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Rev. esc. enferm. USP vol.46 número4


Academic year: 2018

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O presente trabalho trata-se de um

estu-do descriivo de abordagem qualitaiva, que objeivou compreender o processo

de trabalho de enfermeiros e médicos da

Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), do mu

-nicípio de João Pessoa-PB, e ideniicar as estratégias e táicas alternaivas desenvol

-vidas. O material foi analisado por meio da técnica de análise de discurso. Evidenciou

--se a desariculação entre os elementos do

processo de trabalho aliada à possibilidade

de transformação pela superação da invi

-sibilidade dos sujeitos e seus saberes nos serviços de saúde. Conclui-se que as es

-tratégias e táicas alternaivas visualizadas consituem embrião para transformação dos processos de trabalho e superação dos modelos de atenção à saúde hegemônicos, demandando problemaização conínua de concepções e práicas.

dEScRitoRES Saúde da família Atenção Primária à Saúde Pessoal de saúde

Enfermagem em saúde pública

Alternative experiences rescuing

knowledge for working processes in health*







This descripive study was performed us

-ing a qualitaive approach, with the objec

-ive to understand the working process of nurses and physicians of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in João Pessoa-PB, and idenify the alternaive strategies and procedures they developed. The material was analyzed according to the discourse analysis technique. It was shown that the elements of the working process were disconnected, allied with a possibility of change by overcoming the invisibility of the subjects and their knowledge in healthcare services. In conclusion, the ideniied al

-ternaive strategies and procedures are in the embryonic stage in terms of the trans

-formaion of working processes and over

-coming of hegemonic healthcare models, therefore demanding a coninuous prob

-lemaizaion of concepts and pracices.

dEScRiPtoRS Family health Primary Health Care

Health personnel

Public health nursing


Estudio descripivo, de abordaje cualita

-ivo, que objeivó comprender el proceso de trabajo de enfermeros y médicos de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) del municipio de João Pessoa-PB e ideniicar las estrategias y tácicas alternaivas de

-sarrolladas. El material fue analizado me

-diante la técnica de análisis de discurso. Se evidenció la desariculación entre los ele

-mentos del proceso de trabajo, sumada a la posibilidad de transformación por la su

-peración de la no percepción de los sujetos y sus saberes en los servicios de salud. Se concluyó en que las estrategias y tácicas alternaivas visualizadas se consituyen en un embrión para la transformación de los procesos de trabajo y superación de los modelos de atención de salud hegemóni

-cos, demandando problemaización coni

-nua de concepciones y prácicas.

dEScRiPtoRES Salud de la familia Atención Primaria de Salud Personal de salud

Enfermería en salud pública

Ana Karla Sousa de oliveira1, italla maria Pinheiro bezerra2, cesar cavalcanti da Silva3, Eufrásio de Andrade Lima neto4, Ana tereza medeiros cavalcanti da Silva5

ExpEriências altErnativas rEsgatando sabErEs para os procEssos dE trabalho Em saúdE

ExpEriEncias altErnativas rEscatando sabErEs para los procEsos dE trabajo En salud

*Extracted from the dissertation “Estratégias e táticas alternativas na modelagem dos serviços de saúde: introduzindo novos saberes nos processos de produção da saúde”, graduate program in decision and health models, Federal university of paraíba, 2011. 1rn. nurse and psychologist. master in

decision and health models by Federal university of paraíba. professor of the nursing department at Federal university of piauí. picos, pi, brazil. anakarla@ ufpi.edu.br 2rn. nurse master in decision and health models by Federal university of paraíba. professor of the nursing department at universidade

regional do cariri and Faculdade de juazeiro do norte. juazeiro do norte, cE, braszil. itallamaria@hotmail.com 3rn. ph.d. in nursing by university of são

paulo. professor of the clinical nursing department at Federal university of paraíba. joão pessoa, pb, brazil. profccs@yahoo.com.br 4statistician. ph.d.

in computer sciences by the Federal university of pernambuco. professor of the statistics department at Federal university of paraíba. joão pessoa, pb, brazil. eufrasio@de.ufpb.br 5rn. ph.d. in nursing by university of são paulo. professor of the department of public health nursing and psychiatry at Federal



The Brazilian health system, historically marked by a curaive, hospital-centered model of care was in need for profound changes that became efecive through the implementaion of the Uniied Health System (Sistema

Único de Saúde - SUS). The SUS promoted an important

break with the prior poliical patern, establishing a com -mitment of a broad, fair, and democraic social protecion, through which the government has the duty to promote healthcare through social and economical policies that guarantee a universal and equal access to services for the promoion, protecion and recovery of health.

By reairming the SUS principles, the Family Health Strategy (FHS) has signiicantly contributed with the im -provement of health indicators in the country. Current evidence point to a saisfactory development of the strat -egy, paricularly compared to the aciviies

of tradiional units, as in incorporates new pracices focused on the family and the community, territorializaion, greater at -tachment, community involvement, and following program prioriies with the objec -ive to afect the social determinants of the health/disease process(1).

Notwithstanding, the advancements made so far did not cause signiicant chang -es in the health model, paricularly regarding the working processes, which, because they have maintained the same logic, focused on the disease, and, consequently, establishing weak relaionships with the clients’ real life and health condiions, determine the in -suicient development of the features and possibiliies of this level of healthcare and of the system as a whole(2).

The ideniicaion of these limitaions has, unil not, been an encouragement for discussions and analyses aiming to under

-stand exactly where the potenials to overcome these dif -iculies are located. For some authors(3-5) they lie within the reality of health insituions that experienced the limi -taions and diiculies involved in the implementaion of the SUS and where the healthcare models are constantly quesioned and improved, promoing fundamental expe -riences for transforming and creaing new health realiies and new possibiliies of caring and learning to care.

In view of this panorama, it can be airmed that the implementaion of the SUS, through the development of acions that promote a posiive efect on the quality of life of the populaion, would depend on the capacity to for -mulate alternaive proposals to understand health and its pracices(6).

In this sense, several experiences alternaive to the hegemonic logic have been introduced to the daily prac

-ices of health serv-ices, showing there is possibility to de -velop and incorporate diferent ields of knowledge and pracices in the health acions, seing up new forms of organizaion of the health service, in a contra-hegemonic direcion. Health producion by means of difereniated acions also allows for the use of work technologies aimed at the producion of care, favoring the creaion of new re -laionships between workers and clients. Once outlined in this perspecive, these acions comprise a counterpoint to the crisis of the eicacy and eiciency experienced by the health sector, poining to a new pathway to be pursued in order to overcome the crisis(7).

It becomes, therefore, clear that there is a need to understand and experiment with proposals that are more comprehensive than those founded on current healthcare models, as well as to clarify the existence of these alter -naive experiences managed by professional pracice and

used empirically in the working processes of healthcare professionals. By clarifying these experiences, it would be possible to idenify what is being developed in the daily prac -ice of serv-ices, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of these pracices to transform the working processes in health.

The present study resulted from a mas -ter’s dissertaion that had as its general ob -jecive to understand the working process of nurses and physicians of the Family Health Strategy and idenify the alternaive strat -egies and skills developed in this process. Based on this objecive, we aimed to map the health intervenions within the work -ing processes of professionals, nurses and physicians of the Family Health Strategy, in Health Districts III, IV and V in João Pessoa/ PB, revealing the foundaions of the care produced using the ideniied strategies and skills alternaive to the hegemonic model.

The importance of the present study lies in the possibility of problemaizing the working process of nurses and physicians of the Family Health Strategy, with the purpose to clarify the alternaive healthcare raionale, which would allow for exchanging informaion about successful experiences and the con -strucion of new agreements between professionals and health teams, and between them and the community.


This exploratory-descripive study was developed in João Pessoa/PB, more speciically in the Health III, IV and V. The theoreical-methodological foundaion of the pres -ent study is guided by the Praxis Intervenion Theory in Collecive Health Nursing, which is supported by Dialecic Historical Materialism, aiming at the dynamic concrete -ness of social transformaions(8).

...several experiences alternative to the

hegemonic logic have been introduced

to the daily practices of health services,

showing there is possibility to develop

and incorporate

different ields of

knowledge and practices in the health actions, setting up new

forms of organization of the health service, in a contra-hegemonic


With the purpose to idenify alternaive strategies and skills in the working process of nurses and physicians, quesionnaires were applied, and the analysis of the an -swers showed that a signiicant number of professionals developed some type of alternaive raionale through their health intervenions. According to the inclusion/ex -clusion criteria established in the study, only ive profes -sionals (ive nurses and one physician) were categorized as the executors of health intervenions considered as al -ternaive in their work environment.

To perform an empirical analysis of the material, the transcripts of the semi-structured interviews were care -fully read with the purpose of extracing the working process elements (Object, Purpose and Instruments). To do this, the texts were grouped according to each of these elements, with the purpose to analyze them under the light of the analysis categories chosen for the study (Working Process and Healthcare Models). Through this analysis it was possible to relate the posiions ideniied in the texts, in terms of agreement and disagreement with the literature, according to the orientaion for the discourse analysis(9).

The chosen analysis method and the ideniicaion of the nurses’ and physicians’ aitude regarding their work -ing processes and healthcare models allowed for the iden -iicaion of the theme Alternaive Strategies and Skills

comprising new healthcare models as the empirical

cat-egory of the study.

The study was reviewed by the Research Ethics Com -mitee of the Health Sciences Center at Federal Univer -sity of Paraíba - CEP/CCS/UFPB complying with the formal demands stated by Resoluion 196/96, of the Naional Health Council/Ministry of Health, about human research, and was approved under Review number 0148.


Alternaive strategies and skills comprising new health

-care models

Entering the reality of the studied healthcare services revealed the diferent forms of work by the profession -als in face of the demands that emerged in their every -day pracice. In this context, their coping has oten ma -terialized into insuicient pracices to reestablish clients’ health, which encouraged the professionals to search alternaive strategies that permit them to overcome the diiculies they ind and meet the real health needs of the community. The following statement proves this:

The inal outcomes, that is, the resolvability of the com -plaints is unsatisfactory. they perpetuate and the patient goes from one specialist to another and nothing is solved. so i looked for alternative practice, study alternative practices (...) (inF01).

Also in this sense, the professional coninues the statement reporing the conduct of indiscriminate drug prescripion in case of tensional pain, common in this context, and the search to overcome this problem by im -plemening massages.

there is a pernicious practice by the superpharmacy. drug interaction occurs, the patient is intoxicated by the medica-tion and comes with a problem and then other drug is pre-scribed to solve that problem from the irst drug (INF01).

This panorama of the health professionals’ work -ing process invites us to relect about health care, which should occur from the perspecive of the meeing be -tween healthcare professionals and clients, and presup -poses a shit of focus, from health pracice aiming to cure pathologies to the care of subjects(10).

On the counterpart of the perspecive reported in the previous statements, those below indicate the possibility of overcoming the curaive focus of health intervenions by strengthening educaional acions iniiated through the literacy of adults in the community.

(...) it all started with our physician’s restlessness. be-cause they often have to sign the book and they had to leave in their inger print and it was very embarrassing for the client to print their thumb in the 21st century. so she proposed a literacy program for the clients and the team agreed (inF04).

that way they feel included. he might even be considered a formal illiterate individual, but he is not socially illiterate. so for us it is very important, this has an effect on health (inF04).

Another important consequence of the reducionist view in health, in the biomedical model, refers to seeing the medical-scieniic knowledge as the only source of the

truth about the disease, the paient, and the treatment(11).

Opposite this understanding, on of the interviewed professionals reveal to be open to the inclusion of other forms of pracice, as observed in the following statement:

(...) we made room for those people that are healers, what-ever their religion, they will be welcomed (...) they are community leaders and community healers (...) we want them to rescue their place in here too (inF02).

It is, therefore, observed that along with the produc -ion and reproduc-ion of the biomedical model, the prac -ices based on popular knowledge remain alive among the community, and are performed with the objecive to maintain or achieve wellbeing. The following statement reinforces this understanding.

(...) it is one more place for them in the community, which

is actually conirming what already exists. We are not cre


The paricipaion of the community, valuing their voice and acknowledging their importance for the atainment of healthcare pracices was the strategy used by one of the paricipants:

When I worked in the FHP of G., we had the local council (...) which was elected by the community and the partici-pants we started to refer to them as community collabora-tor (inF03).

(...) a we know we don’t work alone and that popular par-ticipation is very important, the community talks loud, you see? and the community has a very strong power. and we must join forces with that community, with people we al-ready have a strong bond (inF03).

The need to acknowledge and reairm the importance of the community as well as their consituional rights and duies, reveals that clients are sill denied their place in health services, much likely due to a care focused on pro -cedures, with an excessive regulaion of the acions, and centered on disease, always above the subjects.

In this view, Popular Paricipaion appears to be placed as the purpose of the working process by the paricipants, although moivated, at a irst moment, by a regulaion. Another highlighted purpose refers to the Promoion of Health, which guides the eforts for the operaionalizaion of the acions.

We are going out, we are working, making action, we are promoting health, we are in their environment, at school (...) (inF05).

(...) it started due to our need of meeting one of the prin-ciples of the sus, which is popular participation. an then se were searching a strategy to work on that (inF03).

so we are rescuing the places of health promotion, be-cause this is health promotion (inF02).

Be including the healers, the popular knowledge re -garding the understanding and coping of the health-dis -ease process, become the means or instruments of the working process of the paricipant, which points to the possibility of integraing popular and technical-scieniic knowledge to efecively meet the health needs of the cli -ents. The paricipant also reported that, although they of -fer this alternaive, they do not lose sight of the origin and consistency of its uilizaion.

the process is not a result, it is the origin. she emerges from the need of the community, she knows exactly what need praying and what does not, you see? (inF02).

In view of this possibility, it is important to understand that each speciic knowledge (either evidence-based or obtained from historically produced popular pracice and experiences), corresponds to possibiliies and limitaions that must be recognized, at the price of including inad -equate instruments in the working process to work with a certain object with a speciic purpose. In the following

statement, the referred limitaion is recognized, which en -courages the professional to seek in other knowledge and pracices more adequate means, because they are more resolving and less harmful to the nature of the ideniied health problem.

this made me curious to research the physiopathology of pain. and i reached the following conclusion: the physi-cal response to the painful stimulus, the organism always responds the same way, by shortening muscle ibers and releasing chemical mediators. and a great part of them are not excreted or annulled with common nonsteroidal anti-inlammatory drugs (INF01).

Once this limitaion is recognized, the massage emerges as an important resource, which, in the ad -dressed experience, has been of great contribuion to solve tensional pain in young people, adults, and chil -dren in primary healthcare, without the need to turn to referrals or drug prescripions, which are usually unnec -essary and ineicient.


The analysis of the statements revealed that when the professionals sought alternaive strategies, they reported the insuiciency of some intervenions developed to meet the health needs of clients efecively. Once centered on the diseases, these acions homogenize the needs and possibiliies of treatment, disregarding the speciiciies of each client, as well as the social nature of the health-disease process.

In this view, the moivaion to promote alterna -ive experiences to the regular pracices of the servic -es emerg-es at very paricular im-es of care, when the professionals look beyond what is explicitly shown as a healthcare demand. In the statements, this look is re -vealed at diferent imes, either in the ideniicaion of the constraint caused by the clients’ incapability to sign their name on the service forms which materialized into an experience of literacy for adult and elderly clients; or by understanding that it is possible and necessary to provide the physical structure for popular healer prac -ices; or by a clear statement regarding the insuiciency of the primary healthcare devices and clinical pracices to understand and efecively and adequately meet the subjects’ health needs, which encouraged a professional to see massages as a form to solve pain, overcoming the indiscriminate drug prescripion.


Considering that the proposal of primary healthcare is focused on approximaing health professionals and servic -es to the life reality of the populaion, the most immediate outcome would be establishing an everyday relaionship between the professionals and the social, cultural, and subjecive aspects of subjects and colleciviies. Nonethe -less, this approximaion has been incipient, with a weak percepion of the disease process and the health needs of subjects and colleciviies, generaing inadequate and ineicient intervenions(12) according to some reports.

Regarding the working process elements, the object involved are the healthcare models in the context of the clinical pracice in primary healthcare, which are centered on the disease and on the medicalizaion of health needs, and, thus, are insuicient to adequately meet the clients’ health needs.

Maintaining healthcare centered on the disease has relevant ethical implicaions, as it results in pracices per -formed through strong mechanisms of exclusion, which are produced historically and reproduced in the everyday pracice of healthcare services, although it is oten af -irmed that they have the power to produce health be -cause they guarantee the accessibility to goods and ser -vices. The quality of healthcare, however, is not reduced to the possibility to obtain goods and services, but, rather, it presupposes the accessibility to intervenions that have the power to meet the needs of the populaion efecive -ly(13). In view of this perspecive, the construcion of new ways to understand and cope with health problems and needs necessarily implies denying any form of reducion -ism, favoring comprehensive care.

Health, from a comprehensive view, is a complex and muliple-character social producion that demands the ac -ive paricipaion of all the subjects involved in its produc -ion (clients, social movements, healthcare workers, ad -ministrators of the health department and other sectors) and in the assessment, formulaion, and implementaion of policies, guidelines and acions that aim at improving the quality of life(14).

In this sense, the professionals highlight other impor -tant aspects regarding the purpose of the working pro -cess ideniied in the concepts of Health Promoion and Popular Paricipaion. Thus it is observed that the purpose deined in these two concepts approaches the possibility of rescuing the clients’ leading role in the health interven -ions, increasing their paricipaion and exercising a look that seeks to truly see their needs.

Popular Paricipaion, as a purpose of the working pro -cess in health appears to result from the statement of a new health management paradigm, founded on two es -senial premises: the necessary popular paricipaion in policy management, incorporaing several actors of civil society, and the local valorizaion, based on the principle that issues can be solved beter locally, provided that the voices of the community are heard and considered(15).

The Health Promoion paradigm has, in its founda -ion, the power to approach health problems, focusing on the ways that the social actors involved in health pro -moion think and act. By adoping the broader concept of health, it is considered that solving problems and answer -ing needs resides in the power to aggregate and mobilize the social subjects and communiies(16). Thus oriented, the healthcare acions contribute with establishing a network of commitments and co-responsibiliies, aiming at a joint and connected creaion of the necessary strategies to maintain life.

It should be noted, however, that despite the state -ments recognizing that the development of a collecive and democraic health project must involve dialoguing and exchanging experiences between diferent knowledge with the purpose to promote health and include subjects and colleciviies in the discussion and when making de -cisions in the sector, the health pracices oten are inca -pable of make these statements efecive(17).

The popular knowledge that promotes a certain un -derstanding and intervenion about the health-disease process and those regarding integraive and complemen -tary pracices, tradiionally founded on the oriental ra -ionale emerge as instrumentsof the working process in health in the studied reality. Tradiionally marginalized in this context, as they not always meet the premises or ra -ionality and scieniicity, these pracices are sought as a means of solving ideniied health problems.

In fact, the nature, itself, of health work demands acts and acions from the workers that are not founded only on knowledge, methods and techniques they acquired in their professional training, and, thus, it is necessary for them to combine values and knowledge produced and shared between them and the clients in everyday health pracices(18). Nevertheless, it was also found that a combi -naion between their knowledge (of healers and health -care professionals) remains utopic, because although they are in the same seing, they do not talk much and only respect each other.

In addiion, the working process in health it is cru -cial to know the instruments that can be combined and that, simultaneously, afect the elements to achieve the purposes. It is observed that that in the Family Health Strategy, the health units and teams turn to diferent in -struments, without, however, knowing if they are capable of recognizing the health needs and it they can deal with them(19).



The analysis of the working process revealed a fragile connecion between the diferent elements that comprise it, indicaing that the way that the professionals organize their work in their daily pracice, despite being aimed at the transformaion of healthcare models, inds signiicant resistance due to the capacity of producion and repro -ducion of knowledge and pracices of tradiion health -care models, which are, in essence, ineicient, inefecive and excluding.

Furthermore, since the ideniicaion of a speciic need, which implies from limiing working objects accord -ing to the purpose of mee-ing that need, to the selecion of instrument and means considered necessary and suf -icient to achieve that purpose, healthcare professionals apparently state that it is possible to transform the reality imposed by hegemonic models, by overcoming the invisi -bility of the subjects in healthcare services, and, above all,

by assimilaing, combining, and legiimizing knowledge that has been historically denied, but are equally efecive to guarantee the quality of the intervenions.

In this view, it is concluded that the existence of al -ternaive strategies and skills within the working process of nurses and physicians of the family health team is an embryo to be developed to transform working processes and overcome the healthcare models that remain in the opposite direcion of the reform that is intended for the sector, in the sense of providing quality care that is more comprehensive and humanized. To do this, it is empha -sized that it is necessary to recognize and involve the management in these iniiaives, paricularly through the devices that permit a coninuous problemaizaion of the current concepts and pracices, in the everyday pracice of each team, challenging professionals and the insitu -ion to incorporate new knowledge and aciviies to make the intervenions adequate to the life and health reality of the populaion.


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Ao Dr Oliver Duenisch pelos contatos feitos e orientação de língua estrangeira Ao Dr Agenor Maccari pela ajuda na viabilização da área do experimento de campo Ao Dr Rudi Arno

Neste trabalho o objetivo central foi a ampliação e adequação do procedimento e programa computacional baseado no programa comercial MSC.PATRAN, para a geração automática de modelos

Ousasse apontar algumas hipóteses para a solução desse problema público a partir do exposto dos autores usados como base para fundamentação teórica, da análise dos dados

Atividades dos homens e da igreja, se dão ao longo da história e em certo contexto. Sem considerarmos a historicidade dos homens e das instituições por elas