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Rev. LatinoAm. Enfermagem vol.13 número especial 2 en v13nspe2a01


Academic year: 2018

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Rev Lat ino- am Enferm agem 2005 novem bro- dezem bro; 13( núm ero especial) : 1091- 2

w w w .eer p.usp.br / r lae Edit orial



I sabel Am élia Cost a Mendes1

Mar gar it a Ant onia Villar Luis2


his volum e j oins t he cont ribut ions of nursing facult y from Lat in Am erican higher educat ion inst it ut ions w ho, w it h t he suppor t of CI CAD, spent a per iod in Canada, specifically at t he Univer sit y of Alber t a- Facult y of Nursing, t o receive t raining for research on legal and illegal drugs, as well as t o find part nerships am ong t hem and w it h professionals from t hat inst it ut ion, w it h a view t o t he developm ent of j oint proj ect s.

The Univer sit y of Alber t a Facult y of Nur sing par t icipat ed in t he CI CAD/ OAS Pr oj ect of Nur sing Schools as a collabor at ing inst it ut ion and r eceiv ed, in 2003, elev en Lat in Am er ican r esear cher s for t he I I nt er nat ional Resear ch-Training Pr ogram for Nur ses t o St udy t he Dr ugs Phenom enon. As a cent er of excellence in r esear ch, t he Univ er sit y of Alber t a Facult y of Nur sing r eceiv ed facult y fr om Nur sing Schools in Brazil, Ar gent ina, Chile, Ecuador, Mex ico and Per u for an innovat ive t hr ee- m ont h pr ogram t hat focused on t he dev elopm ent of nur sing r esear ch er s an d leader s.

The art icles t hat result ed from t his init iat ive evidence, t o different ext ent s, advances in t hese part nerships and reveal w om en as t he priorit y subj ect of research. This priorit y is based on dem ographic dat a produced by global( 1) and local( 2) st udies, w hich indicat e w om en, childr en and adolescent s as v ulner able populat ion gr oups and subj ect t o abuse or ex posed t o pauper ism .

I n Br azil, st udies( 2- 7) show t hat fam ilies headed by w om en ar e incr easing and t hat , w it h childr en and w it hout ot her adult s except for t he m ot her, range bet w een ex t r em ely poor and ver y poor.

On t he ot her hand, dom est ic violence ( which includes fam ily violence) frequent ly seem s t o be associat ed w it h t he excessive use of alcoholic drinks. A Brazilian st udy( 8) show ed a 52.7% associat ion, w hich is sim ilar t o

global est im at es about t his issue ( 1,9).

Due t o being a legal drug t hat is st im ulat ed by publicit y and cult ural t radit ions, alcohol benefit s from a social perm issiveness t hat illegal drugs do not possess. Precisely due t o t he fact t hat it s consum pt ion is highly popular am ong differ ent social lay er s and populat ion gr oups, it pr ev ails in alm ost all sit uat ions t hat inv olv e v iolence, ex cept in r obber ies, w hen cocaine is m or e fr equent ( 8- 9).

How ever, t he r elat ion bet w een v iolence and psychoact ive subst ance abuse should be faced pr udent ly, given t hat various violent sit uat ions do not display any associat ion w hat soever w it h t hese subst ances. I n spit e of it s frequency, t his associat ion should not be seen as a cause- effect relat ion ( 10- 11).

The ar t icles ev idence w om en’s pr eoccupat ion w it h t heir childr en, confir m ing t heir posit ion as bear er s of t he great est responsibilit y for t heir children, which t hey assum e direct ly or indirect ly, due t o cult ural st andards and values, due t o t he social cont ex t and hist or y, w hich has consolidat ed w om en as t he m ain car egiv er s t o f am ily m em b er s.

This issue offer s t he oppor t unit y t o ev aluat e t hese inv est m ent s in t er m s of int er inst it ut ional polit ical negot iat ions on financial and logist ic suppor t , hum an r esour ces and ot her inv est m ent s needed t o accom plish int er inst it ut ional par t ner ships, dem onst r at ing t hat t he r esult paid off, as it pr oduced possibilit ies t o t ight en t he bonds init iat ed t hr ough t his pr ocess.

Wor king in par t ner ship pr esupposes a gr eat challenge( 12), as bonds ar e const r uct ed and est ablished in a process t hat requires t im e for t he sides t o get t o know one anot her, t o t rust in each ot her ’s com pet ence and inv olv em ent , t o under st and and r espect t heir ow n r hy t hm , so t hat , in t he end, one side’s w or k com plem ent s t he ot her ’s. This is par t icular ly im por t ant in par t ner ships w hose m ain aim is r esear ch dev elopm ent .



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Rev Lat ino- am Enferm agem 2005 novem bro- dezem bro; 13( núm ero especial) : 1091- 2

w w w .eer p.usp.br / r lae A enferm agem brasileira na era...

Marziale MHP, Mendes I AC.

This issue evidences t he lack of nursing research on alcohol and ot her drugs in t he Brazilian realit y and also indicat es som e lit t le ex plor ed ar eas of t his t hem e.

I n t his sense, t he Lat in Am erican Journal of Nursing cont ribut es t o t wo subj ect s about which few st udies have been produced, publishing t wo art icles by non- nursing researchers, which discuss elderly and com orbidit y: psy chiat r ic disor der s and use of psy choact iv e subst ances.

Besid es t h e ab ov e m en t ion ed , t h e in clu sion of t h ese t ex t s con f ir m s t h e j ou r n al’s p osit ion as an int er nat ional and m ult idisciplinar y j our nal, in v iew of t he fact t hat som e t hem es ( such as t he phenom enon of psy chot r opic dr ugs use) , m or e t han ot her s, need t his appr oach.


1. Wor ld Healt h Or ganizat ion ( WHO) . Wor ld r epor t on violence and healt h. Geneva; 2002.

2. Zaluar A. I nt egr ação perversa: pobr eza e t r áfico de drogas. Rio de Janeiro ( RJ) : Edit ora FGV; 2004.

3. Silva RMR ( coor denador ) . I ndicador es sociais. Rio de Janeir o ( RJ) : I BGE; 1987. v. 1: cr ianças e adolescent es.

4. Henr iques MH, Silva NV, Singh S. Adolescent es de hoj e, pais de am anhã. New Yor k . The Alan Gut t m acher I nst it ut e; 1989. 5 . I BGE. Sín t ese d e in d icad or es d e p esq u isa b ásica d e 1 9 8 1 a 1 9 8 9 . Rio d e Jan eir o ( RJ) : I BGE; 1 9 9 0 . v. 1 : j u st iça e v it im ização.

6. Rizzini I ( or ganizador ) . A cr iança no Br asil hoj e. Rio de Janeir o ( RJ) : Univer sidade Sant a Ur sula; 1993. 7. Bar r os R, Mendonça R. Pover t y am ong fem ale- headed households in Br azil. Rio de Janeir o ( RJ) : I pea; 1993.

8. Not o AR, Fonseca AM, Silv a EA, Galdur óz JC. Violência dom iciliar associada ao consum o de bebidas alcoólicas e de out r as dr ogas: um lev ant am ent o do Est ado de São Paulo. J Br as Dep Quim 2004; 5( 1) : 9- 17.

9. Galbrait h S, Rubinst ein G. Alcohol, drugs and dom est ic violence: confront ing barriers t o changing pract ice and policy. Journal of t h e Am er ican Wom en ’s associat ion 1 9 9 6 ; 5 1 ( 3 ) : 1 1 5 - 7 .

10. Galdur óz JCF, Not o AR, Nappo SA, Car lini EA. Uso de dr ogas psicot r ópicas no Brasil: pesquisa dom iciliar env olv endo as 1 0 7 m aior es cidades do país - 2 0 0 1 . Rev Lat in o- am En fer m agem 2 0 0 5 set em br o- ou t u br o; 1 3 ( n ú m er o especial) : 8 8 8 - 9 5 . 11. Nat ional I nst it ut e on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ( NI AAA) . Alcohol and int er per sonal v iolence: fost er ing m ult idisciplinar y per spect iv es r esear ch m on ogr aph 2 4 ; 1 9 9 2 .


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