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World Health Assembly


Academic year: 2023

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention serves as the lead government agency in charge of domestic and international research and incidents involving infectious diseases and health crises. Keywords: Infectious diseases; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; World Health Organization; Zika; Ebola; public health response; organizational structure;.


There is a critical need for international cooperation between various entities that carry out domestic and foreign public health policies and contribute aid to those in need. As the distinction between national and international public health is no longer relevant, there has been a need to redesign previous preparedness plans and responses to adapt to the changes brought about by globalization.

Aims and Objectives

H3: The deadlier the disease, the faster the organization will respond and the more resources the organization will allocate to the response. H4: The more easily the disease is transmitted, the faster the organization will respond and the more resources the organization will allocate to the response.

Theoretical Framework

The epidemiologic transition theory originated in a research study published by Omran in 1971, which provided a description and explanation of the mortality aspect of the "demographic transition," the beginning of a sharp decline in the death rate and then the of births.7 Primarily, the theory focuses on the complex variation in patterns of disease and health and on the interactions between these commonly observed patterns and their sociological, economic, and demographic causes and effects. The theory can be applied to different social contexts to illustrate the causes and consequences of variation in health and disease using comparative analysis and case studies.9 The epidemiological approach suggests that the more easily transmitted and lethal the virus, the more health is fast. the organization responds and allocates more resources.



It provides a rational actor explanation for the CDC's and WHO's responses to the cases. The fourth approach is the defense-motivational literature, which helps to explain the perception of a threat and.

Organizational Theory Literature

The WHO is a decentralized international organization consisting of six regional offices and 150 country offices from the 193 member countries (Figure 2). Specialization is important to consider in the case of the WHO and the CDC with their divisional and regional offices, as they are highly trained in dealing with global health issues.

Figure 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention organizational structure. 27
Figure 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention organizational structure. 27

Epidemiological Theory Literature

When examining the lethality of the three cases, one can expect the response to the H1N1 flu virus to be the fastest and from a large amount of financial and human existence. 24 or removal of the disease will lead to better health.42 Evidence suggests that the three.

Securitization Theory Literature

As the spread of the Zika virus has increased in the United States, the uncertainty surrounding it has become increasingly apparent. Representative of the secretary-general, Bruce Aylward, who reports directly to the director-general of the WHO, dr.

Protection-Motivation Theory Literature


In the next chapter, this study illustrates how globalization has affected the threat of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and examines the events leading up to. The author continues his analysis chronologically, first examining the 2001 anthrax attack in the United States and lessons learned, then assessing the 2003 SARS outbreak in China and the need for a new medical response protocol, and finally reviewing the 2009 H1N1 outbreak.

Globalization and Infectious Diseases

These factors are: failure of internationalization of public health programs; and the shocking deterioration of economic, environmental and social conditions.71. The globalization of public health in the era of emerging infectious diseases represents a much more complex and frightening phenomenon than its 19th-century predecessor.


The New Pathology for Public Health Globalization in the Era of Emerging Infectious Diseases includes five sections: (1) international trade and travel as effective methods of disease spread; (2) non-existent or deteriorating public health capabilities; (3) the failure of the internationalization of public health; (4) reducing the state's ability to manage its domestic economy and thereby address public health needs; and (5) the development of. Investigators from the CDC and FBI were mobilized to assist state and local public health and law enforcement agencies. The first case of inhalational anthrax was recognized as a public health issue, being classified as latent.

One health official recalled that "the CDC [at the time] still believed that only material in open letters could be aerosolized, so sealed letters posed no risk."78 Antibiotic prophylaxis was recommended for postal workers against CDC advice. , which delayed pharmaceutical distribution of funds to those at risk of infection. The reasons for this are poor communication between public health officials, misinterpretation of data in the media and the behavior of the public. It was reported that public health facilities and laboratory equipment were strained.

The response raised doubts about China's commitment to the WHO because of their vague public health transparency and inaccurate statistical results on the number of cases reported by the. 46 SARS epidemic, due to the aggressive public health measures, and even partly due to sheer luck. This strategy included the CDC clearly outlining its actions and goals in response to the evolving situation and reporting what was not known, as well as what was known, that affected the public's confidence in public health officials.




Since the identification of the Ebola virus in West Africa on March 23, 2014, CDC has been engaged in the most intensive response in the agency's history. CDC's operational presence in the early stages of the epidemic was ideal for an effective response, but coordination between. The media reinforced these frames and alerted the rest of the world to the public outburst.

At the time of the PHEIC statement, WHO estimated that there were approximately one million cases of Zika virus in 28 countries in the Americas. 81 For the remainder of the Zika virus case study, this study initially proceeds with. The extent to which the CDC was effective in combating the Zika virus depended largely on their skills at the beginning of the outbreak.

The Pan American Health Office (PAHO) was the regional branch of the WHO responsible for dealing with the Zika outbreak. In the next section, this study assesses the lethality and transmissibility of the Zika virus and how these two independent variables affect the speed of response and resources allocated by the CDC and the WHO. Conversely, the low lethality of the Zika virus should lead to a slower response with fewer resources allocated by the organization.

While the epidemiological explanation shows that mortality and transmission have not affected the speed of the response and the amount of. The most disturbing consequences of the virus were communicated to the world through images of babies with birth defects as a result of the Zika virus. In contrast, the low mortality of Zika virus should lead to a slower response with fewer resources allocated by organizations.

Fifth Meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) relating to microcephaly, other neurological disorders and the Zika virus // World Health Organization, 2016.

Figure 3. World Health Organization regional office organizational structure. 125
Figure 3. World Health Organization regional office organizational structure. 125

Organizational Explanation for the Ebola O utbreak

Epidemiological Explanation for the Ebola Outbreak

Securitization Explanation for the Ebola Outbreak

Protection-Motivation Explanation for the Ebola O utbreak


The first cases of local transmission of the latest Zika virus were reported in Brazil in May 2015. Zika: the origin and spread of a mosquito-borne virus” // Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2016. In a March 2016 progress report on the development of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, it acknowledged that “assessments of the Ebola crisis.

Examining the lethality and transmissibility of the Zika virus in more detail as I do in this section will provide a greater understanding of the complexity of international health emergency responses. 199 Fifth meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) regarding microcephaly, other neurological disorders and Zika virus // World Health Organization, 2016. 209 Fifth meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) regarding microcephaly, other Neurological disorders and Zika virus // World Health Organization, 2016.

210 Fifth Meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee (2005) on Microcephaly, Other Neurological Disorders and Zika Virus // World Health Organization, 2016. Zika Virus: Mosquitoes Transmit Fear – Social and Psychological Impact of the Outbreak // Biomedicine & Prevention, Vol. Epidemiological and virological assessment of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in selected temperate countries in the South.

Statement on the 1st Meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee on the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa 2014 // World Health Organization, 2014. WHO Statement on the First Meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee on Zika Virus and observed increase in neurological.

Figure 4. WHO Health Emergencies Programme organizational structure. 180
Figure 4. WHO Health Emergencies Programme organizational structure. 180

Organizational Explanation for the Zika O utbreak

Epidemiological Explanation for the Zika Outbreak

Securitization Explanation for the Zika Outbreak

Protection-Motivation Explanation for the Zika O utbreak


Through the comparison of the two cases, the research has provided conclusions for these four explanations. As the Olympic Games in Brazil took place at the same time, there was fear for the athletes and spectators. Mortality appears to be correlated with increased spending, but it does not correlate with the speed of the CDC and WHO's response to the Ebola outbreak, since the WHO response was eight months after the first Ebola transmission in Guinea.

Globalization has accelerated the spread of disease and brought new diseases to different parts of the world. Identical letters from the Secretary-General, dated 17 September 2014, addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council 2014. Officials on the launch of a global agenda for health security.” United States Mission Geneva Switzerland, 2014.

Liberia's president declares state of emergency over Ebola outbreak and says some civil rights may be temporarily suspended. and health. A preliminary estimate of the basic reproduction number of Zika virus infection during the epidemic in Colombia Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, Vol.


Figure 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention organizational structure. 27
Figure 2. World Health Organization headquarters organizational structure. 29
Figure 3. World Health Organization regional office organizational structure. 125
Figure 4. WHO Health Emergencies Programme organizational structure. 180


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