F(Rn).

2- Tb(t+s)x=Tb(t)◦Tb(s)x,∀x∈F(Rn),t,s0.

Theorem 3.1. Let{T(t),t≥0}be a strongly continuous semigroup onRnsatisfies ∥T(t)x∥ ≤Mewt∥x∥, ∀x∈Rn, t≥0. Then


( b



MewtD(x,y), ∀x,yEn, t≥0.

Proof. Letsx,yEn,α∈[0,1], we have

ρ(T(t)[x]α,T(t)[y]α) = sup




Mewt sup







ρ(T(t)[y]α,T(t)[x]α) = sup




Mewt sup






Which implies



[Tb(t)x]α,[Tb(t)y]α) = d(T(t)[x]α,T(t)[y]α)

= max{ρ(T(t)[x]α,T(t)[y]α),ρ(T(t)[y]α,T(t)[x]α)} ≤ Mewtmax{ρ([x]α,[y]α),ρ([y]α,[x]α)}


Hence, we conclude that


( b




Corollary 3.1. {




is a fuzzy strongly continous semigroup on En.


(i)and(ii)Imediate consequence of theorem 2.3. The theorem 2.1 ensures(iii).

(iv)It follows immediately from theorem 3.1.

Now, we can conclude that from a fuzzy dynamical systems, we can define a Fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups.

Example 3.2. We define onRthe family of operator(π(t, .))t≥0by π(t,x) =eatx, a∈R.

(π(t, .))t≥0is a dynamical system onR. We consider the family{T(t),t≥0}given by


{T(t),t≥0}is a strongly continuous semigroup onR, and the linear operator A defined by Ax=ax is the infinitesimal generator of this semigroup.

From the corollary 3.1 the family of continuous maps

{ b



defined byTb(t)x=πb(t,x)

( b

π(t, .)is the fuzzy dynamical system obtained by Zadehs extension applied inπ(t, .))defines a fuzzy strongly contin-uous semigroups on E1.

3.3 Invariant and attractor sets for fuzzy strongly continuous semigroups.

According to relation between fuzzy semigroup and fuzzy dynamical system defined in the previous section, now we can give the results obtained by M.S. Cecconello, J. Leite , R.C. Bassanezi, A.J.V. Brando (see [1]), but this case for a fuzzy semigroups.

Let{T(t),t≥0}be a strongly continous semigroup onEnand{Tb(t),t0}the fuzzy strongly continous semigroup

obtained by Zadehs extension applied in{T(t),t≥0}.

Proposition 3.1. x is an equilibrium point of a semigroup T¯ (t)(T(t)x¯=x¯)if, and only ifχ{x¯}is an equilibrium point

of the fuzzy semigroupTb(t), whereTb(t)is the characteristic function ofx.¯ Proof. We have


x=T(t)([χ{x¯}]α )

⇔[χ{x¯} ]α

=[Tb(t)(χ{x¯}) ]α


To prove the following results, it is suffcient to denoteπb(t,x) =Tb(t)xin [1].

LetSU⊂Rnand considerSF∈F(U)defined by

SF ={x∈En:[x]α⊂S},

and we have the same result as the theorem 5.

We define theω-limit of a subsetBUas

ω(B) =∩

s≥0 ∪



Consider the setωF(B)⊂F(U)defined by

ωF(B) ={x∈F(U):[x0]α⊂ω(B)}.

Corollary 3.2. The setω(B), is invariant by T(t)if and only if the setωF(B)is invariant byTb(t).

LetCUbe an invariant set byT(t)and consider the setCF⊂F(U)defined as

CF =


x∈F(U):[x]0C}. Then, we have the same result as in the theorem 8.

Therefore, we can establish the following result:

Corollary 3.3. Letx¯∈U be an equilibrium point of T(t). Then

1. x is stable for a semigroup T¯ (t)if and only ifχ{x}¯ is stable for the fuzzy semigroupTb(t);

2. x is asymptotically stable for a semigroup T¯ (t)if and only ifχ{x}¯ is asymptotically stable for the fuzzy semi-groupTb(t).

An orbit of a pointx0is the subset of the phase space defined by θ(x0) = ∪


T(t)x0={T(t)x0, t∈R+}.

Letθbe a periodic orbit forT(t)with periodτ>0 andθF the fuzzy periodic set defined by




Then we have:

Corollary 3.4.

1. θis stable for a semigroup T(t)if and only ifθF is stable for the fuzzy semigroupTb(t);

2. θis asymptotically stable for a semigroup T(t)if and only ifθFis asymptotically stable for the fuzzy semigroup



LetA,B⊂RnandAF,BF⊂Endefined, respectively, as

AF =


xEn:[x]0⊂A} and BF=


xEn:[x]0⊂B}. Then, we have the same result as the theorem 11.

So, we can conclude the following result betweenω(B)and the setωF(B):

Corollary 3.5. The setω(B)attracts BU by T(t)if and only ifωF(B)attracts AF =







3.4 Some examples

In this section, we shall give two examples to illustrate our theory.

Example 3.3. Given the classic initial value problem



x′=−kx x(0) =x0,

we can verify that its solution is given by T(t)x0=ektx0and that the origin is an asymptotically stable equilibrium point for k>0.

By Proposition 3.1, we have thatχ{0}is an equilibrium point ofTb(t), sincex¯=0is an equilibrium point of(2).


Example 3.4. Consider the deterministic problem



x′ =x(1−x)

x(0) =x0, whose solution is given by

T(t)x0= x0

x0+ (1−x0)et .

Note that, The equilibrium points of(3)are0and1.0is unstable while1is asymptotically stable.

So, from Proposition 3.1χ{0}andχ{1}are equilibrium points ofTb(t)the fuzzy strongly continuous semigroup obtained

by Zadehs extension applied to T(t). And by the corollary 3.1 The first one is unstable equilibrium points while the latter is asymptotically stable.


The author would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions and comments.


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[4] M. Hukuhara, Integration des applications measurables dont la valeur est un compact convexe, Funk. Ekvacioj, 10 (1967) 207-223.

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[6] La´ecio C. de Barros, Rodney C. Bassanezi, Pedro A. Tonelli, On the Continuity of The Zadeh’s Extension, A new Approach to the Inverse Problem for Fractals and other sets- Journ, Math. Anal. and Appl, 171 (1992) 79-100.

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