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Academic year: 2017





def ekt ol o{ ka st r u~no-nau~na

pr obl emat i ka

special education -professioinal and

scientific issues


K i r i l


F i l ozof ski f akul t et

I nst i t ut za f i l ozof i ja




Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Philosophy

Rezi me


Vo ovaa st udi ja se objasnuva pojavat a na no

-vat a et i ~ka gr anka i pr akt i ka pod i met o

Bi oet i ka, ~i ja zada~a e odbr ana na ` i vot ot

i unapr eduvawe na ` i vot ni t e pojavi i

f unkc i i . Vo t aa smi sl a se i st r a` uva i kon

-c ep-c i jat a na Def ekt ol ogi jat a kako nauka i

akt i vnost , vo koi { t o se osu{ t est vuva smi

s-l at a na bi oet i kat a. Def ekt os-l ogi jat a se

r azgl eduva kako vr vna t o~ka na sovr emenat a

et i ka na ~ove{ t vot o. I st o t aka se i zl o

-` uvaat i osnovni t e zna~ewa i kat egor i i na

l i ~nat a i na pr of esi onal nat a et i ka vo de

-f ekt ol ogi jat a.

This study explains the appearance of a new

ethi-cal branch and practice ethi-called Bioethics, which

task is life defense and development of human

ap-pearances and functions. In compliance with

Bio-ethics, the concept of Special needs Education and

Rehabilitation as a science and activity is


Special needs Education and Rehabilitation is

con-sidered as a top of contemporary human ethics.

The paper exposes the basic meanings professional

ethics in Special Education and Rehabilitation

K l u~ni zbor ov i

: et i k a, bi oet i k a, et i k a

na gr i ` at a, pr of esi onal na et i k a vo

de-f ek t ol ogi jat a

Key words:

ethic, bioethics, ethics of care,

profes-sional ethics in special education and


Mnogu novi pojavi ja opr edel uvaat su{ t i

na-t a na sovr emeni ona-t svena-t . Me| u ni v najbel

e-` i t i se r azvi vawet o na et i ~kat a svest za

pr avewet o dobr o za l u| et o i vni mavawet o

na si t e aspekt i na ` i vot ot vo svet ot . S e

r azvi soc i jal en senzi bi l i t et za ml adi t e i

za sl abi t e. S e pojavi f i l ant ropski ot duh

za nu` no dobr ot vor st vo me| u l u| et o. O so

be-no zna~ajni pojavi od ovoj vi d se r az vi va

we-t o na def ekwe-t ol ogi jawe-t a kako osobena nauka i

pr akt i ka za pomo{ na l i ~nost i t e so pr e~ki

vo r azvojot i pojavat a na ekol ogi jat a kako

spec i f i ~na svest za za{ t i t a na pr i r odni t e

usl ovi na ` i vot ot .

Many new phenomena determine the essence of

the contemporary world. The most significant

among them are the development of ethical

aware-ness about doing people good and paying attention

to all aspects of life in the world. The social

sensi-tivity for young and weak people has developed.


philanthropic spirit

for necessary charity

among people has appeared. Especially significant

appearances of this kind are the development of

special education and rehabilitation as a special

science and practice to help people with

develop-mental disabilities and the occurrence of ecology

as a specific awareness about protection of life

natural conditions.

A dr esa za kor espondenc i ja: Corresponding Address:

K i r i l T E M K O V Kiril TEMKOV

Uni ver zi t et " S v. Ki r i l i Met odi j # F i l ozof ski f akul t et

I nst i t ut za f i l ozof i ja

Bul . "Kr st e Mi si r kov ” bb, 1000 S kopje, R. Makedoni ja

University "St. Cyril and Methodius" Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Philosophy


O vi e osobeni mor al ni soznani ja i dejst va

se bazi ~ni gr adbeni el ement i za eden nov

vi d f i l ozof i ja na ` i veewet o pod i met o

"bi oet i ka#.

These special moral knowledge and activities are

fundamental elements for the new type of

philoso-phy of living called “bioethics”


Bi oet i kat a kako nov a et i ka

Bioethics as a new ethics

Bi oet i kat a

e edna od najzna~ajni t e akt i

v-nost i na sovr emenot o ~ove{ t vo i edna od

n ajva` ni t e nauki na dene{ ni nat a i na

ut r e{ ni nat a. Taa pr et st avuva si mbi oza od

bi ol o{ ki i et i ~ki pogl edi . S o nea se i

s-pol nuvaat novi t e op{ t o~ove~ki pot r ebi za

pojasna svest za pr obl emi t e vo sf er at a na

vi t al nost a i za odgovor nost a na l u| et o za

za~uvuvawe i za unapr eduvawe na ` i vot ot .

Bi oet i kat a e nov vi d va` na pr akt i ~na

et i ka na ~ove{ t vot o. P r akt i ~nat a et i ka se

odnesuva na ona { t o se smet a deka e nu` no i

najdobr o da se pr avi . S t anuva zbor

najna-pr ed za r azmi sl uvawet o za sost ojbi t e i za

pr obl emi t e, za vr ednost i t e i i deal i t e, za

vl adeewet o na ~ovekot , za vi st i nskot o

dejst vuvawe spor ed pr i nc i pi t e na

Dobrot o

i Zl ot o

. P ot oa, op{ t i t e et i ~ki soznani ja

se sveduvaat na konkr et no dejst vuvawe, i

z-br ani t e vr ednost i se pr et vor aat vo nor mi ,

a et i ~kat a pozi c i ja st anuva seko jdnevno

op{ t o soodvet no mor al no post apuvawe.

P r akt i ~nat a et i ka se nar ekuva i "pr i

me-net a et i ka#,


nor mat i vna et i ka#, "` i vot na

et i ka#, "gr a| anska et i ka#, "et i ka na se

kojdnevi et o#. Vo nea se r aspr ava za konk

-r et ni p-r obl emi . Taa p-r et st avuva mo-r al na

konkr et ni l u| e. N i z pr akt i ~nat a et i ka se

pot vr duva gol emat a ul oga na l i ~nost a vo

et i ~kat a vi zi ja, vr ednuvawe i dejst vuvawe.

L i ~nost a e et i ~ki f akt or i si l a, koja na

el ement i t e na opst ojot i m dava ~ove~ka i

et i ~ka di menzi ja. O d l i ~nost a zavi si dal i

~ovekovi ot odnos, od nesvesnost i avt

omat i zam, }e se pr esvr omat i vo ser i oznosomat i odgo

vor nost , a obi ~not o ` i veewekoe pr i se

-ga{ ni ot gol em r azvi t ok i mo} { t o ja i maat

l u| et o -l esno mo` e da se i zr azi kako

ne-gr i ` a i uni { t uvawe, }e i zr asne vo q ubov za

` i vot ot i za ~ovekot

i vo ef i kasno

dejst vuvawe za ni vna pol za.

N i z pr akt i ~nat a et i ka se osl oboduvaat


is one of the most important activities of

the contemporary humanity and one of the most

significant sciences of the present and the future. It

is a symbiosis of biological and ethical views, it

helps to realize the new common human needs for

clearer consciousness of the problems in the sphere

of vitality and human responsibility to protect and

improve life.

Bioethics is a new kind of important practical

eth-ics of humanity. Practical etheth-ics refers to what is

considered necessary and best done. Firstly, it is

thinking about conditions and problems, values

and ideals, human behavior, real activity according

to the principles of

Good and Evil

. Furthermore,

the common ethical awareness leads to concrete

activities, chosen values change to norms, and the

ethical position becomes everyday common

ap-propriate moral behavior.

Practical ethics is called “applied ethics”,

“norma-tive ethics”, “life ethics”, “civil ethics”, and

“eve-ryday life ethics”. It discusses concrete issues; it

represents the moral of particular people. The great

personality’s role in the ethical vision, valuation

and activity is acknowledged through practical

ethics. This is ethical factor and power, which

gives human and ethical dimension to the elements

of survival. It is up to the personality whether the

human relationship, from unconsciousness and

automatism, will change to seriousness and

re-sponsibility, and the ordinary living – due to the

present great development and power of people -

can easily be expressed as careless and destructive,

will grow up with

love for life and humans

and in

effective activity for their benefits.


k apac i t et i t e na ~ovekot za r eal no et i ~ko

t vor e{ t vo za svoe dobr o i za dobr ot o na

dr ugi t e l u| e, za bl i ski t e i za bl i ` ni t e, za

oni e okol u nego i za set o ~ove{ t vo. N

ajzna-~ajni t e obl ast i na sovr emenat a pr akt i ~na

et i ka se odnesuvaat na soc i jal ni ot mor al ,

na semejnat a, ekonomskat a i na pol i t i ~kat a

et i ka; a na pr vo mest o e bi oet i kat a, koja

pr et st avuva c el i na so va` ni t e f or mi na

et i kat a na zdr avjet o, a me| u ni v posebno

mest o zazemaat ekol o{ kat a et i ka i def ek

-t ol ogi ja-t a.

Bi oet i kat a

e nov et i ~ki poi m. Go sozdal

amer i kanski ot nau~ni k so hol andsko po

-t ekl o Van Rensel ar P o-t er vo 1971 godi na.

Toj pr vpat go upot r ebi l vo kni gat a "Bi oe

t i kat a-most kon ut r e{ ni nat a #. Za t r i dec

eni i t oj st ana eden od najpoznat i t e i najva`

-ni nau~-ni i et i ~ki poi mi . N ovat a et i ~ka

di sc i pl i na bi oet i ka-doa| a od zbor ot

bi os


{ t o zna~i

` i vot -

a t aa e nauka za odgovor

nost a na ~ovekot za r azbi r awet o i za za{

-t i -t a-t a na ` i vo-t o-t i na ` i vo-t ni -t e f or mi .

Bi o et i kat a pobar a l u| et o da bi dat ser i

ozni pr ed gol emi t e pr a{ awa na na{ i t e pr i

-r odni osnovi , naso~uvaj}i gi kon sozdavawe

i vodewe ~i st i dobar ` i vot . Taa gi pot

-t i knuva na anga` man vo unapr eduvawe na

vi t al nat a osnova na ~ove~kot o opst


I ako bi oet i kat a ~est o se r azvi va kako

medi c i nska et i ka, dur i nekoi ja i dent i f i

-kuvaat so nea, nejzi nat a smi sl a e mnogu

po{ i r oka. Bi oet i kat a st ana najzna~ajna

et i ~ka di sc i pl i na na dene{ ni nat a, a mo

-` ebi i najva-` na nauka za ~ove{ t vot o denes.

Bi oet i kat a i st ovr emeno e osnova za


-ver zal i zac i ja na sovr emenat a et i ka. Taa se

gr adi kako edi nst ven vr ednosen si st em, so

i st i mor al ni nor mi za si t e l u| e na svet ot .

Bi oet i kat a e i nt er nac i onal na di sc i pl i na

i pr akt i kagi povr zuva l u| et o vo i st a mo

-r al na zaedni c a, uka` uvaj}i i m na p-r vat a

osnova na ni vnat a egzi st enc i ja i bar aj}i od

ni v zaedni ~ka akc i ja za za~uvuvawe i

una-pr eduvawe na ` i vot ot .

Temi t e i obl ast i t e na bi oet i kat a

pok` uvaat deka nejzi ni t e pr obl emi i i st r

a-` uvawa pr et ea-` no se skonc ent r i r ani vr z

real ethical work for one’s and other people

wel-fare, is released. The most significant areas of the

contemporary practical ethics refer to social moral,

family, economic and political ethics; the first

place belongs to the bioethics, which is a whole of

important forms of health ethics, with special place

for the ecological and special education and

reha-bilitation ethics.

Bioethics is a new ethical concept, created by the

American scientist of Dutch origin, Van Renselar

Poter, in 1971. He used it for the first time in his


Bioethics-a bridge for tomorrow.

It has

be-come one of the best-known and most significant

scientific and ethical concepts for the last three

decades. The new ethical discipline –

bioethics-originates from the word


, which means

life -


science for human responsibility for understanding

and protection of life and its forms. Bioethics

re-quires people to be serious for the great issues of

natural basics, directs them towards creating and

leading pure and good life, stimulates them to

en-gage themselves in improving the vital basics of

human existence.

Although bioethics often develops and it is even

identified with medical ethics, its concept is much

broader. Bioethics has become the most significant

ethical discipline of present time, and it is maybe

the most essential science of humanity. At the

same time, bioethics is basics for contemporary

ethics universality. It builds itself as a unique

valu-able system with the same moral norms for people

worldwide. Bioethics is an international discipline

and practice - it connects people in the same moral

community, showing them the first basics of their

existence and requiring from them a joint action

for life protection and improvement.


o dnosot me| u t r i gol emi ` i vot ni kat e

-gor i i :

@i vot,

P ri roda i

Li ~nost

. Kako

or ganski su{ t i ni , t i e sega st anuvaat i

et i ~ka t ema, me| usebno se povr zuvaat vo

nu` na et i ~ka r el ac i ja. Bi oet i kat a od @i

-vot ot , P r i r odat a i L i ~nost a pr avi edna

duhovna c el ost , sozdavaj}i ni vno ner aski n

-l i vo edi nst vo i kr ei r aj}i et i ~ka di menzi ja

na anga` man na l u| et o za ni v, da gi za{ t i

-t uvaa-t i unapr eduvaa-t .

O snovnat a bi oet i ~ka nor ma gl asi : "^ uvaj

go ` i vot o!# P r i nc i pot na dobl esno, pr

a-vi l no ~ovekovo vl adeewe i na za{ t i t a na

` i vot ot vo si t e negovi f or mi i obem

najdobr o go i zr azuva { i r okat a bi oet i ~ka

nor ma:

"N e povr eduvaj ni edno ` i vo su{ t est vo. N e

pr avi ni { t o { t o mo` e da i m pr edi zvi ka

st r adawe i smr t na ` i vi t e su{ t est va. Vo

dejnost a vgr adi i deja i c el za za{ t i t a na

pr i r odat a. Unapr eduvaj gi si t e el ement i na

pr i r odat a. ^ uvaj ja i ne t r o{ i ja bezr

a-zumno. Vni mavaj na l u| et o i na dr ugi t e

` i vi su{ t est va i ~uvaj gi . ^ uvaj si go

zdr avjet o i zdr avjet o na si t e l u| e. P omagaj

i m na si t e. Znaj deka od mo}t a na ~ovekot i

od negovi t e pr avi l ni dejst va zavi sat do

-br i ot ` i vot i opst anok ot na ` i vot ot na

pl anet ava!#

the relationship of the three large life categories:

Life, Nature and Personality.

As organic

es-sences, now they become an ethical theme, joint

together in a necessary ethical relation. Bioethics

makes a spiritual totality of Life, Nature and

Per-sonality, creating their unbreakable unity and

ethi-cal dimension of people’s engagement for them in

order to protect and improve them.

The basic bioethical norm says – “Take care of

life”! The principle of virtuous, right human

be-havior and life protection with its forms and

quan-tity expresses best the broad bioethical norm:

“Do not harm any living being. Do not do anything

that may cause sufferings and death to living be

-ings. Build up the idea of nature protection in your

activity. Develop all nature elements. Take care of

nature and do not waste it unreasonably. Take care

of people and other living beings. Take care of

your and other people’s health. Help everybody.

Be aware that good life and its survival on this

planet depend on the human power and right ac


[ t o e def ekt ol ogi jat a?

What is Special Education

and Rehabilitation

S u{ t i nski kar akt er i st i ki na bi oet i kat a

se q ubovt a kon ` i vot ot i pomo{ t a da op

-st anat i da se r azvi vaat si t e ` i vot ni

f or mi . Toa e vi dl i vo vo ` el bat a za pr i

-f a}awe na l i c at a so pr e~ki vo r azvojot i

vo vl o` uvawet o usi l bi da i m se ovozmo` i

na st r adal ni c i t e da ` i veat i st o kako i

oni e koi nemaat vakvi f i zi ~ki , set i l ni i

du{ evni pat i l a. Vo ~ove{ t vot o i ma mnogu

nasi l st vo, ek spl oat ac i ja, nepr i jat el st va i

vojni . O d t oj aspekt , t oa ne i zgl eda mnogu

dobr o. N ajni ski t e st r ast i go post avuvaat

~ovekot naspr ot i l u| et o i naspr ot i dr ugi

-t e pr i r odni su{ -t es-t va. N o ~ove{ -t vo-t o i ma

i p o dobar i zgl ed. Toa znae da go kont r o l i

-r a l o{ ot o povedeni e i saka da mani f

es-t i r a dobr a vol ja kon si es-t e ` i voes-t ni pojavi .

The essential characteristics of bioethics are love

for life and assistance for survival and

develop-ment of all life forms. It is obvious in the will for

acceptance of people with developmental

disabili-ties and the attempts to enable these sufferers to

live their lives in the same way as people without

physical, sensual and spiritual sufferings.

Humanity experiences violence, exploitation,

hos-tility and wars. It does not sound good from this

aspect. The lowest passions put man opposite

peo-ple and other natural beings. Humanity has also


L u| et o gi omeknuvaat svoi t e pozi c i i kon

dr ugi t e l u| e i ` i vot ni f or mi na Zemjat a;

go osoznavaat zna~ewet o na ` i vot not o

ed-i nst vo na c el ed-i ot svet ed-i ed-i m davaat poddr { ka

na posl abi t e; so~uvst vuvaat so oni e { t o

i maat vi t al ni maki i i m pomagaat na oni e

koi se zasegnat i od r azni t e vi dovi ` i vot ni

pat i l a.

Denes vo ~ove{ t vot o vozni kna pot r ebat a

od spr avedl i vi mor al ni pr i nc i pi . S e r

azb udi svest a za neophodnost a od vi soka mo

r al na pr akt i ka, koja l u| et o }e gi pot t i k

-nuva na po~i t uvawe na Dobr ot o i na

et i ~ka kr eac i ja kon unapr eduvawe na si ot

` i vot . E t i kat a se obi duva da r odi ~uvs t vo

na odgovor nost i na post ojana mor al nost vo

du{ i t e na sovr emeni t e l u| e. Vo t aa smi sl a

se r azvi ja dejnost i , vo ~i i osnovi l e` i

et i ~kat a i deja. Takva e def ekt ol ogi jat a.

Kako i sekoja pedagogi ja i medi c i na, ~i j e

ni ven der i vat , i t oga{ koga mor al ni ot

skept i c i zam ja suger i r a nebi t nost a na

mor al nat a dobl est kako osnova za odnosi t e

me| u l u| et o, def ekt ol ogi jat a ne si gi

napu{ t a et i ~ki t e pot t i c i , od koi gi c r pi

ener gi jat a i vi zi i t e. Def ekt ol ogi jat a e

i zvor na bi oet i ka

kako mor al na gr i ` a i

sesr dna odbr ana na ` i votot .

Def ekt ol ogi jat a e i skl u~i t el no pot r ebna

nauka i dejnost . O d si t e l u| e 10 do 15 ot st o

i maat pr e~ki vo r azvojot , vo f i zi ~kat a

konst i t uc i ja, vo dvi ` ewet o, vo dejnost a na

set i l at a, vo komuni kac i jat a, vo psi hi ~kat a

si l a za r azbi r awet o i za dejst vuvawet o.

P ovr edeni t e se, i st o t aka, l u| e kako i si t e

dr ugi . Denes ne e mo` no da se vl adeeme

kako st ar i t e S par t anc i , koi bezmi l osno si

gi f r l al e sl abi t e bebi wa vo pl ani nski ot

dol . I l i da se zast apuvame za negat i vna

ev-genet i ka, koja saka da gi i st r ebi si t e { t o

ne i zgl edaat spor ed nekoj zami sl en i deal .

I l i da mi sl i me i st o kako oni e koi dosega

gi kr i eja i nval i di zi r ani t e br a}a i sest r i

-da ` i veat pokr aj ni v kako ` i vot i n~i wa,

dot epani i t a` ni , bez somi l ost za ni vni t e

st r adawa i nemo}. Def ekt ol ogi jat a, koja

po~na da se r azvi va pr ed 200 godi ni , denes

st ana edna od najzna~ajni t e bi oet i ~ki f un

-kc i i na ~ove{ t vot o.

People soften their positions towards other people

and life forms on the Earth; are aware of the

meaning of world life unity and give support to

weak; sympathize with those who have vital

dis-abilities and help those who have different kinds of

life sufferings.

The need for right moral principles has appeared in

humanity. The consciousness of high moral

prac-tice has awakened and will stimulate people to

respect Good and ethical creation towards life im

-provement. The ethics tries to bear sense of

re-sponsibility and constant morality in contem porary

people’s souls. Thus, activities in which basics lies

the ethical idea have developed. Such is the

Spe-cial Education and Rehabilitation. As Pedagogy

and Medicine, which derivate Special Education

and Rehabilitation is, and even when the moral

skepticism suggests the unimportance of the moral

value as the basics of human relationships, Special

Education and Rehabilitation does not leave the

ethical stimulus, where from it gains energy and

visions. The Special Education and Rehabilitation


authentic bioethics

as moral care and

compre-hensive defense of life.


Def ekt ol ogi jat a gi i spi t uva nesr e}i t e na

l i ~nost i t e so pr e~ki vo r azvojot i i m po

-maga da gi r az vi jat f unkc i i t e so koi se

mani f est i r aat ` i vot ni t e si l i i pot r ebi

na ~ovekot , a koi t i e t e{ ko gi i zvr { uvaat .

Zat oa t aa e pr venst veno et i ~ka, bi oet i ~ka

di c i pl i na.

Def ekt ol ogi jat a pr oi zl eze od pot r ebat a da

mu se pomogne nekomu { t o st r ada. Toa e i

z-vor na mor al na i nt enc i ja, del od

najzna~ajni ot et i ~ki kompl eks, { t o gi vkl u~uva go

-l emi t e i zvor i na mor a-l nost a vo -l i ~nost a

svr t enost kon dr ugi ot , r azbi r awe, nezat vo

r awe na mor al not o set i l o, so~uvst vo, somi

-l ost , jasna svest za odgovor nost a i

nebega-we od nea, pr avenebega-we dobr o i pr o dol ` i t el no

dobr o dejst vuvawe, i nsi st i r awe deka do

br o t o e smi sl a na ` i veewet o. Def ekt o l o

-gi jat a e svoevi den kondenzat or na et i ~kat a

ener gi ja, akt i vi r aj}i gi ~ove kovi t e mor al

-ni si l i , af i r mi r aj}i ja u-ni ver zal nost a na

et i kat a vo ~ovekovi ot ` i vot . Taa pr et st

avuva osnova za sozdavawe edna, bar em mal e~

-ka, et i ~ka zaedni c a, koja f unkc i oni r a vr z

po~i t uvawet o i sl edewet o na mor al ni t e

emoc i i i bar awa.

Def ekt ol ogi jat a e pr i mer za zgusnat et i

~-ki ambi ent . N a ` i vot nat a pot r eba na

une-sr e}eni t e da dobi vaat pomo{ , osobeno od

oni e { t o mo` e najdobr o da i m pomognat

-odgovar a et i ~kat a st r ast na def ekt ol ozi t e

da ja davaat neophodnat a i ~est o t e{ ka po

-mo{ , i t oa na najdobar mo` en na~i n.

Def ekt ol o{ kat a akt i vnost e eden od obr as

-c i t e kako za pr ovokl asna et i ~ka dejnost vo

~ove{ t vot o, t aka i za dejnost koja, spor ed

su{ t i nat a e bi oet i ~ki st r ukt ur i r ana.

E t i ~kat a konc ent r ac i ja vo nea sekoj mi g gi

r epet i r a osnovni t e mor al ni i nspi r ac i i i

ja gr adi et i ~kat a di menzi ja na dejnost a

kako kup od pesok vo koj sekoe zr nc e go i ma

i st ot o zna~ewe i i st at a smi sl asekoj de

f ekt ol o{ ki akt i ma i st a mor al na di men

-zi ja kako i set a t aa bi oet i ~ka dejnost

voop{ t o.

Special Education and Rehabilitation examines the

misfortunes of people with developmental

dis-abilities and helps them to develop life functions

and human needs, fulfilled with difficulties by

them. Thus, it is primarily ethical, bioethical


The Special Education and Rehabilitation appeared

as the result of the need for helping the sufferers. It

is authentic moral intention, part of the most

sig-nificant ethical complex, which includes great

sources of morality of people – friendly

relation-ship towards others, understanding, openness of

moral senses, sympathy, compassion, pure

con-sciousness for responsibility and duty, doing good

and continuous well activity, insisting that good is

the meaning of life. The Special Education and

Rehabilitation is a kind of condenser of ethical

energy, activating the human moral powers,

af-firming the universality of the ethics in human life,

it presents the basics in creation of small, ethical

community that functions with respect and follow

ups of moral emotions and requests.

The Special Education and Rehabilitation is the

example of condense ethical ambient. The ethical

passion of special educators to give necessary and

often hard assistance responds to the life needs of

dis abled people to get help, especially from those

who help them best. The Special Education and

Rehabilitation activity is one of the patterns both

as first class ethical human activity and activity,

according to its essence, is bioethical structure.

The ethical concentration in it repeats the basic

moral inspirations frequently and builds the ethical

dimension of the activity as sand tower where

every grain has the same meaning and sense –

every act of Special Education and Rehabilitation

has the same moral dimension as the bioethical

activity itself.

Vr v no et i ~ko zna~ew e na

def ekt ol ogi jat a

Main Ethical Meaning of Special Education

and Rehabilitation


~ovekovi t e akt i vnost i i nau~ni di sc i pl i

-ni so sl i ~na naso~enost i et i ~ka

zasnova-nost (medi c i na, vet er i na, pedagogi ja i dr .),

spa| aat vo najvi sokot o r amni { t e na soc i

jal nat a et i ~ka mr e` a. Ti e go zazemaat vr

-vot na kol ekt i vnot o et i ~ko t vor e{ t vo na

~ove{ t vot o ne samo spor ed r ezul t at i t e

{ t o mu se pot r ebni na ~ove{ t vot o, t uku i

spor ed mor al nat a i nt enc i ja na dejst veni c

-i t e.

E t i kat a e vgr adena vo t emel i t e na def ek

-t ol ogi ja-t a. O vaa humana dol ` nos-t i ma

zna-~ajni , dol got r ajni i t e{ ki zada~i .

Znaewat a i zada~i Znaewat e na def ekZnaewat ol ogi jaZnaewat a pr eZnaewat sZnaewat a

-vuvaat skonc ent r i r an i zbl i k na et i ~nost

et i ~nost a na ~ove{ t vot o, svoevi dno naso

-bi r awe na najdobr ot o { t o go dava i mo` e

da go dade ~ovekot vo sekojdnevni t e dejst va.

E t i ~kat a vel i ~i na na ovaa pr of esi ja se

ol i c et vor uva so bl agor odnost a na def ek

t ol o{ kat a gr i ` a i zada~i , so koi na nespo

sobni ot , nemo}ni ot , bessi l ni ot mu se po

-maga da go ` i vee ` i vot ot i l i , u{ t e pove}e,

da se osposobi za akt i vnost { t o }e mu gi

ovozmo` i i pr i bl i ` i di menzi i t e na

~ove~kat a "nor mal nost #.

Zada~at a na def ekt ol ogi jat a e za{ t i t na i

podgot vuva~ka. Taa t r eba da obezbedi podo

-br o da ` i veat i da pr avat ne{ t o va` no

oni e ~ove~ki su{ t est va koi i maat pr ob

-l emi so spr oveduvawet o na ` i vot ni t e

f unkc i i i so dost i gawet o na st andar dnot o

c i vi l i zac i sko ni vo vo ost var uvawe na pot

-r ebi t e i vo p-r ojavuvawe na svoi t e si l i .

E t i ~kat a di menzi ja na def ekt ol ogi jat a e

u{ t e pogol ema koga ne se zadovol uva so

za{ t i t na gr i ` a za ~ove~ki t e su{ t est va so

pr e~ki vo r azvojot i vo f unkc i i t e, t uku

nast ojuva ni v da gi podgot vi i sami t e

ne{ t o da st or at za sopst venot o ` i veewe i

dejst vuvawe. Toa zna~i deka t uka se

negu-vaat opt i mi zam, nade` , ver ba vo ~ove~ki t e

si l i , se pot t i knuvaat skr i eni ener gi i i

pot enc i jal i za t i e da se mani f est i r aat , se

kul t i vi r aat ~ove~ki t e ni kul c i , kol ku i da

se mal e~ki , za da pr o

r t at . O vdeka { ansi t e

najpr vi n se def i ni r aat i se konst i t ui r aat

kako { ansi (za sl epi t e da ~i t at , gl uvi t e da

komuni c i r aat , povr edeni t e da bi dat akt i

v-ni , r azbol ev-ni t e da "ne se pr edavaat#), za

and science, as well as human activities and

scien-tific disciplines with similar direction and ethical

basics (medicine, veterinary medicine, pedagogy

and others) belong to the highest level of social

and ethical network. They are at the top of the

collective and ethical human creativity because of

the results and creators’ of moral intention.

Special Education and Rehabilitation implements

the ethics within its activities. This human

respon-sibility has important, long- lasting and difficult

tasks. The knowledge and task of Special

educa-tion and Rehabilitaeduca-tion are concentrated burst of

human ethics and the best collection of everything

human can give in their everyday activities. The

ethical value of this profession is personalized

through gratitude of Special Education and

Reha-bilitation care and tasks, helping the disabled,

helpless, weak people to live their lives and

ena-bling them for activities, which will bring closer

the dimensions of human “normality”.

The Special Education and Rehabilitation has

pro-tective and preparatory tasks. It has to provide

dis-abled people with better lives and to enable them

to do important things; people who have problems

with implementation of life functions and accom


pot oa da se st or i mnogu { ansi t e da st anat

r eal nost . Def ekt ol ogi jat a pr et st avuva so

-o dvet n-o bal ansi r awe na ` i v-ot ni t e pr -oc esi

me| u pot enc i jal i t e i r eal i zac i jat a

(najpoz-nat i ot sovr emen f i zi ~ar S t i ven Hoki ng e

apsol ut en i nval i d vo si t e vi dovi set i l a,

dvi ` ewe i komuni kac i ja-no so pomo{ na

sovr emenat a nauka nemu mu e ovozmo` eno i

nat amu da t vor i i da pr edava). Def ek

-t ol ogi ja-t a e kr ea-t i vnos-t vo osnova-t a, no ne

i t vor e{ t vo na opr edel eni c el i , t uku e

t vor e{ t vo, ~i ja c el e da se r azbudi zapr

e-t anoe-t o za da mo` e l i ~nose-t a da kr ei r a, za da

se i skor i st i set a ~ove~ka du{ evnost ,

du-hovnost , vi t al nost i znaewe vo sl u` ba na

mor al ot ~i j objekt e zagubenot o ~ove~ko

su{ t est vo.

Bi oet i ~kat a ul oga na def ekt ol ogi jat a vo

obl i kuvawet o na ` i vot ot e r amna na bo

` est venat a kr eat i vnost, sf at ena kako o` i

-vuvawe na post ojnot o

, no koe u{ t e ne

pos-t oi vo vi d na su{ pos-t espos-t vo na sl oboden i zr az.

N eka bi de poso~eno samo edno pot set

uvawekol ku e gr ozno koga na ~ovekot mu se zat vo

r eni pot enc i jal i t e; i l i ; kol ku e l o{ a za

r obenost a na ` el bi t e i si l i t e kaj ~ove

kot ?! S u{ t est vat a za koi se gr i ` i def ek

t ol ogi jat a se vo t akva post ojana i l i dol go

-vr emena si t uac i ja. N i vnat a zakl u~enost i

bezi zl eznost se ont i ~ki , ne t empor al ni ,

t i e se ni vna su{ nost , ne pr i vr emena f or


Def ekt ol ogi jat a ne samo { t o se t r udi da gi

spasi i da gi spasuva vakvi t e su{ t est va; t aa

na svet ot mu poka` uva deka sl obodat a vo

mani f est i r awe na si l i t e e osnova na ~o

vek uvawet o. Zat oa def evekt ol ogi jat a e pr vo

-kl asna op{ t a pedagogi ja i l i ~na medi c i na.

Taa e nezaobi kol na demonst r ac i ja na zagr i

-` enost a i na odgovor nost a za -` i vee wet o.

Taa i ma uni ver zal no et i ~ko zna~ewe. Dur i

i koga (so ` al ewe mo` e da se konst a t i r a

deka) or gani zi r ani ot si st em i pot en ci

ja-l i t e na def ekt oja-l ogi jat a ne se apsoja-l ut no

gol emi , t aa e et i ~ki f akt od pr v r

ed-de-f ek t ol o{ kat a dejnost zna~i r eal i zac i ja na

dobr ot o, af i r mac i ja na dobr omi sl at a i na

bl agonakl onost a. Taa e i zr az na t r udewet o

za r eal i zac i ja na bl agor odni t e ` i vot ni

zada~i .

then much has to be done the chances to become

reality. The Special Education and Rehabilitation

is a balance of life processes between potentials

and implementation (the best-known contemporary

physicist Stephen Hawking is an absolute disabled

person with all his senses, movement and

commu-nication – but the contemporary science helps him

to create and teach). The Special Education and

Rehabilitation is a creativity in its base, it is not

creativity for determined aims but it is a creativity

which aims to wake up what is hidden in order to

enable people to create, to use Human spirituality,

sensibility, vitality and knowledge to serve moral

which object is the lost human being.

Bioethical role of Special Education and

Reha-bilitation in shaping life is equal to the Devine

creativity, considered as revival of the existing,

but it is not yet a kind of being of free expression.

Let us recall how ugly locked human potentials are

and how bad the captivity of human wishes and

powers is! The human beings Special Education

and Rehabilitation cares for are in such permanent

or long-time situation. Being locked and hopeless

means their permanent existing, not temporarily,

their essence, not temporary form.


Def ekt ol ogi jat a e su{ t i nska bi oet i ka.

The Special Education and Rehabilitation is

essen-tial bioethics.

L i ~nat a et i ka na def ekt ol ogot

Special Teacher’s Personal Ethics

Vakvo nagl aseno et i ~ko zna~ewe go i ma i

pr of esi onal ni ot mor al na def ekt ol ozi t e.

Def ekt ol ogi jat a e pr i mer za osobena et i ka

na pr of esi jat a. Kako zna~ajna bi oet i ~ka

f unkc i ja, za def ekt ol ozi t e e mnogu

zna~aj-na t okmu l i ~zna~aj-nat a mor al zna~aj-na di menzi ja, et i

~-nost a na ni vnat a l i ~~-nost . Kaj mnozi nst vot o

~ove~ki akt i vnost i e va` no samo dobr ot o

i zvr { uvawe na dejnost a. Vo def ekt ol ogi

ja-t a eja-t i ~koja-t o e vkl u~eno vo pr i r odaja-t a na

akt i vnost a nema dobr a de f ekt ol o{ ka ak

c i ja bez vi soka mor al na c el i dejst vo, bi

-dej}i pr agmat i ~nat a st r ana na dejnost a ne e

mo` no da se r eal i zi r a bez mor al ni t e c el i ,

bez st r ogat a et i ~ka i nspi r ac i ja na dejst

ve-ni kot i bez vi soki t e bi oet i ~ki ambi c i i na

c el at a pr of esi ja. Mor al ot ne e samo f or

ma na l i ~nost a { t o se opr edel i l a za def ek

t ol o{ ka akt i vnost , t uku t oj e supst anc i

jal en i zvor na nejzi nat a odl uka za ovaa ak

-t i vno s-t , u{ -t e pove}e ako se i zbi r a za c

e-l osna ` i vot na zada~a, koja }e go i spoe-l ni

si ot nejzi n ` i vot en vek. Zat oa def ek

-t ol ogi ja-t a ne e samo pr of esi ja (vo smi sl a

deka so i zvr { uvawet o na zada~i t e se zavr

-{ uvaat ~ove~ki t e di menzi i na r abot at a),

t uku t aa e osoben

povi k. S t anuva zbor za

edna kr ajna i nspi r ac i ja vo ` i vot ot na

l i ~nost a, koja svojot ` i vot go def i ni r a

kako l i ~na gr i ` a i bor ba za pomo{ na nas

-t r adani o-t , odnosno i kako sevkupna gr i ` a

za podobr o ~ove~ko ` i veewe voop{ t o.

S ekoj { t o go gr adi def ekt ol o{ ki ot si st em

e vi soko vr ednuvan i se po~i t uva negovat a

odgovor na zada~a. Taa l i ~nost ost var uva

c el i { t o ne se neposr edno nejzi ni l i ~ni

(zada~at a e bi oet i ~ka i op{ t o~ove~ka, ko

-r i sna, p -r e d sé, za unes-r e}eni t e i za c el i

-nat a na svet ot ). Toa e vi dl i vo pr i sekoj de

-f ekt ol o{ ki akt . Zada~i t e i obvr ski t e vo

def ekt ol ogi jat a se mo{ ne gol emi . A od

et i ~ka gl edna t o~ka def ekt ol ozi t e ne

dej-st vuvaat kako zai nt er esi r ani edi nki , t uku

The professional moral of special teachers has also

emphasized ethical meaning. The Special Ed

uca-tion and Rehabilitauca-tion is an example for

profes-sional ethics. The personal moral dimension of

special teachers is their very important bioethical

function. Most human activities only require well

performance. In Special Education and

Rehabilita-tion, the ethics is included in the nature of the

ac-tivities – there is no well-done Special Education

and Rehabilitation activity without high moral aim,

because the pragmatic side of the activity requires

implementation of moral aims, strict ethical

inspi-ration of the doer and high bioethical ambitions of

the profession itself. The moral of people who

de-vote themselves to Special Education and

Reha-bilitation activities is a substantial source of their

decision for such activity, even more when this

activity is chosen to be their life career. Therefore,

the Special Education and Rehabilitation is not

only a profession (fulfillment of task is not the end

of human work) it is an


. It is an inspiration

in people’s lives, when their lives are defined as

per sonal care and struggle to help disabled people,

i.e. a complete care for better living.


kako zast apni c i na edna vi sokomor al na

op{ t o~ove~ka dejnost . Zna~ewet o na ovaa

va` na javna f unkc i ja e u{ t e pogol e mo vo

sovr emeni t e c i vi l i zi r ani odnosi ; pr i t oa,

r ezul t at i t e i dobl est a se post i gnuvaat

samo ni z gol emi maki , dejst veni i so~uvst

veni st r adawa, nekoga{ bi dej}i se koj va

-kov akt e dol got r aen - i bez r eal no

zabe-l e` uvawe koja post apka i zabe-l i koja zabe-l i ~no st ,

i nvol vi r ana vo pr oc esot na r eha bi l i t ac i

-ja, vi st i nski go dal e sakani ot pr i dones.

Za def ekt ol ogi jat a, zna~i , et i ~nost a e

su{ t i nska. Mor al nat a kazui st i ka e

jasna-pr vat a c el e da mu se najasna-pr avi dobr o na

nesr e}ni ot ; no ovi e kr ajno dobr i del a se

pr avat bez di r ekt na vr ska so jasno vi

d-l i vi ot r ezud-l t at . Def ekt od-l ogi jat a ja i ma

sudbi nat a na mor al nost a (i na ~ove~kat a

kul t ur a) vo c el ost -ne{ t o se pr avi zat oa

{ t o t oa t r eba da se pr avi , a ne zat oa { t o se

o~ekuva nagr ada. Dur i , nebar e o~ekuvani ot

r ezul t at ne t r eba da se povr zuva so

dejst veni kot , bi dej}i r adost a na dobr ot o

del o ost anuva negova l i ~na sat i sf akc i ja, a

uspe{ nost a na r ezul t at ot e pr i dobi vka za

onoj { t o ja o~ekuva i ja dobi va pomo{ t a.

Zat oa mo` e da se ka` e deka def ekt ol ogi

-jat a e edna od oni e r et ki ~o ve~ki dejnost i

kade { t o akt i vnost a se i zvr { uva zar adi

dobr ot o po sebe, zar adi dobr ot o na dr ugi ot ,

zar adi dobr ot vor nost a voop{ t o.

Kaj def ekt ol o{ kat a sl u` ba, koja e t e{ ka i

mo{ ne odgovor na, se zgol emuvaat i bazi ~

-ni t e bi oet i ~ki soc i jal -ni aspekt i . Taa ne

i m e sekoga{ pot r ebna na sekoj ~ovek i na

si t e l u| e. Mnozi nst vot o nemaat di r ekt na

l i ~na pot r eba od nea. Me| ut oa, t aa e vr vna

et i ~ka nadogr adba na sovr emenot o ~ove{

-t vo, koe ja ohr abr uva vakva-t a dejnos-t za da

i m se pomogne na unesr e}eni t e, za da bi dat

i t i e i zr amnet i so dr ugi t e l u| e vo pot enc i

-jal i t e i vo u` i vawet o na ubavi ni t e na

` i vot ot . P o r adi t oa, def ekt ol ogi jat a ne

pobar uva od dejst veni kot samo pr i r odni

et i ~ki pot t i c i za dejst vuvawet o i za svo

-jat a samopr omoc i ja, ni samo zgol emeni

et i ~ki pobudi svojst veni za najt e{ ki t e

zanaet i { t o se odvi vaat vo dopi r so l u| et o

i bar aat ogr o mna nast oj~i vost i i zdr ` l i

-vost .

of high moral human activity. The meaning of this

important public function is even greater in

con-temporary civilized relationships; the results and

virtue are gained through great troubles and

suf-ferings - because they are long lasting – it is not

important what activity and personality, involved

in the process of rehabilitation, give the real


The ethics is essential for Special Education and

Rehabilitation. Moral


is clear – the first

aim is to do the disabled good; but these good

deeds are done without direct relationship with

clear results. The Special Education and

Rehabili-tation has the destiny of morality (and of human

culture, too) – something is done because

some-thing has to be done, and not because a reward is

expected. Even the expected result has not to be

connected with the doer, because the joy of the

good deed is one’s personal satisfaction, and the

success of the result is a benefit for the one who

expects it and gets the assistance. The Special

Education and Rehabilitation is one of the rare

human activities where the activity is accom

-plished because of the good in itself, someone’s

good, charity in general.

The Special Education and Rehabilitation service

is hard and very responsible, so the basic


O d def ekt ol ogot se bar a apsol ut i zac i ja na

et i ~nost a, i na svojat a i na pr of esi jat a, za

da mo` e da se i zdr ` i vo nea i da se povt o

-r uvaat dejst vat a koi , ~est o, nemaat vi dl i vi

r ezul t at i , osobeno za po{ i r okat a so

-c i jal na

zaedni c a. Taka, def ekt ol ogi jat a e

su{ t i nska bi oet i ka-odbr ana na ` i vot ot po

sekoja c ena i dosl edno zast apuvawe na

ne-govot o pr avo da bi de ~uvan i da napr eduva.


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