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3.3 Standards de linguagem e descumprimento de ordem judicial

3.3.3 Excesso de linguagem e descumprimento de ordem judicial no Common

Law: o contempt of court

O sistema de common Law tem por inquestionável que a capacidade

para garantir a eficácia das decisões judiciais é inerente à própria existência do

Poder Judiciário


. Por esta razão, reconhecem-se às cortes de justiça os

chamados inherent powers, que se destinam a preservar sua autoridade, dignidade

e existência


. E, dentre eles, o contempt power é o mais relevante



285 Miguel Reale Júnior ensina que “O direito, como já dissemos várias vezes, é de tal natureza que

implica uma organização do poder, a fim de que sejam cumpridos seus preceitos. Como as normas jurídicas visam a preservar o que há de essencial na convivência humana, elas não podem ficar à mercê da simples boa vontade, da adesão espontânea dos obrigados. È necessário prever-se a possibilidade de seu cumprimento obrigatório”. REALE, Miguel. Lições preliminares de direito. 27ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2009, p. 71.

286 É de James Francis Oswald a afirmação de que “A court of justice without power to vindicate its

own dignity, to enforce obedience to its mandates, to protect its officers, or to shield those who are entrusted to its care, would be an anomaly which could not be permitted to exist in any civilized community.” OSWALD, James Francis. Contempt of court, committal, and attachment, and arrest upon civil process, in the supreme court of judicature, with the practice and forms. 2 nd edition. London, William Clowes and Sons, 1895. Republicação integral efetuada por Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints, Kessinger Publishing.


Sobre a universalidade de tal prerrogativa no common law, Joseph Moskovitz alerta que "the law of contempt is based on broadest of principles, namely that the court cannot and will not permit interference with the due administration of justice. It´s aplication is universal". MOSKOVITZ, Joseph. Contempt of injunctions, civil and criminal. London: Columbia Law Review, v. 43, nº 9, 1943.


O poder inerente possui expressa previsão, por exemplo, nos diplomas processuais do estado americano da Louisiana. Vale citar: “A court possesses inherently all powers necessary for the exercise of its jurisdiction and the enforcement of its lawful orders, including authority to issue such writs and orders as may be necessary or proper in aid of its jurisdiction. It has the duty to require that criminal proceedings shall be conducted with dignity and in an orderly and expeditious manner and to so control the proceedings that justice is done. A court has the power to punish for contempt. ―A court possesses inherently all of the power necessary for the exercise of its jurisdiction even though not granted expressly by law.” (Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure, art. 17).

289 E da mesma forma já se pronunciou a Suprema Corte dos EUA: “Certain implied powers must

necessarily result to our courts of justice from the nature of their institution. (United States v. Hudson, 11 U.S. 7 Cranch 32 34 [1812]). “Federal courts have the inherent power to manage their own proceedings and to control the conduct of those who appear before them. In invoking the inherent power to punish conduct which abuses the judicial process, a court must exercise discretion in fashioning an appropriate sanction.” (Chambers v. Nasco, Inc. (90- 256), 501 U.S. 32 [1991]). No Estado de Michigan: Courts have the inherent power to punish for contempt and that authority exists to the full extent that it existed at common law. (In re Huff, 352 Mich 402 (1958); In re Daugherty, 429 Mich 81, 91, n 14 [1987]).


No mesmo sentido: WARREN, Michael. Contempt of court & broken windows: why ignoring contempt of court severely undermines justice, the rule of law, and republican self-government. The

Rui Stoco esclarece que “o vocábulo contempt deriva do verbo

inglês to contemn, de origem latina contemptus, particípio passado do verbo

contemnere. É sinônimo de despise (desprezo), scarn (escárnio) ou disdain

(desdém), e tem na língua inglesa quatro significados principais: a) o ato de

desprezar ou desrespeitar alguém ou algo que se crê vil, menor ou sem valor; b) o

ato ou expressão que denota uma atitude de desprezo ou desrespeito por alguém ou

algo que se crê vil, menor ou sem valor; c) o ato de ser desprezado ou

desrespeitado, de ser posto em desgraça, de ser tratado como vil, menor ou sem

valor e, por fim, d) o ato de desprezo, desrespeito, desobediência ou confronto

aberto para uma autoridade judicial ou legislativa. Em sua acepção jurídica o

vocábulo contempt se transmuda e assume a expressão contempt of court, ou seja,

um ato de desprezo ou desobediência à Corte



É uma ação ou omissão que viola uma ordem judicial, impede o

funcionamento da corte ou desafia sua autoridade



A sanção visa a preservar a efetividade e enfatizar a autoridade da



, bem como assegurar direitos concedidos pela via judicial, garantindo que a

parte lesada seja indenizada, nas hipóteses em que a violação causar prejuízos



Trata-se, como explicita Moskovitz, de instituto sui generis


, que

gravita entre o Direito Civil e o Direito Penal



Journal of the Federalist Society’s Practice Groups, v. 7, 2006, p. 45-46. PASQUEL, Roberto Molina. Contempt of court: correciones disciplinarias y médios de apremio. México: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1954, p. 81-82.


STOCO, Rui. Abuso de Direito e Má-Fé Processual. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2002, p. 120.

292 “Contempt is action or inaction which violates a court order, impedes the functioning of the Court,

or impairs the authority of the Court”. (In re Contempt of Robertson, 209 Mich App 433, 436 [1995].


Estado de Michigan: People v Kurz, 35 Mich App 643, 656 (1971).

294 Harvey v Lewis, 10 Mich App 709, 715‐716 (1968). 295

MOSKOVITZ, Joseph. Contempt of injunctions, civil and criminal. London: Columbia Law Review, v. 43, nº 9, 1943, p.783.

O contempt of court é atualmente regulamentado, no Direito inglês,

pelo Contempt of Court Act, de 27 de julho de 1981, que prevê, dentre outras, a

possibilidade de imposição de sanções para as hipóteses de descumprimento de

ordem judicial (seção 17 do contempt of court act 1981


c/c seção 63 do

Magistrates Courts Act 1980


) ou ofensa ao magistrado judicial, testemunhas,

servidores da justiça e advogados, bem como interrupção deliberada dos trabalhos

da corte ou mau comportamento



Neil Andrews, acerca do Direito inglês, esclarece que a doutrina do

contempt of court prevê sanções contra vários tipos de má conduta, especialmente

aqueles tendentes a interferir no curso da Justiça, induzindo o juiz ao erro, como nas

hipóteses de manipulação de testemunhas


. Roberto Pasquel Molina acrescenta


Em Andreano v. Utterback, The Supreme Court of Iowa afirmou que “A contempt proceeding

occupies what may be termed the twilight zone between civil and criminal cases.‖ Case Andreano v. Utterback, 202 Iowa 570, at 571, 210 NW. 780 (1926).

297 “17.-(1) The powers of a magistrates' court under subsection (3) of section 63 of the Magistrates

Courts Act 1980 (punishment by fine or committal for disobeying an order to do anything other than the payment of money or to abstain from doing anything) may be exercised either of the court's own motion or by order on complaint. (2) In relation to the exercise of those powers the provisions of the Magistrates' Court Act 1980 shall apply subject to the modifications set out in Schedule 3 to this Act.”


“Where under any Act passed after 31st December orders other 1879 a magistrates' court has power to require the doing of anything other than the payment of money, or to prohibit the doing of anything, any order of the court for the purpose of exercising that power may contain such provisions for the manner in which anything is to be done, for the time within which anything is to be done, or during which anything is not to be done, and generally for giving effect to the order, as the court thinks fit. (2) The court may by order made on complaint suspend or rescind any such order as aforesaid. (3) Where any person disobeys an order of a magistrates' court made under an Act passed after 31st December 1879 to do anything other than the payment of money or to abstain from doing anything the court may- (a) order him to pay a sum not exceeding £50 for every day during which he is in default or a sum not exceeding £1,000 ; or (b) commit him to custody until he has remedied his default or for a period not exceeding 2 months ; but a person who is ordered to pay a sum for every day during which he is in default or who is committed to custody until he has remedied his default shall not by virtue of this section be ordered to pay more than £1,000 or be committed for more than 2 months in all for doing or abstaining from doing the same thing contrary to the order (without prejudice to the operation of this section in relation to any subsequent default). (4) Any sum ordered to be paid under subsection (3) above shall for the purposes of this Act be treated as adjuged to be paid by a conviction of a magistrates' court. (5) The preceding provisions of this section shall not apply to any order for the enforcement of which provision is made by any other enactment.”.

299 “A magistrates court has jurisdiction under this section to deal with any person who: (a) wilfully

insults the justice or justices, any witness before or officer of the court or any solicitor or counsel having business in the court, during his or their sitting or attendance in court or in going to or returning from the court; or (b) wilfully interrupts the proceedings of the court or otherwise misbehaves in court.”.


ANDREWS, Neil. Abuse of procedural rights: comparative standards of procedural fairness. Louisiana: Kluwer Law International, 1998, p. 67.

ainda que “todos los actos tendientes a obstruccionar (interfere with) el cumplimiento

de los deberes judiciales de un tribunal, envuelve una afrenta material hacia él, si

produjeren inmediato disturbio en procedimientos pueden constituir desacato



Joseph Moskovitz verbera que o contempt of court assume uma

diversidade de formas quase infinita, definindo-o como o Proteus do mundo




Pelo descumprimento da ordem judicial


, no Reino Unido, pode ser

imposto o pagamento de até £50 por dia de atraso ou valor que não exceda 5.000£,

ou prisão até o cumprimento da ordem ou por período que não exceda dois meses.

A ofensa ao magistrado judicial ou a obstrução dos trabalhos da

corte autorizam a prisão do responsável até o final do julgamento ou por período não

superior a um mês, além de multa de até 2.500£.

Nos Estados Unidos da América, o contempt of court teve previsão

normativa no Judiciary act, de 1789


. Atualmente, o Code of Laws of the United

States of America (US Code) autoriza a aplicação de multa, prisão ou ambos, a

critério da Corte, nas hipóteses de obstrução da Justiça decorrente de mau

301 E afirma também que “El abuso voluntario de procedimientos legales, tales como iniciar o procurar

la iniciación de procedimientos ficticios o infundados, es contempt. También lo es el promover juicios para lograr proveídos del tribunal por medio de fraude o engaños, si por esta causa el colitigante se perjudicase". MOLINA PASQUEL, Roberto. Contempt of court: correcciones disciplinarias y medios de apremio. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1954. pgs. 104-106.

302 “Contempt of court is the Proteus of the legal world, assuming an almost infinite diversity of

forms”.‖MOSKOVITZ, Joseph. Contempt of injunctions, civil and criminal. London: Columbia Law Review, v. 43, nº 9, 1943, p.780.


Importa consignar que o sistema inglês diferencia money judgements de other than money

judgements e que apenas estes últimos estão sujeitos ao contempt of court, uma vez que as money judgements possuem execução própria.

304 “SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That all the said courts of the United States shall have power

to grant new trials, in cases where there has been a trial by jury for reasons for which new trials have usually been granted in the courts of law; and shall have power to impose and administer all necessary oaths or affirmations, and to punish by fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of said courts, all contempts of authority in any cause or hearing before the same; and to make and establish all necessary rules for the orderly conducting business in the said courts, provided such rules are not repugnant to the laws of the United States”.

comportamento de qualquer pessoa (inclusive serventuários da Justiça), bem como

nos casos de desobediência a ordem judicial.


Em Gompers v. Bucks Stove & Range Co., a Suprema Corte

enfatizou que o poder de punir pelo contempt of court é necessário e essencial à

independência do Poder Judiciário e ao exercício de suas funções, afirmando que,

do contrário, as cortes seriam simples órgãos de arbitragem, com manifestações de

natureza meramente consultivas. Destacou ainda que, se uma das partes pudesse

fazer-se juiz acerca da validade das ordens emitidas e, por sua própria vontade,

definir se iria cumpri-la, então os Tribunais seriam impotentes e o que a constituição

denomina de “Poder Judiciário dos Estados Unidos” seria uma mera zombaria



Conforme esclarece o professor Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., os países

do common Law se utilizam do chamado adversary system, ao contrário do sistema

de centralização judicial adotado no civil Law, cabendo às partes a iniciativa de

protestar, requerendo a correção de eventual abuso procedimental


, à exceção

daqueles países em que a probidade processual ostenta proteção constitucional,

hipótese em que o dever de correção procedimental se desloca para o juiz



305 Ҥ401. Power of court A court of the United States shall have power to punish by fine or

imprisonment, or both, at its discretion, such contempt of its authority, and none other, as- (1) Misbehavior of any person in its presence or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice; (2) Misbehavior of any of its officers in their official transactions; (3) Disobedience or resistance to its lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 701; Pub. L. 107–273, div. B, title III, §3002(a)(1), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1805 .)”.

306 “The power of courts to punish for contempt is a necessary and integral part of the independence

of the judiciary, and is absolutely essential to the performance of the duties imposed on them by law. Without it they are mere boards of arbitration, whose judgments and decrees would be only advisory. If a party can make himself a judge of the validity of orders which have been issued, and by his own act of disobedience set them aside, then are the courts impotent, and what the Constitution now fittingly calls the judicial power of the United States‘ would be a mere mockery.”. Gompers v. Bucks Stove & Range Co. (1911) 221 U.S. 418.

307 Hazard Jr. acrescenta ainda que “In the common Law systems, as a general principle it is the

responsability of counsel for the parties to identify legal issues, to marshal evidence relevant to those legal issues, and to request or demand that the court take suitable action. This responsibility extends to the substantive merits of the case, i.e., formulation of a legally sufficient claim or defense and presentation of evidence in its support. The responsibility of counsel externs also to procedural issues, such as admissibility of evidence or unfair tactics by an opposing party or improper behavior by the judge. This principle applies not only in civil litigation among private parties but also in criminal prosecutions.”. HAZARD JR., Geoffrey. Abuse of procedural rights: comparative standards of procedural fairness. Louisiana: Kluwer Law International, 1998, p. 35.

Dentre as principais classificações do contempt of court estão as

subdivisões em direto/indireto e civil/criminal.

O contempt direto ocorre na presença do juiz e autoriza a pronta

reação, sem necessidade de procedimento prévio, a exemplo das hipóteses de falso

testemunho e de conduta inadequada durante o julgamento. É também denominado

contempt in the face of the court. A conduta pode ser comissiva ou omissiva, desde

que tendente a obstar os trabalhos ou violar a integridade da corte.

É válida a menção ao caso United States x Dellinge, clássico

exemplo de contempt direto, em que advogados foram sancionados por desafiarem

a autoridade da corte



Entende-se que a preservação da ordem e da dignidade da corte

demanda que a reprimenda ocorra de forma imediata, sem necessidade de provas

308 “A second aspect of constitutional garantees is their significance in the role and responsibility of

judges. In the common law systems, a constitutional guaranty concerning procedural fairness imposes a direct duty on the judge. The constitutional guaranty in an adversary system thus modifies and supervenes the responsibility of counsel for objecting to procedural unfairness. The two norms of responsibility are in tension if not conflict. In the American experience, the tension has been severe, especially for guarantees emanating from the federal constitution as imposed on the courts of the states.” HAZARD JR., Geoffrey. Op.cit., p. 38.


Assim foi redigido o certificate of contempt: “In conformity with Rule 42(a), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 18 U. S.C., I hereby certify that the series of criminal contempts set forth below were committed in the actual presence of the court and were seen or heard by the court during the trial of the case of United States of America v. David T. Dellinger, et al., 69 CR 180, which commenced on September 24, 1969. This was a case marred by continual disruptive outbursts in direct defiance of judicial authority by the defendants and defense counsel. I will specify here the instances of conduct of record which I consider to have been contemptuous, but I also make the entire record of the case of United States of America v. David T. Dellinger, et al., 69 CR 180, a part of this proceeding. Much of the contemptuous conduct in this case does not show, of record. The constant murmurs and snickering emanating from the defense table were not captured on the printed page. No record, no matter how skillfully transcribed, can adequately portray the venom, sarcasm, and tone of voice employed by a speaker. No record, no matter how skillfully transcribed, can adequately reflect the applause, the guffaws, and other subtle tactics employed by these contemnors in an attempt to break up this trial. I have not focused on these cheap theatrics, histrionics, and affectations. I note them for the record lest my silence be construed as approval. But for the sake of the citations of contempt in this case, I limit myself to that conduct which is clearly and adequately portrayed in the record. This was a long trial. The behavior of the defendants and defense counsel was prepared with direct and defiant contempt for the court and the federal judicial system as a whole. Here is a record of exceptional circumstances which were disruptive of the proceedings. It has been my considered judgment throughout this case that the behavior of the defendants was aimed at baiting the judge and inciting and harassing the U. S. Attorneys in an attempt to stop the trial. I would have been derelict in my duty as a Federal District Judge if I were to permit such base and unethical tactics to succeed. Consequently, I have waited until this trial was concluded before making a final determination of contempt. The exigencies of such a complex and difficult case compelled me to follow that course”.

ou de assistência de advogado antes de aplicação de sanção


, de modo a

desencorajar a prática futura de atos semelhantes



A aplicação de punição sumária exige que o ato de desrespeito seja

de conhecimento do juiz ou serventuário direto da corte, durante a sessão, dentro de

seu campo de visão


, não se fazendo possível se houver necessidade de produção

de outras provas



O contempt indireto, também conhecido como contempt ex facie ou

constructive contempt, ocorre fora do âmbito de visão da corte, como nos casos de

descumprimento de ordem judicial ou suborno de jurados, e demanda a prévia

instauração de procedimento apuratório, oportunizando-se ampla defesa e

observando-se o devido processo legal




Ex parte Terry 128 U.S. 289 (1888): ―To preserve order in the court room for the proper conduct

of business, the court must act instantly to suppress disturbance or violence or physical obstruction or disrespect to the court when occurring in open court. There is no need of evidence or assistance of