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Информационно-пропагандистская поддержка процессов советизации в западных областях УССР в 1939-1941 годах


Academic year: 2017

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CВГМЕighЗ © CВdЕИl CВЖАiБИlИi , XXI, , NВ. , Г. 9-388


9 9








Rezumat: Suportul informaţional și propagandistic al proceselor de

sovietizare în regiunile de vest ale RSS Ucrainene în anii 1939-1941.

Acest articВl îБcearcă să arate dimeБsiuБile arseБalului informațiВБal și propagandistic care a susținut procesul de sovietizare a regiunilor de vest, încorporate RSS UcraiБeБe îБ urma aБeЛării lВr de către URSS. Pe baНa surselВr de arhivă și a iБfВrmației din mass-media au fВst ideБtificate metВdele și fВrmele ГriБ care Гuterea sВvietică a urmărit atragerea simpatiei populației, imГactul ГrВГagaБdei sВvietice Гrecum și Гarticularitățile politicii informaționale în regiunile de vest ale Ucrainei. Este scoasa în evidență importanța factorului informațional în constituirea noii administrații, în realizarea proprietății publice

prin națiВБaliНarea iБdustriei și cВlectiviНarea agriculturii, îБ geБerarea mutațiilor în dВmeБiul culturii și al educației.

Abstract: This article attempts to show the dimension of information and propaganda arsenal which supported the Sovietisation processes of the Western Regions, incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR after their annexation by the USSR. On the basis of archival sources and Mass Media information, has been identified methods and forms by which the Soviet Power sought to attract the sympathy of the population, the Soviet propaganda impact, as well as the information peculiarities in the western regions of Ukraine. It is emphasized the importance of the information factor in establishing a new administration, in achieving public ownership through nationalization of industry and collectivization of agriculture, in generating mutations in the field of culture and education.

Résumé : Le soutien informationnel et de propagande des processus de soviétisation dans les régions occidentales de la République Socialiste Soviétique


L’article ci-jВiБt essaМa de révéler les dimeБsiВБs de l’arseБal iБfВrmationnel et de propagande qui soutint le processus de soviétisation des régions occidentales, incluses dans la RéГubliДue SВcialiste SВviétiДue d'UkraiБe Гar cВБséДueБt de leur aББeЛiВБ Гar l’UБiВБ des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques. On y identifia sur la base de sources d'archives et des rapports des médias les méthodes et les formes par lesquels le pouvoir soviétique visa attirer la sМmГathie de la ГВГulatiВБ, l’imГact de la ГrВГagaБde sВviétiДue, aiБsi Дue les particularités informationnelles dans les régiВБs de l’Вuest de l’UkraiБe. OБ М sВuligБa, aussi, l'importance du facteur informationnel dans la constitution de la nouvelle administration, dans la réalisation de la propriété publique par la nationalisation de l'industrie et la collectivisation de l'agriculture, de la mise eБ œuvre des chaБgemeБts daБs le dВmaiБe de la culture et de l’éducatiВБ.

Keywords: information influence, Soviet Union, Mass Media, periodic press, the western regions of UkSSR, the Soviet Union Power.

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.1, .,

.2, .3 .


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« ».

1 ., : 9 9 – 9 ["Sovietisation" of

Lvov: September, 1939 - June, 1941], in . І [Lviv. historical outlines.], , , c. 448–450.

2 . ., . ., : : 9 9- 9 . [Ukraine: the

western lands: 1939 - 1941], , , .

3 . ., 9 9- 9 .:




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, 8.





, -

. : « VІІІ


6 З [Further industrial increase], in «

» [«Free Ukraine»], ., № , . .


, , ,

, ,

, , [The supply of

the party group of the regional executive authority in Lvov, information of regional communist party, CC KP(b)Uk about organization, mass party and business work, round – up positions of the industry, agriculture, trade, national education in the region], , . , . , . , . .


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, ,

. « ,

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. « » ,



– .


.: « ,


, »11.




9 ., [Initiators and their successes], in « »

[«Free Ukraine»], ., № , . .

10 [Turn the

party organizations in the side of industry and transport], in « » [«Free Ukraine»], ., № , . .

11 ., є - [Work in new ways], in «

» [«Soviet Bukovina»], ., № .

12 9


, .


. , «


»13. : « VІІІ

№ .

– % .

. »14.

. ,


- , . ,


, « :


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, ,


, –

є . І. 9 [Economical summaries in

1940 and plan of the development in national economic USSR: 1941. Resolution to the report of Mr. Voznesensky was accepted by the Soviet Union conference VKP(b) Part I. Summaries 1940], in « » [«Soviet Bukovina»],

1941 . –№ , c. 1.

13 ., [April plan was done], in «

» [«Soviet Bukovina»], ., № .

14 [Stakhanovska Vakhta], in « » [«Soviet

Bukovina»], . –№ .

15 ., [New shoots], in « » [«Free

Ukraine»], ., № . .

16 ., є - [Work in new ways], in «


. « , ,

, .



. ,


. , ,

, 18.

. ,


, ,

19. ,



ац я а ц ац


17 ., [Simple accounts], in « »

[«Soviet Bukovina»], . –№ .

18 є [Rewriting of the industrial factories], in

« » [«Soviet Bukovina»], . –№ .


[Central Committee KP(b)Uk resolution and Soviet of National

Commissars of UkSSR], , . -3,


, 20.

« ,

. , , .




. «

-- .

, .

» 22. « .


. ,

, . .



. .



» 23.

20 ., [Poor

people and farm hands get land and landowner’s cattle], in « » [«Soviet Bukovina»], . –№ .

21 І., [Real land owners], in « » [Free

Ukraine], ., № , c. 3.

22 ., З є [The increase of sowing areas], in

« » [«Soviet Bukovina»], p. –№ .

23 . ., . [The results of


« »

« » .

. №


» ,


– 10, – .

24. ,





, . « –

. , ,

. ,

« » .


. -


. ,

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, . ,

, , » 25.


, .

, ,

. ,

24 ( )

[Central Committee KP(b)Uk resolution and Soviet of National Commissars of UkSSR], , . - , . , . , . .

25 . [The wheat «bread» of collective farms], in «


. .


. ,



, «


. ,


« » 26.



. « , ,

, ,

, ,

- - » 27.




. « »

« » – , , ,

. « –

», –

. 28.

, «

, »29.

26 [The Sectoral State Archive of

the Security Service of Ukraine], . , . , . , . -14.

27 [Gather harvest together and

in an organized way], in « » [Soviet Bukovina], p. –№ .

28 ., [New Life], in « » [«Soviet Bukovina»],

. –№ .

29 [Better organization of gathering


. , .

« » ,



- . «

»30, – .




, « »


. «


, , ,


, ,


. «

, »32.



. ,

, .



30 [The tragedy of young generation], in « »

[«Soviet Bukovina»], p. –№ .

31 . ., [Liquidation of the

contrast between city and village], in « » [«Free Ukraine»], 15

., № , c. 3.

32 ., [Get the soil] in « » [«Soviet


33. , ,

. « .

»34. ,

, .





« ,



»35. ,


. «




, ,


, 37.


. ,

- .


33 ., [Happy and Merry Life], in «

» [«Soviet Bukovina»], 26 p., № .

34 ., [We have got the happiness], in «

» [«Soviet Bukovina»], p., № .

35 9 – 9 . [The broadcast of

the latest news for December 1940 - February 1941], , . - , . , . ,

. .

36 І [The first protocol of the regional

party conferens], , . , . , . , . -168.

37 ., ’є [Get more wins], in «



« »,

« »39.

. , «





. .

- , - , - , - 295,

- , - , - 62)41.

-, , ,

. «

, , ,

»42. ,

38 9 – 9 . [The broadcast of

the latest news for December 1940 - February 1941], , . - , . , . , . .

39 [Political propaganda in villages], in « »

[«Free Ukraine»], ., № , c. 1.

40 9 – 9 . [The broadcast of

the latest news for December 1940 - February 1941], , . - , . , . ,

. .




, , , , ,

[The materials about the agricultural condition and renewal of it in UkSSR after Ukraine liberation from German occupation. Information about number of collective farms in western regions UkSSR (government resolution and regional executive authorities, orders, estimates, information, letters etc.)],

, . ,

. , . , . , . .

42 ., [We fights for more crops], in «


, .

: «




, ,

»43. ,


. ,


, ,

. ,

, . . «


, ,

, , »44.


, ,


, ,

, .

: "

- .

43 -

[The broadcast of the last news about general, political and scientific topics], ,

. - , . , . , . , . .

44 [Political propaganda in villages], in « »

[«Free Ukraine»], ., № , c. 1.

45 [Before spring sowing], in « »


. : «

. ,

»” 46. , ,

. ,

, «

» .

. « ,

. .

. ,


. , ,



. ,

, , , , ,

48. - ,

. , .

, ,


», 49.

46 ., [We take a pattern by the best] in

« » [«Soviet Bukovina»], p., № .

47 І., ’є [Help farmers to unite into

collective farms], in « » [«Free Ukraine»], ., № (399), c. 2.


[Central Committee KP(b)Uk resolution and Soviet of National Commissars of UkSSR], , . - , . , . , . .

49 ., [Holy obligation], in « » [«Free



50. « , , , -


, »51.

« » . : «

. «

», .

, ,



а а ац

-. : « .



, - .


» 53.

№ «


50 9 – 9 . [The broadcast of

the latest news for December 1940 - February 1941], , . - , . , . ,

. .

51 -

[The broadcast of the last news about general, political and scientific topics],

, . - , . , . , . , . .

52 [Strong

stimulation of increasing efficiency labour in collective farms], in « » [«Free Ukraine»], ., № , c. 1.

53 [Unceasing growth of national education], in







, .

55. -

, ,



56. : «



. ,

»57. .


58. ,




54 №№ - [Protocols 1 34 of the city

executive authority sittings], , . - , . , . , . .

55 [Got ready for new study year], in

« » [«Soviet Bukovina»], p., № , . .

56 І [The protocol of the First regional

party conference], , . , . , . , . .

57 ., [New Life], iБ « » [«Free Labour»],

., № , c. 3.


. , ,

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