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Determination of Silver Ions Toxicity in Short-Term and Long-Term Experiments Using a Luminescent Recombinant Strain of E. coli


Academic year: 2016

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03.00.00 Биологические науки

UDС 579.69

D e te rm in atio n o f S ilve r Io n s To xicity in Sh o rt-Te rm a n d Lo n g-Te rm Exp e rim e n ts U s in g a Lu m in e s ce n t Re c o m bin a n t S tra in o f E. c o l i

1 Tatiana P. Yudina 2 Elena V. Sorokina 3 Mikhail M. Mazhul

4 Vadim S. Danilov

1 M. V. Lom onosov Moscow State University, Russia

School of Biology, 1198 99 Russia Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, build. 12 PhD

E-m ail: sorokina_ ev77@m ail.ru

2 M. V. Lom onosov Moscow State University, Russia

School of Biology, 1198 99 Russia Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, build. 12 PhD

E-m ail: tp-yudina@m ail.ru

3 M. V. Lom onosov Moscow State University, Russia

School of Biology, 1198 99 Russia Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, build. 12 PhD

E-m ail: m azm i@m ail.ru

4 M. V. Lom onosov Moscow State University, Russia

School of Biology, 1198 99 Russia Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, build. 12 Dr. (Biology), Professor

E-m ail: vsdanil@m ail.ru

Abs tra c t. The effects of silver ions on the lum inescent recom binant strain of Escherichia coli carrying luxCDABE operon of Vibrio fischeri were investigated. The toxicity of silver ions was determ ined in 30 m inutes and in chronic 24 hours experim ents. Changes in the lum inescence intensity and in the growth rate of bacteria were considered as a m easure of silver ions toxicity within the range of concentrations applied. The effect of silver ions was dem onstrated to be strongly dependent on the concentration of bacteria and on the m edium com position. EC50 values

were 0 .0 18 m g/ l after 30 m in exposure and 0 .0 14 m g/ l after 10 hours of bacterial growth. Com parison of two m odifications of the experim ent showed that silver ions have a strong non-specific toxicity, as well as a non-specific effect on bacterial cells.

Ke yw o rd s : silver ions; bacterial lum inescence test; E. Coli; toxicity; bacterial growth.

In tro d u ctio n .

It is well known that silver ions effectively inhibit growth of bacteria, including Escherichia coli. This quality is widely used for water disinfection and in m any biom edical applications. H owever, the toxicity of silver ions for bacteria has not been sufficiently studied in respect to exposure duration or to the influence of the concentration of bacterial cells. This inform ation m ay be valuable for understanding the features of various m aterials that contain silver-based nanoparticles.



One of the m ost advanced m ethods to determ ine biological activity of various com pounds is m arine lum inescent bacteria test. Recently, it was applied to evaluate the effects of silver ions on the bacteria. This fast (up to 30 m inutes) standard m ethod is widely used to test the toxicity of chem ical agents and their m ixtures, and allows to m onitor the process in real tim e [4].

Decrease in bacterial lum inescence is proportionally dependent on the toxic effect of an agent tested. Any change in the cellular m etabolism can lead to a rapid change in the intensity of biolum inescence, since luciferase, the enzym e responsible for biolum inescence, directly or indirectly responds to various external stim uli [5]. One of the test m odifications deals with biolum inescent phenotypes of non-m arine bacteria, such as E. coli. In this case, together with all advantages of the test, it is possible to avoid obligatory addition of NaCl that significantly interferes with detection of silver ions.

The biolum inescence-based test on E. coli allows for fast determ ination of non-specific toxicity of a sam ple. In addition, another m odification of the m ethod was recently developed, whereby prolonged chronic experim ents during active bacterial growth are carried out. In this case, if a substance can influence protein biosynthesis of genetic stability, the toxicity does not decrease over tim e, but rather can considerably increase. It was shown that toxicity of som e specifically acting chem ical agents was underestim ated [6]. The toxicity of substances affecting biosynthetic pathway of growth and reproduction can only be evaluated if tested at a certain period of the cell cycle. Thirty m inutes of incubation is too short to cover reproduction cycle of bacteria.

The tests of silver toxicity on lum inescent bacteria, m ainly using the com m ercial kit Microtox (based on the m arine bacterium Vibrio fischeri) have revealed quite controversial results. During exposer tim es of 15 to 30 m inutes, EC50 (which is the m ain test param eter and designates the

concentration that causes 50 % reduction in sam ple lum inescence com paring to the control) varied in a wide range of values, such as 9.5 m g/ l [7], 2.39 m g/ l [8], 0 .59 m g/ l [9], 0 .46 m g/ l [10 ] and 0 .18 m g/ l [11]. Moreover, an extrem ely different result was reported by Deheyn et al, 20 0 4 [12]. 10 8 m g/ l of silver nitrate solution only slightly inhibited bacterial lum inescence during 30 m inutes of exposure. In addition, on non-m arine lum inescent bacteria (E. coli m odified with genes luxCDABE from Photorhabdus lum inescence) the m inim al affecting AgNO3 concentration was

found to be 0 .34 m g/ l and the toxicity threshold was 2.6 m g/ l [13]. Besides that, in a chronic 22 hours m odification of the experim ent assessing growth rate of the lum inescent bacteria V. fischeri it was found that EC50 of silver ions was 7.9 m g/ l [14].

The objective of our study was to investigate the effect of cell concentration and of the presence of lyophilization m edium on the sensitivity of bacteria to different concentrations of silver ions in 30 -m inutes experim ents, using a recom binant biolum inescent strain of E. coli that carries the luxCDABE operon from V. fischeri. In addition, we com pared the effects of short-term (30 m inutes) and long-term (chronic, 24 hours) exposure to silver ions, which revealed both non-specific and non-specific effects of Ag+ on the bacteria.

Ma te ria ls a n d Me th o d s . A lum inescent E. coli strain was constructed using standard techniques. The bacterium E. coli K12 TG1 was used as a recipient of hybrid plasm ids with the insertion of luxCDABE of Photobacterium leiognathi 54D10 (from the collection of M. V. Lom onosov Moscow State University). The luxCDABE genes were isolated by the use of the vector plasm id pUC19 [15]. Freeze-dried cells were rehydrated in distilled water for 30 m inutes. Then, "working suspension" of bacteria was prepared by diluting the stock solution to the necessary concentration. For extraction from the lyophilization m edium , the bacteria were centrifuged at 3,0 0 0 g for 10 m in, followed by re-suspension of the pellet in distilled water to appropriate concentration. Measurem ents of lum inescence were carried out for 5 and 30 m inutes. Sam ples contained 100 μl of working suspension and either 900 μl of distilled water (control) or 900 μl of silver nitrate water solution of different concentrations (test) [16].

For long-term experim ents, the lum inescent E. coli were first grown at 25°C with shaking at 20 0 rpm up to the m id-logarithm ic phase of growth in LB m edium (5g/ l NaCl, 10 g/ l tryptone, 5g/ l yeast extract). Then the cells were diluted in LB m edium to 104 cells/ m l and m ixed with different

concentrations of AgNO3, followed by incubation of total volum es of 1.5m l in 12 m l vials in



independent experim ents, all with sim ilar results, is shown. The error in all the experim ents did not exceed 10 %.

Bacterial biolum inescence intensity was m easured using Lum inom eter 1251 BioOrbit (Finland) and Biotox-10 (Russia) instrum ents, during 30 m inutes for short-term experim ents and every 2 hours in chronic 24-hours experim ents. The num ber of bacteria was determ ined on photoelectrocolorim eter KF77 (Poland) at 590 nm wave length, based on a previously generated standard curve.

The intensity of the lum inescence was m easured in im p/ sec. The toxicity index was calculated according to the form ula

T = 10 0·(I

0-It)/ I0, (1)

where I0 and It are biolum inescence intensity of the control and of test sam ples, respectively.

Determ ination of the toxicity index was carried out in at least 3 replicates for both, control and test sam ples. EC50 was calculated with gam m a-function according to the form ula [4]

Г = (I0-It)/ It, (2).

For m edia preparations, Difko reagents were used, as well as dom estic brands of chem ically pure and analytical grade com pounds. Silver nitrate was purchased from Sigm a.

Re s u lts a n d D is c u s s io n .

First, we determ ined the dependence of th e toxicity index on the concentration of silver ions in a standard test with 30 m in. exposure. The response of biolum inescent bacteria to Ag+ addition

was very rapid, and the higher was the salt concentration the faster saturation effect was achieved. The greatest change in lum inescence intensity took place in the first 5 m inutes and then rem ained alm ost constant up to 30 m inutes of experim ent duration, which was observed for all the concentrations tested. Notably, the two curves that describe a 5 m inutes and a 30 m inutes experim ents are alm ost identical (Fig. 1).

The sim ilarity of the two curves suggests that within 5 m inutes, alm ost all active sites that can interact with Ag+ at certain concentration are occupied. Moreover, the num ber of active sites

increased with increasing Ag+ concentration, which m ay indicate that there are sites with different

affinity to silver.



Measurem ents of lum inescence were done as described in Materials and Methods during 5 m inutes (curve 1) and 30 m inutes (curve 2). Sam ples contained 10 0 μl of working suspension and either

90 0 μl of distilled water (control) or 90 0 μl of silver nitrate water solutions at different concentrations, as indicated (test). The concentration of cells was 1.7×107 cells/ m l. Data represent

m ean ± SD from four m easurem ents. One of three independent experim ents, all with sim ilar results, is shown.

We then tested if the sensitivity of the m ethod depends on the num ber of cells in a sam ple and/ or on the content of the m edia, e.g. freeze-dry (lyophilization) m edium or cultivation m edium in the sam ple. We found that the cells that were not washed from the lyophilization m edium and tested at the concentration of 2×108 cells/ m l (Fig. 2) were an order of m agnitude less sensitive to

silver ions than pre-washed cells at about the sam e concentration (Fig. 3), with EC50=0 .27 m g/ l

and EC50=0 .0 25 m g/ l, respectively. Notably, a ten-tim e dilution of unwashed cells with water

(down to 2×107 cells/ m l) produces a sim ilar effect, EC50=0 .0 22 m g/ l (Fig. 1).

The m ost likely explanation of this phenom enon is the ability of Ag+ to form non-toxic

com plexes with com ponents of the m edium , so that unwashed E. coli cells becom e less sensitive to silver ions due to their decreased effective concentration. Diluting or washing the cells decreases m edium concentration and thus, increases bacterial sensitivity.

Fig. 2 Dependence of the toxicity index of unwashed cells on the concentration of silver ions at 30 m in exposure.

Unwashed cells at 2.0 ×108 cells/ m l concentration were analyzed. 10 0 μl cell suspension was m ixed

with 90 0 μl silver nitrate solutions at different concentrations, as indicated. Data represent m ean ± SD from four m easurem ents. One of three independent experim ents, all with sim ilar results, is



Fig. 3 Dependence of the toxicity index of pre-washed cells on the concentration of silver ions at 30 m in exposure.

Cells were pre-washed to get rid of lyophilization m edium as described in Materials and Methods and analyzed as described in Figure 2 legend at 1.5×108 cells/ m l concentration. Data represent

m ean ± SD from four m easurem ents. One of three independent experim ents, all with sim ilar results, is shown.

Interestingly, at certain low concentrations of silver ions negative values of the toxicity index relatively to the control sam ples were observed (Figs. 1-3). One possibility is that at low concentrations, silver ions prim arily react with and com petitively inhibit the respiratory chain of electron transfer. Due to a com petition between respiratory and lum inescence system s [3], the flux of reduced equivalents is increased in the lum inescence chain and, consequently, lum inescence is increased in test sam ples relatively to the control, resulting in negative values of the toxicity index. Indeed, the ability of Ag+ to inhibit respiratory chain of E. coli TG1 at several sites has been

previously reported [17]. Furtherm ore, at higher silver ions concentrations, other targets are probably affected, including the lum inescence chain itself. Thus, within a narrow range of concentrations, the toxicity index reaches the m axim um value of 10 0 .

Finally, to determ ine the specificity of the effect of silver ions on the bacteria, we perform ed so called chronic experim ents, whereby bacteria were grown in the presence of silver ions for up to 24 hours. We found that all Ag+ concentrations applied (from 0 .0 15 m g/ l to 0 .12 m g/ l) were toxic,

at least from 2 to 18 hours of incubation with silver ions (Fig. 4). The m ost evident changes of the toxicity index occurred within 10 hours of cell growth and a clear dependence on silver concentration was detected. The m inim al reliably determ inable silver toxic level calculated from Γ -function (EC10) was 0 .0 0 72 m g/ l, the concentration when the sam ple was considered toxic (EC20)

was 0 .0 0 91 m g/ l and EC50 was 0 .0 13 m g/ l. The apparent decrease of toxicity observed in the final

stages of cell cultivation could be related to a deceleration in utilization of m etabolites necessary for functioning of the fluorescence system due to the presence of Ag+, as com pared to control cells, or



Fig. 4 Tim e-dependent toxicity of silver ions in the long-term toxicity assay.

Cells E. coli were grown until m id-logarithm ic phase in LB m edium , followed by incubation at 104

cells/ m l at 25°C for 24 hours with the following concentrations of silver ions: 0 .0 15 m g/ l (curve 1), 0 .0 3 m g/ l (curve 2), 0 .0 6 m g/ l (curve 3), 0 .12 m g/ l (curve 4). The m easurem ents were done in at

least the replicates, m ean is shown. All errors did not exceed 10 %.



Fig. 5 The effects of different concentrations of silver ions on the growth of E. coli at 14-24 hours of culture in LB m edium .

Cells E. coli were prepared as described in Figure 4 legend, using the following concentrations of AgNO3: no AgNO3 (curve 1), 0 .0 15 m g/ l (curve 2), 0 .0 3 m g/ l (curve 3), 0 .0 6 m g/ l (curve 4), 0 .12

m g/ l (curve 5). Cell num ber was m easured from 14 to 24 hours every two hours as described in Materials and Methods. Data represent the m eans of four independent m easurem ents. One of three

independent experim ents, all with sim ilar results, is shown.

Cell growth was found to be sensitive to all silver ion concentrations tested. Thus, at the lowest silver concentration (0 .0 15 m g/ l) cell num ber com prised 93.7% of the control, whereas at the highest silver concentration (0 .12 m g/ l) it was 56.2% of the control. Of note, the m axim um suppression of lum inescence and of growth required different am ount of tim e. Thus, the m axim um inhibition of growth was achieved after 22-24 hrs, whereas the m axim um effect on the toxicity index required only 10 hours. Nonetheless, growth inhibition and the toxicity index correlated in respect to Ag+ concentration, so that the greater the inhibition of growth, the higher the toxicity

index. This suggests that silver ions have specific effects on the bacteria, and these effects can be m ultifarious.

The bacterial lum inescence tests on m any chem icals, including antibiotics, have revealed their toxicity in chronic experim ents. Moreover, their sensitivity threshold m ay be up to a thousand tim es low than in 30 m in experim ents, which is explained by apparent specific activity of antibiotics revealed during active bacterial growth [6, 18]. In case of silver ions, this difference in Ag+ concentration is about 20 tim es: EC50 = 0 .27 m g/ lfor unwashed cells in 30 m in experim ents,

EC50 = 0 .0 14 m g/ l in a chronic experim ent in the presence of 5 g/ l NaCl in LB m edium , when the

sam e 108 cells/ m l concentration of cells was used. Rem arkably, in chronic experim ents, the EC 50

for lum inescence was m uch less than the silver ions concentration required for 50 % inhibition of cell growth (about 0 .12 m g/ l).



extinction of lum inescence occurs, which indicates very high level of toxicity. This sh ort tim e is only sufficient to reveal so-called non-specific activity [6], which is very high in case of silver ions.

In the course of chronic experim ent, even in the presence of 5 g/ l NaCl in the m edium , silver ions likely strike additional targets associated with specific activity, such as protein biosynthesis and functioning of the genetic apparatus, leading to a prolonged increase in the toxicity index and a decrease in the growth rate of bacteria. Indeed, it is known that silver ions react with SH -groups of vital proteins and enzym es, with DNA, distort ionic balance, inhibit the absorption of phosphate, block the respiratory system and electron transfer, and strike m any other targets [3, 17, 18 , 19].

In c o n c lu s io n, our study has dem onstrated that chronic bacterial biolum inescent test is a prom ising m ethod for fast determ ination of relative toxicity of m etals and other pollutants. Moreover, this rapid screening m ethod is a relatively inexpensive alternative to in v iv o bioassays on higher organism s and can be used for risk assessm ent of various chem ical agents and their m ixtures. In com bination with the standard 30 m in biolum inescence assay, the growth inhibition assay provides a m ore reliable toxicity test that can be used to evaluate substances with delayed toxicity.

Re fe re n ce s :

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5. Danilov V.S. Bacterial biolum inescence / N. S. Egorov / / Moscow, Moscow State University Press. 1990 . 152 p.

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УДК 579.69

Исследование токсичности ионов серебра в кратковременном и хроническом опытах на биолюминесцентном рекомбинантном штамме E. Co li

1 Татьяна П. Юдина

2 Елена В. Сорокина

3 Михаил М. Мажул

4 Вадим С. Данилов

1Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Россия

Биологический факультет, 119899 Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, корпус 12 Кандидат наук

E-m ail: tp-yudina@m ail.ru

2Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Россия

Биологический факультет, 119899 Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, корпус 12 Кандидат наук

E-m ail: sorokina_ ev77@m ail.ru

3Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Россия

Биологический факультет, 119899 Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, корпус 12 Кандидат наук

E-m ail: m azm i@m ail.ru

4 Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Россия

Биологический факультет, 119899 Москва, Ленинские горы, 1,корпус 12 Доктор биологических наук, профессор

E-m ail: vsdanil@m ail.ru

Аннотация. Исследовали действие ионов серебра на бактерии рекомбинантного люминесцентного штамма Escherichia coli с опероном luxCDABE из Vibrio fischeri. Эксперименты проводили, определяя как токсичность в 30-минутном опыте, так и в хроническом 24-часовом варианте. По изменению интенсивности биолюминесценции и роста клеток в присутствие ионов серебра судили об их токсичности в исследуемом интервале концентраций. Показано, что действие ионов серебра сильно зависит от концентрации бактерий и среды инкубации. Величины ЕС50 составляли 0,018 мг/л при 30 минутной экспозиции и 0,014 мг/л на 10 часов роста бактерий. Сопоставление данных двух опытов указывают на то, что ионы серебра обладают как сильной неспецифической токсичностью, так и специфическим действием на бактериальные клетки.


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